牛津译林版八年级上册Unit 5 Wild animals单元练习(含答案)

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牛津译林版八年级上册Unit 5 Wild animals单元练习(含答案)


八年级上册 Unit5
mean kind begin ill act__________
2. 写出下列词的副词 sad slow main____________ terrible
3. 写出下列词的形容词close lose danger
4.dish复数 wolf复数 sell 过去式 catch过去式_______
human复数 deer复数 sheep复数
1. She _____________ (loss) her purse on her way to work yesterday.
2.If we do nothing soon there may be none ______________(leave).
3.We should act ______________(protect) wild animals.
4.The man in red _____________(sell) this mobile to me yesterday evening.
5.The students will have a school trip at the ________________(初) of the month.
6 As a ________________ (结果) , Tom failed the English exam.
7.Tom was _____________(luck). He didn’t pass the exam.
8 Susan ___________(weigh) only 45 kilometers, but she still wants to lose ____________(weigh)
9. There are many ________ (danger) animals in the forest.
10. I’d like to take a trip to London this winter holiday, so I plan __________(save) some money.
11. We could not go into the room because the door was ________(close).
12.Mr Green made a big mistake and ________ (lose) his job.
13. we should _______ (action) to protect our environment.
14. It’s raining very hard so I decide _________ (not go) out.
15. It is wrong that some people make money by ______(sell) the wild animals’fur, bones or other parts of the body.
16. Jane, _______(call) me if you need any help.
17. Many wild animals’ ______ (live) areas are becoming farmlands.
18. Some ________ (hunt) kill bears for their paws.
19. A bear has long and ______________(厚的) hair on its body.
20. What _______________(行动) should we take to protect giant pandas
21.Animals have (感受) of happiness and sadness as humans.
22.Thank you for _____ (接受) my advice. It’s very useful.
23.The elephant is seriously ill. It is (die) soon.
24.We should take action at once (keep) the animals safe from danger.
25.Money (mean) a lot to him in the past, but now friendship is more important.
Most people know some animals are in ___________(dangerous), like elephants and pears. people kill elephants for their tusks. And pandas are dangerous because their homes are disappearing. Because people keep___________(cut) down trees and forests. If we keep __________(do) this, we could ________(lose) these animals forever. Even some big snakes, they have beautiful skin. Most of them ________(kill)because people want__________(make)shoes and handbags .It’s very sad, we need ____________(find) out what we can do ___________(help)!
( )1. He’ll use what he has _______ her a new dress.
A. bought B. to buy C. buying D. been bought
( )2. –Mum, can I have something ________
–Oh, dear. You can only drink some water. There is ________ in the kitchen.
A. to drink; nothing else B. drinking; something else
C. to eat; something else D. eating; nothing else
( )3. -_______ more about tomorrow’s weather, call 121. -OK, I will. Thank you.
A. Know B. Knowing C. To know D. Known
( )4. Please don’t forget ________ the room while I am away in Beijing.
A. clean B. to clean C. cleaned D. cleaning
( )5. We must do everything we can ________ waste water from running into rivers.
A. keep B. kept C. to keep D. keeping
( )6. The woman made his son ______ finally after she told him some jokes.
A. laughed B. to laugh C. laugh D. laughing
( )7----.what would you like for breakfast -------I like hamburgers. but now I’d like_______ some cakes.
A.eating B.to eat C.to drink D.drinking
( )8.--Look at the boy playing basketball on the ground. Is it George
---It ____be him. He told me he would play basketball after class, but he’s not sure.
A mustn’t .B must C can’t D. may
( )9.----Have you decided where to go for your summer vacation
-----Not yet. We _______go to qingdao . It’s a good place for vacation.
A. may B. need C. must D. can
( )10.I always tell my students ________ on the road because it’s really dangerous.
A not to play B. to play not C. not playing D. not play
( )11. I saw     elephant in the zoo yesterday. It was my first time to see     biggest animal on land.
A. an; a B. an; the C. the; a D. a; the
( )12. Birds can find food _____ now than before.
A. easy B. easier C. easily D. more easily
( )13. I you to go with me. You know I’m afraid of _____.
A.hope, darkness B. wish, darkness C. hope, dark D. wish, dark
( )14. Billy isn’t kind to his classmates. __ of the students like him.
A. none B. all C. both D. neither
( )15. —How do wild animals live during the winter —I know some animals sleep _________ the winter
A. through B. before C. after D. at
( )16. I think ____necessary for us _____the birds.
A. it , protect B. its, to protect C. it’s , protecting D. it , to protect
( )17. Lucy is preparing _________ for a picnic next Sunday.
A. go out B. to go out C. going out D. go
( )18. The old man is because he lives
alone; alone B. alone, lonely C lonely; alone D lonely; lonely
( )19. My father stayed at home because of_________.
A. ill B. sick C. sicking D. sickness
( )20. did the baby panda when he was born
A. How; like B. How; is like C. What; look alike D. What; look like
( )21. The number of pandas in the world becoming .
A. is, more and more B. are, less and less
C. is smaller and smaller D. are , fewer and fewer
( ) 22. ---Is the book interesting
---I thought it would be. But , it’ s very boring.
A. in all B. in fact C. at first D. in the future
( ) 23. The mother wolf spent the whole afternoon ________ a place ________.
A. looking for; live B. looking for; to live
C. to look for; live D. to look for; to live
( ) 24. Some deer are running happily in the forest, but they may die _____.
A. sometimes B. any time C. any times D. some times
( )25.—My father is ill in hospital, I’m looking after him. —___________.
A. Not at all B. What a shame! C. I’m sorry to hear that D. It doesn’t matter
( )26. Tim learnt ________ after ________ when he was 6years old.
A. look, him B. look, himself C. to look, myself D. to look, himself
( )27.— Mr Lee is an animal lover. He does everything he can     animals.
— He is really animals’ friend.
A. protect B. protected C. to protect D. protecting
( )28. — It’s reported that many people are killing sharks (鲨鱼) for money.
— Yes. If people keep killing sharks, there     any of them living in the sea some day.
A. will not be B. will not have C. don’t have D. aren’t
( )29. He stopped looking after the homeless animals ___ his bad health.
A. instead of B. because of C. because D. instead
( )30.— I just don’t think zoo is a good place for animals. They are not free in the zoo.
—    . But don’t you think the zoo looks after animals well
A. I don’t agree B. I don’t think so
C. You must be joking D. Maybe you’re right
Is it necessary to do exercise every day How much exercise do kids need to stay 1 Every parent wants to know the answers.
A new study from 2 shows that children should exercise for their muscles (肌肉) and bones (骨头) at least 3 a week. Children can do activity (活动) like climbing—this kind of exercise is good for their muscles. Jumping and running are good for their bones. Children should also do aerobic exercise (有氧运动) for 4 an hour every day. They can walk fast or go 5 .
However, we are surprised to find that many kids don’t like doing exercise or playing sports now. How can we make exercise 6 for them It’s a good idea to 7 kids outside and let them play with their friends. If
they often play together, they will enjoy 8 and make it part of their life. Finally, they will love exercise or sports.
Doctor Judy says she often sees parents ask their kids to take long walks as a kind of exercise, but that might not be the 9 way. “Walking is a good activity but it’s really 10 for kids. So if you are going to go on a walk with your kids, think of some fun things to do along the way,” she says.
Animals are man’s friends, but many people don’t treat them as friends. People k 1  animals for their fur, for food and for fun. People destroy(摧毁)f 2   to make more space for buildings and roads. This makes many animals l  3 their food and homes. Every day, many thousands of animals lose their lives b 4   of people.
Many hundreds of kinds of animals are in d 5   . They may disappear(消失) one day if people do nothing to s   6   them. And once they disappear, they will never r  7    any more!
Every animal has its place in nature. People s  8    learn to share the world with them . L  9 , many people are doing something to make the world a better place for both man and animals. Many countries pass laws , too. I   10   more people start to care about animals, animals will live a happier life.
1 2 3 4 5
6 7 8 9 10
One day a lion, an ass (驴), and a fox went hunting together, and they agreed to share what they caught. After killing a large deer, they decided to have a big and delicious meal. The lion asked the ass to divide (分) the deer. After the ass made three equal (相等的) parts, it told its friends to take their own part. However, the lion caught the ass and tore (撕) it into pieces very angrily. The lion then told the fox to divide the deer. The fox gave most of the deer to the lion and left a small part for itself. ‘Ah, my friend,’ asked the lion, ‘who taught you to divide things so equally ’‘The dead ass. I need no other lessons (教训),’ answered the fox.
1. Who agreed to share what they caught?
2. How many parts did the ass divide the deer into
3. What did the lion do when he got angry
4. Who did the fox learnt from
5. Which is the cleverest, a lion, an ass or a fox
一、1.meaning kindness beginning illness action
2.sadly slowly mainly terribly
3.close/closed lost dangerous
4.dishes wolves sold caught humans deer sheep
二、1.lost 2.left 3.to protect 4.sold 5.beginning 6.result
7.unlucky 8.weighs, weight 9.dangerous 10.to save
11.closed 12.lost 13.act 14.not to go 15.selling 16.call
17.living 18.hunter 19.thick 20.action 21.feelings 22.accepting
23.dying 24.to keep 25.meant
1.danger 2.cutting 3.doing 4.lose 5.are killed
6.to make 7.to find 8.to keep
四、1-5 BACBC 6-10 CBDAA 11-15 BDBAA
16-20 DBCDD 21-25 CBBBC 26-30 DCABD
五、1.healthy 2.France 3.twice 4.over 5.running
6.interesting 7.take 8.themselves 9.best 10.boring
六、1.kill 2.forest 3.lose 4.because 5.danger 6.save
7.return 8.should 9.Luckily 10. If
1. A lion, an ass (驴), and a fox.
3. The lion caught the ass and tore (撕) it into pieces very angrily.
4.An ass
5.A fox.


