2025届高考英语题型逐个击破03 阅读理解之主旨大意题(题型解读,解题技巧,新题速递)(含解析)

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2025届高考英语题型逐个击破03 阅读理解之主旨大意题(题型解读,解题技巧,新题速递)(含解析)


1. 概括性——准确而又简短;
2. 针对性——标题外延正好与文章内容相符;
3. 醒目性——能引发读者的阅读欲望。
1. 正面肯定法:在理解文章主旨的基础上,揣摩哪个选项能准确概括主旨;
2. 反面否定法:撇开原文,拿各个备选项去设想用它们写出来的“文章”将是什么内容,然后和原文章对照,一一排除不符选项;
3. 研读备选项本身:研读备选项里面的中心词、修饰词的变化、结构、概括性等。
1. 段落中出现表示转折的词语(如however, but, in fact, actually等)时,该句很可能是主题句。
2. 首段出现疑问句时,对该问句的回答很可能就是文章主旨。
3. 作者有意识地重复的观点,通常是主旨;反复出现的词语,一般为体现文章主旨的关键词。
4. 表示总结或结论的句子常包含therefore, thus, in short, conclude, conclusion等词,通常是主旨。
(2024·江苏·南京二模)Having worked for more than a decade in finance in the oil industry in Canada, Tori Fahey found herself wanting more from life. But it wasn't through desperation that her circumstances changed: “I didn't get fed up and storm off, nothing like that; it was curiosity about other interests and wanting to experience something new.”
Fahey left her job and completed an MBA before setting up a move to New York to begin a degree. However, the opportunity of an open year between the MBA and the degree came up, and as a keen touring cyclist, Fahey realised that a much dreamed-about adventure was now becoming a possibility: "The ride in Africa had been on my fantasy list. It was a moment when I realised that I could do anything, so I should."
Fahey rode across Africa, a 7,500-mile trip that took four months. The whole experience had a life-changing impact. Fahey said: “Bicycles provide a literal freedom. You don't allow yourself to feel like that in everyday life because there are so many distractions. But when you' re out on the bike and there's nothing else, you' re really free to experience what life is.”
Post-degree, Fahey worked on projects with the UNDP(United Nations Development Project) in Montenegro with the aim of bringing investment to rural communities.
It was while working on these projects that the seeds were sown for the next new investment. “It was through my trip across Africa that I discovered pannier and rack systems inconvenient and I was never going to use them again.” Little did she know this would lead her to start up her own company.
In 2013, Apidura was born, producing storage solutions for people looking to travel the world by bike, race across continents and carry all they need to do so. It's now a successful global brand, but Fahey remains reflective about what else the company can do for people.
1. Why did Fahey leave her job in Canada
A. She was bored with the job. B. She was disappointed with life.
C. She wanted to add new dimensions to her life. D. She found it hard to adjust to the circumstances.
2. Which can best describe Fahey's ride experience in Africa
A. Demanding. B. Liberating. C. Eventful. D. Dangerous.
3. Why did Fahey launch Apidura
A. To encourage bicycle traveling. B. To make her investment profitable.
C. To help cyclists carry traveling stuff. D. To increase the pleasure of riding bikes.
4. What is the passage mainly about
A. A tough path to fame. B. An adventure across Africa.
C. The benefits of green travelling. D. The story behind the birth of Apidura.
【答案】1. C 2. B 3. C 4. D
【分析】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了渴望体验新事物的Tori Fahey辞掉了工作,在接受MBA学位教育期间去非洲进行了自行车旅行,在旅途中感到很自由,还因此创办了自己的公司Apidura。
1. 细节理解题。根据第一段“Having worked for more than a decade in finance in the oil industry in Canada, Tori Fahey found herself wanting more from life. But it wasn't through desperation that her circumstances changed: “I didn't get fed up and storm off, nothing like that it was curiosity about other interests and wanting to experience something new.”(Tori Fahey在加拿大石油行业金融业工作了十多年,发现自己想从生活中得到更多。但她的情况并不是在绝望中改变的:“我并不是因为受够了而愤然离开,而是对其他兴趣的好奇,想要体验新事物。”)”可知,Fahey辞掉她在加拿大的工作是因为她想给她的生活增加新的维度。故选C。
2. 推理判断题。根据第三段中“Fahey said: “Bicycles provide a literal freedom. You don't allow yourself to feel like that in everyday life because there are so many distractions. But when you' re out on the bike and there's nothing else, you' re really free to experience what life is.”(Fahey说:“自行车提供了一种真正的自由。在日常生活中你不会有这样的感觉,因为有太多的干扰。但当你骑着自行车外出时,没有别的干扰,你就可以真正自由地体验生活。”)”可推知,Fahey在非洲的骑行经历很自由。故选B。
3. 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中““It was through my trip across Africa that I discovered pannier and rack systems inconvenient and I was never going to use them again.” Little did she know this would lead her to start up her own company.(“在我穿越非洲的旅途中,我发现pannier和rack系统很不方便,我再也不会使用它们了。”她当时根本不知道这会促使她创办自己的公司)”以及最后一段中“In 2013, Apidura was born, producing storage solutions for people looking to travel the world by bike, race across continents and carry all they need to do so.(2013年,Apidura诞生了,为那些想要骑自行车环游世界、跨大洲比赛并携带所需物品的人提供存储解决方案)”可知,Fahey创办Apidura是为了帮助骑自行车的人携带旅行物品。故选C。
4. 主旨大意题。根据最后一段“In 2013, Apidura was born, producing storage solutions for people looking to travel the world by bike, race across continents and carry all they need to do so. It's now a successful global brand, but Fahey remains reflective about what else the company can do for people.(2013年,Apidura诞生了,为那些想要骑自行车环游世界、跨大洲比赛并携带所需物品的人提供存储解决方案。它现在是一个成功的全球品牌,但Fahey仍然在思考公司还能为人们做些什么)”结合文章主要讲述了渴望体验新事物的Tori Fahey辞掉了工作,在接受MBA学位教育期间去非洲进行了自行车旅行,在旅途中感到很自由,还因此创办了自己的公司Apidura,可知,这篇文章主要讲了Apidura诞生背后的故事。故选D。
(2024·北京·一模)Envelope Budget
From McDonald’s to Sonic, fast food had a bad effect on my waistline and my budget. It was nothing to run to a drive-through to pick up a cold drink or a quick bite to eat. It was so easy to use my card for a small purchase. For me, I got a lot of satisfaction from fast food.
One day I sat down and calculated that I was spending a surprising $40 a week on fast food. This was a lot of iced coffee and hamburgers! Instead of reducing my guilty pleasures, I decided to give myself a strong budget to reduce my consumption. Every Monday I placed an envelope with$20 in my purse. That was my fast food budget for the entire week. If there was anything left over at the end of the week, it was mine to save or spend. If I spent all of the money during the week, there were no more fast food stops that week.
The budget made me more mindful of my purchases. Instead of purchasing a large drink from Sonic, I would purchase a small. It was still satisfying but not nearly as pricey. Instead of eating a whole meal, I would pick the part that I actually wanted. Many days, the thought of hanging onto the money for a special purpose meant more to me than the instant satisfaction of fast food. I never really felt unhappy because it was a conscious choice to spend or save with each purchase.
Envelope budget kept me honest. I had a clear idea how much money was spent each week on fast food purchases. I started to bring my lunches more often to save more money for the week. It was a fun challenge to see how much I could save every week.
Changing the way I spent on fast food not only helped my budget, but improved my weight. In the first month I was able to get rid of 5 pounds by simply changing the way I approached spending on fast food. Now I am more likely to bring my lunch than to buy it. I am not upset, but empowered to make positive choices to improve my life.
5. According to Paragraph 1, the author ______.
A. had no time to cook for herself B. was fond of fast food very much
C. lived with a small amount of money D. got some benefits from using her card
6. We can infer from the last paragraph that ______.
A. envelope budget is good for health B. the budget means a pressure on life
C. it is unusual to make some changes D. it is hard to enjoy a healthy lifestyle
7. What is the passage mainly about
A. Why the author became addicted to fast food. B. Why the author took envelope budget seriously.
C. How fast food controlled the author’s behavior. D. How envelope budget changed the author’s life.
【答案】5. B 6. A 7. D
5. 细节理解题。根据第一段中“For me, I got a lot of satisfaction from fast food.(对我来说,我从快餐中得到了很多满足)”可知,作者从快餐上获得了很多满足感,喜欢快餐,故选 B。
6. 推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Changing the way I spent on fast food not only helped my budget, but improved my weight. In the first month I was able to get rid of 5 pounds by simply changing the way I approached spending on fast food.(改变我在快餐上的花费方式不仅帮助了我节约预算,而且改善了我的体重。在第一个月,我仅仅通过改变我在快餐上的消费方式就能减掉5磅)”可知,进行信封预算后作者的体重得到控制。由此推知,信封预算有益于身体健康,故选A。
7. 主旨大意题。根据第三段“The budget made me more mindful of my purchases. ”(信封预算让我更加注意我的购买),第四段的“Envelope budget kept me honest. ”(信封预算让我诚实)和最后一段“Changing the way I spent on fast food not only helped my budget, but improved my weight. In the first month I was able to get rid of 5 pounds by simply changing the way I approached spending on fast food. Now I am more likely to bring my lunch than to buy it. I am not upset, but empowered to make positive choices to improve my life.(改变我在快餐上的花费方式不仅帮助了我节约预算,而且改善了我的体重。在第一个月,我仅仅通过改变我在快餐上的消费方式就能减掉5磅。现在我更愿意自带午餐,而不是去买。我并不难过,但我有能力做出积极的选择来改善我的生活)”结合文章讲述了作者因为在快餐上消费太多,不仅体重增加而且花费太多的钱,因此决定改变这种情况。他每周放进信封20元钱作为购买快餐的费用,这样限制了购买快餐的费用但是并没有让她感到不快乐,并因此做出积极乐观的选择改善自己的生活。可知,这篇文章主要讲了信封预算如何改变了作者的生活的。故选 D。
(2024·山东潍坊·二模)On the outside, 12-year-old Luna seems like your average kid. It's not until you get to know her that you learn that Luna is anything but average.
Born with a heart defect (缺陷)called dextrocardia, Luna has had three open-heart operations and continues to pursue her interests in art and fashion. But when Luna was approached by athletic shoe company Saucony to design a shoe for sale across the country, it came as quite a surprise.
“This is so incredible. I got to use my art and creativity for something new that I'd never thought I'd be able to design,“ Luna said. She is one of six patients from Boston Children's Hospital ( BCH) who have partnered with Saucony to design their own shoe to launch the Shoes with Soul campaign.
“Rather than just a donation, we wanted to create an experience and a moment that would not only raise money, but also awareness to highlight all the amazing work that's being done at BCH,“ says Chris, Saucony's vice president. “Specifically, we wanted to give some of the BCH kids an opportunity to share their story and their talents with the world. ”
Luna's design is fashion. u On the tongue ,they digitalized one of my drawings, and then on bottom it's a really bright pink color, and on the inside ,the sole of the shoe is actually another drawing I did of a sunset,“ she said. "Thinking about kids everywhere around the world wearing my shoe is amazing. It blows my mind.”
The income from the shoe sales will benefit the Boston Children's Hospital Cardiac Fitness Program, which encourages kids to “find your possible" through personalized exercise programs tailored for each individual patient's heart condition.
“It feels really good to help people and it's really something I can relate to,“ says Luna. “The advice I would give a kid or someone like me is never give up. There are a lot of kids out there with your condition and you're not alone.”
8. What can we learn from Chris' words
A. It's unwise to raise money.
B. It's optional to seek donations.
C. It's wonderful to study art.
D. It's necessary to show kids' talents.
9. What does Luna mean by “It blows my mind" in paragraph 5
A. I'm overjoyed. B. ['m very serious.
C. My mind goes blank. D. My mind is racing.
10. Which of the following best describes Luna
A. Gifted and determined. B. Generous and serious.
C. Grateful and helpful. D. Creative and sensitive.
11. What is the text mainly intended to do
A. Tell us a story of a disabled girl.
B. Set a good example to the disabled.
C. Launch Saucony's new brand shoes.
D. Introduce a campaign with kid patients.
【答案】8. D 9. A 10. A 11. D
【分析】这是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了一个有着先天性心脏缺损的12岁孩子Luna没有选择放弃,而是与Saucony公司合作,用自己的艺术天赋和坚持,设计出了自己的鞋子,发起“Shoes with soul(有灵魂的鞋子)”活动,最终通过这项活动来帮助其他患有心脏疾病的人。
8. 推理判断题。根据文章第四段“Rather than just a donation, we wanted to create an experience and a moment that would not only raise money, but also awareness to highlight all the amazing work that's being done at BCH”(不仅仅是捐款,我们想创造一种体验和时刻,不仅是为了筹集资金,也是为了让人们意识到BCH正在做的所有了不起的工作)和“Specifically, we wanted to give some of the BCH kids an opportunity to share their story and their talents with the world.”(特别地,我们想给BCH的孩子们一个机会,与世界分享他们的故事和他们的才能。)可知,展示孩子的才能是必要的。故选D。
9. 词句猜测题。根据文章第五段Luna的话“Thinking about kids everywhere around the world wearing my shoe is amazing.”(想到世界各地的孩子都穿着我的鞋,真是太棒了。)可找到关键词amazing,表示“惊人的,了不起的”,可知,Luna觉得若是每个孩子都能穿上她设计的鞋子,是一件令她高兴惊喜的事。因此推断“It blows my mind”表明Luna是极为高兴的。故选A。
10. 推理判断题。根据文章第二段的“continues to pursue her interests in art and fashion”( 继续追求她在艺术和时尚方面的兴趣)、第三段的“I got to use my art and creativity for something new”( 我开始用我的艺术和创造力去做一些新的事情)以及第四段的“share their story and their talents”(分享他们的故事和他们的天赋)可以看出Luna是有才华,有天赋的(talented/gifted),又根据文章第二段“Luna has had three open-heart operations and continues to pursue her interests in art and fashion.”( Luna做过三次心脏手术,并继续追求她对艺术和时尚的兴趣。)以及最后一段“The advice I would give a kid or someone like me is never give up.”( 我给孩子或像我这样的人的建议是永远不要放弃。)可以看出Luna是意志坚定的(determined)。故选A。
11. 主旨大意题。全文围绕“Luna是如何参与到这个活动的?”“这个活动是什么内容?”“活动的目的是什么?”以及“活动有什么重要意义?”“Luna想通过这个活动传递什么?”来讲述。因此推断D项:Introduce a campaign with kid patients.(介绍一项针对儿童患者的活动)是文章的目的。故选D。
(2024·四川达州·二模)The phrase “Keeping up with the Joneses" has been an American saying for decades, likely coming from a picture book, which describes a family in a constant straggle to achieve the social status of their neighbors, the Joneses. While the picture book is long gone, the saying remains and the phenomenon still exists.
The Joneses are everywhere, living a successful and wealthy life. Their skin is beautiful, their body is perfect, and they have much money. They have the good house, pets, smart children and they seem never to struggle. For people, the Joneses take the form of a particular family and they regard the Joneses as a description of perfection.
We tell ourselves constantly if we could become someone just like our neighbors, we would be happy. However, as we compare ourselves with others, we notice the deep pain that these comparisons bring about. Well then, what do we do about the Joneses We should remind ourselves nobody is perfect and perfection is an illusion. So we should train our brains to question or change the distorted (歪曲的) ways of thinking, and see the big picture.
While the methods above do help us see others more clearly, the methods alone won't solve the problem. Moving away from comparison means turning inward to address our insecurities and inviting more mercy. From there, we can honestly begin to notice what we want for ourselves and work to reach those goals. That, finally, is the road to a peaceful mind.
As we move away from the comparative model of judging worth and stop seeing others, success as a treat, we can even feel glad that the Joneses have meaningful careers. We can hope their marriage is happy, their bank account is full, and that their children are successful. We can hope good things happen to the Joneses.
12. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about
A. How "the Joneses" live.
B. What your neighbors have.
C. Why "the Joneses" are perfect.
D. How your neighbors affect you.
13. Which is the eventual benefit of giving up comparison
A. Being grateful to life. B. Understanding others.
C. Gaining peace of mind. D. Being close to perfection.
14. What does the author advise us to do
A. Follow our neighbors. B. Avoid perfect people.
C. Show our love to other people. D. Treat others with a normal attitude.
15. What can be a suitable title for the text
A. How Do We Become Perfect
B. Should We Keep up with the Joneses
C. How Should We Get on with Neighbors
D. Does the Phenomenon of Comparison Exist
【答案】12. B 13. C 14. D 15. B
12. 段落大意题。根据文章第二段第一句“Joneses are everywhere, living a successful and wealthy life.(琼斯一家到处都是,过着成功而富有的生活)”可知,本段都在描述的是我们的邻居都拥有什么,让我们觉得他们是成功的和富有的。故选B。
13. 细节理解题。根据文章第四段“Moving away from comparison means turning inward to address our insecurities and inviting more mercy. From there, we can honestly begin to notice what we want for ourselves and work to reach those goals. That, finally, is the road to a peaceful mind.(远离攀比意味着转向内心去解决我们的不安全感,并招来更多的怜悯。从那时起,我们就能真正开始注意到自己想要什么,并努力去实现这些目标。最终,这是通往平静心灵的道路)”可知,放弃攀比的最终好处就是使内心平静。故选C。
14. 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段“As we move away from the comparative model of judging worth and stop seeing others, success as a treat, we can even feel glad that the Joneses have meaningful careers. We can hope their marriage is happy, their bank account is full, and that their children are successful. We can hope good things happen to the Joneses. (当我们不再用比较模式来判断价值,不再把别人的成功当作一种享受时,我们甚至会为与自己地位相当的人拥有有意义的事业而感到高兴。我们可以希望他们的婚姻美满,他们的银行存款充足,他们的孩子很成功。我们可以希望好事情发生在琼斯夫妇身上)”可知,当我们不去攀比的时候,我们就会用一种正常的态度去对待别人的成功,所以作者建议我们用正常的态度去对待别人。故选D。
15. 主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“The phrase “Keeping up with the Joneses” has been an American saying for decades, likely coming from a picture book, which describes a family in a constant straggle to achieve the social status of their neighbors, the Joneses. (“攀比”这句话在美国已经流传几十年了,可能出自一本绘本,描述了一个家庭如何不断努力想要比上邻居)”以及第四段“Moving away from comparison means turning inward to address our insecurities and inviting more mercy. From there, we can honestly begin to notice what we want for ourselves and work to reach those goals. That, finally, is the road to a peaceful mind. (远离攀比意味着转向内心去解决我们的不安全感,并招来更多的怜悯。从那时起,我们就能真正开始注意到自己想要什么,并努力去实现这些目标。最终,这是通往平静心灵的道路)”可知,本文主题就是要告诫我们不要攀比,才能找到并实现自己的目标,使内心获得平静。B选项“Should We Keep up with the Joneses (我们应该攀比吗)”符合文章主题思想,适合作标题。故选B。
(2024·安徽黄山·二模)What is the best part of a typical relaxing summer day Nothing is better than sitting in an armchair with a beer and some chips in your hand, enjoying the great comfort.
The much-loved combination of beer and chips is being exploited for the first time to deal with climate change. Chips firm Walkers has adopted a technique it says will cut CO2 emissions (排放) from its production process by 70%.
The technology will use CO2 captured from beer processing in a brewery (啤酒厂), which is then mixed with potato waste and turned into fertilizer. It will then be spread on UK fields to feed the following year’s potato crop. Creating fertilizer normally produces high CO2 emissions, but the technology adopted by Walkers makes fertilizer without generating CO2. So, the beer-and-chips combination performs a double function. It stops the emission of brewery CO2 into the atmosphere — and it saves on the CO2 normally generated by fertilizer production.
This Creative win-win solution was developed with an approval from the UK government by a 14-employee start-up called CCm. The fertilizer was experimented on potato seed beds this year, and next year Walkers will install CCm equipment at its Leicester factory to prepare for its 2022 crop.
A decision has not yet been made on which brewery Walkers will work with on this. The new technology adds to carbon-saving techniques already under way. The firm has installed an anaerobic digester (厌氧消化池), which feeds potato waste to bacteria to produce a useful gas. The gas is burned to make electricity for the chip-frying process — so this saves on burning gas or coal.
The new system will go a step further by taking away potato “cake” left after digestion — and mixing the brewery CO2 into it to make an enriched fertilizer which will help put carbon back into the soil as well as encouraging plant growth.
It’s an example of scientists finding ways to use CO2 emissions which otherwise would increase the over-heating of the planet.
16. What is the purpose of the first paragraph
A. To draw readers’ attention.
B. To entertain readers.
C. To show how useful beer and chips are to our life.
D. To introduce a way of life.
17. Which of the following is an advantage of the system
A. It will be totally cost-free.
B. It doesn’t consume any energy.
C. It will be a perfect solution to climate change.
D. It is environmentally-friendly.
18. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about
A. How CO2 is turned into fertilizer.
B. How the technology stops CO2 emissions.
C. How an energy-saving green technology works.
D. The advantages of a new technology.
19. What can be inferred from the text
A. The technology will fix the problem of global warming.
B. Walkers has a wide range of partner choices.
C. This technology will be adopted by many chips firms soon.
D. Scientists are seeking solutions to climate change.
【答案】16. A 17. D 18. C 19. D
16. 推理判断题。根据第一段“What is the best part of a typical relaxing summer day Nothing is better than sitting in an armchair with a beer and some chips in your hand, enjoying the great comfort. (一个典型的放松的夏日里最好的部分是什么?没有什么比坐在扶手椅上,手里拿着啤酒和一些薯条,享受这种巨大的舒适更好的了。)”和第二段中“The much-loved combination of beer and chips is being exploited for the first time to deal with climate change. (人们喜爱的啤酒和薯条的组合首次被用来应对气候变化。)”可知,第一段的目的是吸引读者的注意,引出下文。故选A项。
17. 细节理解题。根据第二段中“Chips firm Walkers has adopted a technique it says will cut CO2 emissions (排放) from its production process by 70%. (薯片公司Walkers采用了一种技术,据说可以将其生产过程中的二氧化碳排放量减少70%。)”和第三段中“Creating fertilizer normally produces high CO2 emissions, but the technology adopted by Walkers makes fertilizer without generating CO2. So, the beer-and-chips combination performs a double function. (制造肥料通常会产生很高的二氧化碳排放,但Walkers所采用的技术在制造肥料时不会产生二氧化碳。因此,啤酒和薯条的组合有双重功能。)”可知,该系统的优点之一是有环保性。故选D项。
18. 主旨大意题。根据第三段中“The technology will use CO2 captured from beer processing in a brewery (啤酒厂), which is then mixed with potato waste and turned into fertilizer. It will then be spread on UK fields to feed the following year’s potato crop. (这项技术将使用啤酒厂从啤酒加工过程中捕获的二氧化碳,然后与马铃薯废料混合,变成肥料。然后,它将被传播到英国的田地里,为来年的马铃薯作物提供养料。)”和“It stops the emission of brewery CO2 into the atmosphere — and it saves on the CO2 normally generated by fertilizer production. (它可以阻止啤酒厂将二氧化碳排放到大气中,还可以节省通常由化肥生产产生的二氧化碳。)”可知,本段主要是介绍了这项绿色节能技术的工作原理。故选C项。
19. 推理判断题。根据最后一段“It’s an example of scientists finding ways to use CO2 emissions which otherwise would increase the over-heating of the planet. (这是科学家们设法利用二氧化碳排放的一个例子,否则它会加剧地球的过热。)”可推知,科学家们正在寻找气候变化的解决方案。故选D项。
(2024高四川绵阳·三模)How does a brilliant teacher get that way The question of how they developed has as many answers as there are inspired instructors. One example is an original and magnetic woman who has become one of best ever at taking disadvantaged students to a new level.
Jackson was born in Altoona. Her father was a construction worker. When she was in the eighth grade, her father died just before Christmas. Her principal, Mrs. Brown, said not to worry about schoolwork for a while. That upset her. Her father would not have wanted her to do anything but her best. He always said: “Don’t let your first failure be the reason for your next.”
Jackson was an accomplished shooting guard in basketball and a star sprinter on the track team, running the quarter — mile in 57 seconds. She thought she might become a sports broadcaster. She gave no thought to teaching until a friend took her to an introduction to a program, which placed novice instructors in schools full of low-income children. Jackson liked the idea of giving back, as well as the chance to have some of her student loans forgiven.
She is a big sports person, and that is how she connects with lots of kids. She couldn’t motivate children until she knew what was bothering or pleasing them. “Students learn from people who love them.” she said, “They will be motivated and inspired to learn if they know deep down that you care about them." In class she gave basketball tickets to students who were doing their work. At weekly drawings they could win sticky notes, pencils or other small prizes.
She helped create after-school clubs. A tall student said to her: “I’m a bailer. I heard you ball.” There was a basketball league in Paterson, but the school didn’t have a team. Jackson started one with support from local business executives. The student, Essence Carson, went to Rutgers University, was a first-round draft (运动员选拔机制) selection for the WNBA’s New York Liberty and now plays for the Connecticut Sun.
20. Why did Mrs. Brown’s words upset Jackson
A. Her father just passed away. B. She was taught to do her best.
C. Her first failure led to another one. D. She was concerned about her grades.
21. What is the main idea of Paragraph 3
A. The way Jackson turned teacher. B. The dream job Jackson desired.
C. The student loans Jackson owed. D. The athletics Jackson did well in.
22. Why did Jackson give small prizes to her students in class
A. To connect with them. B. To please or bother them.
C. To encourage them to learn. D. To show her love to them.
23. What can we infer from the last paragraph
A. Jackson founded a school team in Paterson alone.
B. Jackson played in the basketball league in Paterson.
C. Jackson selected Essence to play for WNBA’s New York Liberty.
D. Jackson should take some credit for Essence’s professional career.
【答案】20. B 21. A 22. C 23. D
20. 细节理解题。根据文章第二段的“Her father would not have wanted her to do anything but her best. (他父亲并不想让她做好所有的事情,但是要尽力去做)”可知,她被教导尽力去做事情。故选B项。
21. 主旨大意题。根据文章第三段的第三句话“She gave no thought to teaching until a friend took her to an introduction to a program, which placed novice instructors in schools full of low-income children. (她对教书没有什么想法,直到一个朋友把她带到了一个项目介绍,在这个项目有很多新手老师,在这个学校中有很多低收入儿童)”可知,本段主要讲的是杰克逊变成一名教师的过程。故选A项。
22. 细节理解题。根据文章第四段的“They will be motivated and inspired to learn if they know deep down that you care about them. (如果他们深深地知道你在关心他们的话,他们会被激励也会被鼓舞去学习)”可知,杰克逊给他们奖励的原因是要激励学生们学习。故选C项。
23. 推理判断题。根据文章最后一段的“Jackson started one with support from local business executives. The student, Essence Carson, went to Rutgers University, was a first-round draft (运动员选拔机制) selection for the WNB’s New York Liberty and now plays for the Connecticut Sun (杰克逊在当地企业高管的支持下开始了这一计划。学生 Esence Carson 去了罗格斯大学,是 WNBA 纽约自由队的第一轮选秀(选拔机制)选秀,现在为康涅狄格太阳队效力。)”可知,她的帮助对于学生是有帮助的。故选D项。
(2024·甘肃兰州·二模)One summer during high school, my mom volunteered me to help Grandpa research our family tree. Great, I thought, imagining hours spent pawing through dusty, rotting boxes and listening to boring stories about people I didn't know. "You'll be surprised," my mom promised, "Family histories can be very interesting."
In truth, Grandpa didn't want to limit my work to just research, hoping to also preserve our family memories. He'd discovered a computer program that helps digitally scan old pictures and letters to preserve their contents before they crumble from old age. Grandpa wanted me to help him connect the scanner and set up the computer program. He could type documents and send emails, but had never used a scanner.
Soon after, I became fascinated with my relatives' lives. I asked Grandpa to tell the story behind every picture and letter we scanned. The stories, which turned out not to be boring at all, helped me not only understand but also relate to my relatives. I became so hungry for more information that Grandpa needed additional props to keep me satisfied. He showed me a chest filled with random stuff, all covered in dust.
Perusing through their belongings, I felt I was opening a window into the world of my relatives, a world long since gone. Grandpa showed me a bundle of letters he had sent to Grandma from the front lines of World War II and I could almost smell the gunpowder. I turned the pages of my great-grandmother's recipe book and could picture her cooking in her kitchen. All of the people who had been merely names to me now had faces to match.
Later, Grandpa admitted, "I probably could have done this project myself. I just wanted someone to share it with." I can't thank him enough for sharing the experience and making me appreciate the family members who have made me the person I am. I will cherish family memories and hope that someday will be able to pass them down to my own grandchildren.
24. Which of the following can best describe the author's first impression of research
A. Delightful. B. Tiresome.
C. Surprising. D. Interesting
25. What does the underlined word "crumble" in paragraph 2 probably mean
A. Come to life. B. Tear apart.
C. Fall to pieces. D. Break through.
26. Why did Grandpa give the author a chest
A. To show him a bundle of letters. B. To keep him away from boredom.
C. To give him something to sort out. D. To fulfill his desire to know more.
27. What can we learn about Grandpa from the passage
A. He used to serve in the army. B. He knew nothing about computer.
C. He buried the letters under gunpowder. D. He loved sharing what he had with others.
28. The best title of the passage is _______.
A. Precious family memories B. My grandpa and his belongings
C. My grandpa and his family tree D. Helping my grandpa in summer
【答案】24. B 25. C 26. D 27. A 28. A
24. 推理判断题。根据文章第一段“imagining hours spent pawing through dusty, rotting boxes and listening to boring stories about people I didn't know.(想象自己花了几个小时在满是灰尘、腐烂的箱子里翻来翻去,听着关于不认识的人的无聊故事。)”可知,最能描述作者对研究的第一印象是讨厌的。故选B。
25. 词句猜测题。根据上文“He'd discovered a computer program that helps digitally scan old pictures and letters to preserve their contents(他发现了一个电脑程序,可以帮助对旧照片和信件进行数字扫描,以保存它们的内容)”可推知,划线词部分的意思为“在它们因年份太久而破碎之前”。crumble意为“破碎”,与fall into pieces同义。故选C。
26. 细节理解题。根据文章第三段“I became so hungry for more information that Grandpa needed additional props to keep me satisfied. He showed me a chest filled with random stuff, all covered in dust.(我非常渴望了解更多的信息,爷爷需要额外的道具来满足我。他给我看了一个箱子,里面装满了乱七八糟的东西,上面全是灰尘。)”可知,爷爷给了作者一个箱子满足他想知道更多的愿望。故选D。
27. 推理判断题。根据文章第四段“Grandpa showed me a bundle of letters he had sent to Grandma from the front lines of World War II and I could almost smell the gunpowder.(爷爷给我看了一捆他从二战前线寄给奶奶的信,我几乎可以闻到火药的味道。)”可推知,爷爷曾经在军队服役。故选A。
28. 主旨大意题。根据文章的主要内容,尤其最后一段“I can't thank him enough for sharing the experience and making me appreciate the family members who have made me the person I am. I will cherish family memories and hope that someday will be able to pass them down to my own grandchildren.(我无法表达对他的感激之情,因为他分享经历,让我感激那些使我成为现在这个样子的家庭成员。我会珍惜家人的回忆,并希望有一天能把它们传给我自己的孙辈。)”可知,文章讲述了作者在一个暑假和爷爷一起整理老照片,从刚开始讨厌做这样无聊的事到渴望了解更多过去的人的历史。作者会珍惜家庭的记忆,希望有一天能把它们传给自己的孙辈。A项:Precious family memories(珍贵的家庭回忆)符合题意。故选A。
(2024·广东深圳·二模)As a boy, I wanted to go to the South Pole. As a teenager, I decided I'd like to go to the North Pole too. And yet, I haven't done either. It had taken me 31 years to just make it to the Arctic.
I was traveling with a film crew from Northern Ireland, following the footsteps of Lord Dufferin who, in the 1850s, sailed from Scotland to the Arctic. As an early adventure tourist, he was driven by the desire to see what lay at the ends of the world.
As we sailed north, icebergs of the size of buses floated past our small boat. Finally, we reached our destination—English Bay, where Dufferin landed- and stepped off onto the horseshoe-shaped beach.
This was what I'd dreamt of: standing somewhere so pure and primitive. However, for many early polar explorers, the results were far less pleasant. The south, in particular, was source of extreme danger.
My childhood interest in the South Pole was fueled by the unsuccessful yet heroic adventures of Emest Shackleton. He died in 1922 while preparing for his fourth adventure. The stories of Robert Falcon Scott are also well-known: he and four companions died on their way back from the South Pole.
So why do explorers put themselves at such risk
Much of it seems to lie in the purity of the challenge. Scott talked of the appeal of a place that had been “unreached and unseen by humans.” “With a view over shining lands covered by ice-sheets of inconceivable extent, you have the feeling of living over the control of death,” said Fridtjof Nansen, a Norwegian explorer.
On the homeward journey the weather turned and we were left for a few days at the mercy of a storm. We experienced a small taste of helplessness when faced with the raw power of nature. We should be grateful for the great explorers’ spirit and stories. I know I am.
29. Why did the author begin his adventure tour
A. To assist a film crew B. To realize a childhood dream
C. To memorize Lord Dufferin D. To challenge a world record
30. Which of the following best explains "inconceivable" underlined in paragraph 7
A. Hard to control B. Too far to reach
C. Hard to imagine D. Too bright to view
31. What happened during the writer's journey
A. They were trapped in icebergs B. They were kept off the destination
C. They were attacked by a storm D. They were rescued by explorers
32. Which of the following is the best title for the text
A. The Appeal of the Ends of the World B. The Dream of Traveling to the Arctic
C. The Victory over the Control of Death D. The Gratitude to Great Explorers Spirit
【答案】29. B 30. C 31. C 32. A
29. 细节理解题。根据第一段“As a boy, I wanted to go to the South Pole. As a teenager, I decided I'd like to go to the North Pole too. And yet, I haven't done either. It had taken me 31 years to just make it to the Arctic.(小时候,我想去南极。十几岁的时候,我决定我也要去北极。然而,我什么都没做。我花了31年才到达北极)”以及第四段中“This was what I'd dreamt of: standing somewhere so pure and primitive. (这就是我所梦想的:站在一个如此纯净和原始的地方)”可知,作者开始他的冒险之旅是为了实现童年的梦想。故选B。
30. 词义猜测题。根据倒数第二段中“Much of it seems to lie in the purity of the challenge. Scott talked of the appeal of a place that had been “unreached and unseen by humans.”(这在很大程度上似乎取决于挑战的纯粹性。Scott谈到了一个“人类无法触及和看不见的地方”的吸引力)”以及画线词上文“With a view over shining lands covered by ice-sheets of”和后文“you have the feeling of living over the control of death”可知,南极是人类无法触及和看不见的地方,所以挪威探险家Fridtjof Nansen说“看到覆盖着难以想象的冰盖的闪亮土地,你会有一种生活在死亡控制之下的感觉。”故画线词意思和C选项“难以想象”最接近。故选C。
31. 细节理解题。根据最后一段“On the homeward journey the weather turned and we were left for a few days at the mercy of a storm.(在归途中,天气变了,我们被滞留了几天,由暴风雨摆布)”可知,作者在旅途中被暴风雨袭击了。故选C。
32. 主旨大意题。根据第一段“As a boy, I wanted to go to the South Pole. As a teenager, I decided I'd like to go to the North Pole too. And yet, I haven't done either. It had taken me 31 years to just make it to the Arctic.(小时候,我想去南极。十几岁的时候,我决定我也要去北极。然而,我什么都没做。我花了31年才到达北极)”结合文章主要讲述了作者为了实现童年去南极的梦想,跟随一个来自北爱尔兰的电影摄制组旅行,介绍了一路上的所见所闻和所感。可知,A选项“世界尽头的吸引力”最符合文章标题。故选A。
(2024·山东日照·二模)There are around 100 tribes(部落)that live in global isolation, mostly in South America and India. The Sentinelese have lived on one of the Andaman Islands in Eastern India for 60,000 years. They protect their island by fighting against people from outside. Their language is different from any other known language. Another Andaman tribe is the Jarawa. In the past, they were independent and fought against anybody trying to make contact with them. But in 1998, the Indian government built a road across their land, and since then, they’ve had more contact with the outside world.
Some Amazon tribes avoid contact because of unhappy memories. The Mashco-Piro left their vegetable gardens after rubber companies killed most of their tribe at the beginning of the 20th century. Those who survived became nomadic(游牧的)and started hunting animals in the forest.
The Awa live in the Amazon forests of Brazil. Out of 350 members, 100 have no contact with the outside world. They left their villages and adopted a nomadic lifestyle around 1850 to escape attacks by Europeans. In the following years, farmers in nearby communities started cutting the trees to expand their farmland. The Awa lost most of their hunting land. The few Amazon tribes that still exist are fighting to keep their traditional way of life.
Survival, an organization that fights for the rights of tribal people, says that uncontacted tribes are the most vulnerable(弱势的)humans on the planet and that’s why their environment should be unavailable to the rest of us. After years of pressure, the organization got Brazil’s government to clear non-natives from the Awa land. All non-Awa people are leaving so the tribe can get their forest back.
But some think it's impossible for tribes to stay isolated forever in a connected world. Contact will be made one day. So the question is:Whose choice should it be, ours or theirs
33. What can we learn about the Sentinelese from the first paragraph
A. They resist contact from the outside world.
B. They speak the same language as the Jarawa.
C. They are wild about fighting with other tribes.
D. They have got help from the Indian government.
34. Why did the Awa choose a nomadic lifestyle
A. To protect their hunting land. B. To search for food sources.
C. To avoid threats from Europeans. D. To maintain their original way of life.
35. Which of the following would Survival probably agree with
A. The tribes should be left undisturbed.
B. The tribes should fight for more living space.
C. The cribes should live in harmony with nature.
D. The tribes should adapt to the connected world.
36. What can be the best title for the text
A. The Nomadic Tribes in the World B. Seeking Survival of Tribes
C. The Unavailable Tribal Environment D. Protecting the Tribal Forests
【答案】33. A 34. C 35. A 36. B
33. 推理判断题。由第一段中的“They protect their island by fighting against people from outside” (他们通过抵抗外来的人来保护他们的岛屿。);和“In the past, they were independent and fought against anybody trying to make contact with them”(在过去,他们是独立的,反对任何试图与他们接触的人。)可推知, the Sentinelese 是抵制与外界接触的,故选 A项。
34. 细节理解题。由第三段中的第二句“They left their villages and adopted a nomadic lifestyle around 1850 to escape attacks by Europeans.”(1850年左右,为了躲避欧洲人的攻击,他们离开了自己的村庄,采用了游牧生活方式。)可知,The Awa 离开了他们的村庄过着游牧生活, 是为了免受欧洲人的攻击,故选 C项。
35. 推理判断题。由第四段“Survival, an organization that fights for the rights of tribal people, says that uncontacted tribes are the most vulnerable(弱势的)humans on the planet and that’s why their environment should be unavailable to the rest of us.”(生存, 一个为部落人民的权利而战的组织,认为部落是最脆弱的,这就是为什么他们的环境对我们来说是不可获得的。可知, Survival 是一个为部落争取权利的一个组织,认为部落是弱势群体, 其他人不应该去打扰他们。故选 A项。
36. 主旨大意题。根据文章第一段“There are around 100 tribes(部落)that live in global isolation, mostly in South America and India. The Sentinelese have lived on one of the Andaman Islands in Eastern India for 60, 000 years.”(大约有100个部落,生活在全球隔离,主要在南美洲和印度。森蒂纳尔人已经在印度东部的安达曼群岛生活了6万年。)文章的第二段“Some Amazon tribes avoid contact because of unhappy memories.”(一些亚马逊部落因为不愉快的回忆而避免接触。)以及文章的第三段“The Awa live in the Amazon forests of Brazil. ”(阿瓦人生活在巴西的亚马逊森林里。)可知,本文主要是介绍了世界各地的一些原始部落的情况, 故选 B项。高考题型逐个击破-阅读理解之主旨大意题
1. 概括性——准确而又简短;
2. 针对性——标题外延正好与文章内容相符;
3. 醒目性——能引发读者的阅读欲望。
1. 正面肯定法:在理解文章主旨的基础上,揣摩哪个选项能准确概括主旨;
2. 反面否定法:撇开原文,拿各个备选项去设想用它们写出来的“文章”将是什么内容,然后和原文章对照,一一排除不符选项;
3. 研读备选项本身:研读备选项里面的中心词、修饰词的变化、结构、概括性等。
1. 段落中出现表示转折的词语(如however, but, in fact, actually等)时,该句很可能是主题句。
2. 首段出现疑问句时,对该问句的回答很可能就是文章主旨。
3. 作者有意识地重复的观点,通常是主旨;反复出现的词语,一般为体现文章主旨的关键词。
4. 表示总结或结论的句子常包含therefore, thus, in short, conclude, conclusion等词,通常是主旨。
(2024·江苏·南京二模)Having worked for more than a decade in finance in the oil industry in Canada, Tori Fahey found herself wanting more from life. But it wasn't through desperation that her circumstances changed: “I didn't get fed up and storm off, nothing like that; it was curiosity about other interests and wanting to experience something new.”
Fahey left her job and completed an MBA before setting up a move to New York to begin a degree. However, the opportunity of an open year between the MBA and the degree came up, and as a keen touring cyclist, Fahey realised that a much dreamed-about adventure was now becoming a possibility: "The ride in Africa had been on my fantasy list. It was a moment when I realised that I could do anything, so I should."
Fahey rode across Africa, a 7,500-mile trip that took four months. The whole experience had a life-changing impact. Fahey said: “Bicycles provide a literal freedom. You don't allow yourself to feel like that in everyday life because there are so many distractions. But when you' re out on the bike and there's nothing else, you' re really free to experience what life is.”
Post-degree, Fahey worked on projects with the UNDP(United Nations Development Project) in Montenegro with the aim of bringing investment to rural communities.
It was while working on these projects that the seeds were sown for the next new investment. “It was through my trip across Africa that I discovered pannier and rack systems inconvenient and I was never going to use them again.” Little did she know this would lead her to start up her own company.
In 2013, Apidura was born, producing storage solutions for people looking to travel the world by bike, race across continents and carry all they need to do so. It's now a successful global brand, but Fahey remains reflective about what else the company can do for people.
1. Why did Fahey leave her job in Canada
A. She was bored with the job. B. She was disappointed with life.
C. She wanted to add new dimensions to her life. D. She found it hard to adjust to the circumstances.
2. Which can best describe Fahey's ride experience in Africa
A. Demanding. B. Liberating. C. Eventful. D. Dangerous.
3. Why did Fahey launch Apidura
A. To encourage bicycle traveling. B. To make her investment profitable.
C. To help cyclists carry traveling stuff. D. To increase the pleasure of riding bikes.
4. What is the passage mainly about
A. A tough path to fame. B. An adventure across Africa.
C. The benefits of green travelling. D. The story behind the birth of Apidura.
(2024·北京·一模)Envelope Budget
From McDonald’s to Sonic, fast food had a bad effect on my waistline and my budget. It was nothing to run to a drive-through to pick up a cold drink or a quick bite to eat. It was so easy to use my card for a small purchase. For me, I got a lot of satisfaction from fast food.
One day I sat down and calculated that I was spending a surprising $40 a week on fast food. This was a lot of iced coffee and hamburgers! Instead of reducing my guilty pleasures, I decided to give myself a strong budget to reduce my consumption. Every Monday I placed an envelope with$20 in my purse. That was my fast food budget for the entire week. If there was anything left over at the end of the week, it was mine to save or spend. If I spent all of the money during the week, there were no more fast food stops that week.
The budget made me more mindful of my purchases. Instead of purchasing a large drink from Sonic, I would purchase a small. It was still satisfying but not nearly as pricey. Instead of eating a whole meal, I would pick the part that I actually wanted. Many days, the thought of hanging onto the money for a special purpose meant more to me than the instant satisfaction of fast food. I never really felt unhappy because it was a conscious choice to spend or save with each purchase.
Envelope budget kept me honest. I had a clear idea how much money was spent each week on fast food purchases. I started to bring my lunches more often to save more money for the week. It was a fun challenge to see how much I could save every week.
Changing the way I spent on fast food not only helped my budget, but improved my weight. In the first month I was able to get rid of 5 pounds by simply changing the way I approached spending on fast food. Now I am more likely to bring my lunch than to buy it. I am not upset, but empowered to make positive choices to improve my life.
5. According to Paragraph 1, the author ______.
A. had no time to cook for herself B. was fond of fast food very much
C. lived with a small amount of money D. got some benefits from using her card
6. We can infer from the last paragraph that ______.
A. envelope budget is good for health B. the budget means a pressure on life
C. it is unusual to make some changes D. it is hard to enjoy a healthy lifestyle
7. What is the passage mainly about
A. Why the author became addicted to fast food. B. Why the author took envelope budget seriously.
C. How fast food controlled the author’s behavior. D. How envelope budget changed the author’s life.
(2024·山东潍坊·二模)On the outside, 12-year-old Luna seems like your average kid. It's not until you get to know her that you learn that Luna is anything but average.
Born with a heart defect (缺陷)called dextrocardia, Luna has had three open-heart operations and continues to pursue her interests in art and fashion. But when Luna was approached by athletic shoe company Saucony to design a shoe for sale across the country, it came as quite a surprise.
“This is so incredible. I got to use my art and creativity for something new that I'd never thought I'd be able to design,“ Luna said. She is one of six patients from Boston Children's Hospital ( BCH) who have partnered with Saucony to design their own shoe to launch the Shoes with Soul campaign.
“Rather than just a donation, we wanted to create an experience and a moment that would not only raise money, but also awareness to highlight all the amazing work that's being done at BCH,“ says Chris, Saucony's vice president. “Specifically, we wanted to give some of the BCH kids an opportunity to share their story and their talents with the world. ”
Luna's design is fashion. u On the tongue ,they digitalized one of my drawings, and then on bottom it's a really bright pink color, and on the inside ,the sole of the shoe is actually another drawing I did of a sunset,“ she said. "Thinking about kids everywhere around the world wearing my shoe is amazing. It blows my mind.”
The income from the shoe sales will benefit the Boston Children's Hospital Cardiac Fitness Program, which encourages kids to “find your possible" through personalized exercise programs tailored for each individual patient's heart condition.
“It feels really good to help people and it's really something I can relate to,“ says Luna. “The advice I would give a kid or someone like me is never give up. There are a lot of kids out there with your condition and you're not alone.”
8. What can we learn from Chris' words
A. It's unwise to raise money.
B. It's optional to seek donations.
C. It's wonderful to study art.
D. It's necessary to show kids' talents.
9. What does Luna mean by “It blows my mind" in paragraph 5
A. I'm overjoyed. B. ['m very serious.
C. My mind goes blank. D. My mind is racing.
10. Which of the following best describes Luna
A. Gifted and determined. B. Generous and serious.
C. Grateful and helpful. D. Creative and sensitive.
11. What is the text mainly intended to do
A. Tell us a story of a disabled girl.
B. Set a good example to the disabled.
C. Launch Saucony's new brand shoes.
D. Introduce a campaign with kid patients.
(2024·四川达州·二模)The phrase “Keeping up with the Joneses" has been an American saying for decades, likely coming from a picture book, which describes a family in a constant straggle to achieve the social status of their neighbors, the Joneses. While the picture book is long gone, the saying remains and the phenomenon still exists.
The Joneses are everywhere, living a successful and wealthy life. Their skin is beautiful, their body is perfect, and they have much money. They have the good house, pets, smart children and they seem never to struggle. For people, the Joneses take the form of a particular family and they regard the Joneses as a description of perfection.
We tell ourselves constantly if we could become someone just like our neighbors, we would be happy. However, as we compare ourselves with others, we notice the deep pain that these comparisons bring about. Well then, what do we do about the Joneses We should remind ourselves nobody is perfect and perfection is an illusion. So we should train our brains to question or change the distorted (歪曲的) ways of thinking, and see the big picture.
While the methods above do help us see others more clearly, the methods alone won't solve the problem. Moving away from comparison means turning inward to address our insecurities and inviting more mercy. From there, we can honestly begin to notice what we want for ourselves and work to reach those goals. That, finally, is the road to a peaceful mind.
As we move away from the comparative model of judging worth and stop seeing others, success as a treat, we can even feel glad that the Joneses have meaningful careers. We can hope their marriage is happy, their bank account is full, and that their children are successful. We can hope good things happen to the Joneses.
12. What does Paragraph 2 mainly talk about
A. How "the Joneses" live.
B. What your neighbors have.
C. Why "the Joneses" are perfect.
D. How your neighbors affect you.
13. Which is the eventual benefit of giving up comparison
A. Being grateful to life. B. Understanding others.
C. Gaining peace of mind. D. Being close to perfection.
14. What does the author advise us to do
A. Follow our neighbors. B. Avoid perfect people.
C. Show our love to other people. D. Treat others with a normal attitude.
15. What can be a suitable title for the text
A. How Do We Become Perfect
B. Should We Keep up with the Joneses
C. How Should We Get on with Neighbors
D. Does the Phenomenon of Comparison Exist
(2024·安徽黄山·二模)What is the best part of a typical relaxing summer day Nothing is better than sitting in an armchair with a beer and some chips in your hand, enjoying the great comfort.
The much-loved combination of beer and chips is being exploited for the first time to deal with climate change. Chips firm Walkers has adopted a technique it says will cut CO2 emissions (排放) from its production process by 70%.
The technology will use CO2 captured from beer processing in a brewery (啤酒厂), which is then mixed with potato waste and turned into fertilizer. It will then be spread on UK fields to feed the following year’s potato crop. Creating fertilizer normally produces high CO2 emissions, but the technology adopted by Walkers makes fertilizer without generating CO2. So, the beer-and-chips combination performs a double function. It stops the emission of brewery CO2 into the atmosphere — and it saves on the CO2 normally generated by fertilizer production.
This Creative win-win solution was developed with an approval from the UK government by a 14-employee start-up called CCm. The fertilizer was experimented on potato seed beds this year, and next year Walkers will install CCm equipment at its Leicester factory to prepare for its 2022 crop.
A decision has not yet been made on which brewery Walkers will work with on this. The new technology adds to carbon-saving techniques already under way. The firm has installed an anaerobic digester (厌氧消化池), which feeds potato waste to bacteria to produce a useful gas. The gas is burned to make electricity for the chip-frying process — so this saves on burning gas or coal.
The new system will go a step further by taking away potato “cake” left after digestion — and mixing the brewery CO2 into it to make an enriched fertilizer which will help put carbon back into the soil as well as encouraging plant growth.
It’s an example of scientists finding ways to use CO2 emissions which otherwise would increase the over-heating of the planet.
16. What is the purpose of the first paragraph
A. To draw readers’ attention.
B. To entertain readers.
C. To show how useful beer and chips are to our life.
D. To introduce a way of life.
17. Which of the following is an advantage of the system
A. It will be totally cost-free.
B. It doesn’t consume any energy.
C. It will be a perfect solution to climate change.
D. It is environmentally-friendly.
18. What is Paragraph 3 mainly about
A. How CO2 is turned into fertilizer.
B. How the technology stops CO2 emissions.
C. How an energy-saving green technology works.
D. The advantages of a new technology.
19. What can be inferred from the text
A. The technology will fix the problem of global warming.
B. Walkers has a wide range of partner choices.
C. This technology will be adopted by many chips firms soon.
D. Scientists are seeking solutions to climate change.
(2024高四川绵阳·三模)How does a brilliant teacher get that way The question of how they developed has as many answers as there are inspired instructors. One example is an original and magnetic woman who has become one of best ever at taking disadvantaged students to a new level.
Jackson was born in Altoona. Her father was a construction worker. When she was in the eighth grade, her father died just before Christmas. Her principal, Mrs. Brown, said not to worry about schoolwork for a while. That upset her. Her father would not have wanted her to do anything but her best. He always said: “Don’t let your first failure be the reason for your next.”
Jackson was an accomplished shooting guard in basketball and a star sprinter on the track team, running the quarter — mile in 57 seconds. She thought she might become a sports broadcaster. She gave no thought to teaching until a friend took her to an introduction to a program, which placed novice instructors in schools full of low-income children. Jackson liked the idea of giving back, as well as the chance to have some of her student loans forgiven.
She is a big sports person, and that is how she connects with lots of kids. She couldn’t motivate children until she knew what was bothering or pleasing them. “Students learn from people who love them.” she said, “They will be motivated and inspired to learn if they know deep down that you care about them." In class she gave basketball tickets to students who were doing their work. At weekly drawings they could win sticky notes, pencils or other small prizes.
She helped create after-school clubs. A tall student said to her: “I’m a bailer. I heard you ball.” There was a basketball league in Paterson, but the school didn’t have a team. Jackson started one with support from local business executives. The student, Essence Carson, went to Rutgers University, was a first-round draft (运动员选拔机制) selection for the WNBA’s New York Liberty and now plays for the Connecticut Sun.
20. Why did Mrs. Brown’s words upset Jackson
A. Her father just passed away. B. She was taught to do her best.
C. Her first failure led to another one. D. She was concerned about her grades.
21. What is the main idea of Paragraph 3
A. The way Jackson turned teacher. B. The dream job Jackson desired.
C. The student loans Jackson owed. D. The athletics Jackson did well in.
22. Why did Jackson give small prizes to her students in class
A. To connect with them. B. To please or bother them.
C. To encourage them to learn. D. To show her love to them.
23. What can we infer from the last paragraph
A. Jackson founded a school team in Paterson alone.
B. Jackson played in the basketball league in Paterson.
C. Jackson selected Essence to play for WNBA’s New York Liberty.
D. Jackson should take some credit for Essence’s professional career.
(2024·甘肃兰州·二模)One summer during high school, my mom volunteered me to help Grandpa research our family tree. Great, I thought, imagining hours spent pawing through dusty, rotting boxes and listening to boring stories about people I didn't know. "You'll be surprised," my mom promised, "Family histories can be very interesting."
In truth, Grandpa didn't want to limit my work to just research, hoping to also preserve our family memories. He'd discovered a computer program that helps digitally scan old pictures and letters to preserve their contents before they crumble from old age. Grandpa wanted me to help him connect the scanner and set up the computer program. He could type documents and send emails, but had never used a scanner.
Soon after, I became fascinated with my relatives' lives. I asked Grandpa to tell the story behind every picture and letter we scanned. The stories, which turned out not to be boring at all, helped me not only understand but also relate to my relatives. I became so hungry for more information that Grandpa needed additional props to keep me satisfied. He showed me a chest filled with random stuff, all covered in dust.
Perusing through their belongings, I felt I was opening a window into the world of my relatives, a world long since gone. Grandpa showed me a bundle of letters he had sent to Grandma from the front lines of World War II and I could almost smell the gunpowder. I turned the pages of my great-grandmother's recipe book and could picture her cooking in her kitchen. All of the people who had been merely names to me now had faces to match.
Later, Grandpa admitted, "I probably could have done this project myself. I just wanted someone to share it with." I can't thank him enough for sharing the experience and making me appreciate the family members who have made me the person I am. I will cherish family memories and hope that someday will be able to pass them down to my own grandchildren.
24. Which of the following can best describe the author's first impression of research
A. Delightful. B. Tiresome.
C. Surprising. D. Interesting
25. What does the underlined word "crumble" in paragraph 2 probably mean
A. Come to life. B. Tear apart.
C. Fall to pieces. D. Break through.
26. Why did Grandpa give the author a chest
A. To show him a bundle of letters. B. To keep him away from boredom.
C. To give him something to sort out. D. To fulfill his desire to know more.
27. What can we learn about Grandpa from the passage
A. He used to serve in the army. B. He knew nothing about computer.
C. He buried the letters under gunpowder. D. He loved sharing what he had with others.
28. The best title of the passage is _______.
A. Precious family memories B. My grandpa and his belongings
C. My grandpa and his family tree D. Helping my grandpa in summer
(2024·广东深圳·二模)As a boy, I wanted to go to the South Pole. As a teenager, I decided I'd like to go to the North Pole too. And yet, I haven't done either. It had taken me 31 years to just make it to the Arctic.
I was traveling with a film crew from Northern Ireland, following the footsteps of Lord Dufferin who, in the 1850s, sailed from Scotland to the Arctic. As an early adventure tourist, he was driven by the desire to see what lay at the ends of the world.
As we sailed north, icebergs of the size of buses floated past our small boat. Finally, we reached our destination—English Bay, where Dufferin landed- and stepped off onto the horseshoe-shaped beach.
This was what I'd dreamt of: standing somewhere so pure and primitive. However, for many early polar explorers, the results were far less pleasant. The south, in particular, was source of extreme danger.
My childhood interest in the South Pole was fueled by the unsuccessful yet heroic adventures of Emest Shackleton. He died in 1922 while preparing for his fourth adventure. The stories of Robert Falcon Scott are also well-known: he and four companions died on their way back from the South Pole.
So why do explorers put themselves at such risk
Much of it seems to lie in the purity of the challenge. Scott talked of the appeal of a place that had been “unreached and unseen by humans.” “With a view over shining lands covered by ice-sheets of inconceivable extent, you have the feeling of living over the control of death,” said Fridtjof Nansen, a Norwegian explorer.
On the homeward journey the weather turned and we were left for a few days at the mercy of a storm. We experienced a small taste of helplessness when faced with the raw power of nature. We should be grateful for the great explorers’ spirit and stories. I know I am.
29. Why did the author begin his adventure tour
A. To assist a film crew B. To realize a childhood dream
C. To memorize Lord Dufferin D. To challenge a world record
30. Which of the following best explains "inconceivable" underlined in paragraph 7
A. Hard to control B. Too far to reach
C. Hard to imagine D. Too bright to view
31. What happened during the writer's journey
A. They were trapped in icebergs B. They were kept off the destination
C. They were attacked by a storm D. They were rescued by explorers
32. Which of the following is the best title for the text
A. The Appeal of the Ends of the World B. The Dream of Traveling to the Arctic
C. The Victory over the Control of Death D. The Gratitude to Great Explorers Spirit
(2024·山东日照·二模)There are around 100 tribes(部落)that live in global isolation, mostly in South America and India. The Sentinelese have lived on one of the Andaman Islands in Eastern India for 60,000 years. They protect their island by fighting against people from outside. Their language is different from any other known language. Another Andaman tribe is the Jarawa. In the past, they were independent and fought against anybody trying to make contact with them. But in 1998, the Indian government built a road across their land, and since then, they’ve had more contact with the outside world.
Some Amazon tribes avoid contact because of unhappy memories. The Mashco-Piro left their vegetable gardens after rubber companies killed most of their tribe at the beginning of the 20th century. Those who survived became nomadic(游牧的)and started hunting animals in the forest.
The Awa live in the Amazon forests of Brazil. Out of 350 members, 100 have no contact with the outside world. They left their villages and adopted a nomadic lifestyle around 1850 to escape attacks by Europeans. In the following years, farmers in nearby communities started cutting the trees to expand their farmland. The Awa lost most of their hunting land. The few Amazon tribes that still exist are fighting to keep their traditional way of life.
Survival, an organization that fights for the rights of tribal people, says that uncontacted tribes are the most vulnerable(弱势的)humans on the planet and that’s why their environment should be unavailable to the rest of us. After years of pressure, the organization got Brazil’s government to clear non-natives from the Awa land. All non-Awa people are leaving so the tribe can get their forest back.
But some think it's impossible for tribes to stay isolated forever in a connected world. Contact will be made one day. So the question is:Whose choice should it be, ours or theirs
33. What can we learn about the Sentinelese from the first paragraph
A. They resist contact from the outside world.
B. They speak the same language as the Jarawa.
C. They are wild about fighting with other tribes.
D. They have got help from the Indian government.
34. Why did the Awa choose a nomadic lifestyle
A. To protect their hunting land. B. To search for food sources.
C. To avoid threats from Europeans. D. To maintain their original way of life.
35. Which of the following would Survival probably agree with
A. The tribes should be left undisturbed.
B. The tribes should fight for more living space.
C. The cribes should live in harmony with nature.
D. The tribes should adapt to the connected world.
36. What can be the best title for the text
A. The Nomadic Tribes in the World B. Seeking Survival of Tribes
C. The Unavailable Tribal Environment D. Protecting the Tribal Forests高考题型逐个击破-阅读理解之词义猜测题
阅读中常常会遇到一些由熟悉的单词派生或合成的新词。掌握构词法对猜测词义很有帮助。如:unforeseeable.这个词,可以根据构词法把它拆成un, fore, see , able;其中 see 是词根,fore是“先,前,预”的含义,un是否定,able是“能……的,可……的”,因此unforeseeable是“未能预见到的”意思。
对比是描述,说明事物的常用方式。在对比中,对比的事物是互为相反的,因此根据反义或对比关系可从已知推出未知。利用反义词来说明生词的意义,如反义词hot and cold, perfect and imperfect,甚至前、后句为肯定与否定或是与不是等,在句内词与词之间,在段内句与句之间的关系上起着互为线索的作用。
为了说明或证实,文章中经常会举例,往往用来列举说明前面较难理解的词,这些例子可帮助我们猜测生词。举例时,常常会用一些连接性的词,如:such as, like, for example, for instance等。
有时文章的作者为了增强表达效果,会用一些含有表示意思转折的连词,副词或短语。如:though, although, still, but, yet, instead, instead of, however, while, on the contrary, on the other hand, unlike, rather than, for one thing, for another等,我们可以根据转折意思猜测词义。
Bananas,oranges, pineapples, coconuts and some other kinds of fruit grow in warm areas.
说明:从句意我们知道pineapples 和coconuts 与bananas, oranges是同类事物,同属水果(准确地说是“菠萝”和“椰子”)。
That museum is so immense that it will be impossible to see all the exhibits in one day.
说明:既然一天之内看不完所有的展品,那么immense 的意思应该是“很大”了。
Everyone agreed that the woman in the photo was gorgeous. It was easy to see why she had won the beauty contest.
Children like such creatures as dogs and monkeys.
说明:像 dogs 和 monkeys 之类的“creatures”,显然creatures的意思应是“动物”。
In your spare time, you may look through any of these periodicals: Time Magazine, News Week, or The New Worker.
Overwork may cause diseases.
说明:前缀 over- 的意思是“过分的,过量的”,故 overwork的意思应为“工作过度”。
There was a dissatisfied look in the manager’s eyes.
说明:satisfied的意思是“满意的”,前缀 dis- 的意思是“不”,故dissatisfied 的意思应该是“不满意的”。
He had been getting better, but during the night his condition deteriorated .
说明:句中的 but 表明deteriorate 应该与get better 的意思相反,即“恶化”。
In many countries there are two financial extremes, from penury to great wealth.
说明:上文说两个经济上的极端,那么下文中penury 应与great wealth 相对,即表示“贫困”。
Mrs.Smith is loquacious while her husband is the silent type.
说明:while 表对比,意为“而”,所以loquacious 应是silent 的反义,即“多嘴的”。
If you agree, draw a circle; and a cross if you dissent.
His father is an expert in phonetics, the study of the sounds of language.
说明:同位语 the study of the sounds of language 表示 phonetics 的意思应该是“语音学”。
Jean was born with spinabifida, a birth illness that damages the spine(脊骨).
说明:同位语 a birth illness that damages the spine 表明了spinabifida 是一种病,一种对脊骨有损害的病。
They described him as a loon, or a mad man.
说明:句中的or 是对loon的解释,即loon与a mad man同义,即表示“疯子”。
It will be very hard but also very brittle, that is, it will break easily.
说明:句中的 that is 表明 it will break easily 是对brittle 的解释,从而猜测出其意为“脆”。
The herdsman, who looks after sheep, earns about 500 yuan a year.
说明:定语从句 who looks after sheep 表明herdsman 的词义为“牧人”。
There are three kinds of snow. One kind is a fluffy snow that is somewhat dry and feathery
说明:定语从句 that is somewhat dry and feathery(有点儿干、像羽毛似的)表明 fluffy snow 的意思可能是“鹅毛大雪”。
It’s said that Bill Gates is the most affluent person in the world.
说明:根据常识,Bill Gates 为世界首富,所以affluent 可能是“富有的”
As a scientist, Edison is very famous for his contrivances.
(2024·山东青岛·二模)It might seem strange to be making predictions about 2021, but one thing is clear: technology has been affected just as much as every other part of our lives. Another clear thing is that today’s most important technology trends will play a big part in helping us deal with and adapt to the many challenges facing us. From the shift to working from home to new rules about how we meet and interact in public spaces, technology trends will be the driving force in managing the change.
One of the major technology trends that are likely to play out this year is 5G and enhanced connectivity. Each successive advance in mobile connectivity from 3G onwards has unlocked new use cases for the Internet. 3G made web browsing and data-driven services useful on mobile devices, 4G led to the growth of streaming video and music platforms as bandwidths (宽带) increased, and 5G, similarly, will open more doors in terms of what is possible.
5G means that services relying on advanced technologies such as augmented (增强的) reality and virtual reality, as well as cloud-based gaming platforms like Google’s Stadia, become a practical thing, anywhere at any time. They also threaten to make cable and fiber-based (光纤) networks redundant, with their need for us to be tied to a particular location.
In short, 5G and other advanced, high-speed networks make other new technologies available anywhere, any time. A great example is Norwegian fishery operator Salmar that uses a 5G network to automate the care and feeding of its fish. Image recognition algorithms (算法) are used to detect which fish are over or under-feeding, and automatically distribute food and medicine needed to keep them healthy. Initiatives like this will become increasingly important during 2021, where businesses look to increase automation across their workforces.
1. Which of the following is highly influenced by 5G technology
A. Data-driven services. B. Streaming video.
C. Music platforms. D. Google’s Stadia.
2. Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “redundant” in paragraph 3
A. Useful. B. Unnecessary. C. Expensive. D. Special.
3. Why is “Salmar” mentioned in the text
A. To show the development of Norwegian fishery.
B. To explain how to keep fish healthy.
C. To present the application of 5G technology.
D. To propose new initiatives for businesses.
4. What is the text mainly about
A. Different predictions of technology trends.
B. Successive advances in mobile technology.
C. One of the technological highlights of the year.
D. The driving force in managing changes.
【答案】1. D 2. B 3. C 4. C
1. 细节理解题。根据第三段第一句“5G means that services relying on advanced technologies such as augmented (增强的) reality and virtual reality, as well as cloud-based gaming platforms like Google’s Stadia, become a practical thing, anywhere at any time. ”(5G意味着依托增强现实、虚拟现实等先进技术的服务,以及谷歌的Stadia等基于云的游戏平台,成为随时随地实用的东西。)可知,谷歌的Stadia深受5G技术的影响。故选D。
2. 词句猜测题。根据“with their need for us to be tied to a particular location”(因为他们需要我们被绑定到一个特定的位置)可知,此处是指使以电缆和光纤为基础的网络变得多余,所以redundant意为“不必要的”。故选B。
3. 推理判断题。根据最后一段第一句“In short, 5G and other advanced, high-speed networks make other new technologies available anywhere, any time. A great example is Norwegian fishery operator Salmar that uses a 5G network to automate the care and feeding of its fish.”(总之,5G和其他先进的高速网络让其他新技术随时随地都可以使用。挪威渔业运营商Salmar就是一个很好的例子,该公司利用5G网络实现了对鱼类的自动化照料和喂养。 )可知,此处提到Salmar是为了介绍5G技术的应用。故选C。
4. 主旨大意题。根据第二段第一句“One of the major technology trends that are likely to play out this year is 5G and enhanced connectivity. ”(今年可能出现的主要技术趋势之一是5G和增强互联互通。)可知,文章主要是讲今年的技术亮点之一5G技术。故选C。
(2024·北京朝阳·二模)A Bridge Linking Art and the Audience
According to a 2018 report, people aged between 16 and 24 make up about 15 percent of the population but only 10 percent of museum-goers. Similarly, people aged over 35 go half as much as you would expect from their population size. We have reached the point of recognising the disconnection between art and the audience but haven’t yet determined how to bridge the gap. Two answers to tackling this challenge lie in telling a greater diversity of art histories and communicating these stories in more accessible ways.
In 2018, a radio program called Art Matters was started with the aim of discussing art from a pop-culture viewpoint with topics that would engage younger and more diverse audience. It offers an accessible pathway to art history with conversations on different topics. Art history is about storytelling; art content shines when there is an effort to bring audience along for the discussion.
More traditional institutions are paying attention. Recently the Getty Museum issued a social-media challenge for people to recreate paintings using items they had at home. Users displayed incredible creativity, and the museum was flooded with submissions. This reaction proves that there is a potential desire for the audience to engage with art topics if the format is appealing. Since many people feel intimidated and think that there’s a base level of understanding required to join the conversation, the Getty initiative serves as a reminder that there are many pathways to engaging with it.
Another result of the Getty challenge was the exposure given to a diversity of artworks. The famous opera singer Peter Brathwaite, for example, made scores of attractive recreations highlighting centuries of black paintings. His efforts opposed the idea that there were not many historical paintings of black figures. It is extremely important that we do a better job of showing the complex and diverse stories that are represented in art.
Social media have offered a platform for people who have not traditionally had a seat at the table. Anyone can recognise a gap in the field and address it. Accounts have gathered tens of thousands of followers. They are the proof that there is hunger to hear these art histories, and these themes work brilliantly for museum programming.
But there is only so much that can be done without the museums and galleries changing meaningfully from within. We need to see a better balance of these stories represented in permanent collections. We also need a much wider diversity of people and interests represented on board. Ensuring that art-and writing and talking about art-is able to continue on the rising generation of storytellers, inside and outside of institutions, getting the funding and support they need to paint a brighter picture for the part.
5. What challenge is the author trying to tackle
A. People doubt a great diversity of artworks.
B. Fewer and fewer young people go to museums.
C. Art appears too distant from common audience.
D. Adult audience has a different understanding of art.
6. What does the underlined word “intimidated” in Paragraph 3 probably mean
A. Tired. B. Worried. C. Annoyed. D. Surprised.
7. In the author’s opinion, the museums and galleries should ________.
A. make the art history stories accessible in a traditional way.
B. change meaningfully for activities like the Getty challenge.
C. limit the number of storytellers both in and out of institutions.
D. improve the permanent collections by adding famous artworks.
8. We can conclude from the passage that common audience ________.
A. lacks the channels to understand and talk about art history.
B. prefers to view artworks and hear art stories on social media.
C. feels satisfied with people and interests represented on board.
D. refuses to engage with diverse art topics and art history stories.
【答案】5. C 6. B 7. B 8. A
5. 细节理解题。根据第一段中“We have reached the point of recognising the disconnection between art and the audience but haven’t yet determined how to bridge the gap.(我们已经意识到艺术和观众之间的脱节,但还没有决定如何消除这一差距)”可知,作者努力解决的挑战是艺术似乎离普通观众太遥远了。故选C项。
6. 词义猜测题。根据划线词后的“…think that there’s a base level of understanding required to join the conversation, the Getty initiative serves as a reminder that there are many pathways to engaging with it.”可知,由于很多人认为参与对话需要基本水平的理解力,Getty博物馆的倡议提醒我们,可以有许多途径来参与其中,由此可推知,很多人感觉担心,参与艺术对话需要基本水平的理解能力,划线词“intimidated”意为“担心的”。故选B项。
7. 推理判断题。根据第三段中“This reaction proves that there is a potential desire for the audience to engage with art topics if the format is appealing.”可知,Getty博物馆的再创作活动证明,如果艺术形式具有吸引力,观众就有潜在的兴趣参与艺术主题;结合最后一段首句“But there is only so much that can be done without the museums and galleries changing meaningfully from within.”可知,但如果博物馆和画廊不从内部进行有意义的改变,我们能做的就只有这么多了。由此可推知,在作者看来,博物馆和画廊应该作出有意义的改变,举办像Getty博物馆那样的再创作活动,才能吸引观众。故选B项。
8. 推理判断题。第一段中“We have reached the point of recognising the disconnection between art and the audience”提到“我们已经意识到艺术和观众之间的脱节”;根据第二段中“It offers an accessible pathway to art history with conversations on different topics.(它提供了一条通往艺术史的途径,可以就不同的话题进行对话)”及第三段中“the Getty initiative serves as a reminder that there are many pathways to engaging with it.(Getty博物馆的倡议提醒我们,可以有许多途径来参与其中)”可知,普通观众缺乏理解和谈论艺术史的渠道。故选A项。
(2024·河南郑州·二模)The icy beauty of the Arctic attracts thousands of visitors every year to see its wonderful wildlife, landscape and local cultures. Visitors can take ships on a voyage along the Arctic Ocean or take flights to cities along the Arctic edge. No matter how one gets there, they should wear warm clothes and get ready to take in the attractions.
“Travelling to the Arctic leaves an unforgettable impression on the visitor. Its vast expanse and the fragility of its environment are two things that really blow away people,” said Cheryl Rosa, the director of the US Arctic Research Commission.
Visitors to the Arctic Circle will have a lot of activities to choose from if they want to see all that the region has to offer. Hiking with snowshoes, dog sledding and kayaking are common activities. Visitors with sharp eyes are likely to spot polar bears. To get even closer to the animals of the sea, visitors can go polar snorkeling with seals. Of course, Arctic adventures aren't complete without viewing the wonders of the Arctic Circle's large glaciers and icebergs as well.
One of the most impressive attractions and maybe the most difficult to see is the Northern Lights, one of the seven natural wonders of the world. They are natural lights that glow a brilliant green and light up the horizon. Sometimes they appear as waves that dance across the sky in different colors.
The best places to view the Northern Lights are in Northern Norway, Sweden's Abisko National Park , Iceland, America's Alaska or Canada's Yukon, according to . Charles Deehr, an expert at the University of Alaska Fairbanks' Geophysical Institute , recommended planning a trip between winter and spring, especially when there is a new moon.
Even though the Arctic is a popular tourist destination, don't forget that people live here too. “It is recommended that visitors go with tour groups that are respectful of Arctic residents (居民) and their culture,” said Rosa. “Too many people can disturb the small villages. Finding tour groups that work with local communities is important.”
9. The underlined part “blow away” in Paragraph 2 probably means “________”.
A. defeat B. affect C. move D. impress
10. What can we know about the Northern Lights
A. They only produce green light at night.
B. They are natural lights and hard to see.
C. They seldom occur between winter and spring.
D. The best time to view them is when there is a full moon.
11. What can be inferred from the last paragraph
A. Tour groups are not welcome among Arctic residents.
B. The Arctic's population has been rising in recent years.
C. Visitors should choose suitable tour groups when visiting.
D. Tour groups should get permission from local communities.
12. What is the purpose of the author in writing this passage
A. To inform visitors of local culture.
B. To recommend some activities to visitors.
C. To introduce a popular tourist destination.
D. To share a travel experience in the Arctic.
【答案】9. D 10. B 11. C 12. C
9. 词句猜测题。根据第二段第一句“Travelling to the Arctic leaves an unforgettable impression on the visitor. (北极之旅给来访者留下了难忘的印象)”可知,此处是指北极的广阔和它脆弱的环境是最令人印象深刻的。所以blow away意为“令……印象深刻”。故选D。
10. 细节理解题。根据第四段第一句“One of the most impressive attractions and maybe the most difficult to see is the Northern Lights, one of the seven natural wonders of the world. (北极光是世界七大自然奇观之一,它是最令人印象深刻的景点之一,也许也是最难看到的)”可知,北极光是自然光,很难看到。故选B。
11. 推理判断题。根据最后一段第二句“It is recommended that visitors go with tour groups that are respectful of Arctic residents (居民) and their culture(建议游客选择尊重北极居民及其文化的旅游团)”和最后一句“Finding tour groups that work with local communities is important. (找到与当地社区合作的旅游团很重要)”可知,游客应选择合适的旅行团。故选C。
12. 推理判断题。根据第一段第一句“The icy beauty of the Arctic attracts thousands of visitors every year to see its wonderful wildlife, landscape and local cultures. (北极的冰雪之美每年都吸引着成千上万的游客前来观赏其美妙的野生动物、风景和当地文化) ”可知,作者写这篇文章的目的是介绍一个受欢迎的旅游目的地。故选C。
(2024·云南六盘水·二模)Over the past two weeks, I've lost my passport, barked at a neighbor and published a picture of myself wearing a kid's superhero costume. Forgetfulness, anger and poor decision-making are all signs of sleep shortage.
And I'm not alone.
“I average around six hours a night,” admits Paul, who's lived in Shanghai for three years. “But how much of that is deep sleep, I don't know.”
Lisa works in a hotel. “I struggle to switch off,” she says, “a glass of red wine with dinner helps.”
March 21 is the World Sleep Day, an annual event in celebration of slumber, or sleep. When sleep problems become a global epidemic, it's time to ask: “Am I getting enough ”
The lack of sleep throughout industrialized nations is damaging our health, wellness and safety. We're dog-tired, the impact of which is enough to keep anyone up at night.
A global experiment is performed on 1.6 billion people across 70 countries twice a year: daylight savings. When one hour of sleep is lost in spring, there's a 24 percent increase in heart attacks, and in autumn, when the hour is regained, a 21 percent reduction.
Good sleep increases concentration, attention and decision-making. Creativity goes up, and our ability to find novel solutions to complex problems is hugely improved. Sleep reduces mood swings and stress levels. We drink less alcohol and make better food choices when rested.
Take sleep seriously. It's not a luxury, but a biological necessity. It's our life-support system and let it be our superpower.
13. Why does the author mention his own experiences in Paragraph 1
A. To draw attention to his situation. B. To complain about lacking sleep.
C. To introduce the topic of the text. D. To raise a question about deep sleep.
14. What does the underlined phrase “switch off” in Paragraph 4 mean
A. Turn off. B. Disinterest someone. C. Stop talking. D. Fall asleep.
15. What is the finding of the global experiment
A. The loss of sleep increases the risk of heart attacks.
B. Short sleep is linked to mental health problems.
C. Good sleep leads to better work performances.
D. Red wine is effective in treating sleeplessness.
16. What does the author suggest about sleep
A. Celebrating the World Sleep Day. B. Paying attention to sleep problems.
C. Getting six hours' sleep every day. D. Taking sleeping pills when necessary.
【答案】13. C 14. D 15. A 16. B
13. 推理判断题。根据第一段“Over the past two weeks, I've lost my passport, barked at a neighbor and published a picture of myself wearing a kid's superhero costume. Forgetfulness, anger and poor decision-making are all signs of sleep shortage.(在过去的两周里,我丢了护照,对邻居大喊大叫,还发布了一张自己穿着儿童超级英雄服装的照片。健忘、愤怒和糟糕的决策都是睡眠不足的迹象)”以及第二段“And I'm not alone. (我不是一个人)”结合后文提到了其他人也有睡眠不足的问题,以及睡眠不足的危害等,可推知,作者在第一段中提到了他自己的经历是为了引入文章主题。故选C。
14. 词义猜测题。根据第二段“And I'm not alone. (我不是一个人)”以及画线词后文“a glass of red wine with dinner helps”可知,此处是在列举其他人也有睡眠问题,Lisa需要晚餐时喝一杯红酒来帮助自己入睡,故画线词意思是“入睡”。故选D。
15. 细节理解题。根据倒数第三段“A global experiment is performed on 1.6 billion people across 70 countries twice a year: daylight savings. When one hour of sleep is lost in spring, there's a 24 percent increase in heart attacks, and in autumn, when the hour is regained, a 21 percent reduction.(一项全球实验每年在70个国家的16亿人身上进行两次:夏令时。春季少睡一个小时,心脏病发作几率会增加24%;秋季多睡一个小时,心脏病发作几率会减少21%)”可知,全球实验的结果是睡眠不足会增加心脏病发作的风险。故选A。
16. 细节理解题。根据最后一段“Take sleep seriously. It's not a luxury, but a biological necessity. It's our life-support system and let it be our superpower.(认真对待睡眠。这不是一种奢侈品,而是一种生物必需品。这是我们的生命维持系统,让它成为我们的超能力)”结合上文提到睡眠不足可能导致心脏病发作几率,良好的睡眠则能提高注意力、注意力和决策力。可知,作者建议注意睡眠问题。故选B。
(2024·福建福州·三模)An 85-year-old primary school constructed in 1935 in Shanghai has been lifted off the ground in its entirety and relocated using new technology called the “walking machine.” The project marks the first time this “walking machine” method has been used in Shanghai to relocate a historical building.
Urbanization(都市化)has continued to significantly threaten architectural heritage. In the capital Beijing, for instance, more than 1,000 acres of its historic hutongs and traditional courtyard homes were destroyed between 1990 and 2010.
In the early 2000s, cities including Nanjing and Bejjing-due to the critics’ protest about the loss of old neighborhoods-drew up long-term plans to preserve what was left of their historic sites, with protections introduced to safeguard buildings and restrict developers.
These conservation efforts have taken different forms. In Beijing, a near-ruined temple was transformed into a restaurant and gallery, while in Nanjing, a cinema from the 1930s was restored to its original form, with some additions providing it for modern use. In 2019, Shanghai welcomed Tank Shanghai, an arts center built in renovated(重修的)oil tanks.
“Relocation is not the first choice, but better than destroying,” said Lan, the Shanghai primary school’s project supervisor. “I’d rather not touch the historical buildings at all.” Building relocations he said however, are “a workable option.” “The central government is putting more emphasis on the protection of historical buildings. I’m happy to see that progress in recent years.”
Shanghai has arguably been China’s most progressive city when it comes to heritage preservation. The survival of a number of 1930s buildings and 19th-century “shikumen” (or “stone gate”) house have offered examples of how to give old buildings new life.
“We have to preserve the historical building no matter what, ” Lan said. “The relocation has challenges, but in general, it is cheaper than destroying and then rebuilding something in a new location.”
17. How did cities respond to the loss of historical sites
A. They criticized the developers. B. They rebuilt the historic hutongs.
C. They ended the significant threat. D. They proposed the protection project.
18. What does the underlined word “it” in Para. 4 refer to
A. All original form. B. A new addition. C. A cinema. D. A temple.
19. What does the author intend to do in Para. 6
A. Provide strong evidence. B. Introduce different opinions.
C. Summarize previous paragraphs. D. Add some background information.
20. What’s the best title for the passage
A. Walking Machine: a New Technology B. Rebuilding: a New Option for Relics
C. Old Building Torn down for Modern Use D. Historical Site “Walks” to New Life
【答案】17. D 18. C 19. A 20. D
17. 细节理解题。根据第三段“In the early 2000s, cities including Nanjing and Bejjing-due to the critics’ protest about the loss of old neighborhoods-drew up long-term plans to preserve what was left of their historic sites, with protections introduced to safeguard buildings and restrict developers.”(21世纪初,包括南京和北京在内的城市——由于批评人士对老街区流失的抗议——制定了长期计划来保护遗留下来的历史遗迹,引入保护措施来保护建筑,并限制开发商。)可知,城市提出了保护计划来应对历史遗迹的丧失。故选D。
18. 指代猜测题。根据第四段第二句中的“a cinema from the 1930s was restored to its original form”(20世纪30年代的一座电影院被恢复了原来的形式)可知,it是指电影院。故选C。
19. 目的意图题。根据第六段第二句The survival of a number of 1930s buildings and 19th-century “shikumen” (or “stone gate”) house have offered examples of how to give old buildings new life.(幸存下来的一些20世纪30年代的建筑和19世纪的“石库门”(或“石门”)房屋为如何赋予旧建筑新的生命提供了范例。)可知,第六段中作者提供证据证明在遗产保护方面,上海可以说是中国最先进的城市。故选A。
20. 标题判断题。根据第一段An 85-year-old primary school constructed in 1935 in Shanghai has been lifted off the ground in its entirety and relocated using new technology called the “walking machine.” The project marks the first time this “walking machine” method has been used in Shanghai to relocate a historical building.(上海一所始建于1935年、拥有85年历史的小学,日前全部拔地而起,并使用名为“步行机”的新技术进行了重新安置。该项目标志着上海首次采用这种“步行机器”的方式来搬迁一座历史建筑。)可知,文章主要是讲的是名胜古迹重新走进生活,所以选项D切题。故选D。
(2024·湖北黄冈·一模)French children 15 and under will no longer be allowed to bring smart devices to school. Lawmakers in France voted recently to ban all phones, tablets, and other Internet-connected devices from school grounds. The ban will start in September, “These days, the children don't play at break time anymore,” Jean-Michel Blanquer, France's education minister, said. “They are just all in front of their smartphones, and from an educational point of view, that's a problem. Some strict measures must be taken immediately.” A 2010 law bad already banned smartphones during "all teaching activity" in France. But the new rules say smartphones and tablets are not allowed even during breaks. Students who bring these digital devices to school have to keep them in their backpacks and turned off, If they want to call their parents, schools will help. However, the new law doesn’t forbid students to turn to them during extra-curricular activities. It also makes an exception for disabled students.
Alexis Corbiere is a French politician. He said the effort to make such a law should have been put to something else because teachers have already carried out this rule so far. “I don't know a single teacher in this country that allows the use of phones in class and in school, ” he told French news channel BFMTV.
How about smartphones in American schools According to a study by the National Center for Education Statistics, about 66% of public schools banned devices in 2019, which was down from 91% in 2009. Why the change Liz Kolb, a professor at the University of Michigan School of Education, said that parents are concerned about security in schools. "In the rare case that something may occur, " she said, "the belief by some parents is that a cell phone could be a useful tool for safety."
21. What does the underlined word "them" in paragraph 1 refer to
A. Disabled students.
B. Digital devices.
C. Backpacks.
D. Students' parents.
22. How does Alexis Corbiere feel about the new ban on smartphones
A. It's unnecessary.
B. It's rewarding.
C. It's impossible.
D. It's unexpected.
23. What can we say about the smartphone use in American schools
A. It's made a comeback.
B. It's helped parents a lot.
C. It's done good to students.
D. It's followed the French ban.
24. What’s the best title for the text
A. Students Must Turn off Smartphones.
B. Digital Devices Won't Be Popular.
C. France Makes the Call in School.
D. Parents Value Children's Safety.
【答案】21. B 22. A 23. A 24. C
21. 词义猜测题。第一段中划线词句上一句“Students who bring these digital devices to school have to keep them in their backpacks and turned off, if they want to call their parents, schools will help.(把这些数码设备带到学校的学生必须把它们放在书包里,并关掉,如果他们想给父母打电话,学校会提供帮助)”说明学生可以把这些数码设备带到学校关掉不能使用,再根据划线词句“However, the new law doesn’t forbid students to turn to them during extra-curricular activities.(然而,新法律并不禁止学生在课外活动中求助于them)”转折的语义可以推断,划线单词“them”指代上文的“数码设备”。故选B项。
22. 推理判断题。根据第二段中“He said the effort to make such a law should have been put to something else because teachers have already carried out this rule so far.(他说,制定这样一项法律的努力应该放在其他方面,因为到目前为止,教师们已经执行了这项规定)”以及Alexis Corbiere所说“I don't know a single teacher in this country that allows the use of phones in class and in school.(我不知道这个国家有哪位老师允许在课堂和学校里使用手机)”可以推断, Alexis Corbiere认为没有必要制定对智能手机的新法令。故选A项。
23. 推理判断题。根据第三段中“According to a study by the National Center for Education Statistics, about 66% of public schools banned devices in 2019, which was down from 91% in 2009.(美国国家教育统计中心的一项研究显示,2019年约66%的公立学校禁止使用电子设备,较2009年的91%有所下降)”可知,在美国2009年, 禁用手机的学校占91%, 但到了2019 年, 该数字降到了66%。由此可知,在美国学校使用手机现象又回归了。故选A项。
24. 主旨大意题。通读全文,根据第一段中“French children 15 and under will no longer be allowed to bring smart devices to school. Lawmakers in France voted recently to ban all phones, tablets, and other Internet-connected devices from school grounds.(法国15岁及以下的儿童将不再被允许携带智能设备上学。法国议员最近投票禁止所有手机、平板电脑和其他联网设备进入学校)”可知,本文主要介绍了法国最近通过新法令在学校严格推行禁用手机等电子设备:15岁以下的学生在学校即使在休息时也不能使用手机。选项C“法国在学校发出了号召(禁用手机)”突出主题,简明扼要,适合做标题。故选C项。
(2024·天津·二模)Knowing how to communicate well needs very personal attention between you and another human being. Is there a better way to learn how to communicate effectively Yes, there is. Please follow the 3 basic steps below.
* Relax and breathe
Whether it's a business meeting or a first date, the first thing you must do in order to communicate is to relax.
When you relax, you are in control. You control your reactions and your reactions do not control you. Breathing is central to relaxation. Take a few deep breaths and your body will begin to be more at ease. This will help you apply what you already know about how to communicate well.
* Think and you will be prepared
Have you ever heard the old saying "think before you speak" Well, it is true. By thinking ahead about how the conversation might flow, you will be better prepared, more at ease and more confident.
* Follow the flow of the conversation
If you are uncomfortable, being silent will only make it worse and make the other person uncomfortable as well. So when all else fails, follow through with small talk until a common topic appears.
A good way to keep a conversation going is to ask the other person questions. People love to talk about themselves and if you do this, they will leave the conversation, thinking very highly of you. Learning good communication skills is not something out of reach. If you make an effort, you will succeed.
25. Which of the following is the best title of the passage
A. How to Begin Your Conversation Effectively.
B. Preparation and Conversation.
C. Personal Attention and Communication.
D. How to Communicate with People You Meet.
26. If you want to talk with others successfully, the most important thing you should do is ________.
A. to make a good preparation for the conversation.
B. to take as many deep breaths as possible.
C. to keep calm and relax yourself fully.
D. to follow the flow of the conversation.
27. Why does relaxation play an important part in your good communication
A. Because it can help you keep excited and react quickly in the communication.
B. Because it will help you organize good sentences for your communication.
C. Because it can help you put your communication skills that you know into use.
D. Because no one likes to communicate with a nervous person.
28. If you feel uncomfortable, you'd better ________.
A. talk small things until you find a topic you both like.
B. speak freely so as to run across the topic you like.
C. keep silent in order to give the chance of speaking to others.
D. ask questions which you are interested in.
29. What's the meaning of the underlined sentence
A. You will be good at communication if you try.
B. Good communication skills can be learned if you try.
C. Not all people can learn good communication skills.
D. Communication skills can be improved easily.
【答案】25. D 26. C 27. C 28. A 29. B
25. 主旨大意题。根据第一段“Knowing how to communicate well needs very personal attention between you and another human being. Is there a better way to learn how to communicate effectively Yes, there is. Please follow the 3 basic steps below.(了解如何进行良好的沟通需要你和另一个人之间的个别关注。有没有更好的方法来学习如何有效沟通?是的,有。请遵循以下3个基本步骤。)”可知,文章主要介绍了一些如何有效沟通的方法。所以D选项“How to Communicate with People You Meet.(如何与你遇到的人沟通。)”适合作为文章标题。故选D项。
26. 细节理解题。根据Relax and breathe部分的“Whether it's a business meeting or a first date, the first thing you must do in order to communicate is to relax.(无论是商务会议还是初次约会,交流时首先要做的就是放松。)”可知,如果想成功地和其他人交流,最重要的就是要镇定并且放松。故选C项。
27. 细节理解题。根据Relax and breathe部分的“This will help you apply what you already know about how to communicate well.(这将帮助你运用你已经知道的如何更好地沟通。)”可知,放松可以帮助你更好地运用你所知道的沟通技巧。故选C项。
28. 细节理解题。根据Follow the flow of the conversation部分的“So when all else fails, follow through with small talk until a common topic appears.(所以,当所有这些都失败时,继续闲聊,直到一个共同的话题出现。)”可知,当你感到不舒服时,要继续闲聊,直到找到共同的话题。故选A项。
29. 词句猜测题。根据划线句下一句“If you make an effort, you will succeed.(如果你努力,你会成功的。)”可知,前一句描述的应该是有关努力就有收获的内容,所以划线句“Learning good communication skills is not something out of reach.(学习良好的沟通技巧并不是遥不可及的。)”意思应该是只要努力,好的沟通技巧是可以学习到的。故选B项。
(2024·天津·三模)I Was the Doughnut Lady
In university I had a part-time job at a shop that sold doughnuts and coffee. Situated on a block where several buses stopped, it served the people who had a few minutes to wait for their bus.
Every afternoon around four o'clock, a group of school children would burst into the shop, and business would come to a stop. Adults would glance in, see the crowd and pass on. But I didn't mind if the children waited for their bus inside. Sometimes I would hand out a bus fare when a ticket went missing-always repaid the next day. On snowy days I would give away some doughnuts. I would lock the door at closing time, and we waited in the warm shop until their bus finally arrived.
I enjoyed my young friends, but it never occurred to me that I played an important role in their lives—until one afternoon when a man came and asked if I was the girl working on weekdays around four o'clock. He identified himself as the father of two of my favorites.
“I want you to know I appreciate what you do for my children. I worry about them taking two buses to get home. It means a lot that they can wait here and you keep an eye on them. When they are with the doughnut lady, I know they are safe.” I told him it wasn't a big deal, and that I enjoyed the kids.
So I was the Doughnut Lady. I not only received a title, but became a landmark. Now I think about all the people who keep an eye on my own children. They become, well, Doughnut Ladies. Like the men a t the skating rink, who let my boys ring home; Or the bus driver who drove my daughter to her stop at the end of the route at night but wouldn't leave until I arrived to pick her up; Or that nice police officer who took pity on my boys walking home in the rain when I was at work—even though the phone rang all the next day with calls from curious neighbors. “Was that a police car I saw at your house last night ”
That wasn't a police car. That was a Doughnut Lady.
30. According to the passage, the author sometimes ______.
A. sold bus tickets to the children B. gave the children free doughnuts
C. did business with the children's help D. called the children's parents to pick them up
31. By saying “...it wasn't a big deal (Para. 4),” the author meant that ______.
A. she hadn't done anything significant
B. she hadn't spent much time with the children
C. she hadn't made a lot of money from the children
D. she hadn't found it hard to get along with the children
32. What can we learn about the police officer ______
A. He took the boys to the police station.
B. He helped the boys look for their mother.
C. He drove the boys back home in a police car.
D. He managed to make sure of the boys' identity.
33. Why did the neighbors call the next day
A. They called to comfort them.
B. They tried to make sure they were fine.
C. They wanted to confirm it was really a police car.
D. They wondered what the police brought them on such a rainy night.
34. The passage suggests that ______.
A. running a business requires skill B. taking responsibility is a moral virtue
C. devotion should be everything in life D. there are always no small acts of kindness.
【答案】30. B 31. A 32. C 33. B 34. D
30. 细节理解题。根据第二段中“On snowy days I would give away some doughnuts.(在下雪天,我会分发一些甜甜圈)”可知,作者有时会给孩子们免费的甜甜圈。故选B。
31. 词句猜测题。根据第三段中“it never occurred to me that I played an important role in their lives(我从来没有想过我在他们的生活中扮演了重要的角色)”;第四段中“I want you to know I appreciate what you do for my children. I worry about them taking two buses to get home. It means a lot that they can wait here and you keep an eye on them. When they are with the doughnut lady, I know they are safe.(我想让你知道我很感激你为我的孩子们所做的一切。我担心他们坐两辆公共汽车回家。他们可以在这里等着,你可以看着他们,这对他们来说意义重大。当他们和甜甜圈女郎在一起时,我知道他们是安全的)”以及“I told him it wasn't a big deal, and that I enjoyed the kids.(我告诉他这没什么大不了的,我很喜欢孩子们)”可推知,作者不觉得自己给来店里的孩子甜甜圈是什么大事,也没想过自己在他们的生活中扮演了重要的角色,只是因为喜欢孩子,故作者这句话的意思是“她做的不是什么大事”。故选A。
32. 推理判断题。根据最后一段中“Was that a police car I saw at your house last night (我昨晚在你家看到的是一辆警车吗?)”可推知,这位警官用警车把孩子们送回家。故选C。
33. 细节理解题。根据最后一段中“Or that nice police officer who took pity on my boys walking home in the rain when I was at work—even though the phone rang all the next day with calls from curious neighbors. ‘Was that a police car I saw at your house last night ’(还有那位好心的警官,他同情我的孩子们在我上班的时候冒雨走回家,尽管隔天电话铃响个不停,都是好奇的邻居打来的。他们问‘我昨晚在你家看到的是一辆警车吗?’)”可知,第二天邻居打电话来,是因为他们试图确保他们没事。故选B。
34. 推理判断题。根据文章主要讲叙了作者上大学时在一家卖甜甜圈和咖啡的商店做兼职,每天下午都会来一群学生,作者让他们在店里等车,有时还会给他们免费的甜甜圈,作者不觉得这是什么大事,直到一位孩子的父亲某天来感激作者,说作者为他们做的事情意义重大。这也让作者想起了生活中无数微小但意义重大的善举。可推知,文章表明,善行总是无小事。故选D。
(2024·黑龙江哈尔滨·二模)When you need a job very much, you may end up taking one for which you are over qualified. Although you were initially grateful just to have the work, you now feel bored and depressed. Is there any way to change that
Start by changing your opinion, says Caitlin Kelly, the author of Malled, a book based on her experience as a sales clerk after losing her job in journalism. “Don’t focus on what you’re not getting but what you are getting,” she says. “Be patient and work attentively with a wide range of people. It doesn’t matter what the job is –there are always things you can learn and skills you can develop.”
Hilary Pearl, the founder of a coaching firm, says, “Tell yourself the current situation isn’t the end of your career. Don’t overdramatize(过分夸大)the negative aspects but try to view the situation more philosophically: life has a series of stages, and this is one of them. Don’t forget to study even in the worst stage.”
Consider that because you’re overqualified, you may be able to learn or do things on the job that might not have been possible.
Of course, you may seek tasks and responsibilities that force you to learn something new or to work harder. “You may be operating on autopilot(习惯性地)right now, but chances are that people above you are stressed,” Sarah Hathorn says. “ Take things off your boss’s plate and let him know which projects or tasks you want to learn more about.”
Always express your request positively, saying that you love new challenges, rather than complaining that you’re bored and underused, says Ethun, the president of the Park Avenue Group. In your down time, educate yourself about the company and its industry. “Read corporate information, analyst reports and related news articles,” she says. “If your boss accepts your suggestions, it will make you a more valuable employee.”
35. According to Caitlin Kelly, ______.
A. one should be willing to do some small things
B. being a salesman is not as important as being a journalist
C. performing your regular duties well is important
D. doing a simple job well will bring you a sense of success
36. What Hilary Pearl intends to express is that ______.
A. work is just a stage of our whole life
B. the present job doesn’t matter to us in a long run
C. one should be satisfied with his present situation
D. one should look forward instead of complaining about the present situation
37. The underlined words “take things off your boss’s plate” mean______.
A. draw your boss’s attention B. share your boss’s burdens
C. give your boss useful advice D. ask your boss for a better position
38. What is the common view about careers of the people mentioned in this passage
A. One should start his career from doing a simple job.
B. One should improve himself and help others as well.
C. One should keep learning new things to improve himself.
D. One should pay much attention to the relationship with the boss.
【答案】35. C 36. D 37. B 38. C
【分析】本文是说明文。文章介绍了当工作时感到无聊和沮丧,有什么办法可以改变吗 ,不同专家给出的一些不同建议。
35. 细节理解题。根据文章第二段“Don’t focus on what you’re not getting but what you are getting,” she says.Be patient and work attentively with a wide range of people. It doesn’t matter what the job is –there are always things you can learn and skills you can develop”(她说:“不要把注意力放在你没有得到的东西上,而是放在你正在得到的东西上。”要有耐心,并且要专心地与各种各样的人一起工作。工作是什么并不重要,总是有你可以学习的东西和你可以发展的技能)”说明把自己的本质工作做好才是最重要的,故选C项。
36. 细节理解题。根据文章第三段“Tell yourself the current situation isn’t the end of your career. Don’t overdramatize(过分夸大)the negative aspects but try to view the situation more philosophically: life has a series of stages, and this is one of them.(告诉你自己,现在的情况不是你职业生涯的终结。不要过分夸大消极的方面,而要试着从哲学的角度来看待这种情况:人生有一系列的阶段,这就是其中之一。)点明了希拉里 珀尔认为一个人应该向前看,而不是抱怨现状。故选D项。
词义猜测题。通过文中画线句后文“let him know which projects or tasks you want to learn more about.(让他知道哪些项目或任务你想要多了解一些。)” 可知画线部分的意思是你能与老板分担忧愁,故选B项。
38. 细节理解题。根据第二段“It doesn’t matter what the job is –there are always things you can learn and skills you can develop.”作是什么并不重要,总是有你可以学习的东西和你可以发展的技能。根据第三段末句“Don’t forget to study even in the worst stage.( 即使在最糟糕的阶段也不要忘记学习。)”和最后一段“In your down time, educate yourself about the company and its industry.(在你休息时,了解一下公司和它的行业。)”可知关于本文中人们提到的的职业,他们的共同观点是一个人应该不断学习新的东西来提高自己。故选C项。
(2024·江西·南昌一模)It was our last class before summer break. I was finishing up the first year of an MFA program in poetry. I was tired and puzzled. "Was I good enough to be in the program " When a professor asked about our summer plans, I panicked. I didn't want to appear idle(闲散的). "Gardening," I responded immediately. Actually I knew nothing about plants! My professor nodded, saying, "What a good idea, Mari! Emily Dickinson loved gardening." Emily Dickinson had lived in the countryside, studying plants as a child. I was in my late twenties, living in the city without gardening experience.
A few days later, I bought a jalape o seedling(青辣椒秧苗). At least I could say I'd tried gardening. I watered and changed the dirt for my little plant. I even talked to it. And over the summer, it grew bigger and bigger. I was proud. Maybe I didn't have a black thumb after all.
I started the second year of my MFA, and then it was almost December and my jalape o was suffering. It was brown in some places; many of its leaves had fallen off. Would my little guy make it I prayed, "Please be okay." As if its survival were closely linked to mine.
I worked hard in school. Spring came. My jalape o plant came back to life. It grew bigger, with new leaves. And then it flowered. I handed in my graduate paper--a book of poems--in May. "Your poems are strong," my professor said.
A huge weight lifted. I'd done it! At that time, I found the flowers on my jalape o plant were gone. I watched closer. Where a flower had been, a tiny green fruit pushed through. I smiled. I had succeeded in my MFA program, and my jalape o plant had grown right beside me, and I successfully did things I hadn't thought possible.
39. Why did the author begin gardening
A. Just by accident.
B. For the love for gardening.
C. To express fancy for Emily Dickinson.
D. Because of the reminding of a professor.
40. When did the author begin her first gardening
A. In her childhood. B. In one of her summer breaks.
C. In her teens. D. In her first year of MFA program.
41. What does the underlined phrase "a black thumb" in Paragraph 2 probably mean
A. A talent to grow plants. B. A dirty finger to touch plants.
C. A good fortune to do everything. D. An inability to do gardening.
42. Which proverb can best describe the story above
A. Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.
B. Easier said than done.
C. It's never too old to learn.
D. Do not teach fish to swim.
【答案】39. A 40. B 41. D 42. A
39. 推理判断题。根据文章第一段中句子“When a professor asked about our summer plans, I panicked. I didn't want to appear idle(闲散的). "Gardening," I responded immediately. Actually I knew nothing about plants!”(当教授问我们的暑假计划时,我慌了。我不想显得无所事事。“园艺。”我立刻回答。其实我对植物一无所知!)可知,作者其实并不懂园艺,只是被教授突然问到,出于紧张,随口说了一个,因此,作者开始园艺只是出于偶然。故选A项。
40. 细节理解题。根据文章第一段第一句“It was our last class before summer break. ”(这是我们暑假前的最后一节课。)和第二段第一句“A few days later, I bought a jalape o seedling(青辣椒秧苗). ”(几天后,我买了一株墨西哥胡椒苗。)可知,作者是在一个暑假里开始的园艺种植。故选B项。
41. 词义猜测题。根据文章第二段中句子“ And over the summer, it grew bigger and bigger. I was proud.”(整个夏天,它变得越来越大。我很骄傲。)可知,作者种植的辣椒苗长势很好,因此作者很骄傲,但事实上作者根本不懂园艺,由此可推知此处指的是作者骄傲的自夸“或许我终究不是不擅长园艺的人”。故选D项。
42. 主旨大意题。根据文章最后一段最后一句“ I smiled. I had succeeded in my MFA program, and my jalape o plant had grown right beside me, and I successfully did things I hadn't thought possible.”(我笑了笑。我成功地完成了我的艺术硕士课程,我的墨西哥胡椒就生长在我身边,我成功地做了我以前认为不可能的事情。)可知,通过作者的努力,成功做了自己认为不可能的事情,A项中的“世上无难事,只怕有心人。”与之切题。故选A项。高考题型逐个击破-阅读理解之词义猜测题
阅读中常常会遇到一些由熟悉的单词派生或合成的新词。掌握构词法对猜测词义很有帮助。如:unforeseeable.这个词,可以根据构词法把它拆成un, fore, see , able;其中 see 是词根,fore是“先,前,预”的含义,un是否定,able是“能……的,可……的”,因此unforeseeable是“未能预见到的”意思。
对比是描述,说明事物的常用方式。在对比中,对比的事物是互为相反的,因此根据反义或对比关系可从已知推出未知。利用反义词来说明生词的意义,如反义词hot and cold, perfect and imperfect,甚至前、后句为肯定与否定或是与不是等,在句内词与词之间,在段内句与句之间的关系上起着互为线索的作用。
为了说明或证实,文章中经常会举例,往往用来列举说明前面较难理解的词,这些例子可帮助我们猜测生词。举例时,常常会用一些连接性的词,如:such as, like, for example, for instance等。
有时文章的作者为了增强表达效果,会用一些含有表示意思转折的连词,副词或短语。如:though, although, still, but, yet, instead, instead of, however, while, on the contrary, on the other hand, unlike, rather than, for one thing, for another等,我们可以根据转折意思猜测词义。
Bananas,oranges, pineapples, coconuts and some other kinds of fruit grow in warm areas.
说明:从句意我们知道pineapples 和coconuts 与bananas, oranges是同类事物,同属水果(准确地说是“菠萝”和“椰子”)。
That museum is so immense that it will be impossible to see all the exhibits in one day.
说明:既然一天之内看不完所有的展品,那么immense 的意思应该是“很大”了。
Everyone agreed that the woman in the photo was gorgeous. It was easy to see why she had won the beauty contest.
Children like such creatures as dogs and monkeys.
说明:像 dogs 和 monkeys 之类的“creatures”,显然creatures的意思应是“动物”。
In your spare time, you may look through any of these periodicals: Time Magazine, News Week, or The New Worker.
Overwork may cause diseases.
说明:前缀 over- 的意思是“过分的,过量的”,故 overwork的意思应为“工作过度”。
There was a dissatisfied look in the manager’s eyes.
说明:satisfied的意思是“满意的”,前缀 dis- 的意思是“不”,故dissatisfied 的意思应该是“不满意的”。
He had been getting better, but during the night his condition deteriorated .
说明:句中的 but 表明deteriorate 应该与get better 的意思相反,即“恶化”。
In many countries there are two financial extremes, from penury to great wealth.
说明:上文说两个经济上的极端,那么下文中penury 应与great wealth 相对,即表示“贫困”。
Mrs.Smith is loquacious while her husband is the silent type.
说明:while 表对比,意为“而”,所以loquacious 应是silent 的反义,即“多嘴的”。
If you agree, draw a circle; and a cross if you dissent.
His father is an expert in phonetics, the study of the sounds of language.
说明:同位语 the study of the sounds of language 表示 phonetics 的意思应该是“语音学”。
Jean was born with spinabifida, a birth illness that damages the spine(脊骨).
说明:同位语 a birth illness that damages the spine 表明了spinabifida 是一种病,一种对脊骨有损害的病。
They described him as a loon, or a mad man.
说明:句中的or 是对loon的解释,即loon与a mad man同义,即表示“疯子”。
It will be very hard but also very brittle, that is, it will break easily.
说明:句中的 that is 表明 it will break easily 是对brittle 的解释,从而猜测出其意为“脆”。
The herdsman, who looks after sheep, earns about 500 yuan a year.
说明:定语从句 who looks after sheep 表明herdsman 的词义为“牧人”。
There are three kinds of snow. One kind is a fluffy snow that is somewhat dry and feathery
说明:定语从句 that is somewhat dry and feathery(有点儿干、像羽毛似的)表明 fluffy snow 的意思可能是“鹅毛大雪”。
It’s said that Bill Gates is the most affluent person in the world.
说明:根据常识,Bill Gates 为世界首富,所以affluent 可能是“富有的”
As a scientist, Edison is very famous for his contrivances.
(2024·山东青岛·二模)It might seem strange to be making predictions about 2021, but one thing is clear: technology has been affected just as much as every other part of our lives. Another clear thing is that today’s most important technology trends will play a big part in helping us deal with and adapt to the many challenges facing us. From the shift to working from home to new rules about how we meet and interact in public spaces, technology trends will be the driving force in managing the change.
One of the major technology trends that are likely to play out this year is 5G and enhanced connectivity. Each successive advance in mobile connectivity from 3G onwards has unlocked new use cases for the Internet. 3G made web browsing and data-driven services useful on mobile devices, 4G led to the growth of streaming video and music platforms as bandwidths (宽带) increased, and 5G, similarly, will open more doors in terms of what is possible.
5G means that services relying on advanced technologies such as augmented (增强的) reality and virtual reality, as well as cloud-based gaming platforms like Google’s Stadia, become a practical thing, anywhere at any time. They also threaten to make cable and fiber-based (光纤) networks redundant, with their need for us to be tied to a particular location.
In short, 5G and other advanced, high-speed networks make other new technologies available anywhere, any time. A great example is Norwegian fishery operator Salmar that uses a 5G network to automate the care and feeding of its fish. Image recognition algorithms (算法) are used to detect which fish are over or under-feeding, and automatically distribute food and medicine needed to keep them healthy. Initiatives like this will become increasingly important during 2021, where businesses look to increase automation across their workforces.
1. Which of the following is highly influenced by 5G technology
A. Data-driven services. B. Streaming video.
C. Music platforms. D. Google’s Stadia.
2. Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “redundant” in paragraph 3
A. Useful. B. Unnecessary. C. Expensive. D. Special.
3. Why is “Salmar” mentioned in the text
A. To show the development of Norwegian fishery.
B. To explain how to keep fish healthy.
C. To present the application of 5G technology.
D. To propose new initiatives for businesses.
4. What is the text mainly about
A. Different predictions of technology trends.
B. Successive advances in mobile technology.
C. One of the technological highlights of the year.
D. The driving force in managing changes.
(2024·北京朝阳·二模)A Bridge Linking Art and the Audience
According to a 2018 report, people aged between 16 and 24 make up about 15 percent of the population but only 10 percent of museum-goers. Similarly, people aged over 35 go half as much as you would expect from their population size. We have reached the point of recognising the disconnection between art and the audience but haven’t yet determined how to bridge the gap. Two answers to tackling this challenge lie in telling a greater diversity of art histories and communicating these stories in more accessible ways.
In 2018, a radio program called Art Matters was started with the aim of discussing art from a pop-culture viewpoint with topics that would engage younger and more diverse audience. It offers an accessible pathway to art history with conversations on different topics. Art history is about storytelling; art content shines when there is an effort to bring audience along for the discussion.
More traditional institutions are paying attention. Recently the Getty Museum issued a social-media challenge for people to recreate paintings using items they had at home. Users displayed incredible creativity, and the museum was flooded with submissions. This reaction proves that there is a potential desire for the audience to engage with art topics if the format is appealing. Since many people feel intimidated and think that there’s a base level of understanding required to join the conversation, the Getty initiative serves as a reminder that there are many pathways to engaging with it.
Another result of the Getty challenge was the exposure given to a diversity of artworks. The famous opera singer Peter Brathwaite, for example, made scores of attractive recreations highlighting centuries of black paintings. His efforts opposed the idea that there were not many historical paintings of black figures. It is extremely important that we do a better job of showing the complex and diverse stories that are represented in art.
Social media have offered a platform for people who have not traditionally had a seat at the table. Anyone can recognise a gap in the field and address it. Accounts have gathered tens of thousands of followers. They are the proof that there is hunger to hear these art histories, and these themes work brilliantly for museum programming.
But there is only so much that can be done without the museums and galleries changing meaningfully from within. We need to see a better balance of these stories represented in permanent collections. We also need a much wider diversity of people and interests represented on board. Ensuring that art-and writing and talking about art-is able to continue on the rising generation of storytellers, inside and outside of institutions, getting the funding and support they need to paint a brighter picture for the part.
5. What challenge is the author trying to tackle
A. People doubt a great diversity of artworks.
B. Fewer and fewer young people go to museums.
C. Art appears too distant from common audience.
D. Adult audience has a different understanding of art.
6. What does the underlined word “intimidated” in Paragraph 3 probably mean
A. Tired. B. Worried. C. Annoyed. D. Surprised.
7. In the author’s opinion, the museums and galleries should ________.
A. make the art history stories accessible in a traditional way.
B. change meaningfully for activities like the Getty challenge.
C. limit the number of storytellers both in and out of institutions.
D. improve the permanent collections by adding famous artworks.
8. We can conclude from the passage that common audience ________.
A. lacks the channels to understand and talk about art history.
B. prefers to view artworks and hear art stories on social media.
C. feels satisfied with people and interests represented on board.
D. refuses to engage with diverse art topics and art history stories.
(2024·河南郑州·二模)The icy beauty of the Arctic attracts thousands of visitors every year to see its wonderful wildlife, landscape and local cultures. Visitors can take ships on a voyage along the Arctic Ocean or take flights to cities along the Arctic edge. No matter how one gets there, they should wear warm clothes and get ready to take in the attractions.
“Travelling to the Arctic leaves an unforgettable impression on the visitor. Its vast expanse and the fragility of its environment are two things that really blow away people,” said Cheryl Rosa, the director of the US Arctic Research Commission.
Visitors to the Arctic Circle will have a lot of activities to choose from if they want to see all that the region has to offer. Hiking with snowshoes, dog sledding and kayaking are common activities. Visitors with sharp eyes are likely to spot polar bears. To get even closer to the animals of the sea, visitors can go polar snorkeling with seals. Of course, Arctic adventures aren't complete without viewing the wonders of the Arctic Circle's large glaciers and icebergs as well.
One of the most impressive attractions and maybe the most difficult to see is the Northern Lights, one of the seven natural wonders of the world. They are natural lights that glow a brilliant green and light up the horizon. Sometimes they appear as waves that dance across the sky in different colors.
The best places to view the Northern Lights are in Northern Norway, Sweden's Abisko National Park , Iceland, America's Alaska or Canada's Yukon, according to . Charles Deehr, an expert at the University of Alaska Fairbanks' Geophysical Institute , recommended planning a trip between winter and spring, especially when there is a new moon.
Even though the Arctic is a popular tourist destination, don't forget that people live here too. “It is recommended that visitors go with tour groups that are respectful of Arctic residents (居民) and their culture,” said Rosa. “Too many people can disturb the small villages. Finding tour groups that work with local communities is important.”
9. The underlined part “blow away” in Paragraph 2 probably means “________”.
A. defeat B. affect C. move D. impress
10. What can we know about the Northern Lights
A. They only produce green light at night.
B. They are natural lights and hard to see.
C. They seldom occur between winter and spring.
D. The best time to view them is when there is a full moon.
11. What can be inferred from the last paragraph
A. Tour groups are not welcome among Arctic residents.
B. The Arctic's population has been rising in recent years.
C. Visitors should choose suitable tour groups when visiting.
D. Tour groups should get permission from local communities.
12. What is the purpose of the author in writing this passage
A. To inform visitors of local culture.
B. To recommend some activities to visitors.
C. To introduce a popular tourist destination.
D. To share a travel experience in the Arctic.
(2024·云南六盘水·二模)Over the past two weeks, I've lost my passport, barked at a neighbor and published a picture of myself wearing a kid's superhero costume. Forgetfulness, anger and poor decision-making are all signs of sleep shortage.
And I'm not alone.
“I average around six hours a night,” admits Paul, who's lived in Shanghai for three years. “But how much of that is deep sleep, I don't know.”
Lisa works in a hotel. “I struggle to switch off,” she says, “a glass of red wine with dinner helps.”
March 21 is the World Sleep Day, an annual event in celebration of slumber, or sleep. When sleep problems become a global epidemic, it's time to ask: “Am I getting enough ”
The lack of sleep throughout industrialized nations is damaging our health, wellness and safety. We're dog-tired, the impact of which is enough to keep anyone up at night.
A global experiment is performed on 1.6 billion people across 70 countries twice a year: daylight savings. When one hour of sleep is lost in spring, there's a 24 percent increase in heart attacks, and in autumn, when the hour is regained, a 21 percent reduction.
Good sleep increases concentration, attention and decision-making. Creativity goes up, and our ability to find novel solutions to complex problems is hugely improved. Sleep reduces mood swings and stress levels. We drink less alcohol and make better food choices when rested.
Take sleep seriously. It's not a luxury, but a biological necessity. It's our life-support system and let it be our superpower.
13. Why does the author mention his own experiences in Paragraph 1
A. To draw attention to his situation. B. To complain about lacking sleep.
C. To introduce the topic of the text. D. To raise a question about deep sleep.
14. What does the underlined phrase “switch off” in Paragraph 4 mean
A. Turn off. B. Disinterest someone. C. Stop talking. D. Fall asleep.
15. What is the finding of the global experiment
A. The loss of sleep increases the risk of heart attacks.
B. Short sleep is linked to mental health problems.
C. Good sleep leads to better work performances.
D. Red wine is effective in treating sleeplessness.
16. What does the author suggest about sleep
A. Celebrating the World Sleep Day. B. Paying attention to sleep problems.
C. Getting six hours' sleep every day. D. Taking sleeping pills when necessary.
(2024·福建福州·三模)An 85-year-old primary school constructed in 1935 in Shanghai has been lifted off the ground in its entirety and relocated using new technology called the “walking machine.” The project marks the first time this “walking machine” method has been used in Shanghai to relocate a historical building.
Urbanization(都市化)has continued to significantly threaten architectural heritage. In the capital Beijing, for instance, more than 1,000 acres of its historic hutongs and traditional courtyard homes were destroyed between 1990 and 2010.
In the early 2000s, cities including Nanjing and Bejjing-due to the critics’ protest about the loss of old neighborhoods-drew up long-term plans to preserve what was left of their historic sites, with protections introduced to safeguard buildings and restrict developers.
These conservation efforts have taken different forms. In Beijing, a near-ruined temple was transformed into a restaurant and gallery, while in Nanjing, a cinema from the 1930s was restored to its original form, with some additions providing it for modern use. In 2019, Shanghai welcomed Tank Shanghai, an arts center built in renovated(重修的)oil tanks.
“Relocation is not the first choice, but better than destroying,” said Lan, the Shanghai primary school’s project supervisor. “I’d rather not touch the historical buildings at all.” Building relocations he said however, are “a workable option.” “The central government is putting more emphasis on the protection of historical buildings. I’m happy to see that progress in recent years.”
Shanghai has arguably been China’s most progressive city when it comes to heritage preservation. The survival of a number of 1930s buildings and 19th-century “shikumen” (or “stone gate”) house have offered examples of how to give old buildings new life.
“We have to preserve the historical building no matter what, ” Lan said. “The relocation has challenges, but in general, it is cheaper than destroying and then rebuilding something in a new location.”
17. How did cities respond to the loss of historical sites
A. They criticized the developers. B. They rebuilt the historic hutongs.
C. They ended the significant threat. D. They proposed the protection project.
18. What does the underlined word “it” in Para. 4 refer to
A. All original form. B. A new addition. C. A cinema. D. A temple.
19. What does the author intend to do in Para. 6
A. Provide strong evidence. B. Introduce different opinions.
C. Summarize previous paragraphs. D. Add some background information.
20. What’s the best title for the passage
A. Walking Machine: a New Technology B. Rebuilding: a New Option for Relics
C. Old Building Torn down for Modern Use D. Historical Site “Walks” to New Life
(2024·湖北黄冈·一模)French children 15 and under will no longer be allowed to bring smart devices to school. Lawmakers in France voted recently to ban all phones, tablets, and other Internet-connected devices from school grounds. The ban will start in September, “These days, the children don't play at break time anymore,” Jean-Michel Blanquer, France's education minister, said. “They are just all in front of their smartphones, and from an educational point of view, that's a problem. Some strict measures must be taken immediately.” A 2010 law bad already banned smartphones during "all teaching activity" in France. But the new rules say smartphones and tablets are not allowed even during breaks. Students who bring these digital devices to school have to keep them in their backpacks and turned off, If they want to call their parents, schools will help. However, the new law doesn’t forbid students to turn to them during extra-curricular activities. It also makes an exception for disabled students.
Alexis Corbiere is a French politician. He said the effort to make such a law should have been put to something else because teachers have already carried out this rule so far. “I don't know a single teacher in this country that allows the use of phones in class and in school, ” he told French news channel BFMTV.
How about smartphones in American schools According to a study by the National Center for Education Statistics, about 66% of public schools banned devices in 2019, which was down from 91% in 2009. Why the change Liz Kolb, a professor at the University of Michigan School of Education, said that parents are concerned about security in schools. "In the rare case that something may occur, " she said, "the belief by some parents is that a cell phone could be a useful tool for safety."
21. What does the underlined word "them" in paragraph 1 refer to
A. Disabled students.
B. Digital devices.
C. Backpacks.
D. Students' parents.
22. How does Alexis Corbiere feel about the new ban on smartphones
A. It's unnecessary.
B. It's rewarding.
C. It's impossible.
D. It's unexpected.
23. What can we say about the smartphone use in American schools
A. It's made a comeback.
B. It's helped parents a lot.
C. It's done good to students.
D. It's followed the French ban.
24. What’s the best title for the text
A. Students Must Turn off Smartphones.
B. Digital Devices Won't Be Popular.
C. France Makes the Call in School.
D. Parents Value Children's Safety.
(2024·天津·二模)Knowing how to communicate well needs very personal attention between you and another human being. Is there a better way to learn how to communicate effectively Yes, there is. Please follow the 3 basic steps below.
* Relax and breathe
Whether it's a business meeting or a first date, the first thing you must do in order to communicate is to relax.
When you relax, you are in control. You control your reactions and your reactions do not control you. Breathing is central to relaxation. Take a few deep breaths and your body will begin to be more at ease. This will help you apply what you already know about how to communicate well.
* Think and you will be prepared
Have you ever heard the old saying "think before you speak" Well, it is true. By thinking ahead about how the conversation might flow, you will be better prepared, more at ease and more confident.
* Follow the flow of the conversation
If you are uncomfortable, being silent will only make it worse and make the other person uncomfortable as well. So when all else fails, follow through with small talk until a common topic appears.
A good way to keep a conversation going is to ask the other person questions. People love to talk about themselves and if you do this, they will leave the conversation, thinking very highly of you. Learning good communication skills is not something out of reach. If you make an effort, you will succeed.
25. Which of the following is the best title of the passage
A. How to Begin Your Conversation Effectively.
B. Preparation and Conversation.
C. Personal Attention and Communication.
D. How to Communicate with People You Meet.
26. If you want to talk with others successfully, the most important thing you should do is ________.
A. to make a good preparation for the conversation.
B. to take as many deep breaths as possible.
C. to keep calm and relax yourself fully.
D. to follow the flow of the conversation.
27. Why does relaxation play an important part in your good communication
A. Because it can help you keep excited and react quickly in the communication.
B. Because it will help you organize good sentences for your communication.
C. Because it can help you put your communication skills that you know into use.
D. Because no one likes to communicate with a nervous person.
28. If you feel uncomfortable, you'd better ________.
A. talk small things until you find a topic you both like.
B. speak freely so as to run across the topic you like.
C. keep silent in order to give the chance of speaking to others.
D. ask questions which you are interested in.
29. What's the meaning of the underlined sentence
A. You will be good at communication if you try.
B. Good communication skills can be learned if you try.
C. Not all people can learn good communication skills.
D. Communication skills can be improved easily.
(2024·天津·三模)I Was the Doughnut Lady
In university I had a part-time job at a shop that sold doughnuts and coffee. Situated on a block where several buses stopped, it served the people who had a few minutes to wait for their bus.
Every afternoon around four o'clock, a group of school children would burst into the shop, and business would come to a stop. Adults would glance in, see the crowd and pass on. But I didn't mind if the children waited for their bus inside. Sometimes I would hand out a bus fare when a ticket went missing-always repaid the next day. On snowy days I would give away some doughnuts. I would lock the door at closing time, and we waited in the warm shop until their bus finally arrived.
I enjoyed my young friends, but it never occurred to me that I played an important role in their lives—until one afternoon when a man came and asked if I was the girl working on weekdays around four o'clock. He identified himself as the father of two of my favorites.
“I want you to know I appreciate what you do for my children. I worry about them taking two buses to get home. It means a lot that they can wait here and you keep an eye on them. When they are with the doughnut lady, I know they are safe.” I told him it wasn't a big deal, and that I enjoyed the kids.
So I was the Doughnut Lady. I not only received a title, but became a landmark. Now I think about all the people who keep an eye on my own children. They become, well, Doughnut Ladies. Like the men a t the skating rink, who let my boys ring home; Or the bus driver who drove my daughter to her stop at the end of the route at night but wouldn't leave until I arrived to pick her up; Or that nice police officer who took pity on my boys walking home in the rain when I was at work—even though the phone rang all the next day with calls from curious neighbors. “Was that a police car I saw at your house last night ”
That wasn't a police car. That was a Doughnut Lady.
30. According to the passage, the author sometimes ______.
A. sold bus tickets to the children B. gave the children free doughnuts
C. did business with the children's help D. called the children's parents to pick them up
31. By saying “...it wasn't a big deal (Para. 4),” the author meant that ______.
A. she hadn't done anything significant
B. she hadn't spent much time with the children
C. she hadn't made a lot of money from the children
D. she hadn't found it hard to get along with the children
32. What can we learn about the police officer ______
A. He took the boys to the police station.
B. He helped the boys look for their mother.
C. He drove the boys back home in a police car.
D. He managed to make sure of the boys' identity.
33. Why did the neighbors call the next day
A. They called to comfort them.
B. They tried to make sure they were fine.
C. They wanted to confirm it was really a police car.
D. They wondered what the police brought them on such a rainy night.
34. The passage suggests that ______.
A. running a business requires skill B. taking responsibility is a moral virtue
C. devotion should be everything in life D. there are always no small acts of kindness.
(2024·黑龙江哈尔滨·二模)When you need a job very much, you may end up taking one for which you are over qualified. Although you were initially grateful just to have the work, you now feel bored and depressed. Is there any way to change that
Start by changing your opinion, says Caitlin Kelly, the author of Malled, a book based on her experience as a sales clerk after losing her job in journalism. “Don’t focus on what you’re not getting but what you are getting,” she says. “Be patient and work attentively with a wide range of people. It doesn’t matter what the job is –there are always things you can learn and skills you can develop.”
Hilary Pearl, the founder of a coaching firm, says, “Tell yourself the current situation isn’t the end of your career. Don’t overdramatize(过分夸大)the negative aspects but try to view the situation more philosophically: life has a series of stages, and this is one of them. Don’t forget to study even in the worst stage.”
Consider that because you’re overqualified, you may be able to learn or do things on the job that might not have been possible.
Of course, you may seek tasks and responsibilities that force you to learn something new or to work harder. “You may be operating on autopilot(习惯性地)right now, but chances are that people above you are stressed,” Sarah Hathorn says. “ Take things off your boss’s plate and let him know which projects or tasks you want to learn more about.”
Always express your request positively, saying that you love new challenges, rather than complaining that you’re bored and underused, says Ethun, the president of the Park Avenue Group. In your down time, educate yourself about the company and its industry. “Read corporate information, analyst reports and related news articles,” she says. “If your boss accepts your suggestions, it will make you a more valuable employee.”
35. According to Caitlin Kelly, ______.
A. one should be willing to do some small things
B. being a salesman is not as important as being a journalist
C. performing your regular duties well is important
D. doing a simple job well will bring you a sense of success
36. What Hilary Pearl intends to express is that ______.
A. work is just a stage of our whole life
B. the present job doesn’t matter to us in a long run
C. one should be satisfied with his present situation
D. one should look forward instead of complaining about the present situation
37. The underlined words “take things off your boss’s plate” mean______.
A. draw your boss’s attention B. share your boss’s burdens
C. give your boss useful advice D. ask your boss for a better position
38. What is the common view about careers of the people mentioned in this passage
A. One should start his career from doing a simple job.
B. One should improve himself and help others as well.
C. One should keep learning new things to improve himself.
D. One should pay much attention to the relationship with the boss.
(2024·江西·南昌一模)It was our last class before summer break. I was finishing up the first year of an MFA program in poetry. I was tired and puzzled. "Was I good enough to be in the program " When a professor asked about our summer plans, I panicked. I didn't want to appear idle(闲散的). "Gardening," I responded immediately. Actually I knew nothing about plants! My professor nodded, saying, "What a good idea, Mari! Emily Dickinson loved gardening." Emily Dickinson had lived in the countryside, studying plants as a child. I was in my late twenties, living in the city without gardening experience.
A few days later, I bought a jalape o seedling(青辣椒秧苗). At least I could say I'd tried gardening. I watered and changed the dirt for my little plant. I even talked to it. And over the summer, it grew bigger and bigger. I was proud. Maybe I didn't have a black thumb after all.
I started the second year of my MFA, and then it was almost December and my jalape o was suffering. It was brown in some places; many of its leaves had fallen off. Would my little guy make it I prayed, "Please be okay." As if its survival were closely linked to mine.
I worked hard in school. Spring came. My jalape o plant came back to life. It grew bigger, with new leaves. And then it flowered. I handed in my graduate paper--a book of poems--in May. "Your poems are strong," my professor said.
A huge weight lifted. I'd done it! At that time, I found the flowers on my jalape o plant were gone. I watched closer. Where a flower had been, a tiny green fruit pushed through. I smiled. I had succeeded in my MFA program, and my jalape o plant had grown right beside me, and I successfully did things I hadn't thought possible.
39. Why did the author begin gardening
A. Just by accident.
B. For the love for gardening.
C. To express fancy for Emily Dickinson.
D. Because of the reminding of a professor.
40. When did the author begin her first gardening
A. In her childhood. B. In one of her summer breaks.
C. In her teens. D. In her first year of MFA program.
41. What does the underlined phrase "a black thumb" in Paragraph 2 probably mean
A. A talent to grow plants. B. A dirty finger to touch plants.
C. A good fortune to do everything. D. An inability to do gardening.
42. Which proverb can best describe the story above
A. Nothing is impossible to a willing mind.
B. Easier said than done.
C. It's never too old to learn.
D. Do not teach fish to swim.


