高中英语译林版(2019) 选择性必修第四册 全书课后习题(16份打包,含答案)

  1. 二一教育资源

高中英语译林版(2019) 选择性必修第四册 全书课后习题(16份打包,含答案)


Section C Extended reading,Project,Assessment & Further study
1.The researcher organised an experimental      (锦标赛) involving four youth teams.
2.Now more and more people have to take up      (临时的) jobs when they have no permanent ones.
3.A      (彩虹) is an arch of different colours you can sometimes see in the sky when it is raining.
4.On closer examination it was found that the signature was not      (真的).
5.When we are reading,much of the meaning must be      (推断) from the context.
6.What he learned at university is not      (有关的) to what he is doing at present.
7.Her success has      (证明……正确) the faith that her teachers had put in her at school.
8.It was considerate of Michael to inform us of his       (延误) in case we got worried.
9.To her delight,Mary was chosen from hundreds of      (申请人) to attend the opening ceremony.
10.Plan your activities so that you are      (精神振作的) when something important is coming up.
put your best foot forward,prior to,for the duration of,put oneself under pressure,be suitable for,in charge of,make preparations for,be proud of,build up,keep up with
1.         graduating,a student must take a comprehensive examination.
答案Prior to
2.The pilot told the passengers to remain seated             the flight.
答案for the duration of
3.The school should create an environment that            the students to study.
答案is suitable for
4.When you apply for a job,you should try to                .
答案put your best foot forward
5.I will             whatever needed for the opening ceremony for you.
答案make preparations for
6.We            ourselves and firmly believe we can do more for a better world.
答案are proud of
7.In my view,we should develop healthy eating habits to         a strong body.
答案build up
8.I’ll be            the whole factory next week when the director is away.
答案in charge of
9.Despite his frequent absence,Bruce managed to             his studies.
答案keep up with
10.You’ve                for too long and need to slow down and rest.
答案put yourself under pressure
主题语境:人与自我 语篇类型:记叙文
While preparing for an interview,I found myself reflecting on my reading journey.Being a writer and book lover,one would naturally suppose that I started to be eager for literature the moment I learned that C-A-T was spelled cat.The truth is that at one time my mom had to pay me to read.
Growing up in a school where teachers didn’t quite know what to do with boys like me,I saw reading as a frightening thing that would always be difficult.Then I discovered books that grabbed my imagination—stories like The Little House Series,The Biography of Helen Keller,and A Little Princess.Can you imagine that a reluctant(不情愿的) reader become a bookworm and later an author
This list of “Books that Changed My Life” now decorates my desk.This is a beautiful representation of stories that are so precious that they feel like part of me.
The Secret Garden—I was convinced that if I looked hard enough,I would find a neglected garden in my backyard and bring it back to life.
A Friend in the Storm—This book of poetry,written by another sweet author,has made me through some of my life’s most intense storms.
The Diary of a Young Girl—This book made me want to be a writer someday.
Les Miserable—I thought reading this book would give me impressive bragging(吹牛) rights.Instead,I wrote a 3-part blog post for the book,giving it to kids as gifts.
Every book in the list inspired,comforted or challenged me.Now I have realised that,while many are well-known titles,a few were written by not-so-famous friends,reminding me that we should believe ourselves and never know what we will do with our talents.
1.At an early age,the author    .
A.was good at spelling words
B.showed his talent for writing
C.didn’t perform well at school
D.disliked his mother’s strict requirements
解析细节理解题。根据第二段的第一句“Growing up in a school where teachers didn’t quite know what to do with boys like me,I saw reading as a frightening thing that would always be difficult.”可知,作者在学校不受老师的欢迎,并且自己也不愿意读书。
2.Which of the following books pulled the author through his tough times
A.Les Miserable.
B.The Secret Garden.
C.A Friend in the Storm.
D.The Diary of a Young Girl.
解析细节理解题。根据第五段“A Friend in the Storm—This book of poetry,written by another sweet author,has made me through some of my life’s most intense storms.”可知选C项。
3.What can we infer from the last paragraph
A.We should have confidence in ourselves.
B.The author likes inspirational books best.
C.The author advises us to read famous books.
D.Some of the author’s friends also enjoy writing.
4.What does the author do now
A.A student. B.A writer.
C.A teacher. D.A reporter.
解析细节理解题。根据第二段的最后一句“Can you imagine that a reluctant(不情愿的) reader become a bookworm and later an author ”可知,作者现在是作家。
假设你是李华,即将高中毕业,对如何选择大学专业比较困惑。请给曾经做过职业生涯规划师的前外教 Mr Joyce 写封信,介绍你本人在学习、个性等方面的长处以及你的职业愿景,并请他为你在选择大学专业方面提出一些建议。
Dear Mr Joyce,

I am looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua
Dear Mr Joyce,
I am Li Hua.I will graduate from high school,yet I am quite confused about what I should choose to major in the university.Since you once worked as a career planner,I am writing to consult you,hoping to get some valuable advice with regard to major application.
I am good at mathematics and physics.Besides,my interest also goes to music,and I have been active in the school’s orchestra.As for my job in the future,I want to be a scientist who will help make the world a better place.
I am looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua
Jason threw the papers on my desk—his eyebrows knit into a straight line as he glared at me.He pointed a finger at the paper.“Next time you want to change anything,ask me first,” he said,turning on his heels and leaving me in anger.“How dare he treat me like that,” I thought.I had changed one long sentence,and corrected grammar,something I thought I was paid to do.
As the weeks went by,I grew to dislike Jason.One day,another of his episodes left me in tears.I stormed into his office,prepared to let the man know how I felt.I sat across from him and said calmly,“Jason,the way you’ve been treating me is wrong.I’ve never had anyone speak to me that way.As a professional,it’s wrong,and I can’ allow it to continue.”
Jason assumed a nervous smile and leaned back in his chair.I closed my eyes briefly.“I want to make you a promise.I will be a friend,” I said.“I will treat you as you deserve to be treated,with respect and kindness.You deserve that.Everybody does.” I slipped out of the chair and closed the door behind me.
Jason avoided me the rest of the week.Papers and letters appeared on my desk while I was at lunch,and my corrected versions were not seen again.I brought cookies to the office one day and left some on his desk.Another day I left a note.“Hope your day is going great,” it read.Over the next few weeks,Jason reappeared but there were no other episodes.
One year after our “talk”,I discovered I had cancer.I was thirty-two,the mother of three young children,scared.Friends and loved ones visited and tried to find the right words to comfort me.No one knew what to say,and many said the wrong things.Others wept.
One day,Jason came into the hospital room awkwardly,and placed a box beside me.

For ten years,I have watched those red and white flowers blossom every spring.

One day,Jason came into the hospital room awkwardly,and placed a box beside me.“Tulips,” he said.I grinned,not understanding.He shuffled his feet,and then cleared his throat.“If you plant them when you get home,they’ll come up next spring.I just wanted you to know that I think you’ll be there to see them when they come up.” Tears clouded my eyes and I reached out my hand.“Thank you,” I whispered.Jason grasped my hand and gruffly replied,“You’re welcome.You can’t see them now,but next spring you’ll see the colours I picked out for you.I think you’ll like them.” He turned and left without another word.
For ten years,I have watched those red and white flowers blossom every spring.In fact,this September,doctors declared me cured and I’ve watched my children graduate from high school and go on to college.In a moment when I prayed for just the right word,a man with very few words said all the right things.After all,that’s what friends do.Section C Extended reading,Project,Assessment & Further study
1.We want to get to the final      (阶段) of the competition with a full stadium.
2.She is a kind-hearted woman and often has      (怜悯) on people who are in trouble.
3.      (同样地),success requires both hard work and perseverance.
4.If you want to contribute to our newspaper,please send me your article before the      (最后期限).
5.Under our teacher’s careful      (指导),we finished our homework in advance.
6.He is always finding      (错误,过错) with me,which makes me very angry.
7.He didn’t look the sort of man to      (原谅) and forget.
8.Many people shop for      (有机的) food products because they are free of chemicals.
9.In the face of all these difficulties,we’re not      (灰心的) but keep up good spirits.
10.Assuming that the weather is favorable,farmers will have a good      (收成).
as a result,be responsible for,pick up,at the mercy of,set aside,weigh on,apart from,give in,make a difference,be anxious about
1.We cannot afford a future in which knowledge is            popularity and money.
答案at the mercy of
2.I recognize the immense responsibilities that         my shoulders.
答案weigh on
3.It’s natural for parents to           their children’s future.
答案be anxious about
4.We’ll             your safety and you need to take responsibility for your actions.
答案be responsible for
5.         the English class,I took an active part in after-class English activities.
答案Apart from
6.If we are to             in life,it’s vital that we (should) begin with small things.
答案make a difference
7.           ,humans developed a range of character types that still exists today.
答案As a result
8.        some time each day to practice speaking English,even if it is only five minutes.
答案Set aside
9.Eventually I      and accepted the job on their terms.
答案gave in
10.Would it be convenient for you to       my son at four o’clock at the airport
答案pick up
主题语境:人与社会 语篇类型:记叙文
There’s no doubt that Dolly Parton knows how to light up a stage;however,she’s also spent a number of decades trying to bring a spark to children’s education.
Through programs such as the Buddy Program and the Imagination Library,the American singer is sharing her passion for giving kids a better chance in life across the states and further in the UK,Australia,Canada and Ireland.
Among other charity efforts,Parton was inspired to introduce the Buddy Program after seeing the alarming dropout rate in her hometown of Sevierville,Tennessee,in 1990.That year 34% of schoolkids dropped out of high school—a decision they reached around fifth or sixth grade.The figures were so shocking that Parton decided to inspire kids with her new program.So,in the same year,she invited the fifth and sixth graders to her amusement park,Dollywood.She gathered the pupils and asked them to pair up with a friend as part of a motivating buddy system.If both children went on to graduate,she said she would offer them both a $500 check as a reward.That year the percentage of kids abandoning their education dropped to an unbelievable 6%,and continues to be around that rate today.
It was after the success of the Buddy Program that Parton wanted to address the issue of early education even further.To help give kids from disadvantaged backgrounds a better chance at school,the singer started her Imagination Library in 1995.Over the following 25 years the program has seen babies and toddlers enjoy new books every month thanks to her generosity.
And the singer shows no sign of stopping.In 2020,she donated $1 million to Vanderbilt University to try and help research in the fight against COVID -19.
【语篇解读】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了歌手Dolly Parton通过Buddy Program和Imagination Library等项目,为美国以及英国、澳大利亚、加拿大和爱尔兰的孩子们提供更好的生活机会的故事。
1.What gave rise to the setting up of the Buddy Program
A.Lack of charity activities.
B.The alarming rate of social crimes.
C.Children’s poor living conditions.
D.The great number of children quitting school.
解析推理判断题。根据第三段中的“Among other charity efforts,Parton was inspired to introduce the Buddy Program after seeing the alarming dropout rate in her hometown of Sevierville,Tennessee,in 1990.”可知,是大量的孩子辍学促使Buddy Program项目建立。
2.Through the Buddy Program,what did Dolly Parton do to help
A.She sponsored high schools.
B.She offered money to dropouts.
C.She encouraged learning in pairs.
D.She organized amusement activities.
解析细节理解题。根据第三段中的“She gathered the pupils and asked them to pair up with a friend as part of a motivating buddy system.If both children went on to graduate,she said she would offer them both a $500 check as a reward.”可知,在Buddy Program项目中,Dolly Parton通过鼓励学生结对学习来帮助他们。
3.In what way did the Imagination Library contribute to education
A.It offered a chance for children to go to school.
B.It appealed to the public to value education.
C.It helped build libraries all over the country.
D.It donated books to those less fortunate children.
解析细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中的“Over the following 25 years the program has seen babies and toddlers enjoy new books every month thanks to her generosity.(在接下来的25年里,由于她的慷慨,婴儿和学步儿童每个月都能读到新书)”可知,想象力图书馆对教育的贡献是捐赠书籍给那些不幸的孩子。
4.Which of the following words can best describe Dolly Parton
A.Inspiring and generous.
B.Courageous and kind.
C.Reliable and honest.
D.Smart and patient.
解析推理判断题。通读全文可知,Dolly Parton通过公益活动来鼓舞孩子们继续教育,同时还慷慨创办图书馆,让儿童可以每个月读到新书,所以她是个鼓舞人心且慷慨大方的人。

To encourage students to take exercise and relax their mind,we’re going to organize a mountain-climbing activity on April 10.
We’re to gather at the school gate and start off at 7:20 a.m.by bus and get back at 7:00 p.m.We’ll climb Mountain Tai in the morning,at the top of which we’ll have a picnic at noon.In the afternoon we’ll be divided into groups and have some free time.
Remember to take photos and keep a record for the photo exhibition or the essay contest to be held later at our school.Besides,take your lunch and drinking water with you.
Our friendship runs back to our college days when I first met Rishi.We had our own share of “first impression” about each other.Mine was—she’s a lovely,charming and full of life personality.Hers was—I look like an arrogant(傲慢的) personality.I don’t blame her for this.Many of my close friends had the same view when they first met me.Blame it on my bitch face and me being a shy person to some extent.
We became really close within a short period of time.Ours was a group of four people divided into 2 each during our final year when we both chose advertising as our specialization and the other two chose journalism.Back then,I was a regular user of BBM messenger and hardly used Whatsapp.
On one specific occasion,we had really bad argument about a failed project.The usual blame game was on.We decided to put it past us and focus on our studies.During this time,she once handed me her phone to show me a picture.While I was going through that,I came across a message from a particular Whatsapp group that comprises of her and my other two friends.I asked her permission to view the group.She had a blank expression on her face.But she allowed me to go ahead.
I was in shock while going through their messages.Not really positive things were said about me in particular.It shook me.Because these were the people I considered my friends.I broke down in front of her.She apologised.But I felt cheated on.I told her about my decision of not wanting to continue this friendship further.We both missed each other.But neither of us wanted to give the last try.
Then came the Rajasthan Ⅳ trip which was our official last trip.

It’s been almost 7 years after graduation since we picked up our friendship.

Then came the Rajasthan Ⅳ trip which was our official last trip.I hanged out with my other friends while she with the other two girls.I wasn’t enjoying this trip at all,which she could make out.When she saw me approaching the common washroom,she followed me in and shut the door.I didn’t know how to react.She gave me a tight hug and broke down.My tears were also out of control.We knew we both wanted to be in each other’s company.We promised to grow mature and let it not affect our friendship.
It’s been almost 7 years after graduation since we picked up our friendship.She’s one of the few people I really count on in my life.She’s been with me through all my struggles,helping me constantly to grow into a better individual.So have I.The only learning from our relationship is—if someone is meant to be in your life,they will ensure they stay around some way or the other.Willingness to keep a relationship should come from both the sides.Section B Grammar and usage & Integrated skills
1.Many people are confused about all the different      (标签) on food these days.
2.It is said that previous teaching experience is a necessary      (资格) for this job.
3.He was speaking to an audience of students at the       (机构) for International Affairs.
4.Much of the      (基础工作) has already been done.
5.You can use a      (名录) service to search for people on the Internet.
6.Try to avoid being      (主观的) and one-sided when looking at problems.
7.Goods should be supplied within 28 days after the      (收到) of your order.
8.The company has indeed become more      (商业化的) over the past decade.
Parents may           whether their children should go home or stay for the summer camp.
答案weigh up
By making such an unusual film,he has really put his reputation                .
答案on the line
The emergency services                as soon as the news of accident reached them.
答案swung into action
You’d better                  your study at the beginning of the new term.
答案make plans for
              your efforts and write down how you feel.
答案Keep track of
The movie is so interesting that it will           adults as well as children.
答案appeal to
It is very significant for teachers to                into teaching language.
答案do some research
You                Chinese culture,especially the local operas.
答案are familiar with
主题语境:人与自我 语篇类型:说明文
Want to Be Happy at Work Care Less About It
A friend recently told me that she was ready to quit her job,explaining to me that there were big changes at her workplace and no way she could perform all her tasks on time. 1 
For many of us introverts(内向的人),our professional efforts and results are a reflection of ourselves and our dedication to our employer.Because we aren’t the social butterflies of the office,we feel a need to prove to our superiors that we are smart,hard-working,and dependable.For people like me and my close-to-quitting friend,the concept of giving anything less than our best doesn’t cross our mind.
 2 We are disappointed and frustrated when we can’t always achieve those standards.
It’s great to make a difference at work,but you have to take care of yourself first.Putting in slightly less effort in times of high stress doesn’t mean you don’t care about your job. 3 Consider this saying:The perfect is the enemy of the good.When you reduce the pressure on yourself to attain perfection,you can flow more quickly and easily through your tasks. 4 
Here is my advice for you when you find yourself in the midst of panic.
First,ask yourself:what’s the worst that will happen if I miss a deadline by one day
 5  Write down the specific tasks that are causing the feelings of stress.Talk it out with a friend or family members.You might discover that the situation isn’t as horrible as you thought.By approaching your tasks one at a time you can make real progress.
A.We set high standards for ourselves.
B.It means you care about yourself more.
C.The pressure on yourself should ‘t be ignored.
D.You might achieve more when you care less.
E.As her friend who’d been in a similar situation,I wanted to help.
F.Next,slow down and analyze what,precisely,is stressing you out.
G.Freedom from the weight of perfection can be creatively liberating.
1.E 文章首段叙述作者的一个朋友准备辞职和辞职的原因,故E项符合语境。
2.A 下文写到“当我们不能总是达到那些标准时,我们感到失望和沮丧”。A项符合行文逻辑。
3.B 上句表示“在压力很大的时候,减少一点点努力并不意味着你不关心你的工作”,故B项符合要求。
4.G 根据上文中的信息词 perfect以及 perfection可知,G项符合语境。
5.F 上文介绍了作者的第一条建议,故F项符合行文逻辑。
主题语境:人与自我 语篇类型:记叙文
My decision to turn our old two-story home into a new one with three more rooms met with some objections. 1 ,empty nesters in their sixties weren’t supposed to need a(n)  2  house.
When my husband’s doctor laid out the  3  of what our life would be like as his illness  4 ,I saw our future die.But I knew I wasn’t going to be able to  5  living in our home the way it had been.I decided to  6  a new life for us by myself.
When my designer and I put the plans together,I was  7  for the work to begin.I was blessed with a talented and capable contractor who  8  the difficult building and hired the night crews—many who,over the eight months of  9 ,became friends of mine.
We lived on site throughout the whole process—I wanted to  10  my dream being built.My new home has now  11  a palace,where not only for me but for my family and friends,new  12  are made on a weekly basis.
I’ve come to realize there are  13  for women of a certain age who are alone.I want to  14  from the top of my new  15  to anyone who will listen:Do not wait.Just do it.
1.A.Finally       B.Obviously
C.Consequently D.Similarly
解析根据下文“empty nesters in their sixties weren’t supposed to need a(n)...”可知,显然(obviously)60多岁的“空巢老人”不需要更大的房子。
2.A.adequate B.necessary
C.brighter D.larger
3.A.project B.meeting
C.picture D.line
解析根据下文“of what our life would be like”可知,此处指医生在描述作者他们未来生活的图像,lay out the picture of意为 “描绘……的图像”。
4.A.advanced B.failed
C.started D.escaped
解析根据“as his illness    ,I saw our future die”可知,随着丈夫的病情发展(advanced),他们将没有未来。
5.A.finish B.quit
C.imagine D.continue
解析根据下文“living in our home the way it had been”可知,这里指继续像以前那样住在家里,continue符合语境。
6.A.inspect B.search
C.create D.face
解析根据下文“a new life for us by myself”并结合下文作者改造房子可知,作者想自己创造(create)一个新生活。
7.A.eager B.generous
C.patient D.fortunate
解析根据下文“for the work to begin”可知,作者渴望改造工作开始。be eager for“渴望……”。
8.A.put up B.took on
C.turned down D.showed off
解析根据“I was blessed with a talented and capable contractor who    the difficult building”可知,此处指承包商接手了(took on)改造作者家这份困难的工作。
9.A.debate B.research
C.contribution D.construction
10.A.watch B.realize
C.show D.keep
解析根据上文“We lived on site throughout the whole process”可知,作者住在施工现场的目的是看(watch)着自己的梦想成真。
11.A.bought B.become
C.designed D.meant
解析根据上下文“My new home has now    a palace”可知,此处指新家成了(become)一座宫殿。
12.A.decisions B.decorations
C.memories D.attractions
13.A.expectations B.positions
C.invitations D.introductions
14.A.write B.jump
C.skip D.shout
解析根据下文的“who will listen:Do not wait.Just do it.”可知,作者是想站在屋顶上大喊(shout):不要等待,立即行动起来。
15.A.voice B.house
C.mountain D.town
解析呼应上文“My new home has now become a palace”可知,这里指作者的新房子(house)的房顶。
主题语境:人与社会 语篇类型:记叙文
Going to Mount Huangshan reminds me of the popular Beatles’ song “The Long and Winding Road”.1.      is so breathtaking about the experience is the out-of-this-world scenes.The rolling sea of clouds you see once you are at the top will remind you how tiny we 2.     (human) are.
The hot spring at the foot of the mountain is something you must try after the climb.It will 3.(undoubted) help you get refreshed!The amazing thing about the spring is that the colder the temperature gets,the 4.     (hot) the spring!Strange,isn’t it But that’s how nature is—always leaving us 5.     (astonish).
What comes next is the endless series of steps.You can’t help wondering how hard it 6.     (be) for the people then to put all those rocks into place.Though it is the only unnatural thing on your way up the mountain,still it highlights the whole adventure 7.      offers a place where you can sit down to rest your 8.     (ache) legs.
As the song goes,this long and winding road “will never disappear”,and it will always stick in the visitor’s memory.It sure does in 9.     (I).While you’re in China,Mount Huangshan is 10.      must to visit!
1.What 考查主语从句。分析句子结构可知,本句中的“    is so breathtaking about the experience”为主语从句,主语从句中缺少主语,故填What。
2.humans 考查名词。句意:当你在山顶时,你看到的滚滚云海会提醒你,我们人类是多么渺小。分析句子结构可知,此处需要用humans作we的同位语。
3.undoubtedly 考查副词。结合句子结构可知,此处应用副词undoubtedly修饰动词help。
4.hotter 考查形容词比较级。句意:温泉的奇妙之处在于,温度越低,泉水越热!此处为“the+比较级...,the+比较级...”结构,表示“越……,越……”。
5.astonished 考查形容词。leave us astonished表示“使我们感到惊讶”,本句中的astonished为形容词作宾语补足语,对us的状态进行解释和说明。
6.was 考查动词时态和主谓一致。句意:你不禁会想,对当时的人们来说,把那些石头放到适当的位置是多么的困难。根据句意及时间状语then可知,此处应该用一般过去时,且由于主语为it,故填was。
7.and 考查连词。设空处后的offers与前面的highlights并列作谓语,故填and。
8.aching 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,此处应该用aching修饰名词legs,表示“疼痛的腿”。
9.mine 考查代词。句意:正如歌中所唱,这条漫长而曲折的道路“永远不会消失”,它将永远留在游客的记忆中。它也肯定会留在我的记忆里。结合句意可知,此处表示“我的记忆中”,故用名词性物主代词mine,相当于my memory。
10.a 考查冠词。句意:当你在中国的时候,黄山是必到之地!此处在must前加冠词a表示“一件必须做的事”。第三单元测评
(时间:120分钟 满分:150分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
M:I’m looking for a plain blue sweater.
W:How about this one
M:Yes,that’s nice.Could I try it on
W:Certainly.The fitting rooms are over there.
1.Where does the conversation take place
A.At a store. B.At a gym. C.At home.
M:Donna,have you booked the flight to London for me
W:Sure,Bill.Do you need a ride to the airport I can do it.
M:No,thanks.I will park my car at the airport.
2.What does Donna offer to do for Bill
A.Book a flight for him.
B.Drive him to the airport.
C.Help him park the car.
M:I used to eat in that restaurant for years.They did make the best Italian food in the town.
W:But you have never been there since they changed the cook.
3.What can we know about the restaurant
A.Its owner is from Italy.
B.It has changed the cook.
C.It’s the most famous one in the town.
W:Two tickets for tomorrow evening’s film,please.
M:What time will you come,Madam At 7:00 pm or 9:00 pm
W:At 7:00.I want to go to bed before 10:00 pm.
4.When will the woman’s film begin
A.At 7 pm. B.At 9 pm. C.At 10 pm.
W:Here you are finally.Why are you so late The meeting has been on for half an hour.
M:I’m sorry.I was just about to leave when my neighbour came.I had to drive his sick son to the hospital immediately.
5.Who is sick
A.The man’s son.
B.The neighbour.
C.The neighbour’s son.
W:Peter,do you hear that strange noise
M:Yes,I have noticed it for a while.It seems to be coming from the motor.
W:What shall we do
M:I have no idea.Maybe we should stop and have a check.
W:You’re quite right.Just here,at the parking lot.
M:Oh,it’s burning hot.Water has run out.
W:Is the motor all right
M:I think it’s OK.Thank goodness! But we’d better wait till the motor cools down and I’ll go and get some water.
6.Why do the speakers stop the car
A.They both feel thirsty.
B.They arrive at the parking lot.
C.They hear something strange.
7.What’s wrong with the car
A.The oil has run out.
B.The motor is out of work.
C.There’s no water in the tank.
W:Hello,Helen Smith speaking.Can I help you
M:Hello,this is David.Could I speak to Mike,please
W:I’m afraid he’s not available at the moment.Would you leave a message
M:Yes.I’m calling to cancel a meeting we scheduled for this afternoon.
W:Okay.Let me take this down.Could I have your name again
M:Certainly.It’s David Stone.
8.Why does David want to speak to Mike
A.To invite him to a party.
B.To call off a meeting.
C.To discuss a schedule.
9.What do we know about the speakers
A.They are colleagues.
B.They are close friends.
C.They’ve never met before.
W:Good morning,sir,what can I do for you
M:Yes.I’m looking for a flat to rent.
W:How much do you want to pay
M:About 1,000 yuan a month.
W:We have got one here on Beijing Road.It’s 850 yuan a month.
M:How big is it
W:It has a kitchen,a bathroom and a bedroom.
M:Well,actually,I’d prefer something bigger if that’s possible.
W:Yes,I think so.Here’s a more suitable one.It’s opposite the park.
M:How much is it
W:It’s 400 yuan a month.It’s the biggest flat we have got in this area.
M:What’s it like
W:There are two bedrooms,a sitting room,a kitchen and a bathroom.
M:It sounds very well.Can I go and see it
W:Of course,sir.
10.Why does the man refuse the first flat
A.It’s too small.
B.It’s too expensive.
C.It’s too far.
11.What does the man want to do
A.Buy a flat.
B.Rent a house.
C.Look for a park.
12.Where is the biggest flat in this area
A.On Beijing Road.
B.Opposite the park.
C.Next to the park.
W:Hi,I’m Sarah.
M:Hello,Sarah.My name’s Ricky.
W:Hi Ricky.Are you a new student here
M:Yes,I just had my first lesson this morning.Are you a new student too
W:No.I’ve been here for a year.
M:A year That’s a long time.
W:Yes,it is.I went through three months of language training after I first arrived in this college,and now I’m a psychology student here.Today I’ve come to visit my teacher in the language centre.How long have you been here
M:Only a week.
W:Oh,not long.Where do you live,with a family
M:Yes,I’m staying with a retired couple at the moment.They’re very nice,but I’m looking for a new place where I can hang out with more people of my age.Do you know of any good places
W:Yes.Actually,my friend John has a spare room in his apartment.And he is looking for a roommate.Would you like his phone number
M:That would be great! Thanks for your help.
13.What’s the relationship between the speakers
A.Good friends.
B.Fellow students.
14.When did Sarah start college
A.A year ago.
B.Three months ago.
C.A week ago.
15.Why does Ricky want to move
A.He wants younger company.
B.He wants to be near college.
C.He doesn’t get along with the host family.
16.What will Ricky probably do next
A.Visit a teacher.
B.Hang out with friends.
C.Give John a phone call.
Hello,everyone.Today I’m going to talk about small talk,that is,short conversations people often have with strangers they meet.Such exchanges occur at bus stops,on buses,while waiting in line,almost anywhere that strangers gather close together.As a matter of fact,these short conversations are a good way for people to say hello and express friendliness.Such conversations usually cover a wide range of topics.The topics may include weather,customer service,movies,TV shows,local sports or the latest news.But you should always keep it in your mind that private questions about salaries,family life,religious beliefs and politics should be avoided during these conversations.Besides,it’s better to ask open-ended questions.If you ask visitors,“Do you like
our city ” They may say simply,“Yes”.On the other hand,if you ask,“What do you think of our city ” They will have more freedom in answering.This type of question also shows that you are interested in them.If you appear interested in what people are saying,they’d feel more comfortable talking with you.
17.Who would like to make small talk according to the speaker
18.Why do people have small talk
A.To express opinions.
B.To avoid arguments.
C.To show friendliness.
19.Which of the following is a frequent topic in small talk
A.Politics. B.Movies. C.Salaries.
20.What does the speaker recommend at the end of his lecture
A.Asking open-ended questions.
B.Feeling free to change topics.
C.Making small talk interesting.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
The Bureau of Labor Statistics recommends some high-paying jobs.
Construction and Building Inspector
Construction and building inspectors inspect construction sites and buildings to make sure that the structures meet all requirements.Many construction and building inspectors have a certificate from a local or community college,although others have a two-year associate’s degree instead.
Salary:about $70,710 per year
Web Developer
Web developers design and develop websites.They create the look of the site and handle the website’s performance,speed,and capacity.Web developers might work for computer system design companies,or for marketing firms or departments,or be self-employed.While some web developers have an associate’s degree in web design,others have a certificate in web development instead.
Salary:about $63,760 per year
Architectural and Civil Drafter
An architectural and civil drafter creates drawings of the structural features of buildings,or creates maps of civil engineering projects.Most drafters have training in computer-aided design and drafting (CADD),engineering,mechanical drawing,and other design and engineering skills.This training can be from a certificate program,a two-year program,or even a four-year program.
Salary:about $56,830 per year
Sheet Metal Worker
A sheet metal worker constructs and/or installs products made of thin sheet metal.This work might involve measuring and marking dimensions on sheets,drilling holes in sheets,carrying large sheets,and so on.Sheet metal workers learn their work through a certificate program from a technical school.
Salary:about $50,400 per year
21.Which job provides the highest income according to the text
A.Construction and Building Inspector.
B.Web Developer.
C.Architectural and Civil Drafter.
D.Sheet Metal Worker.
解析细节理解题。根据每一节中Salary部分的内容可知,第一份工作的收入“每年70 710美元”,第二份工作“每年63 760美元”,第三份工作“每年56 830美元”,第四份工作“每年50 400美元”,对比可知,第一份工作的年收入最高。
22.What is special about web developers
A.They inspect websites.
B.They are good at marketing.
C.They can be self-employed.
D.They need CADD training.
解析细节理解题。根据 Web Developer 的介绍中“Web developers might work for computer system design companies,or for marketing firms or departments,or be self-employed.”可知,网络开发人员的特色是可以自主创业。
23.What common requirement do the jobs have
A.Engineering skills.
B.Computer knowledge.
C.A certificate or a degree.
D.Technical school experience.
A young Dutch inventor is widening his effort to clean up floating (浮动的) plastic from the Pacific Ocean.He has developed a floating device (设备) to trap plastic waste moving into rivers before it reaches the oceans.
Boyan Slat was just 18 years old when he invented a system for catching waste in the ocean.He also founded an environmental group called “The Ocean Cleanup”.Its purpose is to develop the system.Last year,Slat showed the next step:a floating device called interceptor.It removes plastic out of rivers.The device is powered by energy from the sun.“The 1,000 rivers are responsible for about 80% of plastic going into the world’s oceans,” said Slat.Three of the machines have already been used.Each machine costs about $775,660,but the cost might drop as production increases.
Since they were used,the machines have been doing very well,collecting the plastic bottles and all the rubbish in the rivers.According to Slat,it is necessary to close “the tap”,which means preventing more plastic from reaching the ocean in the first place.He wanted to clean them all in the next five years.“This is not going to be easy,but if we do get this done,we could truly make our oceans again,” said Slat.
The device is designed to be safe in rivers.Its nose is shaped to change directions to keep it away from larger floating things.It works by guiding plastic waste into an opening in the front of the device.The waste is then carried inside the machine where it is dropped into containers.The device sends a text message to local operators that can come and empty it when it is full.
24.What do we know about Interceptor
A.It is being under test.
B.It can help sort waste.
C.It needs solar power to work.
D.It is mainly used in the oceans.
解析细节理解题。根据第二段中的“The device is powered by energy from the sun.”可知,这台设备是以太阳能为动力的。
25.What does “the tap” in Paragraph 3 refer to
A.The rivers. B.The machines.
C.The oceans. D.The interceptors.
解析词义猜测题。根据第三段中的“...collecting the plastic bottles and all the rubbish in the rivers.According to Slat,it is necessary to close ‘the tap’,which means preventing more plastic from reaching the ocean in the first place.”可知,斯莱特认为减少河里的垃圾,就能阻止垃圾进入海洋。由此猜测,“the tap”指的是上游的河流。
26.What’s the function of the device’s nose
A.To empty the waste.
B.To serve as containers.
C.To ensure the device’s safety.
D.To send operators text messages.
解析细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“The device is designed to be safe in rivers.Its nose is shaped to change directions to keep it away from larger floating things.”可知,鼻子的作用是确保装置的安全。
27.Where is the text most likely from
A.A diary. B.A guidebook.
C.A novel D.A magazine.
Children are now more likely to want to work in social media or gaming than traditional careers.According to a new survey,many from seven to 11-year-olds are looking at modern technology when they think about future jobs,rather than professions such as police officer or doctor.
The survey involved 13,000 UK primary school children.They were asked to draw pictures of the job they wanted to do when they grow up and then tell the reasons.It concluded that children’s career aspirations (志向)are often based on factors such as gender stereotypes (性别角色定型)or what they’ve seen in the media,TV and film.
“For more and more children and young people,online celebrities and YouTube gaming video bloggers have taken the place of TV and movie stars,”the report said.“It could be argued that this is due to the growing fame and attraction of YouTube and video blogging stars,who are especially popular among younger audiences.Also,this may also speak to children’s present worlds.
Many from seven to 11-year-olds will spend their time gaming and perhaps at the same time watching celebrity gaming bloggers instructing them how to do it.”
The survey found that 5% of children wanted to be in the police,with the same percentage on becoming doctors.A gender breakdown shows the top job choice for girls was teacher (19%),followed by vet (11%) and sportswoman (9%) and police (8%).
This highlights the pressing need for closer ties between employers and schools,to ensure that all children can have role models in a wide range of fields to help them develop an awareness of career choices at an early age.“This is vital to ensure that all children—regardless of gender and backgrounds—can fulfill their full potential.”
28.What is the traditional career choice,according to the passage
A.Police officer.
B.Online celebrity.
C.Professional game-player.
D.Video blogger.
解析细节理解题。根据第一段第二句“According to a new survey,many from seven to 11-year-olds are looking at modern technology when they think about future jobs,rather than professions such as police officer or doctor.”可知,警察和医生是传统的职业选择。
29.What’s the favourite thing children from seven to eleven love to do according to the survey
A.Play games and watch popular TV series.
B.Participate in various sports in order to be sportsmen or sportswomen.
C.Study hard and make great efforts to become teachers and police officers.
D.Play games and watch celebrity gaming bloggers instructing them how to do it.
解析细节理解题。根据第四段“Many from seven to 11-year-olds will spend their time gaming and perhaps at the same time watching celebrity gaming bloggers instructing them how to do it.”可知,D项符合题意。
30.What’s the purpose of the survey
A.To strengthen the importance of studying hard.
B.To give children more advice to choose future careers.
C.To give parents some suggestions to educate their children.
D.To stress the importance of ties between employers and schools.
解析推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句“This highlights the pressing need for closer ties between employers and schools”可知,这个调查的目的是强调加强雇主和学校之间的联系的重要性。
31.In which column can you probably read the article
A.Science. B.Education.
C.Sports. D.Culture.
Imagine a world where you move around in front of a personal computer in your own sound space.You listen to your favorite songs,play loud computer games or watch a movie—all without other people hearing the sound.That is the possibility presented by “sound beaming,” a new technology from Noveto Systems,an Israeli company.
On Friday,the company presented a desktop device that sends sound directly to a listener without the need for headphones or a special receiver.Noveto Systems gave The Associated Press (AP) a chance to test its Sound Beamer 1.0 before its debut.The AP’s Louise Dixon writes that listening to the device is like something from a science fiction movie.The sound seems so close that it feels like it is inside your ears while also in front,above and behind them.
Noveto expects the device will have many uses.Office workers could listen to music or conference calls without others hearing.People could play a game,a movie or music without waking up others in the same room.Because the device does not use headphones,it is possible to hear other sounds in the room clearly.
The device uses a 3D technology that finds and follows the ear position of the listener.It sends ultrasonic waves (超声波) to create sound pockets by the user’s ears.Sound can be heard in stereo or 3D.The 3D method creates sound on all sides of the listener.By changing a setting,the sound can follow a listener around when they move their head.It also is possible to move out of the sound beam’s path and hear nothing at all.
While the idea of sound beaming is not new,Noveto was the first to launch the technology.Its chief executive officer Christophe Ramstein said a smaller version of the device will be ready for release to consumers next year.
32.What do we know about Sound Beamer
A.It’s a device appearing in the science fiction movie.
B.Listeners got its sound through a receiver.
C.It can prevent other sound being heard.
D.The smaller one will be on market next year.
解析细节理解题。根据最后一段最后一句“Its chief executive officer Christophe Ramstein said a smaller version of the device will be ready for release to consumers next year.” 可知,这款设备的小尺寸版本将于明年向消费者推出,故选D项。
33.What does the underlined word “debut” in Paragraph 2 mean
A.New version. B.First appearance.
C.Another failure. D.Some doubt.
解析词义猜测题。根据本句“Noveto Systems gave The Associated Press (AP) a chance to test its Sound Beamer 1.0 before its debut.”可知,应该是在它同大众见面之前要进行测试。由此猜测debut意为“首次亮相”,与First appearance同义。
34.What does the fourth paragraph tell us
A.How the device works.
B.How to use the device.
C.The device’s advantage.
D.Why the device is invented.
35.What is the text mainly about
A.The introduction of a new device—sound beamer.
B.The usage of 3D technology.
C.The influence brought by sound beamer.
D.3D technology and listening experience.
Bill Gates started Microsoft when he was 19 and has since become one of the world’s wealthiest people.Mark Zuckerberg owns one of the most highly-valued tech companies in America.Steve Jobs founded Apple in his garage.What do these three people have in common  36  In fact,there are countless others who have started successful businesses without first earning a bachelor’s degree.
 37  The short answer is “YES”,despite the fact that it is possible to succeed without a degree.But the longer answer is that succeeding without a degree—especially to the level that Gates,Zuckerberg,and Jobs did—is the exception,not the general rule. 38 
Let’s look at some statistics.Through 2021,there will be 55 million job openings in America. 39  Even when a job does not require it,91 percent of jobs actually go to people who have one.
Needless to say,people with bachelor’s degrees are more likely to be employed and have a higher paying job.Hence,they are more financially secure.Of course,financial security is not everything. 40  The people you meet in college will become part of an institutional support network that you can later call upon for work advancements,guiding programs,and additional skill-building prospects.
A.None of them finished college.
B.What does a college degree ensure you
C.There’s more to a degree than earning potential.
D.Success starts the day they get bachelor’s degrees.
E.Is a college degree still necessary in today’s world
F.75 percent of those will require a bachelor’s degree.
G.For most people,earning a bachelor’s degree still gives them clear advantages.
36.A 根据上文“What do these three people have in common ”可知,A项“他们都没有读完大学”是对上文的回答。
37.E 根据后文“The short answer is ‘YES’”(简短的回答是“是的”)可知,上文是一个问句,E项“在当今世界,大学学位仍然是必要的吗 ”符合语境。
38.G 上文提到没有学位的成功是例外,不是普遍规律,说明对于大多数人来说,获得大学学位是有必要的。故G项“对于大多数人来说,获得大学学位仍然给他们带来明显的优势”符合语境。
39.F 根据上文“Let’s look at some statistics.Through 2021,there will be 55 million job openings in America.”以及后文“Even when a job does not require it,91 percent of jobs actually go to people who have one.”可知,本段主要在说明美国的工作普遍要求有大学学位,F项中those指代上文中55 million job openings。
40.C 上文提到拥有大学学位在经济上更有保障,后文则提到大学遇到的人将来可以寻求他们的支持,说明学位带来的除了赚钱的潜力,还有其他的东西。故C项“除了赚钱的潜力,学位还有更多的东西”符合语境。
第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
I have been going to the same day camp since the fourth grade.It’s a(n)  41  camp called Center for Talented Youth (CTY).For three years I  42  a food science course,fantasy writing course and forensic(法医的) science course.Afterwards,I  43 to do the three-week sleep away  44  at a real-life college campus.
I desired to take an essay writing class,only  45  at a college in Upstate New York called Sycamore College.So,I flew to New York alone and  46  to get myself to the Albany airport,which requires a flight transfer.I was very nervous to be away from my parents and my dog for three whole  47  but I was also all excited.
 48  typical summer camps full of outdoor “fun”,CTY is truly a camp for nerds (书虫) with  49  after class such as “Star Wars battle with pool noodles” and “Harry Potter Jeopardy”.I fell in love with Sycamore’s  50  in Saratoga Springs,New York,a tiny town I had never heard of,and didn’t even  51  the time passing.Every Friday night,there was camp-wide dance,where we all  52  in the nicest clothes we packed,shoved ourselves into a steamy college gym decorated with a few  53  and danced for hours.
What I regret most is the  54  that due to the epidemic,I will never be able to return to  55 .My first year,although I didn’t know it,would be my last.
41.A.typical B.artistic
C.academic D.private
解析根据下文“For three years I    a food science course,fantasy writing course and forensic science course.”可知,CTY是一个学术(academic)夏令营。
42.A.retook B.advertised
C.offered D.attended
解析根据下文的“a food science course,fantasy writing course and forensic science course”可知,这里指参加(attended)课程。
43.A.attempted B.agreed
C.decided D.fought
解析根据“to do the three-week sleep away”可知,作者决定(decided)在现实生活中的大学校园里进行为期三周的“宿睡版”。
44.A.version B.service
C.work D.sum
解析根据“three-week sleep away”可知,是为期三周的“宿睡版”。version意为“版本”,符合语境。
45.A.available B.appropriate
C.legal D.digital
解析available“可获得的”;appropriate“恰当的”;legal“合法的”;digital“数字的”。根据下文“So,I flew to New York alone and    to get myself to the Albany airport,which requires a flight transfer.”可知,这门论文写作课只在纽约州北部的梧桐树学院开设。
46.A.happened B.deserved
C.determined D.managed
解析根据“I flew to New York alone”和“which requires a flight transfer”可知,作者一个人飞到纽约,设法把自己送到奥尔巴尼机场。manage to do“设法做某事”。
47.A.quarters B.months
C.weeks D.years
解析根据上文“Afterwards,I    to do the three-week sleep away    at a real-life college campus.”可知,作者要离开父母和狗整整三个星期。此处weeks为同词复现。
48.A.For B.Unlike
C.Except D.Through
解析根据“typical summer camps full of outdoor ‘fun’,CTY is truly a camp for nerds (书虫)”可知,CTY是一个真正的书呆子夏令营,不像(unlike)典型的充满户外“乐趣”的夏令营。
49.A.activities B.novels
C.series D.plays
解析根据下文“such as ‘Star Wars battle with pool noodles’ and ‘Harry Potter Jeopardy’”可知,此处指活动(activities)。
50.A.flat B.campus
C.town D.gym
解析根据上文“at a real-life college campus”和“only    at a college in Upstate New York called Sycamore College”可知,作者爱上了Sycamore在纽约萨拉托加斯普林斯的校园(campus)。此处campus为同词复现。
51.A.leave B.catch
C.stop D.feel
解析上文提到作者爱上了这个校园,结合下文的“the time passing”可知,作者甚至没有感觉(feel)时间在流逝。
52.A.turned around B.dressed up
C.held on D.stood by
解析根据“there was camp-wide dance”和“in the nicest clothes”可知,作者参加全营的舞会要穿着(dressed up)最好的衣服。
53.A.balloons B.books
C.camps D.essays
解析根据“a steamy college gym decorated with”可知,闷热的大学体育馆装饰着一些气球(balloons)。
54.A.idea B.rule
C.fact D.belief
解析根据“the epidemic”可知,作者最遗憾的是由于传染流行病而再不能回到夏令营这个事实(fact)。
55.A.school B.camp
C.home D.normal
解析根据上文提到的“CTY is truly a camp”可知,此处指由于传染流行病爆发,作者再也不能回到这个夏令营(camp)。camp为同词复现。
Living in a city can be 56.      (stress).But some people in Bogota,Colombia have found a place to help ease stress and get 57.      peaceful break from busy life.The place is a protected park for hummingbirds.
The park 58.      (sit) at the top of Monserrate Hill,east of the city,in a place 59. (know) as the Paramuno corridor.The area contains a forest that has turned into a peaceful place for both people and birds.As the hummingbirds fly from flower 60.      flower,some people study the animals through binoculars (望远镜).Others capture pictures with cameras or phones.
“Sometimes it doesn’t seem real because we are close to a city of eight million inhabitants (居民) 61.      make noise every day,” said Camilo Cantor,a caretaker in the park.His job is 62. (mix) water and sugar that is put in bird 63.      (feeder) along a 300-meter path.
“Visitors to the park can see between 25 to 35 different species of birds,” Cantor said.Ten years ago,the hill was completely deforested,64. (mean) there were not any trees left on it.
But workers began to replant local trees and flowers to bring the forest back to life.65. (present),there are 115 species of birds,including 18 kinds of hummingbirds and some migratory ones.
56.stressful 考查形容词。所填的词位于be之后作表语,所以用形容词形式,故填stressful。
57.a 考查冠词。前有形容词peaceful修饰名词break,空处填冠词修饰名词,表泛指,故填a。
58.sits 考查动词时态和主谓一致。主语the park,时态为一般现在时,所以填sits。
59.known 考查非谓语动词。根据句子结构可知,a place与动词know构成逻辑上的动宾关系,所以用过去分词作后置定语。
60.to 考查介词。from...to“从……到……”。
61.that/who 考查定语从句。根据句子结构可知,此处是限制性定语从句。先行词是inhabitants,关系词在定语从句中作主语,故填that/who。
62.to mix 考查非谓语动词。句子的主语是his job,句子是主系表结构,所以用动词不定式作表语。
63.feeders 考查名词的数。feeder“饲养槽,进食器”是可数名词,前面没有单数修饰语,所以用复数形式。
64.meaning 考查非谓语动词。所填的词是非谓语动词。主语和mean是逻辑上的主动关系,所以填meaning。
65.Presently 考查副词。所填的词修饰整个句子,所以用副词形式。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
2.参考词汇:大扫除thorough cleaning
Civilized Campus Starts From Me
Civilized Campus Starts From Me
Aimed at enhancing the students’ awareness of labour,a thorough cleaning themed on Civilized Campus Starts From Me was organized by our school last Sunday.
With great passion,all the students in our school got involved in various work,ranging from cleaning the dining hall,arranging books in the library to cleaning up the garbage at campus.With our joint efforts,the campus soon took on a new look.Tired though we were,we were in high spirits.
Not only did we obtain a brand-new insight into the meaning of labour,but we would cherish the fruits of others’ labour.
Paul and Marie lived in Hossegor,a fashionable seaside resort (度假村) on the Atlantic coast of southern France.They were both in their late fifties.She had dark eyes and black hair while he was a little taller,with gray eyes.
They started a small company when they were young.Through many years of hard work,they established themselves against strong competition.They always worked many hours every day together in their office,often until late into the night,even on weekends,knowing that only very good work would provide them with loyal customers and success.
After years,they were able to buy a pretty little apartment in a modern building with a balcony (阳台) overlooking a large and beautiful garden that featured a beautiful lawn,some decorative bushes all around,some trees here and there,a small pond in the middle,and even a decorative fountain.
Inside their apartment,everything was very tidy,yet a bit artistic.There were some nice pictures on the walls—dreams of beauty in nature—and on a glass shelf,Paul’s collection of toy locomotives (火车头),symbols of his dreams of exciting travel.Actually Marie had been interested in drawing and painting since she was a little girl,but she has no time to develop her talent because of her busy work.
Thus went week after week and year after year until a terrible accident happened to their company,causing a heavy financial loss to them.One of their ships,carrying a variety of goods,knocked into a floating iceberg on its trip to America.As a result,the ship got very badly damaged with all its goods and staff on board.When the couple heard the bad news about their ship they burst into tears.Paul became greatly depressed while Marie,who felt less desperate (绝望的) then,tried her best to calm him down by saying that everything would be all right as long as they didn’t lose heart.Gradually,Paul managed to calm himself down and began to face reality.Consequently,they had no choice but to close their company.
It was not long before they had difficulty in supporting themselves.

One day they went to an art exhibit in town.

It was not long before they had difficulty in supporting themselves.In reality they were unable to afford some necessities in life such as food and clothes,let alone the luxuries that they had been used to possessing.Gradually Paul came up with an idea to sell their apartment to overcome the financial obstacles but it was rejected by Marie instantly.After all,the apartment meant a lot to them and selling it was apparently unbearable.However,what other ways could they find to solve the problem
One day they went to an art exhibit in town.There they saw a picture about a scene of their town but they agreed that it was not impressive.No sooner had Marie returned home than she set about drawing a picture about the same scene.Surprisingly Paul praised her for it and encouraged her to draw more,which greatly increased her confidence.What was more satisfying to them was that a friend offered to purchase it at a high price.It was then that the turning point of their life really arrived.第二单元测评
(时间:120分钟 满分:150分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
M:You look pretty busy.What’s up
W:We’re going to have an office party this Friday evening.There’ll be about 30 people,and I’m the organiser.
M:Nice! But it’s probably best not to overwork yourself.Enjoy.
1.What is the woman busy doing
A.Working on a paper.
B.Tidying up the office.
C.Organising a party.
W:Hi Henry.Did you say you’re going to take a vacation next week
M:Actually,I’m leaving for San Francisco this weekend.
W:Cool.But I can’t get away until the end of August.
2.When will Henry start his vacation
A.This weekend.
B.Next week.
C.At the end of August.
M:Last night I put my bike at the gate,but I can’t find it now.
W:It was in my way when I went to the garden,so I put it under the stairs and it’s still there.
3.Where is the man’s bike now
A.Under the stairs.
B.At the gate.
C.In the garden.
M:I’d like to drive to the concert,but my brother will use the car tonight.
W:We can take the subway if we go a little earlier.
4.How will the speakers go to the concert
A.On foot. B.By car. C.By subway.
M:Mary,you look so cute in this red dress.
W:Really Don’t you think it’s a little small for me It fit me well last year,but I gained ten pounds this summer.
5.What does the woman think of her dress
A.It’s cute.
B.It fits her very well.
C.It’s a little small.
W:Hi Mark.I’ve decided to leave the company.I had an amazing time here,but it is time for me to move on.
M:May I ask why,Cathy I do hope that you stay with us here.
W:Well,you know,I’ve got a new job in a big engineering firm.It’s a management position.
M:In that case,I think that I understand your decision,and you have my support.
W:Thanks for understanding.But,I can work here two more weeks.
M:That’s great.Will you be able to finish your present project
W:Sure.And if you hire someone within ten days,I’d be happy to provide training in my areas.
6.Why does Cathy want to quit her job
A.She’ll join another firm.
B.She’ll run her own business.
C.She’s fed up with it.
7.What is Mark’s attitude towards Cathy’s decision
W:I have been trying hard to choose a gift for Kate for her birthday.
M:That’s been hard for me too.
W:Would you like to go with me and choose something together
M:Yes,two heads are better than one.So,what does Kate like doing That might help us choose something.
W:She seems to enjoy listening to music,reading novels,and going to the movies.
M:Maybe we could get her a concert ticket.What do you think
W:That’s a good idea.But we don’t know what concert she likes.
M:Jane can help us.She knows Kate very well.
W:You’re right.Let’s see Jane this afternoon after class.
8.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.Buying a present.
B.Attending a concert.
C.Planing a birthday party.
9.What will the speakers do later
A.See a movie.
B.Read a novel.
C.Meet up with Jane.
W:Hello,is that Hill
M:Yes,this is Hill speaking.
W:This is Julia.
M:Oh,Julia,what’s the matter
W:I’m phoning to tell you that I’m afraid I won’t have enough time to pick up little Mary and Lily from school.
W:Don’t you see that it is raining hard outside
M:Oh.I’m sorry.I didn’t know that.
W:I can’t ride a bike in such a heavy rain and I have to take a bus home.
M:Yes,I know.That’s OK.I will pick up the children,but I don’t think I can finish my work early this afternoon,so it will be quite late when I arrive at the school.
W:I don’t think it matters much.I can tell them to wait for you at the school gate after school.
10.When does the conversation probably take place
A.In the morning.
B.In the afternoon.
C.In the evening.
11.What’s the weather like today
A.Sunny. B.Snowy. C.Rainy.
12.Who will pick up the children from school
A.The woman.
B.The man.
W:Come on,darling.This shirt only costs $14 on the Internet.It costs $20 on the street.
M:Oh But it looks unfashionable,doesn’t it
W:But it will suit you well.I’m going to buy you one.
M:On the Internet
W:Yes,I don’t have to go out.They say it can be sent home in 48 hours.
M:But I don’t think it’s safe to show information about our credit cards to a stranger.
W:It’s not a problem.They have the third safety control.
M:But I can’t try it on before buying it.
W:Don’t worry.They have different sizes and colours.I will order your size and favourite colour,brown,right
M:But what if I’m not satisfied with the quality
W:If you aren’t satisfied,you can return it and they will give the money back.
M:OK,let’s try shopping on the internet.
13.What are the speakers doing
A.Talking about dresses.
B.Buying clothes in the shop.
C.Shopping on the internet.
14.How much can the woman save if she buys the shirt on the internet
A.$6. B.$14. C.$20.
15.What colour does the man like
A.Brown. B.Blue. C.White.
16.What can we learn from the conversation
A.The man is not satisfied.
B.The man can try on the shirt first.
C.The shirt will arrive within two days.
Good morning and welcome to today’s programme!Feel English too difficult You can get some advice today.Firstly,find a regular and practical study programme,like planning a few minutes every morning before breakfast.This idea may sound useless to you who took English for quite a few years but didn’t become good speakers of the language.As a matter of fact,I don’t mean that you can become fluent speakers with just a few minutes here and there,but following a regular course of study can help you on the way to language mastery.Also,small steps,step by step,are the key.For example,planning to learn five new words a day and learning to use them actively are far better than learning 45 words and forgetting them the next day.Thirdly,speaking without fear is important.The fastest way to learn something is to do it again and again until you get it OK.Don’t let fear stop you from getting what you want.
17.What’s the speaker mainly talking about
A.Keys to teaching English.
B.Advice on learning English.
C.Ways to use everyday English.
18.What does the speaker probably do
A.A fluent English speaker.
B.An expert in language learning.
C.A beginner in language learning.
19.Who may consider the first suggestion useless
A.A beginner.
B.An experienced teacher.
C.One who has learnt English for years.
20.What’s the fastest way to learn English according to the speaker
A.Making a good plan.
B.Keeping practicing.
C.Learning it step by step.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
All living organisms are uniquely adapted to the environment in which they live.Scientists are studying the design and the biological processes of these organisms to get ideas for products and technologies.This field of study is called biomimetics.Here are two examples.
Toucan Bills and Car Safety
Toucan usually has enormous bills.Scientists have found that the toucan’s beak is designed to be both strong and light.The surface is made of keratin,the same material in human fingernails and hair.But the inside of the bill has a foam-like structure and is made up of a network of light,thin pieces of bone.It contains a lot of air,and some areas are hollow,not solid.This design makes the bill hard but very light.
The design of the toucan bill can be used to make cars and planes safer.Studies show that the beak’s structure can absorb high energy impacts very well.Car body panels that mimic toucan bills may offer better protection to motorists involved in crashes.
Shark Scales and Swimsuits
Shark skin may look smooth,but it’s actually rough.Sharks are covered in scales made from the same material as their teeth.Viewed up close,the scales actually look like tiny teeth.These scales protect the shark and help to keep it clean.They are also flexible and can turn or bend in the water.This movement reduces the waters drag on the shark and helps it to swim quickly.
Scientists discovered that the shortfin mako’s scales vary in size and flexibility over its body.For instance the scales on the sides of the body are tapered—wide at one end and narrow at the other.They can turn up or flatten to adjust to the flow of water around the shark and to reduce drag.
Scientists believe that shark scales can inspire designs for machines that experience drag,such as airplanes.Designers are also getting ideas from shark scales for designing swimwear and coating ship bottoms.
21.Why do car body panels copy the design of toucan bills
A.To better protect passers-by.
B.To reduce the injury to drivers.
C.To decrease the chances of crashes.
D.To make cars lighter and easier to control.
解析细节理解题。根据第三段的最后一句“Car body panels that mimic toucan bills may offer better protection to motorists involved in crashes.(模仿巨嘴鸟喙的汽车车身面板可能会为驾驶者提供更好的撞车保护)”可知,汽车车身面板复制巨嘴鸟的设计是为了减少对驾驶者的伤害。
22.What product or technology is inspired by shark scales
A.Coating for ship bottoms to run faster.
B.Coating for airplanes to experience drag.
C.The panel that makes the plane safer.
D.Swimwear that is smooth to keep itself clean.
解析细节理解题。根据文章最后一句“Designers are also getting ideas from shark scales for designing swimwear and coating ship bottoms.(设计师们还从鲨鱼鳞片中汲取灵感,设计泳装和船底涂层)”可知,可以使船跑得更快的船底涂层是受到了鲨鱼鳞片的启发。
23.What’s the purpose of the text
A.To present two innovative products.
B.To introduce biomimetics by example.
C.To show the unique adaptations of animals.
D.To discuss the link between humans and animals.
Gitanjali Rao,a Colorado teenager who invented a mobile device to test for lead(铅) in drinking water,was Time’s Kid of the Year for 2020.The magazine announced the award,citing Rao’s ability to apply scientific ideas to real-world problems—and her desire to motivate other kids to take up their own causes.
It’s just the latest recognition for Rao,15,who was named in 2019 to the Forbes 30 Under 30 list.She won praise in 2017 after she responded to the Flint,Mich.,water crisis by creating a device named Tehys,using carbon nanotube(碳纳米管) sensors to detect lead in water.The Lone Tree,Colo.,native was named America’s Top Young Scientist when she was in the seventh grade.She went on to work with scientists in the water industry to try to get the device on the market.
More recently,Rao has developed a phone and web tool named Kindly,which uses artificial intelligence technology to detect possible early signs of cyberbullying(网络欺凌).“You type in a word or phrase,and it’s able to pick it up if it’s bullying,and it gives you the option to edit it or send it the way it is,” Rao tells Time.“The goal is not to punish.As a teenager,I know teenagers tend to lash out(殴打) sometimes.Instead,it gives you the chance to rethink what you’re saying so that you know what to do next time around.”
The debut Kid of the Year award comes from a partnership between Time and Nickelodeon.Rao was chosen in part because of the way she has followed up her technical work with efforts to get other young people to work on solving the problems they see.
“My goal has really shifted not only from creating my own devices to solve the world’s problems,but inspiring others to do the same as well.Because,from personal experience,it’s not easy when you don’t see anyone else like you.So I really want to put out that message:If I can do it,you can do it,and anyone can do it.”
24.Why did Gitanjali Rao go on to work with scientists
A.To find the cause of the lead.
B.To invent more similar devices.
C.To put her device on the market.
D.To extend technology to other fields.
解析细节理解题。根据第二段的最后一句“She went on to work with scientists in the water industry to try to get the device on the market.”可知,她和其他科学家合作是为了把这种装置推向市场。
25.What is the aim of Kindly
A.To stop oneself from being cyberbullied.
B.To discover the early signs of cyberbullying.
C.To punish those who behave badly online.
D.To show those who use mobile phones what to do.
解析细节理解题。根据第三段的“which uses artificial intelligence technology to detect possible early signs of cyberbullying”可知,Kindly的目的是发现网络欺凌的早期迹象。
26.What do you think of Rao’s words in the last paragraph
A.Humorous. B.Interesting.
C.Disappointing. D.Inspiring.
解析推理判断题。根据文章的最后一句“So I really want to put out that message:If I can do it,you can do it,and anyone can do it.”可知,她说的话是激励人心的,所以选D项。
27.What could be the best title for the passage
A.Time Names Its Kid of the Year
B.A Device Detecting Lead in Water
C.Kids Can Be Inventors
D.A 15-year-old Scientist
Ecuador may have a new tourism jingle (广告歌).But they don’t want anyone to actually sing it.Indeed,the country’s latest national park is built on the belief that silence is golden.The South American country has become the first in the world to build a “quiet park” beside the Zabalo River where silence is protected like a natural resource.
There are no transport routes here.Nor residential and commercial developments.You can’t even hear the sound of power lines.
Named as Wilderness Quiet Park,the land is owned by the Cofán people of Ecuador.But hopes are high that this unique space in a world increasingly affected by noise will kickstart (启动) tourism in the region—quiet tourism,that is.
These days,it’s almost impossible to escape the human noise.And it’s a serious effect on the health of animals,including humans.
“Science has made it clear that noise pollution is not just an annoyance,it causes health loss and impacts wildlife’s ability to survive.By recognizing the Zabalo River as the world’s first quiet park,we are paving the way for many more quiet parks around the globe,” says Gordon Hempton,an ecologist and co-founder of Quiet Parks International,an organization which aims at spreading quiet across the globe.
So,what’s it actually like when nature is the only soundtrack Here’s how Sam Goldman,a journalist,describes it:“The monkeys roar;insects buzz;and birdsong cackles...”
But the park not only gives nature a chance to find its voice.The people who own the land—the Cofán people—have long regarded themselves as caretakers of the rivers and rainforests in the region but their numbers have decreased to fewer than 2,000.Quiet Parks International will help the Cofan Nation “defend their lands and preserve their culture”.
28.What’s the purpose of this text
A.To introduce a special park.
B.To explain a new living concept.
C.To warn people of noise pollution.
D.To recommend a travel destination.
29.What do we know about Wilderness Quiet Park
A.It values natural quiet much.
B.It develops rapidly in business.
C.It can easily get rid of the human noise.
D.It provides tourists with various transport routes.
解析推理判断题。根据第二段中的“There are no transport routes here.Nor residential and commercial developments.You can’t even hear the sound of power lines.(这里没有交通路线,也没有住宅和商业发展。你甚至听不到电线的声音)”可知,“野外宁静公园”更崇尚自然的宁静。
30.According to Gordon Hempton,   .
A.wildlife in Ecuador is in danger of extinction
B.noise pollution has become a serious problem
C.the Zabalo River is the best quiet park in the world
D.there are already many quiet parks around the globe now
解析细节理解题。根据第五段中的“Science has made it clear that noise pollution is not just an annoyance,it causes health loss and impacts wildlife’s ability to survive.(科学已经表明,噪声污染不仅令人烦恼,它还会损害健康,影响野生动物的生存能力)”可知,Gordon Hempton认为噪声污染已经成为一个严重的问题。
31.What can we infer about the Cofán people from the last paragraph
A.They care little about environmental protection.
B.They are in need of help to protect their safety.
C.Their numbers have decreased due to noise pollution.
D.They have long been protecting their living surroundings.
解析推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“The people who own the land—the Cofán people—have long regarded themselves as caretakers of the rivers and rainforests in the region but their numbers have decreased to fewer than 2,000.”可知,科凡人一直在保护他们的生活环境。
When almost everyone has a mobile phone,why are more than half of Australian homes still paying for a landline(座机)
These days you’d be hard pressed to find anyone in Australia over the age of 15 who doesn’t own a mobile phone.In fact plenty of younger kids have one in their pocket.Practically everyone can make and receive calls anywhere,anytime.
Still,55 percent of Australians have a landline phone at home and only just over a quarter (29%) rely only on their smartphones,according to a survey(调查).Of those Australians who still have a landline,a third concede that it’s not really necessary and they’re keeping it as a security blanket — 19 percent say they never use it while a further 13 percent keep it in case of emergencies.I think my home falls into that category.
More than half of Australian homes are still choosing to stick with their home phone.Age is naturally a factor(因素)—only 58 percent of Generation Ys still use landlines now and then,compared to 84 percent of Baby Boomers who’ve perhaps had the same home number for 50 years.Age isn’t the only factor; I’d say it’s also to do with the makeup of your household.
Generation Xers with young families,like my wife and I,can still find it convenient to have a home phone rather than providing a mobile phone for every family member.That said,to be honest the only people who ever ring our home phone are our Baby Boomers parents,to the point where we play a game and guess who is calling before we pick up the phone (using Caller ID would take the fun out of it).
How attached are you to your landline How long until they go the way of gas street lamps and morning milk deliveries
32.What does paragraph 2 mainly tell us about mobile phones
A.Their target users.
B.Their wide popularity.
C.Their major functions.
D.Their complex design.
33.What does the underlined word “concede” in paragraph 3 mean
A.Admit. B.Argue.
C.Remember. D.Remark.
34.What can we say about Baby Boomers
A.They like smartphone games.
B.They enjoy guessing callers’ identity.
C.They keep using landline phones.
D.They are attached to their family.
解析细节理解题。根据第四段中的“Baby Boomers who’ve perhaps had the same home number for 50 years.”可知,这一家人或许50年都没有换过座机。故选C项。
35.What can be inferred about the landline from the last paragraph
A.It remains a family necessity.
B.It will fall out of use some day.
C.It may increase daily expenses.
D.It is as important as the gas light.
解析推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“How long until they go the way of gas street lamps and morning milk deliveries ”可知,煤气路灯和清晨送奶工都已不存在,因此座机早晚也会过时。故选B项。
Here are some tips for you to get along with your teachers.
Show respect. 36  You may not always agree with them and you may not always feel like settling down and paying attention in class,but you do need to show that you can give a basic level of care and respect towards adults.
Learn to listen.Listening is a learnt skill and one that is very important during your high school years. 37  Your eye contact will also help demonstrate your attention.You will also miss out on valuable information and instructions if you don’t listen.
 38  You will not always understand everything that you see and hear in class.If you are unsure about something or a task that needs to be completed,speak to your teacher about it.Ask the questions.If the teacher is too busy,ask to arrange a suitable time that you can ask the questions you need for further clarification.
Never gossip(传播流言) about your teacher.Spreading gossip means talking about someone behind his or her back. 39  Live by the rule to never say anything about someone that you wouldn’t be comfortable saying to one’s face.If you hear a rumour about a teacher,do not pass it on! 40 
A.Seek further explanation.
B.Always do what the teachers tell you to do.
C.Show respect for your teachers at all times.
D.It’s really important that you don’t make it personal.
E.It’s all hurtful,no matter how serious you might think.
F.It is also a sign of respect for your teacher when you listen.
G.It would be better to speak to someone else in authority,such as your class teacher.
36.C 本部分的小标题是“尊重老师”,C项“时刻尊重你的老师”与标题一致,而且能引出下文。
37.F 根据上文提到的“听力是一门习得的技能,在高中阶段是非常重要的”可知,F项“当你听老师讲课时,这也是尊敬老师的一个标志”与上文构成并列关系。
38.A 根据下文的“如果你对某件事或某项任务不确定,就去跟你的老师谈谈”可知,A项“寻求进一步的解释”可作为本段的小标题。
39.E 本段的小标题是“不要传播与老师有关的流言”,紧接着是对传播流言的解释,E项是传播流言的危害。
40.G 根据上文的“如果你听到与老师有关的流言,不要传播”可知,所填的应该是具体的做法。G项“最好和有权威的人谈一下,比如你的班主任”符合语境。
第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Devin Hinkston,30,was driving through the town when he spotted a boy playing basketball in his driveway.When he got  41 ,he realized the boy was using a trash can as a basketball hoop.
Hinkston decided to  42  that.
“I always do random acts of  43 ,” Hinkston said.“For example,when I see a  44  person,I’ll buy him a jacket or food.I just never  45  about it on social media because that’s not the reason why I do it.I do it from the  46 .”
When Hinkston  47  the house with a basketball hoop as a gift,he was greeted by Patricia Williams and her 8-year-old grandson Jeremiah.Williams said Jeremiah loves  48  and plays it in the league in a local church.
“This man was a complete  49 ,”Williams said.“I just started crying because I felt he was an angel.”
Hinkston said he got  50  too.“Jeremiah was jumping for  51  and I was dropping tears,” Hinkston said.“It was special.”
Hinkston said he has stayed in  52  with the family and plans to go back to the house to help them  53  the basketball hoop.His  54  dream,he said,is to fund a  55  gym for the kids in the community so they have activities to do after school.
【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。Devin Hinkston在开车路上看到一个男孩把垃圾桶当篮球筐用,于是喜欢做善事的他来到男孩家里,为他送去了篮球筐,男孩和家人为此都很感动和高兴。Hinkston还想将来资助一家非营利性的体育馆让孩子们放学后可以去活动。
41.A.faster B.closer
C.clearer D.sooner
解析根据下文的“...he realized the boy was using a trash can as a basketball hoop”可知,Hinkston走近了(closer) 才发现男孩是把垃圾桶当篮球筐用。
42.A.make B.change
C.find D.get
解析根据下文的“...the house with a basketball hoop as a gift”可知,他想要改变(change)这一情况。
43.A.kindness B.happiness
C.freedom D.surprise
44.A.lucky B.wealthy
C.homeless D.careless
解析根据下文的“I’ll buy him a jacket or food”可知,他是给无家可归的(homeless)人买衣服或食物。
45.A.think B.argue
C.complain D.post
解析根据下文的“...about it on social media”可知,此处指在社交媒体上发布(post)自己的善举。
46.A.heart B.beginning
C.benefit D.young
47.A.left B.passed by
C.reached D.built
解析根据下文的“...the house with a basketball hoop as a gift”可知,他带着篮球筐赶到(reached)男孩家里。
48.A.music B.athletes
C.gift D.basketball
解析与上文的“a boy playing basketball”相呼应,Jeremiah喜欢的是篮球(basketball)。
49.A.helper B.supporter
C.loser D.stranger
解析根据第一段中“Devin Hinkston,30,was driving through the town when he spotted a boy playing basketball in his driveway.”可知,Hinkston是在开车路上看到男孩的,可见他们根本不认识,是陌生人(stranger)。
50.A.emotional B.lost
C.hopeful D.crazy
解析根据上文的“I just started crying because I felt he was an angel.”以及下文“I was dropping tears”可知,Williams开始哭泣,带动得Hinkston也变得情绪激动起来(emotional)。
51.A.joy B.shock
C.fun D.wish
52.A.mood B.life
C.touch D.tension
解析根据下文的“...with the family and plans to go back to the house to help them”可知,Hinkston一直和这家人保持联系。stay in touch with“与……保持联系”。
53.A.buy B.fit
C.prepare D.break
解析根据下文“...the basketball hoop”可知,此处应该是安装篮筐,fit最符合语境。
54.A.unrealistic B.early
C.standard D.ultimate
解析unrealistic“不切实际的”;early“早期的”;standard“标准的”;ultimate“最终的”。根据下文的“...gym for the kids in the community so they have activities to do after school”可知,Hinkston的终极(ultimate)梦想是为社区里的孩子们资助一家非营利性的体育馆,好让他们放学后可以在里面活动。
55.A.super B.nonprofit
C.splendid D.special
Two giant pandas,“Da Mao” and “Er Shun”,on Sunday arrived in Chengdu,capital of Sichuan Province,after finishing 56.      (they) stay at a Canadian zoo earlier than planned.
57.          (spend) five years at the Toronto Zoo,the two moved to the Calgary Zoo in March 2018 with twin cubs,“Jia Panpan” and “Jia Yueyue”,58.      had traveled home to China in January.
59.      average,each giant panda 60. (consume) about 40 kilograms of bamboo daily.The Calgary Zoo had been importing fresh bamboo from China,but struggled 61.          (meet) the pandas’ needs when the disease grounded most flights in March.The zoo said staff worked with the San Diego Zoo and Suncoast Nursery to arrange 62.      (week) shipments of fresh bamboo,but the process of finding 63.      right bamboo has been expensive and time-consuming.
In May,the zoo made an 64.      (announce) that it would have to do this so that the pandas could enjoy China’s abundant supply of fresh bamboo instead.The zoo 65.            (permit) to get the beloved pandas home to China officially now.
【语篇解读】本文是一篇新闻报道。两只大熊猫“大毛”和“二顺” 提前结束了在加拿大一家动物园的逗留,于周日抵达成都。
56.their 考查代词。分析句子结构可知,该空修饰名词stay,所以用形容词性物主代词。
57.Having spent 考查非谓语动词。spend和the two有逻辑上的主谓关系,而且spend所表示的动作发生在谓语动词moved之前,所以用动词-ing形式的完成式。
58.which 考查定语从句。先行词是twin cubs,关系词在定语从句中作主语,所以用which。
59.On 考查介词。句意:平均,每只大熊猫每天消耗约40公斤竹子。on average“平均”,首字母大写。
60.consumes 考查动词时态和主谓一致。描述一个客观的事实,用一般现在时,主语是each giant panda,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。
61.to meet 考查非谓语动词。struggle to do sth“挣扎着做某事”。
62.weekly 考查形容词。该空修饰名词短语shipments of fresh bamboo,用形容词作定语,故填weekly。
63.the 考查冠词。此处特指“合适的竹子”,故应用定冠词the。
64.announcement 考查名词。分析句子结构可知,该空作made的宾语,用名词,前面有不定冠词修饰,用名词单数。
65.is/has been permitted 考查动词时态和语态。这里表示主语现在的状态,可以用一般现在时,也可以用现在完成时表示过去发生的动作对现在造成的影响或结果;“The zoo”和permit之间是被动关系,用被动语态,故填is/has been permitted。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
Dear Sir,______________________________________________________________________________
Li Hua
Dear Sir,
I’m eager to be an exchange student in your school.
Since we live in a global village,no country can develop on its own;nobody can achieve personal growth by himself or herself.Therefore,we should learn from each other.In addition,such a learning experience is not only a great chance for me to improve myself,but also a precious opportunity to spread Chinese culture to my British friends.
I’m looking forward to hearing from you.
Li Hua
We were three thousand miles away from home on a Random Acts of Kindness and Volunteerism Road Trip.Our funds were running low,so we had two goals today.Firstly,try out our new “Smile!” signs and see how much kindness and joy we could spread.Secondly,raise a pitiful $20 a piece by doing street performances.Singing,drawing cartoons,storytelling...as long as it is enough for the trip to Portland.
We weren’t sure how people would react to our signs.I nervously raised one up and shouted “Hi there!” to a young couple.They looked over,momently confused,then read my sign and broke into smiles.It worked.
Before long,our signs were popular.Strangers stopped to ask us about them.The signs are more than an invitation to “Smile!”.They’re an excuse to connect with strangers and to remember this world is full of good people.We got so wrapped up in our “Smile!” project that we forgot our other goal.Before we knew it,the sun was setting,and we had no money for our trip to Portland.
Then we noticed that a blind musician was playing guitar when suddenly a passing crowd kicked over his change jar.Change and cash scattered everywhere.Before we could run over,another man rushed to collect all the money for him.And we met the do-gooder,Jared.“We want to praise you on your good deed,” I said.Jared looked at my signs curiously.We told him about our road trip,which reminded him of something similar he did when he was young.He seemed moved.
Then he said,“Look!I’d like to donate.”

We were astonished.

Then he said,“Look!I’d like to donate.” We told him,“No,thanks!We are fine.We’ve collected plenty of money.” We lied.“Please let me donate.It will make me feel like I’m a part of this adventure,” he insisted.And then Jared opened his wallet and pulled out four $20 bills.The money was exactly what we had intended to raise that day.
We were astonished.It seemed as if he had known something somehow.Seeing our expression,he smiled,“I once did something similar when I was young.I know random acts of kindness mean a lot sometimes.I just hope what I have done can do you a favor.I just hope that you can spread smiles to more people.” Hearing what he said,we were all moved.Indeed,smiles are an excuse to connect with strangers and to remember this world is full of good people.With the bills in hand,we said goodbye to Jared and continued our way to Portland,smiling.第四单元测评
(时间:120分钟 满分:150分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
W:David’s going to meet us at the club around six.
M:Good.How will he get there I don’t think driving is a good choice in the rush hour.
W:David said he’ll take the underground.What about us
M:Let’s go by bike.
1.How will David get to the club
A.By car.
B.By train.
C.By bike.
M:Jane,wait a second.I’m going with you.
W:Okay.I’m going to Professor Wang’s calligraphy class.
M:I know.It’s in the chemistry building,right My biology class is in the same building.
2.What is Jane studying
A.Biology. B.Chemistry. C.Calligraphy.
W:Hi,Jack.How are you going to spend your holiday
M:Well,I’m planning to visit my hometown in Oregon with my family.
3.Who will go to Oregon with the man
A.The woman.
B.The man’s friends.
C.The man’s family.
M:Open wide!Now show me where it hurts.
W:Here,on the bottom,especially when I eat something hot or cold.
4.What does the man probably do
A.A dentist. B.A cleaner. C.A cook.
M:I’m still waiting for the clerk to come back and make some copies of this paper for me.
W:Why bother him I’ll show you how easy it is to use the machine.
5.Where are the speakers
A.In a supermarket.
B.In a classroom.
C.In an office.
W:So Bill,what do you usually do on the weekend
M:I often go to the movies with friends on Friday night.How about you,Sarah
W:Well,I love seeing musical plays on Broadway with my friends.Have you been to many
M:Not really.I saw one when I moved to New York and another when my parents came to visit,but none ever since.
6.What does Bill often do on Friday night
A.Visit his parents.
B.Go to the movies.
C.Walk along Broadway.
7.Who watches musical plays most often
C.Bill’s parents.
M:Good morning,what can I do for you
W:Well,I’m looking for something I saw at a friend’s house a few days ago.He said he bought it here.It’s a long bookcase with a red silk cover,about two and a half meters long.
M:You’re in the right store,but all of them were sold out last Sunday.
W:Oh,what a pity!Are you going to get more to sell
M:We’re placing the order now,but I have to tell you that the price has gone up.
W:I don’t mind.You know I really like it.
M:In the past,they were $62 each,but the new will be $3 more.They will be sent here next Friday,exactly one week from today.
W:OK,I’ll be back next Friday.
8.How much will the new bookcase cost
A.$59. B.$62. C.$65.
9.When will the woman probably buy the bookcase
A.Right now.
B.Next Friday.
C.Two weeks later.
W:So,what is your new apartment like,Terry
M:Oh,it’s great.There are two bedrooms,a nice kitchen,and a living room.
W:Sounds nice.
M:Yeah.And there is a grocery store next to the apartment building.And there is a laundry and a fast food restaurant across the street.So it is a quick way to get a meal.
W:That’s good.How much do you pay in rent
M:Well,I have a roommate,so I pay half the rent.That is $275 a month with gas,water,and electricity included.And the Internet and satellite TV are separate.
W:That’s really a wonderful price.How on earth did you find a place like that
M:I just found it online.
10.What is next to the apartment building
A.A restaurant.
B.A laundry.
C.A grocery store.
11.Which is included in the rent
B.The Internet.
C.Satellite TV.
12.What does the woman think of the apartment
A.It’s quite large.
B.It’s well furnished.
C.It’s worth the money.
W:Hi,Jack.I’m glad to meet you here!
M:Me,too!It’s almost 12 years since we graduated.
W:Yeah!Time really flies!How are you getting along now Well,I mean,do you still teach in the medical school
M:Oh,no.I worked there until three years ago.I’m working in a travel agency now.What about you
W:I still work for the same hospital.You know I love being a doctor,and I won’t give it up.
M:I understand.Ever since the day I got to know you,I have realised that you’re heartily devoted to anything you choose to do.
W:Oh,you’re flattering me again.
M:No,I’m just telling the truth.By the way,are you still in touch with Emma
W:We had kept in touch.But two years ago,she left for England and ever since then,I have received no information from her.
M:For a long time,I have been wishing that someday we could get together again.
W:Well,I hope so.
13.What’s the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Former schoolmates.
B.Teacher and student.
14.What did the man do three years ago
A.He was a doctor.
B.He was a teacher.
C.He was a tourist guide.
15.What did the man think of the woman’s attitude towards her work
B.Less interested.
C.Heartily devoted.
16.What can we know about Emma
A.She is the man’s wife.
B.She is in touch with the man.
C.She went to England two years ago.
Now let me tell you about my experience of skydance.At the beginning we watched a short video that explains all the safety rules and walks you through what will happen on the plane.While we waited for our turn to ride,there was an open grass area with benches where we watched others landing.On the way up,my sister and I were excited whole time,laughing and screaming before we even got to a quarter of the elevation.Everyone always tells you that you are going to be frightened when that door flies open,but I’ve never been so excited in my life.As soon as it opened,I immediately gave a look at my sister and we both just had this look in our face of excitement.Thirty seconds later I watched her fall out of the plane,then flew out myself.My grandpa came falling out right after me.After I went through a minute of free fall,I pulled the shoot and landed to the ground.When I landed I was filled with excitement,but my sister caught my attention and made me turn around so I could see my grandpa landing—then she took a picture as soon as he did.I couldn’t ask for a better experience!
17.Where did the speaker learn the safety rules of Skydance
A.From a short film.
B.From a lecture.
C.From some books.
18.How did the speaker and her sister feel when the door flies open
19.Who was the last to jump out of the plane
A.Her sister.
B.Her grandfather.
C.The speaker.
20.What did her sister do after landing
A.Helped her grandfather.
B.Watched her grandfather landing.
C.Took a picture of her grandfather landing.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
Part-Time English Teacher Wanted
We are looking for a part-time English teacher.The teacher should come from the USA,Canada,UK,New Zealand or Australia.We would like to have 2 lessons a week,2 hours each lesson.
Please send me your resume (简历) with photo if you are interested.Email:daiinternational@ englishlearn..
Private English Teacher Wanted
Senior Chinese manager is looking for a one-on-one English teacher for several hours per week.He would like to learn British pronunciation,so UK nationals will be preferred.The teachers should be flexible to suit his busy schedule and be of professional appearances.Pay is to be discussed directly and will be very high.Teaching experience is not a must.
If interested,please send an email with your background information.Pay expectations and a recent picture to dhanyatk@ or admin@.
We are a small kindergarten to Grade 6 international school in Beijing.We need a teacher/librarian.The teacher we are looking for will:—Be a Chinese and English speaking librarian.
Be self-starters,active team players;
Have a positive attitude and love to work with kids;
Provide an exciting and creative library program to students.
If you meet the above qualifications,please send your resume and a recent picture to principalinchina@.
21.How long does the first job take to work every week
A.2 hours. B.4 hours.
C.6 hours. D.8 hours.
解析推理判断题。根据Part-Time English Teacher Wanted部分关键句“We would like to have 2 lessons a week,2 hours each lesson.”可知,第一份工作每周要求上两节课,每节课两个小时。通过计算可知,第一份工作每周工作四个小时。
22.Who will be welcome as a one-on-one English teacher
A.A British who speaks native English.
B.A Canadian who travels in the UK.
C.An American who lives in England.
D.A Chinese who studies in Britain.
解析细节理解题。根据Private English Teacher Wanted部分关键句“Senior Chinese manager is looking for a one-on-one English teacher for several hours per week.He would like to learn British pronunciation,so UK nationals will be preferred.”可知,一个以英语为母语的英国人作为一对一的英语老师会受到欢迎。
23.Which address should you send an email to if you want to be a librarian
For most of us,the world’s southern-most point seems like a pretty place,but for the four women,Hannah,Hannalore,Sophie and Julia,it’s home.Each year they spend five months living and working in Port Lockroy welcoming visiting ships and,best of all,watching over the native colony of penguins(企鹅).
They live on a tiny island the size of a football pitch,but share it with about 2,000 gentoo penguins and their chicks,as well as other birds.Life here is different every day and depends on weather and ice conditions,as well as the visiting ships’ schedules.Port Lockroy is one of the most visited places in Antarctica,with one to three ships visiting a day.Between ship visits they have other duties to attend to.These include maintenance jobs,sending postcards from the post office,checking conditions on the historical items in the museum and monitoring the penguin colonies and other wildlife.
Hannah spends much time stamping people’s postcard,which makes her happy to think of the joy over 70,000 people per year get when they receive a postcard from Antarctica,and the most southerly post office in the world!For Sophie,the most amazing thing about her job is being able to live and work with her feathery friends,the penguins.Sophie says they have to make sure the penguins are not disturbed when they are resting or waddling their way back to their nests.They mark specific routes for visitors to walk on so that they don’t use the penguins’ highways.Part of their job is also to count the penguin colony when they’ve laid their eggs,then again when the chicks are born and when the chicks are old enough to venture beyond the nest.The information collected will help scientists know if the breeding season has been a successful one or not.
【语篇解读】本文是一篇新闻报道。文章讲述了Hannah,Hannalore,Sophie和 Julia在南极洲洛克罗伊港迎接来访的船只,照看本地企鹅的故事。
24.What can we learn from the passage
A.How to live and work in Antarctica.
B.What the real life is like in Antarctica.
C.What the four women do in Antarctica.
D.How to explore the beauty of Antarctica.
解析推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Each year they spend five months living and working in Port Lockroy welcoming visiting ships and,best of all,watching over the native colony of penguins.”和下文对这四位女性在南极洲工作的介绍可知,这篇文章告诉我们这四位女性在南极洲做什么工作。
25.What do the duties of the four women include
A.Posting wildlife to people around the world.
B.Changing the weather to preserve historical items.
C.Recording the data of the ice conditions in Port Lockroy.
D.Collecting information about the breeding season of penguins.
解析细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“Part of their job is also to count the penguin colony when they’ve laid their eggs,then again when the chicks are born and when the chicks are old enough to venture beyond the nest.”可知,她们的职责包括收集企鹅繁殖季节的信息。
26.What do we know about Port Lockroy
A.Postcards from Port Lockroy are free of charge.
B.Port Lockroy welcomes the most tourists in Antarctica.
C.Weather is a factor to consider if people are to visit Port Lockroy.
D.When visiting Port Lockroy,tourists can travel wherever as they like.
解析细节理解题。根据第二段中的“Life here is different every day and depends on weather and ice conditions,as well as the visiting ships’ schedules.”可知,如果人们要去洛克罗伊港,天气是一个需要考虑的因素。
27.In which column of the newspaper are you most likely to read the passage
A.Book review.
B.People in the news.
C.Economics and business.
D.Sports and events.
解析推理判断题。通读全文可知,文章讲述了Hannah,Hannalore,Sophie和 Julia在南极洲洛克罗伊港迎接来访的船只,照看本地企鹅的故事,可在报纸的“新闻人物”专栏里读到这篇文章。
Liu Jichen,24,a student from Tsinghua University,has developed a WeChat mini-program called “Clear Your Plate”.After a meal,users can open the mini-program and take a picture of their empty plates.Once the image is recognized by the AI (Artificial Intelligence),students can collect points and use them to buy gifts or purchase charity meals for children in poor rural areas.
Liu and his team,together with other organizations,launched the “Clear Your Plate” campaign in November,2020 for the third year.It has swept over 1,017 universities across the country.The one-month campaign attracted almost 1.6 million participants and collectively reduced food waste by 862 tons and carbon emissions (碳排放) by 3,337 tons.
“Technological innovation is a good way to reduce food waste,” Liu thought.He organized a team of 20 members to work on the project at the end of 2017.To solve the AI’s problem of identifying photos of empty plates,the team spent half a year collecting over 100,000 samples in canteens and restaurants.In 2018,the mini-program was officially put into operation on Oct 16,World Food Day.They then launched a campaign later that year.
“There were so many unknowns in research and development.For our team members,the biggest challenge was whether we were confident enough to complete it,” Liu said.They not only achieved their goal,but now,the mini-program has more than 5 million registered users,according to Liu.“We hope our efforts can start a new trend among the younger generation by encouraging them to cherish (珍惜) their food and develop the habit of thrift(节约),” Liu added.
28.What can we know about the “Clear Your Plate” mini-program
A.It aims to put an end to waste and encourage thrift.
B.Its 6 million users are mostly students.
C.It helped reduce food waste by 3,337 tons.
D.It is an exchange of not wasting food for rewards.
解析细节理解题。根据第一段中的“...students can collect points and use them to buy gifts or purchase charity meals for children in poor rural areas.”可知,通过拍空盘子的照片发到这个小程序,参与者可以获得积分,同时可以利用积分来购买礼物或购买捐赠给贫困农村地区儿童的慈善餐,所以这是不浪费食物而获得回报的一种交换。
29.What challenge did Liu and his team face
A.They found it tough to promote the campaign.
B.They felt uncertain whether they could complete the project.
C.They lacked professional technical support.
D.They had difficulty gathering enough samples.
解析细节理解题。根据最后一段中的“For our team members,the biggest challenge was whether we were confident enough to complete it”可知,对于是否能完成这个任务,柳的团队是不确定的。
30.Which of the following best describes Liu Jichen
A.Optimistic and demanding.
B.Generous and responsible.
C.Talented and humorous.
D.Creative and determined.
解析推理判断题。根据第一段第一句“Liu Jichen,24,a student from Tsinghua University,has developed a WeChat mini-program called ‘Clear Your Plate’.”可知,柳济琛是极具创造性的人;根据倒数第二段中的“To solve the AI’s problem of identifying photos of empty plates,the team spent half a year collecting over 100,000 samples in canteens and restaurants.”可知,他和他的团队是意志坚定的。
31.Where is the text probably from
A.A guidebook. B.A news report.
C.A book review. D.A textbook.
解析推理判断题。根据第一段第一句“Liu Jichen,24,a student from Tsinghua University,has developed a WeChat mini-program called ‘Clear Your Plate’”可知,本文主要讲述了24岁的柳济琛发明了“光盘打卡”的微信小程序,所以本文最有可能是一篇新闻报道。
Digging into a book together with your child is always a great way to spend time,but did you know reading to your child from day one has a whole range of benefits that will give them a flying start in life
There are a whole host of brilliant effects of hearing stories which boost children’s minds.This is just as important as learning to spell.While children are stuck indoors,reading is the best way to spark their imagination.They can travel to the moon,meet the Gruffalo and pop in to a chocolate factory.This means children will have a solid creative base and develop their story telling skills as well as enjoying adventurous days at home.
There’s no better way to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes than reading their stories.That is a great way to build empathy(共情) needed now more than ever.There are some fantastic children’s books worth seeking out which show characters from all races and backgrounds doing brilliant things,acting as strong role models for the next generation.These stories can encourage future leaders and thinkers,so every child can feel they can achieve their dreams,from the Little Leaders series to Bedtime Stories for Rebel Girls.It’s inspiring to see everyone following their own path despite the barriers they come across.
There’s a large number of remarkable books out right now which help little ones process emotions.From The Colour Monster to Ruby’s Worry,these books will help them to name and understand different emotions,which is essential for social development,making friends and growing relationships.It can also help them deal with difficult feelings,like loss or grief,with amazing books like Paper Dolls which explores memory and loss in a beautiful and positive way.
Reading time is a brilliant connection with parents or carers,which strengthens confidence and a sense of safety for the little ones.
32.What is the second paragraph mainly about
A.Reading enables children to spell.
B.Imagination is of great benefit to reading.
C.Children can be expert in story telling.
D.Reading stimulates children’s imagination.
33.To understand others better,we are advised to    .
A.read their stories
B.set up role models
C.improve story telling skills
D.walk a mile in someone else’s shoes
解析细节理解题。根据第三段中的“There’s no better way to walk a mile in someone else’s shoes than reading their stories.”可知,为了更好地了解别人,建议我们阅读他们的故事。
34.Which book is recommended when children are in a bad mood
A.The Gruffalo.
B.Little Leaders.
C.Paper Dolls.
D.The Colour Monster.
解析推理判断题。根据第四段中的“It can also help them deal with difficult feelings,like loss or grief,with amazing books like Paper Dolls which explores memory and loss in a beautiful and positive way.”可知,当孩子心情不好时,推荐读《纸娃娃》。
35.What’s the purpose of the text
A.To introduce some books.
B.To advise parents to read more.
C.To encourage children to read more.
D.To show the benefits of reading to children.
Education has always been a hot topic among parents as it is directly related to the future of their children. 36  Many of them try to offer their children the best environment.
Competition between parents over children’s education may start from the kind of animated series children watch.For some parents,watching foreign animated shows is better than watching domestic ones. 37  However,this does not mean those watching foreign shows are superior to those watching domestic ones.
Domestic shows have their own advantages.They can help children learn traditional Chinese culture and history. 38  This show was based on one of the four great classical novels of Chinese literature.By watching this show,children can learn more about the history of the Tang Dynasty and the development of Buddhist culture in China.Foreign shows can open a window for children to gain a better understanding of the outside world.So children ought to be encouraged to watch both as long as the content of the show is beneficial.
 39  For example,children should be encouraged to read both folk tales from China and foreign countries.However,once parents hold views of superiority,the views can more or less leave an influence on their children.Innocent children,influenced by their parents,slowly hold the views hat watching foreign shows is superior to watching domestic shows. 40  Once it is formed in children’s minds,parents’ education can’t be regarded as successful.
A.Take Journey to the West for example.
B.This can also be applied to other things.
C.A case in point can help understand this.
D.It’s by no means an easy task to form a sense of superiority.
E.Such a sense of superiority may make them look down upon others.
F.By watching the former,children can learn English at the same time.
G.How to educate children can be a sweet but painstaking task for parents.
36.G 上文提到教育一直是家长们的热门话题,因为它直接关系到孩子的未来。由此可知下文应该讲如何教育孩子。G项“How to educate children can be a sweet but painstaking task for parents.”符合语境。
37.F 根据上文“For some parents,watching foreign animated shows is better than watching domestic ones.”可知,F项“By watching the former,children can learn English at the same time.”可承接上文,其中的“the former”指代的是上文的国外动画节目。
38.A 根据下文“This show was based on one of the four great classical novels of Chinese literature.”可知,A项中的Journey to the West(《西游记》)就是四大名著之一,符合语境。
39.B 下文“For example,children should be encouraged to read both folk tales from China and foreign countries.”是一个例子,B项“This can also be applied to other things.”中的this指代的是上文说的只要内容有益,中外节目都要鼓励孩子们去看,这也适合其他事情,下文举例说明,中外故事也都要阅读。
40.E 根据上文句意“然而,一旦父母拥有优越感,这种观点或多或少会对他们的孩子产生影响。天真的孩子在父母的影响下,慢慢地就会有看国外节目优于看国内节目的观点”可知,下文应该讲这种优越感对孩子不好的影响。E项符合语境。
第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Of the many interactions I had with my mother years ago,one stands out.I remember the  41  when Mom sent me to the main road,about twenty yards away from the farmhouse,to  42  a passing group of seasonal work-seekers home for a  43 .I made a fire and was then to  44  the meal for them.
The thought of cooking in a large three-legged pot in that high heat was sufficient to  45 me.I did not manage to  46  my feelings from my mother,and after the service,she called me to the balcony(阳台),where she  47  sat to attend to her sewing.
Looking straight into my eyes,she said,“Johnson,why were you  48  when I requested you to arrange a meal for those  49  people ” Despite my attempt to deny her  50 ,and using the heat of the fire as an  51  for my bad behavior,Mom said,“A foot has no nose.” It means,“You can’t detect what  52  may lie ahead of you.”
If I had  53  the group of people a meal,it may have happened that,in my  54  some time in the future,I found myself at the mercy of those very individuals. 55  that was not enough to shame me,Mom continued,“A person is a person because of another person.”
41.A.period B.occasion
C.story D.quarrel
42.A.send B.demand
C.invite D.guide
解析根据下文“I made a fire and was then to    the meal for them.”可知,是妈妈让作者邀请(invite)一群路过此地找工作的人到家里。
43.A.rest B.chat
C.night D.meal
解析根据下文“the meal for them”可知,此处指邀请那些人到家里吃饭。meal为同词复现。
44.A.prepare B.beg
C.order D.buy
解析根据上文“I made a fire”可知,作者生了火,然后准备(prepare)做饭。
45.A.satisfy B.attract
C.please D.upset
46.A.hide B.express
C.defend D.change
47.A.deliberately B.usually
C.currently D.secretly
48.A.fearful B.content
C.excited D.unhappy
解析根据上文的“I did not manage to    my feelings from my mother”可知,妈妈问作者为什么不开心(unhappy)。
49.A.poor B.brave
C.weak D.homeless
50.A.praise B.suggestion
C.charge D.encouragement
解析妈妈问他为什么不高兴,而作者试图否认妈妈的指责。charge 此处意为“指责”。
51.A.opinion B.excuse
C.argument D.idea
解析根据“using the heat of the fire as an...”可知,作者想用天气热为自己的不当行为找借口(excuse)。
52.A.fortune B.disaster
C.trouble D.deal
解析妈妈用一句谚语“A foot has no nose.”告诉作者:一个人无法察觉前面会有什么麻烦(trouble),所以要懂得帮助别人。
53.A.booked B.packed
C.offered D.denied
54.A.travels B.lessons
C.programs D.struggles
55.A.If B.As if
C.Even though D.Before
解析根据下文可知,妈妈唯恐作者不明白她的话,好像(As if)这还不足以让他感到羞愧似的,于是进一步告诉作者人与人之间应该互相帮助。
You may remember back at the start of December,2020,56.      China carried out their unmanned Chang’e-5 mission and the spacecraft touched down on the moon to collect samples for research.Now it 57.        (success) returned to the Earth.This is the most significant event in China’s space field,and also one of the most notable space 58.      (activity) globally.Chang’e-5,59.      (launch) by a Long March 5 heavy-lift carrier rocket early on Nov 24,2020,is the nation’s 60.      (large) and most complex lunar probe.It returned with 1,731 grams of lunar rock and soil to the Earth,61. (mark) a historic accomplishment 44 years after the last lunar substances were taken back.The 23-day mission was China’s first space journey to claim extraterrestrial samples,making 62.      the third country to accomplish the task,the first being the USA in the 1960’s and the second Soviet Union in the 1970’s.
The spacecraft 63.      (enter) the Earth’s atmosphere at an altitude of around 120km.As soon as it was 10km above land,it released its parachute and landed smoothly in China’s Inner Mongolia.Now the spacecraft has been air lifted to Beijing where the samples 64.          (examine) by scientists very soon.
The mission’s results will contribute 65. mankind’s deeper understanding of the moon’s origins and the evolution of the solar system.
56.when 考查定语从句。定语从句的先行词是the start of December,表示时间,先行词在定语从句中充当时间状语,故填when。
57.successfully 考查副词。所填的词修饰动词returned,需要用副词。
58.activities 考查名词复数。根据one of可知,空处应该用可数名词的复数形式,故填activities。
59.launched 考查非谓语动词。所填的词作定语,且与被修饰的Chang’e-5为动宾关系,所以用过去分词。
60.largest 考查形容词最高级。根据由and连接的“most complex lunar probe”可知,空处需要用最高级,故填largest。
61.marking 考查非谓语动词。所填的词作结果状语,且与句子的主语It为主动关系,所以用动词-ing形式。
62.it 考查代词。所填的词指代China,故填it。
63.entered 考查动词时态。此处表示发生在过去的动作,属于用一般过去时。
64.will be examined 考查动词时态和语态。空处为定语从句的谓语动词,根据very soon可知要用一般将来时;且examine与samples为被动关系,所以填will be examined。
65.to 考查介词。contribute to...为固定短语,意为“有助于……”。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)

Dear Chris,
How are you recently Our school plans to hold a theme class meeting aimed at introducing Chinese traditional culture,which will be displayed on the English website.I’m writing to ask for your advice.
First of all,I have no idea which traditional Chinese culture is more attractive to foreign friends.In addition,can you tell me what is the easier way for foreigners to understand Chinese culture There’s no doubt that your suggestions will be of great help.
I’d appreciate it if you could offer some wonderful ideas.Looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua
I was packed and ready to go skiing for the first time.It felt like I was about to take an adventure with the world at my feet.Feeling empowered,I knew something brilliant was going to come out of the trip.I was more than excited at the thought of spending an entire week with my best friend,Lindsay,hanging out and enjoying winter.
Early Monday morning my youth group boarded our bus for the ski trip.Once at the destination,we saw the skiers floating so easily and gracefully down the slopes.By the time I got my skis and boots,I was confident that I’d be a fantastic skier.During the lessons,I mastered the art of skiing within 30 minutes.After spending most of the time practicing again and again on the run for beginners,we were able to fly down the hill by the end of the day.In the evening,we all felt extremely plaining about the pain our ski boots had caused,Lindsay and I decided we weren’t skiing the next day.Well,of course,our friends wouldn’t hear of that.
So,the next morning we found ourselves in line for the ski lift,which wound its way up the high mountain.Lindsay and I stared helplessly at each other,our eyes showing nothing but fear.After I got into the lift,I sat totally still on the chair with my eyes closely shut,not daring to look outside.The lift rose so fast that before I knew it,I had floated up the mountain.When I finally opened my eyes,I found myself at the top in one piece.Thank goodness I was still alive!
Standing at the top of the long slope,with the skis pointing downward,I realized I was shaking.I glanced at Lindsay and found that she was scared too,for her poles kept tapping rapidly against the sides of her boots.
Taking a deep breath and gathering all our courage,we gave each other an encouraging nod and both took off.At first I barely moved,but slowly I allowed myself to gain some speed.Soon I was shooting down the mountain with my heart beating wildly.
Then a sharp turning suddenly came into view.

I was on the point of crying when I felt a hand on my shoulder.
Then a sharp turning suddenly came into view.I knew I had to stop,but I was moving too fast to control myself.I tried everything,but in vain.There was only one final option—falling over.After rolling for what felt like forever,I lay still,head dizzy.Worse still,my joints were painful and every muscle hurt.I knew there was no way I could keep going.When I struggled to my feet and brushed the snow off,the terrible truth hit me:I still had half the mountain to go!
I was on the point of crying when I felt a hand on my shoulder.It was Lindsay.“I have to quit,” I said hopelessly.Pointing to some skillful skiers,Lindsay said,“Look,they are skiing so easily.Come on,I believe we can make it,too.” Looking at her determined expression,I was instantly inspired and seconds later we were both skiing down the slope.Along the way there were a few more falls,but we were not defeated.At the bottom,I glanced up the mountain and felt a wave of gratitude and pride.Thanks to Lindsay’s encouragement,I had overcome my fears and learned to face challenges bravely.Section C Extended reading,Project,Assessment & Further study
1.He thinks we are living in a fully      (integrate) and supportive society.
2.Students discuss ideas,as opposed to just      (copy) from books.
3.The curtains are for      (pure) decorative purposes and do not open or close.
4.Many people felt he would be opposed to the idea of foreign      (intervene).
5.William tried to join the basketball club but          (reject) because of his poor health.
答案was rejected
6.They appeared surprisingly      (pessimist) about their chances of winning.
7.Some think that a woman’s body cells have a      (tend) to age more slowly than a man’s.
8.It is      (sincere) hoped that these methods will find application in engineering.
9.The farmers torn down wooden      (fence) and broken branches off trees.
10.My teacher asked me to take part in the speech contest to          (hold) by my school the next day.
答案be held
integrate...into,at a fast pace,deal with,be related to,refer to,base...on,make an apology,try out
1.Since the middle of the 20th century,modern tourism has been growing             around the world.
答案at a fast pace
2.It has been proved that poor educational performance             emotional disturbance.
答案is related to
3.At present,many foreigners are also happy to be         Chinese society.
答案integrated into
4.When I study English,I like to put my dictionary within my reach so that I can         it when necessary.
答案refer to
5.With our knowledge         practice,we can make great contributions to our society.
答案based on
6.If you are really wrong,you should            to your roommate.
答案make an apology
7.It is very important to teach the children how to         others’ kindness and rudeness.
答案deal with
8.I’ll give you a free path so that you can         the facilities before you decide.
答案try out
主题语境:人与社会 语篇类型:说明文
Imagine you made plans with a new friend to talk on the phone.You called but there was no answer—and you didn’t get a call back.What happened Perhaps they got held up by a work obligation.Perhaps they didn’t want to meet but didn’t bother to cancel.Or perhaps they had a busy week and simply forgot to write down your appointment time.
In social situations like this,our minds can produce various explanations,ranging from ones that are more understanding to ones that put blame to the other party.Psychologists refer to this as our attributional style.Past research has found that individuals with a “hostile” attributional style tend to be less satisfied with their relationships.
According to a new study,they’re also less happy overall.The researchers can’t say for sure whether seeing people as hostile directly lowers our happiness,or whether unhappy people are just more likely to make hostile attribution in the first place.However,this study does suggest the possibility that giving people the benefit of the doubt is a practice to improve our relationships and well-being.
Dorota Jasielska,lead researcher of the study,suggests that we start by developing positive and trusting social relationships.When we find ourselves surrounded by warmth and support,it can help us see the social world in a kinder light.Another important strategy is to have open and direct communication.Instead of letting your anxieties get worse,it may be better to simply talk to people about their confusing behavior.
So the next time a friend cancels plans or forgets to text back,consider giving him the benefit of the doubt and waiting to hear his side of things before jumping to conclusions.Assuming others have good intentions will make the world seem like a friendlier place.
1.How does the author introduce the topic of the text
A.By giving an example.
B.By asking a question.
C.By giving a definition.
D.By telling a story.
解析推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Imagine you made plans with a new friend to talk on the phone.You called but there was no answer—and you didn’t get a call back.”可知,作者通过举例来引入文章主题。
2.What is the attributional style
A.To show an understanding of one’s mistake.
B.To imagine a particular social situation.
C.To find out the cause of social phenomena.
D.To make assumptions on uncertain things.
解析细节理解题。根据第二段中的“In social situations like this,our minds can produce various explanations,ranging from ones that are more understanding to ones that put blame to the other party.Psychologists refer to this as our attributional style.(在这样的社交场合中,我们的大脑可以产生各种各样的解释,从更容易理解的解释到指责对方的解释,心理学家称之为归因风格)”可知,归因风格是指对不确定的事情做假设。
3.What can make us happier according to the study
A.Finding common interests with others.
B.Making positive excuses for others.
C.Improving social communication.
D.Being friendly to others.
解析细节理解题。根据第三段中的“However,this study does suggest the possibility that giving people the benefit of the doubt is a practice to improve our relationships and well-being.(然而,这项研究确实表明,给予人们善意的猜测可以改善我们的关系和促进幸福)”可知,根据这项研究,善意猜测他人能让我们更快乐。
4.What do the last two paragraphs mainly talk about
A.Importance of reaching out and making friends.
B.Strategies for having effective communication.
C.Advice on handling confusing social behavior.
D.Methods for improving our social relationships.
解析主旨大意题。根据倒数第二段中的“Dorota Jasielska,lead researcher of the study,suggests that we start by developing positive and trusting social relationships.”以及最后一段中的“So the next time a friend cancels plans or forgets to text back...”可知,最后两段主要讲了处理令人困惑的社会行为的建议。
假定你是李华,你的美国朋友Tom对中国文化有浓厚的兴趣。恰好你校今年寒假将为外国学生举办一场汉语冬令营活动(Chinese Winter Camp),请你给他发一份邮件,邀请他参加活动。
Dear Tom,

Li Hua
Dear Tom,
I am writing to invite you to participate in Chinese Winter Camp,which is intended for international students.
The camp is scheduled to last 11 days,from December 18 to December 28.It covers a wide variety of cultural activities.These activities range from studying Chinese daily expressions to attending some lectures on Chinese history and traditional culture.The camp provides a chance for you to visit some famous museums and by admiring the historical relics,you will definitely gain a better understanding of the country.
If you want to be part of it,please sign up for it before December 2nd at our school website.Looking forward to your early reply.
Li Hua
It was my first university day of new term,which I had been looking forward to in the summer vacation.Mother decided Dad should accompany me though I thought I could manage it myself.Everything here appeared a little fresh to me;yet I still had a butterfly in my stomach.The letter of admission said my dormitory was Room 512 on the fifth floor.
I climbed the stairs slowly,carrying a big suitcase,my father following with two bigger more.By the time I set foot onto the fifth floor,I got entirely burnt out and at the same time had a feeling of loneliness.Worse still,Dad missed a step and fell on his back,sending my new suitcases rolling down the stairs.“Damn it!(见鬼!)” he screamed,his face turning red.I knew storm was on the way.Whenever Dad’s face turns red,look out.
How could I ever get him to finish unloading the car without screaming at me and making a scene in front of the other girls,whom I would have to spend the rest of the year with At that point,doors along the narrow passage were opening and strange faces peering out (探出) with curiosity,as Dad walked with difficulty close behind.I felt it in my bones that my college life was getting off to a bad start.
“Wish to find the room quickly!” I prayed as I walked with my head bent.“Get him into a chair and calmed down.” But then again,would there be a chair in my dormitory Or would it be a purely empty room I didn’t know what was in store for me.
Finally I arrived at Room 512.

And there on a well-made bed sat a girl,my new roommate.

Finally I arrived at Room 512.I turned the key into the lock and pushed the door a little open,with Dad still complaining about a hurting knee or something.I put my head in,expecting the worst.But much to my surprise,the room wasn’t empty at all!It was furnished with two sets of desks and chairs,bookshelves,curtains,a TV,and several pleasant paintings on the walls.
And there on a well-made bed sat a girl,my new roommate.She was dressed simply but neatly.Greeting me with a nod,she said in a soft voice,“Hi,I’m Amy,you must be Cori.” Then,she turned down the music and looked over at Dad.“And of course,you’re Mr Faber,” she said smiling.“Would you like a glass of iced tea ” Dad’s face turned decidedly less red before he could bring out a “yes”.I knew then that Amy and I would be friends and my first year of college would be a success.第一单元测评
(时间:120分钟 满分:150分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
W:Can I help you
M:Yes.I’d like to try this jacket on,please.
W:Okay.The changing rooms are over there.
1.Where are the speakers
A.At a swimming pool.
B.In a clothing shop.
C.At a school lab.
W:Tom,your music is too loud.
M:Our band is practicing for the show,Mom.
W:But it’s already the middle of the night.
M:Okay,we’ll turn it down right away.
2.What will Tom do next
A.Turn down the music.
B.Postpone the show.
C.Stop practicing.
W:Hi,Bob.What are you listening to
M:Some popular music.
W:I’ve never heard this song before.Did you buy a new CD
M:No,I borrowed it from my friend Sam.
3.Who does the CD belong to
A.The man.
B.The woman.
M:You’re really crazy about the singer Mary,aren’t you
W:Yes,I drove to Birmingham from Manchester for her concert.I wouldn’t miss it.
4.How did the woman go to the concert
A.By car.
B.By subway.
C.By bus.
M:Hi,Miss Jones.I’m sorry that I failed again in your subject.
W:No one succeeds every e on and be happy.You’ll have got more chances.
M:Thanks a lot.No failure next time.
5.What’s the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Mother and son.
B.Sister and brother.
C.Teacher and student.
M:Have you ever saved a person
W:Fortunately not,but I always have to be prepared.
M:How did you pass the test
W:I had to pass some swimming tests to prove my skills.Then I had to take a course in how to get drowning people safely to the shore,and I also had to take life-saving classes.
M:That seems like a lot of training.
W:Yes,but someone’s life may depend on it.
6.What does the woman probably do
A.A coach. B.A lifesaver. C.A trainer.
7.What does the woman think of the courses
A.They are easy.
B.They are boring.
C.They are important.
W:Excuse me,I’m wondering if you can help me.I’m trying to find the subway.
M:Which subway stop are you looking for
W:I’m looking for the northbound subway to the museum.
M:I see.Do you know where the main terminal is
W:No,not really.
M:How did you get here
W:I took the eastbound subway from my hotel.The clerk told me to get off at this stop.
M:Yes that’s right.The main terminal is not too far.If you walk up to the next block and turn left,you’ll see it.You can’t miss.
W:Thank you very much.
8.What is the woman doing
A.Asking the way.
B.Booking tickets.
C.Visiting a museum.
9.How will the woman go to the main terminal
A.By bus.
B.By car.
C.On foot.
M:Hello!E-shop.What can I do for you
W:I’ve just received your catalog and I’d like to inquire about something in it.
M:Yes,ma’am.What’s the product number
M:Let me see.Um ... Here we are!It’s our latest model of electronic dictionary.
W:How many dictionaries does it contain
M:It contains a total of six dictionaries with different functions and an encyclopaedia.You can also download updated materials from our website.
W:Good.I want one of those.And the price is...
M:It’s 500 yuan and you will also receive a memory stick for free.
W:That sounds great!When can I get it
M:Within two days.On November 15th.
W:Can I pay by credit card
M:Of course.I have to mention that we charge 40 yuan for the delivery.
W:All right.
10.How does the woman know the products
A.She received a catalog.
B.She watched an ad on TV.
C.She heard about it by chance.
11.What does the electronic dictionary contain
A.Four dictionaries and two encyclopaedias.
B.Five dictionaries and one encyclopaedia.
C.Six dictionaries and one encyclopaedia.
12.How much should the woman pay totally
A.540 yuan.
B.500 yuan.
C.400 yuan.
M:Have you been to Disneyland,Mary
W:Yes.I went two years ago.It’s very big and of great fun.
M:Can you tell me where to go and what to see What are the best things
W:Well,make sure that you go to Tomorrowland.You can spend a whole morning there.It’s very interesting and there’s a lot to see.
M:What about the Sleeping Beauty Castle I hear you can get a wonderful view from the top of the tower.Is it true
W:I didn’t find that very interesting,because it happened to be cloudy when I was there.You can go to Adventureland;that’s quite wonderful.It’s quite close to the Sleeping Beauty Castle.
M:What else is there to do
W:There’s Bear Country,but we didn’t go there;we didn’t have time.You can go to the Film Studios;they’re also quite interesting.And if you have time,go on the Mountain Train.That’s really exciting.
13.When did the woman go to Disneyland
A.A year ago.
B.Two years ago.
C.Three years ago.
14.Where does the woman suggest the man spend a whole morning
B.The Mountain Train.
C.The Sleeping Beauty Castle.
15.Why did the woman find the castle uninteresting
A.It was rainy.
B.It was cloudy.
C.It was sunny.
16.What does the woman say about the Mountain Train
A.It is boring.
B.It is surprising.
C.It is exciting.
Good morning,everybody.Before we start the class today,I need to give you some information about our field trip on the 27th of May.As you know,we’re spending the day at The Science Museum in London.A coach will pick us up in the school car park.We’ll leave at 8 o’clock,so plan to be there at least fifteen minutes before that,7:45 at the latest.You’d better set your alarms for 6:30,okay If you’ve visited The Science Museum before,you’ll know that it’s enormous,and we can’t possibly see everything in one day.The Welcome Wing has three galleries which deal only with contemporary science.We’re going to have a guided tour of one of them.We’ve ordered lunch at the cafe,so we’ll all meet up there at 12:30.And don’t be late.We have to go to the cinema at 1:15.
I think that’s all for now.Oh,one last thing.Check out The Science Museum website before we go.The more you read about it,the more interesting the visit will be.
17.Who is the speaker
A.A guide.
B.A teacher.
C.A coach.
18.When will the students leave for the museum
A.6:30. B.7:45. C.8:00.
19.What will the students do at 1:15
A.See a film.
B.Meet at a cafe.
C.Visit a gallery.
20.Where can the students find more information
A.From teachers.
B.From a website.
C.From a book.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)
Places You Can Volunteer in L.A.
There are many ways you can help others during the holiday season.Here are our picks of volunteer opportunities.
Big Sunday
Big Sunday is holding its ninth BIG Stuffing Event on June 22,with the goal of volunteers’ creating at least 2,000 bags of food to deliver to needy people.The bags will be turned in at Big Sunday’s office on June 23,where volunteers will add fruits and then distribute (分发)them the next day.
Address:6111 Melrose Ave
Hollywood Food Coalition
Hollywood Food Coalition is partnering with Gobble Gobble Give to give away food boxes,health care kits and other necessities.Volunteers are needed to hand them out.You can also give away things such as pies,dinner rolls and milk for the meals.
Address:5939 Hollywood Blvd
Los Angeles Mission
Los Angeles Mission has special events,including packing food boxes for homeless people on June 20 and distributing those boxes on June 25.It serves three meals every day at its downtown location,and needs five volunteers per shift(轮班)—4:30 a.m.to 8:30 a.m.,8:30 a.m.to noon and 12:30 p.m.to 4:30 p.m.
Address:303 E 5th St
Union Rescue Mission
Union Rescue Mission needs volunteers to help prepare food for its June 21 celebration and helpers to clean up after the June 21 event.Register to volunteer online and reserve days and locations where you want to help.
Address:545 S San Pedro St
21.When will Big Sunday give away their food bags
A.On June 25.    B.On June 24.
C.On June 23. D.On June 22.
解析细节理解题。根据Big Sunday部分的“The bags will be turned in at Big Sunday’s office on June 23,where volunteers will add fruits and then distribute them the next day.”可知,Big Sunday将在6月24日分发他们的食物袋。
22.What does Hollywood Food Coalition need volunteers to do
A.Prepare food.
B.Pack up food.
C.Distribute food.
D.Add fruits to food bags.
解析细节理解题。根据Hollywood Food Coalition部分的“Volunteers are needed to hand them out.You can also give away things such as pies,dinner rolls and milk for the meals.”可知,Hollywood Food Coalition需要志愿者分发食物。
23.Which number should you call if you want to help on June 20
解析细节理解题。根据Los Angeles Mission部分的“Los Angeles Mission has special events,including packing food boxes for homeless people on June 20 and distributing those boxes on June 25.”以及“Phone:(213)629-1227”可知,想要在6月20日帮忙可以拨打(213)629-1227这个电话。
Last week,my sister and I were talking about how many of our friends had phones.My sister said she thought it was dumb that kids in high school had them,especially taking the phones to school,since most of your friends were at school anyway.As she said,“Why would they call you when they could see you in class ” I agreed with her.I mean,it’s not likely that your friends are going to call you when you’re in class!
But the next day after school,when two of her friends came over to our house,my sister told her friends she thought taking a phone to school was totally cool and she couldn’t wait to get one.When I reminded her that just the evening before she thought taking a phone to school was a dumb idea,she stared at me and if looks could kill,I’d be even dead!
When her friends left,I asked her if she really had changed her mind about wanting a phone to take to school.“No,”she said.“But both of my friends have phones and take them to school,so I didn’t want to tell them that I thought it was a dumb idea.”
You see,my sister just told her friends what she thought they wanted to hear.I think my sister works way too hard to fit in with her friends.Personally,I don’t want to work that hard to have friends.I mean,what would be so terrible about my sister believing one thing about kids having phones and her friends believing something different Besides when your friends know where you stand in terms of how you feel or what you think is cool or uncool,they respect you.At least show respect for yourself by sticking up for what you believe in.And even if they don’t agree with you good friends will think you’re cool for being true to yourself.
24.What does the underlined word “dumb”(Para.1) most probably mean
A.Cool. B.Smart.
C.Silly. D.Common.
解析词义猜测题。根据“...especially taking the phones to school,since most of your friends were at school anyway.”可知,因为他们大部分的朋友在学校里,所以带手机去学校有点“愚蠢”,所以选C项。
25.How did the sister feel when the author said what her sister really thought
A.She was angry.
B.She was excited.
C.She was satisfied.
D.She was disappointed.
解析推理判断题。根据第二段的“she stared at me and if looks could kill,I’d be even dead”可知,他姐姐非常生气。
26.How is the passage developed
A.Telling a story first and then arguing.
B.First to be general and then particular.
C.Listing examples and then summarizing.
D.Raising a question first and then analyzing.
27.Which does the author agree
A.Good friends never lie to each other except white lies.
B.Seek common points while reserving differences.
C.Be true to yourself and good friends will respect you.
D.Good friends must have the same interest and views.
解析推理判断题。根据文章的最后两句“At least show respect for yourself by sticking up for what you believe in.And even if they don’t agree with you good friends will think you’re cool for being true to yourself.”可知,做真实的自己会得到朋友的尊重。
In April 2015,UK journalist Rebecca Atkinson,along with other parents of children with disabilities started the campaign ToyLikeMe to solve the lack of various toys for children with disabilities.They created a Facebook page where everyone was able to post ideas and pictures about what toys for children with disabilities should look like.
Even though the campaign attracted a lot of attention,these parents couldn’t rest until their ideas actually became real.Luckily,only 2 weeks after the campaign started,the people who started the campaign got in touch with a company in the UK that designs toys through 3D printing,and the company agreed to create new series of dolls.That’s when the first toys for disabled children were produced.
There are around 150 million children with disabilities,and even though the toy industry is worth over $2.9 billion,it has completely failed to create toys that are fitter for them.Until recently,that is.Thanks to this campaign that has taken the Internet by storm,many toy companies have answered this calling and have made toys specifically for children with disabilities.
Soon enough,the ToyLikeMe campaign on Facebook and Twitter finally reached the big companies like Lego,and now there is an entire series of toys for disabled children that have been sold worldwide.
Even after all the success this campaign has had,ToyLikeMe gets on with its task.The organization has followers in over 45 countries and has received donations from over 700 people.The mission of ToyLikeMe is to continuously influence the worldwide toy industry and hopefully make kids with disabilities all around the world feel accepted and appreciated.
【语篇解读】这是一篇说明文。文章讲述的是英国记者Rebecca Atkinson与其他残疾儿童的家长一起发起一项ToyLikeMe的活动,为残疾儿童解决玩具的问题。
28.How did Rebecca and some parents start the campaign ToyLikeMe
A.They made a new series of dolls through 3D printing.
B.They asked Lego to design toys for children with disabilities.
C.They called on people to donate toys on their Facebook page.
D.They created a Facebook page for people to share opinions and pictures.
解析细节理解题。根据第一段中的“They created a Facebook page where everyone was able to post ideas and pictures about what toys for children with disabilities should look like.”可知,他们在Facebook上创建了一个页面,征求有关残疾儿童玩具的建议。
29.What can we learn about ToyLikeMe
A.It makes disabled kids have more confidence.
B.It makes disabled kids have various toys to play with.
C.It gives away toys to children with disabilities.
D.It gives families with disabled kids encouragement.
解析细节理解题。根据第一段中的“In April 2015,UK journalist Rebecca Atkinson,along with other parents of children with disabilities started the campaign ToyLikeMe to solve the lack of various toys for children with disabilities.”可知,残疾儿童缺少各种各样的玩具,ToyLikeMe活动旨在解决这个问题,让残疾的孩子们有各种各样的玩具玩。
30.What does Paragraph 3 mainly show
A.There’s a growing need for helping disabled kids.
B.There’s a growing need for more toy companies.
C.Many toy companies are responding to the calling.
D.Children are fond of playing with various toys.
31.What can be inferred about ToyLikeMe in the last paragraph
A.It has gained support of parents.
B.It will continue its journey.
C.It has been popular with disabled kids.
D.It will care for other needs of disabled kids.
解析推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Even after all the success this campaign has had,ToyLikeMe gets on with its task.”可知,ToyLikeMe活动将继续它的旅程,发挥它的影响。
We’re often reminded of the importance of preserving the planet as we see it for future generations—and children at St Oswald’s CE Primary School Chester certainly agree.
Nine-year-old Isobel Kelleher from the school’s Hummingbirds class thinks adults need to take note.“Sometimes they can be busy and I don’t think they think they can make a difference,but if everyone does a little bit it all adds up,” she tells HuffPost UK.“We started looking at plastic pollution in our oceans and the things like plastic bags that are polluting them,” she says.“Fish can eat the plastic and they can die,or we might even eat the fish ourselves.”
Mr Timms,Isobel’s teacher,has been spearheading a new project at the school which lets children loose creatively to raise the awareness of the need to be more environmentally friendly.The entire Hummingbirds class,which is made up of nine-year-old and ten-year-old pupils,has been busy writing poems and creating online video adverts to warn adults about the serious situation of our oceans and wildlife.
Mr Timms thinks children have an important role to play in teaching us how to take care of the things around us.“We sometimes overlook how much we can really learn from children,” he says.“It has been really hard to believe having parents come in saying that their children have been asking them to stop using plastic,and to recycle more,and even stopping them using plastic straws.”
Mr Timms is proud of his Hummingbirds class.“The message that they would like to send to world is simple:stopping this isn’t someone else’s job,and it won’t be OK if we just leave it.”
32.What can we infer about adults according to Isobel Kelleher
A.They just pretend to be busy.
B.They haven’t done their part well.
C.They can do nothing to stop pollution.
D.They have started to care about the ocean.
33.What is the purpose of the school project
A.To help adults to learn more about their kids.
B.To remind adults to be friendly to the environment.
C.To persuade students to stop using plastic bags.
D.To teach students how to write poems creatively.
34.Why does Mr Timms mention parents in Paragraph 4
A.To prove kids are creative in teaching.
B.To attract people to support his work.
C.To have adults care about education.
D.To show the effects of the project.
35.What is the text mainly about
A.An inspiring school project.
B.An appeal to stop using plastic bags.
C.Serious situations of our planet.
D.Adults’ ignorance of the environment.
Tips for Cutting the Cost of Travel
Whether for pleasure or business reasons,it is normal for us to sometimes want to pack our bags,hit the road,and head to a new destination. 36 ,it is not without its expenses and those expenses are capable of drilling a hole in one’s pocket if not properly planned out beforehand.Below are several tips to ensure you don’t end up too much out of pocket by the end of your travels.
 37 .More often than not,people go directly to the airline websites to book their tickets.But did you know that there are so many websites,like Traveligo,which specialize in finding cheap flights for travelers This is a great go-to website whenever you want to book your flight.
Choose a cheaper means of transportation.While everyone likes to fly to their travel destination for ease and speed,flying isn’t the only transport option available.Depending on where you’re living and where you’re headed,you can always select public transport. 38 .
Don’t use hotels. 39 .By using Airbnb or any of its popular competitors,travelers have the opportunity to not only live like locals but also spend far less.
Use a travel credit card.When you apply for these cards,you can control opportunities like signing-up bonuses,most of which are offered by airline credit cards. 40 .You can save yourself a lot of money by way of extra miles,whenever you’re ready to hit the road.
A.Save on airfare
B.Surf the website for tickets
C.While traveling is an exciting experience
D.These bonus points can help you increase a lot of miles
E.Staying at someone’s house can be cheaper than booking a hotel
F.So research what’s available and choose the best option for your budget
G.If you’re a budget sensible traveler looking to reduce the travel costs
36.C 根据下文“it is not without its expenses and those expenses are capable of drilling a hole in one’s pocket if not properly planned out beforehand.”可知,此处与下文形成转折关系,故选C项。
37.A 根据下文“But did you know that there are so many websites,like Traveligo,which specialize in finding cheap flights for travelers ”可知,此处是本段的小标题,内容与节省机票钱有关,A项“节省航空费用”符合题意。
38.F 根据上文“Depending on where you’re living and where you’re headed,you can always select public transport.”可知,此处内容与选择合适的交通工具有关,F项“所以,研究一下什么是可用的,然后根据你的预算做最好的选择”符合题意。
39.E 根据本段小标题“Don’t use hotels.”和下文“travelers have the opportunity to not only live like locals but also spend far less”可知,此处内容与住当地人的家里可能比住酒店花费少有关,E项“住在别人家里可能比预订酒店便宜”符合题意。
40.D 根据上文“When you apply for these cards,you can control opportunities like signing-up bonuses,...”可知,此处内容与红利积分的用处有关,D项“这些额外的红利积分可以帮助你增加很多里程”符合题意。
第二部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
Trinidad State Beach,Northern California.About 50 feet from shore,two brothers were struggling for their  41 .They had been swept out to sea in a rapid current,their mouths  42  able to stay above the water.
 43 ,four surfers in wet suits were nearby.Weibel,Stratton,and York,all 16,along with Ortiz-Beck,15,were on their surfboards when they heard the  44 .“We looked at each other and knew these guys were about to  45 ,” Weibel told The Washington Post.York headed to the  46  to find someone to call 911 while the others paddled their boards toward the  47  swimmers.
As the surfers drew close,the brothers were  48 .“It was pretty stressful,but there wasn’t any time to think about it,” Ortiz-Beck says.He  49  alongside the younger brother.Grabbing him under his arms,he  50  him up onto his board.Stratton and Weibel, 51 ,were trying hard to help the older brother.He was large,250 to 300 pounds,and he was  52 .“We told him,‘Calm down—we got you!’” says Weibel.“He feared he was going to die.” However,York arrived  53  to help get the older brother on the second board.
“When we come across a(n)  54  like this one,it’s usually too late by the time we get there,” says Dillon Cleavenger,a rescue worker.“The four boys were willing and prepared to  55  their lives.I can’t say enough about what they did.”
41.A.freedom B.lives
C.existence D.boards
解析根据下文“They had been swept out to sea in a rapid current”可知,两兄弟被激流冲到海里,在竭力求生(lives)。
42.A.finally B.exactly
C.closely D.barely
43.A.Abruptly B.Luckily
C.Obviously D.Absolutely
44.A.cries B.noises
C.chaos D.weeps
45.A.float B.fall
C.drown D.sleep
46.A.shore B.sea
C.hospital D.destination
解析根据下文“to find someone to call 911”可知,找人拨打911自然是划向岸边(shore)。
47.A.surprising B.challenging
C.conflicting D.suffering
解析根据上文“knew these guys were about to    ,”可知,两兄弟在水里挣扎,饱受折磨(suffering)。
48.A.struggling B.swimming
C.floating D.waiting
解析根据上文的“two brothers were struggling for their    ”可知,兄弟两人在水中挣扎(struggling)。struggling为同词复现。
49.A.stayed up B.pulled up
C.held up D.looked up
解析根据下文“Grabbing him under his arms”可知,Ortiz-Beck停在了弟弟旁边。pull up意为“停在(旁边)”,符合语境。
50.A.lifted B.called
C.hurried D.kept
解析根据下文“up onto his board”可知,Ortiz-Beck把他架上了冲浪板。lift up意为“抬起,举起”。下文“help get the older brother on the second board”处也有提示。
51.A.otherwise B.besides
C.therefore D.meanwhile
52.A.ashamed B.amazed
C.panicked D.confused
解析根据下文“We told him,‘Calm down...’”可知,哥哥很惊慌(panicked)。此处panicked和calm down为反义词语复现。
53.A.on purpose B.in time
C.at once D.with ease
解析根据下文哥哥获救可知,York及时(in time)赶到帮助把那位哥哥弄到第二个滑板上。
54.A.outcome B.emergency
C.instance D.adventure
解析根据“like this one”可知,这里说的就是两兄弟溺水这种紧急情况(emergency)。故选B项。
55.A.take B.spend
C.risk D.apply
The winter solstice(also called Dongzhi) occurs when one of the Earth’s poles has its maximum tilt(倾斜) away from the sun.Although the winter solstice 56.      (it) lasts only a moment,the term sometimes refers to the day on 57.      it happens.The date of the winter solstice 58.      (vary) from year to year,and can fall anywhere 59.      December 20 and December 23.It was very important because the people were economically dependent on monitoring the progress of the seasons.It’s when the sun reaches its 60.      (far) southward point for the year.At this solstice,the Northern Hemisphere(半球) has its longest night of the year.
Since the 18th century,the term “midwinter” has sometimes been used with the winter solstice,although it carries other meanings as well.61. (tradition),in many regions,the winter solstice 62.     (see) as the middle of winter,but in some countries and calendars,it marks the 63.      (begin) of winter.
As most are aware,daylight hours grow shorter as the winter solstice approaches,and begin to slowly 64.      (length) afterward.For people living in the southern hemisphere,the South Pole is pointing towards the sun,65.      (make) it summertime “Down Under”.And regardless of where you live,the solstice happens at the same moment for everyone on the planet.
56.itself 考查代词。分析可知,此处所填的词作“the winter solstice”的同位语,所以要用反身代词itself。
57.which 考查定语从句。先行词为“the day”,关系词作介词“on”的宾语,要用which。
58.varies 考查动词的时态和主谓一致。此处描述事实,所以时态是一般现在时,主语“The date”是第三人称单数,所以填varies。
59.between 考查介词。between...and...“在……之间”。
60.farthest 考查比较等级。根据“southward point”和常识可知,此处要用形容词的最高级作定语,故填farthest。
61.Traditionally 考查副词。所填的词修饰后面整个句子,所以用副词形式。
62.is seen 考查动词的时态和语态。此处描述的是事实,所以时态是一般现在时,主语“the winter solstice”与see之间是动宾关系,所以用一般现在时的被动语态。
63.beginning 考查名词。根据冠词“the”和介词“of”可知,此处要用名词,the beginning of“……的开始”。
64.lengthen 考查动词。begin to do sth意为“开始做某事”,所以用动词原形,故填lengthen。
65.making 考查非谓语动词。所填的词作结果状语,表自然而然的结果,所以用动词-ing形式。
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
假定你是李华,下周将参加主题为“I’m growing up”的英语演讲比赛。请结合自己的高中生活,写一篇英文演讲稿,反思得失,并规划下一阶段的高中生活。
Good morning,ladies and gentlemen!_______________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________ __________________
Thank you for listening!
Good morning,ladies and gentlemen!
There are growing pains in my life,which make me annoyed.However,I have to admit that,during my growing time,I also have many gains such as priceless friendships and useful things—to be kind and friendly to others,to be confident and independent,and so on.
In order to make my high school life better,I have to make balance between my life and study.First,in school,I will learn lessons all well whether they are interesting or boring.Besides,in life,I will find some time to relax myself and make friends.From now on,I want to try my best to ease myself of my pains and get more gains.
Thank you for listening!
All I wanted was to sit with them at “the popular table”.Jill had the best clothes.She looked like she walked straight out of a store window.Brett had the coolest haircut,plus she was already on the field hockey team and we were only in the sixth grade!Aimee was a cheerleader and Shannon could boss people around and they’d do whatever she said.I sure didn’t have that kind of power,but then again,I wasn’t popular.
Everyone else called them the “popular girls” and at lunch I’d watch them from across the middle school cafeteria and wonder how on earth I could get a seat at their table.I imagined how much fun they had sitting there,the envy of the lunchroom,while I ate sandwiches at the table near the dustbins.This wasn’t how I thought middle school was going to be at all.
One day,I had the nerve to walk past their table and Shannon and Jill started making fun of me,saying I smelled.
“I hate them,” I sighed,sitting down beside my three friends and opening my lunch bag.“The popular girls are so mean.”
“Well,we aren’t mean!” said one friend,and she was right.
I looked towards the popular table.Aimee appeared to be in a fight with Jill,while the others were laughing at a red-headed boy,who was the smartest kid in our grade and maybe even our whole school.He was in tears when they got done with him.He took his tray to an empty table in the far corner of the room to eat alone.
That was when it hit me.Why would I even want to be friends with people who were so mean My friends were far nicer and from the looks of it,we had a lot more fun.None of us fought or made fun of people.We laughed,sang,and joked to entertain one another.
“Maybe I should ask him to come eat with us,” I said,gesturing towards the lonely,red-haired boy.
“Sure,” said my friends.
From then on,we invited everyone the popular girls made fun of to eat at our lunch table.

Later,I looked up the word “popular” in the dictionary.

From then on,we invited everyone the popular girls made fun of to eat at our lunch table.Soon our table was full and we had to add more chairs.All of us were willing to sit a little closer to make room for someone else.It may have been a little crowded,but at our table,everyone fit regardless of whether they were fat,dressed funny,came from a poor family,or were funny looking.I started to look forward to lunchtime.Middle school was turning out to be a lot of fun.
Later,I looked up the word “popular” in the dictionary.It meant to be liked by a lot of people.Hardly did anyone like the “popular” girls at our school.They didn’t even seem to like each other or themselves very much.When I looked at my group of friends that seemed to be growing every day,I understood where the true “popular table” was in our middle school cafeteria and knew that I had gotten my wish after all.Section B Grammar and usage & Integrated skills
1.He      (假装) that he was reading an important document when the boss came in.
2.He had to      (停下) from time to time to wipe the sweat from his forehead,because the air-conditioning system broke down.
3.We all felt      (失望的) when we heard the news that our school team was finally defeated by one to two in the close game.
4.From where we are in the orchestra,you can see every      (皱纹) on her face.
5.You hope that your local mail carrier can get all your      (包裹) to you in a hurry.
6.Alice laid her baby on the sofa tenderly and      (包,裹) it with a blanket.
7.Hopefully Jane will understand and      (原谅) you,if she really loves you.
8.Cynthia is not      (羞愧的) of what she does,even if she ends up doing something wrong.
9.I still feel      (感到内疚的) about things I said to my father when I was a teenager.
10.I believe that as soon as I was offered a good position,I would      (辞职) at once.
1.I’m                (非常乐意) to show you around Beijing as a reward for your generous help.
答案more than willing
2.           (致力于) his research work,the professor cared little about any other things.
答案Devoted to
3.We have to look towards the future,                      (为了……的利益) our grandchildren.
答案for the good of
4.In order to get ready for the examination,the students are studying                (日日夜夜).
答案day and night
5.Lots of people play football in parks or playgrounds just           (为了娱乐).
答案for fun
6.As soon as the postman passed her the letter,Mary                (撕开它).
答案tore it open
7.There is no possibility that we can get there in time,because our flight                (被延误) by snow.
答案was held up
8.We walked           (沉默地) up a flight of stairs and down a long corridor.
答案in silence
9.Generally speaking,                (……的数目) people who drive after drinking is smaller and smaller.
答案the number of
10.We should adjust our aim                     (不时) in order to go ahead continuously.
答案from time to time
主题语境:人与社会 语篇类型:说明文
If your family or group of friends love to bike,then a bike trip makes a perfect vacation. 1  Because you move more slowly on a bike,you have a chance to really sink into your environment,observing wildlife and views that you might miss otherwise.
 2  If you have unskilled bikers or kids in your group,you’ll probably all be happiest if you keep your mile goals fairly modest.But a group of more experienced bikers can make more serious mile goals.
An easy way to travel is to camp along the way.You can book campsites ahead of time at campgrounds along the way,and ride into camp as late as you like. 3  Invest in a light-weight tent,and light-weight inflatable pads (充气垫) under your sleeping bag.
If you’re going to be traveling on trails (小径),you’ll want to ride a mountain bike during your trip.On the other hand,if your route is wholly along roads,you can ride a lighter-weight street bike.Or,you can put heavier-weight tires on a street bike. 4 
If you have a lot of time,you can cover quite a bit of distance.Over the course of a long trip,you’ll get stronger and you’ll be able to go further in one day. 5  You might want to rest a day or two early in your travels to give your body some rest.
A.Biking is becoming more and more popular.
B.Avoiding hurt is another thing you should concern.
C.Keep in mind that some camping equipment is heavy.
D.Check in with your local bike shop for suggestions on tire weight.
E.However,remember that early in the trip you’ll start every day feeling tired.
F.Seeing the world from the seat of a bike is a wonderful way to experience new places.
G.As you plan your trip,the biggest decision to make is how far you’d like to travel each day.
1.F 根据下文“Because you move more slowly on a bike,you have a chance to really sink into your environment,observing wildlife and views that you might miss otherwise.”可知,该句是对上文的说明,F项“坐在自行车上看世界也是一种体验新地方的奇妙的方式”符合语境。
2.G 下文提到“如果你的团队里有不熟练的自行车手或孩子,那么骑行里程的目标定的很低,你可能会感到快乐,但是一群更有经验的自行车骑手可以制定更严谨的旅程目标。”由此可知,该段是在讲关于骑行的目标制定的问题。G项“当你计划你的旅行时,你要做的最大的决定是你每天想要骑行多远”符合语境。
3.C 根据上文“An easy way to travel is to camp along the way.”以及下文“Invest in a light-weight tent,and light-weight inflatable pads under your sleeping bag.”可知,本段在讲露营设备的问题。C项“请记住,某些露营设备很重”可承接上下文。
4.D 上文提到选择更重的轮胎,那么本句承接上文说明可以向自行车商店查询轮胎重量的建议。故D项“向你当地的自行车商店查询轮胎重量”的建议符合语境。
5.E 上文提到“如果你有足够的时间,你可以骑行很远的距离。在数周的旅行过程当中,你会变得更强壮,一天之内也能够骑行得更远。”下文提到“你可能想要在旅途中早休息一两天,让你的身体得到一些休息。”由此可知,上下文含有转折关系,E项符合语境。
主题语境:人与自我 语篇类型:记叙文
Dear Mr Smith,
I have put this letter off for far too long.I know you passed away many years ago,but maybe someone else  1  this will do much better  2  it’s too late for him or her.I want you to know what a  3 you made in my life and to say thanks.
When you  4  me science at Patterson High School,you awakened a  5  in me to learn about everything in my world—not just the things in science but everything,everywhere.My  6  question was and still is,“Why ” I know I 7  my daddy mad sometimes, 8  when he was doing some housework or car repair,with my questions.What’s that What is it used for Why doesn’t it work that way He would  9  answering my questions and say to me,“Go in the house,David!”
The only things I can  10  now from your class are how to identify the different types of clouds and the elements in the periodic table(元素周期表).It wasn’t the  11  of the lessons but the inspiration—to question,to be curious,and to look at problems as  12  to be solved—that has  13  me so well over the years.
When I look at the sky and point to a cloud formation, 14  anyone around that those are such and such clouds,I can see their  15  eyes.But occasionally,one of my grandchildren will ask anxiously,“How do you know that ” I say,“I had a teacher.”
1.A.choosing      B.reading
C.correcting D.creating
解析根据上文“I have put this letter off for far too long.I know you passed away many years ago”可知,这是作者写给已故老师的信,此处指读到(reading)这封信的其他人。
2.A.before B.after
C.since D.while
解析根据下文“it’s too late for him or her”可知,其他人可以在为时未晚时,做作者没有做到的事情。
3.A.promise B.plan
C.mistake D.difference
解析根据下文“you awakened a      in me to learn about everything in my world—not just the things in science but everything,everywhere”可推断,作者想让老师知道他对自己的生活有多大的影响。make a difference“有影响”。
4.A.provided B.guided
C.taught D.prepared
解析根据下文“me science at Patterson High School”可知,此处是说当老师教(taught)作者科学的时候。
5.A.kindness B.patience
C.judgment D.curiosity
解析kindness“善良”;patience“耐心”;judgment“判断”;curiosity“好奇心”。根据下文“to learn about everything in my world—not just the things in science but everything,everywhere”可知,此处表示唤醒了作者求知的好奇心。
6.A.constant B.obvious
C.sudden D.traditional
解析根据下文“question was and still is”可知,这个问题过去和现在没变(constant)。
7.A.directed B.drive
C.excited D.forced
解析作者不断地问问题有时候让父亲发狂。drive sb mad意为“使某人发狂”。
8.A.specially B.personally
C.especially D.privately
解析根据下文的“when he was doing some housework or car repair,with my questions”可知,这里表达递进关系,作者知道自己连续不断的问题有时候会让父亲发狂,尤其是(especially)当爸爸在做家务或修车的时候。
9.A.be proud of B.take care of
C.run out of D.get tired of
10.A.remember B.realize
C.imagine D.recognize
解析根据上文的“to learn about everything in my world”可知,作者在老师课上学到了东西,但现在能记得(remember)的不多。
11.A.force B.content
C.meaning D.power
解析根据上文“to identify the different types of clouds and the elements in the periodic table”可知,这是作者记得在课上学的内容。结合下文“but the inspiration”可知,这是表示记得的不是上课的内容,而是老师带来的启发。
12.A.exercises B.decisions
C.challenge D.benefits
解析根据上文“but the inspiration—to question,to be curious”可知,老师给作者带来启发、质疑和好奇,把问题当作等待完成的挑战(challenge)。
13.A.afforded B.requested
C.respected D.served
解析根据上文“I want you to know what a      you made in my life and to say thanks.”可知,因为老师带给他的影响很重要,很多年都对他有用(served)。
14.A.warning B.informing
C.educating D.reminding
解析根据上文“how to identify the different types of clouds”可知,作者在课上学会了辨别不同类型的云,现在把这个知识告知给(informing)别人。
15.A.amazed B.relaxed
C.discouraged D.determined
解析根据下文“But occasionally,one of my grandchildren will ask anxiously,‘How do you know that ’”可知,大家听到作者了解云的构成很吃惊(amazed)。
主题语境:人与自然 语篇类型:说明文
Ecotourism is commonly regarded as low impact(影响) travel to undisturbed places.It is different from traditional tourism because it allows the traveler to become 1.     (educate) about the areas—both in terms of geographical conditions and cultural characteristics,and often provides money for conservation and benefits the 2.     (develop) of the local areas.
Ecotourism has 3.     (it) origin with the environmental movement of the 1970s.It was not widely accepted as a travel concept 4.      the late 1980s.During that time,increasing environmental awareness made it desirable.
Due to 5.      growing popularity of environmentally-related and adventure travel,various types 6.      trips are now being classified as ecotourism.Actually,a true eco-friendly trip must meet the following principles:
Minimize the impact of 7.     (visit) the place.
Build respect for and awareness of the environment and cultural practices.
Provide 8.     (finance) aid and other benefits for local peoples.
Make sure that the tourism provides positive experiences for both the visitors and the hosts.
Komodo National Park,officially recognized in 1980,is popular for ecotourism because of its unique biodiversity.9.     (activity) there range from whale watching to hiking (远足) and accommodations aim 10.     (have) a low impact on the natural environment.
1.educated 考查非谓语动词。分析句子成分可知,所填的词作表语。由于“educate”和“the traveler”之间存在逻辑上的动宾关系,故用动词-ed形式。
2.development 考查名词。根据空格前面的定冠词“the”可知,所填的词是名词形式,故用development。
3.its 考查代词。分析句子成分可知,所填的词修饰名词“origin”作定语,故用形容词性物主代词。
4.until 考查连词。分析句子结构并结合前面的not可知,本句是not...until...结构。
5.the 考查冠词。所填的词位于名词的前面,且名词后有of短语作定语,因此该名词是特指,故用定冠词。
6.of 考查介词。various types of...“各种各样的……”。
7.visiting 考查非谓语动词。所给的词是动词且位于介词后,故用动词-ing形式。
8.financial 考查形容词。所填的词修饰名词“aid”,故用financial。
9.Activities 考查名词单复数。所给单词是名词,结合句子的谓语动词“range”可知,该名词要用其复数形式。
10.to have 考查非谓语动词。aim to do sth意为“旨在做某事”,故填to have。Section C Extended reading,Project,Assessment & Further study
1.Mary was afforded a      (文凭) upon completion of her course of study.
2.She is tall and more physically      (成熟的) than many girls of her age.
3.The kids wanted us to take them to the      (马戏团) again during the summer holidays.
4.As is reported in the newspaper,the      (延长) of the subway will take several months.
5.The conversation between a student and the      (图书管理员) aroused my interest.
6.Mary sat in the corner of the railway      (车厢) and looked very anxious.
7.You’d better write down the phone number of that restaurant for future      (参考).
8.Tom went to the library after breakfast and has been writing his      (论文) there ever since.
9.Robert Dunn is a        (教授) of economics at George Washington University.
10.The length of a      (段落) depends on the information it conveys.
hold on to,compose oneself,bounce...off,(be) anxious about,put off,stay up,in a flash,reflect on,take a deep breath,lay out
1.          he remembered everything and a plan began to form in his mind.
答案In a flash
2.Hearing what I said,he was nervous at first,but soon          .
答案composed himself
3.When you work in a team you can      your ideas      each other.
4.This news made her          the safety of her son who was working in the flood area.
答案anxious about
5.          her volunteer experience,Tina felt proud of what she managed to achieve together with her local colleagues.
答案Reflecting on
6.She still          her job although many of her colleagues quitted.
答案held on to
7.It was because of the bad weather that the football match          .
答案was put off
8.Last night he          very late to complete his research paper.
答案stayed up
9.Before long,the long red carpet        for this glamorous occasion.
答案was laid out
10.I          and immediately realised what was going on.
答案took a deep breath
主题语境:人与社会 语篇类型:说明文
Facebook has developed a kind of AI (人工智能),translating between any pair of 100 languages without depending on first translating to English.
Facebook’s system was trained on a data set of 7.5 billion sentence pairs collected from the web across 100 languages,though not all the languages had an equal number of sentence pairs.“What I was really interested in was cutting out English as a middle man.Globally there are plenty of countries where they speak two languages that aren’t English,” says Angela Fan of Facebook AI,who led the work.
For some language pairs,the new system shows prominent improvements in translation quality.For example,translating from Spanish to Portuguese is extremely strong because Spanish is the second-most spoken first language worldwide,meaning the researchers can get a lot of data.Translation between English and Belarusian (白俄罗斯语) also is improved because the AI can translate Russian into English,which shares similarities with Belarusian.
While the system isn’t in use on the social network site,Facebook plans to put it to work soon to manage the 20 billion translations made every day when people click “Translate” on posts (帖子) written in more than 160 languages.“Future work will be done on other languages,” says Fan,“especially for languages where we don’t have a lot of data,like South-East Asian and African languages.”
“The work breaks away from the English-centric models and tries to build more different models,” says Shelia Castilho of the ADAPT Centre at Dublin City University,Ireland.“That’s pretty new and different.But it’s hard to know if the AI does a right translation work.The users may not know the other language,so they cannot judge the correctness of the translation.”
1.What’s Angela Fan’s purpose of doing the research
A.To collect data of all kinds of people.
B.To make learning different languages easier.
C.To achieve her dream of becoming a translator.
D.To avoid using English as a middle man in translation.
解析推理判断题。根据文章第二段中的“What I was really interested in was cutting out English as a middle man.Globally there are plenty of countries where they speak two languages that aren’t English”可知,Angela Fan的研究目的是避免在翻译中使用英语作为“中间载体”。
2.Why is it easy to translate from Spanish to Portuguese by AI
A.There is much data on Spanish.
B.Portuguese is similar to Spanish.
C.Researchers have a good knowledge of the two languages.
D.Spanish is spoken by the largest number of people.
解析细节理解题。根据文章第三段中的“For example,translating from Spanish to Portuguese is extremely strong because Spanish is the second-most spoken first language worldwide,meaning the researchers can get a lot of data.”可知,人工智能很容易将西班牙语翻译成葡萄牙语是因为西班牙语的资料数据很多。
3.What is Castilho worried about
A.The safety of AI translation.
B.The correctness of AI translation.
C.The way of using Facebook.
D.The number of posts on the website.
解析细节理解题。根据文章最后一段中的“The users may not know the other language,so they cannot judge the correctness of the translation.”可知,Castilho担心的是人工智能翻译的正确性。
4.What is the best title for the text
A.Facebook AI Can Talk with the Users
B.Facebook Wants to Buy a New System
C.Facebook AI Can Translate Any Pair of 100 Languages
D.Facebook Has Lost Many Users
解析主旨大意题。通过全文可知,文章主要是围绕Facebook开发的一种能翻译100种语言的人工智能而讲述的。C项“Facebook AI Can Translate Any Pair of 100 Languages”贴合文章主旨。
你校将举办英语演讲比赛。请你以Be smart online learners为题写一篇发言稿参赛,内容包括:

Be smart online learners
As we all know,time is rather limited in today’s society and the online courses break the limitation of time and space,providing us with great convenience to study.Thus,its popularity is easy to foresee and understand.
However,there also exist some disadvantages.Online learning does harm to our eyesight.Apart from that,the outcome of study can’t be guaranteed,especially for those who lack self-control.Moreover,the atmosphere of the class is not warm enough,which leads to a lack of communication between teachers and students.
In my opinion,if you can take full advantage of every possible means appropriately to study with self-discipline,it won’t matter whether you study online or in the classroom.I do hope all of us can be smart online learners.
As we get older there are certain gifts standing out in our memories for a variety of reasons.
One gift I was given and treasured most was a doll named Patsy.She wasn’t originally mine but was my younger sister’s Christmas gift,but on holding Patsy I immediately fell in love with her and couldn’t bear to part with her.Luckily,my sister was quite happy to exchange dolls.From then on Patsy was my baby and I continued to love her dearly and would have died for her.
Another gift I offered my mom has been shining in my mind.On a Saturday,I was on my way to the local cinema when I happened to glimpse(一瞥) at the window of the gift shop at the corner of our street.There were lovely gloves,pretty flowered handkerchiefs,and rose patterned teacups and saucers,all in pretty boxes.Seeing all these lovely gifts reminded me that it would soon be Mother’s Day and my mother’s birthday.Wouldn’t it be nice,I thought,if I could give my mother something really special,something I’d bought myself So I stepped inside the shop and admired a dressing table set,which was a green cut glass with ornamental tray(装饰托盘) and several matching pieces.I was sure my mother would love it.
The lady must have seen my disappointment when she told me the price.But she had a suggestion which immediately lifted my spirits.She pulled out a large notebook and wrote my name in it and the gift I wanted to buy,and in return I paid her a penny from my pocket money.It meant no sweets that day but I didn’t care.At the age of nine,I’d made my very first lay-by(分期付款)...and felt like a grown-up.From then on,every Saturday I dropped in at the shop on schedule and paid a penny,which the lady dutifully recorded in her notebook.
The day before Mother’s Day I paid the last two pence.

Too excited to wait till Sunday,I excitedly presented the gift to my mother.

The day before Mother’s Day I paid the last two pence.As the lady wrapped the gift in brown paper and tied it with string,I attentively signed the notebook to say I had completed my lay-by.I thanked her and excitedly left the shop.“Be careful not to drop it,” she called after me.Securely,the gift tucked under my arm,I skipped the short distance home.
Too excited to wait till Sunday,I excitedly presented the gift to my mother.I placed the parcel on my mother’s lap and I stood by her side,hopping from one foot to the other,as she painstakingly untied every single knot in the string and slowly peeled away the brown paper as if she were unfolding butterfly wings,to reveal the box.My heart was racing.Then,as I bit into my bottom lip,she carefully began to lift the lid.“Do you like it,do you like it ” I asked excitedly,“Yes,I love it so much and I’ll keep it with me,” said my mother.She was delighted,smiling sweetly.The special gift survived many house moves,and it was still sitting on my mother’s dressing table.Unit 3Careers and skills
Section A Welcome to the unit & Reading
1.Under the          (leader) of the CPC we have made great achievements in socialist modernization.
2.In December 2018,I         (hire) as a hotel manager and moved here full time.
答案was hired
3.The doctor said that the patient might be uncomfortable after her      (operate).
4.They represent the country’s culture,humanity,nature and technology          (respective).
5.Before going out,Mr Smith handed back his room key to the          (reception).
6.That company wanted to hire him as their      (consult),but he declined firmly.
7.Like any other public      (serve),the police must respond to public demand.
8.He was in trouble and decided to seek the help of a private      (law).
9.They have developed techniques which are superior       those used in most factories.
10.It is reported that the eagerly        (anticipate) movie will be released next month.
contribute to,comfort zone,add to,be engaged in,be fond of,make a life,take pride in,earn a living
1.None of them saw what they did as a career;it was simply a way to           .
答案earn a living
2.Find something that takes you out of your         or that you love to do.
答案comfort zone
3.We should all            good causes.
答案be engaged in
4.My grandfather is a warm-hearted person,and he           giving advice to all my friends.
答案is fond of
5.Perhaps you think you could easily           your happiness with more money.
答案add to
6.I’m firmly convinced of the importance of honesty,which will          building a warm and harmonious society.
答案contribute to
7.True masters are those who have chosen to            rather than a living.
答案make a life
8.They are able to focus on their accomplishments and            themselves.
答案take pride in
I think                you are always angry may be the high pressure of study.
答案the reason why
                       ,we must look ahead and encourage ourselves.
答案Whenever we are in trouble
Wherever we are,                ,we should owe thanks to our parents.
答案whatever we do
              parents should create room for children’s growth to ensure their overall development.
答案It seems that
Doctors examine their patients thoroughly                     a correct diagnosis.
答案in order to make
主题语境:人与自我 语篇类型:议论文
Workers are returning to their careers,or starting new ones,after age 65.
More than ever,work is where many of us derive our sense of purpose.That doesn’t end at age 65.After being retired for only three months,Sue Ellen King returned to work at the University of Florida Health in Jacksonville,Florida,where she had been a care nurse and nursing educator for 38 years.She is now working part-time in a position created just for her.“It’s perfect,” she told The New York Times.“I get the satisfaction of having people appreciate what I do.” With the average life span for those who reach age 64 now stretching all the way to 84 years old,those who reach retirement age still have many potential years of work to go.
Job sites connected toward part-timers,temporary positions,and some can also turn up opportunities that may lead to longer-term work.Fred Dodd tried a part-time job after his unemployment as a risk analyst for large banks at age 63.He’d thought about retiring then.“But part of me just wanted to keep working—partly for the money,but more just because I felt I wanted to do more in my career,” he said.
The unretired have the advantage of not needing to focus on the earnings potential of whatever jobs they take on,so these older workers are attracted to more meaningful work.And since they are voluntarily putting their skills and experience to good use,they may well have more flexibility than their mid-career colleagues.Two-thirds of retirees who’d come back to the work world were doing meaningful work they enjoyed.Legal work and community service were popular choices,as was teaching—all areas in which older workers might have an opportunity to make their own schedules.
Earning more money rarely seems like a bad idea,but it can cause issues for retirees,including effects when they claim Social Security(申请社会保障) benefits early.
1.How does Sue Ellen King like her work
A.Interesting. B.Satisfying.
C.Boring. D.Encouraging.
解析细节理解题。文章第二段中的“It’s perfect”和“I get the satisfaction...”说明Sue Ellen King对自己的工作非常满意。
2.What does the second paragraph mainly tell us
A.Why many retirees return to the work.
B.Why Sue Ellen King found a nursing job.
C.What real purpose our work is.
D.What the average life span is.
3.Why did Fred have another job
A.He was out of work.
B.Job sites helped him.
C.He has financial difficulty.
D.He likes continuing working.
解析细节理解题。文章第三段最后一句中的“but more just because I felt I wanted to do more in my career”说明喜欢在职业生涯中做更多的事情是Fred在自己63岁时重新找工作的原因。
4.Why do the unretired like meaningful jobs
A.These jobs have more flexibility.
B.These jobs have lots of potential.
C.The unretired don’t care much for salary.
D.The unretired can’t do very hard jobs.
解析细节理解题。文章第四段第一句中的“have the advantage of not needing to focus on the earnings potential”说明退休的人不太注重工作收入是他们喜欢做有意义工作的主要原因。
主题语境:人与自我 语篇类型:记叙文
Last May I was hired by a large government agency.I had seven coworkers and a boss,Mrs King.Our job was to sort huge amounts of mail into four hundred slots(位置).We delivered the mail out of grocery carts we wheeled from office to office,picking up outgoing mail as we went along.Each mail delivery took an entire half-day to sort and deliver.
My troubles began almost as soon as I arrived.I was horrified to see that the slots were labeled not with people’s names but with their initials.Without thinking,I asked why this was a good idea,only to receive a sharp glance from Mrs King.So I repeated the question.This time Mrs King told me not to question what I didn’t understand.It was the first of many such exchanges,and I hadn’t been on the job a half-hour.The longer I worked at the job,the more I saw how inefficient all the procedures were,from delivery routes to times for coffee breaks.
When I asked Mrs King about the procedures,however,she always reacted the same way.I continued with it over the next seven weeks,but my efforts were fruitless,even counterproductive.
Two months later,I was fired.I objected,of course.The personnel manager asked me if I had ever heard of the barnyard pecking order:the top chicken pecks on the one below it,the second pecks on the third,and so on all the way down the line to the lowliest chicken,whose life is a constant misery.Mrs King,the manager,was that lowliest chicken at the bottom of the pecking order in the agency’s management.No one should doubt for a moment that she ruled her roosters.
I reflected upon my adventure in the agency.Eventually I saw how arrogant,and how unsympathetic,my behavior had been.In my next job,I’ll learn the pecking order before I become a reformer,if I do.
5.What trouble did the author meet when he started his job
A.He had too many co-workers and a boss to work with.
B.He found the slots were labeled not with full names but initials.
C.He had to spend too much time in sorting and delivering.
D.His boss Mrs King glanced at him sharply and answered him quickly.
解析细节理解题。根据第二段中的“I was horrified to see that the slots were labeled not with people’s names but with their initials.”可知,作者震惊地发现这些插上的标签不是人名而是姓名的首字母,所以选B项。
6.Why was the author fired two months later
A.He questioned his boss Mrs King endlessly.
B.He did not work according to work procedures.
C.He worked inefficiently.
D.He did not make his efforts to work.
解析细节理解题。根据第二段中的“So I repeated the question.”和第三段可知,作者不断地质疑,所以选A项。
7.What does the barnyard pecking order in Paragraph 3 refer to
A.Work procedure. B.Job morality.
C.Production line. D.Ranking system.
解析词义猜测题。根据第四段中的“the top chicken pecks on the one below it,the second pecks on the third,and so on all the way down the line to the lowliest chicken”可知,the barnyard pecking order指的是等级制度,所以选D项。
8.What have the author learned from his job adventure
A.Honesty. B.Self-confidence.
C.Respect. D.Perseverance.
解析推断理解题。根据第五段中的“Eventually I saw how arrogant,and how unsympathetic,my behavior had been.In my next job,I’ll learn the pecking order before I become a reformer,if I do.”可知,在自己的工作经历中,作者懂得了要学会尊重,所以选C项。Unit 1Honesty and responsibility
Section A Welcome to the unit & Reading
1.While taking care of his wounds,I asked him if he had another doctor’s      (appoint).
2.Her income was      (bare) enough to maintain one child,let alone three.
3.Mr Smith claims he has evidence which could prove his      (innocent).
4.The fire department did not immediately comment on the      (suspect) cause of the fire.
5.The escaped prisoner got      (arrest) immediately he turned up at the railway station.
6.He      (outline) his plans and then proceeded to explain them in more detail.
7.According to one report,the water is advancing at a rate of between 8 and 10      (inch) a day.
8.I have been convinced that the print media are more accurate and more      (rely) than television.
under arrest,tear down,slow down,lose contact with,arm in arm,turn up,take charge of,make one’s fortune,adapt...from,stick to
1.The workmen         the old house and built a new house in its place.
答案tore down
2.Determined to             in South America,Mark Twain set off from his home for New Orleans in his teens.
答案make his fortune
3.Without the fixed phone and cell phone,they         the outside world entirely.
答案lost contact with
4.Young lovers walked           amidst flowers of every color of the rainbow.
答案arm in arm
5.He didn’t have any time to react before policemen stormed in and placed him         .
答案under arrest
6.We are working with the assumption that everyone invited will         at the party.
答案turn up
7.Challenge yourself and           your own growth in your career.
答案take charge of
8.There is no cure for the disease,although drugs can         its rate of development.
答案slow down
9.The opera             Shakespeare’s comedy,and put on stage by Anhui Huangmei Opera Theatre.
答案was adapted from
10.The doctors         their research until they discovered how to cure the disease.
答案stuck to
At the depth of the forest                     .
答案lies a big lake
              I finished film studies that I pursued my career as an actress.
答案It wasn’t until
                  it is,he is determined to have a go at the experiment.
答案No matter how difficult
It is worthwhile                  protecting an old building.
答案to spend money
There were about 10 young people                ,all waiting to have a go.
答案standing round him
主题语境:人与社会 语篇类型:记叙文
Emily Meyer was just 5 years old when she was admitted to Good Samaritan Hospital in West Islip,New York,on Christmas night.While she was recovering,someone from Child Life stopped by her room to give her a present.She and her mom protested—Emily had already received some,after all—but they insisted that every child would get a gift!
“The Child Life team explained that no child should be in the hospital during the holiday season,but if they are,they should feel the joy of the holidays while they are there,” Emily said.
That moment made a lasting impact on her.She decided she wanted to help the charity provide gifts to kids who are stuck in the hospital over the holidays,so she started her own toy drive in 2010.
Emily’s Awesome Toy Drive set out to collect new,unwrapped gifts that would be delivered to sick kids,and it’s still going today!“We collected about 20 or so toys the first year,” Emily said.“Every year from then on,it just grew and grew and grew and grew.It just became this whole big thing.”She is celebrating her 10th year of helping sick children by matching last year’s donations of $2,500,despite the challenges of isolation(隔离).
In order to hit that goal,she started collecting toys way back in the summer months and created an Amazon wish list to give people a contact-free delivery option.Even better,Emily’s Awesome Toy Drive is a family affair!Her parents help with the organization,wrapping,and delivery of the toys,and they love it just as much as Emily does.
“When kids are able to play and use toys to distract them,it makes a stay at the hospital so much easier,” her mom,Tara Decola,said.“It’s been amazing how it’s grown over the years and knowing that she is able to provide comfort and care to anyone ill just gives us a lot of joy as a family.”
1.What did Emily and her mom do when she was given a present
A.They accepted it happily.
B.They gave it to other kids.
C.They insisted on getting it.
D.They refused to accept it at first.
解析细节理解题。根据第一段最后一句“She and her mom protested—Emily had already received some,after all—but they insisted that every child would get a gift!”可知,由于艾米丽已经收到过一些礼物了,所以一开始她和妈妈拒绝接受。
2.What is Elily’s parents’ attitude towards her Awesome Toy Drive
A.Supportive. B.Doubtful.
C.Unconcerned. D.Opposed.
解析推理判断题。根据第五段中的“Even better,Emily’s Awesome Toy Drive is a family affair!Her parents help with the organization...”可知,艾米丽的父母对她是支持的。
3.What could be the best title for the passage
A.Helping Sick Children
B.Collecting Toys for Kids
C.Being Ill on Christmas Night
D.Emily’s Awesome Toy Drive
主题语境:人与自我 语篇类型:记叙文
When I was 9,we packed up our home in Los Angeles and arrived at Heathrow,London on a gray January morning.Everyone in the family settled quickly into the city except me.Without my beloved beaches and endless blue-sky days,I felt at a loss and out of place.Until I made a discovery.
Southbank,at an eastern bend in the Thames,is the center of British skateboarding,where the continuous crashing of skateboards left your head ringing.I loved it.I soon made friends with the local skaters.We spoke our own language.And my favorite:Safe.Safe meant cool.It meant hello.It meant don’t worry about it.Once,when trying a certain trick on the beam(横杆),I fell onto the stones,damaging a nerve in my hand,and Toby came over,helping me up:Safe,man.Safe.A few minutes later,when I landed the trick,my friends beat their boards loud,shouting:“Safe!Safe!Safe!” And that’s what mattered—landing tricks,being a good skater.
When I was 15,my family moved to Washington.I tried skateboarding there,but the locals were far less welcoming.Within a couple of years,I’d given it up.
When I returned to London in 2004,I found myself wandering down to Southbank,spending hours there.I’ve traveled back several times since,most recently this past spring.The day was cold but clear:tourists and Londoners stopped to watch the skaters.Weaving(穿梭) among the kids who rushed by on their boards,I found my way to the beam.Then a rail-thin teenager,in a baggy white T-shirt,skidded(滑) up to the beam.He sat next to me.He seemed not to notice the man next to him.But soon I caught a few of his glances.“I was a local here 20 years ago,” I told him.Then,slowly,he began to nod his head.“Safe,man.Safe.”
“Yeah,” I said.“Safe.”
4.What can we learn about the author soon after he moved to London
A.He felt disappointed.
B.He gave up his hobby.
C.He liked the weather there.
D.He had disagreements with his family.
解析推理判断题。根据第一段中的“Everyone in the family settled quickly into the city except me.Without my beloved beaches and endless blue-sky days,I felt at a loss and out of place.(除了我之外的家里人都很快适应这个城市,没有了我喜爱的沙滩和蓝天,我感到迷茫和无措。)”可知,作者刚到伦敦的时候并不能很好地融入新的城市,感到很沮丧。
5.What do the underlined words “Safe!Safe!Safe!” probably mean
A.Be careful! B.Well done!
C.No way! D.Don’t worry!
解析词义猜测题。根据画线词后面的“And that’s what mattered—landing tricks,being a good skater.(那才是真正重要的——滑板的落地技巧掌握了才是一名好的滑板玩家。)”可知,作者掌握了滑板落地技巧,因此他的朋友大声欢呼。由此可以推出本句的Safe是赞美的含义,故选B项。
6.Why did the author like to spend time in Southbank when he returned to London
A.To join the skateboarding.
B.To make new friends.
C.To learn more tricks.
D.To relive his childhood days.
解析推理判断题。根据第四段中的“‘I was a local here 20 years ago,’I told him.Then,slowly,he began to nod his head.‘Safe,man.Safe.’”可推知,作者去Southbank这个地方是为了寻找自己玩滑板的回忆。
7.What message does the author seem to convey in the text
A.Children should learn a second language.
B.Sport is necessary for children’s health.
C.Children need a sense of belonging.
D.Seeing the world is a must for children.
解析推理判断题。作者刚搬到伦敦时很失落,但是有了一群志同道合的小伙伴后,很快就融入了当地的生活。后来搬家到华盛顿,却找不到喜欢滑板的人,于是作者放弃了滑板。重返伦敦后,作者经常到小时候滑板的地方走走看看。显然,作者想要表达的是儿童需要归属感。Unit 2Understanding each other
Section A Welcome to the unit & Reading
1.This produced a chain      (react),which made it possible for life to develop.
2.Wandering in the countryside,I could feel the wind      (gentle) blowing through my hair.
3.Most adults do not feel      (competence) to deal with a medical emergency involving a child.
4.If you can find      (suit) learning methods,your learning efficiency is likely to be improved.
5.The information             (obtain) last night as a result of various experiments.
答案was obtained
6.He just stood there with his arms      (fold) when he might have given me a hand.
7.The 21st century is a highly informational,      (knowledge) and global society.
8.My daughter showed a lot of sympathy     the people who were begging from the passing shoppers.
9.I approve of your      (try) to earn some money,but please don’t neglect your studies.
10.The president planned to deliver a speech          (clarify) the situation.
答案to clarify
keep in mind,approve of,dependent on,negotiate with,play an important role in,communicate with,account for,face to face
1.Afro-Americans        12% of the US population.
答案account for
2.A survey done recently shows that not all parents         their children taking part in the weekend classes.
答案approve of
3.Internet users become more          the Internet to store information.
答案dependent on
4.Always            that your main task is to get your English improved.
答案keep in mind
5.I had to         the seller for a long time to get the price I wanted.
答案negotiate with
6.We were strolling into the town when we came         with Jacques Dubois.
答案face to face
7.As is known to us all,shoes              our life,for it can protect our feet from being hurt.
答案play an important role in
8.The Internet also provides us with a cheap alternative to          others.
答案communicating with
                the teacher interested in football but all his students are beginning to show an interest in it.
答案Not only is
                       ,Mary says she wants to be a painter when she grows up.
答案When asked about her dream
                       ,they won’t quit it easily,which can’t accustom themselves to the daily life.
答案Once they form the habit
         popular science books,we can take in more basic knowledge.
答案While reading
                         ,and then perhaps you’ll stop complaining.
答案Put yourself in my shoes
主题语境:人与自我 语篇类型:记叙文
Freshmen at Central Valley High in Ceres had a busy week of good deeds,tied to Pay It Forward Day,April 30,and an urge to show the world that teens can be awesome.
Kids in Success 101 spent first period making sandwiches for the homeless.The classes,taught by Natalie Rowell and Becky Lynch,got to hand 200 bagged sandwiches to the charity giving out the food.“They got to really see what an impact they had.It was inspiring and heartwarming,” Rowell said.Besides,students also made blankets to send to soldiers,and created 45 flower arrangements for senior people at the Hale Aloha Home in Ceres.“They were nervous going into it.But when they saw how happy the elderly were,the reality of what they did really surfaced,” Rowell said.
Rowell said she liked working with children to see how they learn.“It’s different from how we learn,but we’re kind of the same because they struggle in some of the subjects that we find hard as well.”
Success 101 was tailor-made for students with that kind of insight.The first-period class includes study help,speakers on teen subjects and an overall focus on looking past high school,figuring out the steps to create their future.“Some kids need that little push.In this class,that’s what we do,we give them that little push,” Lynch added.“Success would be beneficial for all ninth-grade students.Since the start of the year,I really see a change in them.”
Raquel Alfaro,a teen participant who worked with the younger kids,likes the Pay It Forward idea.“This helps us show adults,and also kids,that we’re doing something different and that we’re not as mean and selfish as they think we are,” Alfaro said.
1.How did the kids in Success 101 show their value in the week
A.By studying very hard.
B.By doing some good deeds.
C.By helping their teachers.
D.By inspiring local community.
解析细节理解题。根据第一段可知,Success 101中的孩子们通过在一周内做一些好事来显示他们的价值。
2.What can we infer about Rowell from the text
A.She is in need of some push.
B.She tried hard to learn some subjects.
C.She understands the kids well.
D.She started the Pay It Forward Day.
解析推理判断题。根据第三段中的“It’s different from how we learn,but we’re kind of the same because they struggle in some of the subjects that we find hard as well.(这和我们学习的方式不同,但我们有点像,因为他们在一些我们觉得很难的科目上也会挣扎。)”可知,Rowell 很理解学生在学习中碰到的难处。
3.Why was Success 101 set up
A.To push students to study harder.
B.To educate students to help others.
C.To inspire students to make a better change.
D.To improve students’ academic performance.
解析推理判断题。根据第四段中的“‘Some kids need that little push...I really see a change in them.’”可知,设立Success 101是为了激发学生做出更好的改变。
4.What do people usually think of teens,according to Raquel Alfaro
解析细节理解题。根据最后一段中“This helps us show adults,and also kids,that we’re doing something different and that we’re not as mean and selfish as they think we are”可知,Raquel Alfaro认为人们会觉得青少年很自私。
主题语境:人与自然 语篇类型:说明文
Granada is Spain’s most visited city,drawing tourists from all over the world,most of whom are eager to see the famous world heritage sites.Also,some people can enjoy the wonderful music and dance festivals there.Located in Spain’s most southern region,you are guaranteed lovely hot weather during the summer.However,as it is set at the foot of the Sierra Nevada Mountains,there is skiing during the winter,making it a popular destination all year round.
Centuries ago,Granada was once a city filled with hundreds of public baths.One of the few that remains undamaged dates back to the 11th century.However,Granada’s most popular attraction is the Alhambra.The name Alhambra means “red castle” because of the color of the stone,which is particularly beautiful at sunset.As you walk through its narrow streets and beautiful gardens,you will be able to experience the charm of this particular region.
Within the Alhambra is the Parador(旅馆) Granada,which is one of Spain’s most popular hotels.It was originally part of a palace and later turned into a convent(女修道院),it’s a place where you can calm your mind.Its tranquil courtyard and lovely views are some of the reasons why so many guests enjoy their stay.
Located on the hill not far from the Alhambra is Albaicin.This used to be an Arab silk market,but today the small streets are filled with shops selling local handicrafts.From Albaicin,there is a steep walk up to a church,but it’s well worth the effort.With the mountains in the background,you will be able to get a beautiful view.
Granada has its own airport with flights from London and Stansted,so flying out for a long weekend couldn’t be easier.Why not discover for yourself why so many people around the world love coming to this charming city
5.Why do so many tourists travel to Granada
A.To enjoy the famous festivals.
B.To visit the world heritage sites.
C.To learn about its old culture.
D.To experience the exciting skiing.
解析细节理解题。根据文章第一段中的“Granada is Spain’s most visited city,drawing tourists from all over the world,most of whom are eager to see the famous world heritage sites.”可知,很多游客来格拉纳达参观世界遗址。
6.What’s the main reason why Alhambra got its name
A.Because of the stones’ color.
B.Because of its heavy pollution.
C.Because of its government.
D.Because of its special position.
解析细节理解题。根据文章第二段中的“The name Alhambra means ‘red castle’ because of the color of the stone,which is particularly beautiful at sunset.”可知,Alhambra名字的由来是因为石头的颜色。
7.What does the underlined word “tranquil” in Paragraph 3 mean
A.Broad. B.Splendid.
C.Amazing. D.Quiet.
解析词义猜测题。根据上文“it’s a place where you can calm your mind”中的calm可知,画线词的意思与“安静的”有关,所以选D项。
8.What’s the author’s purpose of writing the text
A.To entertain readers.
B.To share experiences.
C.To advertise Granada.
D.To offer tour service.
解析推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Why not discover for yourself why so many people around the world love coming to this charming city (为什么不自己去发现为什么全世界这么多人喜欢来到这个迷人的城市 )”可知,文章主要是给Granada这个旅游胜地做广告。Section B Grammar and usage & Integrated skills
1.Some of the      (职业的) college teachers are skilled technicians from companies.
2.You will be asked to fill in a form with details of your birth and      (职业).
3.Firstly,with a good command of English,I’m quite      (合格的) for the job.
4.Unfortunately,there is little      (前景;可能性) of seeing these big questions answered.
5.Doctors have to constantly update their knowledge in order to maintain their professional      (能力).
6.In this modern city,there are excellent facilities for sport and      (娱乐).
7.      (数据) show that far more people are able to ride a bicycle than drive a car.
8.To do the survey,we asked a      (随机的) sample of people what they thought.
Associating with good friends is                to us than choosing good books.
答案no less important
With his attention                     ,he forgot all about what I had told him.
答案focused on his homework
Jane is a quiet girl,who prefers to stay in the library                to see a movie.
答案rather than go
If you grow up in a large family,you are                     the ability to get on well with others.
答案more likely to develop
                  fuels like coal and oil cause a lot of pollution.
答案It is certain that
The library houses lots of unpublished documents that                your topic.
答案are relevant to
I am grateful to you for your advice on                English.
答案how to study
主题语境:人与自我 语篇类型:说明文
Many students study with little thought about what comes after their study session. 1 .Now we will explore some no-cost ways that can help you improve your learning.
 2 .Perhaps they look at their phone or computer.They might even play a video game or watch television.But research suggests that resting after you study may help you remember what you studies.
A study published in the journal PLOS One examined how well older people who were in good health could remember certain words.In two different experiments,researchers found that older adults who rested for 10 minutes after learning new words had better memory of those words.“A period of wakeful rest immediately after new learning increases free recall of verbal material,” the researchers wrote. 3 .
In addition to wakeful rest,sleep is also important for learning.A report on the website of Harvard Medical School explains that a person lacking sleep cannot focus attention and therefore cannot learn efficiently. 4 .That is essential for learning new information.
Robert Stickgold is a doctor and sleep expert at Harvard Medical School.“ 5 ,” he said.“When we first form memories,they’re in a very raw and fragile form.Sleep is important for forming memories.” Stickgold suggested that adults between the ages of 18 and 64 get between 7 and 9 hours of sleep per day.Teenagers may need slightly more,and people over the age of 65 may need a little less.
A.New memories can be hard to keep
B.The results were strong even after seven days
C.But what you do after studying could have an effect on how well you learn
D.Now you have two suggestions for how to learn new information
E.Many students often go straight to another activity after finishing study
F.By reducing your activity after study,your brain gets a chance to rest
G.It also says sleep itself has a role in strengthening memory
1.C 根据上文“Many students study with little thought about what comes after their study session.”和下文“Now we will explore some no-cost ways that can help you improve your learning.”可知,设空处承上启下,提出了关于学生课后做什么能对学习产生积极影响的问题。C项“但是,学习后做什么会影响你的学习效果”符合文意,选项中的“after studying”对应上文的“after their study session”。
2.E 根据下文的“Perhaps they look at their phone or computer.They might even play a video game or watch television.”可知,设空处提到了大部分学生学习之后所做的事情。E项“许多学生学习之后经常直接去做另外的事情”符合文意,下文所提到的“look at their phone or computer”及“play a video game or watch television”是对该句“another activity”的具体说明。
3.B 该项设于段尾,与前文存在递进关系。根据上文“‘A period of wakeful rest immediately after new learning increases free recall of verbal material,’the researchers wrote.”可知,设空处提到长时间坚持,效果越好。B项“效果甚至在七天后会更好”符合文意。
4.G 根据上文“A report on the website of Harvard Medical School explains that a person lacking sleep cannot focus attention and therefore cannot learn efficiently.”可推知,设空处陈述了该报道的其他发现。G项“它还指出,睡眠本身在加强记忆力方面有重要作用”符合文意,选项中的it指代上文中的“a report”。
5.A 根据下文“When we first form memories,they’re in a very raw and fragile form.”可知,设空处提到了新的记忆很难保持,而后文解释难以保持的原因。A项“新的记忆很难保持”符合文意,选项中的“new memories”对应下文的“first form memories”。
主题语境:人与自我 语篇类型:记叙文
A few years ago,I was at the clinic with my father,who was sitting in the waiting room for a routine test.An elderly woman arrived and  1  herself directly across from my dad.Time  2  terribly as we waited.The woman began singing My Heart Will Go On—The Titanic theme song.
I was  3  about how my dad would react to it.He had been  4  from Alzheimer’s(阿尔茨海默病) for several years.Since Alzheimer’s had a  5  to make people impatient and bad-tempered,I couldn’t help but think that the elderly woman was  6  fire.
At the beginning,the singing went gently.I glanced over at his  7 .As expected,he was staring right at her.I couldn’t  8  his expression initially,but it  9  to be something like confusion(困惑).Her singing  10  got louder,every corner of the waiting room ringing with her voice.Now Dad looked a little astonished.Still,I watched  11 ,ready to act for any  12  of my father’s annoyed outburst.However,he was starting to look a bit entertained.His face  13 ,and the tension eased in his forehead.
When her song  14 ,the words “That was beautiful” escaped my dad’s lips.
For so many years,my dad had been lost somewhere deep in his own mind,no smile,no acknowledgment of any kind.But right now,the woman really  15  my dad’s day.
1.A.applied B.buried
C.seated D.enjoyed
解析根据上文“who was sitting in the waiting room for a routine test”可知,这位妇女坐在(seated)作者父亲的对面。seat和sit为同义复现。
2.A.dragged B.flew
C.slipped D.wasted
解析drag“拖”;fly“飞”;slip“滑倒”;waste“浪费”。根据下文“as we waited”可知,时间拖(dragged)了很久。
3.A.enthusiastic B.embarrassed
C.puzzled D.concerned
解析根据下文“to make people impatient and bad-tempered”可知,作者的父亲因为患阿尔茨海默病而脾气暴躁,所以作者很担心(concerned)他。
4.A.suffering B.recovering
C.learning D.escaping
解析根据下文“Alzheimer’s for several years”可知,作者父亲患有(suffering)阿尔茨海默病。
5.A.standard B.background
C.tendency D.reward
解析根据上文可知,阿尔茨海默病容易使人失去耐心和脾气暴躁。have a tendency to do sth “倾向于做某事”。
6.A.putting out B.dancing to
C.playing with D.adding to
解析因为担心患有阿尔茨海默病的父亲脾气爆发,所以作者认为这位老妇人是在玩(playing with)火。
7.A.appearance B.response
C.presence D.shadow
解析根据下文“As expected,he was staring right at her.”可知,作者在观察父亲的反应(response)。
8.A.observe B.copy
C.hide D.read
解析根据下文“but it    to be something like confusion”可知,作者无法读懂(read)父亲的表情。
9.A.used B.seemed
C.happened D.pretended
解析根据下文“something like confusion”可知,作者父亲的表情看起来(seemed)很困惑。
10.A.gradually B.frequently
C.consistently D.particularly
解析根据下文“every corner of the waiting room ringing with her voice”可知,老妇人的歌声渐渐(gradually)响亮起来。
11.A.impatiently B.eagerly
C.uneasily D.aimlessly
12.A.doubt B.control
C.announcement D.sign
13.A.softened B.froze
C.fell D.reddened
解析soften“软化,变柔和”,freeze“冻结”;fall“倒下”;redden“变红”。根据下文“and the tension eased in his forehead”可知,作者父亲的脸变得柔和起来(softened)。
14.A.spread B.ended
C.changed D.repeated
解析根据下文“the words ‘That was beautiful’ escaped my dad’s lips”可知,作者的父亲在老妇人的歌声结束后(ended)发表评价。
15.A.ruined B.arranged
C.made D.questioned
解析根据上文“For so many years,my dad had been lost somewhere deep in his own mind,no smile,no acknowledgment of any kind.”和But可知,那个女人的歌声让(made)作者的父亲很开心。make one’s day“让某人开心”。
主题语境:人与社会 语篇类型:说明文
Many people have the hobby of collecting things,e.g.stamps,postcards or antiques.In the 18th and 19th centuries,1.     (wealth) people travelled and collected plants,historical objects and works of art.They kept their collection at home until it got too big 2.      until they died,and then it was given to a museum.The 80,000 objects collected by Sir Hans Sloane,for example,3.     (form) the core collection of the British Museum 4.      opened in 1759.
The parts of a museum open to the public 5.(call) galleries or rooms.Often,only a small part of a museum’s collection 6.(be) on display.Most of it is stored away or used for research.
Many museums are lively places and they attract a lot of visitors.As well as looking at exhibits,visitors can play with computer simulations(模拟) and imagine 7.     (they) living at a different time in history or 8.     (walk) through a rainforest.At the Jorvik Centre in York,the city’s Viking settlement is recreated,and people experience the sights,sounds and smells of the old town.Historical 9.     (accurate) is important but so is entertainment.Museums must compete 10.      people’s spare time and money with other amusements.Most museums also welcome school groups and arrange special activities for children.
1.wealthy 考查形容词。此处使用形容词修饰后面的名词people,意为“家庭富裕的人们”。
2.or 考查连词。or表示选择。句意:收藏家等到家中藏品足够丰富或者他们死后,会将藏品捐赠给博物馆。
3.formed 考查动词时态。根据句法分析,The 80,000 objects为句子的主语,再根据后面的时间状语判断,应使用一般过去时态。句意:汉斯·斯隆爵士所收藏的8万件藏品组成了大英博物馆的核心馆藏。
4.which/that 考查定语从句。关系代词that或which指代前面的名词the British Museum,并在定语从句中作主语。
5.are called 考查动词的时态和语态。此处叙述一般事实,主语核心名词The parts与后面动词call之间构成被动关系,故用被动语态。
6.is 考查动词形式。根据后一句“Most of it is stored away or used for research.”可知,此处用be动词的第三人称单数形式is。
7.themselves 考查代词。句意:来访者可以同电脑模拟互动,并想象他们自己生活在历史的不同时期……由此判断使用反身代词。
8.walking 考查非谓语动词。由并列连词or判断,后面部分与living at a different time in history形式一致,故使用walking。
9.accuracy 考查名词。前面的Historical为形容词,后面应使用名词作主语。
10.for 考查介词。compete for...“为……而竞争”。句意:博物馆必须与其他娱乐方式为人们的业余时间和金钱而竞争。Unit 4Never too old to learn
Section A Welcome to the unit & Reading
1.Mrs Smith said something good about my      (compose),so I felt pretty happy.
2.Confucius is thought of as one of the greatest ancient      (educate) in the world.
3.So long as we hold fast to our ideals and never give up,we are bound          (achieve) success.
答案to achieve
4.She resolved           (report) the matter to the hospital’s nursing supervisor.
答案to report
5.Taking time out to balance your work and personal life will keep you      (refresh).
6.Inspectors were appointed         (inquire) into the affairs of the company.
答案to inquire
7.Your reading speed and          (comprehend) are tested during this exercise.
8.If you make an      (assume) that something is true or will happen,you accept that it is true or will happen.
be exposed to,keep pace with,subscribe to,differ from,be bound to,take full advantage of,in other words,point out
1.They were walking so fast that the small boy could hardly             them.
答案keep pace with
2.If you follow my suggestions,I believe you will            have a great time.
答案be bound to
3.In order to learn English,he             three English newspapers.
答案subscribed to
4.The survey         that many parents limit electronic reading,mainly due to concerns about increased screen time.
答案points out
5.The more birds            light,the more active they are at night.
答案are exposed to
6.People         one another in their ability to handle stress.
答案differ from
7.As students,we should               the university’s facilities.
答案take full advantage of
8.The scenery of nature there is so beautiful;           ,it’s beyond imagination.
答案in other words
The more friends we have,                            from one another,and the more pleasure we can share together.
答案the more we can learn
The theme of the show is environmental protection,which will be                but also interesting.
答案not only meaningful
                  means we can fire up the grill and enjoy the great outdoors.
答案It is summertime that
Later that morning,Dario suggested that                     to their neighbors and apologize for their playing the piano.
答案they write a letter
                  rap music was invented by a classical musician in 1912,but it is now used by young people in pop music.
答案It is said that
主题语境:人与自我 语篇类型:记叙文
Many graduation ceremonies look different.But for Melody,it looked different because of the classmate who graduated alongside her—her grandmother,75-year-old Pat Ormond.They both went to the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC) and graduated together.
Pat took her first college class 42 years ago.After one semester,she dropped out to move to Chattanooga,where she spent the next several decades working as an accountant and raising a family.While she did take an occasional class at UTC,she says her family continued to encourage her to go back to finish her degree,especially after she retired.She agreed when her granddaughter decided to move to study psychology at UTC after a year at Berea College.They both entered UTC with enough college credits to make graduating together a possibility.
Pat and Melody graduated on November 20 as part of UTC’s 2020 class.The achievement has also made Pat somewhat of a celebrity.
“We are so proud to have graduates like Melody and her grandmother,Pat Ormond,in the UTC class of 2020,” said Steven,UTC Chancellor,“Together,they personify the determination,commitment and love for lifelong learning we encourage in every UTC graduate.”
Pat hopes that she can be an example to other non-traditional college students who want to get their degrees.“Learning never stops,” Pat said.“That’s something that my father taught me when I was young.No matter what you do,learning never stops.” Pat isn’t planning to stop anytime soon.She’s already working on another degree—a bachelor’s degree in history.
Meanwhile,her granddaughter,who is hunting jobs,is interested in getting a master’s degree in clinical psychology so she can become a lawyer.But she says she’s in no rush.Her nana has taught her that she has plenty of time.
【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了田纳西大学毕业生Melody和自己75岁的祖母Pat Ormond一起从大学毕业,讲述了Pat的求学之路以及她对学习的看法——活到老学到老。
1.What was special for Melody’s graduation ceremony
A.It looked different from others.
B.Her grandmother was 75 years old.
C.She celebrated it with all her classmates.
D.Her grandmother graduated alongside her.
解析细节理解题。根据第一段中的“But for Melody,it looked different because of the classmate who graduated alongside her—her grandmother,75-year-old Pat Ormond.They both went to the University of Tennessee at Chattanooga (UTC) and graduated together.”可知,Melody的毕业典礼的特别之处是她的祖母和她一起毕业。
2.What does the underlined word “personify” in Paragraph 4 mean
解析词义猜测题。根据画线词后面的“the determination,commitment and love for lifelong learning we encourage in every UTC graduate”可知,UTC负责人说Melody和祖母代表了决心、承诺和对终身学习的热爱,这是她们鼓励每一位毕业生所具有的品质,故画线词意思是“代表”,故选A项。
3.What can we know about Pat’s family
A.They are anxious to be celebrities.
B.They support and encourage each other.
C.They never stop creating opportunities.
D.They prefer attending non-traditional colleges.
解析推理判断题。根据第二段中的“While she did take an occasional class at UTC,she says her family continued to encourage her to go back to finish her degree,especially after she retired.”可知,Pat的家人互相支持和鼓励。
4.Which of the following can best describe Pat Ormond’s story
A.Passion gives life power.
B.A good beginning is half done.
C.It’s never too late to learn.
D.Love can change everything.
解析推理判断题。文章主要讲述了田纳西大学毕业生Melody和自己75岁的祖母Pat Ormond一起从大学毕业,讲述了Pat的求学之路。由此推知,Pat Ormond的故事告诉我们“活到老,学到老”的道理。
主题语境:人与社会 语篇类型:记叙文
That youngsters were glued to online games on their smart phones was a great concern for Ngurang Meena,a school teacher in Nirjuli.The 30-year-old social science teacher,who ran the Ngurang Learning Institute,an adult literacy centre,said that she felt disheartened when she read student papers.“The graph of student performance is falling every year.It breaks my heart whenever I see answer sheets—basic grammar skills are missing and there’s an absence of any cohesive(连贯性的) expression.They lack guidance and their reading culture is almost zero,” Meena said.When her school and the centre she ran had to close due to infectious diseases,she planned to do something to address the problem.
Inspired by a similar proposal in Mizoram,Meena set up a bookshelf with around 80 books as well as some benches on the side of the road in Nirjuli on August 30th,2020,where passers-by could spend time reading.The selections included motivational books,biographies and novels as well as comics for young children.“I have to please the minors with sweets to sit and read,but that is okay,” she laughed.
Meena’s bookshelf became a hit among youngsters who spent hours in the reading corner.Within two months,her effort became the talk of the town.
Now,generous contributions of books come in from the public and she is even receiving requests to set up such libraries in other parts of the state,including one in the capital,Itanagar.Since the tiny libraries are far from the main town,she also lends books out to those who want to read at home.
“I never thought that this would become such a big inspiration,” Meena said.“Since childhood,we have been told that books are our best friends.The next generation of kids is focused on games and other things.I don’t want them to head on the wrong track,” she added.
【语篇解读】本文是一篇记叙文。一位名叫Meena 的女教师发现孩子们缺乏阅读后,决定开设一个路边的读书角,以激励他们多读书。
5.What’s the aim of Meena’s reading program
A.To highlight the importance of reading for adults.
B.To help adults learn some cohesive expression.
C.To keep Ngurang Learning Institute running well.
D.To care for youngsters lacking in reading.
解析细节理解题。根据第一段中的“They lack guidance and reading culture is almost zero”和“she planned to do something to address the problem”可知,Meena要解决孩子们缺乏阅读的问题,因此她的读书计划就是为了关爱那些缺乏阅读的孩子们。
6.What did Meena do to encourage young kids to read more
A.She provided them with transportation.
B.She offered some rewards to them.
C.She chose novels with beautiful covers.
D.She selected books covering every category.
解析细节理解题。根据第二段中的“I have to please the minors with sweets to sit and read,but that is okay”可知,Meena奖励孩子们一些糖果,让他们坐下来阅读。
7.What does the underlined “this” in the last paragraph refer to
A.People’s generous contributions of books.
B.Her setting up the reading corner.
C.People’s request to set up libraries.
D.Young people’s passion for reading.
8.What is the best title for the text
A.The Roadside Reading Corner
B.Books:Sources of Knowledge
C.The Library:a Paradise for the Young
D.New Ideas about Setting a Reading Plan
解析主旨大意题。通读全文可知,本文主要讲述了一位女教师开设路边的读书角的故事,所以短文的最佳标题为“路边阅读角”。Section B Grammar and usage & Integrated skills
1.Only if the students accumulate a great deal of      (词汇量) can they grasp English.
2.One reason for her      (偏好) for city life is that she can have easy access to shops.
3.Every man wants his son to be      (有点) of a clone,not in features but in footsteps.
4.You will make your friends feel      (尴尬的) if you don’t know Chinese table manners.
5.For convenience of intensive study,he has an intense      (意图) of making friends with me.
6.Now,she still      (通信) with American friends she met in Majorca nine years ago.
7.Much to my surprise,he      (表现) as if nothing had happened.
8.In my view,practicing      (书法) is of great significance to the students’ growth.
9.My English teacher asked me to      (背诵) the whole passage in front of the class.
10.The Smiths have lived in London for ten years,so they speak with a London        (口音).
1.As is known to all,a little more traveling could                (开阔你的心胸).
答案broaden your mind
2.                (就……而言) study and health,we should develop a healthy lifestyle.
答案In terms of
3.Those beautiful paper-cutting art works will surely                       (给……留下印象) you.
答案leave an impression on
4.My friend told me that she                      (偏爱) serious novels to popular fictions.
答案had a preference for
5.If you don’t                     (直奔主题) quickly,then you may lose their interest halfway through the email.
答案get to the point
6.We should                (注意) small details,which can guarantee to succeed in the end.
答案pay attention to
7.Why not                (报名参加) the lessons offered by the physical education department
答案sign up for
8.          (与……相比) traditional cards,electronic cards have many advantages.
答案Compared with
9.China’s young people are now more           (对……有信心) their own culture.
答案confident about
10.The basic design of the car                 (与……相似) that of earlier models.
答案is similar to
主题语境:人与自我 语篇类型:说明文
At present,the rapid development of our society is forcing people to rush. 1  However,it’s better for people to take their time and live their life at a slower pace than to hurry to get things done.
The main reason for not working in a hurry is that we may make mistakes.When people do their jobs or other things in a hurry,they can’t make a sound decision and probably have regrets later.As the saying goes,“Haste makes waste(欲速则不达).”  2  We should not make mistakes by doing work hurriedly.
Slowing down the pace of life helps people enjoy their life better.For example,taking a train to some place certainly will take more time than taking a plane.However,taking a train gives people enough time to get to know a lot of new friends.Moreover,it allows people to fully enjoy the beautiful scenery along the way. 3 
Finally,a slower pace of life provides better health conditions for us.As is known to all,being in a hurry bothers people and raises their stress. 4  According to some studies people who have a quicker pace suffer more diseases,and tend to live much shorter than those whose life is not tense.
 5  Yet,too much stress can’t bring enjoyment,friends and good health to individuals.Therefore,it’s a good idea to take your time and live your life at a slower pace sometimes.
A.Should we work quickly
B.Rushing does no harm to us actually.
C.People have got used to being in a hurry.
D.Working quickly can bring more material benefits.
E.We should think carefully before making a decision.
F.Besides,rushing can be bad for one’s physical health.
G.However,rushing will make us lose chances to enjoy our lives.
1.C 空前一句提到“At present,the rapid development of our society is forcing people to rush.(目前,我们社会的快速发展迫使人们匆匆忙忙。)”;C项 “People have got used to being in a hurry.(人们已经习惯了匆忙的生活。)”是顺承空前一句的话题。C项中的“being in a hurry”与空前一句中的“rush”语义相符。
2.E 空前一句提到“When people do their jobs or other things in a hurry,they can’t make a sound decision(当人们匆忙地工作或做其他事情时,他们不能做出一个明智的决定)”;E项 “We should think carefully before making a decision”与空前一句中的“they can’t make a sound decision”相对应,故选E项。
3.G 该段首句提到“Slowing down the pace of life helps people enjoy their life better.”,G项“rushing will make us lose chances to enjoy our lives”的意思是匆忙会使我们失去享受生活的机会。首句中的“enjoy their life”和G项中的“enjoy our lives”是词汇复现。
4.F 根据空后的“...suffer more diseases,and tend to live much shorter...”可知,F项中的“be bad for one’s physical health”可与之相呼应。
5.D 根据空后的“Yet,too much stress can’t bring enjoyment,friends and good health to individuals.”可知,D项 “Working quickly can bring more material benefits.”与后文为转折关系,其中“can bring”与空后一句中的“can’t bring”构成并列句式。
主题语境:人与自然 语篇类型:记叙文
Hunter Leininger,from Georgia,USA has been adventure racing(探险速度赛) since he was seven years old.Now,at age 19,he has set world records,traveled around the globe,and  1  over 50 races!And he is now on a mission to  2  other young people to follow their own  3 .
Hunter became interested in adventure racing through his dad.While playing football,Hunter was looking to  4  something new.He asked his dad if he could  5  him in an adventure race,and he went on to complete his first race in about 6 hours.
He has learned a lot of perseverance through adventure racing.There can be a lot of  6  in a race,but if you drop out,your whole team will have to  7 .This is unlike other team sports,where you can stop and be  8  by another player.In racing,and in his life,the sport has  9  Hunter to keep going when times get  10 .
As reported by the USARA,Hunter wants to inspire young people that they can  11  incredible things at whatever  12  and that they don’t have to  13  until they get older. 14  people put off their dreams at a young age,they tend to never come back to them,which  15  them never accomplishing anything.The best time to do something is now,so go after your dreams before it’s too late!
1.A.missed       B.reported
C.organized D.completed
解析根据上文“he has set world records,traveled around the globe”可知,他完成了(completed)50多场比赛。
2.A.inspire B.invite
C.advise D.order
解析根据最后一段首句中的“to inspire young people that they can...”可知,他现在的使命是激励(inspire)其他年轻人追随自己的梦想。inspire sb to do sth“激励某人做某事”。
3.A.interests B.dreams
C.paths D.rhythms
解析根据下文“Hunter became interested in adventure racing through his dad.”可知,这是他的梦想,所以此处是激励其他年轻人追随自己的梦想(dreams)。
4.A.try B.discover
C.create D.share
解析根据下文“something new”可知,亨特想尝试(try)一些新事物。
5.A.help B.meet
C.accompany D.join
解析根据下文“in an adventure race”和“complete his first race”可知,他问爸爸他是否可以和他一起参加(join)探险速度赛。
6.A.fun B.harm
C.pain D.cooperation
解析根据下文“but if you drop out”中的转折含义可知,比赛中可能会有很多痛苦(pain)。
7.A.restart B.stop
C.change D.struggle
解析根据下文“This is unlike other team sports,where you can stop and be    by another player.”可知,如果你退出比赛,你的整个团队将不得不停止(stop)。
8.A.replaced B.supported
C.encouraged D.caught
解析根据下文“by another player”可知,此处指由另一名运动员取代(replaced)。
9.A.required B.forced
C.attracted D.taught
解析根据下文“to keep going”可知,这项运动教会了(taught)亨特坚持下去。
10.A.better B.tougher
C.special D.strange
解析根据本段首句“He has learned a lot of perseverance through adventure racing.”可知,此处指在困难(tougher)时期坚持下去。
11.A.accept B.imagine
C.choose D.achieve
解析根据下文“incredible things”可知,此处指实现(achieve)不可思议的事情。
12.A.age B.level
C.degree D.status
解析根据下文“they don’t have to    until they get older”可知,亨特希望激励年轻人可以在任何年龄(age)实现不可思议的事情。
13.A.wait B.practice
C.perform D.compete
解析根据下文“until they get older”和“people put off their dreams at a young age”可知,此处指不必等到自己变老。
14.A.Unless B.Although
C.Once D.Because
解析根据下文“they tend to never come back to them”可知,一旦(Once)人们在年轻的时候推迟梦想,他们往往就不会再去实现它。
15.A.avoids B.prevents
C.results in D.objects to
解析根据下文“never accomplishing anything”可知,人们在年轻的时候推迟梦想会导致(results in)他们永远无法完成任何事情。
主题语境:人与社会 语篇类型:说明文
The Xi’an City Wall is the most complete city wall that has survived China’s long history.It 1.          (build) originally to protect the city 2.      the Tang Dynasty and has now been completely restored (修复).It is possible 3.          (walk) or bike the entire 14 kilometers.
We accessed the wall through the South Gate.The wall is 12 meters high and from here you can see streams of people moving inside and outside the City Wall.
After 4.      (spend) some time looking at all the defensive equipment at the wall,we decided it was time for some action and what 5. (good) than to ride on a piece of history!
We 6.      (hire) our bikes from the rental place at the South Gate.My bike was old and shaky 7.      did the job.It took us about 3 hours to go all 8.      way around the Xi’an City Wall.Supposedly you can do it in two hours,but we stopped at the different gates and 9. (watchtower) to take pictures or just to watch the local people going about their 10. (day) routines.
1.was built 考查动词的时态和语态。根据“originally”一词可知此处描述过去的事情;主语“It”和build之间是被动关系,所以用一般过去时的被动语态。
2.in 考查介词。表示“在某个朝代”用介词in。
3.to walk 考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知,句首的it是形式主语,真正的主语是动词不定式。
4.spending 考查非谓语动词。前面的after是介词,介词后面用动词-ing形式作宾语。
5.better 考查形容词。根据后面的than可知,此处用形容词的比较级形式。
6.hired 考查动词时态。根据上下文内容可知,此处描述的是发生在过去的经历,所以用一般过去时。
7.but 考查连词。根据句意可知,作者租的自行车虽然破旧,但是仍然发挥作用。此处是转折关系。
8.the 考查冠词。根据句意可知,沿着西安古城墙走一圈花费了我们大约三个小时的时间。all the way是固定短语,意为“一路,自始至终”。
9.watchtowers 考查名词。根据前面的different gates可知,此处用名词的复数形式。
10.daily 考查形容词。修饰后面的routines应该用形容词形式。daily routines意为“日常生活”。


