Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious知识点精讲精炼(无答案)人教版九年级全册

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Unit2 I think that mooncakes are delicious知识点精讲精炼(无答案)人教版九年级全册


人教版九年级Unit 2 I think that mooncakes are delicious!
1. I’ve put on five pounds!
put on 增加(体重);发胖 e.g. They’ve put on five pounds. 他们体重增加了5磅。
1) put sth on 穿上(衣服、裙子、裤子);戴上(手套、帽子);
2) put on (lipstick, hand-cream)在皮肤上涂某物(唇膏,护手霜等)
3) 使(试听设备)开始播放(磁带,唱片)
Do you mind if I put some music on (我放放音乐你不介意吧?)
4) 增加体重
How many pounds did you put on over Christmas (你过完圣诞节后体重增加了多少磅 )
5) 演出(戏剧);举办(展览等)
6) The local drama group are putting on ‘Macbeth’ at the Playhouse. (当地的剧团正在普赖豪斯剧院演出《麦克佩斯》)
put 短语
put away收拾 put out熄灭 put up张贴,举起,搭建 put off推迟
2. Whoever drank this could live forever. 无论谁喝了这个都会长生不老。
however意为“无论怎样”。它们等同于“no matter + wh ”结构。
Whoever drank this是主语从句,在句中作主语。
3. He quickly laid out her favourite fruits and desserts in the garden.
lay v. 放置;安放e.g. The mother laid her baby down quietly on the bed. 妈妈将她的孩子轻轻放在床上。
lay v. 产(卵);下(蛋) e.g. Do the hens lay during the cold weather 母鸡天冷时下蛋吗?
单词 意义 (原形→单数第三人称形式→现在分词→过去式→过去分词)
lay 下(蛋);产(卵); 放置,安放 lay→ lays→ laying→ laid→ laid
lay out 铺开,摆开 e.g. He laid the map out on the table. 他将地图在桌子上铺开。
e.g. Tim was ill and lay in bed the whole day.
4. business
He tries not to let (his) business interfere with his home life.(他尽量不让日常生活妨碍他的家庭生活。)
We don’t do much business with foreign companies.我们跟外国公司没有多少生意往来。
My private life is none of your business/no business of yours.(我的私生活与你毫不相干。)
get down to business (开始干正事;言归正传)
go out of business (破产,倒闭)
mind one’s own business (注意你自己的事;少管闲事)
on business (出差)
5. steal
1) steal sth from sb/sth 偷(他人的财物);窃取(某物) He stole from the rich to give to the poor.
2) steal in, out, away; 偷偷地移动 He stole into the room. (他潜入房间。)
6. admire v. 欣赏;仰慕
admire sb. / sth. 欣赏 / 仰慕某人 / 某物
e.g. Only John admires his brother. 只有约翰欣赏他的哥哥。
I admire their hard-working spirit. 我欣赏他们努力工作的精神。
admire sb. for(doing) sth. 为某事钦佩某人 e.g. I admire him for his excellent teaching.
7. It is also a good idea to help parents to do something instead.
It是形式主语, to help parents to do something 是真正主语。类似句型有:
It is + n. + to do sth.
It is + adj. (for sb.) to do sth.
It takes (sb.) sometime + to do sth.
e.g. It is not a good habit to get up late. 赖床不是一个好习惯。
It is very important for young people to learn English well. 对于年轻人来说,学好英语是很重要的。
It took the workers almost two years to finish the building.工人们花了几乎三年的时间完成这一建筑。
8. 辨析another, the other, others & the others
another和the other都有“另一个”的意思。another指多个中的“另一个”;the other则指两个中的“另一个”,常与one构成固定one ... the other ...,“一个……另一个……”。
e.g. The shoes don’t fit me. Would you please show me another pair 鞋不适合我,你能给我看看另外一双吗?
My sister has two skirts. One is yellow, the other is black.我姐姐有两条裙子。一条是黄色的, 另外一条是黑色的。
others (=other+复数名词)与the others (=the other+复数名词)均含有“其他一些”的意思。others泛指多部分中的一部分,可与some构成固定结构some ... others ...,“一些…一些……”;the others则特指剩余的一部分。
e.g. Some like fruit and vegetables, others like junk food. 一些人喜欢吃水果和蔬菜,还有一些人喜欢吃垃圾食品。
Two of you can go to the lab with me, and the others will have to stay in the classroom.
选择another, the other, others 或 the others填空。
1. There are two rulers on the table. One is long, ________ is short.
2. This schoolbag is the worst of all. Can you show me _______ one
3. You should learn from _______.
4. There are 40 students in the class. 70% of them are from towns and cities, _________ are from the countryside.
9.. But behind all these things lies the true meaning of Christmas…
lie v. (lay, lain, lying) 存在; 平躺; 处于
lie v. (lied, lied, lying) 撒谎
注意与lay的区别: lay v. (laid, laid, laying)下蛋; 放置
1) The village _______ near the river. It’s so beautiful.
2) My mother _____ on the sofa for about an hour this morning.
3) Look! They are ________ the boy down on the bed.
4) The ducks don’t ________ during this cold weather.
10.warn v. 警告; 告诫
warn sb. (not) to do sth. 警告某人(不要)干某事 The police warned us not to go out at night.
warn sb. of/about sth. 提醒 / 警告某人注意某事 They warned him of the danger.
warn sb. (that)... 警告某人…… I have warned him that it is not allowed to park the car here.
1) 艾米被警告如果再这样做就会丢掉工作。Amy _______________ if she did it again she would lose her job.
2) 妈妈警告我不要去摸那条狗。My mother _______ me _______ touch that dog.
3) 标牌提醒我们注意湿滑的地面。The sign ______ us ________ the wet floor.
11. punish v. 惩罚;惩处
punish sb. (for sth. / for doing sth.) 因为……惩罚某人
e.g.我爸爸很少惩罚我。 My father hardly ______________.
他们因为杰克迟到而惩罚了他。 They ________ Jack for _______ late.
12. spread v. (spread, spread) 传播; 展开;伸展;覆盖;分配;分布
n. 蔓延; 传播
e.g. 大火迅速在整个林区蔓延。The fire is spreading through the forest.
我们必须做点什么来防止疾病的传播。 We must do something to prevent the spread of disease.
13. treat, serve, offer辨析
treat v.对待;视为;探讨;治疗;处理;请客
n. 款待;宴飨
1)“用…招待某人”英语应该说treat sb to sth。She treated her guests to fruit.
2)表示“治疗(某人的某种病)”英语用treat...for...结构。The doctor was treating her for heart trouble.
3)treat作“对待(某人)”解时,treat sb. as 把某人当..看待
We should treat people and animals with humanity.我们应该仁慈地对待人和动物。
I decided to treat his remark as a joke.我决定把他的话当作戏言。
Do not treat me as if I were a child .不要把我当作小孩子看待。
The documentary treated the question in some detail.这部记录片探讨这个问题有些深度。
This boy is being treated for a heart condition.这个男孩正在接受心脏病治疗。
You ought to treat these matter with candor.你应当公正处理此事。
It is my turn to treat us today .今天,该轮到我请客了。
treat sb to sth.请某人吃…
serve的基本意思是“服务,服役”,它可指某人为他人服务、干活或为国家尽职等; 也可指某人拿出某物款待某人; 还可指某人、物、事对某人、某事等“有…用处”“满足…的需要”“适合…的目的”等。在网球或排球比赛中还可作“发(球)”解。
serve sb. with sth.用… 款待某人
We must serve the people heart and soul.我们必须全心全意地为人民服务。
The waiter is serving another customer.侍应正侍候另一位客人。
They have served me shamefully.他们一直待我很坏。
offer vt. 提供;提出;(卖方)出价;贡献
vi. 提议;出现;求婚
n. 提议;出价
offer作“动提供,主动提出; 出价”解时,用作及物动词时,接名词、代词或动词不定式作宾语,也可接双宾语offer sb. sth.= offer sth. to sb.
We offer a free backup service to customers.对顾客我们提供免费配套服务。
We offered 100,000 for the warehouse, but another company outbid us.
He offered to pay $1,000 for the second-hand car.他提议付1,000美元买那辆二手车。
The young man decided to offer to the pretty girl.这个小伙子决定向那个漂亮的女孩求婚。
14.Not only do people spread them around in different hiding places for an egg hunt, but they also give out these treats as gifts.
句中的not only ... but (also) ... 意为“不但……而且……”。当not only位于句首时,其后的主谓要部分倒装。此外,当not only ... but (also) ... 连接两个代词或名词作主语时,谓语动词要与but (also)后的代词或名词在数上保持一致。如:Not only he but also I am wrong.
1. I think (that) math is difficult.
She said (that) she would leave a note on the desk.
当宾语从句具有陈述意义时,用 ____引导。它在句子中只起引导作用,在口语中常可省略。
2. I don’t know whether / if I should take his advice.
He wants to know if/ whether you are a doctor.
当宾语从句具有疑问意义时,可用____或whether引导。它们在句子中的意思是______(如果 / 是否)。
3. I know (that) Jack is a hard-working student.
I know (that) he will take the exam.
Linda didn’t say if her aunt was still with them.
4、本单元主要学习由that, whether / if引导的宾语从句第三单元主要学习疑问词引导的定语从句:疑问代词(what、whom、who、whose、which)疑问副词(when、where、why、how)。
1. 如果主句是 或 ,宾语从句的时态 受限制,可根据实际表达的需要来确定。如: Jenny knows the man was flying a kite at that time.
2. 如果主句是 ,宾语从句用 时态的某种形式。如:
I thought he had gone to town that day. 我以为他那天进城去了。
3. 如果宾语从句叙述的是客观事实、自然现象或科学真理等,从句 受主句时态的限制,用 。如:He said time is money. 他说时间就是金钱。
语序:无论主句是陈述句还是疑问句,也无论主从句间是什么引导词,宾语从句一律用 语序,即“ 词+ 语+ 语+其它”。如:Could you tell me where Wei Fang lives
1..Can you tell me__________
A. where is there a library B. where there is a library
C. where a library there is D. where is a library there
2..The teacher asked me__________
A. what the matter was B. what is the matter C. what was the matter D. what the matter is
3.You don’t know__________.
A. how I was excited then B. how I am excited then
C. how excited I was then D. how excited I am then
4.Can you tell__________
A.who was late B. who late was C.who is late D. who was late
5.The teacher said__________.
A that the earth moved around the sun B. that the earth moves around the sun
C.if the earth moved around the sun D. if the earth moves around the sun
6.-Could you please tell me -At 9:30 pm this evening.
A. whether the train left B. when the train has left
C. when did train leave D. when the train leaves
7.--What did your teacher say to you just now -- He asked me .
A.how could I work it out. B.when I will go to the library.
C.Why I am late for school D.if I had got ready for the exam.
8.--James, can you tell me_________.
--Paul I haven't seen him for years. I remember he was a shy and quiet boy at that time.
A. what is Paul like B. what Paul is like
C. what does Paul like D. what Paul likes
9. ---Can you tell me _______ in G20 party in Hangzhou ---Sorry! I didn’t watch the news on TV.
A. if were the programs good B. who gave a performance
C. what did Xi Dada say D. were there many people
10. --Hi, boy! What did the girl say to you just now -- Oh, she just asked .
A. where did John come from B. how I got here
C. could you help me D. that Lucy was ill
1. I've decided to go to London next weekend. I was wondering you could go with me.
A. if B. when C. that D. where
2. You don't know I want to see you again. It's a year since I last saw you.
A. how soon B. how long C. how often D. how much
3. Don't wait for people to be friendly, show them a friendly person you are.
A. what B. how C. when D. where
4. Thomas wants to know Nina lives.
A. where B. who C. what D. if
5. --- Do you know the man with sunglasses is
--- I'm not sure. Maybe a reporter.
A. who B. what C. where D. how
6. --- How long does it take to get to the airport
--- Forty minutes. But it's foggy today. I'm not sure the highway will close soon. Let's set off earlier.
A. whether B. when C. how D. why
7. --- Can you tell me you usually play football
--- Once a week.
A. how soon B. how long C. how often D. how far
8. I was told to meet Mr. Green at the airport. But I don't know he will arrive.
A. where B. why C. how D. when
9. --- Do you think Xiao Ming can pass the high school entrance exam or not
--- Sorry, I've no idea.
A. that B. which C. if D. whether
10. I was told to meet Mr. White at the airport. But I don't know he will arrive alone or with someone else.
A. when B. if C. where D. why
11. We are glad to hear that the Greens to a new flat next week.
A. moved B. moved C. will move D. have moved
12. I asked your mother if she that dress.
A. bought B. had bought C. had buyed D. buy
13. They wondered if their teacher them another story the next week.
A. would tell B. had told C. will tell D. told
14. Mum said that the light faster than the sound.
A. goes B. is going C. went D. would go
15. --- How clean the floor is today!
--- Oh, yes. Do you know who it
A. will sweep B. swept C. is sweeping D. sweeps
16. Jenny told me that she an English Speech Contest the next month.
A. takes part in B. is taking part in C. took part in D. would take part in
17. He told me .
A. the earth ran around the sun B. the earth runs around the sun
C. the sun ran around the earth D. the sun runs around the earth
18. --- What did Yang Ying say
--- She said they a school trip the next weekend.
A. will have B. had C. would have D. have
19. Father's Day is coming. I'm thinking about .
A. what present I gave him B. where we had a big meal
C. how I will give him a surprise D. if I planned a party for him
20. The official said they a new law to protect the tourists the next year.
A. makes B. would make C. made D. have made
21. --- Could you tell me
--- Of course.
A. where's there a good place to eat B. where there's a good place to eat
C. where is a good place to eat D. where a good place is to eat
22. --- Peter, is there anything else you want to know about China
--- Yes, I am still wondering .
A. how is Chinese paper cut made
B. how was the Great Wall built in ancient times
C. why the Chinese people like to play the dragon dance
D. why do the Chinese people eat rice dumplings at Dragon Boat Festival
23. Peter went up to a policeman and asked the nearest post office.
A. where could he find B. where he could find
C. he could find where D. he could where find
24. I want to know .
A. when we should arrive at the airport B. when should we arrive at the airport
C. when the airport we should arrive at D. when the airport should we arrive at
25. --- Could you tell me in your hometown in winter
--- Sure.
A. whether does it often snow B. whether it often snows
C. if it often snow D. if does it snow
26. By reading the article, we know how in our daily life.
A. will we protect the earth B. we can reduce pollution
C. should we save water D. we must recycle things
27. You can't imagine when the poor pupils received these nice presents on Children's Day.
A. how they were excited B. how excited they were
C. how excited were they D. they were how excited
28. I really want to know .
A. what is wrong with my brother B. how will he go to Beijing tomorrow
C. if had he bought that car D. where did he go yesterday
30. Some of my friends are interested in science, but none of them can tell .
A. why do horses know the way B. where was this kind of plant found
C. how do elephants communicate D. when UFOs will appear next time
31. The World Health Organization has given some advice on to protect us from being infected(感染) with H7N9.
A. how B. what C. where D. when
33. --- Simon. I hear you are going abroad for further study. Have you decided
--- Next September.
A. when going B. when to go C. how going D. how to go
34. --- I often chat with my friends on the Internet.
--- You are so smart! Will you please tell me
A. how to do B. how to do it
C. how to use D. when can I use it
35. Can you tell me
A. what doing B. when to do C. how to do D. what to do
36. This math problem is too difficult. Can you show me , George
A. what to work out B. to work it out
C. how to work it out D. how to work out it
37. We can't work out the physics problem. Can you tell us
A. how to do B. what to do it
C. how to do it D. what should to do
38. --- I don't know to do next
--- It's easy. Press the red button in 2 minutes.
A. what B. how C. where D. when
40. Can you tell me on the Internet
A. how to search B. how search
C. where can I search D. when can I search
1-5 ADAAB 6-10 ACDDB 11-15 CBAAB 16-20 DBCCB
21-25 BCBAB 26-30 BBACD 31-35 AABBD 36-40 CCABA
1. what引导的感叹句:
1) What + a/ an + adj. + 可数单数(+主谓语)! e.g. What a brave boy (Tom is)!
What an excellent idea (it is)!
2) What + adj. + 可数名词复数(+主谓语)! e.g. What beautiful pictures (they are)!
3) What + adj. + 不可数名词(+主谓语)! e.g. What delicious food (it is)!
2. how引导的感叹句:
How + adj. / adv. + 主语 + 谓语! e.g. How happy the children were!
How carefully he is reading!
e.g. What a tall building it is! = How tall the building is!
注意:对于感叹句的考察,主要考察对于what的使用,且易与不可数名词fun,news,weather,information, foo, fruit等一起考察。故要牢记这些词不加冠词a。
( )1.Look at the smog (雾霾). bad weather it is!
A. How B. How a C. What D. What a
( )2. great picture! Who painted it
A. How B. What C. How a D. What a
( )3.—It’s reported that some famous singers will give a performance in Meishan.
—Wow, ________.
A. how exciting news B. what exciting news
C. what an excited news D. how excited the news is
( )4.__________great fun they are having in the sitting room!
A. What B. How C. What a D. How a
( )5.__________nice weather it is!
A. What a B. What C. How D. How a
( )6.—________ hard work it is!—Yes, but he seems__________to do it.
A. What a , happy B. What , happy C. What a , happily D. How , happy
( )7.__________enjoyable sports news programme on Channel 1!
A. How B. How an C. What an D. What
( )8.—__________you’ve made ! But you should still work harder.—Thank you , I will .
A .What a big mistake. B. How big mistakes
C. What great progress D. How great progress
( )9.—_______ lovely dress! ---It ________ by my sister.
A. How; makes B. How a; made C. What a; was made D. What; is making
( )10. —______excellent work you have done! —It’s very kind of you to say so.
A. What an B. How C. What D. How an
( )11.Listen! __________sweet voice she has!
A. What a B. What C. How D. How a
( )12.________ great progress he has made this term ! He feels _______ .
A. What a ,excited B. What, excited C. How ,excited D. How an ,exciting
( )13.— unusual music he is playing! —Yes, all of the students are losing themselves in it.
A. How B. What an C. How a D. What
( )14.—_______ nice day! Why not go hiking —Great idea. Let’s go.
A. What a B. What C. How D. How a
( )15.________ lovely dog! Everyone in my village likes it.
A. How B. What a C. What D. Which
( )16.What ___________ he tells us !
A. an exciting news B. exciting news C. excited news D. an excited news
( )17.__________exciting sport it is to climb the mountains!
A. How B. How an C. What a D. What an
( )18.— _______ useful information you gave us! Thanks a lot! —You are welcome.
A. How B. What C. What an D. What a
( )19.________ funny story! I really want to listen again.
A. What B. How a C. How D. What a
( )20.What______it is to go swimming in ________weather!
A. a great fun, so fine B. a great fun, such a fine
C. great fun, so fine a D. great fun, such fine
( )21. __________nice weather!Let’s go out for a walk.
A. What a B. What C. How a D. How
( )22.—_______hot weather in Jinan now!—Yes, I can’t stand it.
A. What a B. How a C. What D. How
( )23._________ exciting match it is! Wonderful players and wonderful teams!
A. What B. What a C. What an D. How
( )24.— important tool(工具)the computer is! —I think so.
A. What a B. How C. What an D. How an
( )25.—Look! That teacher is explaining something to her students again and again!
—_______teacher she is!
A. How patient B. What patient C. How a patient D. What a patient
( )26. __________ great fun it was to visit the World Expo in Shanghai last year!
A. What B. How C. What a D. How a
( )27.—People Daily Paper! Today’s People Daily Paper! “Students’ nutrition meal will be done
research for in Beijing City.” —______ exciting news!
A. What a B. What an C. What D. How
( )28.—Chengdu Sports Center will be built this year . — news it is .
How exciting B. What an exciting C. What exciting D. How an exciting
( )29._________ exciting news! We will listen to the songs after the exam.
A. What an B. What C. How D. How an
( )30.______ nice time the boys had playing football with the national team last Sunday!
A. What B. What a C. How D. How a
( )31.—It is said Yangzhou Taizhou Airport has been in service since May 9th 2012.
—Really !
A. How exciting news B. What an exciting news
C. What exciting news D. How an exciting news
( )32.__________ bad weather it is. It has been raining for two weeks.
A. What a B. How a C. What D. How
( )33.________ you have offered me! I am out of trouble now.
A. What valuable advice B. what valuable suggestion
C. How a useful advice D. How useful suggestions
( )34.______useful dictionary for beginners of English! Where did you get it
A. How B. How an C. What a D. What an
( )35.—Mother’s Day is coming. Here is a pair of jeans for you, Mum.
— ______ beautiful blue jeans! Thank you, Amy.
A. How a B. How C. What a D. What
( )36.________it was ________so many elephants marching along the street.
A. How great fun; to see B. What a great fun; seeing
C. What great fun; to see D. How great a fun; to see.
( )37.__________ beautiful the shoes are!
A. What B. What a C. How D. How a
( )38.—___________ interesting news it is! — I think so.
A. what an B. How C. What D. How an
( )39._______important news report it is!
A. What B. What a C. What an D. How
( )40.______ exciting news it is!
A. What B. What an C. How D. How an
( )41._______ great fun it is to play games on _______ QQ!
A. How; / B. What; the C. How; the D. What; /
( )42.— interesting news report it is! — I think so.
A. What an B. How C. What a D. How an
( )43. wonderful music it is! I like it very much.
A. What B. How a C. What a D. How
( )44.—________ cold weather!
—Yes, it is. You should wear warm clothes.
A. What B. What a C. How D. How a
( )45.— weather! Shall we go to the park —______. Let’s go.
A. What a fine, Sounds great B. What fine, Sounds great
C. What a fine, You’re right D. What fine, You’re right
( )46.—___________ tall building it is! —It has over one hundred floors.
A. What B. How C. How a D. What a
( )47.—We can take a subway in Meishan in 2018.—Wow, _________! Will it pass our school
A. what an exciting news B. how excited the news is
C. what exciting news D. how exciting news
( )48.—Look! That teacher is explaining something to her students again and again!
—_______teacher she is!
A. How patient B. What patient C. How a patient D. What a patient
( )49.—_______ expensive mobile phone it is!
—Yes, but I think _______ style is quite fashionable.
A.What a;a B.How;the C.What an; the D.How an; the
( )50.—Listen! Someone is playing the piano.—Wow! __ beautiful music! I like it very much.
What B. How a C. What a D. How


