Unit 4 Fun with numbers 表格式教案

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Unit 4 Fun with numbers 表格式教案


单元 第四单元 课型 听说教学新授课 主备人
课 题 Fun with numbers-Meet meaningful numbers
目标确定依据 语篇研读 What:本课时是梳理并介绍鸡妈妈数蛋、数小鸡的趣味故事,在故事中自然习得语言,巩固用英文数数的能力,体会鸡妈妈对宝宝的关爱,认识到数字与生活的密切关联。同时,在“认识数字”单元主题下,承担的子主题意义为“夯实数字的应用,达到数形转化的目的”。 Why:鸡妈妈清点小鸡数量,感知数量在生活情境中的运用。 How:根据图片和标题,推测故事的主题、语境及主要信息;借助故事图和核心语言,讲述故事主要内容;能正确书写字母、单词、句子。
课标依据 语言能力:能围绕相关主题,运用所学语言,与他人进行简单的交流。 文化意识:能在日常生活中中,尝试理解对方的感受;有将语言学习与做人、做事相结合的意识和行动。 思维品质:能从不同角度辩证地看待事物,学会换位思考;能根据图片或关键词,识别、概括语篇的关键信息、主要内容、主题意义和观点。 学习能力:能在学习活动中与他人合作,共同完成学习任务;能在学习过程中认真思考,主动探究,尝试通过多种方式发现并解决语言学习中的问题。
学情分析 已有知识:学生已经有一定的语言基础,对于数字的表达也比较容易理解和掌握。大部分学生能正确表达,运用 未知知识:对日常生活中常见的、有意义的数字没有那么敏感,应用不灵活。 障碍点:灵活应用数字,与日常生活相联系。
学习目标 评价任务
1.在看、听、说的活动中理解故事大意,获取、梳理鸡妈妈寻 找小鸡过程中数字的应用和心情的变化,感受鸡妈妈对小鸡的爱。(学习理解) 任务1:听音,回答问题(目标1) 通过感知课文,熟练朗读课文,师生互动,概括和提炼故事大意,回答老师提出的问题。 实施:个人回答
2.在故事图和关键词的帮助下表演或复述故事。(应用实践) 任务3:分角色扮演朗读课文(目标3) 通过跟读课文,听并回答问题、小组内多维朗读,等形式,分角色表演课文。 实施:小组内练习,然后班级内展示,教师点评。
3.在小组内,借助支架介绍农场乐园中动植物的数量,感受动物之间的温馨,进而体会母爱的伟大。(迁移创新) 任务3:续写故事(目标4) 小组合作,看图续写Happy Farm,介绍动物的数量。 实施:小组内练习,然后班级内展示,教师点评。
核心知识 1.核心知识:1-12的数字的英文表达 2.核心能力:数字在日常生活中的应用
核心问题 如何在日常生活中运用数字表达 How many Let me count. One , two,.....
教学准备 课本、PPT、学历案、照片等
教 学 过 程 基 于 语 篇 问题与活动(做什么、怎么做) 评价设计
Ⅰ.Warm-up and lead in Sing a song together. 【设计意图】复习第一课时所学的数字,通过歌曲的方式认读数字1-12,为后面的配图故事激活背景知识。 Free talk. Show the learning objectives. (展示本节课的学习目标) Task: Introduce the happy farm. (出示本节课的任务) Ⅱ. Presentation Review T: In Lesson 1, we can say numbers one to twelve. Now let’s play a game to review the numbers. T: Look at this picture. Do you remember it Who painted it How many birds in this picture Yes, twelve, let’s count together. These birds are very beautiful and lovely. Do you want to see more beautiful and lovely animals Today we are going on a school trip to visit a Happy Farm. Story reading T: Look, this is our happy farm. There are many animals, fruit and vegetables in the farm. There is an interesting story on the farm. Let’s have a look. What happens on the farm Our task is to expand the story. (呈现学习大任务) 2.T:Look here, what are these There are some eggs and a chicken. How many eggs Please open your books and turn to page 46, read picture one and two and answer my questions. T: Yes, 12 eggs. Let’s count together. T: How many babies Baby chicken also can called “chick”, Baby chicken can called “chick”. T:How about mother chicken is called hen. In picture 2, Why does the hen sit on her eggs For babies. T: Can you guess: How many days to sit Let’s watch a video. You may get the answer. T: Yes, 21 days. In addition to going out for food, the hen sit in the nest for 21 days. It’s very hard. T: Do you know how many days do other animals to birth Let’s watch a video. Intensive Reading 4.T: Look at the face of the hen. How does she feel T: She feels happy. Why Because she will have twelve babies. T: Look at this picture. She cries. How does she feel now She feels sad. Why T: Let’s go on reading. Read picture 3. what does the hen do 5.T: Why does she leave She’s hungry and she leaves. T: Guess: What will happen Maybe a snake eats the eggs. Maybe a thief steals the eggs. Maybe the eggs hatch into chicks. 6.T: Let’s see what happens Please read picture 4 One egg comes out of the shell. 7.T : And how many eggs now Please read picture 5 and 6 Only 11 eggs She fells sad and looks for her egg. 8.T: Does she find her baby Please read picture 7 A chick makes a cheep cheep sound. She find her babies. How does she feel now She feels happy again. How many babies Can you count When babies lost. Mothers are very worried. When babies are in danger, mothers will protect the child. Mother’s love is so great. We should love our mothers. T: Now let’s watch the whole story and repeat. T: Role play 【设计意图】本阶段的学习活动旨在帮助学生在故事图和板书的帮助下,尝试有逻辑的讲故事。通过表演故事,促进学生在体验中深入理解故事发展,深刻体会随着故事情节发展人物情感的变化,潜移默化深化学生对“爱”的认识。 B等:能听并准确回答大部分问题。 A等:能听并准确回答问题。 B:能根据课文内容准确回答问题。 A:能准确流利朗读课文,并进行表演。 A+:能在关键词的辅助下复述课文。
深入语篇 Ⅲ. Extension Expand the story T: The hen find her babies. And now the hen will take her 12 babies to play on the farm. What will happen Now please expand the story.
超越语篇 T: Do you know other numbers Chinese numbers, Arabic numbers, Roman numbers. Present a Chinese poem which contains many numbers. T: Numbers are fun. Numbers are magic. Numbers are useful. Be a good thinker. Try to find more numbers in our life.(留心身边的数字)
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