Unit 1 Me and My Class 训练课件(6份打包)冀教版英语八年级上册

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Unit 1 Me and My Class 训练课件(6份打包)冀教版英语八年级上册


Lesson 3 Getting to Know You!
● 考点集训/夯实基础
● 综合检测/巩固排查
Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示写单词。
1. I ask teachers questions after class when I need help, and they are always _______ (乐意的) to answer them.
2. Let’s order some __________ (薄饼) for lunch.
3. Gulliver couldn’t understand the tiny man and didn’t know what to say _______ (也).
4. In the West, we open it __________ (立即地)when we receive a gift.
5. Many old people __________ (讨厌) listening to rock music, because they think it’s too noisy.
6. I like __________ (柠檬), because I like the sour taste.
Lesson 3 Getting to Know You!
Lesson 3 Getting to Know You!
Ⅱ. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。
7. 桑德拉也喜欢拉小提琴。
Sandra _________ likes to _________ _________ _________.
8. 你们班有多少名学生会打篮球?
How many students in your class can_________ _________
9. 你会弹钢琴或者踢足球吗?
Can you _________ _________ _________ or_________ _______________
10. 我记不住这些生词,因此我想把它们写下来。
I can’t remember these new words, so I want to________ ________ ________.
play basketball
play the piano
play the violin
play football/ soccer
write them down
Lesson 3 Getting to Know You!
11. 我喜欢在温暖的阳光下散步。
I like to _________ _________ _________ in the warm sunshine.
12. 他们或许想逃离这个地方。
They probably wanted to _________ _________ _________ the place.
13. 我很高兴能遇上这样一位好医生。
I am _________ _________ _________ I can meet such a good doctor.
go for walks
get out of
so glad that
Lesson 3 Getting to Know You!
Ⅲ. 按要求完成句子,每空一词。
14. My favourite colour is green. (改为同义句)
I _________ green _________.
15. Sally will go to join in a talent show, too. (改为否定句)
Sally _________ go to join in a talent show,_________.
16. Learning English well is not easy. (改为同义句)
_________ not easy _________ _________English well.
17. Tina doesn’t like this kind of music. (改为同义句)
Tina _________ _________ _________ _________ _________.
to learn
hates this kind of music
Lesson 3 Getting to Know You!
Ⅳ. 补全对话。
A: Hi, Linda. Long time no see! I know you like to play the violin. 18. ______________________________________________________________
B: No, I want to be a doctor. I think it’s a meaningful thing to help sick people. 19. __________________________________________________________________
A: I want to be an engineer when I grow up. I want to design airplanes.
B: 20. __________________________
A: No, I’m not good at maths. But I’ll try to learn it well.
Are you going to be/ Do you want to be a violinist when you grow up
What about you/ How about you/What do you want to be when you grow up
Are you good at maths
Lesson 3 Getting to Know You!
B: 21. ____________________________________________________________
A: I am going to study math really hard. By the way, do you have free time this evening
B: 22. ___________. What’s up
A: Can you come to my house and help me with my maths
B: Of course, no problem.
A: Thank you very much!
How are you going to make your dream come true/ How are you going to make it/ do that
Yes, I do
Lesson 3 Getting to Know You!
Ⅴ. 短文填空。
Whenever I read the magazine Food and Wine, the recipes (食谱) always make me want to have a try. So I 23. ________ (make) this magical mapo tofu last week. To my great surprise, it turned out great! When my friends tried it, they thought I ordered it online. I 24. ________ (feel)so proud of myself. However, things 25. ________(be) quite different one year ago.
I used to hate cooking because I thought it’s boring 26. ________ hard to cook, so I always ordered fast food online. I didn’t even need to wash those 27. ________ (plate). However, I had a terrible stomachache one night. I went to hospital,and the doctor told me not 28. ________ eat any fast food anymore.
Lesson 3 Getting to Know You!
Then my mum decided to teach me how to cook. She 29. _______ (prepare) all kinds of vegetables and meat and encouraged me to try cooking. I decided to have a try. When I cooked together with 30. ________ (I) mum, I was happy and relaxed. After spending two hours in 31. _______ kitchen, I began to find it interesting to cook.
One day, I tried to cook a dish by myself. I 32. ________ (final) made it and my mum said it was very delicious. From then on, I fell in love with cooking.
Lesson 3 Getting to Know You!
Ⅵ. 中考新趋势 网络媒体语篇 阅读理解。
Home News Activities Ideas Pilar
When I was a child, I collected books about nature (自然). I loved learning about animals from other countries. When I get older, I find out that my
own country has interesting nature too. That’s why I like studying nature now. I often write articles about nature and put them on my website.
Lesson 3 Getting to Know You!
I love birds and animals because my school organized many visits to forests and lakes for us. I also like walking in the countryside and seeing what I can find. I took many photos about nature. I published (发表) some of them in our school magazine, and I hung some of them on the walls of the school hall.
Lesson 3 Getting to Know You!
A few years ago, I read an article with beautiful photos of animals, birds and plants in it. It made me start looking at what lives around us. I make some short videos and I often show them to my friends. I sometimes give talks about nature at school. I love it.A reporter from the local newspaper interviewed me a month ago.
Lesson 3 Getting to Know You!
33. Where can we read Pilar’s articles ________
A. On the walls. B. In the newspaper.
C. On his website. D. In his favourite book.
34. Why does Sarah love birds and animals ________
A. Because of a talk about nature.
B. Because of an article about nature.
C. Because of the people around her.
D. Because of her visits to forests and lakes.
Lesson 3 Getting to Know You!
35. What does Lia show to her friends ________
A. Some videos.
B. Some magazines.
C. Some photos.
D. Some collections.
Two classmates are talking about their mov_x0002_ing moments (动人时刻) in their junior high school.
Ⅰ. 人与社会 人际交往 阅读理解。
It’s in a maths lesson by Mr. Lee. I fell very sick because I played football with classmates in P.E. class. It rained a little, but I still felt my head very
heavy and my face very hot. At that time, Mr. Lee found my special (特殊的) situation and checked me. Then he quickly carried me to the school medical
room (校医室) at once. That’s my touching moment in my life.
It’s a Friday afternoon, and I was taking an English test. Suddenly (突然地) I was very worried that I couldn’t find the right answer to a problem. So I knocked at Jimmy’s back quietly and lightly. He knew my meaning right away and passed me a piece of paper quietly. I surprisingly found it said “I believe you can make it”. I kept silent and understood him after a while. His words made me successfully (成功地) solve the problem finally.
1. What did Mr. Lee do after he found Judy sick ________
A. He called her parents.
B. He asked Judy to go home.
C. He carried Judy to the school medical room.
D. He took some medicine for Judy.
2. Where did Bob’s moving moment happen ________
A. In the playground. B. In the computer room.
C. In the test room. D. In the library.
3. 中考新考法 推断文章后续发展 What will Bob do in the future exam ________
A. He will get pieces of paper to write.
B. He will ask the classmates for help.
C. He will go over the lessons after the exam.
D. He will never cheat again.
Ⅱ. 中考新趋势 私人信件 阅读表达。
Dear Laura,
Let me tell you how I spend my free time. I like playing basketball and volleyball. I joined the sports club. I go there three times a week. In the evening, I watch TV for an hour. After that, I read books for half an hour.I often go swimming on Saturday. On Sunday, I usually go to the museum with my friend. I want to know what you like to do in your free time. Please write to me.
Dear Tom,
I’m glad to hear from you. I’m in the swimming club. I go there on Tuesday and Thursday every week. In the evening, I practice the guitar for an hour. I hardly ever watch TV because I think it’s boring. I like tennis best. I always play tennis with my sister on Saturday. I sometimes go shopping on Sunday.
4. How long does Tom read books in the evening
5. What does Tom usually do on Sunday
6. How often does Laura go to the swimming club
For half an hour.
He usually goes to the museum with his friend.
Twice a week.
7. Why does Laura hardly ever watch TV
8. Does Laura always play tennis with her sister on Saturday
Because she thinks it’s boring.
Yes, she does.(共22张PPT)
Lesson 6 Jenny’s Week
● 考点集训/夯实基础
● 综合检测/巩固排查
Lesson 6 Jenny’s Week
Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示写单词。
1. —Would you mind showing me how to get to Central Park
—With ________ (愉快). I’ll lead you there.
2. We enjoyed some delicious ________ (当地的)food.
3. Many young people like wearing ________ (牛仔裤) in this city.
4. —I’m going to enter a singing ___________ (比赛). Are you going to enter for it
—No, I’m not.
5. Thanks for introducing the pleasure of________ (play) basketball to me.
6. Yesterday Kitty’s teacher invited me to________ (join) the English club in our school.
7. The temperature fell below zero and everyone________ (wear) warm clothes to keep warm.
8. Li Ming is ________ (arrive) home from Shanghai.
Lesson 6 Jenny’s Week
Ⅲ. 根据汉语意思完成句子,每空一词。
9. ———露西,上个周末你做什么了?
—What ________ you ________ ________weekend, Lucy
—Well, on Saturday morning, I ________ ________.
10. 我妈妈上周给我买了一条牛仔裤。
Last week, my mum ________ ________ ________ ________ ________ for me.
do last
Lesson 6 Jenny’s Week
played badminton
bought a pair of jeans
Ⅳ. 中考新趋势 调查问卷 阅读理解。
Sunny School asks all the students in Grade 8 to finish the questionnaire (问卷). This is Tony’s questionnaire.
Lesson 6 Jenny’s Week
Date: 16th March Name: Tony
Q1. When do you usually get to school At 7:30 a.m. School begins at 8 a.m. So I’m never late for school.
Q2. How do you go to school My dad drives me to school every day.
Q3. What do you think of your school life It’s great. I like all my classes.
Lesson 6 Jenny’s Week
Date: 16th March Name: Tony
Q4. What do you usually do after school I usually play basketball with my friends. Some times I go swimming or watch basketball games on TV.
Q5. Do you like reading
Yes No
Q6. How often do you go to the school library About once a week.
11. How does Tony go to school ________
A. By car. B. By bus.
C. On foot. D. By subway.
12. After school Tony usually ________.
A. watches TV B. plays basketball
C. goes swimming D. does his homework
13. Tony goes to the ________ once a week.
A. park B. zoo
C. school D. library
Lesson 6 Jenny’s Week
14. What do we know about Tony ________
A. He is in Grade Eight.
B. He doesn’t like reading.
C. He has little homework.
D. He is often late for school.
Lesson 6 Jenny’s Week
本单元写作情境属于“人与自我”主题范畴下“生活与学习”这一主题群。 要求同学们能从个人信息(姓名、年龄、职业等)、兴趣爱好、理想、日常活动安排等方面来介绍自己或他人。
本单元常见的作文话题有:self-introduction,My best friend/ teacher, My week 等。
典例 假设你是 Tony,就读于 Goldwater Lake Middle School,请从以下几个方面用英语写一篇短文,简要介绍你的学校生活,并谈谈你对学校的感受。
1. Let me introduce my school life.
2. There are different kinds of.../ I like swimming best...
I am Tony. I study at Goldwater Lake Middle School. Let me introduce my school life.
I am in Class One, Grade Seven. I study Chinese, maths, English, history and so on. The first class begins at 8:00. There are four classes in the morning and three classes in the afternoon.The class finishes at 4:30. There are different kinds of clubs in my school.
I join the swimming club because I like swimming best. After school,I usually play basketball with my classmates.Sometimes I take part in the English Corner to improve my English.
I think my school life is colourful and interesting.
[名师点评] 由于题干要求介绍学校生活,可判断时态为一般现在时。写作时,第一步,学生介绍自己的个人情况;第二步,从上课情况、学习科目、运动、 俱乐部以及课后活动等方面介绍学校的生活;第三步,发表对学校生活的评价。
你校新来的外教 Tony 想通过问卷了解学生的爱好。问卷中有关于音乐和运动等方面的问题。假如你是李华,请你根据以下问卷问题用英文向 Tony 作详细介绍。
问题:1. What music do you listen to when you feel...
2. How often do you do sports
3. Do your friends have the same hobbies as you
4. Something more (更多的) about it.
注意:文中不得透露个人真实信息;词数 80 左右(开头和结尾已给出,不计入总词数)。
Dear Tony,
I’d like to introduce my hobbies about music and sports to you. ___________
Li Hua
One possible version:
Dear Tony,
I’d like to introduce my hobbies about music and sports to you.
I enjoy listening to music very much. When I feel nervous or tired, I always listen to country music. It makes me relax. I like playing football and my friends like it, too. I think playing football can not only make me fit, but also increase my sense of teamwork.
So after class, if I have time, I often go to the playground with my classmates to play football. Every Friday afternoon, we go to the gym to play games and practice. I like sports,because sports can make me healthy,strong and energetic. So I often get the first prize in the school sports meeting. I will keep the good habit all my life.
Li Hua(共21张PPT)
Lesson 1 Back to School
Lesson 1 Back to School
● 考点集训/夯实基础
● 综合检测/巩固排查
Ⅰ. 根据句意及所给提示写单词。
1. David is searching the _______ (最近的)news about the accident.
2. Many students in our class are so interested in________ (物理学) that they always listen carefully in class.
3. I don’t know her. Could you please___________ (介绍) her to me
4. Please leave me alone. Let me do it by___________ (我自己).
Lesson 1 Back to School
Ⅱ. 用方框中所给单词的适当形式填空。
5. There are ________ books in our library.
6. —She ___________ playing basketball.How can we help her
—We can practice with her every day.
7. I bought two new cameras. _____is for me, and _________ is for my brother.
a lot of
has trouble
have trouble..., one... the other...,
make friends with, a lot of, the same as
the other
Lesson 1 Back to School
8. I want to ________________ my classmates and help each other.
9. My friend is ________________ me. We are both quiet.
make friends with
the same as
Lesson 1 Back to School
Ⅲ. 按要求完成下列句子,每空一词。
10. I got such a surprise that I didn’t believe my eyes. (改为同义句)
I was _______ _______ _______ I didn’t believe my eyes.
11. He didn’t know where he should go. (改为简单句)
He didn’t know _______ _______ _______.
12. The dog sat in the sun happily. (改为否定句)
The dog _______ _______ in the sun happily.
13. He told me a very exciting story. (改为感叹句)
_______ _______ exciting story he told me!
so surprised that
where to go
didn’t sit
What an
Lesson 1 Back to School
Ⅳ. 完形填空。
Now, the new term begins and you are 14_______ Grade Eight. Can you 15_______ your new subject Do you still have to 16_______ homework every night Do you have 17_______ new teachers and classmates Well, 18_______ my advice and you will have a nice new term.
First, throw all the difficulties (困难) out of your 19_______ . It’s no use to think about them. Just put your heart 20_______ learning. Find something you like and do it actively (积极地).
Lesson 1 Back to School
Second, try to do your homework quickly.Don’t 21_______ too much time on it. Do reading and writing 22_______ English. Don’t stay up late, 23_______ you can’t study well the next day.
Third, try to make friends with your new teachers and classmates. I’m sure they want to 24_______ your friends, too. Friends can always share something together 25_______ sports and books.
School is really a good place to 26_______ , to learn something new and to make your future dream come true. So believe in 27_______ . Nothing can stop you 28_______ doing everything well.
Lesson 1 Back to School
14. A. on B. of
C. in D. to
15. A. be good for B. do badly in
C. do well in D. be bad for
16. A. finish B. have
C. lose D. make
17. A. some B. few
C. little D. any
18. A. write B. listen
C. follow D. ask
Lesson 1 Back to School
19. A. door B. bed
C. desk D. mind
20. A. on B. into
C. to D. for
21. A. take B. have
C. spend D. put
22. A. in B. on
C. of D. about
23. A. and B. or
C. for D. however
Lesson 1 Back to School
24. A. leave B. like
C. be D. meet
25. A. even if B. rather than
C. such as D. but also
26. A. make friends B. have friends
C. teach students D. ask questions
27. A. you B. yourself
C. me D. myself
28. A. with B. under
C. across D. from
Lesson 1 Back to School
Ⅴ. 人与自我 学校生活 阅读理解。
It’s school time again! You’re probably feeling excited and maybe a little sad that summer is over.Some kids feel nervous or a little scared on the first day of school because of all the new things.Let’s find out something about going to a new school.
Many teachers kick off the new school year by introducing themselves and talking about all the things you’ll be doing that year. Some teachers give students a chance to tell something about themselves to the rest of the class, too. When teachers do the talking on the first day, they often go over classroom rules and school rules, so you’ll know what’s allowed (允许) and what’s not.
Lesson 1 Back to School
You might already know a lot of people in your classes on the first day, but it’s a great day to make a new friend, so try to say hello to kids you know and new ones that you don’t. Make the first move and you’ll be glad you did!
Seeing friends can make the first day a good one. You can make the day feel special by wearing clothes that you really like. Maybe you got a great T-shirt on one of your vacations, or a pair of sneakers (运动鞋). It can also make you feel go od to have all the things you need, such as pencils, folders, and whatever else you’ll need.But make sure that you pack them the night before in case (以防万一) you don’t have time in the morning.
Lesson 1 Back to School
29. The underlined phrase“kick off” in the second paragraph probably means“_________”.
A. start B. study C. find D. teach
30. According to the passage , you usually do everything on the first day of school except_______.
A. introducing yourself
B. learning about the rules
C. making new friends
D. going over your new lessons
Lesson 1 Back to School
31. 中考新考法 推断文章主题 The main idea of the passage is _________.
A. how to be used to a new school quickly
B. how to make new friends in a new school
C. what to wear on the first day of the new school
D. what to prepare for the first day of the new school
What do you usually do in your weekend free time Li Ming, a 14 -year -old boy from Yuying middle school, did a project-based (基于项目的) homework about this question. How did he make it
◆Do a survey (做调查).
Jenny On weekends, I usually play football with my sister Tina. Sometimes we take a walk in the park near our house.
Steve I usually go to Michael’s Farm to see my grandfather and my cousins on weekends.Michael is just my grandfather’s name.
Sandra I usually go shopping in the city centre on Saturdays, but this Saturday I’m going to an old village called Beamish.
◆Give a report.
There are 40 students in Li Ming’s class.Here are the results.
52.5% Play sports with family or friends.
22.5% Visit grandparents.
15% Go shopping or watch a movie.
10% Other conditions.
1 题完成句子; 2~5 题简略回答问题。
1. Jenny usually plays football with _________ ________ ________on weekends.
2. What does Steve usually do on weekends
3. Where will Sandra go this Saturday
4 . Ho w many students visit their grandparents on weekends
her sister Tina
He usually goes to Michael’s Farm to see his grandfather and his cousins.
She is going to an old village called Beamish.
Nine/ 9.
5 . 开放性试题 谈想法 What do you usually do in your weekend free time
I usually go swimming in the swimming pool with my parents. (答案不唯一)(共19张PPT)
Lesson 2 Many Faces, One Picture
● 考点集训/夯实基础
● 综合检测/巩固排查
Ⅰ. 根据句意及汉语提示写单词。
1. All of us ___________ (同意) with her at the meeting yesterday.
2. My grandpa always ___________ (建议) me to get up early every day.
3. The monkeys ___________ (表演) well at the circus (马戏团) and we enjoyed the show.
4. There is some ___________ (胶水) in the bottle.
5. Many of my classmates are interested in___________ (传统的) Chinese culture, especially Beijing Opera.
Lesson 2 Many Faces, One Picture
6. —I’ll go to the party half an hour later.
—Well, it ____________ you.
7. My little brother ____________ my father.
8. Don’t __________your phone while walking.It is dangerous.
9. He didn’t raise his hand, because he didn’t____________ the others.
10. Tina made a poster and ____________ on the wall.
agree with, be up to, look like,
look at, put it up
Lesson 2 Many Faces, One Picture
Ⅱ. 用方框中所给短语及其正确形式填空。
is up to
looks like
look at
agree with
put it up
Lesson 2 Many Faces, One Picture
Ⅲ. 按要求完成句子,每空一词。
11. Mum agrees to watch the movie with me, and gives me some money. (改为一般过去时)
Mum ________ to watch the movie with me,and ________ me some money.
12. 父亲经常建议我读有教育意义的书。 (汉译英)
My father often ________ me ________ read educational books.
13. My sister and I read English every morning.(改为现在进行时)
My sister and I ________ ________ English now.
Lesson 2 Many Faces, One Picture
Ⅲ. 按要求完成句子,每空一词。
14. I will put my picture a little bit lower. (对画线部分提问)
________ ________ ________ put ________picture
Where will you
Lesson 2 Many Faces, One Picture
Ⅳ. 补全对话。
A: Jenny, 15. ____________
B: It’s an old photo of our classmates.
A: Can I have a look at it
B: Of course. Here you are.
A: 16. _______________________________
B: We took the photo 20 years ago. We all looked young at that time.
A: You are right. How I wish we could go back to school!
what’s this
When did we/ you take the photo
Lesson 2 Many Faces, One Picture
B: 17. __________________. I miss Mr. White, our art teacher.
A: He was so popular among students. Is he retired (退休)
B: No. But he doesn’t teach art now.
A: 18. _____________________________________________________
B: Guess what Maths!
A: Really I remember Mrs. James taught maths.
B: She retired last year. Was she your favourite teacher
A: Yes, she was. 19. ______________
B: She is fine. Let’s visit her together.
A: Good idea.
Me, too/ So do I
What does he teach (now)/Which subject does he teach (now)
How is she
Lesson 2 Many Faces, One Picture
Ⅴ. 短文填空。
I have a photo album (相册). It’s a present from my classmate — David.
I got to know David on the 20. _______(two) day of middle school. We both liked playing basketball and collecting stamps, 21. ______we always had a lot of things to talk about.Once I travelled with him to his hometown in the countryside. He showed me around and I 22. ______(see) many interesting things. We had a 23. _________ (wonder) time. It is really nice to have such 24. _____ good classmate.
Lesson 2 Many Faces, One Picture
However, last summer, David 25. ______(go) to another city because of his father’s job.Before leaving, he gave 26. ______(I) a photo album. “It has the memorable events we experienced together. I also wrote some27. ______(note) under each of these photos,”he said. I was 28. _______ (deep) moved.
I always look at the album when I think 29. ______David. I really miss him.
Lesson 2 Many Faces, One Picture
Ⅵ. 阅读理解。
If you’re walking down a city street and Dino Serrao asks to take a photo of you, say yes. Dino is a photographer (摄影师). He comes from Italy and now lives in Norway. He travels around the world to take photos of common people on the street and show them how beautiful they are. He believes beauty is in everybody, everywhere and that his work shows the beauty to others.
Dino points his camera (照相机) at common people on the street. These people are often walking or doing something else. Dino just stops them and asks to take their photos. As he uses a camera to take photos, he has another person following him to film the process (过程).
Lesson 2 Many Faces, One Picture
Often, the stories behind the photos are also beautiful. Once, Dino met an old woman in Italy.He walked to her and asked to take some photos of her, but she refused because she said she was “too old”. When he told her he would delete (删除)
all of the photos if she didn’t like them, she finally said yes. In the end, even the old woman herself was surprised to see how lovely she was!
Dino’s photos show us that things like age and jobs don’t mean a thing when it comes to beauty. True beauty comes from people’s inner world (内心世界), and Dino has a way to share that with the world.
Lesson 2 Many Faces, One Picture
30. Dino takes photos of people on the street to________.
A. make friends
B. prepare for his videos
C. show the beauty of people
D. record the life of common people
31. Paragraph 2 is mainly about Dino’s _______.
A. work process B. future plan
C. special cameras D. excellent pictures
Lesson 2 Many Faces, One Picture
32. Why did the old woman refuse Dino at first ________
A. Because she was busy.
B. Because she thought she was too old.
C. Because she was too sad to take photos.
D. Because she thought Dino was dangerous.
33. 中考新考法 组合式选择 When the old woman saw her photos, she felt ________.
①angry ②happy ③surprised ④tired
A. ①③ B. ③④ C. ②③ D. ①④
Ⅰ. 请判断下列句子的结构类型(A: S+V 主谓;B: S+V+P 主系表; C: S+V+O 主谓宾; D: S+V+O1+O2 主谓双宾; E: S+V+O+C 主谓宾补;F: 存现句)。
1. He is running.______
2. I heard the baby crying in the sitting room.______
3. She seemed angry.______
4. Will you tell us an exciting story ______
5. The car stopped.______
6. There are some apples in the basket.______
7. Amy always helps her mum after school.______
8. Helen looks very happy today.______
9. He studied very hard.______
10. His father bought him a new bike.______
11. We must keep our classroom clean.______
12. There will be a fine day tomorrow.______
Ⅱ. 汉译英。
13. 爱丽丝歌唱得很好。
14. 我 15 岁了。
15. 那天早晨我们谈论了这件事情。
16. 你可以给我买一些水果吗?
Alice sings very well.
I am fifteen years old.
That morning we talked about this thing/ matter.
Could you get/ buy some fruit for me
17. 汤姆常使他的母亲生气。
Tom often makes his mother angry.(共15张PPT)
Lesson 4 Best Friends
● 考点集训/夯实基础
● 综合检测/巩固排查
Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词。
1. Bob’s bike was broken. Your sister _________(借给) her bike to him.
2. The beautiful scenery (景色) of our country always _________ (使惊奇) me.
3. Bill is an excellent student, and he never_________ (抄写) others’ homework.
4. Great! You _________ (处理) with so much work yesterday.
5. They are good friends, not _________ (敌人).
Lesson 4 Best Friends
Lesson 4 Best Friends
6. 下周我的朋友将会顺便来我家。
My friend will _________ _________ to my house next week.
7. 那天莉莉和杰克达成了协议。
Lily and Jack _________ _________ _________ that day.
8. 在晚会结束的时候,我们互相道别。
_________ _________ _________ _________ the party, we said goodbye to each other.
come over
made a deal
At the end of
Lesson 4 Best Friends
9. 令我惊奇的是,我在英语考试中获得了第一名。
_________ _________ _________, I was No. 1 in the English exam.
10. 珍妮一句话也没有说,只走她的路。
Jenny __________ __________ __________ __________ without saying a word.
11. 如果两个人长得一模一样, 我们可能会说他们是一个豆荚里的两粒豆子。
If two persons look exactly the same, we might say they are __________ __________ __________ __________ __________.
To my surprise
went on her way
peas in a pod
Lesson 4 Best Friends
Ⅲ. 按要求完成句子,每空一词。
12. Lily borrowed some books from her classmate last week. (改为同义句)
Lily’s classmate __________ some books__________ Lily last week.
13. I lent Lucy my notebook this morning. (改为否定句)
I __________ __________ Lucy my notebook this morning.
14. I argued with Tina because I didn’t want her to copy my homework. (对画线部分提问)
__________ __________ you __________ with Tina
Why did
Lesson 4 Best Friends
15. It takes her an hour to read English every day. (改为同义句)
She __________ an hour __________ English every day.
Lesson 4 Best Friends
Ⅳ. 补全对话。
A: Susan, you look unhappy. 16. ______________________________________
B: Dad, I have a problem with my best friend.
A: What happened
B: We are good friends. We went to different schools last year. And she came to study at my school this year. I was very happy at first.
17. _____________________.
A: Can you tell me how she’s different
B: She doesn’t want me to see my other friends.
What’s up/ What’s the matter/What’s wrong
But she’s so different
Lesson 4 Best Friends
A: 18. ________________________________
B: Yes, I did. I tried to talk about it with her, but she refused to listen.
A: Do you know why she changes like that
B: 19. ____________.
A: Maybe she doesn’t feel sure of herself. Or she just feels lonely without you.
B: Maybe. 20. ______________________________________________
A: You can invite her to play with your other friends and encourage her to join in activities.
B: I see. Thanks, Dad.
Did you talk about this with her
No, I don’t
What should I do/ What can I do/What shall I do
Lesson 4 Best Friends
Ⅴ. 短文填空。
Friendship and kindness go hand in hand. A friendship can last forever when 21. _________(friend) are kind to each other.People usually become friends because they have something in common. They share many of 22. _________ same interests and like to be together. It is easy to be a friend when everything is going great, but a true friend is one who sticks around in both the good times and the 23. _________ times. A good friend will cheer you up (使你高兴) when you are 24. _________(have) a bad day. Show a friend your care. Ask the other person, “25. _________ can I do to help you ” and be willing to do it.
Lesson 4 Best Friends
Listen 26. ______ your friends. Be honest. Tell 27. ______ (they) what is wrong if they hurt you. Send a card, give them a little present or call them on the phone just to say“I value (珍视) our friendship”. Help whenever and wherever you can.
Good friendships are not easy to develop (发展), 28. ______ a friendship can last forever if you are loyal (忠诚的) and sincere (真诚的). If you are a friend to others, they will 29. _________(usual) be a friend to you. Friends make life warm 30. ______ happy.
Lesson 4 Best Friends
Ⅵ. 中考新趋势 私人信件 阅读表达。
Dear Dr. Know,
I am very upset these days. I have some trouble with friendship. Ken, one of my classmates, is a clever and warm-hearted boy.Last term, I had a difficult time learning maths. I even couldn’t understand the teacher in class.The final exam was coming. I was very worried.When Ken knew that, he helped me with it every day after school. We often did homework together and he always answered all my questions about maths learning. With his help, I made great progress. And we became really good friends.
Lesson 4 Best Friends
But other students didn’t think so. They started gossiping (说闲话). They make up some stories about us. This made me angry. Though I want to be Ken’s best friend, I don’t want to be misunderstood (被误解) by others. What should I do Should I end the friendship I really don’t know how to solve the problem. Please give me some advice.
Upset girl
Lesson 4 Best Friends
31. Why is Lisa upset
32. What is Ken like
33. Which subject is difficult for Lisa, maths or English
Because Lisa/ she has some trouble with friendship.
Ken/ He is a clever and warm-hearted boy.
Maths is difficult for Lisa/ her./Maths.
Lesson 4 Best Friends
34. What did other students do about Ken and Lisa
35. If you are Dr. know, what advice would you give to Lisa
Other students/ They made up some stories about them.
She should talk about it with the teacher. (答案不唯一,言之有理即可)(共19张PPT)
Lesson 5 Meet Ms. Liu
Lesson 5 Meet Ms. Liu
● 考点集训/夯实基础
● 综合检测/巩固排查
Ⅰ. 根据句意及首字母或汉语提示写单词。
1. ____________________ (有人) is knocking at the door.
2. Tom is my best friend in my class. He often d________ maths problems with me after class.
3. The teacher is ________ (有耐心的) with her students.
4. My sister went to ________ ( 英 格 兰 ) for further study (进修).
5. I’m a little shy. My friend Mary often____________ (鼓励) me to be confident.
Someone/ Somebody
discuss... with, three years ago, feel lucky to,
be ready to, in front of
Lesson 5 Meet Ms. Liu
6. I ____________ help people who are in trouble.
7. I ____________ be a member of our class and study with you.
8. He was too scared to talk ____________us.
9. This is a good chance to ________learning experience _______ others.
10. She became a basketball player _______________.
feel lucky to
am ready to
in front of
three years ago
Lesson 5 Meet Ms. Liu
Ⅲ. 按要求完成句子,每空一词。
11. 轮到我来做读书报告了。 (汉译英)
It’s my turn to ________ ________ ________ ________.
12. He was so patient that he waited for us for three hours. (改为同义句)
He was ________ ________ to wait for us for three hours.
13. Wendy Wang discusses the matter with her family over dinner. (改为同义句)
Wendy Wang ________ ________ ________ about the matter with her family over dinner.
give a reading report
patient enough
has a discussion
Lesson 5 Meet Ms. Liu
14. I can do it without help. (改为同义句)
I can do it ________ ________.
15. I felt sad when I heard the news. (对画线部分提问)
________ did you ________ when you heard the news
by myself
Lesson 5 Meet Ms. Liu
Ⅳ. 完形填空。
In 1959, when Jean Harper was in the third grade, her teacher asked the class to 16________( about what they wanted to be when they grew up.
Jean’s father was a pilot (飞行员), so Jean was very interested in airplanes and 17________ . She wrote about her dream of 18________ an airline pilot.Her paper came back with an“F” on it. The teacher told her it was a“fairy tale (童话)” and that it wasn’t a 19________ for a woman. Jean experienced years of hurt and fear because of what her teacher told her.
Lesson 5 Meet Ms. Liu
Things 20________ when she met her English teacher Dorothy Slaton in senior high school. Mrs. Slaton said to Jean’s class,“You have talents (天赋). If you don’t go after your dreams, once you leave school, 21________ will do it for you. You can get what you want if you want it enough.” Jean felt 22________ . She told Mrs. Slaton all about her old 23________ . The teacher leaned (倚靠) over her desk and said,“Then do it! ” So Jean did.It didn’t 24________ overnight. In 1978, she became one of the first three female pilot trainees in United Airlines and one of only fifty 25________ airline pilots in the nation at the time.
Lesson 5 Meet Ms. Liu
16. A. speak B. write
C. listen D. read
17. A. acting B. writing
C. driving D. flying
18. A. becoming B. playing
C. learning D. studying
19. A. birth B. job
C. gift D. chance
20. A. changed B. started
C. moved D. arrived
Lesson 5 Meet Ms. Liu
21. A. somebody B. everybody
C. nobody D. anybody
22. A. excited B. angry
C. sorry D. proud
23. A. message B. friend
C. teacher D. dream
24. A. start B. turn
C. happen D. fail
25. A. women B. men
C. young D. old
Lesson 5 Meet Ms. Liu
Ⅴ. 人与社会 著名人物 阅读理解。
Who is the greatest (最棒的) teacher in Chinese history Many people would think of Confucius(孔子). His birthday was September 28th. He lived over 2,000 years ago, but people still remember and respect him because of his contribution (贡献) to the education today.
Confucius lived during the Spring and Autumn Period. He had a hard childhood. His father died when he was only 3. His mother brought him up (抚养他). As a child, he had to work to help his mother, but young Confucius didn’t stop studying.He visited many famous teachers and learned music, history, poetry and sports.
Lesson 5 Meet Ms. Liu
Later, he became a teacher and started the first public school in Chinese history. At that time, only children from wealthy families should go to school, but Confucius believed everyone could go to school. He had about 3,000 students in his lifetime.
Today, people still follow Confucius’s lessons. He told us that we all need to learn something important. “When I am with three people, one of them must be really good in some areas. I choose their good qualities (品质) and follow them.”
Lesson 5 Meet Ms. Liu
26. Today we still remember Confucius mainly because he ______.
A. lived a poor life in his childhood
B. had great opinions and thoughts about education
C. travelled with his students from state to state
D. lived during the Spring and Autumn Period
27. Confucius learned music, history, poetry and sports ______ as a child.
A. by teaching himself at home
B. with the help of his mother
C. by going to school
D. by visiting many famous teachers
Lesson 5 Meet Ms. Liu
28. 中考新考法 跨语文 What’s the meaning of the underlined sentences in the fourth paragraph ______
A. 学而时习之,不亦说乎?
B. 人无远虑,必有近忧。
C. 敏而好学,不耻下问,是以谓之文也。
D. 三人行,必有我师焉。择其善者而从之。
Lesson 5 Meet Ms. Liu
29. 中考新考法 句子排序 The correct order of the following statements is ______.
①Confucius worked to help his mother as a child.
②Confucius educated about 3,000 students in his lifetime.
③Confucius’s father died.
④Confucius started the first public school in
Chinese history.
A. ③①④② B. ②③④①
C. ③①②④ D. ④③①②
1. I ______ this bike _______ Lucy because her bike was broken two days ago.
2. I _________ this bike _______ Lucy because my bike was broken two days ago.
3. I can ______ this bike for two days because my brother doesn’t use it.
borrow... from, lend... to, keep
■集训一 lend, borrow 与 keep 辨析
Ⅰ. 选词填空。
Ⅱ. 同义句转换,每空一词。
4. Could you lend me some money
May I _________ some money _________ you
5. Michael borrowed three books from the school library last week.
Michael _________ _________ three books from the school library for a week.
Ⅲ. 根据句意提示写单词。
6. —Mum, which school should I go to, a senior high school or a vocational (职业的) high school
—_________ is OK. It is up to you.
7. —Do you know where she lives
—Sorry, I don’t know her address, _________.
■集训二 either 的用法


