Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry单元质量评价(教师版+学生版) 人教版九年级全一册

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Unit 11 Sad movies make me cry单元质量评价(教师版+学生版) 人教版九年级全一册


          单元质量评价(Unit 11)
第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分20分)
第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
(D)1.—What’s wrong with you,Mike
—I didn’t pass the English exam and I will    my parents.
A.examine B.understand
C.pull D.disappoint
(D)2.Don’t be    your kid.It is normal for a 5-year-old boy to make mistakes.
A.similar to B.tired of
C.friendly with D.hard on
(C)3.Many tourists visit Hainan around the Spring Festival,because it’s     too cold     too hot.
A.both;and B.not only;but also
C.neither;nor D.either;or
(C)4.   ,I didn’t know him.But we became good friends at last.
A.First of all B.Start with
C.To start with D.Beginning with
(C)5.—What can you learn from Journey to the West
—I learn that we should have enough     to overcome the difficulties in our lives.(2023荆州)
A.danger B.success
C.courage D.excitement
(D)6.In order to remember the story, Peter was made     it five times.
A.repeat B.repeating
C.repeated D.to repeat
(C)7.Bert will spend his holiday in London    in New York,because he just returned from New York last month.
A.such as B.because of
C.rather than D.more than
(B)8.    you are,    mistakes you will make in the exam.
A.The more carefully;the fewer
B.The more careful;the fewer
C.The less careless;the less
D.The less carelessly;the less
(B)9.Leo was    hungry    he rushed to the kitchen,hoping to find something to eat.
A.too;to B.so;that
C.very;to D.such;that
(B)10.Victor was worried that he might be     the team because of his terrible work.
A.taken off B.kicked off
C.turned off D.cleaned off
第二节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Respecting teachers has always been a tradition in China.Yang Shi was a philosopher(哲学家) in the Northern Song Dynasty.One day,he and his schoolmates had different opinions on a question.To get a  11 answer,he went to visit Cheng Yi,the famous philosopher.At Cheng’s house, 12 ,the guarding kid told him that Mr.Cheng was meditating(冥想) in his room and asked him to go back.Yang  13  to leave,so the little boy left him alone and went in.
After a while,it began to snow 14 .The little boy came out again and reminded Yang that Mr.Cheng might spend the whole afternoon meditating.He invited Yang to  15  himself in the house to avoid the wind and snow.But Yang kept standing in the snow and waiting outside in order that he could ask Cheng’s  16  on the question.
As soon as Cheng finished meditating,the boy reported that Yang was waiting outside.When 17  this,Cheng came out to see Yang.When the door was opened, everyone was  18 .The snow was more than a foot deep,but Yang stood still, 19  moving his feet.“Young man,why are you so silly You could have come again someday!” Cheng took Yang to the room at once.
“As a student…if I want to learn from the teacher…I should…of course…respectfully wait outside…” said Yang,shaking with cold.
Cheng was very happy and accepted Yang as his student because of Yang’s politeness and effort to learn.He taught Yang all his philosophical thoughts.That made a big  20  to Yang’s life.Later,Yang really learned a lot and made great contributions(贡献) to his country.
(B)11.A.similar B.correct
C.wrong D.difficult
(B)12.A.besides B.however
C.anyway D.instead
(C)13.A.hoped B.agreed
C.refused D.wanted
(A)14.A.heavily B.early
C.deeply D.wisely
(A)15.A.warm B.find C.cool D.hide
(D)16.A.method B.rule
C.record D.opinion
(A)17.A.hearing B.seeing
C.feeling D.receiving
(C)18.A.excited B.relaxed
C.shocked D.interested
(D)19.A.by B.with
C.on D.without
(B)20.A.choice B.difference
C.decision D.plan
第二部分 阅读理解(共三节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
Do some colors make you feel calm while others give you energy Scientists have studied the connection between colors and moods(心情) for a long time.They find that colors can influence our moods.
Warm,bright colors such as yellow and red are positive(积极的) colors.They can give people a pleasant feeling.Cool colors such as blue,purple and green are relaxing colors.They help people experience calm feelings.Many public places are decorated (装饰) with certain colors in order to create certain moods.Orange makes people feel hungry,and many restaurants are painted in this color.People use colors in their homes to create moods as well.Blue is a peaceful color.It helps you rest,so it is a very good color for a bedroom.However,colors can create bad moods,too.Some types of blue can make people feel sad.Red can make people feel angry.
What is your mood right now Now,look at the color of the walls around you.Does it match your mood
(T)21.Colors can influence our moods according to the passage.
(F)22.Yellow and red can help people experience calm feelings.
(T)23.Some restaurants are painted in orange.
(F)24.People can paint their bedroom in red to keep peaceful.
(F)25.This passage is about the kinds of colors.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
For most of us,stress is a fact of life.But there are many useful ways to lower stress.Let’s take a look.
  Sometimes it can be difficult to say exactly what we’re feeling.When we feel uneasy or disappointed,we can put problems into words.Keeping a diary is a good way to relax.
  If we get angry,music has a wonderful influence on our feelings.When we feel sad,it fills our hearts with warmth.
  When we get nervous or upset before a test,take a few deep breaths.
  Enough sleep helps us keep clear minds.Without plenty of rest,it is hard to pay attention to our study or work.
  Actually,the most important way that we can lower stress is to have a healthy lifestyle.Especially exercise is a key part of staying healthy and good for both physical and mental health.
(B)26.How many ways can we use to lower stress
A.4. B.5. C.6. D.7.
(D)27.What can we do if we feel disappointed
A.We can go to bed.
B.We can call our friends.
C.We can walk on the playground.
D.We can write down our problems.
(A)28.What can we choose to do if we feel sad or angry
A.To listen to music.
B.To study hard.
C.To keep a diary.
D.To read our favorite books.
(C)29.Which way can help us calm down before having a test
A.Drawing pictures.
B.Learning to swim.
C.Taking deep breaths.
D.Having enough sleep.
(D)30.What’s the main idea of the passage
A.It talks about our stress.
B.It tells us how to exercise.
C.It talks about our daily lives.
D.It tells us how to lower stress.
Once upon a time,there was a king.He always worried about what might happen in the future.One day,the king noticed a cobbler(修鞋匠).Although he wore ragged(破旧的) clothes,he was very happy.How could he smile so brightly The king decided to find out.
The next day,the king dressed in rags and followed the cobbler home.
“Please,sir,can you give some food to me ” asked the king.
“Of course,” said the cobbler.
“Why are you so happy ”
“Today I made enough money by repairing shoes to buy the bread.”
“But what if you don’t make enough money for food tomorrow ”
“I have faith(信心).Everything will be fine”.
This touched the king.But he wondered what would happen if the cobbler
couldn’t make enough money.So the next day,the king didn’t permit anyone to repair shoes.The cobbler was puzzled(困惑的),but he wasn’t down.When he saw some villagers trying to carry water home,he helped them and got coins from them.
That evening the king went to the cobbler’s house again.The cobbler was having soup and smiling.
“How could you pay for the food today ” asked the king.
“I made money by helping the villagers carry water,” said the cobbler.
“But what will you do tomorrow ”
“I have faith.Everything will be fine.”
“Your faith has driven away my fear about the future.Thank you,” said the king.
(C)31.The king was unhappy because he     too much.
A.cared for his people
B.loved his money
C.worried about his future
D.missed his family
(B)32.The king followed the cobbler home to find out    .
A.what he ate B.why he was happy
C.if he had bread D.how much he made
(C)33.What does the underlined word “permit” mean in Chinese
A.服务 B.发动战争
C.允许 D.控制
(D)34.The cobbler got the money by     when nobody repaired shoes that day.
A.carrying sand B.selling water
C.repairing shoes D.helping villagers
(A)35.What does the passage tell us
A.We should have faith.
B.We should learn to share.
C.We should trust others.
D.We should remember to relax.
Thousands of runners tied their running shoes and rushed out from the starting line while crowds cheered along the course.Marathons(马拉松) in China are getting popular again.
According to the Chinese Athletics Association,a total of 133 marathons across the country have been registered(注册) for the first six months of the year.On March 26,more than 300,000 runners took part in 26 marathon races nationwide,reported China Daily.
Teenagers have also taken part in marathons.Xu Qian,a 15-year-old from Suqian, Jiangsu,loves running.He got first place in the 5-kilometer Happy Run of the Suqian Marathon held on April 2.For Xu,the race meant months of training and preparation.He ran about 30 to 40 kilometers in local stadiums each week ahead of the run.
“Unlike the 800-meter run at school which is more about speed,a marathon tests a runner’s endurance(耐力) and psychological quality(心理素质),” he said.
When he felt tired during the race,he told himself not to give up.“In long distance running,the only opponent you have to beat is yourself,” Xu added.
Apart from one’s willpower,kindness from the crowds also plays a big part in helping runners get to the finish line.Li Zhouzi from Shanxi took part in a 3-kilometer Kid Run of the Berlin Marathon in Germany in 2019 when she was 10.The cheers from the people along the course really encouraged her.
“When things were hard,people from across the world cheered me on.Even if it was just the words,‘keep it up’,it meant a lot to me and enabled me to keep going to the end,” Li said.
She believes that running a marathon is about focusing on the final goal,not the suffering along the way.“Similarly,our life is also a marathon,” Li said.
(A)36.What does the numbers in Paragraph 2 show
A.Marathons are getting big in China.
B.Our physical fitness is getting better.
C.More and more young people love running.
D.China is holding too many marathons this year.
(B)37.What information can we learn about Xu Qian
A.He was no longer a teenager.
B.He did much training and preparation.
C.He got first place in local stadiums.
D.He didn’t feel tired in the marathon.
(C)38.What does the underlined word “opponent” in Paragraph 5 mean
A.Someone who always controls you.
B.Someone who never refuses you.
C.Someone who competes against you.
D.Someone who often cheers you on.
(D)39.What did Li Zhouzi think of the crowds’ cheering
A.It made her lose focus.
B.It made her feel bored.
C.It didn’t matter a great deal to her.
D.It made her hold on.
(D)40.What is Li Zhouzi’s attitude toward life
A.All the pain and tears are life’s gifts.
B.Pain and suffering are not important at all in our lives.
C.The suffering is more important than the final result.
D.Center on the goal and don’t be afraid of the difficulties.
第三节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
Everyone wants to have good feelings every day.41. B  
Feeling happy means forgetting.There are many unhappy things around us.They make us nervous,worried,angry or jealous(妒忌的).42. A  Just forget all these unhappy things and keep the happy ones in our mind.
Feeling happy means giving.43. F  Give your seat to an old person on a crowded bus.The more you give others,the happier you will feel.So just learn to give!
44. D  Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.Try your best to make your plan come true,and you’ll have a feeling of pride and happiness.
45. G  Playing makes us lively and lovely,but it sometimes makes us forget to do many important things and waste some valuable time.
A.What should we do then
B.But how can we keep happy
C.Let’s relax and enjoy ourselves.
D.Feeling happy also means doing.
E.There are many happy things in my life.
F.Give a helping hand to anyone in trouble.
G.However,feeling happy isn’t just about playing.
第三部分 写作(共三节,满分20分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
46.Which would you rather  do ,go shopping or go fishing (do)
47.I was there for only two days but it  felt  like a week.(feel)
48.Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy,  wealthy  and wise.(wealth)
49.I’m quite in  agreement   with what you said.(agree)
50.His parents felt  disappointed   at what he did.(disappoint)
第二节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
51.I  would rather  stay at home this evening, if that’s all right with you.
52.When he saw the accident,he  called in  the police at once.(叫来)
53.The policemen are  searching for  the lost boy in the forest.(搜查)
54.Waiting for Lily so long  drove/made me crazy∕mad  last night.(使我发疯)
55.Mrs.Green checked everything carefully before she left the hotel,making sure that nothing was  left out .(忽略)
第三节 书面表达(满分10分)
提示:英语有句俗语:“Ten thousand lines can pull a boat.”,从这句话中我们深刻体会到团队协作(teamwork)的重要性,请你分享一次团队协作的经历,如:体育运动,小组合作学习,团队游戏等,写一篇英语短文,并谈谈你对团队协作的看法。

One possible version:
At 5:00 last Friday afternoon,we had a basketball game against Class Three.At the beginning of the game,everyone of our team tried to prove himself to be the best player.We just ran around and didn’t pass the ball to others.Soon we fell behind.When we had a rest,our headmaster advised us to work together as a team.We followed her advice.In the end,we won the game and each of us felt happy.
Through this game,I realize deeply that without teamwork,we can’t achieve success no matter how excellent each one is.The key to success is teamwork.          单元质量评价(Unit 11)
第一部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分20分)
第一节 单项填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
( )1.—What’s wrong with you,Mike
—I didn’t pass the English exam and I will    my parents.
A.examine B.understand
C.pull D.disappoint
( )2.Don’t be    your kid.It is normal for a 5-year-old boy to make mistakes.
A.similar to B.tired of
C.friendly with D.hard on
( )3.Many tourists visit Hainan around the Spring Festival,because it’s     too cold     too hot.
A.both;and B.not only;but also
C.neither;nor D.either;or
( )4.   ,I didn’t know him.But we became good friends at last.
A.First of all B.Start with
C.To start with D.Beginning with
( )5.—What can you learn from Journey to the West
—I learn that we should have enough     to overcome the difficulties in our lives.(2023荆州)
A.danger B.success
C.courage D.excitement
( )6.In order to remember the story, Peter was made     it five times.
A.repeat B.repeating
C.repeated D.to repeat
( )7.Bert will spend his holiday in London    in New York,because he just returned from New York last month.
A.such as B.because of
C.rather than D.more than
( )8.    you are,    mistakes you will make in the exam.
A.The more carefully;the fewer
B.The more careful;the fewer
C.The less careless;the less
D.The less carelessly;the less
( )9.Leo was    hungry    he rushed to the kitchen,hoping to find something to eat.
A.too;to B.so;that
C.very;to D.such;that
( )10.Victor was worried that he might be     the team because of his terrible work.
A.taken off B.kicked off
C.turned off D.cleaned off
第二节 完形填空(共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
Respecting teachers has always been a tradition in China.Yang Shi was a philosopher(哲学家) in the Northern Song Dynasty.One day,he and his schoolmates had different opinions on a question.To get a  11 answer,he went to visit Cheng Yi,the famous philosopher.At Cheng’s house, 12 ,the guarding kid told him that Mr.Cheng was meditating(冥想) in his room and asked him to go back.Yang  13  to leave,so the little boy left him alone and went in.
After a while,it began to snow 14 .The little boy came out again and reminded Yang that Mr.Cheng might spend the whole afternoon meditating.He invited Yang to  15  himself in the house to avoid the wind and snow.But Yang kept standing in the snow and waiting outside in order that he could ask Cheng’s  16  on the question.
As soon as Cheng finished meditating,the boy reported that Yang was waiting outside.When 17  this,Cheng came out to see Yang.When the door was opened, everyone was  18 .The snow was more than a foot deep,but Yang stood still, 19  moving his feet.“Young man,why are you so silly You could have come again someday!” Cheng took Yang to the room at once.
“As a student…if I want to learn from the teacher…I should…of course…respectfully wait outside…” said Yang,shaking with cold.
Cheng was very happy and accepted Yang as his student because of Yang’s politeness and effort to learn.He taught Yang all his philosophical thoughts.That made a big  20  to Yang’s life.Later,Yang really learned a lot and made great contributions(贡献) to his country.
( )11.A.similar B.correct
C.wrong D.difficult
( )12.A.besides B.however
C.anyway D.instead
( )13.A.hoped B.agreed
C.refused D.wanted
( )14.A.heavily B.early
C.deeply D.wisely
( )15.A.warm B.find C.cool D.hide
( )16.A.method B.rule
C.record D.opinion
( )17.A.hearing B.seeing
C.feeling D.receiving
( )18.A.excited B.relaxed
C.shocked D.interested
( )19.A.by B.with
C.on D.without
( )20.A.choice B.difference
C.decision D.plan
第二部分 阅读理解(共三节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
Do some colors make you feel calm while others give you energy Scientists have studied the connection between colors and moods(心情) for a long time.They find that colors can influence our moods.
Warm,bright colors such as yellow and red are positive(积极的) colors.They can give people a pleasant feeling.Cool colors such as blue,purple and green are relaxing colors.They help people experience calm feelings.Many public places are decorated (装饰) with certain colors in order to create certain moods.Orange makes people feel hungry,and many restaurants are painted in this color.People use colors in their homes to create moods as well.Blue is a peaceful color.It helps you rest,so it is a very good color for a bedroom.However,colors can create bad moods,too.Some types of blue can make people feel sad.Red can make people feel angry.
What is your mood right now Now,look at the color of the walls around you.Does it match your mood
(T)21.Colors can influence our moods according to the passage.
(F)22.Yellow and red can help people experience calm feelings.
(T)23.Some restaurants are painted in orange.
(F)24.People can paint their bedroom in red to keep peaceful.
(F)25.This passage is about the kinds of colors.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
For most of us,stress is a fact of life.But there are many useful ways to lower stress.Let’s take a look.
  Sometimes it can be difficult to say exactly what we’re feeling.When we feel uneasy or disappointed,we can put problems into words.Keeping a diary is a good way to relax.
  If we get angry,music has a wonderful influence on our feelings.When we feel sad,it fills our hearts with warmth.
  When we get nervous or upset before a test,take a few deep breaths.
  Enough sleep helps us keep clear minds.Without plenty of rest,it is hard to pay attention to our study or work.
  Actually,the most important way that we can lower stress is to have a healthy lifestyle.Especially exercise is a key part of staying healthy and good for both physical and mental health.
( )26.How many ways can we use to lower stress
A.4. B.5. C.6. D.7.
( )27.What can we do if we feel disappointed
A.We can go to bed.
B.We can call our friends.
C.We can walk on the playground.
D.We can write down our problems.
( )28.What can we choose to do if we feel sad or angry
A.To listen to music.
B.To study hard.
C.To keep a diary.
D.To read our favorite books.
( )29.Which way can help us calm down before having a test
A.Drawing pictures.
B.Learning to swim.
C.Taking deep breaths.
D.Having enough sleep.
( )30.What’s the main idea of the passage
A.It talks about our stress.
B.It tells us how to exercise.
C.It talks about our daily lives.
D.It tells us how to lower stress.
Once upon a time,there was a king.He always worried about what might happen in the future.One day,the king noticed a cobbler(修鞋匠).Although he wore ragged(破旧的) clothes,he was very happy.How could he smile so brightly The king decided to find out.
The next day,the king dressed in rags and followed the cobbler home.
“Please,sir,can you give some food to me ” asked the king.
“Of course,” said the cobbler.
“Why are you so happy ”
“Today I made enough money by repairing shoes to buy the bread.”
“But what if you don’t make enough money for food tomorrow ”
“I have faith(信心).Everything will be fine”.
This touched the king.But he wondered what would happen if the cobbler
couldn’t make enough money.So the next day,the king didn’t permit anyone to repair shoes.The cobbler was puzzled(困惑的),but he wasn’t down.When he saw some villagers trying to carry water home,he helped them and got coins from them.
That evening the king went to the cobbler’s house again.The cobbler was having soup and smiling.
“How could you pay for the food today ” asked the king.
“I made money by helping the villagers carry water,” said the cobbler.
“But what will you do tomorrow ”
“I have faith.Everything will be fine.”
“Your faith has driven away my fear about the future.Thank you,” said the king.
( )31.The king was unhappy because he     too much.
A.cared for his people
B.loved his money
C.worried about his future
D.missed his family
( )32.The king followed the cobbler home to find out    .
A.what he ate B.why he was happy
C.if he had bread D.how much he made
( )33.What does the underlined word “permit” mean in Chinese
A.服务 B.发动战争
C.允许 D.控制
( )34.The cobbler got the money by     when nobody repaired shoes that day.
A.carrying sand B.selling water
C.repairing shoes D.helping villagers
( )35.What does the passage tell us
A.We should have faith.
B.We should learn to share.
C.We should trust others.
D.We should remember to relax.
Thousands of runners tied their running shoes and rushed out from the starting line while crowds cheered along the course.Marathons(马拉松) in China are getting popular again.
According to the Chinese Athletics Association,a total of 133 marathons across the country have been registered(注册) for the first six months of the year.On March 26,more than 300,000 runners took part in 26 marathon races nationwide,reported China Daily.
Teenagers have also taken part in marathons.Xu Qian,a 15-year-old from Suqian, Jiangsu,loves running.He got first place in the 5-kilometer Happy Run of the Suqian Marathon held on April 2.For Xu,the race meant months of training and preparation.He ran about 30 to 40 kilometers in local stadiums each week ahead of the run.
“Unlike the 800-meter run at school which is more about speed,a marathon tests a runner’s endurance(耐力) and psychological quality(心理素质),” he said.
When he felt tired during the race,he told himself not to give up.“In long distance running,the only opponent you have to beat is yourself,” Xu added.
Apart from one’s willpower,kindness from the crowds also plays a big part in helping runners get to the finish line.Li Zhouzi from Shanxi took part in a 3-kilometer Kid Run of the Berlin Marathon in Germany in 2019 when she was 10.The cheers from the people along the course really encouraged her.
“When things were hard,people from across the world cheered me on.Even if it was just the words,‘keep it up’,it meant a lot to me and enabled me to keep going to the end,” Li said.
She believes that running a marathon is about focusing on the final goal,not the suffering along the way.“Similarly,our life is also a marathon,” Li said.
( )36.What does the numbers in Paragraph 2 show
A.Marathons are getting big in China.
B.Our physical fitness is getting better.
C.More and more young people love running.
D.China is holding too many marathons this year.
( )37.What information can we learn about Xu Qian
A.He was no longer a teenager.
B.He did much training and preparation.
C.He got first place in local stadiums.
D.He didn’t feel tired in the marathon.
( )38.What does the underlined word “opponent” in Paragraph 5 mean
A.Someone who always controls you.
B.Someone who never refuses you.
C.Someone who competes against you.
D.Someone who often cheers you on.
( )39.What did Li Zhouzi think of the crowds’ cheering
A.It made her lose focus.
B.It made her feel bored.
C.It didn’t matter a great deal to her.
D.It made her hold on.
( )40.What is Li Zhouzi’s attitude toward life
A.All the pain and tears are life’s gifts.
B.Pain and suffering are not important at all in our lives.
C.The suffering is more important than the final result.
D.Center on the goal and don’t be afraid of the difficulties.
第三节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
Everyone wants to have good feelings every day.41.  
Feeling happy means forgetting.There are many unhappy things around us.They make us nervous,worried,angry or jealous(妒忌的).42. Just forget all these unhappy things and keep the happy ones in our mind.
Feeling happy means giving.43. Give your seat to an old person on a crowded bus.The more you give others,the happier you will feel.So just learn to give!
44. Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today.Try your best to make your plan come true,and you’ll have a feeling of pride and happiness.
45. Playing makes us lively and lovely,but it sometimes makes us forget to do many important things and waste some valuable time.
A.What should we do then
B.But how can we keep happy
C.Let’s relax and enjoy ourselves.
D.Feeling happy also means doing.
E.There are many happy things in my life.
F.Give a helping hand to anyone in trouble.
G.However,feeling happy isn’t just about playing.
第三部分 写作(共三节,满分20分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
46.Which would you rather ,go shopping or go fishing (do)
47.I was there for only two days but it like a week.(feel)
48.Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy, and wise.(wealth)
49.I’m quite in with what you said.(agree)
50.His parents felt at what he did.(disappoint)
第二节 (共5小题;每小题1分,满分5分)
51.I stay at home this evening, if that’s all right with you.
52.When he saw the accident,he the police at once.(叫来)
53.The policemen are the lost boy in the forest.(搜查)
54.Waiting for Lily so long last night.(使我发疯)
55.Mrs.Green checked everything carefully before she left the hotel,making sure that nothing was .(忽略)
第三节 书面表达(满分10分)
提示:英语有句俗语:“Ten thousand lines can pull a boat.”,从这句话中我们深刻体会到团队协作(teamwork)的重要性,请你分享一次团队协作的经历,如:体育运动,小组合作学习,团队游戏等,写一篇英语短文,并谈谈你对团队协作的看法。



