
  1. 二一教育资源



1. 本次考试时间为100分钟,卷面总分为 120分。考试形式为闭卷。
2. 本试卷中所有试题必须作答在答题纸上规定的位置,否则不给分。
3. 答题前,务必将学校、班级、姓名和准考证号填写在答题纸上相应位置。
1. Which pen will the boy buy
A. B. C.
2. What does Ben usually do after school now
A. B. C.
3. Which place did Tom visit last weekend
A. B. C.
4. What did the boy lend to the girl
A. B. C.
5. What does the girl think of Lucy
A. Honest. B. Generous. C. Humorous.
6. How long does the girl want to stay at school every day
A. For 5 hours. B. For 6 hours. C. For 7 hours.
7. Where will Amy go before going home
A. To the Reading Club. B. To the library. C. To her friend's home.
8. What time will the two speakers meet at the school gate tomorrow
A. At 6: 45. B. At 7: 15. C. At 7: 45.
9. How does Bob learn English
A. By watching English movies. B. By asking teachers for help. C. By reading aloud.
10. Whom did Nick make the bookshelf with last weekend
A. His brother. B. His father. C. His uncle.
第二部分:听对话和独白回答问题。本部分共有 10道小题,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。
听第一段对话,完成11至 12小题。
11. Where are the two speakers talking
A. In the kitchen. B. In a restaurant. C. In a shop.
12. How many kinds of things does the mother need
A. Two. B. Three. C. Four.
听第一篇独白,回答13至 15小题。
Mike's school life
Tuesday afternoons Some have a 13 class.
Wednesday afternoons We have 14 .
15 afternoons We practise speaking English.
13. A. drawing B. singing C. PE
14. A. a good time B. no classes C. sports
15. A. Friday B. Thursday C. Saturday
听第二篇独白,回答 16至 20小题。
16. What's the writer's home town like
A. Small but beautiful. B. Big and nice. C. Clean and quiet.
17. Where do many people work in the writer's home town
A. In the town. B. On the farm. C. In big cities.
18. What do people often do along the roads in groups
A. Walk their dogs. B. Sell their ducks. C. Plant trees.
19. How do the writer and his sister often go to the park
A. By bike. B. On foot. C. By bus.
20. What kind of life do people in the writer's home town live
A. A busy life. B. A hard life. C. A free life.
21. She smiles often and never says _________ bad word about anyone.
A. a B. an C. the D. /
22. Betty is crazy about music. Her dream is to be a _________.
A. president B. painter C. singer D. writer
23. —I saw your grandma using Douyin on the phone. Who taught her
—Nobody. She taught _________,
A. himself B. myself C. herself D. yourself
24. Can you believe it A kid about 6 years old next to me sat _________ the whole movie!
A. during B. between C. along D. through
25. —Is Julie as tall as you
—No, she isn't. She's _________ than me.
A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tallest
26. —Could you please fix my phone
—Sorry. The shop next may be _________.
A. useful B. helpful C. careful D. hopeful
27. My uncle lost his ID card yesterday morning. _________, a school boy found it and sent it back to him in the afternoon.
A. Loudly B. Clearly C. Sadly D. Luckily
28. —How was your camping last weekend
—It was great. We _________ our tents on the top of the mountain and enjoyed ourselves.
A. put up B. put off C. put on D. put away
29. —Mum, can you help me wash my clothes
—Peter, you are a teenager now. You _________ try to do things yourself.
A. must B. may C. can D. should
30. Not only my friends but also I _________ interested in short videos these days.
A. are B. am C. was D. were
A. That's right. B. It was fantastic. C. Can you teach me D. What did you do there E. I went back to my hometown.
Zhao Xin: Hi ! Lin Ping, Long time no see. Where did you go
Lin Ping: Hi, Zhao Xin. 31. _________
Zhao Xin: How was your trip
Lin Ping: 32. _________ The fresh air and green mountains there made me so relaxed.
Zhao Xin: Sounds like a nice place. 33. _________
Lin Ping: I did many things such as fishing, feeding chickens and learning to do yangge (秧歌) .
Zhao Xin: Yangge! It's a traditional dance in the north, right
Lin Ping: 34. _________ It's very popular in my hometown.
Zhao Xin: I want to try it. 35. _________
Lin Ping: No problem. I can teach you anytime.
When I was a little girl, in my free time I often helped my mother sell flowers in the market. I thought it was interesting and I was happy to do this.
Things changed when I was 14 years old. My grandmother 36 me a book on how to make small toys. I loved it so much that I 37 all my free time making toys. Soon I made many toys. One day, my 38 didn't feel well. I had to go to the market by 39 . I decided to take some of my small toys 40 me. I wanted to see if I could sell them. To my surprise, people 41 all of them in 20 minutes. The next week, I made more toys. They sold out 42 again.
Nine months later, my mother decided to stop selling 43 and started to sell toys. Because I had to go to school, I couldn't make enough toys. Then some of my friends started to 44 me in the free time. It was interesting and my friends worked with me happily.
When I was 22, my uncle gave me a hand. I started my 45 toy shop. Now everything in my shop sells very well. It was hard at first, but I have great fun running the shop now.
36. A. wrote B. read C. pointed D. gave
37. A. spent B. won C. took D. paid
38. A. sister B. brother C. mother D. father
39. A. you B. me C. myself D. yourself
40. A. through B. with C. from D. about
41. A. sold B. lost C. bought D. shared
42. A. quickly B. cheaply C. carefully D. differently
43. A. magazines B. fruits C. tickets D. flowers
44. A. ask B. help C. find D. watch
45. A. first B. second C. third D. last
Do you love sunflowers This article will walk you through how to plant your sunflower seeds and care for them. Start it with the best temperatures: 18~33℃. Part 1 Germinating (使发芽) Sunflower Seeds 1. Choose one kind you like. 2. Put the seeds in a plastic bag. Cover the seeds with wet paper towels. Put them in plastic bags. Once the seeds germinate, plant them. Part 2 ▲ 1. Choose a sunny place. Sunflowers grow best with six to eight hours of sunlight a day. 2. Plant the seeds in holes. Plant seeds 2. 5 cm deep and 15 cm apart. Cover the seeds with soil after planting. Part 3 Caring for Sunflower Plants 1. Water plants weekly. Water plants once a week. 2. Harvest the seeds. Sunflowers usually take 80 to 120 days to mature (成熟) and produce new seeds. Tips: ◆Protect the young plants from pests (害虫) . Cover the ground with nets. ◆Support plants over 90 cm with sticks.
46. Which of the following can you put in“ ▲ ”
A. Planting Sunflower Seeds B. Choosing Good Seeds
C. Watering Sunflower Plants D. Checking the Temperature
47. If you plant your seeds in April, you may harvest in _________.
A. January B. May C. July D. November
48. Where is the article probably from
A. A notice board. B. A travel guide. C. A planting diary. D. A gardening magazine.
A primary school in the southwest of China is becoming very popular now. In this school students and teachers can have free meals. There are more than 1, 000 students and teachers in this school. With enough farmland, students and teachers plant vegetables and keep pigs, sheep and chickens. They sell some of vegetables, pork, eggs at the market. The rest will be for students and teachers.
Each class has a piece of land to plant vegetables or keep animals. Students do farm work twice a week with the help of teachers. There is also a zoo in the school. It helps students get on with animals. The school set up a greenhouse with fruit trees for students to learn about nature, instead of just listening to teachers in the classroom.
“This is not simply a farm. This is connected with what the whole school can eat and also the quality (质量) of life of students and teachers,” said the school's headmaster.
He also said, “Children who have not kissed the land will not have a whole childhood. The labor (劳动) class helps students build excellent characters and better understand life and nature.”
49. What does the primary school give to the students
A. Free computers. B. Free clothes. C. Free bikes. D. Free meals.
50. How often do the students do farm work
A. Once a week. B. Twice a week.
C. Three times a week. D. Four times a week.
51. What's the best title (标题) for the text
A. Plant Vegetables B. Keep Animals C. Kiss the Land D. Build a Zoo
The days passed and the river went down.
“I think I'll go to the town and get some news, ”I told Jim one morning.
“Be careful, Huck.” Jim said, “The people in St. Petersburg know you and they think that you're dead. Why don't you put on the dress and pretend to be a girl ”
So I did as Jim said.
I took the canoe to the town. Very soon I met a woman and she told me that someone would catch a runaway.
This wasn't good news for Jim. I hurried back to the cave to tell him.
We set off down the river for the town of Cairo. In order to protect Jim, we travelled at night. What's more, we covered the raft with leaves and branches during the day.
We never got to Cairo. So we continued drifting down the river because the raft couldn't sail back up the river against the current (水流) . We had a few adventures on the way but nobody caught us. Our life on the raft was very pleasant and I was enjoying myself. During the day we made a camp under the trees and slept. As soon as it got dark, we set off again. After dinner we swam in the moonlight or lay on our backs, looking at the stars.
Then one morning something happened and our lives changed.
I was paddling up a side river to look for berries for breakfast when two men suddenly ran out of the woods.
“Help! Some men want to kill us!” they shouted.
I felt sorry for them. I told them to get onto the raft and we paddled back to the camp. They were both wearing dirty old clothes but they called themselves a Duke and the King. I didn't believe them. I knew immediately that they were frauds (骗子) but I didn't say anything.
—Taken from The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn
52. Why did Huck and Jim travel at night
A. Because they liked the sights of the night.
B. Because they thought it was safer for them.
C. Because they wanted to keep secrets to people.
D. Because they hoped to have adventures on the way.
53. The underlined word “pretend” in Paragraph3 probably means _________.
A. 希望 B. 拒绝 C. 假装 D. 同意
54. Which is the right order of what Huck did in the story
①Huck found the two men were frauds.
②Huck and Jim made a camp under the trees.
③Huck went to look for berries for breakfast.
④Huck told the news from the women to Jim.
A. ②④③① B. ④③①② C. ③④②① D. ④②③①
55. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A. Jim had a good time on the raft with Huck.
B. Huck went to the town to visited his friends.
C. The two men didn't get help from Huck and Jim.
D. Somebody caught Huck and Jim on their way to Cairo.
To improve learning efficiency (效率) , making a homework plan is necessary and important for school students. 56. _________
Be sure to remember your homework. 57. _________ And be sure to ask questions about your homework if you really don't understand.
58. _________ Many schools have study rooms for students to do their homework. 59. _________ If you finish much homework in school, you don't need to do a lot at night.
Learn to adjust (调整) yourself. If you don't finish your homework at school, think about how much homework you have and what else you need to do on that day, and then plan your time. 60. _________ If you don't have too much homework, you can enjoy yourself more. Or you'll have to say sorry to your game shows or films on TV.
A. Spend some time in your classroom to work on your homework. B. It can help you do your homework better. C. Many teachers usually give students little homework to do every day. D. Write it down in your notebook if you need to. E. Most school students have between 1 and 1. 5 hours of homework a night. F. It's fun to do homework with your friends and classmates after class at school.
六、词汇(共10小题,每小题1. 5分,计15分)
61. Let's go and _____________ for our school team. (喝彩)
62. Can you tell me where the old man lives _____________ (精确地)
63. Look! The sun is shining in the _____________ and blue sky. (晴朗的)
64. More and more foreign people come here to learn the local _____________. (文化)
65. Mr Green walked to school _____________ of driving his car this morning. (代替)
66. Believe in _____________. You' re sure to be the winners. (you)
67. Millie keeps writing in English about her _____________ life. (day)
68. He always spends some time _____________ with her friends on Wechat. (chat)
69. It's too far away. It is _____________ for him to get there in half an hour. (possible)
70. Dick decided to lose _____________ by eating less and doing more exercise. (weigh)
Singapore is a country with only one city. It is in Southeast Asia, not far from China. It is small but very clean and beautiful with flowers here and there. People often say it is a garden city. People also call Singapore “Lion City”.
In the Merlion Park in Singapore, there is a statue. It has a lion's head and a fish's body. It is the symbol of Singapore. Lots of visitors go to the park and take photos in front of the statue. They want to remember the happy time there.
There is a Chinatown in Singapore. Sometimes people call it Niu Che Shui. There was no running water in the old times and people used the ox carts (牛车) to take water home. This is where the funny name comes from. People can do some shopping and enjoy the delicious food there.
Are you afraid that you won't have a great time in Singapore because you can only speak Chinese Don't worry. Language is not a problem. Many people there speak Chinese.
71. Where is Singapore
72. What do most visitors like doing in the Merlion Park
73. What did people use to take water home in the old times in Chinatown
74. Why aren't there language problems for Chinese visitors in Singapore
75. If you are visiting Singapore, which place do you want to go first Why
76. 有一句非常著名的英语谚语: “A friend in need is a friend indeed (患难见真情) ” ,请以 “My Friend and I” 为题用英语写一篇作文。内容需包括以下方面:
要求:1. 内容须涵盖所有要点; 语句通顺,意思连贯,语法正确,书写规范;文中不得出现真实的人名、校名、地名;90词左右(文章开头已给出,不计入总词数)。
My Friend and I
I have a good friend. His name is Tom. _________________________________________________________
1. W: Here are three pens. Which would you like to buy
M: I’d like the cheapest one.
2. W: What do you usually do after school, Ben
M: I played basketball in the past. But now I always try to finish my homework.
3. W: Hi, Tom. What did you do last weekend
M: I visited Tian’anmen Square with my parents. We had a great time there.
4. W: Tom, may I borrow your knife I need it to make a sandwich.
M: No problem. By the way, don’t forget to put some tomato sauce. It’s yummy.
5. M: Who will you talk to when you are sad
W: My cousin Lucy. She often tells me funny jokes.
6. M: What’s your ideal school like
W: I like to get up late. So my ideal school starts at 9 a. m. and finishes at 3 p. m.
7. M: School is over. Why don’t you go home, Amy
W: You know I’m a member of the Reading Club. I’m going to the library to read books.
8. M: What time shall we meet at the school gate tomorrow
W: Let’s meet at a quarter to seven.
9. W: Hi, Bob. You’re pretty good at English. How do you learn English
M: I like to learn English by reading aloud.
10. W: Nick, do you like DIY
M: Yes. I made a bookshelf with my dad last weekend.
第二部分: 听对话和独白回答问题。本部分共有10道小题,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。每段对话或独白读两遍。
M: Mom, I’m hungry. What do we have for lunch today
W: Let’s make something special. How about rice and Russian soup
M: I don’t like Russian soup.
W: Well, let’s have chicken noodles then.
M: Sounds good! What do we need for the noodles
W: We need some noodles, chicken and two eggs. Can you get them for me
M: Sure, here you are. Noodles, chicken and eggs.
W: Thanks. It will be ready soon.
Hello, my name is Mike. I’d like to share something about my school life with you. I go to school from Mondays to Fridays. We have many things to do after class. On Monday and Wednesday afternoons we have sports. On Tuesday afternoons some of us have a singing class. And on Thursday afternoons some have a drawing class. On Friday afternoons we practise speaking English. My Chinese friends would like to talk with me in English. They think I am like an English teacher. Isn’t it great On Saturdays and Sundays I go to the park and have a good time with my family there.
Welcome to my home town. My home town is a very big and nice place. There are about two thousand people living here. Many of them go to the big cities to work. In my home town, you can see many tall trees and you can also see wide roads run along big farms. You can see a lot of ducks in the river.
Every morning, we take a walk, enjoy the fresh air and meet our neighbors on the roads. You can see some people walking their dogs along the roads in the morning, often in groups, talking happily to their friends and neighbors. You can also see people doing sports in the park, such as dancing and flying kites. My sister and I often go to the park by bike and we often play tennis there. People here live a free life. I hope you can come to my home town one day.
1. A 2. C 3. B 4. B 5. C 6. B 7. B 8. A 9. C 10. B 11. A 12. B 13. B 14. C 15. A 16. B17. C 18. A 19. A 20. C
21. A 22. C 23. C 24. D 25. B 26. B 27. D 28. A 29. D 30. B
31. E 32. B 33. D 34. A 35. C
36. D 37. A 38. C 39. C 40. B 41. C 42. A 43. D 44. B 45. A
46. A 47. C 48. D 49. D 50. B 51. C 52. B 53. C 54. D 55. A 56. B 57. D 58. A 59. E 60. C
六、词汇(共10小题,每小题1. 5分,计15分)
61. cheer 62. exactly 63. clear/sunny 64. culture 65. instead
66. yourselves 67. daily 68. chatting 69. impossible 70. weight
71. It is in Southeast Asia. 72. Taking photos with the statue. 73. Ox carts. 74. Many people there speak Chinese. 75. 学生根据实际情况回答,合理即可给分。
My Friend and I
I have a good friend. His name is Tom. We have lots of similarity. First of all, we are both very outgoing. Second, we all like to debate in our study. Besides, playing basketball is our common hobby.
One day, I twisted my ankle when I was having a basketball match against other team. Without hesitation, he accompanied with me to the hospital and paid the medical bills for me. From then on, I was deeply touch by his deed and I realized that a friend in need is a friend indeed.
Therefore, I think that those who can help you when you are in danger are true friends. We can make friends with them.


