Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth! Section A (3a-3b)教学设计-2024-2025学年人教新目标九年级英语全册

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Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth! Section A (3a-3b)教学设计-2024-2025学年人教新目标九年级英语全册


Unit 13 We’re trying to save the earth! Section A (3a-3b)Save the sharks! 教学设计
本节课是人教版 Go for it!九年级英语全一册的Unit13 We’re trying to save the earth!的第三课时Section A 3a-3b Save the Sharks! 本节课 3a部分为一篇阅读课,而且是一封倡议书。其一般包括背景、问题和解决方法;其目的为号召大家共同去做一些事情。本节课主题为保护鲨鱼等濒危野生动物。本文介绍了人类为获取鱼翅而捕捉鲨鱼,致使鲨鱼数量在二、三十年间减少百分之九十;也介绍了社会组织团体和个人都能够在保护动物的活动中发挥积极作用。本单元的话题为环境污染问题,保护濒危动物以及对于环境的保护,我们作为普通人也可以做很多力所能及的事情来保护我们赖以生存的环境。
Unit13虽然在语法层面上是九年级全一册的复习单元,复习巩固了现在进行时,used to 用法等语法知识;但是它的环境保护主题在初中阶段的学习中是非常重要的;学习的与环境保护相关的词汇和表达方式部分也是非常重要的。我所授课的学生们在初三上学期还经历了长时间的网课阶段,导致部分孩子基础有些薄弱,部分内容掌握的也有些不扎实。但大多数孩子学习态度比较端正,学习积极认真。对于本单元的学习,大部分学生对环境污染、环境保护和保护濒危动物都有一定的简单了解。但是学生们可能会觉得保护地球、保护环境这种话题距离我们一般人特别遥远。通过本单元的授课和一些视频的播放,要让孩子们对于环境保护有新的认知,要让学生能够用英语表述我们普通人也可以做很多有利于生态环境保护的行为。
1.Teaching objectives
1.Master the word expressions and the focal sentences.
2.Talk about endangered animals—sharks and the ways to save the sharks.
3.Retell the passage and make a poster to protect the endangered animals.
4.Have the sense of protecting sharks and respecting nature.
(humans and nature)
2.Teaching Procedures
Pre -reading
Step1. Lead-in
1. Present a picture of a shark and have a brainstorming about sharks.
2. Let students watch a video and answer the questions according to it.
T: What is the video about
S:It’s about...
T: How do you feel after watching the video.
Let students guess what the passage is about.(By reading the tittle and the picture.)(设计意图:引导学生使用标题和图片来预测本节课话题。)
Step3.Fast reading
1)Match the main ideas. Read the title, the first and last sentences in each paragraphs and match the main ideas.
2)Work on 3a.Read the passage about sharks and complete the fact sheet below.
(设计意图:通过 Scanning等阅读策略来完成表格)
Step4.Careful reading
1) Read para1 and answer the question. What can we learn from Para1
2)Read para2 and answer the question.
① If a shark doesn’t have a fin, what will happen
②Why are sharks endangered now
③What does the writer think of “finning”
3)Read para3 and answer the question.
①Who can help to save the sharks
②Thinking: Watch a video and answer what we can do to save the sharks.
(设计意图:通过视频得出结论,没有买卖就没有杀害)Careful reading设计意图:本部分是课文细读部分。每读完一部分都要完成相应的任务,以检测对文章细节的理解。通过问题设计,让学生带着问题阅读,提高他们的英语阅读能力以及解决问题的能力。
Step5.Retell the passage.
Step6.Group work.
1)Let students make a poster and give a speech about how to save the endangered animals.
2)Summarize the things we can do:It’s our responsibility to protect species diversity. (设计意图:得出结论保护物种多样性是我们的责任。)
3)Show some China’s traditional spiritual concepts of protecting nature!
Step7.Have a summary
Make a summary of the passage.
1. Search the top ten endangered animals in the world and write down.
2. Draw a mind map.
3.Write an article on how to save the endangered animals.
(You can choose one kind of animals)


