牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 4 Living with technology单元测评(含解析,含听力原文,无音频)

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牛津译林版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 4 Living with technology单元测评(含解析,含听力原文,无音频)


(时间:120分钟 满分:150分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有 10 秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
1.What does the woman want to know
A.The weather.
B.An accident.
C.Train time.
2.Why is the man worried
A.He may be turned down.
B.He was required to apply to Cambridge.
C.He failed to be among the top five.
3.What’s the relationship between the two speakers
4.Where is the Blue Ocean Restaurant
A.Beside the Blue Sky Restaurant.
B.Opposite the Blue Sky Restaurant.
C.Opposite the Blue Bay Restaurant.
5.What does the man dislike
A.Old bookcases.
B.The newly-painted wall.
C.Old paintings.
6.When will the plane land
A.At 3:00.
B.At 4:00.
C.At 12:00.
7.What will the man do
A.Get some sleep.
B.Write a report.
C.Stay awake.
8.What does the man think of the woman
A.She is always late for work.
B.She likes daydreaming very much.
C.She is passive about her work.
9.What is the woman
A.A waitress.
B.A salesgirl.
C.A cashier.
10.Why does the man like the quiz show
A.The presenter is funny.
B.The questions are easy.
C.His friends all like it.
11.What do we know about the woman
A.She doesn’t think Frank Jones is funny.
B.She thinks the questions are really easy.
C.She is bad at general knowledge questions.
12.What kind of questions is the man good at
A.Pop music and movie stars.
B.History and literature.
C.Math and science.
13.Who is the man
A.An interviewer.
B.An agent.
C.An actor.
14.In which show did the girl play the leading role
B.The Sound of Music.
15.How did the girl prepare for her performance
A.Her mother helped her with the lines.
B.She memorized nine lines a night.
C.The management team encouraged her.
16.What happened to the girl after her performance
A.She went to live in London.
B.She became less shy.
C.She took over an agency.
17.Why was the butcher impressed by the dog
A.He has a five-dollar bill.
B.He was able to buy meat.
C.He barked at the butcher.
18.What did the dog do after entering an apartment house
A.Scratched at the door.
B.Barked at the door.
C.Opened the door.
19.Who was the woman
A.The butcher’s wife.
B.The butcher’s neighbour.
C.The dog’s owner.
20.Why did the woman yell at the dog
A.The dog led the butcher to her house.
B.The butcher asked her to stop.
C.The dog forgot his key again.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
主题语境:人与社会 语篇类型:应用文
What limits you from hiking more often If not having a suitable hiking partner is keeping you out of the woods,why not take a look at the great hiking clubs across Canada
●Yukon Outdoors Club
Membership cost:$10 for a single membership
Description:The club organizes day hikes,backpacking trips,canoe trips,mountain biking,and cross-country skiing trips for members to gain new skills and valuable information.The trips are open to everyone and range from easy to moderate to difficult.
●UBC Varsity Outdoors Club
Membership cost:Students $40;non-UBC students $60
Description:The UBC Varsity Outdoor Club is a social group that hikes and rock climbs.Members lead trips,run skills workshops,and host presentations.Members can borrow equipment from the club.The UBC VOC has also constructed a few huts in the Coast Mountains.
●Pender Harbour Hiking Group
Membership cost:Free
Description:The Pender Harbour Hiking Group offers a way for members to meet like-minded individuals and get fit.Hikes are scheduled two months in advance,so check the website regularly to find a hike that’s right for you!Hikes are usually one and a half to two hours long every Monday and Wednesday morning,but some full-day hikes are scheduled,depending on member interest.
●Vernon Outdoors Club
Membership cost:A single membership is $25,and students pay $10.Children are free when they come with a registered family member.
Description:The Vernon Outdoors Club is an active group that enjoys hiking and cycling.Members are encouraged to share their activity ideas and interests.The group organizes a Tuesday activity each week.
21.Which club organizes its trips based on their members’ hiking skills
A.The Yukon Outdoors Club.
B.The UBC Varsity Outdoors Club.
C.The Pender Harbour Hiking Group.
D.The Vernon Outdoors Club.
22.What do we know about hikes organized by the Pender Harbour Hiking Group
A.They are mostly held on weekends.
B.They are arranged two months ahead of time.
C.Their schedule is always emailed to the members.
D.More full-day hikes are offered than half-day hikes.
23.Mr and Mrs Smith,together with their two children,aged 4 and 6,intend to join the Vernon Outdoors Club.How much will they pay for the membership
A.$70. B.$50.
C.$45. D.$35.
主题语境:人与社会 语篇类型:记叙文
When Lily Born was just 7,she noticed her grandfather,who has Parkinson’s disease,was knocking over his cup a lot.Lily felt bad her grandmother had to clean up spills (洒出物) so often.
Lily thought his cup would be less prone to spill if it had “legs”,so she drew a picture of such a cup for her dad,Joe Born.“He took it seriously and told me,‘That’s your invention.Sign and date it,’which I did,” she said.“We went to Grandma and Grandpa’s house and made a prototype.This was just a plastic one,but it worked!” Later,Lily noticed her dad was always spilling coffee on his computer’s keyboard,so she made him a ceramic cup with legs.He loved it,too.
Though her family enjoyed using the cups,Lily didn’t see them as more than gifts and didn’t place much value on them.She was also struggling in school.“I was afraid of failing fourth grade.It had kind of destroyed my confidence,to be honest,” Lily said.“One day I asked my dad,‘What am I good at ’ He asked me if I wanted to put the cups into production.It would make me see being an inventor was a real thing and something to be proud of.”
The Borns flew to Jingdezhen,China to find a factory that would produce the cups and make more prototypes.“We’ve sold something like 1,000 cups,” Lily said.“People are buying them for elderly relatives and people with mobility issues.”
As for Lily,doing business at such a young age helped her overcome her shyness.“Watching Lily blossom over this whole adventure has been an excitement for me as a dad,” Joe said.“I just can’t put into words how good it feels to see her have confidence.”
24.What does the underlined word “prone” in Paragraph 2 mean
A.Unlike. B.Eager.
C.Difficult. D.Likely.
25.Why did Lily ask her dad the question in Paragraph 3
A.She wasn’t sure about her future career.
B.She was having trouble with her schoolwork.
C.She wasn’t confident about her cup business.
D.She was struggling to balance her life and hobbies.
26.Which of the following words can best describe Joe
A.Supportive and considerate.
B.Traditional and scholarly.
C.Strict and single-minded.
D.Generous and kind-hearted.
27.What can we learn from Lily’s story
A.Success is easily achieved through teamwork.
B.It’s better to take action before it’s too late.
C.A good idea and action result in success.
D.A youth is to be regarded with respect.
主题语境:人与社会 语篇类型:说明文
If you frequently google language-related questions,you’ve probably seen an advertisement for Grammarly,an automated grammar-checker.Grammarly claims that it has the ability not only to fix mistakes,but also to improve style and polish too.Does it achieve what it claims to Maybe not.
Artificial-intelligence systems like Grammarly are trained with data.Developers also manually add certain rules to the patterns Grammarly has taught itself.The software then looks at a user’s essay:if a string of words seems ungrammatical,it tries to spot how the acknowledged mistake most closely resembles one from its training inputs.
All this shows how far artificial intelligence (AI) is from the human puters outsmart humans at problems that can be solved with pure maths,such as chess.Advances in language technology have been impressive in,for example,speech recognition,which involves another sort of statistical guess—whether or not a stretch of sound matches a certain string of words.
But grammar is the real magic of language.And machines are no match for puters can analyze grammatical sentences fairly well,labeling things like nouns and verb phrases.But they struggle with sentences that are difficult to analyze,precisely because they are ungrammatical.
To correct such essays requires knowing what the writer intended.But computers don’t work in meaning or intention.They work in formulae.Humans,by contrast,can usually understand even rather damaged syntax,because of the ability to guess the contents of other minds.Grammar-checking computers focus on not how bad humans are with language,but just how good.
28.What’s the text mainly about
A.What AI system Grammarly is.
B.What problem AI has with grammar.
C.How AI system works on grammar.
D.How AI outsmarts humans in language.
29.Why do computers outsmart mankind at chess
A.Because they are trained with data.
B.Because they have taught themselves.
C.Because they easily spot mistakes.
D.Because maybe sound matches words.
30.Which of the following can be done well by AI
A.Analyzing ungrammatical sentences.
B.Figuring out meaning and intention.
C.Identifying nouns and verb phrases.
D.Understanding damaged syntax.
31.What’s the writer’s attitude toward grammar-checking computers
A.Doubtful. B.Favorable.
C.Indifferent. D.Worried.
主题语境:人与社会 语篇类型:说明文
Scientists from Imperial College London have found that using virtual reality (VR) headsets can reduce sensitivity to pain,by immersing (沉浸) people in icy Arctic scenery.In a study published in Pain Reports,a team from Imperial used VR video to reduce people’s sensitivity to ongoing pain and sharp shooting pain.
According to the researchers,the findings add to the growing evidence for the potential of VR technology to help patients with long-term pain.Beyond the distracting effect,they think VR may actually cause the body’s own inbuilt pain-fighting systems to start working.
Dr Sam Hughes,the first author on the paper,said,“Our work suggests that VR may be getting involved in processes in the key parts of our inbuilt pain-fighting systems and are helpful in regulating the spread of increased sensitivity to pain.”
To test their theory,researchers applied a cream containing capsaicin (辣椒素)—the chemical that makes your mouth bum—to 15 healthy volunteers.The capsaicin makes the skin more sensitive to painful stimuli (刺激) like a very small electric shock.
In the first trial,participants were then asked to rate the pain caused by the capsaicin cream on a scale of 0-100 (from “no pain” to “worst pain possible”) while either watching a VR scene of Arctic exploration through a headset,or looking at a still image of an Arctic scene on a monitor.Under the same conditions,they were also asked to say when a stimulus applied directly to the skin area is considered as painful.
The team found that ongoing pain was reduced following VR immersion,and that sensitivity to painful stimuli was also reduced.However,the same effect was not seen in people who looked at still images of the polar environment.
They explain that while the findings made at the beginning are encouraging,the study is limited by the small number of healthy participants,without long-term pain.However,the researchers believe VR could hold a bright future to treat patients with long-term pain who have poor inbuilt pain fighting systems.
32.How can VR possibly help long-term pain sufferers
A.By making their pain-fighting systems function.
B.By drawing their attention to fighting pain.
C.By controlling the spread of pain sensitivity.
D.By slowing down their brains’ reaction to pain.
33.Which step comes first in their theory testing
A.Making a capsaicin cream.
B.Putting on virtual reality headsets.
C.Applying capsaicin cream to the skin.
D.Looking at pictures on a computer screen.
34.What conclusion can be drawn from the trial
A.Still images helped to ease people’s pain.
B.VR immersion was the key factor in pain reduction.
C.Healthy people were less sensitive to VR than pain sufferers.
D.Capsaicin cream brought people more pain than electronic stimulus.
35.What does the last paragraph imply
A.The team feels confident about future VR treatment.
B.The researchers will work on the side effect of VR.
C.VR treatment can be applied in other medical fields.
D.The trial only has an effect on short-term pain patients.
主题语境:人与社会 语篇类型:说明文
To many of us,art is obviously a kind of human expression of creativity.But in recent years,you may have read news about artificial intelligence (AI) creating its own art,such as painting or writing poems.Some people worry that AI might someday replace artists.
 36  Many artists today are turning AI into a useful tool.Instead of replacing artists,AI is bringing artists more possibilities.
A piece of music created by AI recently attracted attention.AI was used to turn the novel virus into a piece of nearly two-hour long music based on its protein structure.The project was led by Markus Buehler,an American musician and MIT professor of engineering.He assigned (指定) a unique note to each amino acid (氨基酸) in the protein. 37 
Listeners found the project to be “mind-blowing”.“It allows me to see the virus from a new angle,” said one listener. 38  As The Verge wrote,“AI helps artists play around in unpredictable ways,creating things beyond what they have ever thought was possible before.”
 39  For example,in the comic and animation industries,there are now AI tools that can automatically (自动地) colour in black-and-white line drawings.Although the results can be unpredictable and require a little cleanup,it “could give artists room to experiment,by cutting down the time it takes to colour each frame (画面)”,said Joao Do Lago,animator of Netflix’s Castlevania.
As Peter Ward wrote for The Culture Trip,art of every kind has always been influenced by technological breakthroughs. 40 
A.The AI then translated these notes into music.
B.AI has become an important part of our everyday life.
C.But this worry seems to be unnecessary,at least for now.
D.AI can become a useful tool to bring change to the art world.
E.Besides the music industry,AI has entered the world of poetry as well.
F.This surprising marriage between science and art could not be achieved without AI.
G.Apart from co-creating imaginative works,AI can also help artists avoid repeating tasks.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
主题语境:人与自我 语篇类型:记叙文
One weekend,11-year-old Ann had an accident.She was  41  for several days.On June 5,Ann was finally awake and aware enough to be told her leg was  42 .And according to Metge,her daughter had a wonderful  43  from the beginning.
“She had an amazing view,” Metge said.After a hard,scary night,Ann got up,her usual huge smile  44 ,and said,“I only have to find one  45  out of the basket now!” Over the past months,Ann has been  46  with an artificial leg and learned how to  47  to her new life.“Mostly,she’s done well,” Metge said.“When she’s up and busy,nothing can  48  her.But evening is hard because it’s when all emotions and suffering  49  over her and she’s worn out.But  50 ,morning always comes and she wakes up  51 .”
Ann said,her optimism (乐观) came from all the  52  she has received.“So many people help and inspire me,” Ann said.“I can’t even imagine  53  something this hard without them.” A big part is from Ann’s cheer squad (啦啦队) teammates who hold her up.Ann dreams of being a one-legged flyer.“I’m much  54  without the weight of one entire leg,even more suitable for the  55 .I really expect the experience of flying.”
41.A.disabled B.disappointed
C.unprepared D.unconscious
42.A.damaged B.struck
C.cut off D.broken up
43.A.plan B.attitude
C.choice D.idea
44.A.spreading B.disappearing
C.changing D.hiding
45.A.skirt B.gift
C.card D.sock
46.A.busy B.fitted
C.careful D.involved
47.A.return B.lead
C.devote D.adapt
48.A.depress B.surprise
C.interest D.comfort
49.A.knock B.check
C.flood D.watch
50.A.hopefully B.thankfully
C.generally D.naturally
51.A.amazed B.tired
C.refreshed D.satisfied
52.A.praise B.donation
C.training D.encouragement
53.A.looking through B.going through
C.giving up D.making up
54.A.thinner B.freer
C.lighter D.faster
55.A.role B.career
C.form D.match
主题语境:人与社会 语篇类型:说明文
China’s first artificial intelligence (AI) theme park opened to public,after 10 months repair of a municipal (市政的) park in northern Beijing.Newly 56.      (apply) to the Al theme park,driverless shuttle buses and smart lamp posts can record exercise data.Besides,intelligent speakers that can 57. (instant) respond to human instructions have been installed in Haidian Park,58.      covers about 34 hectares near the Fourth Ring Road.
The district government of Haidian and Internet company Baidu signed 59.      agreement in January to jointly explore “smart city” 60.      (build).Haidian Park,which received about 12 million tourists last year,was chosen 61.          (run) the pilot program.“A total of 10 government 62. (department) and companies have participated in the rebuilding 63.      the park over the past 10 months,” said Che Jianguo from the district’s park administration office.
In recent years,Chinese high-tech companies 64.          (set) foot in the AI industry,while the government also stressed that it would boost the development of the 65. (country) new generation of artificial intelligence.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
参考词汇:face recognition 人脸识别;mobile payment 移动支付
Dear Peter,

Yours truly,
Li Hua
Seconds later,the referee blew the whistle.Came over.
“We won!” Jordan shouted out,leaping into the air.
“Championship game,here we come!” said Tara,slapping hands with Devin.“Can’t wait till Thursday.”
Devin grinned.Thursday would be huge—the big soccer game in the afternoon,and the school’s autumn concert in the evening.Ms Poltis had chosen Devin to sing brief solo (独唱).
“Great work,” Coach said as the team gathered.“Be here by 6:30 on Thursday to warm up.”
“Six thirty ” Devin said.That didn’t sound right.
“It’s a night game,” Coach explained.“Under the lights.”
“Playing at night will be so cool,” Tara said.“Under the bright stadium lights.”
Devin’s heart sank.The concert was at 7:00.Same time as the game.He couldn’t possibly do both.
Devin’s teammates were super excited.They were on the edge of a title,and Devin was a big reason why.He led the league in scoring,and his soccer knowledge made him like a coach on the field.He couldn’t let his team down by skipping the game.
That night,Devin lay in bed,staring at the ceiling.Finally,he turned on his light.He picked up a sheet of paper from his desk.After reading the words,he shut his eyes and sang them:
“No matter how hard the struggle,I will never let you down...”
The solo was only four lines in the middle of a song the entire choir (合唱团) would sing.Devin knew the words by heart,but the thought of singing alone made him shiver(颤抖).Sometimes he was nervous about taking part in sports,too,but that always went away as soon as a game started.He’d never sung a solo before.It was a relief to know he didn’t have to now.The soccer game was perfect excuse.His team was perfect excuse.His team was counting on him.
But so was Ms Poltis.
Devin crawled back into bed.It was a long time before he fell asleep.
In the morning,Devin hardly ate any breakfast.
At school,he went straight to the music room.
He felt sorry to tell Ms Poltis that he’d miss the concert.

On Thursday evening,Devin warmed up slowly.

(Text 1)
W:Excuse me,I’m waiting for the ten o’clock train.Is it leaving on time
M:It is running thirty minutes late due to strong winds which blew a tree onto the line at three o’clock this morning.
(Text 2)
W:Bob,you decided to apply for a graduate degree in Cambridge,didn’t you
M:I want to,but I’m worried that I’ll not be admitted to that school.You know,the school is among the top five.
(Text 3)
M:Is your conference in Prague Could I ask you a favour
W:Sure,as long as it isn’t about picking out dolls for all your relatives.
M:No,I broke a drinking glass I bought there,so could you get me one
(Text 4)
W:Where are you going for your birthday tomorrow
M:I have booked a room in the Blue Bay Restaurant.
W:You mean the Blue Sky Restaurant
M:No,that’s the Blue Bay.Just across from the Blue Ocean Restaurant.
(Text 5)
M:I think I preferred things as they were.Where are those old bookcases
W:They were moved out.Don’t you like the newly-painted wall
M:No,I thought the old paintings on the wall were good.
(Text 6)
M:How long before we land Do you know
W:It’s three o’clock now,so there is still an hour left.Why don’t you get some sleep in the meantime I’ll wake you up when we reach Kennedy Airport.
M:OK.I stayed up past midnight writing the report.I am a bit worn out.
W:Why don’t you put the seat back You will feel more relaxed.
(Text 7)
M:Katie,have you looked at your evaluation yet
W:Yes,I have.
M:Let’s go over some of these areas.You are always available to work,but you’ve arrived late several times.Since I’ve spoken to you about this,you have improved.
W:I’ve been trying.I was only late once last month.
M:That’s good.One more thing,Katie,when you don’t have a customer,you’re always standing there daydreaming.If I ask you to do something,you’re always willing.But when you don’t have customers,I expect you to polish the jewelry and the mirrors,put new paper in the cash register,restock the boxes,and do other things without being asked.
(Text 8)
M:Sophie!Did you see that quiz show last night The one presented by Frank Jones
W:No.Was it any good
M:It was great.Frank Jones always makes me laugh.I’ve been watching it for the past couple of weeks.
W:Do you think so I don’t understand why so many people think he’s funny.
M:Well,you’re the fifth or sixth person I’ve told to see it.Some of my friends thought it was going to be too serious so they didn’t bother watching.
W:So are all the questions really easy and just about pop music or movie stars I’m not interested in watching it if all the questions are like that.
M:Actually they start off a bit easy but they get harder and harder as the show goes on.
W:Usually I’m not bad at general knowledge questions—especially ones about history or literature.
M:Yeah,but I’m better at math and science.
(Text 9)
M:I’m talking to Jackie Gould,who’s a very proud mother.Her daughter Olivia appeared on the stage of London Palladium Theater,in the musical The Sound of Music last month.So how did it all come about
W:Well,until last year,the idea of her appearing at the London Palladium would have been unthinkable for our family.Things started to happen when Olivia got the leading role for the show Annie at the local theatre.For Annie,Olivia had to learn more than 200 lines.She was on stage for most of the two-hour show.I decided that we’d do ten pages a night.After memorizing it,I gave her a line,and she would have to tell me what the next line was.She picked it all up even better than her homework.
M:And she did well in the part
W:She was great in the part.She had always been shy,and she suddenly became less shy and more confident.A member of the stage management team for the show was taking over a local agency and asked her to sign up.So then she had an agent to represent her and try to get roles for her.
(Text 10)
M:A black dog walked into a butcher’s shop with a five-dollar bill in his mouth.He spent several minutes looking at the meat on display.He finally fixed his eyes on the lamb and barked,showing that he wanted to buy some of them.The butcher was deeply impressed and decided that he would like to own a clever dog like that.He followed the dog to see where he went.The dog entered an apartment house,and began to scratch on the door.With that,the door opened and an angry woman started yelling at the dog.As she did so,the butcher stepped forward to ask the woman to stop.“That’s the smartest animal I’ve ever seen!Surely it doesn’t deserve this kind of treatment.”The woman said,“I don’t think he’s so intelligent.You see,this is the third time this week he’s forgotten his key.”
1.C 2.A 3.B 4.C 5.B 6.B 7.A 8.C
9.B 10.A 11.A 12.C 13.A 14.C 15.A 16.B
17.B 18.A 19.C 20.C
21.A 推理判断题。根据Yukon Outdoors Club部分中的“The trips are open to everyone and range from easy to moderate to difficult.”可推断,Yukon Outdoors Club基于会员的远足技能组织旅行。故选A项。
22.B 细节理解题。根据Pender Harbour Hiking Group部分中的“Hikes are scheduled two months in advance,so check the website regularly to find a hike that’s right for you!”可知,该俱乐部的徒步旅行日程提前两个月就制订好了。故选B项。
23.B 细节理解题。根据Vernon Outdoors Club部分中的“Membership cost:A single membership is $25,and students pay $10.Children are free when they come with a registered family member.”可知,史密斯先生和夫人的费用是$25*2=$50,两个孩子免费,因此最终费用是$50。故选B项。
【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了七岁的Lily Born发明了带腿的杯子并找工厂生产了这些杯子。如今这种杯子已经卖出了一千多个。
24.D 词义猜测题。根据后文中“Later,Lily noticed her dad was always spilling coffee on his computer’s keyboard,so she made him a ceramic cup with legs.”可知,Lily觉得祖父的杯子如果有“腿”就不太可能让杯子里的东西洒出来了,即画线词意思为“可能的”。故选D项。
25.B 细节理解题。根据第三段中“‘I was afraid of failing fourth grade.It had kind of destroyed my confidence,to be honest,’Lily said.‘...and something to be proud of.’”可知,Lily问她爸爸问题,是因为她的学业遇到了麻烦。故选B项。
26.A 推理判断题。根据第二段中“He took it seriously and told me,‘That’s your invention.Sign and date it’”以及后文他们一家不惜飞到了中国只为了给女儿制作杯子可知,Joe对于女儿的发明非常支持;根据第三段中“‘He asked me if I wanted to put the cups into production.It would make me see being an inventor was a real thing and something to be proud of.’”可知,Joe是考虑周到的人。综上可知,Joe是个支持女儿想法且考虑周到的人。故选A项。
27.C 主旨大意题。结合文章讲述的Lily的故事,我们能领悟到“好的想法和行动会带来成功”。故选C项。
28.B 主旨大意题。通读文章可知,文章的主要内容是人工智能系统在核查语法时会碰到的问题。故选B项。
29.A 细节理解题。根据第二段中“Artificial-intelligence systems like Grammarly are trained with data.”以及第三段中“Computers outsmart humans at problems that can be solved with pure maths,such as chess.”可知,计算机在国际象棋方面比人类更聪明是因为它们接受了数据训练。故选A项。
30.C 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“Computers can analyze grammatical sentences fairly well,labeling things like nouns and verb phrases.”可知,计算机可以很好地分析语法句子,给名词和动词短语等标注。故选C项。
31.A 推理判断题。根据第一段中“Does it achieve what it claims to Maybe not.”以及最后一段中“But computers don’t work in meaning or intention.They work in formulae.Humans,by contrast,can usually understand even rather damaged syntax,because of the ability to guess the contents of other minds.Grammar-checking computers focus on not how bad humans are with language,but just how good.”可知,作者对语法检查计算机持怀疑态度。故选A项。
32.A 推理判断题。根据第二段可知,VR可能会导致人体自身内置的止痛系统开始工作,由此可推知VR是通过让止痛系统发挥作用来帮助长期疼痛患者。故选A项。
33.C 细节理解题。根据第四段“To test their theory,researchers applied a cream containing capsaicin (辣椒素)—the chemical that makes your mouth bum—to 15 healthy volunteers.”可知,在理论验证过程中的第一步是在皮肤上涂抹辣椒素霜。故选C项。
34.B 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段可知,VR沉浸感比观看普通的静止环境图片减轻疼痛的效果更为明显,由此可推知VR沉浸感是减轻疼痛的关键因素。故选B项。
35.A 推理判断题。根据最后一段可知,研究人员认为VR可以为治疗长期疼痛且内置止痛系统不佳的患者带来光明的前景,由此可知本段内容表明该团队对未来VR治疗充满信心。故选A项。
36.C 根据下两句句意“今天许多艺术家正在把人工智能变成一种有用的工具。人工智能并没有取代艺术家,反而给艺术家带来了更多的可能性。”可知,此处承接下文,C项“但这种担心似乎没有必要,至少目前是这样。”切题;该选项中的“this worry seems to be unnecessary”对应下文中的“人工智能并未代替艺术家”。故选C项。
37.A 根据本段上文句意“人工智能被用来根据病毒的蛋白质结构将这种新型病毒变成一段将近两小时长的音乐。”和“他给蛋白质中的每个氨基酸分配了一个独特的音符。”可知,A项“人工智能随后将这些音符翻译成音乐。”承接上文。故选A项。
38.F 根据下一句句意“正如《边缘》所写,‘人工智能帮助艺术家以不可预测的方式发挥作用,创造出超出他们以前认为可能的东西。’”可知,人工智能将科学和艺术结合起来,帮助艺术家实现了以前不能实现的东西,此处承接下文,F项“没有人工智能,科学和艺术之间的这种令人惊讶的结合是不可能实现的。”切题。故选F项。
39.G 根据下一句句意“例如,在漫画和动画行业,现在有了人工智能工具,可以在黑白线条图中自动着色。”可知,人工智能能帮艺术家完成上色这种重复性工作,此处承接下文,G项“除了共同创作富有想象力的作品,人工智能还可以帮助艺术家避免重复任务。”切题。故选G项。
40.D 根据上文和上一句句意“正如彼得·沃德在《文化之旅》中所写,每一种艺术总是受到技术突破的影响。”可知,人工智能给艺术带来了积极影响,所以人工智能是有用的工具,此处承接上文,D项“人工智能可以成为给艺术世界带来变革的有用工具。”切题。故选D项。
41.D 根据后文“On June 5,Ann was finally awake”可知,安之前昏迷了好几天。故选D项。
42.C 根据后文“with an artificial leg”可知,此处是指她的腿被截肢了。故选C项。
43.B 根据后文“She had an amazing view”可知,此处是指她一开始的态度就很好。故选B项。
44.A 根据前文“She had an amazing view”可知,她依然像往常一样微笑。故选A项。
45.D 根据后文“with an artificial leg”可知,她还有一条腿,所以她只需要找一只袜子。故选D项。
46.B 根据后文“with an artificial leg and learned how to    to her new life.”可知,此处是指她已经安上了一条假肢。故选B项。
47.D 根据后文“to her new life.”可知。安已经装上了一条假肢,并学会了如何适应她的新生活。故选D项。
48.A 根据前文“Mostly,she’s done well”可知,此处是指当她起床忙碌时,没有什么能使她沮丧。故选A项。
49.C 根据前文“evening is hard”可知,此处是指到了晚上所有的情感和痛苦都涌上她的心头。故选C项。
50.B 根据转折词but可知,此处是指谢天谢地,她到了早上状态会很好。故选B项。
51.C 见上题解析。故选C项。
52.D 根据后文“So many people help and inspire me”可知,此处是指她的乐观来自所有的鼓励。故选D项。
53.B 根据后文“something this hard”可知,此处是指度过如此艰难的日子。故选B项。
54.C 根据后文“without the weight of one entire leg”可知,此处是指她变得更轻了。故选C项。
55.A 根据前文“A big part is from Ann’s cheer squad (啦啦队) teammates who hold her up.”可知,此处是指她变轻了之后更适合啦啦队里被举起的这个角色。故选A项。
56.applied 考查非谓语动词。本句已有谓语can record且无连词,其他动词应用非谓语动词形式,主语driverless shuttle buses and smart lamp posts和动词apply是逻辑上的动宾关系,用过去分词作状语。故填applied。
57.instantly 考查副词。此处用副词instantly作状语修饰动词respond。故填instantly。
58.which 考查定语从句。此处是非限制性定语从句,先行词是Haidian Park,指物,关系词在从句中作主语,用关系代词which引导该从句,that不能引导非限制性定语从句。故填which。
59.an 考查冠词。此处泛指“一个协议”,agreement以元音音素开头,用不定冠词an表泛指。故填an。
60.building 考查名词。动词explore后接名词作宾语,“smart city”是定语,用名词building。故填building。
61.to run 考查非谓语动词。此处用动词不定式形式作目的状语,be chosen to do sth意为“被选中做某事”。故填to run。
62.departments 考查名词复数。department是可数名词,前面由数词10修饰,用名词复数形式。故填departments。
63.of 考查介词。此处指“公园的重建”,用介词of。故填of。
64.have set 考查动词时态、语态和主谓一致。此处缺少谓语,由时间状语In recent years可知,时态用现在完成时(has/have done);“Chinese high-tech companies”和“set”之间是主动关系,用主动语态;主语Chinese high-tech companies是复数,谓语也用复数形式。故填have set。
65.country’s 考查名词所有格。此处缺少定语,指“国家的”,用“‘s”名词所有格,即“country’s”,作定语修饰名词短语new generation of artificial intelligence。故填country’s。
Dear Peter,
I’m happy to hear from you.Just as you have learned,artificial intelligence is now widely used in China.Here I’d like to share with you what I experienced during the week-long National Day holiday.
When travelling,we were amazed at the changes and convenience brought by artificial intelligence.First of all,wherever and whenever we went,we could use the mobile payment.More interesting,we no longer had to get into tourist attractions with the ID card.We could do it through a face recognition app now,which really saved time so that we didn’t have to wait in queue.What an amazing experience!
I do hope you can come to China and experience all of this when you have spare time.Looking forward to your coming.
Yours truly,
Li Hua
He felt sorry to tell Ms Poltis that he’d miss the concert.“Sit down for a moment,” Ms Poltis said.“You know,I didn’t choose you for the solo because you’re the best singer.” She smiled warmly.Devin smiled,too.It was no secret that several other choir members had stronger singing voices than he did.“I chose you because you work hard,like the person in the song.And you have a very nice voice.So don’t be nervous.Be proud.” Devin stood taller.He and Ms Poltis sang together,and Devin handled the solo perfectly.
On Thursday evening, Devin warmed up slowly.He took a deep breath.So many people had come to watch tonight.In a few moments,all eyes would be on him.He’d made a difficult choice.There would be other concerts.And other championship games.The bright lights came on.Devin stayed calm.He sang with confidence.“No matter how hard the struggle...” Devin finished the solo and smiled at Ms Poltis.He was proud of the choice he’d made.


