
  1. 二一教育资源



( )1. A.amazing B.freezing C.exciting
( )2.A.tea set B. football player C.music player
( )3. A. part with my parents B. clear out her things C. take out the rubbish
( )4. A. Alan likes drinking tea.
B. Alan's grandfather may need the tea set.
C.Alan wants to buy some tea for his grandfather.
( )5.A. Adam likes beautiful pictures.
B.Adam likes the record.
C. Adam likes the beauty of the nature.
( )6. A.Yes,he was. B.Yes,he did. C.Yes,he is.
( )7. A. Have a good time. B.Of course. C.I have been there twice.
( )8. A. By working with a group. B. I had a yard sale. C.Take it easy.
( )9.A.It's interesting.
B.It comes from her diaries.
C.It was written for Chinese readers.
( )10.A.How far is it B.How much is it C.How about now
( )11.What has been built in the man's hometown
( )12. Where does Jenny's father work
( )13.What kind of music does Jenny like best
A.Pop music. B.Rock music. C.Jazz.
( )14.What will Jenny do tomorrow
A. Go to a concert. B.Watch an animal show. C.Visit her grandparents.
( )15. Where will the rock music concert he held
A.At Happy Gym. B.At Sunshine Sports Center. C.At Red Star Center.
( )16. How much is the toy bear now
A. 15 dollars. B.10 dollars. C.8 dollars.
( )17.Who is Mr. Green
A. A geography teacher. B.An English teacher. C.Eric's son.
( )18.When did Lisa first meet Mr. Green
A.Two weeks ago. B. One year ago. C.Three years ago.
( ) 19. Where will the students go on Saturday
A.The art museum. B. The film museum. C.The science museum.
( )20.What will the students take with them
A. Food. B.Cameras. C.Notebooks.
( )21.When is Dora's family going to have a yard sale
A. On Saturday afternoon. B. On Sunday morning. C.On Sunday evening.
( )22.Why will Dora's father sell his T-shirt
A. Because it is too small to wear now.
B.Because he has never worn it.
C.Because there is a hole in it.
( )23.What will Dora's mother sell
A.Her dress. B.Her bread maker. C.Her old tea set.
( )24.What will Dora give away
A.A camera. B. A bike. C.Crayons.
( )25.Why does Dora want to keep her toy bear
A.Because her friend made it for her.
B. Because it brings back sweet memories.
C. Because it is a special gift from her mother.
Information Sheet A dog: 26. learn from a mother cat The first day: 27. taught them to The second day: 28. taught them to for things After a few days: 29.The dog saw a cat climbing a tree . The mother cat said: 30. The cats learnt how to climb trees the dog left.
Zhang Jie was a 13-year-old student. He was on his way home last Monday evening. When he was in his lift, it suddenly stopped. Zhang decided to help himself out although he felt a little 31.He tried to open the lift door, but he gave up the idea later and stood against the wall because he thought the 32 might fall down suddenly. He then pressed all the buttons(按钮), hoping it would make the lift 33 again, but it didn't. Zhang then pressed the"stop" button to lock the lift to 34 it wouldnot fall. Without a 35, Zhang tried shouting loudly to get the attention of people outside, but nobody answered. 36 the young boy didn't give up. He sent out a note to 37 help through the door and hoped someone would pick it up and help him out. He knew it might 38 a long time before someone saved him. So he decided to do his homework after doing all these. When he almost finished his homework, he was 39 at last. On Weibo, many people spoke highly of the boy,because he could keep 40 in such a dangerous situation.
( )31.A.excited B.relaxed C.afraid D.interested
( )32.A.wall B.door C.floor D.lift
( )33.A.walk B. fall C.rise D.work
( )34.A. make sure B.check in C. hold on D. look for
( )35.A.interest B.note C.phone D.voice
( )36.A.Unluckily B.However C.Soon D.Suddenly
( )37.A. pay for B. stand for C. leave for D. ask for
( )38.A.spend B.take C.cost D.pay
( )39.A.caught B.heard C.saved D.left
( )40.A.busy B.comfortable C.calm D.healthy
When I was 9 years old, I 41._____(become) a big fan of a country music singer. Even 42_____ I didn't understand the songs, I would sing along to them.
I listened to and learned all of 43. _____( she) songs. The music seemed to connect us two people although we had 44. _______ (difference) lives. I 45._____(begin) to write my own songs 46. ______ (slow). Last year I wrote my 47.____(one) song, Woodland, in 30 minutes. 48.____seemed that the song was just writing itself.
Then came Mother's Day, and I wrote a song 49. _____ (call)Mrs. Molly. Mrs. Molly lives 50._____ hard life. It's hard to tell my mom how 51._____I love her. But with music, it becomes much 52. ______(easy). I hope one day I could tell my idol all these things. I want to tell her that 53. _____listening to her music, I've 54._____(find)not only the ability of my own, but also an55. _____(express) for my feelings.
Dear Granny ,
As I promised (承诺), I ' m writing to you from home . In a way , it ' s nice to be back . However , I would rather ( be there with you . There are no better days in my life than those with you .
I miss your smiling face every morning . You always looked so happy when you were feeding the chickens and collecting their eggs . By the way , those were the freshest eggs I ' ve ever had . I also miss our time together in the kitchen . You really know a lot about cooking , and I ' m so glad you were willing (乐意的) to teach me . Mom never does that because she ' s too busy with her work . In any case (, you taught me a lot . I ' m going to keep practicing so that I can cook something delicious for you next summer .
Please take care of yourself , and I ' ll write again soon .
Lots of love ,
( )56.Rebecca is writing to her granny to
A . keep her promise B . invite her granny to her house
C . show her life at school D . talk about her cooking
( )57.What does the underlined word " that " probably refer to
A . Collecting eggs . B . Feeding the chickens .
C . Working hard . D . Teaching Rebecca cooking .
( )58.Which of the following is TRUE about Rebecca
A . She only eats the freshest eggs . B . She visited her granny not long ago .
C . She learned cooking from her mom . D . She doesn ' t want to live with her mom .
Once there were two neighbors. One of them was an old teacher and the other was an office worker. Both of them planted the same plants in their gardens. The old teacher gave a little water to his plants every day and didn’t always care for them, while his neighbor gave much water to his plants and looked after them well.
The old teacher’s plants were simple but looked good. The office worker’s plants were much taller and greener. One night, there was a heavy rain. The next morning, the office worker saw his plants were uprooted (连根拔起), but the old teacher’s plants stood firmly (稳固地).
The neighbor was surprised and went to the old teacher and asked, “We both grew the same plants together. I looked after my plants better than you did, and I even gave them more water. However, my plants were uprooted, while yours weren’t. Why ”
The old teacher smiled and said, “You gave your plants more water, so they didn’t need to work for it. I gave them a little water, so their roots grew deeper to get more water. It made them stronger.”
( )59.How did the old teacher care about his plant
A.He gave his plants a little water. B.He was too old to look after his plants.
C.He took good care of his plants. D.He asked his neighbor to help with his plants.
( )60.What happened to the office worker’s plants after a heavy rain
A.His plants stood firmly. B.His plants looked better.
C.His plants were uprooted. D.His plants became greener.
( )61.What does the passage mainly tell us
A.Growing plants is not as easy as it looks.
B.Too much care can make us become weak.
C.A heavy rain can make the plants in the garden die.
D.Plants know how to look after themselves in the heavy rain.
My name is Sam. I joined a club called "passing help" last month. Now let me tell you why I joined it.
One evening this May,on my way home my old car broke down. It was 25miles from my home. I wanted to get a ride, but there was no car. I also wanted to take a taxi. But it was hard to take a taxi. I decided to take a bus home. I went to a bus stop nearby.
After a while, a bus came,but it did not go to my town. The bus driver was a young woman. She was kind and she told me which bus I should take. I waited there for about thirty minutes, but no bus came. At last a car came tome and a woman came out of the car. She was just the bus driver. "When I reached the bus station,I got to know that the bus to your town couldn't come,so I returned here. I just can't leave you here," she said."Get in my car and I will take you back to you home.""It is a long way, I said."Come on,sir,"she said."Let's go."
On the way she told me a story. A few days ago,there wasn't any gas(汽油) in her car on her way to work. An old woman drove her to a gas station and then went back to her car. "When we got to my home,I wanted to give her some money to thank her, but she didn't accept. I only want to help others and do something nice for somebody. Pass it along," the young woman said.
( )62.From the passage, we know that the young woman was __
A. a club boss B. a taxi driver C. a bus driver D. a gas station worker
( )63.What did the old woman do to help the young woman a few days ago
A. She drove the young woman home.
B. She bought the young woman some gas.
C. She drove the young woman to a gas station.
D. She told the young woman which bus she should take.
( )64.The young woman wanted Sam to __
A. give her some money B. get on her bus
C. take her to her house D. help others just as she did
( )65.Which is the best title for this passage
A. A Kind Old Woman B. Gett ing a Ride
C. A Broken Car D. Passing Help
Feel down Hug a tree!
Recently, many young people have turned to trees to help with their stress. Although it sounds strange, there's science behind the act of tree-hugging.
It was pointed out by the US scientist Edward 0. Wilson. He said that humans are born to love being around other living things. Humans’ love for nature is in their DNA. This idea helps to explain why people prefer natural, green views to city views. It's also one of the reasons why people love cute pets.
Some studies have been done to find out why tree-hugging can help with our health. A study reported that the activity can increase the level of oxytocin(催产素). It's an important hormone (激素)which can influence our feelings. The higher the level of oxytocin is, the calmer and happier you may be. Hugging trees for only21 seconds can lead to an increase in the level of oxytocin.
Another hormone called cortisol(皮质醇)is a marker of stress. The brain produces more cortisol when the person is anxious , angry, or very sad. Hugging trees helps cut cortisol production, which makes us feel better.
Although the activity is helpful to us, it's important to keep in mind that we shouldn't damage nature while doing it. Many small creatures(生物) live in the tree, and they are too small to be seen. So remember to hug trees softly - just like how you hug a friend!
( )66. What does the sentence “Humans’love for nature is in their DNA” mean
A. DNA is important to humans,
B. Humans are born to prefer nature.
C. Humans love to do studies on DNA.
D. Humans love city views more than natural views.
( )67. What's the main idea of Paragraph 4
A. How long we should hug a tree.
B. How our brain produces oxytocin.
C. What scientists will study in the future.
D. Why tree-hugging helps keep us healthy.
( )68. Which may describe the relationship between negative(负面的)feelings and the level of cortisol ( x = negative feelings, y = the level of cortisol)
( )69.Which word is close to the underlined word “damage”
A. Discover. B. Enjoy. C. Protect. D. Hurt.
( )70. What's the best title for the text
A. Advice on How to Hug a Tree
B. A Study on People's Stress
C. Hugging Trees Is Good for Health
D. The Reason Why People Love Animals
Do you want to be a football coach or a policeman If you could do any job for a day, what would it be Takeover Day (接管日)offers young people this chance.
Takeover Day is an event for young people to "take over" the day from adults. Of course, it's difficult to give someone the job of a film star or a model! However, Takeover Day has offered young people jobs as news reporters,teachers and even politicians (政客).
There are two purposes. First, it gives young people experience in different kinds of jobs. Second, adults can learn from young people's opinions and fresh ideas.
Here is what some students say about their Takeover Day.
Simon, 15, went to a football club. He became a coach of the football team for a day. "It was an important experience," said Simon. "If I had the chance, I would do this job every day."
Sally, 14, became the head teacher of her school. She learned a lot. "I'd go crazy if I were a head teacher! So many meetings!" she said. "My favorite part of the day was meeting the school cook. It was a great chance to tell her what we really like eating!"
Paul, 13, spent the day with an important politician. "It isn't a nine-to-five job. It's 24 hours a day or 7 days in a week," he said. "We are too busy to have lunch."
What is Takeover Day
What's the purposes of Takeover Day (列举一条即可)
What may Simon choose to be in the future
What does Paul think of the job as a politician
How do you like Takeover Day
A: Hi, Chen Lin. I didn’t see you for a long time. 76
B: I went to Chengdu on holiday.
A: 77
B:By plane
A: 78
B: I stayed there for a week.
A: 79
B:It was sunny and warm.
A: Did you have a good time there
B: 80 I hope to go there on holiday again.
A: Great! I hope to go with you next time.
81.健康的生活习惯对于成长中的我们是非常重要的。请以“How to keep healthy”为题,用英语写一篇短文,谈谈你的看法。
要求:1,80字左右。 2 字迹工整,语言流畅,表达准确,逻辑清晰。 3 文章内容可以适当发挥。


