
  1. 二一教育资源



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分 30 分)
1. What is the man going to do next
A. Visit a friend. B. Pick up Billy. C. Call Emma.
2. What does the woman concern about the man
A. The man's workload. B. Tim's health. C. His project.
3. What is the man probably doing
A. Driving a car. B. Riding a bike. C. Walking.
4. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. At a bank. B. At a hospital. C. At an airport.
5. Where does the woman suggest going for dinner
A. To a friend's house.
B. Eating at a restaurant.
C. To Uncle Johnson's.
6. What is the relationship between the speakers
A. Brother and sister.
B. Father and daughter.
C. Husband and wife.
7. What are the speakers talking about
A. A wedding.
B. A camera.
C. An old photo.
8. What is the man probably doing
A. Testing his students.
B. Teaching his class.
C. Making his speech.
9. What does the woman want to know further
A. Mathematical concept.
B. Geometry.
C. Plants.
10. What is the man going to do next Wednesday
A. Give further explanation.
B. Give more examples.
C. Prove his theory.
11. What does this special art made from
A. Trees.
B. Rocks.
C. Animal skins.
12. What threat is the tiger facing now
A. Loss of home.
B. Illegally hunting.
C. Spread of diseases.
13. What does Simon think can help animals
A. Stopping hunting these animals.
B. Establishing environmental laws.
C. Reducing mining activities.
14. What does Donld start working at early age
A. To acquire different skills.
B. To help support his family.
C. To be financially independent.
15. Who is Robbert
A. Donld’s father.
B. Donld’s son.
C. Donld’s brother.
16. What does Donld think children today should be encouraged
A. To do some housework.
B. To form good eating habits.
C. To start school at an early age.
17. What kind of person was Donld’s father
A. Warm-hearted.
B. Well-manned.
C. Multi-talented.
18. What does Alice do in France
A. Shooting a film.
B. Learning arts.
C. Visiting friends.
19. How is Garcia’s house
A. It has glass of walls.
B. It is well equipped.
C. It has a long history.
20. Why does Alice made the speech
A. To recommend the house.
B. To share her experience.
C. To introduce two artists.
Since 2017, ARTogether has presented over 200 workshops, camps, events, and gathering spaces for immigrants to meet, connect, and build lasting connections in the community. Below are some of ARTogether’s past and present community workshops and events.
Water-coloring Workshop
Organized in cooperation with Story Center, Water-coloring Workshop is a free online channel accessible to immigrants. These Zoom workshops are a creative space for participants to paint, chat, listen to music, and share stories.
Y(our) Legacy: A Printmaking Workshop
This is designed to give high school participants a creative practice towards their personal journey of self- acceptance and healing. Led by artist Sen Mendez, participants gather at Oakland International High School and are given ten small blocks to create a visual story about themselves.
Women’s Craft Circle
ARTogether’s longest-running workshop series, the Women’s Craft Circle seeks to bring women together through the healing power of craft-making. In the Oakland Asian Cultural Center, participants are able to relax in a welcoming space, connecting through a love for art and shared experiences.
Expressive Art Class for Kids
At West Oakland Branch Library, kids aged 6-11 from immigrant backgrounds explore fun interactive activities such as free drawing, painting, and free dance that will let youth appreciate art without pressure or strict rules. In each class, activity leaders follow the principle of guiding, not telling, which creates a stress-free environment that encourages creativity.
21. Which workshop is available for people living outside Oakland
A. Water-coloring Workshop B. Y(our) Legacy: A Printmaking Workshop.
C. Women’s Craft Circle. D. Expressive Art Class for Kids.
22. Who can sign up for Y(our) Legacy: A Printmaking Workshop
A. Visiting teacher interested in painting.
B. A female artist specializing in craft-making.
C. An exchange student in the international high school.
D. An experienced librarian from immigrant backgrounds.
23. What do the last two workshops have in common
A. They take place at local libraries.
B. They require basic drawing skills.
C. They offer instructions with strict rules.
D. They encourage innovation or imagination.
One Saturday in December, Annacarin Elf, the head of operations at Gothenburg City Library, just happened to walk by her workplace. Noticing that the door was open, she entered the library, and was astonished to see the heartwarming scene that people were using it like on a regular day.
It was scheduled to be closed for the New Year holiday. The people in the library behaved as usual. Many were reading newspapers, some families were in the children’s section and others were searching for books on the computer.
It seemed that Elf’s colleagues had simply forgotten to lock the door, and because this popular library is usually open on Saturdays, visitors just assumed they could walk in. After checking with her staff team, Elf announced to the people present that the library was about to close. Then she expressed her regret for what had been done wrong and caused them a problem. It later turns out that 446 locals visited the city library, borrowing a total of 246 books during the day. What’s remarkable is that people checked out their books through the library’s electronic self-service system, and that to date, all the books have been returned!
Many Swedes have reacted positively to this uplifting demonstration of local respect for the library, a center that can be seen as a sign of the community, and what the locals did has strengthened their sense of belonging in their community.
Elf says, “Nothing was destroyed. It’s amazing that Gothenburgers entered an empty library and treated it so lovingly.” The city leader has even suggested that this unusual Saturday serve as an accidental experiment to analyse the possibility of operating a totally automated library without staff.
24. Why did Elf feel surprised after entering the library
A. The library staff were in it.
B. People kept reading on holidays.
C. People came in without permission.
D. It was in use though supposed to be closed.
25. What did Elf do that Saturday
A. She left the library open. B. She asked the staff back.
C. She apologized to the visitors. D. She read books in the library.
26. What do many Swedes think of the behavior of Gothenburg locals
A. It displays community spirit.
B. It gives the library much uplift.
C. It is a positive reaction to society.
D. It strengthens trust between people.
27. What does the author want to convey through the story
A. People tend to show care for others.
B. Life is always full of the unexpected.
C. Libraries must be automated in the future.
D. A library can bring out the best in people.
While we might like to think we would rush to someone’s assistance, we know from studies that often people hang back and this can have tragic consequences.
One of the most famous examples of this is the tragic case of Kitty Genovese who was fatally stabbed(刺伤)in Kew Gardens, New York, in 1964. Subsequent investigations concluded that several people saw or heard what was happening, but did nothing to intervene. This has been termed the “bystander effect” —a well-known psychological phenomenon where individuals are less likely to offer help to someone when other people are present. The more people there are, the less likely they are to help.
There are various factors contributing to this effect—people think that others will get involved or intervene. Afterwards people often say they did not feel qualified or senior or important enough to be the one to intervene. It is also partly down to “pluralistic (多元化的)ignorance” —since everyone is not reacting to the emergency, they don’t need to either; it’s not serious because no one else is doing anything. After a serious incident where people have been affected by the bystander effect, they are often horrified that they didn’t do anything—they can’t believe they had not realized it was more serious or that they didn’t think to get involved.
The important thing to understand though is that other studies have shown that once people are aware of the bystander effect, they are less likely to be affected by it. Self-awareness is the best approach to it. When confronted with an emergency, think to yourself how you would behave if you were on your own. Ignore everyone else and how they are behaving and go with your courage—if you’d call an ambulance, do it. If you’d run for help, do it. If that’s how you would have behaved when you were on your own, then that’s probably the right course of action.
28. Why does the author mention “the tragic case of Kitty Genovese” in paragraph 2
A. To present a fact. B. To confirm a finding.
C. To predict a conclusion. D. To illustrate an approach.
29. Influenced by the bystander effect, people may ______.
A. feel confident to intervene. B. tend to help people in need.
C. be well aware of bad consequences. D. feel shocked after a serious incident.
30. What does the author suggest people do when faced with an emergency
A. Think twice. B. Follow others.
C. Step in at once. D. Take action cautiously.
31. What is the best title of the text
A. Behave Yourself B.Don’t Be A Bystander
C. Action in An Emergency D.Severity of Bystander Effect
Playing with my 5-year-old child, I sometimes wonder: Why are her made-up games so boring In Learning to Imagine, psychologist Andrew Shtulman thinks it untrue that kids are uncontrolled source of imagination. On the contrary, the more we learn, the more imaginative we can become, and learning will not hold back imaginative ideas. Kids, he argues, fail to imagine obvious possibilities.
To gather evidence for this argument, Shtulman explores mechanisms (机制) for expanding imagination. Without support of others or new tools and technologies, people may reject reasonable ideas out of hand, he maintains. Lord Kelvin, for instance, famously denied the possibility of “heavier-than-air flying machines” less than 10 years before the Wright brothers created one. Abstract principles, like those so influential in science and ethics (伦理学), also boost imagination. Finally, imagination grows through exploring alternative models of the world, as in plays, fiction and so on. Across all of these examples, expanding imagination requires building closely on what people already know.
Perhaps counterintuitively (反直觉地), kids relate best to realistic stories. For instance, Walt Disney’s earliest cartoons were disorganized and strange. Only when the cartoons became “reasonably impossible” did they gain mass appeal. Many fictional worlds, from Middle Earth to Hogwarts, rely on reasonable impossibility.
Shtulman cleverly and precisely sails this vast, attractive sea. Learning to Imagine never drags or makes me get stuck on professional words. I wish, however, that there had been more focus on what these findings mean. If education does not hinder imagination, how do we develop it Shtulman advises us to “engage with, and learn from, the collective knowledge of other people”. AI programs like GPT take that approach, educating themselves on massive data sets.
“Be like GPT” is not a heartening message. But while humans cannot learn large amounts of data quickly and easily like AI, human imagination is shared and cooperative. That, at least, is something all of us — 5-year-olds and their dads — have over the chatbots.
32. What’s the misunderstanding about imagination according to Shtulman
A. It’s an inborn ability. B. It helps broaden the mind.
C. Children are full of it. D. Inventions are based on it.
33. What does expanding imagination depend on
A. Known information. B. Realistic principles.
C. Gradual exploration. D. Supportable arguments.
34. What does the underlined word “hinder” mean in paragraph 4
A. Improve. B. Prevent.
C. Stress. D. Dismiss.
35. Where is the text most probably taken from
A. A research report. B. A personal diary.
C. A children’s story. D. A book review.
Breaking the boundaries
Back in 2014, Deepa Singh followed a set routine. 36 Then she would wait for her sister to throw some clothes and a pair of shoes from the window. She'd walk to a school, change into a loose T-shirt and trousers and practise breaking—a street dance style.
This routine lasted for a year until she participated in competitions and showed videos to her parents." 37 Seeing my skills, they realised that I was serious about my career choice,” says Singh, 23, whose stage name is B-Girl Flow Raw. Last year, she represented India at Queen 16, a breaking festival in Germany with participants from Spain, Russia and Korea.
In India, many women shy away from breaking, says Singh. Every move—from simple movements to backflips—is physically demanding." 38 Both boys and girls look awkward when dancing, but it's usually the girls who feel more out of place. This builds up the pressure and they give it up, so only a minority of young girls practice the dance," adds Johanna Rodrigues, also known as B-Girl Jo, 23.
For the B-Girls, breaking is not just about competing but a journey of self-expression and self- exploration. They all think that it is rewarding. Amita Vighe, 27, an engineer who has been moonlighting as B-Girl Amy since 2009, says,“ 39 ”
There's less competition and more connections among the dancers. Early this year, when Rodrigues won a competition against a B-Boy from Mumbai, she received messages from women breakers from across India. She concludes, “ 40 ”
A. It was a victory for all of us. B. It takes a year to perfect the basics. C. Boys do better than girls in breaking. D. My parents have been supporting my decision. E. Every evening, she would secretly leave her home. F. They believed that breaking was only meant for boys. G. Breaking has built my confidence, helping me stand out in my career.
Fifteen years ago, then-three-year-old Lane Zheng became known as the "Salute Boy”, after the deadly 8.0-magnitude earthquake hit Southwest Sichuan province. As Lang was 41 on a stretcher among the rubble(瓦砾) that was moved by a group of 42 who were conducting the rescue task in Beichuan county, the boy gave a salute to those soldiers surrounding him. The moment was 43 on camera, and prompted an outpouring of 44 from people of all walks of life.
On Saturday, the results of his college entrance examination, or gaokao, 45 , in which he scored 637, making him the top 30 among the hundreds of thousands of exam takers of liberal arts in Sichuan. The 46 gaokao, which took place from June 7 to 8 this year, is one of the most 47 ones for Chinese students. Because the scores will largely 48 which university they can 49 and, by consequence, their future career.
He has 50 the invitation of Peking University and the Renmin University of China, both are one of the hardest universities in the country to get into. "I am very surprised and amazed," said the teen on his score. “I really did not expect to do so well.” Lang said he would like to 51 Peking University in the college 52 process, and history and international relations would be his favorite 53 .
"I plan to work as a civil servant or 54 jobs in the future, serve the people and live up to 55 of so many people who care about me and help me," he said.
41. A. lying B. sitting C. standing D. crawling
42. A. volunteers B. soldiers C. doctors D. tourists
43. A. acquired B. showed C. captured D. revealed
44. A. discussion B. donation C. concern D. assistance
45. A. came about B. came over C. came off D. came out
46. A. annual B. usual C. common D. average
47. A. beneficial B. outstanding C. difficult D. significant
48. A. estimate B. reflect C. predict D. determine
49. A. visit B. pursue C. attend D. appeal
50. A. rejected B. received C. applied D. approved
51. A. achieve B. stimulate C. choose D. cultivate
52. A. obligation B. application C. dedication D. revolution
53. A. subjects B. majors C. themes D. theories
54. A. similar B. familiar C. elegant D. arrogant
55. A. calculation B. consideration C. education D. expectations
The archaeological ruins of Liangzhu in Hangzhou, Zhejiang province, which date back 5,300 years, 56 (include) onto the UNESCO World Heritage list as a cultural site on July 9, 2019, bringing the total number of the Asian country's sites on the list 57 55.
The ruins, 58 core area covers 14.3 square kilometers in the northwest of Hangzhou, are considered to be 59 (represent) of early urban civilization, with rice-growing agriculture as the economic foundation.
The heritage site includes city ruins with palace 60 (remain), 11 early-stage dams, high-level cemetery sites. The site is also known for its abundance of ceremonial jade, which shows a complicated ritual system and indicates a kingdom with 61 combined authority of god and kingship.
For example, cong — the jade piece that forms a rectangle tube with a circular inner section—is typical of artifact 62 (earth) in Liangzhu. In 1986, the 63 (well) known item of this kind, which weighs 6.5 kilograms and 64 (refer) to as the "King of Cong", was discovered in Fanshan Cemetery in the city ruins.
Found in 2007, walls of the ruins and the surrounding water conservation system combined to display a massive infrastructure base, the construction of which is estimated 65 (take) 4,000 people a decade to accomplish.
学校英文报正在开展以Water pollution为题的讨论,请使用图表中的调查结果写一篇英文报道,内容包括:
With the development of society, water pollution is getting more and more serious._____________________________________________________________
I could feel the excitement rising in me as I held the beautifully wrapped present in my hands. I felt the string of the package softly and then, unable to contain my curiosity any longer, I tore it open. It was a bright, brand new laptop. I had scored straight A’s for my O-level examination and this was my reward. I had always envied my friends who were exchanging news about chat rooms, instant messaging and e-mailing, all of which I didn’t have access to and knew nothing about. Now I was going to find out.
It started out simply enough. I was searching for some information online when I came across a social networking site. Soon I became addicted to chatting with my newfound friends on the Internet. Electronic. I began to spend more and more time on YouTube and became enslaved by Facebook and Twitter. After school, I always switched on my laptop. I had never imagined that the day would come when I would be stuck by the glowing screen before me. Whenever I didn’t surf these social networking sites, I would be going through conversations or fashion websites.
As time passed, I realized that I was addicted to the Internet. During weekends, when I had more time on my hands, I could easily spend a few hours on my laptop. It came to a point where I chose to lock myself in my room, refusing to come out and take part in family discussions. I preferred to stay connected to the people I befriended on the Internet though I had never met them. Soon I was spending the early hours of the morning surfing on the Internet. Sleep was replaced by small naps and my grades at school also dropped quickly.
It was about this time that my parents started voicing their disapproval. They sad that it was not appropriate for me to spend too much time on the Internet. I was asked to decrease my usage of the laptop. Yet, however hard I tried, I was unable to pull myself away, unable to end my chat sessions, and unable to concentrate on my lessons. I was desperate for just another click, just another look at my e-mail or message board.
Paragraph 1: Then one day, my father took away my laptop.__________________________ Paragraph 2: I promised my parents that I would turn over a new leaf.__________________
听力 (共两节,满分30分)
1-5 CBACB 6-10 CABAA 11-15 BACBC 16-20 ACBCB
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
21-23. ACD 24-27. DCAD 28-31. BDCB 32-35. CABD
第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
36-40 EFBGA
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 完形填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
41-45 ABCCD 46-50 ADDCB 51-55 CBBAD
第二节 语法填空(共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
56. were included 57. to 58. whose 59. representative 60. remains
61. a 62. unearthed 63. best 64. is referred 65. to have taken
第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分25分)
With the development of society, water pollution is getting more and more serious. There are many reason contributing to this problem.
As can be easily seen from the chart, half of the water pollution is caused by factories. 35% comes from agriculture while only 5% is from our families. Other reasons which result in this pollution account for 10%. Polluted water bodies not only do harm to animals and plants, they also have a long-lasting effect on humans.
We should take some measures to fight against water pollution. First of all, we must draw public attention to the problem. Besides, more strict laws should be passed to help reduce water pollution. All in all, only when everybody takes action to stop the pollution will the problem be solved.
Paragraph 1:
Then one day,my father took away my laptop. I begged and even quarreled with him angrily. I fought for a long time,but whatever I did, it was no use. Dad had made up his mind that he wouldn't allow me to use it. Over time,I realized that Dad and Mum had always wanted the best for me. It was then that I decided to take the big step—to conquer my Internet addiction. Quitting surfing was harder than I expected. But with great determination,I knew that I would be able to do it.
Paragraph 2:
I promised my parents that I would turn over a new leaf. So I made a detailed plan for my everyday life.I managed to change my daily routine. After I got up, the first thing I did was running for half an hour, which could help me forget about going online. After school, I would play basketball with my classmates, which made me healthier and stronger. All this helped me conquer my addiction. To my delight, now my life has returned to normal and my grades have gone up again.
Text 1:
M: Hey, do you know Jenny's new address I'm going to send her a package.
W: I texted her to ask about it, and she hasn't replied.
M: She must be busy. I'll call her roommate, it's Emma, Right
W: Right.
Text 2:
W: Tim, you worked overtime again yesterday. You'd better not push yourself that hard, or your health will break down.
M: Thanks. I plan to take a holiday after finishing this project.
Text 3:
W: Slow down, George! We're coming near a school.
M: I know, mom. I'm going eight miles an hour. Look! A bike just passed us.
Text 4:
W: Mr. King, I'm happy that you decided to come in for your physical check up.
M: I'm going abroad to attend a conference, and I want to make sure I don't have any problems.
Text 5:
M: How about having lunch at Uncle Johnson's The food was delicious and the staff were friendly.
W: Yes, but let's be more adventurous. Quite a few restaurants have opened here recently.
Text 6:
M: Who do you think took this one
W: I can't remember.
M: You look very young.
W: Yeah! Look at my hair. It was so long.
M: Fine too! Look at me. I think it was taken after our wedding.
W: Who took it Was it your dad
M: No, it wasn't. Do you remember Barry
W: Yes, your cousin. A high school boy then.
M: Yeah, he took it with his new camera.
Text 7:
M: Okay, before you're dismissed, does anyone have a question Okay, Stephanie.
W: Thank you, Mr. Green. You mentioned the Fibonacci series just now. I don't quite understand. Could you explain What does it mean
M: Fibonacci was a European mathematician in the Middle Ages. The Fibonacci series is a series of numbers in which each number is the sum of the two preceding ones, starting from 0 and 1. So it goes 0, 1, 1, 2, 3, 5, 8, and so on.
W: Why is it important
M: It's important because it's common in geometry and nature, for example, in plants. We see these numbers everywhere.
Text 8:
W: There used to be more than 20,000 tigers in India. But today there are fewer than 2,000 left. Why is this, Simon
M: Well, we have managed to deal with the hunters. But a much greater problem is that beauty product companies are making a special product in large quantities.
W: Does this product come from tigers
M: No, but the rocks the product is made from are found in the tigers' last natural habitat. This habitat is being destroyed.
Text 9:
W: Welcome back. Now, we continue our talk with Donald Keith. So, Donald, in your new book, you said you started doing farm work at seven, helping at a grocery at 10, and driving a truck at 14. Children aren't allowed to do such things anymore. Do you think that's a mistake
M: Well, I learned in a hurry because my family needed my help. I was the only son at that time. It was during the depression years when any income was helpful. Today, things are different.
Text 10:
W: Hi everyone! This is Alice. I can't believe that I'm actually here in France. There are six students in my class, and we're staying in the home of a French couple in the Jura mountains. Mr. and Mrs. Garcia are artists and they teach an art class just for us every morning. I'm learning some wonderful painting techniques. Later in the day, we visit local villages and paint what we see. The house we are staying in is so lovely. Mrs. Garcia's family built it in the 18th century. It looks like something from a film. It's very large, and all the rooms have glass doors. I spend a lot of time in the garden in front of the house. It has become my favorite place because it's so quiet. Sometimes I just sit there for hours until the sun sets. I've never had an experience like this.


