译林版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 4 Exploring poetry学案(5份打包,含答案)

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译林版(2019)选择性必修第一册Unit 4 Exploring poetry学案(5份打包,含答案)


Section Ⅰ Vocabulary
1.dimension n.方面,侧面;规模,程度;维
2.grasp n.理解,领会;抓紧,握紧,控制;能力所及vt.抓紧;领会,理解
3.detect vt.发现,查明,侦察出
4.rhyme n.押韵词;押韵vt.使押韵vi.和……同韵
5.complex adj.复杂的,难懂的 n.建筑群;复合体;情结
6.contradictory adj.相互矛盾的,对立的
7.clue n.线索,提示;迹象
8.cage vt.把(动物)关在笼中 n.笼子
9.remote adj.偏远的,偏僻的;遥远的,久远的;远亲的
10.inner adj.内心的,隐藏的;里面的,内部的
11.perceive vt.注意到,意识到;将……理解为,将……视为
12.ideal n.理想;典范 adj.完美的,理想的
13.rigid adj.死板的,僵硬的;固执的,僵化的
14.undergo vt.经历,经受
15.advocate vt.拥护,支持,提倡n.拥护者,支持者;辩护律师
16.belief n.看法,信念;信仰;相信,信心
17.district n.区,行政区;地区,区域
18.bend vi.& vt.(使)拐弯,弯曲n.拐弯,弯道
19.claim n.声明,宣称;所有权;索赔vt.宣称,声称;要求;索取;获得
20.sigh n.& vi.叹气,叹息
21.hence adv.因此,由此
22.dare vi.& vt.敢于,胆敢;激(某人做某事)
23.characterize(also characterise)vt.是……的特征,以……为典型;使……具有特点;描述,刻画
24.legend n.传说,传奇故事;传奇人物
25.encounter vt.偶然碰到,意外地遇见;遭遇,碰到 n.相遇,遭遇,冲突
26.numerous adj.众多的,许多的
27.boom n.(贸易和经济活动的)激增,繁荣vi.迅速发展,激增,繁荣昌盛
28.liberty n.自由
29.cast vt.投射;向……投以(视线、笑容等);投,抛;选派角色 n.全体演员;投,抛
30.owe vt.欠(情);欠(债);归功于;归因于
31.debt n.人情债,情义,恩情;借款,欠款,债务
32.blame vt.把……归咎于,责怪,指责 n.责任,责备,指责
33.dig up 发现,搜集,查明
34.set sth aside 把……放一边;留出
35.break with sth与某事终止关联,破除
36.make allowance for 体谅;考虑到,估计到
1.frozen adj.结冰的,冰封的;冷冻的;冻僵的→freeze v.(使)结冰;僵住→freezing adj.严寒的;冰冻的
2.imply vt.含有……的意思,暗示,暗指→implication n.含义;暗示
3.interpret vt.解释,阐释;把……理解为,领会;演绎vi.口译→interpreter n.口译工作者;口译译员
4.patience n.耐心,忍耐力→patient adj.忍耐的,耐心的 n.病人→patiently adv.耐心地
5. reward n.报酬;回报;悬赏金 vt.奖励;奖赏→rewarding adj.值得做的,有意义的
6.constant adj.持续不断的→constantly adv.不断地;始终,一直
7.logical adj.符合逻辑的;必然的,合乎情理的→logically adv.逻辑上;符合逻辑地→logic n.逻辑
8.reality n.事实,实际经历;现实,实际情况→real adj.真正的;确实的;真实存在的→really adv.真正地;实际上
9.mist n.薄雾,水汽→misty adj.多雾的;模糊的
10.novelist n.小说家→novel n.小说 adj.新颖的
11.striking adj.显著的;标致的→strike vi.& vt.突然发生(某种不幸);打;击;给人以印象
12. glorious adj.光荣的;辉煌的;极好的→glory n.荣誉;光荣;赞美
13.stability n.稳定(性),稳固(性)→stable adj.稳定的;牢固的;稳重的→stably adv.稳定地
14.tolerant adj.宽容的,容忍的;能耐……的→tolerate vt.容忍→tolerance n.容忍
15.distinguish vt.& vi.成为……的特征,使有别于;区分,辨别;认出;使出众→distinguished adj.卓越的;著名的;高贵的;受尊重的
16.representative adj.典型的,有代表性的 n.典型人物,代表性人物;代表→represent vt.代表;描绘
17.fascinate vt.& vi.深深吸引,迷住→fascinating adj.迷人的,吸引人的→fascinated adj.着迷的
18.entitle vt.给……命名;使享有权利,使符合资格→title n.标题;头衔;所有权 v.加标题,定题目
19.unforgiving adj.不饶人的,不宽容的;棘手的→forgiving adj.宽容的→forgive vt.& vi.原谅;宽恕→forgiveness n.原谅;宽恕
1.According to the weather forecast,frost is expected tomorrow morning.霜冻
2.As we all know,no crops can be grown on this barren land.贫瘠的
3.We have to admit that urban dwellers often accept noise as part of city life.居民
4.By investing in education,we nourish the talents of our children.培养
5.Winning the championship again after three years is a great triumph for them.成功;重大成就
6.All people present at the salon thought that he told his story simply and without exaggeration. 夸张;夸大
frozen adj.结冰的,冰封的;冷冻的;冻僵的 [freezing adj.极冷的;冰冻的 n.冰点 adv.极冷地 freeze vi.& vt.呆住;突然停止;(使)结冰,(使)冻结]
be frozen to death冻死
be frozen with/in...因……而呆住
(1)What made people sad was that the young soldier was frozen to death in the snow,with his hands still holding the gun.
(2)It’s freezing(freeze) cold in winter in Heilongjiang Province,which is located in the northeast part of China.
The little boy stared at the bear,frozen with/in shock/horror,with sweat in palms and legs trembling.
patience n.耐心,忍耐力 (patient adj.忍耐的;有耐心的 n.患者;病人 patiently adv.耐心地impatient adj.不耐烦的;没有耐心的 impatiently adv.不耐烦地)
have patience (in) doing...做……有耐心
have no patience with对……不能容忍,对……没有耐心
with patience耐心地
be patient with sb对某人有耐心
(1)Our English teacher always explains the problems to us patiently(patient) in class,which earns our respect.
(2)I used to trouble you to do many things for me,but you were never impatient(patient) with me.
(3)Frankly speaking,it’s good manners to help those in need with patience.
Not only is my English teacher patient with us but also he is willing to pay attention to our mental health.So he is the person I respect most.(not only...but also...引导的倒装句)
reward vt.奖励,奖赏;报答,酬谢n.奖励,回报;酬谢;悬赏金 (rewarding adj.值得做的;有益的)
reward sb with sth 用……奖赏某人
as a reward for...作为……的报酬
in reward for为报答……;作为……的奖赏
(1)Our school rewarded the winners with gifts of fruits and flowers when the race ended.
(2)You will find it very rewarding(reward) to participate in numerous after-school activities.
(3)Everyone who reached the top of Mount Tai was rewarded(reward) with the magnificent scenery.
①I’m more than willing to show you around Beijing as a reward for your generous help.
②I’m more than willing to show you around Beijing in reward for your generous help.
advocate vt.拥护,支持,提倡n.提倡者,拥护者,支持者;辩护律师
·advocate sth 提倡/拥护/支持某事
advocate (sb) doing sth 提倡(某人)做某事
It is advocated that...主张/提倡……[从句谓语动词用“(should+)动词原形”]
·an advocate of/for ……的支持者
(1)Scientists advocated raising(raise) public’s awareness of preserving the precious heritages.
(2)It is apparent that he is an advocate of/for the new policy.
It is advocated that all people (should) live a low-carbon life to protect our environment.
tolerant adj.宽容的,容忍的;能耐……的 (tolerate vt.忍受;包容;容许;tolerance n.宽恕;忍耐;容忍)
be tolerant of/towards sb/sth 容忍/宽容某人/某事
tolerate (sb/sb’s) doing sth 忍受(某人)做某事
(1)To be honest,my tolerance is not limitless,so I will not be always tolerant of your constantly being late.(tolerate)
(2)Being a sensitive lady,Helen,a novelist,couldn’t tolerate being(be) lonely in the unfamiliar surroundings.
Those who know how to tolerate/be tolerant of/towards others can naturally lead a happy life.
distinguish vt.& vi.成为……的特征,使有别于;区分,辨别;认出;使出众 (distinguished adj.卓越的;著名的;杰出的)
distinguish between...and...区分/辨别……和……
distinguish oneself (as...)使某人自己(作为……)表现突出
be distinguished for...因……而出名
(1)To his mother’s satisfaction,he has already distinguished himself as a composer.
(2)It is well known that the Chinese nation is distinguished for its diligence and courage.
(3)Honestly speaking,I admire your distinguished(distinguish) achievements in career.
Keep working hard and I hold the belief that you are bound to distinguish yourself from others.
owe vt.欠(情);欠(债);归功于;归因于
owe sb sth=owe sth to sb 欠某人某物
owe sth to sb/sth 把某事归功于某人/某事
owe it to sb that...把……归功于某人
owe it to sb to do sth (认为)应该为某人做某事
owing to因为,由于
(1)I owe it to you that we have made such a great breakthrough in architecture.
(2)He owed all his achievements to other people’s help,which showed his modesty.
I owe you an apology/owe an apology to you for not going to the bookstore with you on Friday afternoon.
It is owing to your encouragement that I can overcome my inner panic to challenge myself in the cross-country run.
debt n.人情债,情义,恩情;借款,欠款,债务
in debt负债
out of debt不欠债
pay off one’s debt还清某人的欠款或债务
The fact that my family was in debt occurred to me,so I dropped my favorite toy and ran towards my home,hoping that my hard-earned money could help my father stay out of debt.
blame vt.把……归咎于,责怪,指责n.责任,责备,指责
be to blame (for sth)(对某事)负有责任,应受责备
blame sb for sth 因某事责备某人;把某事归咎于某人
blame sth on sb/sth 把某事归咎于某人/某事
take the blame承担责任
(1)There’s no denying that it is the driver rather than the passengers that is to blame(blame) for the accident.
(2)Blamed(blame) by his teacher,the boy was upset and depressed,tears in eyes.
(3)The boss blamed the mistake on his assistant,who wouldn’t take the blame for the mistake he hadn’t made.
When getting along with others,we shouldn’t always blame others for mistakes.After all,many times we are also to blame.So instead of blaming others,we should communicate more and put ourselves in others’ place.
set aside 留出(钱或时间);把……放置一旁;暂时不理会;撤销
set off出发;动身;启程;引起;点燃
set down放下;记下;让……下车
set up建立;设置;创办;安排
①What’s more,some statues of famous people will be set up to encourage us to work harder.
②On Thanksgiving Day,he set down the names of the people who helped him and expressed his gratitude to them.
③You should try to set aside a few minutes each day to take exercise even if you are busy.
④It was raining hard when we set off for the airport.
①As soon as he arrived at home,he set about making zongzi,the traditional food on the Dragon Boat Festival.(set about)
②As soon as he arrived at home,he set out to make zongzi,the traditional food on the Dragon Boat Festival.(set out)
grasp A.n.抓牢,握紧 B.vt.完全理解,领会 C.vt.抓住 机会  D.n.能力所及
1.At that time,the soldiers did not fully grasp the significance of what had happened. B
2.The baby tiger kept a firm grasp on his mother when faced with danger. A
3.The ambitious man grasped the opportunity to work abroad to improve himself. C
4.He is upset and often wonders why success is always beyond his grasp. D
claim A.v.声称 B.v.夺去 生命  C.v.索赔 D.v.认领
5.Although no one really got a clear look at the mysterious creature,Xue Junlin claimed that its head looked like a horse. A
6.The police said that if no one claimed the watch,you could keep it. D
7.Because the accident had not been her fault,Barbara was able to claim damages. C
8.Hurricane Sandy has claimed thousands of lives. B
cast A.vt.投射 光、影子等  B.vt.向……投以 视线、笑容等  C.vt.投,抛 D.n.全体演员
9.Night fell and the candles cast long flickering(闪烁的) shadows on the walls. A
10.Thomas was a fisherman,and I wondered how many times he cast his net every morning. C
11.The director thought for a while and let the cast have a short break before the next scene. D
12.I cast a grateful smile to my teacher and was determined to practise writing even harder than before. B
1.We are all entitled to equal protection under the law.使……享有权利
2.He tried to force me to bend to his will,but in vain.屈从
3.I would like to acknowledge my debt to my teacher.人情债
4.The twin sisters had striking good looks,which earned many people’s affection.妩媚动人的
训练1 Vocabulary(A) [分值:50.5分]
1.I am not certain whether I have grasped(领会) the brushwork he taught me.
2.Computer programming needs someone with a logical(符合逻辑的) mind.
3.People leave different traces and characterize(描述) their surroundings in different ways.
4.Many distant visitors came just to look at the airport’s striking(引人注目的) architecture and admire its beautiful artwork.
5.People can’t deal with this poem until they can get a handle on the fact that it doesn’t rhyme(押韵).
6.The police think the videotape may hold some precise clues to the identity of the killer.
7.When the boy bent down to give the pup a hug,the pup licked his face gently.
8.Encountering difficulties through your career life means that you’re on the right track.
9.The bad news cast a shadow over everyone’s inner heart,which made the atmosphere depressing.
10.The students have been working hard on their lessons and their efforts will be rewarded with success in the end.
1.They got down to going hiking on a misty(mist) morning,carrying heavy packs.
2.We should face the reality(real) bravely that we don’t have enough wage for the project.
3.The expert continued the inspection of the factory,digging up some useful information.
4.It is believed that all outstanding achievements come from years of hard work.
5.Some representatives advocate letting(let) civilians participate in political affairs.
6.The man owes his success in architecture to his wife’s support and encouragement.
7.Yuan Longping was distinguished(distinguish) for his devotion to his lifelong career.
8.I’m writing to invite my foreign friend to visit the exhibition in reward for his help to me.
9.Some people can’t tolerate exposing(expose) themselves to the sunlight for too much time.
10.As opposed to the police,many witnesses said the car driver was to blame for this traffic accident.
11.Only when I worked as an interpreter(interpret) did I realize how important it was to grasp the difference between languages.
12.It is claimed(claim) that this campaign is intended to raise people’s awareness of environmental protection.
Poetry is one of mankind’s oldest art forms.Since first analyzed by Aristotle,poetry has been part of every major art movement,and some say it captures emotion better than any other forms.Reading poetry is necessary to gain a full understanding of the world and has many additional benefits.
The immediate benefits of reading poetry are improvements to vocabulary.Poetry makes the reader familiar with new terms and encourages verbal analysis.This presents reading as a creative act in its own right.The common practice of memorizing poems also improves long-term brain health.Studies have shown that people who memorize and recall poems are less susceptible(受影响) to Alzheimer’s.
Poetry also improves critical thinking by forcing a reader to think.In great poetry,meaning is not obvious or one-dimensional(一维的).Understanding poetry is an active practice,rather than the passive engagement encouraged with prose(散文).Readers of poetry are more likely than nonreaders to analyze information for viewpoints.This skill benefits students,but also anyone who wants to form their own opinions of news items or gain a better perspective upon documents like contracts.The critical thinking skills developed through reading poetry give greater control over language itself.
The most remarkable power of literature is its ability to unite reader and writer across time and cultural boundaries.As condensed(凝炼的) literature,poetry offers these benefits in a powerful way.Poetry triggers memories and emotions in its readers.This connection between universal emotions and personal experience encourages the development of empathy.A reader might have no practical conception of what life was like during the Elizabethan era in England.However,Shakespeare’s Sonnets with their universal themes of love and longing,can bridge the gap of centuries and help us gain an insight into people’s feelings in the 17th century.
语篇解读 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了诗歌所拥有的魅力,解释了阅读诗歌的好处。
1.Which of the following is the benefit memorizing poetry brings to the brain
A.It improves people’s long-term memory.
B.It improves one’s ability of analysing issues.
C.It makes one less likely to catch Alzheimer’s.
D.It makes one act more creatively.
答案 C
解析 细节理解题。根据第二段最后一句“Studies have shown that people who memorize and recall poems are less susceptible(受影响) to Alzheimer’s.”可知,研究表明,记忆和回忆诗歌的人更不容易患阿尔茨海默病。故选C。
2.In what way does poetry improve critical thinking
A.Readers have to analyze information to form viewpoints.
B.Readers must understand the obvious meaning of poetry.
C.Readers have to gain a better perspective upon documents.
D.Readers have to have a good control over language.
答案 A
解析 推理判断题。根据第三段的“Poetry also improves critical thinking by forcing a reader to think.”和“Readers of poetry are more likely than non-readers to analyze information for viewpoints.”可知,诗歌的读者更倾向于分析信息以形成观点,提高批判性思维。故选A。
3.Why does the author mention Shakespeare’s Sonnets
A.To show poetry motivates us to learn different cultures.
B.To show poetry helps develop our empathy.
C.To show the universal themes of poetry.
D.To show Shakespeare’s understanding of life.
答案 B
解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段的“This connection between universal emotions and personal experience encourages the development of empathy...help us gain an insight into people’s feelings in the 17th century.”可知,作者以莎士比亚的十四行诗能够跨越几个世纪的鸿沟,帮助我们了解17世纪人们的感受为例,证明诗歌能让读者感同身受,产生共鸣。故选B。
4.What is the purpose of the text
A.To ask us to read poems.
B.To show how to appreciate poems.
C.To tell the importance of poetry in history.
D.To explain the benefits of reading poetry.
答案 D
解析 写作意图题。第一段的“Reading poetry is necessary to gain a full understanding of the world and has many additional benefits.”是全文的主题句,结合全文内容可知,全篇主要讲述了阅读诗歌给读者带来的益处,所以文章的主要目的是解释阅读诗歌的好处。故选D。
I adore poetry.I still remember early lessons on haikus back in my Grade Three classroom.Poetry can be amazing.Here’s three ways to bring poetry into your classroom.
Combine poetry and art
Poems often use a few words to create pictures,so they’re perfect to combine with art. 1 Students can write a poem inspired by a piece of art or create a piece of art inspired by a poem,which can be especially effective when you’re looking at particular styles of art—abstract art or sculpture.
2 They can look at how poetry can be a part of public art or how words,color and shapes can be combined to create something beautiful.
Create poetry displays
Due to their shorter size,poems make wonderful subject for displays.There are a few ways you can display poetry in the classroom.For instance,if you write or explore poems on a particular theme,you can use that to create a display.Autumn poetry can be displayed on colorful trees made out of paper. 3
Students can also use a display board to create their own poetry. 4 They can also write lines of poetry to pin up on a board to continue a poem which is being written.
Explore poetry in song
Poetry and songs are two different forms of writing. 5 They both use rhyme,rhythm and highly effective word choice to make you feel something.Students can also think about how already written songs could be set to music.
Take a moment to share some poetry with your students and open up a whole world of different rhythms,rhymes and pictures made out of words.
A.This can be especially effective with songs.
B.You can start with using one to inspire another.
C.Beach poems can be written into a beach scene.
D.But it’s not hard to see the similarities between them.
E.Students can also combine poetry and art in one piece.
F.They create poetry using pieces of paper with words on a board.
G.Share some poetry with your students and open up a whole world.
语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了老师如何把诗歌融入课堂。
1.答案 B
解析 根据后文“Students can write a poem inspired by a piece of art or create a piece of art inspired by a poem”可知,后文是解释如何用一个来启发另一个,B项引起下文,符合语境。故选B。
2.答案 E
解析 此部分主题是把诗歌和艺术结合在一起。前文讲述用诗歌启发艺术或用艺术启发诗歌。E项“学生也可以把诗歌和艺术融入一个作品中”和前文构成并列关系,符合语境。同时空后的They指代E项中的Students。故选E。
3.答案 C
解析 根据前文“There are a few ways you can display poetry in the classroom.”可知,本段介绍如何展示诗歌。C 项“Beach poems can be written into a beach scene.”和该空前的“Autumn poetry can be displayed on colorful trees made out of paper.”构成并列关系,都是诗歌展示的例子,符合语境。故选C。
4.答案 F
解析 根据前文“Students can also use a display board to create their own poetry.”可知,本段介绍学生利用展览板创作诗歌的方法。 F 项“他们用展览板上的字条来创作诗歌”呼应上文。故选F。
5.答案 D
解析 前文“Poetry and songs are two different forms of writing.”讲述诗歌和歌曲是不同的,而后文“They both use rhyme,rhythm and highly effective word choice to make you feel something.”讲述的是诗歌和歌曲的共同点。所以空处承上启下,与前文为转折关系且引出诗歌和歌曲的共同点。故选D。
训练2 Vocabulary(B) [分值:35分]
As a teen myself,I’ve seen first-hand the pleasing effects of poetry.Not too long ago,I went on stage to read my poetry at a writing workshop(研讨班),thinking anxiously to myself: Would the audience understand me I felt anxious about what my voice would sound like.At the time,I was 14,and still suffering from a speech disorder(语言障碍) that had affected me since I began talking.As I stood,I experienced a sudden appreciation for the blinding lights.I couldn’t see everyone’s face! That made things much easier.I opened my book and began to read.
After the writing workshop,I gained the confidence to read my own work aloud.I learned that writing wasn’t about pronunciation,but about style and the author’s voice.This lesson helped me grow on endless occasions in my life,convincing me that poetry can have an astonishing influence.
One organization that I am part of,WriteGirl,through monthly creative writing workshops,gives girls the skills they need for a brighter future.Although WriteGirl doesn’t only focus on poetry,the organization still uses poetry to teach,inspire girls all across Los Angeles.While the high school graduation rate in Los Angeles is only 80 percent,every year 100 percent of WriteGirl teens not only graduate from high school,but move on to college.
But are these advantages becoming needless with the fast development of technology
It seems the answer is quite the opposite: technology has opened a whole new world for young poets and writers.On KidBlog,young students can post their poems as a blog post on which others can leave their opinions.The Internet makes it easier for viewers to read poetry.Many people are discovering or rediscovering that poetry is fun and creates many opportunities for self-expression.
As I stepped up to read my writing at the workshop,I learned that poetry is about having a voice,and the courage to use it.With this courage,we free ourselves and become able to influence others.
语篇解读 本文是一篇夹叙夹议文。作者通过讲述诗歌是如何给予她勇气与力量并改变她的价值观这一个人经历来进一步说明诗歌会给人们的生活带来积极的影响。
1.What does the underlined word “That” in the first paragraph refer to
A.The blinding light.
B.The speech disorder.
C.She couldn’t see others’ faces.
D.She felt anxious about her voice.
答案 C
解析 代词指代题。根据第一段中的“thinking anxiously to myself...I felt anxious about what my voice would sound like.”及画线词之前“I couldn’t see everyone’s face!”以及画线词之后“made things much easier.I opened my book and began to read.”可知,在上台之前作者是焦虑不安的,但是耀眼的灯光让作者看不清每个人的脸,所以作者开始大胆地读起来,由此可以推测是看不清众人的脸这个事实让作者敢于开口。故选C。
2.How did the workshop influence the author
A.It aided her in making a long speech.
B.It contributed to her own growth.
C.It improved her communication skills.
D.It made her begin to take speech disorder seriously.
答案 B
解析 细节理解题。根据第二段中的“After the writing workshop,I gained the confidence...This lesson helped me grow on endless occasions in my life”可知,在此次研讨班之后,作者收获了信心,这次经历在生活中无数次地帮助她成长。故选B。
3.What can we learn about WriteGirl
A.It is beneficial to girls’ studies.
B.It brings out girls’ poetic skills.
C.It encourages girls to teach poetry.
D.It helps girls become famous writers.
答案 A
解析 推理判断题。根据第三段中的“While the high school graduation rate in Los Angeles is only 80 percent,every year 100 percent of WriteGirl teens not only graduate from high school,but move on to college.”可推知,WriteGirl让女孩们在学业上受益匪浅。故选A。
4.Which of the following may the author agree with
A.Poetry is old-fashioned in modern times.
B.Technology makes creating poetry easier.
C.Technology serves as a useful tool for poetry.
D.The Internet slows down the development of poetry.
答案 C
解析 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中的“technology has opened a whole new world for young poets and writers...The Internet makes it easier for viewers to read poetry.”可知,科技为年轻的诗人和作家打开了一个全新的世界,互联网使观众更容易阅读诗歌,这说明作者认为科技是促进诗歌发展的有力工具。故选C。
Historical heritage is human beings’ wisdom.Historical relics,however,as time goes by,suffer different degrees of damage.People used to protect cultural relics by manual work—photographing and rubbing(拓印) techniques.Although this method can keep the basic information,many vital details are still ignored.
At present,3D digitalization has been proved to be the most popular technology in the field of cultural heritage.The 3D digital technology can be used for data archiving(存档),displaying as well as restoration.
3D scanning(扫描) technology features fast measurement speed and accurate capturing(绘制) capacity.It’s good at collecting enough and accurate 3D data from different perspectives,which is beneficial to the restoration of historical relics when they suffer accidental damage.Experts can also virtually restore the heritage through the computer,and finish assistant research by means of accurate 3D models.
For historical relics’ protection,nevertheless,3D scanning isn’t the only way to put it into use.3D printing also contributes to displaying historical relics.It provides people with more chances to get to know historical relics and better understand human beings’ history.
Yecheng Museum unearthed a new collection of cultural relics in April 2019.One of the most urgent issues for archaeologists was data archiving.Invited by Quimbaya Art×Tech,ScanTech conducted 3D scanning immediately on these relics by 3D scanner.This handheld 3D laser scanner was equipped with the world’s leading-edge technologies and brought great convenience for further restoration and research.
To avoid any damage,Yecheng Museum combined with 3D printing technology based on 3D data to reproduce 1:1 3D models of cultural relics for exhibition,which aimed to make more people get close to history and pass on the precious historical heritage.
Many thousand-year cultural treasures have gradually disappeared from our sight due to technical problems.However,3D scanning and 3D printing technologies provide very effective 3D solutions for historical relic display and protection.
语篇解读 这是一篇说明文。文章主要讲述了3D扫描和3D打印技术对保护历史文物的作用。
5.What do we know about the traditional way of historical heritage protection
A.It is lack of important details.
B.It proves the wisdom of humans.
C.It consumes more time and effort.
D.It restores cultural heritage to its previous condition.
答案 A
解析 细节理解题。根据第一段中“Although this method can keep the basic information,many vital details are still ignored.”可知,传统的历史遗产保护方式缺少重要的细节。故选A。
6.What benefit does 3D scanning technology bring to historical relic protection
A.It restores a damaged historical relic fast on a computer.
B.It accurately evaluates the original look of a historical relic.
C.It automatically enters information on relics into a computer.
D.It contributes to collecting the data of a historical relic efficiently.
答案 D
解析 细节理解题。根据第三段中“3D scanning(扫描) technology features fast measurement speed and accurate capturing(绘制) capacity.It’s good at collecting enough and accurate 3D data from different perspectives”可知,3D扫描技术有助于高效地收集历史遗产的数据。故选D。
7.Why is Yecheng Museum mentioned in the text
A.To compare the two 3D technologies.
B.To place a high value on historical relics.
C.To appeal to the public for historical museums.
D.To show the application of 3D digitalization in historical relic protection.
答案 D
解析 推理判断题。根据第五段以及第六段“To avoid any damage...pass on the precious historical heritage.”可推知,文章提到邺城博物馆是为了展示3D数字技术在文物保护中的应用。故选D。
8.What does the text mainly talk about
A.Scientific ways of restoring cultural relics.
B.The rapid development of 3D technologies.
C.3D technologies for protecting historical relics.
D.The challenges of 3D historical heritage protection.
答案 C
解析 主旨大意题。通读全文,尤其根据最后一段内容可知,文章主要介绍了3D扫描和3D打印技术对保护历史文物的作用。由此可知,这篇文章主要讲了保护历史遗产的3D技术。故选C。
Yu Rong,a Chinese artist,thinks of a new way to introduce 1. ancient story of Hua Mulan in her picture book.In the book,I Am Hua Mulan,she tells the story by 2. (combine) paper-cutting with international artistic styles.She places Shaanxi paper-cuts over western-style pencil sketches(素描) 3. (create) a typical presentation of Chinese elements(元素),which turns out to be a successful and 4. (impress) breakthrough.
Hua Mulan,5. story has been told by generations in China,is a fighter from the Northern Wei Dynasty (386-534).As a devoted daughter,she dressed herself as a man to serve in the army 6. place of her father.Mulan’s characteristics,such as courage,kindness and a disinterested attitude toward fame and fortune,made 7. (she) one of the most respected historical Chinese heroines.Mulan’s story has been adapted 8. (frequent) in modern media,including TV shows,video games and literature.For example,in 1998,Disney produced a film named Mulan,which 9. (consider) a great success by critics and the public.
To better tell the story,Yu Rong takes inspiration from her several 10. (visit) to sites of ancient battles and Henan Province’s Yuju Opera.After years of preparation she finally makes this extraordinary work.
语篇解读 本文是记叙文,讲述了插画家郁蓉是如何创作《我是花木兰》的以及花木兰的故事背景。
1.答案 the
解析 考查冠词。此处特指花木兰的故事,应用定冠词修饰。故填the。
2.答案 combining
解析 考查非谓语动词。by是介词,后接动名词作宾语。故填combining。
3.答案 to create
解析 考查非谓语动词。分析句意可知,此处应用不定式作状语,表目的。故填to create。
4.答案 impressive
解析 考查形容词。and连接两个并列的形容词作定语,修饰breakthrough,空处表示“令人印象深刻的”。故填impressive。
5.答案 whose
解析 考查定语从句。分析句子结构,空处引导非限制性定语从句,先行词为Hua Mulan,且空处在从句中作定语。故填whose。
6.答案 in
解析 考查介词。in place of为固定短语,意为“代替”。故填in。
7.答案 her
解析 考查代词。在动词made后作宾语,用代词的宾格形式。故填her。
8.答案 frequently
解析 考查副词。分析句子结构,空处修饰谓语has been adapted,用副词作状语。故填frequently。
9.答案 was considered
解析 考查动词时态、语态和主谓一致。分析句子结构,空处在从句中作谓语,描述的是过去的事情,主语film为单数,与consider之间为被动关系,用一般过去时的被动语态,be动词用was。故填was considered。
10.答案 visits
解析 考查名词复数。分析句子结构,空处需填名词,visit为可数名词,又有several 修饰,应用复数形式。故填visits。Section Ⅱ Welcome to the unit & Reading
Step 1 速读——整体理解文意
What is the main idea of the passage
A.How to combine sound and sense in poems.
B.How to reveal dimensions in writing poems.
C.How to explore unfamiliar landscape in poems.
D.How to better understand and appreciate poems.
答案 D
Step 2 细读——深度获取细节
1.What makes poetry unique compared to other types of literature
A.It sounds more interesting.
B.It is easier for us to understand when we read it aloud.
C.There are more repeated words and rhymes in it.
D.It usually implies a deeper meaning beyond the words on the page.
答案 D
2.What should you do first if you want to understand a poem better
A.Find out its deeper meaning.
B.Try to read it aloud.
C.Understand the words on the page.
D.Try to notice its good qualities.
答案 B
3.What will come into your mind when you explore a poem,with some questions in mind
A.Images. B.Repeated words.
C.Rhymes. D.Its meaning.
答案 A
4.When you are reading Caged Bird,what image comes into your mind
A.A bird flying happily in the sky.
B.A bird set free by a hunter.
C.A bird in a cage,singing for freedom.
D.A bird living happily in its nest.
答案 C
5.What is more important when you appreciate a poem
A.Fully understanding it.
B.Abandoning logical thinking.
C.Discovering its true inner beauty.
D.Reading it as much as possible.
答案 C
Step 3 读后——课文语法填空
Poetry is a combination of “sound” and“sense”,which usually 1.implies(imply) a deeper meaning beyond the words.Here are some ways for you to reveal its 2.hidden(hide) dimension.Firstly,follow your ears.When you begin reading a poem,it is better 3.to ask(ask)“How does it sound?” You can always say something about how the poem sounds when 4.reading(read) it aloud.Secondly,approach the poem like 5.an explorer in an unfamiliar landscape.As you explore the poem,you will begin to see images in your mind.As you slowly explore your surroundings,you will start to dig up 6.clues(clue) that give you a greater understanding of the poem.Thirdly,just have some 7.patience(patient).You cannot really understand a poem 8.that/which you have only read once.Sometimes reading a poem can be a lifelong job.Finally,keep in mind that you do not have to 9.fully(full) understand a poem to appreciate it.You might need to abandon logical thinking to discover its true inner beauty.Poetry’s combination of “sound” and “sense” makes you see the world in a new way and allows you to go 10.beyond normal reality for the everlasting beauty.
Ⅰ.补句子 析结构
1.Even if its true meaning appears to be(be) beyond your grasp,you can always say something about how the poem sounds(sound) when you read it aloud.(P44 Para.2)
结构分析:此句话为复合句。其中Even if引导的是状语从句,how引导宾语从句,作介词about的宾语。
2.All of these are good qualities(quality) to notice,and they may lead you to a better understanding of the poem in the end.(P44 Para.2)
结构分析:此句话为并列句。and连接两个并列的分句,to notice为不定式作后置定语。
3.As you slowly explore your surroundings(surround),you will start to dig up clues that give you a greater understanding of the poem.(P45 Para.3)
4.Third,if you are still struggling to interpret the meaning of a poem even with much painstaking effort,just have some patience(patient).(P45 Para.4)
5.As long as the journey of poetry reading(read) makes you feel something or lets you perceive another level of meaning,it will have been worth your effort.(P45 Para.5)
结构分析:此句话为复合句。As long as引导条件状语从句,意为“只要”。
6.Poetry’s combination(combine) of “sound” and “sense” makes you see the world in a new way and allows you to go beyond normal reality for the everlasting beauty.(P45 Para.6)
结构分析:此句话为简单句。谓语动词为makes和allows,see the world和to go beyond normal reality作宾补。
Ⅱ.研典句 学用法
more than
More than any other type of literature,it usually implies a deeper meaning beyond the words on the page.(P44 Para.1)
结构分析:此句话为简单句。More than any other type of literature 作状语。
———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— more than+名词,意为“不仅仅,不只是”
more than+形容词,意为“十分,非常”
more than+数词,意为“超过,多于”
I’m more than delighted to share with you about the English Speech Contest held in our school today,which lasted 3 hours or so.
Globally,mastering more than one language is viewed as an advantage and even a necessity in many areas.
The Flores family became more than just neighbors;they became our dear friends.
as if引导虚拟语气
Second,approach the poem as if you were an explorer in an unfamiliar landscape.(P44 Para.3)
结构分析:此句话为复合句。as if 引导方式状语从句,you were...为虚拟语气。
———————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————— as if相当于as though,意为“似乎,好像”,as if/though常用来引导方式状语从句或表语从句。
若as if/though从句描述非现实情况,则用虚拟语气。
Amazed and embarrassed,she feels as if all the air were to disappear and people around the world were watching her.
Tears swirling in his eyes,David raised his head,looked at me as if he would say something/as if to say something,but lowered his head once again.
“主语+be+adj.+to do”结构
Poems that are easy to understand are often less interesting than those that constantly reveal deeper and previously unrecognized meanings.(P45 Para.4)
结构分析:此句话为复合句。其中that are easy to understand为定语从句,修饰先行词Poems; that constantly reveal deeper and previously unrecognized meanings也为定语从句,修饰先行词those。
————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————本句中含有“主语+be+adj.+to do”结构。
用法点拨 在该结构中,若不定式为不及物动词,其后应加上相应的介词。
Even though the problem was difficult to solve,I didn’t give it up because I firmly believed that “Where there is a will,there is a way.”
①I am not only easy to get along/on with but also willing to help others in trouble.
②Not only am I easy to get along/on with but also I am willing to help others in trouble.(用倒装句改写)
课文重点词块默写 1.言不尽意beyond the words 2.凭听觉的指引 follow your ears 3.好的品质 good qualities 4.最终 in the end 5.地域感a sense of place 6.在你的脑海中看到意象see images in your mind 7.探索你周围的环境 explore your surroundings 8.挖掘线索 dig up clues 9.注意 pay attention to 10.弄清find out 11.难以诠释一首诗的意义 struggle to interpret the meaning of a poem 12.一生的工作 a lifelong job 13.实现你的目标 reach your goal 14.放下逻辑思维 abandon logical thinking 15.超越普通的现实去追求永恒的美go beyond normal reality for the everlasting beauty
训练3 Welcome to the unit & Reading(A) [分值:40分]
1.我非常高兴与你分享我在美国的新生活。(more than)
I’m more than delighted to share my new life in America with you.
2.为了帮助我适应新环境,他每天抽出半个小时帮助我学习英语。(set aside)
In order to help me adapt to the new surroundings,he sets aside half an hour to help me learn English every day.
3.事实上,我很感激他教我阅读诗歌,诗歌隐含着比字面上的文字更深的含义。(in reality;beyond the words)
In reality,I am grateful for his helping me read poetry,which implies a deeper meaning beyond the words on the page.
4.由于他的指导,诗歌对我来说很容易学习,我相信只要我不断努力,我也能独立写出诗歌。(主语+be+adj.+to do)
Owing to his guidance,poems are easy to learn for me,and I hold the belief that as long as I work hard,I will write a poem all by myself.
5.我现在感觉很舒服自在,仿佛现在不在异国他乡。(as if)
I feel at home as if I were not in a foreign country now.
组句成篇 以上句子可以加上过渡词语和其他联想内容组成一篇小短文。
I’m more than delighted to share my new life in America with you.I had a very good teacher,Professor Smith.In order to help me adapt to the new surroundings,he sets aside half an hour to help me learn English every day.In reality,I am grateful for his helping me read poetry,which implies a deeper meaning beyond the words on the page.Owing to his guidance,poems are easy to learn for me,and I hold the belief that as long as I work hard,I will write a poem all by myself.I feel at home as if I were not in a foreign country now.
The first step in writing any poem is coming up with something to write about.To do that,you have to choose deep or attractive material.Anything can be the topic for a poem.Great poems have been written about such topics as a gas station or pieces of broken glass on the beach.
It’s easiest to write a good poem about something you know well,that you have experienced first-hand,or that you have nearby so that you can observe it carefully.This is what makes the poem deep and interesting,what will be the hidden details or qualities you discover or the things that remind you of the unique view.
In his book Poetry in the Making,the poet Ted Hughes talks about how to write a poem about an animal.“The key,” he says,“is to concentrate hard enough on the animal,to choose the words that best catch the animal you have in your mind.” You can use this approach with any poems.
In the beginning,you don’t have to worry about the “style” or writing in a “poetic” way that means being filled with rhythm and beauty.In fact,if you start to think about being poetic,it can puzzle you from what you’re actually writing about and hurt your poem.Have you ever tried to have a conversation with someone who was trying to impress you Then you know how boring this can be.The person is really thinking about himself or herself,not about the conversation.Similarly,if you are worrying about what impression your poem will make,then that takes your attention away from the topic of your poem.
In a word,if the poem is about you or your life,try to take the angle of a careful reporter when you write it down.You should focus on accurately communicating an aspect of your experience instead of focusing on what impression you are making when you do it.
语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章讲述了如何写一首好的诗歌。
1.What will be an easy topic for writing a good poem
A.Something beautiful.
B.Something you know well.
C.Something interesting.
D.Something others have experienced before.
答案 B
解析 细节理解题。根据第二段中“It’s easiest to write a good poem about something you know well...so that you can observe it carefully.”可知,选择你所熟知的东西作为主题容易写一首好诗。故选B。
2.What can we infer about Ted Hughes’s opinion on writing a poem
A.It is necessary to select the words.
B.It is important to choose a good topic.
C.It is necessary to focus on the style of poems.
D.It is difficult to write a poem about animals.
答案 A
解析 推理判断题。根据第三段中诗人Ted Hughes 所说的话“The key...to choose the words that best catch the animal you have in your mind.”可知,关于写诗,Ted Hughes认为挑选词语是必要的。故选A。
3.In which section of a newspaper can we read the text
A.Food. B.Technology.
C.Advertisement. D.Literature.
答案 D
解析 文章出处题。根据第一段的“The first step in writing any poem is coming up with something to write about.”以及下文的建议可知,文章是关于如何写一首好诗,属于文学的内容,所以我们可能在报纸的文学版面看到这篇文章。故选D。
4.What’s the best title for the text
A.A Poem Is About One’s Experience
B.How to Record Your Life by Poems
C.How to Write a Poem
D.A Poem Is About Life
答案 C
解析 标题归纳题。通读全文,第一和第二段主要是关于选择诗歌的主题,第三至第五段介绍了写作过程中的要点,由此可知,“如何写一首诗”作为本文标题最合适。故选C。
We’ve all had a wrong number text before,but how often do they lead to years-long friendships For Jamal and Wanda,a 1 text has resulted in seven years of shared Thanksgiving dinners!
In 2016,the 17-year-old Jamal received a text, 2 from his grandma,asking if he would 3 it to Thanksgiving that year.After exchanging a few 4 ,it soon became clear that the text’s sender,Wanda, 5 ,was not his grandma.She invited Jamal to the 6 though,and after Jamal 7 the exchange on the Internet,the pair went viral.
Spending Thanksgiving together has become an 8 thing for Jamal and Wanda.The year of 2023 will 9 the tradition’s eighth anniversary.Their friendship has gone from strength to strength,even through 10 like the passing of Wanda’s husband,Lonnie.
Wanda said,“Jamal 11 me that age made absolutely no difference.When Jamal came along,my husband and I and Jamal and his girlfriend,we would go out eating dinner throughout the year together and we would just lose all track of 12 .One time,we were at a restaurant for three or four hours and I couldn’t 13 we were there that long.We kept talking! It was just such a 14 conversation.”
Thanks to the wrong number text,the two have developed a deep friendship.The pair have even gone into 15 together,launching a water company.
语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述的是一条错误的短信息让两个人建立了友谊并一直保持来往的故事。
1.A.suitable B.mistaken
C.strange D.tricky
答案 B
解析 suitable适合的;mistaken错误的;strange奇怪的;tricky难对付的。根据上文中的“We’ve all had a wrong number text before”可知,此处指的是“错误的”短信,wrong与mistaken意义相近。故选B。
2.A.supposedly B.admittedly
C.hurriedly D.decidedly
答案 A
解析 根据下文中的“After exchanging a few ,it soon became clear that the text’s sender,Wanda, ,was not his grandma.”可知,在互发几条信息后Jamal发现发短信的人不是他的奶奶,由此可知,此处指原本他误以为短信来自他的奶奶。故选A。
3.A.take B.have
C.make D.get
答案 C
解析 根据下文中的“She invited Jamal to the though”可知,她仍然邀请Jamal过感恩节,由此可知,此处指的是“参加”感恩节的聚会,make it 意为“出席或参加某个活动、聚会”。故选C。
4.A.objects B.options
C.journals D.texts
答案 D
解析 根据下文中的“it soon became clear that the text’s sender”可知,此处指的是互发几条“短信”。故选D。
5.A.in fact B.after all
C.at once D.on time
答案 A
解析 根据上文中的“it soon became clear that the text’s sender”以及下文中的“was not his grandma”可知,很显然发短信的其实不是他的奶奶,所以此处应为“事实上”。故选A。
6.A.wedding B.dinner
C.dance D.concert
答案 B
解析 根据上文中的“asking if he would it to Thanksgiving that year”以及下文中的“we would go out eating dinner throughout the year together”可知,此处指的是邀请他一起吃“大餐”。故选B。
7.A.broke B.found
C.left D.shared
答案 D
解析 根据下文中的“the exchange on the Internet,the pair went viral”可知,这两人在网上火了,由此可推断,此处指的是Jamal把这次交流在网上“分享”。故选D。
8.A.annual B.easy
C.occasional D.obvious
答案 A
解析 根据下文中的“The year of 2023 will the tradition’s eighth anniversary.”可知,2023年将是他们一起过感恩节的第八周年了,由此可知,一起过感恩节成了他们“每年的”活动。故选A。
9.A.place B.view
C.mark D.receive
答案 C
解析 根据上文中的“Spending Thanksgiving together has become an thing for Jamal and Wanda.”可知,在一起过感恩节是他们两个人每年要做的事情,由此可知,2023年他们将“庆贺”这一传统的第八个纪念日。故选C。
10.A.events B.festivals
C.celebrations D.elements
答案 A
解析 根据下文“like the passing of Wanda’s husband,Lonnie”可知,Wanda的丈夫去世应是“重大事件”。故选A。
11.A.offered B.taught
C.advised D.promised
答案 B
解析 根据语境及下文“age made absolutely no difference”可知,Jamal“教”给她年龄没什么影响。故选B。
12.A.goals B.food
C.projects D.time
答案 D
解析 根据下文“One time,we were at a restaurant for three or four hours and I couldn’t we were there that long.”可知,他们有一次在一家餐馆待了3、4个小时,由此可知,此处指他们都忘记了“时间”。故选D。
13.A.believe B.claim
C.prove D.mention
答案 A
解析 根据上文“One time,we were at a restaurant for three or four hours”可知,他们在一家餐馆待了3、4个小时,这是让她不能“相信”的事情。故选A。
14.A.stable B.brave
C.wonderful D.modest
答案 C
解析 根据上文中的“One time,we were at a restaurant for three or four hours and I couldn’t we were there that long.We kept talking!”可知,他们在一家餐馆待了3、4个小时,一直在聊天,由此可知,他们的谈话应该是“美妙的”。故选C。
15.A.amusement B.business
C.education D.politics
答案 B
解析 根据下文“launching a water company”可知,此处指的是“商业”。故选B。
训练4 Welcome to the unit & Reading(B) [分值:32.5分]
The world’s longest cave system is an enormous network of 420 miles of twists and turns,with limestone(石灰岩) falling from the ceilings in drops.
Mammoth Cave National Park preserves this unique and historical natural wonder.As large as the limestone cave system is,park officials,estimate there may be another 600 miles of cave passageways that have yet to be explored.The incredible rock formations have resulted in the park being recognized as a World Heritage Site,thanks to its extraordinary size and scientific importance—making it one of only 13 natural US sites with that title.
The caves were created naturally by the process of limestone wearing away.Rain and rivers slowly break down and shape soft limestone,which creates the vast underground network.Not only are they an amazing destination to visit,but the system also provides drinking water for roughly 40% of the US population,and they’re of historical significance too.
The caves act as a time capsule that preserves over 5,000 years of human history—and the caves’ first explorers were Native Americans,who mined the upper levels of Mammoth Cave.Thanks to the cave system’s atmosphere and natural protection from any kind of human disturbance,the archaeological(考古的) sites have been left in great shape.
Mammoth Cave was established as a national park thanks to strong local support.Back in the 1920s,Secretary of the Interior Hubert Work created the Southern Appalachian National Park Commission in 1925 to survey proposed park sites,including the caves.After years of work acquiring the land for the park,as well as building roads,trails(小径),and public facilities,Mammoth Cave National Park was established on July 1,1941.The park now receives around 2 million visitors a year,with roughly a quarter taking a tour of the caves—everything from a cultural tour to the more adventurous climbing tours on offer.The cave supports more than 130 wildlife species,such as the eyeless cavefish,which has adapted to the lightless environment by no longer growing eyes,and the cave crayfish.
语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文,主要介绍了猛犸洞国家公园的石灰岩洞穴系统的自然奇观的形成过程、历史和文化意义,以及政府为开发这个国家公园、保护自然奇观所做出的努力。
1.What has made Mammoth Cave National Park a World Heritage Site
A.The wildlife species.
B.The rock formations.
C.The cave passageways.
D.The scientific discovery.
答案 B
解析 细节理解题。根据第二段的“The incredible rock formations have resulted in the park being recognized as a World Heritage Site,thanks to its extraordinary size and scientific importance—making it one of only 13 natural US sites with that title.”可知,让猛犸洞国家公园成为世界遗产地的是它的岩层结构,故选B。
2.Why are the caves of historical value
A.They are an amazing destination to visit.
B.They were first explored by Native Americans.
C.They provide drinking water for the Americans.
D.They preserve human history of over 5,000 years.
答案 D
解析 推理判断题。根据第四段的“The caves act as a time capsule that preserves over 5,000 years of human history—and the caves’ first explorers were Native Americans,who mined the upper levels of Mammoth Cave.”可知,这些洞穴具有历史价值的原因是它们保存着5 000多年的人类历史,故选D。
3.What can be inferred from the last paragraph
A.It took a lot of work to establish the park.
B.Local people donated the land for the park.
C.Around 2 million people visit the caves annually.
D.The site of the park was decided by the secretary.
答案 A
解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段的“After years of work acquiring the land...Mammoth Cave National Park was established on July 1,1941.”可以推断,建立这座公园花了大量的工作。故选A。
4.What can be the best title of the passage
A.Taking Cultural and Adventurous Tours
B.Preserving a Unique and Historical Wonder
C.Exploring the World’s Longest Cave System
D.Establishing Mammoth Cave National Park
答案 C
解析 标题归纳题。通读全文尤其是第一段可知,本文主要讲的是世界上最长的洞穴系统的自然奇观的形成过程、历史和文化意义,以及政府为保护它所做出的努力。故选C。
Imagine being able to pop to your local park and pick some tomatoes,potatoes or even bananas to take home for dinner.Sounds too good to be true,right For residents of Andernach,Germany,it’s not just a dream—it’s their reality.
In 2010,Andernach began its edible(可食用的)city project,planting 101 varieties of tomatoes in public green spaces around the city centre.Its 30,000 residents are free to help themselves to whatever grows,as are any other visitors.The town’s motto of sorts is “Picking is encouraged—help yourself!” Every year a new type of plant is highlighted.In 2011,100 types of beans were planted,while 2012 saw the introduction of 20 onion varieties.
It’s a community effort,as local citizens are encouraged to help plant and maintain the gardens.This offers an opportunity to socialise as well as to learn about planting,cultivating and harvesting food.
An Andernach resident spoke to DW,“I often drop by to pick some herbs that I’m missing at home.Everything is easily accessible.There aren’t any fences.You just take what you need.The only thing is that you have to be quick once the fruits are ripe or they’ll all be gone!”
Andernach may have been the first in Germany,but it isn’t the only edible city.It’s part of the Edible Cities Network,a project funded by European Union to connect green urban foot initiatives around the world.Other cities include Carthage in Tunisia,Havana in Cuba and Sempeter-Vrtojba in Slovenia.In February 2022,the first Edible Cities Network Conference took place.Dr Ina Saumel,principal investigator of the Edible Cities Network,called it “a unique opportunity to invite researchers of edible city solutions and practitioners to the same table”.
Ultimately,the Edible Cities Network aims to give people “greener,more edible and,above all,more livable cities”.It is a response to the pressures of global climate change,and a significant cause full of hope.
语篇解读 这是一篇说明文。文章介绍了安德纳赫地区的一项可食用城市项目。
5.What can residents do in public green spaces according to the edible city project
A.Sell the produce they grow there.
B.Learn knowledge about planting.
C.Grow whatever plant as they like.
D.Pay to pick some vegetables there.
答案 B
解析 细节理解题。根据第三段中“This offers an opportunity to socialise as well as to learn about planting,cultivating and harvesting food.”可知,居民可以学习一些种植的知识。故选B。
6.Which words can best describe the edible city project in Andernach
A.Novel and popular.
B.Creative and costly.
C.Common and fundamental.
D.Rare and unacceptable.
答案 A
解析 推理判断题。根据第二段可知,可食用城市项目鼓励人们自由采摘公共绿地种植的蔬果,而且每年都会有新的品种,可推知这种做法比较新颖。根据第四段中“The only thing is that you have to be quick once the fruits are ripe or they’ll all be gone!”可知,可食用城市项目种植的东西很受人们欢迎,行动慢了就没了。故选A。
7.What can we know about the Edible Cities Network according to paragraph 5
A.Andernach is the only city to carry it out.
B.European Union originally established it.
C.The Conference helps combine its theories with practices.
D.It invites people to share meals together.
答案 C
解析 推理判断题。根据第五段中“Dr Ina Saumel...called it ‘a unique opportunity to invite researchers of edible city solutions and practitioners to the same table’.”可知,大会有助于将Edible Cities Network的理论和实践结合起来。故选C。
8.What is the purpose of the Edible Cities Network
A.To help residents relieve their pressure.
B.To involve residents in urban planting.
C.To increase the produce supply in cities.
D.To create environmentally friendly cities.
答案 D
解析 细节理解题。根据最后一段中“Ultimately,the Edible Cities Network aims to give people ‘greener,more edible and,above all,more liveable cities’.”可知,Edible Cities Network的目标是创建更宜居、更环保的绿色城市。故选D。
Men and the Art of Listening
The world today is moving at a so high pace that we rarely stop to listen to each other.We’ve all been in conversations with someone who we felt wasn’t listening.They may keep looking at their watch or at other people around them.They nod and say yes—but we feel like a stranger talking to a wall. 1 It’s even more of an issue for us as men when it comes to how we relate to one another.
To listen is to love.
Allowing someone to open up and share their life with us communicates the simple truth: you matter and I care about your life. 2 Being humble listeners does not mean that our opinions or advice aren’t valuable.But it does mean that regularly demonstrating the simple art of listening is part of doing everything in love.
When we are with someone who is processing something difficult,to listen with compassion can often look like listening without feeling pressed to solve or advise.It comforts the one who is talking in a silent way.Women tend to be better at this form of listening.They can talk for hours and not necessarily be focused on sharing information. 4
To listen is to be needed deep down.
5 It may look like getting something off your chest or saying what you really think without fear of judgment or remarks.But we need friends we can complain to and confide in.And we need to be that friend to others,offering a compassionate,reliable ear.
A.Listen with compassion.
B.To listen,therefore,is to love another.
C.To listen is to support some else quietly.
D.Instead,they are letting out everything in mind.
E.Listening is a skill badly missing in today’s world.
F.We need to be able to talk freely with a friend and know we’ve been heard.
G.We depend on it that someone may lend a hand if we are really in desperate trouble.
语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章说明了倾听的意义。
1.答案 E
解析 上文“The world today is moving at a so high pace...but we feel like a stranger talking to a wall.”举例说明了人们在交流中存在的问题,E项是对这些问题的总结,点明倾听能力的缺失是我们面临的主要问题,上下文语意连贯。故选E。
2.答案 B
解析 根据小标题“To listen is to love.”和上文“Allowing someone to open up and share their life with us communicates the simple truth: you matter and I care about your life.”可知,本段主要讲倾听是爱的表现,B项与上文构成因果关系,并照应本段主题。故选B。
3.答案 C
解析 设空处为段落小标题,根据下文“When we are with someone who is processing something difficult...It comforts the one who is talking in a silent way.”可知,本段说明了倾听是以一种安静的方式对讲话者的安慰与支持,所以C项是对本段内容的最佳概括。故选C。
4.答案 D
解析 上文“Women tend to be better at this form of listening.They can talk for hours and not necessarily be focused on sharing information.”提到女性可以聊几个小时,而且不一定是在分享信息,D项揭示了这种闲聊的意义,与上文构成转折关系。故选D。
5.答案 F
解析 根据下文“It may look like getting something off your chest or saying what you really think without fear of judgment or remarks.”可知,上文提到了一种自由表达的情况,F项中“be able to talk freely”即It的指代对象,且F项和下文意义一致。故选F。Section Ⅲ Grammar and usage—Overview of to-infinitives,verb-ing and verb-ed forms
①Drawing inspiration from nature is a tradition that goes back centuries.Nowhere is this better illustrated than in the beautiful Lingering Garden of Suzhou.The main principle of its design is ② to recreate/recreating natural landscapes in miniature.First ③ established in the Ming Dynasty,the original garden ④ containing a rockery to symbolize Tiantai Mountain became famous overnight.Pine and bamboo groves were added later,along with a pond and an island.Visitors would be ⑤ astonished to find the garden ⑥ modeled closely on natural features.Visitors are also supposed ⑦ to explore it scene-by-scene.This could vary from a view of a pond and the splashing of fish,to a tree in blossom,a pagoda or a moon-shaped gate.
  功能 形式   主语 宾语 表语 定语 状语 补语
动词不定式 √ √ √ √ √ √
动词-ing形式 √ √ √ √ √ √
动词-ed形式 √ √ √ √
Collecting stamps is my hobby.集邮是我的爱好。
It is important to detect the implied dimension of a poem.发现一首诗隐含的方面是很重要的。
It is no good pretending to know what you do not know.不懂装懂是不好的。
It is no use reading without grasping the meaning.只读而不懂意思是没有用的。
To my great disappointment,he refused to accept my invitation.
The novelist decided to break with the rigid rules and advocate innovation.
在advise,admit,appreciate,avoid,consider,deny,dislike,enjoy,escape,excuse,finish,imagine,keep,mind,miss,practise,risk,resist,suggest,quit等动词后,以及在动词短语burst out,can’t stand,give up,feel like,keep on,insist on,look forward to,put off,devote...to,object to,be busy (in),get down to,have difficulty/trouble (in),have a good/wonderful/hard time (in),have fun等后,常接动词-ing形式作宾语。如:
He couldn’t resist showing off his new car.
There is no doubt that I have little difficulty (in) communicating with foreigners.
3.介词后要接动词-ing形式作宾语,如what about,how about,be fond of,be good at等后接动词-ing 形式。注意on/upon doing sth=as soon as 引导的从句,作此意讲时on/upon后也可以接名词。如:
On his arrival/On arriving at the station,he found the train had just started.
I like to go climbing when I’m available.
=I like going climbing when I’m available.
It started raining when I got home.
=It started to rain when I got home.
How I regretted arguing with her about the important question,which made us both unhappy.
I regret to tell you that I can’t travel to Beijing together with you at the appointed time.
My job this evening is to look after the baby for her.我今晚的工作是替她照看婴儿。
My hope is for all members to come together.
All I did was (to) give him a little push.
She felt very depressed about the future.
The book was so interesting that he almost forgot the time.
Her part-time job is teaching yoga in a school.
I have something unusual to do before going back.回去之前我有些不寻常的事要做。
The student majoring in law made a comment on the matter.
Jack cleared the fallen leaves on the ground before class.上课前杰克清理了地上的落叶。
His first book published last month is based on a true story.
His first book to be published next month is based on a true story.他的第一本书将于下个月出版,这本书是根据一个真实故事写成的。
Do you see the gallery being built over there
To dig up more clues,he collected and studied a lot of information.
He hurried to the train station,only to find the train had left.
The sun began to rise in the sky,bathing the mountain in golden light.(主动关系)
(2)完成式(having done):表示动作发生在谓语动作之前。如:
Having participated in some similar activities,I gained a lot of experience.
动词-ed形式作状语时,与句子主语之间是被动关系。having been done表示动作发生在谓语动作之前,与句子的主语是被动关系。如:
Seen from the top of the mountain,the city is very beautiful.(被动关系)
Having been well tended for a year,my granny got better.
We can always expect him to help us whenever we are in trouble.每当我们遇到困难的时候,我们总是可以指望他帮助我们。
I sincerely invite you to participate in the activity held by our school.
I saw him cross the street and enter a shop.
I saw him crossing the street.
I was surprised to find my hometown changed so much.我惊讶地发现我的家乡发生了这么大的变化。
It’s requested that we should get the work finished by 10 o’clock.
1.When we visited my old family home in a village,memory came flooding(flood) back.
2.Seeing(see) that she was going off to sleep,I asked if she’d like that little doll on her bed.
3.John received an invitation to dinner,and with his work finished(finish),he gladly accepted it.
4.He is very popular among his students as he always tries to make them interested(interest) in his lectures.
5.We had an anxious couple of weeks waiting(wait) for the results of the experiment.
6.To ensure(ensure) the safety of gas,the government has checked the city’s gas supply system thoroughly.
7.Bill suggested holding(hold) a meeting on what to do for the carnival during the vacation.
8.Walking(walk) in the fields on a March afternoon made him feel the warmth of spring.
9.All the staff in our company are considering going(go) to the city centre for the fashion show.
10.Ideally located(locate) for Broadway theatres and Fifth Avenue,the New York Park hotel is a favourite with many guests.
I still remember 1.an embarrassing experience last month.That day,2.oversleeping made me anxious.3.Running around my apartment quickly,I thought there was nothing scarier for me than 4.being late for work.I called a taxi,put on a dress,put all the necessary things into my bag,and closed it without even 5.looking into it.Then I took my wallet,and ran out.It didn’t take much time 6.to get to work because 7.I was hurrying the driver at every traffic light.At last,I was in the office.Surprisingly,when I opened my bag,I saw my frightened cat 8.looking at me.She seemed to be just 9.as shocked as I was.
训练5 Grammar and usage—Overview of to-infinitives,verb-ing and verb-ed forms(A) [分值:65分]
1.The distinguished novelist spoke slowly and clearly so that he could make himself understood(understand).
2.Earth Day,marked(mark) on 22 April,is an annual event aiming(aim) to raise public awareness about environmental protection.
3.Taking(take) part in some social activities is a good choice for us students to improve ourselves.
4.You don’t have to run fast or for long to see(see) the benefit.
5.I still remember visiting(visit) a friend who’d lived here for five years and I was shocked(shock) when I learnt she hadn’t cooked once in all that time.
6.I didn’t mean to eat(eat) anything but the ice cream looked so good that I couldn’t help trying(try) it.
7.Citing(cite) examples from real life made his speech convincing and persuasive.
8.Many factors can result in obesity,including skipping(skip) breakfast,lack of physical activity and so on.
9.The question to be discussed(discuss) at the meeting tomorrow is very important.
10.To help(help) us learn more efficiently,the teacher suggested reading through our notes on a weekly basis.
1.He hurried to the airport,only to find the plane high up in the sky.
2.I regret to inform you that you didn’t pass the interview.
3.It is our duty to analyse the problem and see what went wrong.
4.I was disappointed at the film I saw last night.I had expected it to be better.
5.Having so many years of experience,he has the capacity/ability to organize the Chinese painting exhibition to be held on Friday perfectly.
On your 46th birthday,Mom gave me the letter 1.written(write) by you.In your letter,you said you were looking forward to 2.seeing(see) me fighting for my future bravely and doing well for myself and others.
After 3.reading(read) this letter,I felt quite 4.shocked(shock) at your expectation of me.I also felt ashamed for not 5.having performed/performing(perform) well to meet your demand before.I still remember when I was in primary school,I failed 6.to apply(apply) myself to studying.You didn’t blame me at all.Instead,you taught me that 7.studying(study) was the most important object at the moment and encouraged me 8.to try(try) hard.Only when I read your letter did I realize that I behaved so badly at that time and you were so sad 9.to find(find) I didn’t do well for myself.
I can’t help 10.expressing(express) my gratitude to you.
It is generally supposed that the English Romantic Movement began in 1798.However,it is not a sudden outbreak but the result of long and gradual growth and development.The Romanticism is a literary movement which took place in Britain and throughout Europe between 1770 and 1848.Politically,it was inspired by the revolutions in America and France.Emotionally,it expressed an extreme claim of the self and the value of the individual experience together with the sense of the limitless and the transcendental(抽象的).In Britain,Romantic writers of the first generation included Wordsworth and Coleridge,Blake and Burns.The second generation of British Romantics—Byron,Shelley and Keats absorbed these influences,wrote quickly,travelled widely and their life stories and letters became almost as important for Romanticism as their poetry.
Romanticism does not mean one thing or one characteristic.It is,in fact,a collective term to mean certain characteristics,such as mysticism(神秘主义),humanism,supernaturalism,love of beauty,love of nature,love of equality.The chief characteristics of romantic poetry are as the following:
Subjectivity: All romantic literature is subjective.It is an expression of the inner urges of the soul of the artist.The poet gives free expression to his feelings,emotions,experiences,thoughts and ideas and does not care for rules and regulations.The emphasis is laid on inspiration and intuition(直觉).
Love of Nature: Enthusiasm for the beauties of the external world characterizes all romantic poetry.Romantic poetry carries us away from the uncomfortable atmosphere of cities into the fresh company of the outdoor world.All poets were lovers of nature and looked at the beautiful aspects of nature.To them,nature was a friend,a lover,a mother,sister and a teacher.
Imagination and Emotion: The romantic poets laid emphasis on imagination and emotion.The Wordsworth’s romantic poem I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud deals with subjects of creative imagination,childhood memories,beauty of nature,the role of nature as a guiding spirit.
语篇解读 这是一篇说明文,主要介绍了英国浪漫主义文学运动以及浪漫主义诗歌的特点。
1.What can we know about the English Romantic Movement
A.It originated at the later part of 18th century.
B.It emphasized the value of policies.
C.It was caused by sudden growth and development.
D.It was affected by the Russian revolution.
答案 A
解析 细节理解题。根据第一段中“The Romanticism is a literary movement which took place in Britain and throughout Europe between 1770 and 1848.”可知,英国的浪漫主义运动起源于1770年,也就是18世纪后期。故选A。
2.Which of the following clarifies Romanticism properly
A.It focuses on inspiration and reality.
B.It hides the inner desires of poets.
C.It is a term involving some certain features.
D.It is controlled by rules and regulations.
答案 C
解析 细节理解题。根据第二段中“Romanticism does not mean one thing or one characteristic.It is,in fact,a collective term to mean certain characteristics,such as...”可知,浪漫主义是一个包含某些特征的集合术语,故选C。
3.What does romantic poetry play a role in
A.Showing us another way to read novels.
B.Keeping us enjoying the company of nature.
C.Asking us to respect city atmosphere.
D.Making us always be enthusiastic.
答案 B
解析 推理判断题。根据第四段中“Romantic poetry carries us away from the uncomfortable atmosphere of cities into the fresh company of the outdoor world.”可知,浪漫主义诗歌将我们带离城市氛围,让我们享受自然的陪伴,也就是说浪漫主义诗歌在让我们享受与大自然的相处中起着重要作用。故选B。
4.How does the author explain the feature of Imagination and Emotion
A.By using a quotation.
B.By using personification.
C.By making a comparison.
D.By giving an example.
答案 D
解析 推理判断题。根据最后一段中“The Wordsworth’s romantic poem I Wandered Lonely as a Cloud deals with subjects of creative imagination,childhood memories,beauty of nature,the role of nature as a guiding spirit.”可知,作者通过举例子来解释浪漫主义诗歌的想象和情感的特征,故选D。
Inspired by five national treasures in the Hunan Museum,six groups of digital artists let their imaginations run free.They used digital art to carry out dialogues across time and space,1. (pay) their respects to China’s excellent traditional culture.The exhibition made traditional cultural relics,digital art and installation(装置) art 2. (combine) together.
The exhibition aimed 3. (explore) fine traditional Chinese culture carried by ancient cultural relics.It was devoted 4. better connecting with contemporary(现代的) society and people.After over a year of planning and preparation,artists from China and overseas presented a rich and rewarding exhibition 5. audiences of different ages and from multicultural backgrounds could find fun and experience 6. extraordinary cultural journey.
An artist who now lives in Shanghai brought to the exhibition his understanding of the traditional Chinese landscape paintings that have been favoured by Chinese scholars and 7. (professional).In Ring,he explored the unique aesthetic(美学的) interest and spiritual comfort he 8. (constant) found in Chinese culture through videos,projections and interactive devices.
French artist Tony Brown said he 9. (affect) by local people’s passion for fine traditional Chinese art while taking part in the exhibition.In his eyes,the Hunan Museum was doing something innovative by placing ancient treasures and new digital art pieces in the same place.He believed it was a 10. (challenge) but meaningful move.
语篇解读 本文是说明文。文章主要讲述了湖南博物馆举办了一场数字艺术展,旨在通过数字化手段探索文物、传承优秀的中国传统文化。
1.答案 paying
解析 考查非谓语动词。此处应用非谓语动词作状语,其逻辑主语They和动词pay是主动关系,应用现在分词作状语,故填paying。
2.答案 combined
解析 考查非谓语动词。此处是非谓语动词作宾语补足语,宾语“traditional cultural relics,digital art and installation(装置) art”和动词combine是被动关系,应用过去分词作宾语补足语,故填combined。
3.答案 to explore
解析 考查非谓语动词。aim to do sth是固定搭配,意为“打算做某事,目的在于做某事”,故填to explore。
4.答案 to
解析 考查介词。be devoted to是固定搭配,意为“致力于”,故填to。
5.答案 where
解析 考查定语从句。空处引导定语从句,修饰先行词exhibition,根据句意可知,先行词在定语从句中作地点状语,应用关系副词where引导定语从句,故填where。
6.答案 an
解析 考查冠词。此处泛指一次非凡的文化之旅,应用不定冠词修饰,且空后extraordinary的发音以辅音音素开头,故填an。
7.答案 professionals
解析 考查名词的数。此处名词professional作宾语,表示“专业人员”,为可数名词,前面无冠词,应用复数形式表示泛指,故填professionals。
8.答案 constantly
解析 考查副词。此处应用副词作状语,修饰动词found,故填constantly。
9.答案 was affected
解析 考查动词时态、语态和主谓一致。此处在句中作谓语,描述过去发生的事应用一般过去时,且主语he和动词affect是被动关系,应用被动语态,主语是第三人称单数,故填was affected。
10.答案 challenging
解析 考查形容词。此处应用形容词challenging作定语,修饰名词move,表示“有挑战性的”,故填challenging。
训练6 Grammar and usage—Overview of to-infinitives,verb-ing and verb-ed forms(B) [分值:35分]
I was 6 years old when my father told me we were leaving the Big Apple Circus(马戏团).Until that point,I had spent most of my life on the circus lot,playing with the other circus kids.The circus,by its nature,is one that has a loose structure.So the early years after my leaving the circus to sit in a classroom all day felt more like a prison.
But years later,I found areas that interested me.I took the skills I had learned from being onstage and applied them to broadcasting.And so when Boston’s news station WBUR offered me a job out of college,I jumped at the chance.Along the way,I found I really enjoyed the work.I became WBUR’s news reporter.The flexibility and adaptability I’d learned in the circus as a child helped me do my job naturally and easily in a stressful situation—whether it was a destructive tornado outside Boston,or the Boston Marathon bombings of 2013.
But then a serious infectious disease appeared.Suddenly,for the first time in my adult life,I went for a year without doing any shows.But it became clear to me that performing was what I truly wanted.For me,the circus symbolizes who I am.And stages have always been where I’ve felt the most free.Some people get nervous before they go onstage,but by assuming(扮演) the character of Jacques ze Whipper and drawing a stupid moustache on my face,all my social anxiety disappears.
Circus performances go beyond age,socioeconomic status(地位),and even language.It’s the type of performance where you can go anywhere in the world to entertain anyone—help anyone forget their troubles for 5,10,and even 30 minutes.And most importantly,for me,it means coming home.
语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者离开马戏团后的人生经历和感悟。
1.How did the author feel in the early years of school
A.Curious. B.Unfree.
C.Loose. D.Impatient.
答案 B
解析 细节理解题。根据文章第一段末“So the early years after my leaving the circus to sit in a classroom all day felt more like a prison.”可知,作者离开马戏团后在学校的最初几年,整天坐在教室里感觉像是在监狱里,也就是感到不自由。故选B。
2.What do we know about the author’s job at WBUR
A.He did it for his father.
B.He did it against his will.
C.He risked his neck doing it.
D.He took to it like a duck to water.
答案 D
解析 推理判断题。根据文章第二段中“And so when Boston’s news station WBUR offered me a job out of college...or the Boston Marathon bombings of 2013.”可知,作者在WBUR工作时,能够在紧张的情况下自然而轻松地完成工作,由此可知,这份工作对作者而言如鱼得水,非常轻松。故选D。
3.What does the circus probably mean to the author
A.A means of living.
B.A chance to go anywhere.
C.A part of his identity.
D.A way to forget his troubles.
答案 C
解析 推理判断题。根据文章第三段中“For me,the circus symbolizes who I am.”以及最后一段中“And most importantly,for me,it means coming home.”可知,对于作者而言,马戏团象征着作者的身份,已经是他身份的一部分,故选C。
4.Why does the author write the text
A.To express his love for circus performances.
B.To stress the value of performing.
C.To share his personal experiences in a circus.
D.To discuss the problem of choosing a job.
答案 A
解析 写作意图题。根据文章第三段中“But it became clear to me...all my social anxiety disappears.”以及全文内容可知,作者写文章主要是为了表达对马戏的热爱。故选A。
The Amazon rainforest is now alarmingly close to dying by 2030 due to climate change and forest loss,a WWF report warns.
The world’s largest rainforest is now close to a “tipping point(临界点)” that could mean it changes forever,no longer benefiting humanity in dealing with climate change by soaking up greenhouse gases,the report says.
Deforestation(森林砍伐) in the Amazon reached a record high this year,as illegal tree cutting increased to the highest levels in 15 years.Between 13 to 17 percent of the Amazon rainforest area has already been lost in the past 50 years.The WWF report said an area of 1.4 million square miles of the Amazon has experienced a lack of rain,a constant dry season and deforestation,which could lead it to become degraded,turning to a dry land.
What’s worse,the “tipping points” could lead to irreversible(不可逆的) loss,including receiving less than 1,500 mm annual rainfall,a dry season of more than 7 months and deforestation of the area to reduce to just 20 percent of the original cover.The loss of the Amazon would further reduce the chances of alleviating(减轻) global warming as the areas’ trees take in enormous amounts of carbon dioxide.
“This paper sounds an alarm bell for humanity,revealing the threats of climate change and forest loss are pushing the world’s largest rainforest at risk,” Professor Gagen,lead author of the WWF report,added.“The evidence gives a serious warning that we need to take the tipping point risk seriously and act immediately to cut emissions(排放),saving natural resources,and,most importantly,change the indifferent attitude to forest loss which are sending people and our planet down a path to disaster.”
“Only by listening to the voices of Amazonia’s peoples and by preserving nature can we bring our world back to life,” Gagen said.
语篇解读 这是一篇说明文。世界自然基金会的一份报告警告称,由于气候变化和森林减少,亚马孙雨林到2030年将接近死亡。
5.What does the underlined phrase “soaking up” in paragraph 2 mean
A.Absorbing. B.Adapting.
C.Abandoning. D.Applying.
答案 A
解析 词义猜测题。根据画线词上文“benefiting humanity in dealing with climate change by”以及后文“greenhouse gases”并结合第四段的“alleviating(减轻) global warming as the areas’ trees take in enormous amounts of carbon dioxide”可知,这片热带雨林目前能通过吸收温室气体来应对气候变化,所以推知画线短语“soaking up”意为“吸收”。故选A。
6.Why does the author give several numbers in paragraphs 3-4
A.To show why deforestation happens.
B.To show how big the Amazon rainforest is.
C.To explain how bad the current situation is.
D.To suggest what to do to stop global warming.
答案 C
解析 推理判断题。根据第三段“Deforestation(森林砍伐) in the Amazon reached a record high this year...which could lead it to become degraded,turning to a dry land.”以及第四段中“What’s worse...a dry season of more than 7 months and deforestation of the area to reduce to just 20 percent of the original cover.”可知,作者在第三至四段给出了几个数字是为了解释目前的情况有多糟糕。故选C。
7.According to Gagen,what is the most important factor in dealing with “the tipping point”?
A.Cutting down emissions right away.
B.Saving the Amazon from deforestation.
C.Preventing natural resources being wasted.
D.Changing the unconcerned attitude to the problem.
答案 D
解析 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“The evidence gives a serious warning...most importantly,change the indifferent attitude to forest loss which are sending people and our planet down a path to disaster.”可知,根据Gagen的说法,在应对“临界点”危机时最重要的因素是改变对问题漠不关心的态度。故选D。
8.In which column of a website can you probably find the passage
A.Health. B.Environment.
C.Technology. D.Entertainment.
答案 B
解析 文章出处题。通读全文尤其根据第一段内容可知,文章主要说明了世界上最大的热带雨林现在正接近一个“临界点”,这可能意味着它将永远改变,不再通过吸收温室气体来应对气候变化,由此可推知,文章可能选自网站的“环境”专栏。故选B。
Four children in Colombia survived a plane crash.They were 1 in the jungle(丛林) for 40 days before they were finally 2 .How did the miracle of life come about
Lesly,13,was travelling with her family in a light aircraft when the engine was 3 and the aircraft crashed.All except Lesly and her three younger brothers died.
After the accident,Lesly took care of her younger brothers.She 4 through the wreckage(残骸) of the plane for food with her brothers.Once having 5 it,they sought wild fruits that they 6 to be eatable.They even used hair ribbons(丝带) to help build a 7 .
The rescuers’ discovery of a child’s drink bottle and a simple shelter gave searchers 8 that the children were still alive.To help the children,rescue packages were dropped to the jungle floor by the helicopter for them to get 9 ,along with 10,000 brochures telling 10 on how to survive.Speakers from a helicopter broadcast a(n) 11 message from the children’s grandmother telling them to stay 12 and wait for help.
13 ,a dog led the rescuers to the children,who seemed extremely weak from thirst,hunger and insect bites.Their aunt believed it was the wildness survival skills they learned at an early age that helped them 14 the difficult time.Lesly was highly spoken of for her courage and 15 .
语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述四名哥伦比亚儿童在一架飞机坠毁后幸存下来,他们在丛林中生存了40天,最终被发现并得到救援的故事。
1.A.followed B.arranged
C.cheated D.trapped
答案 D
解析 根据上文“Four children in Colombia survived a plane crash.”和句中“in the jungle(丛林) for 40 days”可推知,孩子们在空难后被困丛林40天。故选D。
2.A.defeated B.convinced
C.rescued D.recognized
答案 C
解析 defeat击败;convince说服;rescue救援;recognize认出。根据下文“How did the miracle of life come about?”可知,出现了奇迹,由此可推知,孩子们最终得到了救援。故选C。
3.A.out of date B.out of action
C.in operation D.in sight
答案 B
解析 out of date过时;out of action不运转;in operation在操作中;in sight在视野内。根据句中“the aircraft crashed”可推知,飞机引擎失灵,不运转了,所以坠机。故选B。
4.A.searched B.designed
C.expected D.removed
答案 A
解析 search搜索;design设计;expect期望;remove去除。根据句中“the wreckage(残骸) of the plane for food”可知,莱斯利带着兄弟们寻找食物。故选A。
5.A.realized B.spotted
C.consumed D.gathered
答案 C
解析 realize实现;spot发现;consume吃;gather收集。根据句中“they sought wild fruits”可推知,他们吃完了在飞机残骸中搜寻到的食物。故选C。
6.A.pretended B.confirmed
C.imagined D.hesitated
答案 B
解析 pretend假装;confirm确认;imagine想象;hesitate犹豫。根据句中“wild fruits”和“eatable”可推知,他们要确认找到的野果是可以食用的。故选B。
7.A.future B.system
C.bridge D.shelter
答案 D
解析 future未来;system系统;bridge桥;shelter庇护所。根据下文“The rescuers’ discovery of a child’s drink bottle and a simple shelter”可知,孩子们搭建了一个庇护所。故选D。
8.A.faith B.doubt
C.luck D.regret
答案 A
解析 根据句中“that the children were still alive”可知,救援人员看到孩子们生活的痕迹时相信他们还活着。故选A。
9.A.assumptions B.promotions
C.messages D.supplies
答案 D
解析 assumption假设;promotion促销;message信息;supply补给品。根据句中“rescue packages were dropped to the jungle floor”可知,扔到丛林的救援包是给孩子们的补给品。故选D。
10.A.changes B.reviews
C.tips D.ads
答案 C
解析 change变化;review评论;tip建议;ad广告。根据句中“10,000 brochures”和“how to survive”可知,小册子里有关于丛林生存的建议。故选C。
11.A.ignored B.recorded
C.complete D.secret
答案 B
解析 ignored被忽略的;recorded记录的;complete完全的;secret秘密的。根据句中“Speakers from a helicopter broadcast”和“message from the children’s grandmother”可推知,扬声器播放的是录好的祖母的声音。故选B。
12.A.awake B.energetic
C.creative D.still
答案 D
解析 awake醒着的;energetic精力充沛的;creative有创造力的;still不动的。根据句中“wait for help”可知,祖母让孩子们不要移动,在原地等待救援。故选D。
13.A.Eventually B.Identically
C.Gradually D.Curiously
答案 A
解析 eventually最终;identically相同地;gradually逐渐地;curiously好奇地。根据上文可知,孩子们被困丛林40天,所以是“最终”他们被找到。故选A。
14.A.run across B.take up
C.get through D.set down
答案 C
解析 run across跑过;take up占据;get through度过;set down记下。根据句中“Their aunt believed it was the wildness survival skills they learned at an early age”可推知,姑姑认为是他们小时候学到的野外生存技能帮助他们度过了困难时期。故选C。
15.A.freedom B.wisdom
C.humor D.desire
答案 B
解析 根据上文可知,13岁的莱斯利带着弟弟们寻找食物,搭建庇护所,最终在丛林中活了下来,所以她是勇敢且有智慧的。故选B。Section Ⅳ Integrated skills
1.Which of the following statements is NOT correct
A.Robert Frost won four Pulitzer Prizes.
B.Robert Frost’s poems are honest and direct in style.
C.Robert Frost used urban scenes to explore deep questions.
答案 C
2.What would Thomas do in choosing a path
A.He would spend a long time choosing.
B.He would never complain after making a choice.
C.He would always make the wrong choices.
答案 A
3.What can we know about the poet
A.He took a difficult path.
B.He was inspired by Hamlet.
C.He was encouraged and took a successful and easy path.
答案 A
Watch the video on P51 again and fill in the blanks with the words you hear.
Teacher: Robert Frost was a famous American poet who lived from 1874 to 1963.He won many 1.awards for his works,including four Pulitzer Prizes.Frost’s poems are very 2.honest and 3.direct in style.He often used rural scenes in New England to explore deep questions about the human condition.
One of his best-known poems,“The Road Not Taken”,was first published in a magazine in 1915.The poem 4.was inspired by Frost’s long walks in the countryside with Edward Thomas,a fellow poet.On these walks,Thomas would always spend a long time 5.choosing which path to take,and would 6.complain afterwards that he’d picked the wrong one.
In the poem,Frost talks about the choice between two forest paths.The speaker in the poem wants to try both of them,but he knows he probably won’t get the chance.He can only 7. make his decision and see what will happen.Of course,this isn’t really about a walk in the woods—it’s a metaphor.The poet uses the image of a fork in the road to symbolize any choice in life.
The poem ends with the words “I took the one less traveled by,/ And that has made all the difference.” Because of these two lines,many people assume the poet is encouraging the reader to take the 8.difficult path through life.The poet appears to have done that himself: Frost continued to write poems even though his poetic career was not successful in the beginning,9.supporting himself by teaching and farming.However,is this Frost’s intended meaning There are a thousand Hamlets in a thousand people’s eyes,and you can have 10.your own understanding of the poem.
1.What do the two roads stand for
A.The two kinds of goals in life.
B.The dreams and expectations in life.
C.The choices and opportunities in life.
D.The bridges linking dreams and reality.
答案 C
2.What did the writer do when he first faced the two roads
A.He determined to choose both.
B.He looked at them and felt undecided which to take.
C.He thought it meaningless to make a choice from the two roads.
D.He envisioned the two roads and decided to take one after another.
答案 B
3.What did he think of his final choice
A.He took a road with no leaves and was regretful.
B.He took a grassy road and decided never to go back.
C.He took the less travelled road and was uncertain whether he had made the right choice.
D.He took a road that bent in the undergrowth and was uncertain whether he had made the right choice.
答案 C
4.What rhetorical devices are used in this poem
A.Metaphor and rhyme.
B.Exaggeration and metaphor.
C.Simile and repetition.
D.Comparison and personification.
答案 A

Here is a poem titled “...” by...,which enjoys great popularity among readers.
1.Young as we are,we come to realize that as long as we try,nothing is impossible.
2.She often encourages me to face everything,sadness or happiness.
3.Remember,the best love is to love others unconditionally rather than make demands on them.
1.I’m deeply moved by the above poem reminding us of the importance of trying to seize every chance to do what we should before it’s too late in our life.
2.We should call on people all over the world to change our lifestyles before all hopes have gone.
假如你是李华,学完了罗伯特·弗罗斯特的The Road Not Taken之后,你的外籍老师要求你写一篇诗评,应包括以下内容:
1.诗的作者;2.对诗中“roads”的理解; 3.这首诗对你的启发。
第一步 审题谋篇
第二步 遣词造句
5.从……中选择choose from
6.指的是refer to
7.而不是rather than
8.因……而出名be known for
Frost is known for his direct style which makes his poems feel conversational.
This poem describes a situation where the writer needs to choose from two roads.
The “roads” refer to the real roads he meets while walking in the yellow woods.
The “roads” also symbolize different directions in life.
5.这个选择很难做,它对我们的影响是如此之大,以至于我们会在十字路口犹豫良久。(主语+be+adj.+to do)
The choice is hard to make,and it has such a big impact on our life that we hesitate a lot at the crossroads.
Once we make a choice,we have little chance to go back,so in our inner world we need to embrace the future actively rather than sigh for the past.
第三步 句式升级
1.用“not only...but also...”合并升级句3和句4。
The “roads” not only refer to the real roads he meets while walking in the yellow woods,but also symbolize different directions in life.
The choice which is hard to make has such a big impact on our life that we hesitate a lot at the crossroads.
Once we make a choice,we have little chance to go back,so in our inner world what we need to do is embrace the future actively rather than sigh for the past.
第四步 组句成篇
The Road Not Taken is a poem by American poet Robert Frost.Frost is known for his direct style which makes his poems feel conversational.
This poem describes a situation where the writer needs to choose from two roads.The “roads” not only refer to the real roads he meets while walking in the yellow woods,but also symbolize different directions in life.The choice which is hard to make has such a big impact on our life that we hesitate a lot at the crossroads.
In my opinion,everyone is a traveler on our journey through life.Once we make a choice,we have little chance to go back,so in our inner world what we need to do is embrace the future actively rather than sigh for the past.
训练7 Integrated skills [分值:40分]
San Francisco Park ranger Amanda Barrows,who registered in City College of San Francisco (CCSF)’s Poetry for the People class,began to place a nightstand(床头柜) in Golden Gate Park with a note “take a poem,leave a poem” in December 2022.Since then,over 100 handwritten poems have been placed in the nightstand.“It’s completely unexpected,” said Barrows.“I’m really taken aback by the outpouring of support.”
Park ranger by day and poet by night,Barrows said she began writing and attending poetry workshops in 2020.The poetry course she attended was founded by Leslie Simon in 1975.The class advocates for a focus on the neighborhood,and the cultivation(培养) and public presentation of new poems.For Barrows,the idea that she could combine her job and her hobby by bringing poetry into parks was an inspiration.Barrows asked her friends to contribute their favorite poems to the nightstand as poems that could be taken.
Armed with an old nightstand,Barrows filled the stand with pens and paper.An added drawer at the bottom holds the poems that people “donate”.The concept reminded her of Little Free Libraries,which are fixtures across the city.“I was having anxiety.I had no idea what I was going to do; then it sort of just came to me,” said Barrows.“I was inspired by the little free libraries you see in SF,where you ‘take a book,leave a book’,and thought,‘Maybe I could do this with poetry.’”
One of the teachers at the CCSF poetry course,Lauren Muller,told The Washington Post that “people need poetry now”,which she suggested as the reason for the success of Barrows’s project.
Past student projects included writing poetry on sidewalks in chalk and placing poems on the windshields (挡风玻璃) of cars.“It’s exciting to see the work that students are doing,” Muller continued.“My hope is that this will happen across city parks...elsewhere.”
语篇解读 本文是一篇新闻报道。文章讲述了旧金山公园管理员Barrows发起了一个诗歌项目,在公园里放置了一个床头柜,写着“取走一首诗,留下一首诗”,结果引起了很大反响,许多人参与到这个项目中来。
1.What did Amanda Barrows do for her project
A.She invited her friends to donate poems.
B.She gave a special poetry course by herself.
C.She read a lot of poems for people.
D.She equipped parks with many nightstands.
答案 A
解析 细节理解题。根据第二段中“Barrows asked her friends to contribute their favorite poems to the nightstand as poems that could be taken.”可知,Barrows为了这个项目邀请朋友们捐诗。故选A。
2.How did the little free libraries affect Amanda Barrows
A.They made her interested in poetry.
B.They let her quit her job for her interest.
C.They gave her inspiration for her project.
D.They encouraged her to write more poems.
答案 C
解析 细节理解题。根据第三段中Barrows的话“I was inspired by the little free libraries you see in SF,where you ‘take a book,leave a book’,and thought,‘Maybe I could do this with poetry.’”可知,小型免费图书馆给了Barrows发起诗歌项目的灵感。故选C。
3.What did Muller think contributed to the success of Barrows’s project
A.The benefits of writing poetry.
B.The public demand for poetry.
C.The help from her neighbors.
D.The large number of parks in SF.
答案 B
解析 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“One of the teachers at the CCSF poetry course,Lauren Muller,told The Washington Post that ‘people need poetry now’,which she suggested as the reason for the success of Barrows’s project.”可知,Muller认为大众对于诗歌的需求促成了Barrows的项目的成功。故选B。
4.What might be a suitable title for the text
A.The Impacts of a Park Ranger’s Poem-writing
B.San Francisco’s Unique Poems on a Nightstand
C.The Spread of Poetry Throughout the Libraries
D.A Park Ranger’s Powerful Poetry Project
答案 D
解析 标题归纳题。通读全文可知,文章讲述了旧金山公园管理员Barrows发起了一个诗歌项目,在公园里放置了一个床头柜,写着“取走一首诗,留下一首诗”,结果引起了很大反响,许多人参与到这个项目中来。故选D。
The combination of music and study has long been 1. source of disagreement between adults and children.Parents and teachers alike maintain that 2. (silent) is important when learning,whereas youngsters insist that 3. (they) favourite sounds help them concentrate.
Now a study shows that the 4. (grown-up)have been right all along.Psychologists in Florida tested how fast students wrote essays 5. and without music in the background.They 6. (find) that the sounds slowed progress down by about sixty words per hour.“This demonstrates 7. (clear) that it is difficult to cope with listening and writing at the same time,” said Dr.Sarah.She also came to the conclusion 8. it is a myth that instrumental music is less disturbing than songs.“All types of music had the same effect,” she said in her report.“One’s ability to pay attention and write fluently is likely 9. (disturb) by both songs and instrumental music,” she added.
Dr.Sarah claimed the research demonstrated that the idea that music could improve performance was wrong.“Writing an essay is a complex task.You 10. (recall) information and putting it in order.But what is particularly worrying is that more and more teenagers are studying in front of the television.”
语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章介绍了一项研究发现,学习状态下注意力是非常集中的,一旦有外界声音或因素干扰,是会大大影响学习的。
1.答案 a
解析 考查冠词。句意:长期以来,音乐和学习的结合一直是成人和儿童之间分歧的根源。根据句意可知,此处a source of意为“……的一个根源”,符合题意。故填a。
2.答案 silence
解析 考查名词。分析句子结构,此句为that引导的宾语从句,此处用silent的名词形式在从句中作主语。故填silence。
3.答案 their
解析 考查代词。此处修饰后面名词sounds,作前置定语,their他们的,符合题意。故填their。
4.答案 grown-ups
解析 考查名词复数。结合后面助动词have可知,此处名词作主语用复数形式。故填grown-ups。
5.答案 with
解析 考查介词。句意:佛罗里达州的心理学家测试了学生在有音乐背景和没有音乐背景下写文章的速度。根据句意和句子结构可知,空处和后面介词without构成并列关系,表达“有和没有”,用介词with。故填with。
6.答案 found
解析 考查动词时态。分析句子结构,此处作谓语动词,根据从句谓语动词slowed可知,此处动词用一般过去时。故填found。
7.答案 clearly
解析 考查副词。此处修饰前面动词demonstrates用副词形式,作状语。故填clearly。
8.答案 that
解析 考查同位语从句。分析句子结构,此句为同位语从句。从句内容解释说明前面名词conclusion的具体内容,从句结构完整,不缺任何成分,用连接词that引导。故填that。
9.答案 to be disturbed
解析 考查非谓语动词。be likely to do sth可能做某事。由by both songs and instrumental music可知此处构成被动语态,表达“被干扰”。 故填to be disturbed。
10.答案 are recalling
解析 考查动词时态和主谓一致。根据语境,并结合后面putting可知,此处作谓语动词,时态为现在进行时,表达“正在回忆”。故填are recalling。
Dear William,
Li Hua
Dear William,
Knowing that you are interested in the classical Chinese poetry and the famous poet Li Bai,I feel delighted.
Li Bai,a great romantic poet in the Tang Dynasty,created numbers of poems.I like his A Tranquil Night most.So vivid is the poem that I can’t resist imagining the scene in my mind.While reading his magnificent masterpieces,I usually feel free,energetic and confident.Frankly speaking,it is the emotions in his poems that impress me most.
Want some books of him Just let me know.
Best wishes!
Li HuaSection Ⅴ Extended reading
Step 1 速读——整体理解文意
What is the main idea of the passage
A.Li Bai’s life and his poetry.
B.Li Bai’s social status and romantic styles.
C.Li Bai’s imagination and passion for travelling.
D.Li Bai’s impact on the society and his personality.
答案 A
Step 2 细读——深度获取细节
1.What can we infer from the second paragraph
A.Li Bai’s parents were strict with him.
B.Li Bai was familiar with Chinese culture.
C.Li Bai read many books when he was old.
D.Li Bai’s romantic style was deeply affected by classical Chinese culture.
答案 D
2.Which of the following distinguishes Li Bai from other landscape poets
A.Extraordinary imagination.
B.Free expression of strong feelings.
C.Love for reading and travelling.
D.Free and unconstrained personality.
答案 B
3.What does the phrase “owe a debt to” in the second sentence of the last paragraph mean
A.Benefit a lot from. B.Adapt from.
C.Enjoy much. D.Learn from.
答案 A
4.What did Ezra Pound think of Li Bai’s poems
A.Fascinating. B.Ordinary.
C.Unbelievable. D.Meaningless.
答案 A
5.What’s the text type of the passage
B.Practical writing.
C.Expository writing.
D.Argumentative writing.
答案 C
Step 3 读后——课文语法填空
It is believed that A Night Stay at a Mountain Temple 1.was written(write) by Li Bai in his teenage years.With striking imagination,this early poem showed signs of a romantic style,which was later to characterize his poetry.
Li Bai’s love of reading and travelling contributed a lot 2.to his romantic style.By 3.reading(read) all kinds of books,he got familiar with classical Chinese culture and 4.acquired(acquire) the wisdom of previous generations.Li Bai’s travel around the country nourished his love of nature and inspired him 5.to write(write) romantic poems.In addition,Li Bai grew up in the most glorious period of the Tang Dynasty,6.which allowed Li Bai to develop 7.a free and unconstrained personality.Given his personal experiences and the historical background,it is no wonder that most of Li Bai’s poems are characterized by the romantic style.
All in all,with his extraordinary imagination,free expression of strong 8.feelings(feel) and mastery of language,Li Bai is widely recognized as the 9.greatest(great) romantic poet after Qu Yuan.Li Bai’s poetry inspires generations of poets both at home 10.and abroad and is enjoyed by countless readers.
Ⅰ.补句子 析结构
1.With striking(strike) imagination in expressions like “scaring dwellers on high”,this early poem already displayed signs of a romantic style,which was later to characterize Li Bai’s poetry.(P53 Para.1)
2.He started studying the classics when he was only five years old,and was reading ancient philosophers of different schools at the age of ten,including(include) Confucianism and Taoism.(P53 Para.2)
3.By reading books of all kinds,from legends to historical stories,he familiarized himself(he) with classical Chinese culture,and more importantly(important),he acquired the wisdom of previous generations.(P53 Para.2)
结构分析:此句话为并列句。其中and连接并列的两个分句。By reading...historical stories在句中作方式状语。
4.This open and tolerant atmosphere allowed Li Bai the liberty to develop(develop) a free and unconstrained personality,which,in turn,had a huge impact on his poetic production.(P54 Para.4)
结构分析:此句话为主从复合句。其中which引导非限制性定语从句,修饰先行词a free and unconstrained personality。
5.Equally impressive is Li Bai’s free expression of strong feelings,which breathes vitality into the lifeless objects he describes,and which distinguishes him from other landscape poets.(P54 Para.5)
结构分析:此句话为主从复合句。主句采用了全部倒装语序,表语Equally impressive位于句首,主语Li Bai’s free expression of strong feelings后置;句中包含两个由which引导的非限制性定语从句,都修饰主语;he describes为省略了关系代词that/which的限制性定语从句,修饰先行词the lifeless objects。
Ⅱ.研典句 学用法
It is believed that this poem was written by Li Bai in his teenage years.(P53 Para.1)
结构分析:本句为主从复合句。其中It是形式主语,真正的主语是this poem was written by Li Bai in his teenage years。
It be+过去分词(said,thought,believed,supposed,reported...)+that从句
It be+an honour+for sb to do sth/It be one’s honour+to do sth
It be+形容词(strange,important,vital,obvious,possible...)+that从句
It be+名词短语(a pity,a shame,a fact,a good idea,no wonder...)+that从句
It is a great honour to deliver a speech to share with you my opinions on Beijing Opera.
I’m more than delighted to learn that you are going to visit a Chinese family.It is necessary that you should know about the table manners of China.
It was said that the old man was mean.But it was a fact that he was friendly to children and even treated them to delicious fruit.
Given his personal experiences and the historical background,it is only natural to see that the majority of Li Bai’s poems are characterized by the romantic style.(P54 Para.5)
结构分析:本句话为主从复合句。Given his personal...在句中作状语,it为形式主语,to see...为真正的主语,that引导宾语从句。
————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————————独立成分作状语的用法还有:generally speaking一般来说;frankly speaking/to be frank坦白地说;considering...考虑到……;to tell you the truth说实话;judging from/by从……来判断;compared to/with与……相比较;believe it or not信不信由你;supposing假设。这些结构不用考虑逻辑主语,直接运用。
Given/Considering his state of health,the company allowed him to retire from his post ahead of time.
Judging from/by his accent,he must be from the south.
To tell you the truth,the plastic equipment from abroad is not of high quality.
Compared to/with those women cleaners,I did an easier job and got paid more.
课文重点词块默写 1.是……的原因之一;导致contribute to 2.从传奇故事到历史典故from legends to historical stories 3.使某人自己熟知…… familiarize oneself with 4.获得前辈的智慧acquire the wisdom of previous generations 5.一个经济繁荣、社会稳定的时期a time of economic boom and social stability 6.进而in turn 7.对他的诗歌创作产生巨大的影响have a huge impact on his poetic production 8.使他有别于其他山水诗人distinguish him from other landscape poets 9.扎根于;植根于be rooted in 10.被认为是be recognized as 11.欠……的情owe a debt to 12.着迷于,沉醉于be fascinated by
训练8 Extended reading(A) [分值:40分]
1.篮球队队长汤姆被认为是我们学校最好的球员。(be recognized as)
Tom,the captain of the basketball team,was recognized as the best player in our school.
2.由于疏忽大意,汤姆被石头绊倒,腿部受伤。(owing to)
Owing to his carelessness,Tom tripped over a stone and suffered leg injuries.
Given his state of health,Tom was asked to retire from the final game,leaving him depressed.
4.汤姆眼含羞愧和尴尬的泪水,对队友说,应该为此事承担责任的是他自己。(be to blame)
Tears of shame and embarrassment in his eyes,Tom told his teammates that it was he himself that was to blame for the accident.
It is universally acknowledged that life is made up of not only sunshine but also storms.
组句成篇 以上句子可以加上过渡词语和其他联想内容组成一篇小短文。
Tom,the captain of the basketball team,was recognized as the best player in our school.However,owing to his carelessness,he tripped over a stone and suffered leg injuries.Given his state of health,Tom was asked to retire from the final game,leaving him depressed.Tears of shame and embarrassment in his eyes,Tom told his teammates that it was he himself that was to blame for the accident.Anyway,it is universally acknowledged that life is made up of not only sunshine but also storms.
Death is a serious theme worthy of great poets.For example,John Keats’ When I Have Fears That I May Cease to Be and John Donne’s Death,Be Not Proud both discuss death in reflective ways.However,the imagery in these poems shows that while Keats believed death can only bring destruction,Donne believed death can be overcome.
Keats was afraid of death,because to him death meant the loss of those things that made his life worth living:“...on the shore/Of the wide world I stand alone,and think/Till love and fame to nothingness do sink.” In other words,Keats’ fear was that death was a “nothingness” that would arrive before he could finish his life’s work or find his true love.
Donne had a different attitude toward death,and so the imagery in his poem is different,too.To Donne,death should “be not proud”,because it was not “mighty and dreadful”.He also said that death was like “rest and sleep”.Donne believed that we would all wake from the sleep of death to everlasting life,just as we wake from our normal sleep to our everyday lives.
Keats and Donne both knew that death was a part of life,and both poets used powerful imagery to talk about that difficult theme.The differences in this imagery show two very different attitudes toward the subject,one of which is much more positive than the other.Which poet to believe is up to the reader to decide.
Not surprisingly,the readers’ own experiences may play a part in the way they respond to these poets’ approaches.Like the two poets and their beliefs,contemporary readers also may be divided on the subject.This may explain why Keats’ and Donne’s poetry remains fascinating years after their deaths.
语篇解读 这是一篇说明文。著名诗人约翰·济慈和约翰·邓恩分别在自己的诗歌中表达了对死亡的不同看法。本文对此进行了对比分析。
1.Which of the following may Keats agree with
A.Death could stop him from writing poetry.
B.Death could help him find true love.
C.Death was not mighty and dreadful.
D.Death could be overcome by people.
答案 A
解析 推理判断题。根据第二段最后“In other words,Keats’ fear was that death was a ‘nothingness’ that would arrive before he could finish his life’s work or find his true love.”可知,济慈害怕死亡这种虚无的状态会在他完成一生的事业之前到来,可推知他认为死亡会迫使他停止写诗,故选A。
2.What did Donne believe in his poems
A.Death was generally powerful and terrible.
B.Death was only a ceaseless sleep.
C.Death was merely the loss of work and love.
D.Death was hardly worth the fear.
答案 D
解析 推理判断题。根据第三段中“To Donne,death should ‘be not proud’,because it was not‘mighty and dreadful’.He also said that death was like ‘rest and sleep’.”可知,邓恩认为死亡不值得畏惧,故选D。
3.Why may contemporary readers view Keats’ and Donne’s attitudes differently
A.Because they are attracted to the two poets’ everlasting opposite beliefs.
B.Because they are divided naturally by their positive or negative personalities.
C.Because their own life experiences affect the understandings of the poems.
D.Because their preferences for the poets’ strong imageries are various.
答案 C
解析 细节理解题。根据最后一段首句“Not surprisingly,the readers’ own experiences may play a part in the way they respond to these poets’ approaches.”可知,当代读者对济慈和邓恩对死亡的态度会有不同的看法是因为他们自己的生活经历影响着对诗歌的理解。故选C。
4.Which of the following best describes the main writing style of the passage
A.Analysis. B.Argument.
C.Comparison. D.Reasoning.
答案 C
解析 推理判断题。根据第一段内容并结合全文可知,文章对著名诗人济慈和邓恩对“死亡”的不同理解进行了对比,故选C。
Life on the street is a constant struggle as homeless people never know where their next meal will come or where they will be able to find shelter for the night.In times of 1 weather conditions,however,that struggle becomes even more 2 as their lives are in danger.Recently, 3 people across Chicago faced freezing to death if they couldn’t find 4 for the night.Thankfully,one local woman 5 to let that happen.
Candice Payne was 6 enough to have a shelter from the dangerous cold.However,she couldn’t stop 7 about the homeless people in the area who had nowhere to go.Payne 8 brainstorming different ways she could possibly help. 9 ,she decided to see if there were any rooms available at local 10 that she could purchase for the people on the street.
Many of the local hotels refused to allow her to 11 the rooms.“No one wanted them,but one hotel,the Amber Inn,that was nice enough to 12 me to buy the rooms,” Payne said.Each room cost $70 per night.Without 13 she purchased 30 rooms for the night with her credit card.
Payne’s selfless act made news across the country. 14 ,she insisted she never did it for attention.“I am just a 15 person,” said Payne,who spent thousands of dollars of her own money to help complete strangers.
语篇解读 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了坎迪斯·佩恩无私帮助无家可归的人的故事。1.A.crucial B.extreme
C.potential D.relevant
答案 B
解析 根据后文的“however,that struggle becomes even more as their lives are in danger”以及“freezing to death”和“the dangerous cold”可知,是在极端的天气状况下他们的生命处于危险之中。故选B。
2.A.difficult B.appropriate
C.efficient D.necessary
答案 A
解析 根据前文的“Life on the street is a constant struggle”以及“In times of weather conditions,however,that struggle becomes even more”可知,露宿街头的生活是一场持续的斗争,根据常识可知在极端天气条件下,这种斗争变得更加困难。故选A。
3.A.selfless B.unhealthy
C.homeless D.unemployed
答案 C
解析 根据前文“Life on the street is a constant struggle as homeless people never know where their next meal will come or where they will be able to find shelter for the night.”可知,无家可归的人永远不知道下一顿饭在哪里,也不知道晚上在哪里能找到栖身之所,故会面临被冻死的危险的人们指无家可归的人们。故选C。
4.A.money B.food
C.work D.shelter
答案 D
解析 根据前文的“Life on the street is a constant struggle as homeless people never know where their next meal will come or where they will be able to find shelter for the night.”可知,无家可归的人不知道晚上在哪里能找到栖身之所,故无家可归者如果找不到过夜的住所,会面临被冻死的危险。故选D。
5.A.refused B.attempted
C.failed D.decided
答案 A
解析 根据后文的“Payne brainstorming different ways she could possibly help. ,she decided to see if there were any rooms available at local that she could purchase for the people on the street.”可知,一位当地妇女想办法帮助无家可归的人,给他们提供住所,拒绝让他们被冻死。故选A。
6.A.great B.lucky
C.strong D.brave
答案 B
解析 根据后文的“have a shelter from the dangerous cold”可知,坎迪斯·佩恩有一个避难所来躲避危险的寒冷,故她不会面临被冻死的危险,所以说她很幸运。故选B。
7.A.hearing B.chatting
C.thinking D.arguing
答案 C
解析 根据后文“Payne brainstorming different ways she could possibly help. ,she decided to see if there were any rooms available at local that she could purchase for the people on the street.”可知,佩恩想办法帮助那些无家可归的人们,空处说明她一直在想着该地区无家可归的人们。故选C。
8.A.minded B.enjoyed
C.avoided D.started
答案 D
解析 根据后文“brainstorming different ways she could possibly help”可知,佩恩开始努力思考,想出她可能提供帮助的不同方式。故选D。
9.A.Ultimately B.Generally
C.Additionally D.Fortunately
答案 A
解析 根据前文的“Payne brainstorming different ways she could possibly help.”可知,她开始努力思考,想出她可能提供帮助的不同方式,后文的“she decided to see if there were any rooms available at local that she could purchase for the people on the street”是她最后的决定。故选A。
10.A.schools B.hotels
C.families D.hospitals
答案 B
解析 根据后文的“Many of the local hotels refused to allow her to the rooms.”可知,当地的许多旅馆拒绝让她购买房间,故此处是她决定看看当地的旅馆是否有可用的房间。故选B。
11.A.set aside B.take up
C.pay for D.pick out
答案 C
解析 set aside留出;take up占用;pay for支付;pick out挑选。根据前文可知,她决定看看当地的旅馆是否有空房可以为街上的人们购买,后文提到只有一家旅馆允许她购买房间,由此可知许多当地旅馆拒绝她购买房间,故选C。
12.A.persuade B.advise
C.request D.allow
答案 D
解析 根据前文“Many of the local hotels refused to allow her to the rooms.”可知,许多当地旅馆不允许她支付费用让无家可归的人暂住,再结合句中的“but one hotel,the Amber Inn,that was nice enough”可知,the Amber Inn与前面提到的许多旅馆不同,故这家旅馆允许她支付费用。故选D。
13.A.hesitation B.doubt
C.permission D.question
答案 A
解析 根据前文“No one wanted them,but one hotel,the Amber Inn,that was nice enough to me to buy the rooms”可知,除了一家叫Amber Inn的旅馆让她买下了房间外,没有旅馆愿意接收无家可归者。故当晚她支付费用毫不犹豫。故选A。
14.A.Therefore B.However
C.Moreover D.Otherwise
答案 B
解析 根据前文“Payne’s selfless act made news across the country.”可知,佩恩的无私行为在全国引起了轰动,根据后文“she insisted she never did it for attention”可知,她坚称自己这样做从来不是为了引起关注,前后文为转折关系。故选B。
15.A.typical B.proud
C.regular D.familiar
答案 C
解析 根据前文的“she insisted she never did it for attention”可知,她坚称自己这么做绝不是为了引人注目,故她认为自己只是普通人。故选C。
训练6 Extended reading(B) [分值:32.5分]
Spanish poet Manuel Moya has found an inexhaustible(无穷无尽的) treasure and source of inspiration in the works of some ancient Chinese poets.The grey-bearded 57-year-old never tried to hide his strong love for the famous ancient Chinese recluse(隐士),Tao Yuanming and other poets Wang Wei,Li Bai and Du Fu,and openly emulates their styles,in both his works and life.
In fact,readers can easily recognize the Chinese philosophy of life and literary images in the more than 40 poems that make up Moya’s collection “Impedimenta”.The poems are in deliberate imitation of the Chinese poets.
In “Recalling a Poem by Wang Wei”,Moya transplanted his hometown’s natural views verse by verse to where the Chinese poet put the sunset and birds over autumn mountains.
Such 21st-century Spanish versions of ancient Chinese pastoral poems helped win him a local poetry prize.It added to the many honors,some of them national,granted to him in a span of 34 years,during which he published more than 20 poetry anthologies and 10 storybooks and novels.
Moya started to imitate these ancient poems,thanks in large part to the efforts of Joaquin Chen,79,who had translated those Chinese poems into Spanish.In fact,Moya regarded Chen as his “tutor”.“Mr Chen led me into a new poetry wonderland,” he said.Moya is one of the many Spanish literary greats whom Chen’s work has converted to the beauty of ancient Chinese poetry.“I’m very grateful to the many people like Mr Chen.I learned how to write from them,” said Moya.“The seed Mr Chen sowed in me has grown into blossoms.”
“Poets of both countries care much about the miseries of human life,and express their thoughts in languages and melodies as beautiful as possible,” he said.
语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了西班牙诗人莫亚从一些中国古代诗人的作品中发现了取之不尽的宝藏和灵感源泉,并在自己的作品中模仿他们的风格。
1.What does the underlined word “emulates” in paragraph 1 most probably mean
A.Imitates. B.Recites.
C.Collects. D.Summarizes.
答案 A
解析 词义猜测题。根据画线词后的“in both his works and life”和第二段“In fact,readers can easily recognize the Chinese...in deliberate imitation of the Chinese poets.”可知,莫亚在作品和生活中公开模仿中国古代诗人的风格。画线词意为“模仿”,故选A。
2.Why is Joaquin Chen mentioned
A.To tell he is a master of Chinese poets.
B.To emphasize his unique position in poetry.
C.To show he has a great influence on Moya.
D.To prove his importance in literature.
答案 C
解析 推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“Moya started to imitate these ancient poems,thanks in large part to the efforts of Joaquin Chen”以及“‘I’m very grateful to the many people like Mr Chen.I learned how to write from them,’ said Moya.‘The seed Mr Chen sowed in me has grown into blossoms.’”可推知,文中提到Joaquin Chen是为了说明Joaquin Chen对莫亚的影响。故选C。
3.What do Moya’s words in the last paragraph imply
A.Spanish and Chinese poets use beautiful words.
B.Spanish and Chinese poems have similar structure.
C.Spanish and Chinese poets learn from each other.
D.Spanish and Chinese poems share an inner depth.
答案 D
解析 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“‘Poets of both countries care much about the miseries of human life,and express their thoughts in languages and melodies as beautiful as possible,’ he said.”可知,他认为西班牙诗人和中国古代诗人都关心人类生活的苦难,也就是具有相似的内在深度。故选D。
4.What’s a suitable title for the passage
A.The Spanish Admire Ancient Chinese Poetry
B.Ancient Chinese Poetry Inspires a Spanish Poet
C.Spanish Poetry Comes from Chinese Poetry
D.Chinese Poetry Was Spread Around the World
答案 B
解析 标题归纳题。通读全文尤其根据文章第一段中“Spanish poet Manuel Moya has found an inexhaustible(无穷无尽的) treasure and source of inspiration in the works of some ancient Chinese poets.”和第四段内容可知,文章主要讲述了一位西班牙诗人从中国古代诗人的作品中得到了灵感,从而创作了大量诗歌。故选B。
In late 2021,The Road of Tang Poetry,a book co-authored by Nobel Prize-winning French novelist Le Clézio and Professor Dong Qiang,was published by People’s Literature Publishing House in China.This book also represents a practice of cross-cultural dialogue.
Le Clézio regards the Tang Dynasty as the golden age of Chinese poetry.Due to their efforts,Le Clézio and Dong simplified complex issues and broke time and space limitations to examine five outstanding poets from the Tang era.
Nature,women,and wine are themes of common concern to Chinese and foreign poets alike.Influenced by European poetic traditions,Le Clézio was amazed the first time he read Li Bai’s Sitting Alone in Face of Peak Jingting.The peace and harmony when the man is alone with nature,as conveyed in the poem,deeply impressed Le Clézio,who loves nature deeply.The poem even inspired him to look for his own “Mountain Jingting”,where he could sit facing its peak like Li Bai and lose himself in nature.In addition to Li Bai,other Tang poets,such as Du Fu,Bai Juyi,and Zhang Ruoxu,also highly praised nature through poetry.Like them,foreign poets like British and German Romantic poets sang nature’s praises.
When trying to understand Chinese poetry,Westerners must have “windows” through which to read.For example,due to insufficient knowledge of Chinese language and culture,French poet Judith Gautier relied heavily on her Chinese teacher Ding Dunling to explain the Chinese texts when she was translating classical Chinese poetry.
The path of spreading Tang poetry through joint efforts made by Chinese and French scholars should be an energetic,inclusive stream of poetry that welcomes mutual learning,as a saying suggests,“Poetry is a stream that continually flows.”
语篇解读 本文是一篇议论文。文章主要通过《唐诗之路》这本书的出版探讨了唐诗在跨文化交流方面的意义。
5.What can we learn about The Road of Tang Poetry
A.It was published only in France.
B.It was written by Le Clézio.
C.It won a worldwide prize in 2021.
D.It studied five poets in the Tang Dynasty.
答案 D
解析 细节理解题。根据第二段中“Due to their efforts,Le Clézio and Dong simplified complex issues and broke time and space limitations to examine five outstanding poets from the Tang era.”可知,这本书研究了五位杰出的唐代诗人。故选D。
6.Which aspect of Li Bai’s poem impressed Le Clézio most
A.The outstanding skill of the poet.
B.The beautiful description of nature.
C.The man’s peace while staying in nature.
D.The action of the man sitting facing the peak.
答案 C
解析 细节理解题。根据第三段中“The peace and harmony when the man is alone with nature,as conveyed in the poem,deeply impressed Le Clézio,who loves nature deeply.”可知,李白的诗中所表达的人与自然独处时的平和与和谐深深打动了勒·克莱齐奥。故选C。
7.What does the underlined word “windows” in paragraph 4 refer to
A.Application of some modern tools.
B.Translation of Chinese original texts.
C.Knowledge about German Romantic poets.
D.A good command of Chinese language and culture.
答案 D
解析 词义猜测题。根据画线单词下一句“例如,由于对中国语言和文化的了解不足,法国诗人朱迪思·戈蒂埃在翻译中国古典诗歌时,严重依赖她的中文老师丁敦玲来解释中文原文”可知,画线单词指的正是对中国语言和文化的了解,西方人必须借助它来理解中国诗歌。故选D。
8.Where can you read the text probably
A.In a tourist brochure.
B.In a newspaper.
C.In an advertisement.
D.In a short story.
答案 B
解析 文章出处题。通读全文可知,本文主要通过《唐诗之路》的出版探讨了唐诗在跨文化交流中的意义,最有可能出现在报纸上。故选B。
Poetry has healing powers.To get more joy and peace,we don’t have to be a professional poet but we can develop a poetic mindset(心态). 1
Be in awe(敬畏) of everything.
The poetic mindset starts with the idea that nothing is an accident.Everything is interrelated(相互关联的) and plays a part in a greater whole. 2 Close your eyes.Now open them.What is the first thing you see Look closer.Ask yourself: What does it look like What does it remind you of Does it bring happy thoughts or sad ones Why I bet your randomly selected object is full of meaning.
A poem is a place where you can pour out your hard feelings.Don’t be afraid.You can always throw the page into the fireplace once you’ve filled it. 4 Poetry can be a storeroom for everything difficult in your life.But there’s more.I find when I write about something I’m struggling with,my negative feeling begins to become weaker.
Seek what inspires you.
Life isn’t perfect,but you can live with love and trust anyway. 5 There is always goodness to be found once you train yourself to look for it.Poetry to me is a form of praise.I build poems from things I see,people I meet and thoughts and feelings found deep inside.As I present those treasures in poetic language,I am appreciating what is good in them.
A.Let pain be your teacher.
B.How can we manage it in an easy way
C.What are the steps of writing a good poem
D.Poetry helps us remember this important wisdom.
E.Or seal it in an envelope and come back to it later.
F.Writing a poem is about describing your inner world vividly.
G.Therefore,everything deserves notice and even appreciation.
语篇解读 这是一篇说明文。诗歌有治愈功能,尽管我们不能成为专业的诗人,但是我们可以培养诗意的心态,文章主要介绍了几种培养诗意心态的方法。
1.答案 B
解析 空前“To get more joy and peace,we don’t have to be a professional poet but we can develop a poetic mindset(心态).”提出了要培养诗意的心态,且后文介绍了三种方法,故B项“我们应该怎样简单地做到这一点呢?”符合语境,承上启下,故选B。
2.答案 G
解析 空前“Everything is interrelated(相互关联的) and plays a part in a greater whole.”说明所有事情都是相互联系的,都很有意义,G项“因此,每件事都值得关注甚至欣赏”与上文形成因果关系,故选G。
3.答案 A
解析 根据本段内容“A poem is a place where you can pour out your hard feelings.”以及“Poetry can be a storeroom for everything difficult in your life.But there’s more...”可知,本段主要介绍诗歌能帮助你处理生活中的负面情绪和难题,帮助你更加积极地面对人生,A项“让痛苦做你的老师”概括段意,适合作小标题,故选A。
4.答案 E
解析 空前“Don’t be afraid.You can always throw the page into the fireplace once you’ve filled it.”提出了如何处理写下来的负面情绪,E项“或者把它封在信封里,以后再来看”提出另一种处理方法,故选E。
5.答案 D
解析 上文“Life isn’t perfect,but you can live with love and trust anyway.”提到“尽管生活并不完美,你也可以生活在爱和信任之中”的道理,下文“Poetry to me...”是描述自己通过诗歌寻找生活中的美好,故空处应是描述诗歌和上文所述的道理之间的联系,D项“诗歌帮助我们记住这一重要的智慧”符合语境,故选D。


