人教版(2019)必修 第一册 Unit 3 Sports and fitness单元综合测评三(学生版+答案版+ 课件)

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人教版(2019)必修 第一册 Unit 3 Sports and fitness单元综合测评三(学生版+答案版+ 课件)


第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)

1.What can we say about the man’s co-worker
A.Polite. B.Helpful.

2.Where does the conversation take place
A.In the restaurant. B.In an office. C.In a shop.
3.What will James do tomorrow
A.Give a talk. B.Write a report. C.Watch a program.
4.How does the man feel about the photo
A.Confusing. B.Amazing. C.Interesting.
5.What day is it today
A.Monday. B.Wednesday. C.Friday.


6.What are the speakers talking about
A.A part-time job. B.A computer lesson.
C.A holiday plan.
7.Where did the man get this information
A.From a letter. B.From an email.
C.At the computer center.

8.What happened to the woman
A.She lost her job. B.She quarreled with John.
C.She was punished by her boss.
9.What does the woman insist on
A.Staying at home. B.Finding a new job.
C.Keeping her present job.

10.What is the best way to solve the problem
A.Having a good talk with John.
B.Asking the man to talk with John.
C.Giving the matter a second thought.

11.What is the matter with the woman
A.She has a toothache. B.She has a stomachache.
C.She has a headache.
12.Why does the woman feel weak
A.She is too tired. B.She eats too much.
C.She has a high fever.
13.What does the man suggest the woman do
A.Give up her job. B.Have a rest.
C.Take some medicine.

14.What is the woman going to do
A.Put on a play. B.Play a game.
C.Borrow a textbook.
15.What kind of scarf does the man advise the woman to wear
A.A purple one. B.A black one.
C.A white one.

16.What is the relationship between the speakers
A.Classmates. B.Colleagues.
17.What did Mr Li ask the man to do
A.Do some physical exercise.
B.Compare notes with the woman.
C.Make a speech in the class meeting.

18.When will the bus leave from the front gate
A.At 7:10 am. B.At 7:30 am. C.At 7:50 am.
19.What are the students advised to bring
A.Enough fruit. B.Their own lunch. C.An extra pair of shoes.
20.What is special about the bus
A.It is the latest one. B.It has a first-aid case.
C.It is used for a medical emergency.

Text 1
W:The roads are icy and dangerous this morning.I hope you won’t ride your motorcycle.
M:Not today!I’d rather be safe.I’ll take the bus to work and my co-worker will drive me home.
Text 2
M:May I help you
W:Yes,do you have these shoes in size 7
M:I’m not sure.If you can’t find them,they may be out of stock.But let me look in the stockroom.
Text 3
W:James,you’ve been watching TV for the whole evening.What’s on
M:It’s a science program on the origin of the universe.I’ll give a presentation on it in my class tomorrow.
Text 4
W:Have you seen the first photo of a black hole
M:Of course,I’m amazed to see it at first.The scientist really did a good job.
W:I agree with you.I hope they can make great progress in the future.
Text 5
W:Do you want to study for the science test?It’s only four days away,and I’m not ready.
M:That would be great.I can’t believe today is already Monday!I tried to study last Sunday,but I didn’t get much done.
Text 6
M:Hi,Jane.I’d like to discuss something with you.Do you have a minute
W:Of course.What’s up,Tony
M:Well,(7) I’ve just received an email from the computer centre.(6) They are looking for the students to help with the work of the school website this summer.I wonder if you want to consider the job.
W:Sounds interesting.I can type,but I don’t have a lot of experience.
M:Well,I don’t think any special experience or knowledge is necessary.And with your interests in computers and the Internet,I think you would be fit for the job.
W:It sounds like a great chance to get some experience.Thanks for thinking of me.
Text 7
M:You’ve seemed upset for the past few days.Is there anything wrong
W:I’m really sad because (8) I quarreled with John the other day.
M:Oh,what was it about
W:John wants me to stay at home to take care of our little girl,(9) but I’d rather keep my job.
M:Does he feel strongly about your staying at home
W:Yes,it seems he does.
M:Well,it sounds like a serious quarrel.Do you want me to talk to John about it
W:No,(10) not at the moment,thanks.We both need time to think it over.
Text 8
M:Now,what seems to be the trouble
W:It’s nothing serious.But (11) I always have a headache,and I haven’t slept properly for several weeks.I’ve also lost appetite and my eyes are burning.
M:You do look rather pale.Let me take your temperature.Would you put the thermometer under your arm,please?Now,let me listen to your pulse.Do you feel weak
W:Yes,I never seem to have any energy.
M:I’ll have a blood test.Would you roll up your sleeve?(12) You’re too tired,and pay more attention to your diet.Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and food high in protein.And don’t stay up late working.(13) Try to get more rest.
W:Thank you very much.
Text 9
M:Why are you so dressed up
W:(14) I’m going to join in a textbook play.I’ll act the part of an ancient princess.How do I look?How is my make-up
M:You look great.Your make-up is also perfect.
W:Do you think I should wear a different scarf
M:I think so.(15) A white one is better,especially with purple shoes and hair like that.
W:Thank you for saying so.Do you have any idea which necklace I should wear
M:With that dress,I would say that your white diamond necklace looks perfect.
W:Thank you for your help.By the way,what are you going to do tonight
M:Don’t you remember?My cousin and I are going to listen to a lecture.
W:Oh,yes.Is the lecture about youth health and physical exercise
M:Yes.(16,17) Mr Li also asked me to talk about it to our classmates in the class meeting the next week.
W:Then you have to take notes carefully.
Text 10
Good morning,students.I’m in charge of the school trip next week.Please take out your School Trip Permission Note so that you can fill it in.For insurance purpose,this note must be signed by your father or mother.First of all,fill in the name of your class.Everyone here is in 3A,aren’t you?We’re going to visit some ancient villages in the northwest of Henan.The day we leave is Monday,Oct 14th.(18) The bus will leave from the front gate at 7:50 in the morning.However,we’ll use the side gate when we return.On the way there,we’ll provide fruit on the bus,but (19) you must bring your own lunch.While
we are on the trip,we’ll be walking around a lot in the fairly rough country.Be very careful to wear strong shoes.It’s important that you look after your feet very well.Now does anyone have any questions to ask?No questions?OK,I’d like to fill in a few more details.(20) The bus is not a new one but it carries a first-aid case.I certainly hope we won’t have to use it,but it’s nice to know it’s there in case we have a medical emergency.
I wish you a good day,and I’m sure it will be a thoroughly successful trip.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
Various sports attract fans for different reasons: Spectator sports draw even more fans who just love to watch. Here are some of the most beloved sports worldwide.
Hockey-2 billion fans
Hockey, both on ice and on a field, wins a following of two billion enthusiastic fans worldwide. Field hockey is mainly played in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia, while ice hockey is particularly popular in Canada and the US, where kids grow up playing pond hockey. Unlike ice hockey, field hockey usually does not involve body contact in the form of checking and hitting.
Football-4 billion fans
Football, better known as soccer in the US, is by far the most popular sport in the world.Experts estimate that the origin (起源) of football may go as far back as two thousand years, beginning in ancient China during the Han Dynasty. One major reason for football’s global popularity is that unlike other sports that require expensive equipment, all you need to play football is a ball and your feet.
Volleyball-900 million fans
Volleyball pits two teams across a high net, each attempting to smash the ball onto the opponent’s floor. A popular variant, beach volleyball, is competed on sand by pairs rather than the regular six players per team. The crowd appeal of beach volleyball has grown greatly in recent years.
Tennis-1 billion fans
An estimated one billion people worldwide follow professional tennis tournaments and matches. In tennis, players on both sides of a net try to hit a ball with a racket so that it either goes past their opponent (对手) or bounces twice on their opponent’s side of the court to score points. Tennis superstars like Rafael Nadal, and Serena Williams are now household names around the world, with huge international fan bases.
【语篇解读】 本文是应用文。文章介绍了世界上最受欢迎的几项运动。
21.Which sport attracts the most fans according to the text

A.Volleyball. B.Hockey.
C.Football. D.Tennis.
解析 细节理解题。根据小标题Football-4 billion fans下的“Football, better known as soccer in the US, is by far the most popular sport in the world.”可知,足球吸引最多的粉丝。
22.What makes football popular all over the world

A.Its long history. B.Its great convenience.
C.Its unique origin. D.Its huge fan bases.
解析 细节理解题。根据小标题Football-4 billion fans下的“One major reason for football’s global popularity is that...is a ball and your feet.”可知,足球风靡全球的原因是其便利性。
23.Which statement about the four sports is true

A.Playing ice hockey involves body contact.
B.Soccer is American people’s favorite sport.
C.Beach volleyball has attracted the most sports fans recently.
D.A tennis player loses one point if his ball goes past his opponent.
解析 正误判断题。根据小标题Hockey-2 billion fans下的“Unlike ice hockey...in the form of checking and hitting.”可知,冰上曲棍球需要身体接触,所以A项陈述正确。
The first time I realized that I had a love for sports competitions was during the Field Day in elementary school. Small for my age, and more of a bookworm than a sports lover, I had suffered that special humiliation of being picked last for various gym teams. The Field Day, which focused on individual (个体的) skills, was different. In the Softball Throw event, I got my first taste of sporting victory. Credit goes to the example of my first coach, my father. He lifted weights every morning at home. He bought us all baseball gloves and hats, and in the warm months, we spent hours playing catch.
Once I got to sixth grade and switched to private school, our entire student body was assigned to either the Red or the White team. Throughout the year, we competed against each other in various games and exercises for points. I eventually became president of The Committee of Games. I also played on the field hockey team and the basketball team. And at home, playing tennis, skating, skiing and biking were simply normal things we did.During the break time, magazines were also quite popular for us teens. These regularly featured articles on physical exercise. Somehow, my college roommate and I took up the habit of completing Royal Canadian Air Force(RCAF) exercises every day, a practice that continued into my marriage, when we had no spare money to use to join a gym.
So, though it shocks some of our friends, that early foundation (基础) evolved in adulthood into a sports and fitness focus, considered essential even on vacation. I still love reading and the arts, too. As far as I’m concerned, life is the richest with my feet in both worlds.
【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者从小热爱体育,并且在父亲的指导和培训下第一次尝到了运动胜利的滋味。于是作者开始参与各种体育运动,并把这种对体育的热爱持续到了成年。
24.What does the underlined word “humiliation” mean in Paragraph 1

A.Responsibility. B.Shock.
C.Shame. D.Glory.
解析 词义猜测题。根据第一段“Small for my age...being picked last for various gym teams.”可知,作者的身材矮小,更像是一个书虫,并且在各种体操队都是最后一个被选中,这是一种耻辱,故画线词意思是“耻辱”。
25.The author thought she won in the Softball Throw event because of .

A.her confidence in her sports skills
B.the efforts she put into exercising
C.her advanced sports gloves and hats
D.the strong influence of her father
解析 细节理解题。根据第一段“In the Softball Throw event...the example of my first coach,my father.”可知,作者认为她在垒球比赛中获胜是因为她父亲的强烈影响。
26.What happened after the author stepped into adulthood

A.She changed the focus into reading.
B.She stuck to working out.
C.She regularly exercised on weekends.
D.She joined Royal Canadian Air Force.
解析 细节理解题。根据最后一段“So, though it shocks some of our friends...considered essential even on vacation.”可知,作者成年后保持了对运动的热爱,坚持锻炼。
27.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text

A.To express her love for sports.
B.To show her father’s guidance on sports.
C.To stress the advantages of physical exercise.
D.To share her childhood memories about sports.
解析 写作意图题。文章主要讲述了作者从小热爱体育,并且在父亲的指导和培训下第一次尝到了运动胜利的滋味。于是作者开始参与各种体育运动,并把这种对体育的热爱持续到了成年。可推知作者写这篇文章的目的是表达她对运动的热爱。
Do you want to go to play some basketball in between hitting the books Doctors are starting to find more and more information that suggests a connection between exercise and brain development.
Judy Cameron, a scientist at Oregon Health and Science University, studies brain development. According to her research, it seems that exercise can make blood vessels (血管), including those in the brain, stronger and more fully developed.Dr. Cameron is sure that this allows people who exercise to think better. As she says, “While we already know that exercise is good for the heart, exercise can actually cause physical changes in the brain.”
The effects of exercise on brain development can even be seen in babies. Babies who often do activities show greater brain development than babies who are less physically active. Even a little movement can show big results. Margaret Barnes, a scientist, also believes in the importance of exercise. She thinks that many learning disabilities that children have in primary school or high school can result from a lack of movement as babies.
Older people can develop their brains as well. Cornell University studied a group of seniors who have a short-term memory increase of up to 40 percent after exercising just three hours a week. Also, exercise for older people should not be too simple. Learning some new skills or actions, such as with yoga or tai-chi, helps to open up memory paths in the brain that may not have been used for a long time. For most people, any type of physical activity that increases the heart rate is helpful. The main aim is to increase the brain’s flow of blood.And your brain can benefit from as little as two to three hours of exercise a week.
【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了研究表明运动可以帮助大脑发育,运动对大脑发育的影响甚至可以在婴儿身上看到,并且老年人也可以通过锻炼发展他们的大脑。
28.What is the main idea of this text

A.How to exercise every week.
B.How exercise makes people strong.
C.How exercise helps the brain develop.
D.How the brain can change one’s memory.
解析 文章大意题。根据第一段“Do you want to go to play some basketball...a connection between exercise and brain development.”并结合文章主要介绍了研究表明运动可以帮助大脑发育,运动对大脑发育的影响甚至可以在婴儿身上看到,并且老年人也可以通过锻炼发展他们的大脑。可知,这篇文章的主旨是运动如何帮助大脑发育。
29.According to the text, what is the connection between exercise and brain development

A.Exercise helps soften our blood vessels.
B.Physical exercise helps us think better.
C.The brain needs special mental exercise.
D.The more exercise, the bigger the brain.
解析 细节理解题。根据第二段“Dr. Cameron is sure that this allows people who exercise to think better.”可知,运动和大脑发育之间的联系是体育锻炼有助于我们更好地思考。
30.Why is yoga suggested for seniors

A.It can be done in groups.
B.It does good to the bones of old people.
C.It does not increase the heart rate.
D.It includes learning new skills.
解析 细节理解题。根据最后一段“Learning some new skills or actions...may not have been used for a long time.”可知,建议老年人做瑜伽是因为瑜伽包括学习新技能和动作,有助于大脑记忆的开发。
31.Why is the physical activity that increases the heart rate useful

A.It can improve the brain’s flow of blood.
B.It can slow down the brain’s flow of blood.
C.It can change older people’s mood for the better.
D.It can make seniors forget previous terrible things.
解析 细节理解题。根据最后一段“For most people...is to increase the brain’s flow of blood.”可知,通过体育活动提高心率是有用的,因为它可以改善大脑的血液流动。
Anyone who’s lived through middle school knows those years can be particularly challenging. Some researches show youths across the U.S. are struggling with mental health. The physical health benefits of bike riding have been well-documented.Wilson, a researcher at Loma Linda University School of Medicine, and his co-authors carried out a new study to see if taking part in a cycling program could result in measurable changes in mind for teenagers.
The study involved more than 1,200 students, aged 11 to 14. Students participated in a cycling class for at least three days a week, for a period of 6 weeks. They learned cycling safety and practicing skills outdoors while raising their heart rate and just having fun. The students completed standardized questionnaires before and after the program designed to measure their health.
“We know cycling can benefit the body. Our research shows how it benefits the mind and social relationships as well. Bike riding can be an ideal activity for adolescents because of the benefits it offers,” said Wilson.
“Cycling engages several parts of brain function. You are looking at your hearing, you’re balancing, you’re navigating and turning. Oftentimes, you’re doing it with someone else, so there’s the positive effect of company or group activity,” said Allan Reiss, a professor at Stanford University School of Medicine.
While exercise has powerful mental health benefits, it’s not universal. For example, previous research has shown that teenage girls are at higher risk of mental health problems like depression and anxiety than boys. The current study found that, while middle school girls reported increased well-being after participating in the cycling program, that increase “may just reach the kind of baseline level for male students,” Wilson said.And other aspects of healthy living are also important, noted Wilson. The study found that teenagers who didn’t limit screen time to a maximum of two hours a day, or who got less than the recommended 8.5 hours of sleep, saw less improvement in their well-being, he said.
【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章介绍了一项新的研究发现,骑自行车除了可以锻炼身体,还对青少年的大脑和社会关系有好处,且这种好处会有性别差异,也受到其他健康因素的影响。
32.What does the new study mainly focus on

A.Challenges in middle school.
B.Youths in America.
C.Physical benefits of cycling.
D.Mental effects of bike riding.
解析 细节理解题。根据第一段中“Wilson, a researcher at Loma Linda University School...could result in measurable changes in mind for teenagers.” 可知,这项新研究关注骑自行车对青少年大脑的影响。
33.What did the students do in the program

A.Attend the cycling class for a week.
B.Learn how to keep safe while cycling.
C.Raise their heart rate by cycling indoors.
D.Design questions to measure their health.
解析 细节理解题。根据第二段中“They learned cycling safety and practicing skills outdoors while raising their heart rate and just having fun.”可知,在该项目中学生学习如何在骑自行车时保持安全。
34.What is Reiss’s attitude to the result of the study

A.Supportive. B.Doubtful.
C.Unclear. D.Negative.
解析 观点态度题。根据第三段中Wilson所说的话“Our research shows how it benefits the mind and social relationships as well.”可知,该研究发现骑自行车也有益于大脑和社会关系;再结合第四段中Reiss所说的话“Cycling engages several parts of brain function...so there’s the positive effect of company or group activity,”可知,Reiss也认为骑自行车可以锻炼大脑的多个功能,且其过程中的陪伴或团体活动有积极意义。由此推知,Reiss对研究发现持支持的态度。
35.What is the last paragraph mainly about

A.Application of the research results.
B.Doubts about the research methods.
C.Further explanation of the research findings.
D.Supporting evidence from previous research.
解析 段落大意题。根据最后一段内容,尤其是其中的“While exercise has powerful mental health benefits, it’s not universal.”和“And other aspects of healthy living are also important, noted Wilson.”可知,本段从两个方面对研究结果做出进一步的解释,一是骑自行车对大脑健康的好处存在性别差异,女孩少于男孩,二是其他有关健康生活的因素也会影响这种好处的大小,例如屏幕时间和睡眠时间的长短。
It’s easy to talk yourself out of exercising. Even when you have the best intentions to work out, excuses are so easy to find—“I’m too tired”, “I’m busy” or “The weather is bad”. Don’t worry! 36
※ Take baby steps.
You’ll never try to run 10 miles just in a single day, right When you do too much too soon, you’ll end up injured and disappointed.Take it easy as you get started.Maybe you only run a quarter of a mile during your first week. 37
※ 38
Your workout should be just as much a habit as brushing your teeth or eating breakfast. When it’s part of your routine (日常), you won’t even have to think about it. In a few months, fitness can be regular in your day.
※ Keep it real.
You’re not going to shake off 30 pounds in a week. 39 For example, if you work too late to get to a gym, keep a set of weights at home. If you can’t do 30 minutes at once, break it up into 10 or 15 minutes’ sections. Gradually, you should increase your workout schedule from 2 to 3 days a week, or exercise for 15 more minutes each time.
40 So even a pound of weight loss or a pound of muscle gain is the reason to reward (奖励) yourself. Go out with friends or buy a pair of jeans.
A.Do it for yourself.
B.Try to get used to it.
C.It takes weeks to see real changes.
D.Keep a fitness diary to record your progress.
E.Aim for something that is realistic as a first step.
F.The following ways can keep your fitness schedule on track.
G.When it gets easy for you, you’ll surely make it more challenging.
【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了让健身计划顺利进行的技巧。
36.F [根据上文“It’s easy to talk yourself out of exercising...‘I’m busy’ or ‘The weather is bad’. Don’t worry!”和下文介绍的让健身计划顺利进行的技巧可知,让自己开始并坚持锻炼是有方法可循的。F项符合语境。故选F。]
37.G [根据上文“You’ll never try to run 10 miles just in a single day, right ...Maybe you only run a quarter of a mile during your first week.”可知,上文提到不要一次进行太多锻炼,第一周只跑了四分之一英里也是可以的,本句为本段最后一句,应承接上文说明这一做法的结果:当它对你来说变得容易时,你肯定会使它更具挑战性。G项符合语境。故选G。]
38.B [空处为本段小标题。根据本段内容“Your workout should be just as much a habit as brushing your teeth or eating breakfast. ... fitness can be regular in your day.”可知,本段主要说明了锻炼应该成为一种习惯,B选项中get used to对应后文中habit。B项符合本段主旨,可以作为小标题。]
39.E [根据上文“You’re not going to shake off 30 pounds in a week.”可知,上文提到不可能在一周内减掉30磅,可见目标是能够实现的。E项符合语境。故选E。]
40.C [根据下文“So even a pound of weight loss or a pound of muscle gain is the reason to reward (奖励) yourself.”可知,即使一点点进步也要奖励自己;由此推知,空处说明奖励自己的原因,和下文形成因果关系。C项符合语境。]
Surfing:It’s Not Just for Boys Anymore
If you asked high school girls to name their favorite sports,most would probably say basketball or volleyball.I happen to be one of the few girls who would 41 :surfing.But isn’t that a boy thing Some people 42 .Most certainly not.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
I started surfing about five years ago and 43 in love with the sport on the very first day.Riding that first 44 was the best feeling I had ever experienced.
When I try to 45 surfing with other things,I find it very difficult because,in my 46 ,there’s nothing like it.It involves body, 47 ,and soul.There’s sand between my toes and cool,salt water all 48 us.The feeling I get when I’m surfing across that 49 ,becoming one with the 50 ,is like I’m weightless.
The one thing I can 51 from surfing and not any other sport is endless challenge.You can never be the “best surfer” because the ocean 52 an uncountable variety of waves that nobody can ever master.The variations of surfing styles are wonderful.Some surfers are free and flowing; others are very aggressive (有冲劲的) and 53 .All of these things attract me to surfing and make it 54 from any other sport.
I’ve 55 to tell every girl I know to do something that people don’t think girls can do.I also think if we give girls a chance to succeed,they will.
【语篇解读】 本文是夹叙夹议文。在人们固有的观念里,有些运动,像冲浪、足球等都是男生的运动。而作者认为女生也要多参加这类运动。
41.A.tell B.answer C.give D.realize
解析 此处意为如果你询问高中的女生们她们最喜欢的体育运动的名字,她们会回答(answer)你询问的问题。
42.A.wonder B.understand C.reply D.believe
解析 前一句的意思是“但是它难道不是男孩的事情吗?(意思是:这是男孩的事情。)”这是一些人的质疑,故选A。
43.A.stayed B.came C.dropped D.fell
解析 fall/be in love with...爱上……,是固定结构,其他选项没有这种搭配形式。

44.A.wave B.storm C.sail D.boat
解析 因为文章是在谈论冲浪运动,冲上第一个浪(wave)是我经历过的最佳感受。
45.A.bring B.connect C.compare D.tie
解析 作者想把冲浪运动和其他运动进行比较(compare)。connect...with连接,联络,将……连起来;compare...with把……与……比较;tie...with把……和……捆在一起;bring带来,引起,通常不与with连用。

46.A.work B.study C.holiday D.life
解析 作者觉得很难将冲浪运动与生活中的其他事比较。它是独一无二的。
47.A.mind B.effort C.health D.time
解析 冲浪运动涉及身体、智慧(mind)和心灵诸方面。
48.A.along B.above C.around D.by
解析 along 沿着;above在……上方;around 在……周围;by在……旁边。此处指周围全是凉凉的海水。

49.A.beach B.water C.board D.lake
解析 冲浪运动是脚踏冲浪板在水面上进行。
50.A.sky B.world C.earth D.ocean
解析 冲浪运动是在大海、大洋中进行的,就有和海洋融为一体的感觉。
51.A.take B.get C.make D.keep
解析 句意:我从冲浪而不是其他运动中得到的是无尽的挑战。

52.A.catches B.includes C.offers D.collects
解析 这里是指大海会呈现给你数不清的各种各样的浪,没有人能够真正地掌握,所以你不可能成为最好的冲浪选手。所以才说冲浪给“我”带来了无尽的挑战。
53.A.sharp B.great C.hard D.calm
解析 句意:其他一些人冲浪时很活跃有冲劲,很灵敏。sharp灵敏的,敏锐的;great伟大的;hard努力的;calm冷静的。这里要填的形容词与aggressive是近义词,故选A。

54.A.known B.right C.far D.different
解析 different from...与……不同。根据“The variations of surfing styles are wonderful.”可知,此处是指冲浪与其他的运动项目不一样。
55.A.chosen B.tried C.learned D.promised
解析 句意:我努力(try)告诉每个我认识的女孩子去做那些别人认为她们不能做的事情。

Teenagers sometimes turn to extreme methods to slim down quickly in a society where being thin is often seen 56. being beautiful. According to a recent survey of senior high school students’ lifestyles, almost one fifth of teenagers 57._____ (regular) skip meals, one in ten over-exercise and four per cent even take weight-loss medicine. Experts are concerned about 58. (them) health. They are increasing their efforts to educate teenagers about the side 59. (effect) of losing weight too quickly. They have also warned them 60. using such extreme methods, which are harmful.
It is normal for teenagers to be slightly overweight and there is no reason 61.______ they should be worried.However, for those who are dangerously overweight, it is very important that they try to lose weight properly.
Therefore, it is important to have a healthy 62. (balance) diet since teenagers are still growing and their bodies need a lot of nutrition 63. (function) well. What’s more, they should keep regular hours and get plenty of exercise to stay 64.____ (energy) and fit. We strongly encourage teenagers to follow these lifestyle tips, because living well is the 65. (safe) and most effective way to get into shape.
【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章介绍了青少年使用极端方法快速减肥的现象,专家对此表示担忧,他们建议青少年均衡饮食、规律作息并保持足够的锻炼。
56.as [考查介词。结合句意可知,此处指“瘦被看作是美”,be seen as“被看作,被视为”,固定搭配,故填as。]
57.regularly [考查词性转换。修饰动词“skip”应用副词regularly作状语,故填regularly。]
58.their [考查代词。空处应填形容词性物主代词their,修饰名词“health”,故填their。]
59.effects [考查名词的数。effect“作用”,可数名词,此处应用复数形式表示泛指,side effects“副作用”,故填effects。]
60.against [考查介词。结合空后的“which are harmful”可知,极端方法有害处,故此处指“他们还告诫青少年不要使用这种极端的方法”,使用介词against,warn sb against doing sth警告/告诫某人不要做某事,故填against。]
61.why [考查定语从句。分析句子可知,空处引导限制性定语从句,先行词是reason,关系词替代先行词在从句中作原因状语,应用关系副词why引导,故填why。]
62.balanced [考查词性转换。空处应填形容词balanced作定语,修饰名词“diet”,表示“均衡的”,故填balanced。]
63.to function [考查非谓语动词。结合句意可知,此处表示目的,function应用动词不定式形式作目的状语,故填to function。]
64.energetic [考查词性转换。空处应填形容词energetic与fit并列作连系动词stay的表语,故填energetic。]
65.safest [考查比较等级。句意:我们强烈鼓励青少年遵循这些生活方式建议,因为生活得好是保持身材最安全、最有效的方法。根据句意及空格后的“most effective”可知,此处应用形容词最高级形式,故填safest。]
66.A daughter’s marriage is quite an __________(大事) for a mother.
67.By the end of the match, ___________(汗水) was pouring off him.
68.If you are found _____________(作弊) in the exam,you will be taken out of our school.
69.If you make a typing ________(错误),you can correct it using one of these keys.
70.The rose was one of the _______(光荣) of his garden,which made him proud.
71.Suddenly the young guy turned around,only to see a person ____________ (跟踪) him.
72.I feel greatly _______________(honour) to be welcomed by the audience.
73.Seeing me,the girl gave me a _______________(determine) look.
74.As a mother,you’d better have a talk with your son who feels a little _____________(stress).
75.The two sides are trying to do something to ________________(strength) their friendship.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
活动路线:从学校出发,沿江滨路(Riverside Road)骑行,目的地是花海公园(Huahai Park);
Dear Peter,
How are you I am happy to inform you that our school will organize a cycling activity._______________________________________________________
Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
Dear Peter,
How are you I am happy to inform you that our school will organize a cycling activity.It would be better if you could come with us.
This cycling activity is intended to make us relaxed from heavy pressure and get close to nature. It is scheduled after the mid-term exam, which starts from our school, along Riverside Road, to Huahai Park. Varieties of activities will be held in the park, such as flying kites, making camp and having a picnic.I am sure you will have a good time then. If you would like to come, please remember to bring some drinks and snacks along with you.
Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
Tammi, a lovely 9-month-old dog, arrived at the San Antonio Humane Society last month.She had been hit by a car with many injuries.Doctors operated on her immediately.The operation saved her life, but left her crippled (瘸的) in one leg.Under the care of the Humane Society, she was recovering from the injuries.However, the scar(疤痕)in her heart was always there.For most of the time, she was shy and alone, staying away from other dogs.The Humane Society worked around the clock to find Tammi a forever home.They wanted the sweet dog to be adopted(领养)as soon as possible.
Living in the same city, 19 miles away from San Antonio Humane Society was the Matthews.Bad luck struck the couple two months ago when their 7-year-old son was knocked down by a passing car on his way home.He died before he could be helped.This accident filled them with sadness every day.
It was then that the San Antonio Humane Society contacted them.They advised the couple to think about adopting a dog, which might put smile back on their faces.At first the couple disagreed with this idea but after their explanation the couple decided to give it a try the next day.That was how the Matthews first met Tammi.
注意: 续写词数应为80左右。
Surprisingly, seeing the couple, Tammi stood up and walked over to them slowly.________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
【文章大意】 本文讲述了保护动物协会救了 9 个月大的狗狗Tammi,找到了因 7 岁的儿子意外离世而悲伤不已的 Matthew 夫妇,建议他们收养这只胆小害羞的小狗。
由首句内容“令人惊讶的是,看到这对夫妇,Tammi站了起来,慢慢地向他们走过去”可知,文章可描写Tammi 如何跟夫妇互动,成功地使自己被领养。
Surprisingly, seeing the couple, Tammi stood up and walked over to them slowly.Raising her nose, Tammi sniffed at both of them before she sat next to Mr Matthew, with her tail wagging happily.When Mrs Matthew reached out to pet her head,Tammi looked at her gently, as if they had been old friends.Barely had Mrs Matthew seen such a scene when she recalled her lovely son,who used to do the same.Pity welling up in her heart, she wiped her tears and turned to her husband, only to find he had signed something on a document.Waving goodbye to the Humane Society, the couple took Tammi home, all knowing that a new chapter would begin from now on.单元综合测评三
(满分:150分 时间:120分钟)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What can we say about the man’s co-worker
A.Polite. B.Helpful.
2.Where does the conversation take place
A.In the restaurant. B.In an office.
C.In a shop.
3.What will James do tomorrow
A.Give a talk. B.Write a report.
C.Watch a program.
4.How does the man feel about the photo
A.Confusing. B.Amazing.
5.What day is it today
A.Monday. B.Wednesday.
6.What are the speakers talking about
A.A part-time job. B.A computer lesson.
C.A holiday plan.
7.Where did the man get this information
A.From a letter. B.From an email.
C.At the computer center.
8.What happened to the woman
A.She lost her job. B.She quarreled with John.
C.She was punished by her boss.
9.What does the woman insist on
A.Staying at home. B.Finding a new job.
C.Keeping her present job.
10.What is the best way to solve the problem
A.Having a good talk with John.
B.Asking the man to talk with John.
C.Giving the matter a second thought.
11.What is the matter with the woman
A.She has a toothache. B.She has a stomachache.
C.She has a headache.
12.Why does the woman feel weak
A.She is too tired. B.She eats too much.
C.She has a high fever.
13.What does the man suggest the woman do
A.Give up her job. B.Have a rest.
C.Take some medicine.
14.What is the woman going to do
A.Put on a play. B.Play a game.
C.Borrow a textbook.
15.What kind of scarf does the man advise the woman to wear
A.A purple one. B.A black one.
C.A white one.
16.What is the relationship between the speakers
A.Classmates. B.Colleagues.
17.What did Mr Li ask the man to do
A.Do some physical exercise.
B.Compare notes with the woman.
C.Make a speech in the class meeting.
18.When will the bus leave from the front gate
A.At 7:10 am. B.At 7:30 am.
C.At 7:50 am.
19.What are the students advised to bring
A.Enough fruit. B.Their own lunch.
C.An extra pair of shoes.
20.What is special about the bus
A.It is the latest one. B.It has a first-aid case.
C.It is used for a medical emergency.
Text 1
W:The roads are icy and dangerous this morning.I hope you won’t ride your motorcycle.
M:Not today!I’d rather be safe.I’ll take the bus to work and my co-worker will drive me home.
Text 2
M:May I help you
W:Yes,do you have these shoes in size 7
M:I’m not sure.If you can’t find them,they may be out of stock.But let me look in the stockroom.
Text 3
W:James,you’ve been watching TV for the whole evening.What’s on
M:It’s a science program on the origin of the universe.I’ll give a presentation on it in my class tomorrow.
Text 4
W:Have you seen the first photo of a black hole
M:Of course,I’m amazed to see it at first.The scientist really did a good job.
W:I agree with you.I hope they can make great progress in the future.
Text 5
W:Do you want to study for the science test?It’s only four days away,and I’m not ready.
M:That would be great.I can’t believe today is already Monday!I tried to study last Sunday,but I didn’t get much done.
Text 6
M:Hi,Jane.I’d like to discuss something with you.Do you have a minute
W:Of course.What’s up,Tony
M:Well,(7) I’ve just received an email from the computer centre.(6) They are looking for the students to help with the work of the school website this summer.I wonder if you want to consider the job.
W:Sounds interesting.I can type,but I don’t have a lot of experience.
M:Well,I don’t think any special experience or knowledge is necessary.And with your interests in computers and the Internet,I think you would be fit for the job.
W:It sounds like a great chance to get some experience.Thanks for thinking of me.
Text 7
M:You’ve seemed upset for the past few days.Is there anything wrong
W:I’m really sad because (8) I quarreled with John the other day.
M:Oh,what was it about
W:John wants me to stay at home to take care of our little girl,(9) but I’d rather keep my job.
M:Does he feel strongly about your staying at home
W:Yes,it seems he does.
M:Well,it sounds like a serious quarrel.Do you want me to talk to John about it
W:No,(10) not at the moment,thanks.We both need time to think it over.
Text 8
M:Now,what seems to be the trouble
W:It’s nothing serious.But (11) I always have a headache,and I haven’t slept properly for several weeks.I’ve also lost appetite and my eyes are burning.
M:You do look rather pale.Let me take your temperature.Would you put the thermometer under your arm,please?Now,let me listen to your pulse.Do you feel weak
W:Yes,I never seem to have any energy.
M:I’ll have a blood test.Would you roll up your sleeve?(12) You’re too tired,and pay more attention to your diet.Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables and food high in protein.And don’t stay up late working.(13) Try to get more rest.
W:Thank you very much.
Text 9
M:Why are you so dressed up
W:(14) I’m going to join in a textbook play.I’ll act the part of an ancient princess.How do I look?How is my make-up
M:You look great.Your make-up is also perfect.
W:Do you think I should wear a different scarf
M:I think so.(15) A white one is better,especially with purple shoes and hair like that.
W:Thank you for saying so.Do you have any idea which necklace I should wear
M:With that dress,I would say that your white diamond necklace looks perfect.
W:Thank you for your help.By the way,what are you going to do tonight
M:Don’t you remember?My cousin and I are going to listen to a lecture.
W:Oh,yes.Is the lecture about youth health and physical exercise
M:Yes.(16,17) Mr Li also asked me to talk about it to our classmates in the class meeting the next week.
W:Then you have to take notes carefully.
Text 10
Good morning,students.I’m in charge of the school trip next week.Please take out your School Trip Permission Note so that you can fill it in.For insurance purpose,this note must be signed by your father or mother.First of all,fill in the name of your class.Everyone here is in 3A,aren’t you?We’re going to visit some ancient villages in the northwest of Henan.The day we leave is Monday,Oct 14th.(18) The bus will leave from the front gate at 7:50 in the morning.However,we’ll use the side gate when we return.On the way there,we’ll provide fruit on the bus,but (19) you must bring your own lunch.While we are on the trip,we’ll be walking around a lot in the fairly rough country.Be very careful to wear strong shoes.It’s important that you look after your feet very well.Now does anyone have any questions to ask?No questions?OK,I’d like to fill in a few more details.(20) The bus is not a new one but it carries a first-aid case.I certainly hope we won’t have to use it,but it’s nice to know it’s there in case we have a medical emergency.
I wish you a good day,and I’m sure it will be a thoroughly successful trip.
答案 1.B 2.C 3.A 4.B 5.A 6.A 7.B 8.B 9.C 10.C 11.C 12.A 13.B 14.A 15.C 16.A 17.C 18.C 19.B 20.B
第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5 分)
Various sports attract fans for different reasons: Spectator sports draw even more fans who just love to watch. Here are some of the most beloved sports worldwide.
Hockey-2 billion fans
Hockey, both on ice and on a field, wins a following of two billion enthusiastic fans worldwide. Field hockey is mainly played in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia, while ice hockey is particularly popular in Canada and the US, where kids grow up playing pond hockey. Unlike ice hockey, field hockey usually does not involve body contact in the form of checking and hitting.
Football-4 billion fans
Football, better known as soccer in the US, is by far the most popular sport in the world.Experts estimate that the origin (起源) of football may go as far back as two thousand years, beginning in ancient China during the Han Dynasty. One major reason for football’s global popularity is that unlike other sports that require expensive equipment, all you need to play football is a ball and your feet.
Volleyball-900 million fans
Volleyball pits two teams across a high net, each attempting to smash the ball onto the opponent’s floor. A popular variant, beach volleyball, is competed on sand by pairs rather than the regular six players per team. The crowd appeal of beach volleyball has grown greatly in recent years.
Tennis-1 billion fans
An estimated one billion people worldwide follow professional tennis tournaments and matches. In tennis, players on both sides of a net try to hit a ball with a racket so that it either goes past their opponent (对手) or bounces twice on their opponent’s side of the court to score points. Tennis superstars like Rafael Nadal, and Serena Williams are now household names around the world, with huge international fan bases.
【语篇解读】 本文是应用文。文章介绍了世界上最受欢迎的几项运动。
21.Which sport attracts the most fans according to the text
A.Volleyball. B.Hockey.
C.Football. D.Tennis.
答案 C [细节理解题。根据小标题Football-4 billion fans下的“Football, better known as soccer in the US, is by far the most popular sport in the world.”可知,足球吸引最多的粉丝。]
22.What makes football popular all over the world
A.Its long history. B.Its great convenience.
C.Its unique origin. D.Its huge fan bases.
答案 B [细节理解题。根据小标题Football-4 billion fans下的“One major reason for football’s global popularity is that...is a ball and your feet.”可知,足球风靡全球的原因是其便利性。]
23.Which statement about the four sports is true
A.Playing ice hockey involves body contact.
B.Soccer is American people’s favorite sport.
C.Beach volleyball has attracted the most sports fans recently.
D.A tennis player loses one point if his ball goes past his opponent.
答案 A [正误判断题。根据小标题Hockey-2 billion fans下的“Unlike ice hockey...in the form of checking and hitting.”可知,冰上曲棍球需要身体接触,所以A项陈述正确。]
The first time I realized that I had a love for sports competitions was during the Field Day in elementary school. Small for my age, and more of a bookworm than a sports lover, I had suffered that special humiliation of being picked last for various gym teams. The Field Day, which focused on individual (个体的) skills, was different. In the Softball Throw event, I got my first taste of sporting victory. Credit goes to the example of my first coach, my father. He lifted weights every morning at home. He bought us all baseball gloves and hats, and in the warm months, we spent hours playing catch.
Once I got to sixth grade and switched to private school, our entire student body was assigned to either the Red or the White team. Throughout the year, we competed against each other in various games and exercises for points. I eventually became president of The Committee of Games. I also played on the field hockey team and the basketball team. And at home, playing tennis, skating, skiing and biking were simply normal things we did.During the break time, magazines were also quite popular for us teens. These regularly featured articles on physical exercise. Somehow, my college roommate and I took up the habit of completing Royal Canadian Air Force(RCAF) exercises every day, a practice that continued into my marriage, when we had no spare money to use to join a gym.
So, though it shocks some of our friends, that early foundation (基础) evolved in adulthood into a sports and fitness focus, considered essential even on vacation. I still love reading and the arts, too. As far as I’m concerned, life is the richest with my feet in both worlds.
【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者从小热爱体育,并且在父亲的指导和培训下第一次尝到了运动胜利的滋味。于是作者开始参与各种体育运动,并把这种对体育的热爱持续到了成年。
24.What does the underlined word “humiliation” mean in Paragraph 1
A.Responsibility. B.Shock.
C.Shame. D.Glory.
答案 C [词义猜测题。根据第一段“Small for my age...being picked last for various gym teams.”可知,作者的身材矮小,更像是一个书虫,并且在各种体操队都是最后一个被选中,这是一种耻辱,故画线词意思是“耻辱”。]
25.The author thought she won in the Softball Throw event because of .
A.her confidence in her sports skills
B.the efforts she put into exercising
C.her advanced sports gloves and hats
D.the strong influence of her father
答案 D [细节理解题。根据第一段“In the Softball Throw event...the example of my first coach,my father.”可知,作者认为她在垒球比赛中获胜是因为她父亲的强烈影响。]
26.What happened after the author stepped into adulthood
A.She changed the focus into reading.
B.She stuck to working out.
C.She regularly exercised on weekends.
D.She joined Royal Canadian Air Force.
答案 B [细节理解题。根据最后一段“So, though it shocks some of our friends...considered essential even on vacation.”可知,作者成年后保持了对运动的热爱,坚持锻炼。]
27.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text
A.To express her love for sports.
B.To show her father’s guidance on sports.
C.To stress the advantages of physical exercise.
D.To share her childhood memories about sports.
答案 A [写作意图题。文章主要讲述了作者从小热爱体育,并且在父亲的指导和培训下第一次尝到了运动胜利的滋味。于是作者开始参与各种体育运动,并把这种对体育的热爱持续到了成年。可推知作者写这篇文章的目的是表达她对运动的热爱。]
Do you want to go to play some basketball in between hitting the books Doctors are starting to find more and more information that suggests a connection between exercise and brain development.
Judy Cameron, a scientist at Oregon Health and Science University, studies brain development. According to her research, it seems that exercise can make blood vessels (血管), including those in the brain, stronger and more fully developed.Dr. Cameron is sure that this allows people who exercise to think better. As she says, “While we already know that exercise is good for the heart, exercise can actually cause physical changes in the brain.”
The effects of exercise on brain development can even be seen in babies. Babies who often do activities show greater brain development than babies who are less physically active. Even a little movement can show big results. Margaret Barnes, a scientist, also believes in the importance of exercise. She thinks that many learning disabilities that children have in primary school or high school can result from a lack of movement as babies.
Older people can develop their brains as well. Cornell University studied a group of seniors who have a short-term memory increase of up to 40 percent after exercising just three hours a week. Also, exercise for older people should not be too simple. Learning some new skills or actions, such as with yoga or tai-chi, helps to open up memory paths in the brain that may not have been used for a long time. For most people, any type of physical activity that increases the heart rate is helpful. The main aim is to increase the brain’s flow of blood.And your brain can benefit from as little as two to three hours of exercise a week.
【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了研究表明运动可以帮助大脑发育,运动对大脑发育的影响甚至可以在婴儿身上看到,并且老年人也可以通过锻炼发展他们的大脑。
28.What is the main idea of this text
A.How to exercise every week.
B.How exercise makes people strong.
C.How exercise helps the brain develop.
D.How the brain can change one’s memory.
答案 C [文章大意题。根据第一段“Do you want to go to play some basketball...a connection between exercise and brain development.”并结合文章主要介绍了研究表明运动可以帮助大脑发育,运动对大脑发育的影响甚至可以在婴儿身上看到,并且老年人也可以通过锻炼发展他们的大脑。可知,这篇文章的主旨是运动如何帮助大脑发育。]
29.According to the text, what is the connection between exercise and brain development
A.Exercise helps soften our blood vessels.
B.Physical exercise helps us think better.
C.The brain needs special mental exercise.
D.The more exercise, the bigger the brain.
答案 B [细节理解题。根据第二段“Dr. Cameron is sure that this allows people who exercise to think better.”可知,运动和大脑发育之间的联系是体育锻炼有助于我们更好地思考。]
30.Why is yoga suggested for seniors
A.It can be done in groups.
B.It does good to the bones of old people.
C.It does not increase the heart rate.
D.It includes learning new skills.
答案 D [细节理解题。根据最后一段“Learning some new skills or actions...may not have been used for a long time.”可知,建议老年人做瑜伽是因为瑜伽包括学习新技能和动作,有助于大脑记忆的开发。]
31.Why is the physical activity that increases the heart rate useful
A.It can improve the brain’s flow of blood.
B.It can slow down the brain’s flow of blood.
C.It can change older people’s mood for the better.
D.It can make seniors forget previous terrible things.
答案 A [细节理解题。根据最后一段“For most people...is to increase the brain’s flow of blood.”可知,通过体育活动提高心率是有用的,因为它可以改善大脑的血液流动。]
Anyone who’s lived through middle school knows those years can be particularly challenging. Some researches show youths across the U.S. are struggling with mental health. The physical health benefits of bike riding have been well-documented.Wilson, a researcher at Loma Linda University School of Medicine, and his co-authors carried out a new study to see if taking part in a cycling program could result in measurable changes in mind for teenagers.
The study involved more than 1,200 students, aged 11 to 14. Students participated in a cycling class for at least three days a week, for a period of 6 weeks. They learned cycling safety and practicing skills outdoors while raising their heart rate and just having fun. The students completed standardized questionnaires before and after the program designed to measure their health.
“We know cycling can benefit the body. Our research shows how it benefits the mind and social relationships as well. Bike riding can be an ideal activity for adolescents because of the benefits it offers,” said Wilson.
“Cycling engages several parts of brain function. You are looking at your hearing, you’re balancing, you’re navigating and turning. Oftentimes, you’re doing it with someone else, so there’s the positive effect of company or group activity,” said Allan Reiss, a professor at Stanford University School of Medicine.
While exercise has powerful mental health benefits, it’s not universal. For example, previous research has shown that teenage girls are at higher risk of mental health problems like depression and anxiety than boys. The current study found that, while middle school girls reported increased well-being after participating in the cycling program, that increase “may just reach the kind of baseline level for male students,” Wilson said.And other aspects of healthy living are also important, noted Wilson. The study found that teenagers who didn’t limit screen time to a maximum of two hours a day, or who got less than the recommended 8.5 hours of sleep, saw less improvement in their well-being, he said.
【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章介绍了一项新的研究发现,骑自行车除了可以锻炼身体,还对青少年的大脑和社会关系有好处,且这种好处会有性别差异,也受到其他健康因素的影响。
32.What does the new study mainly focus on
A.Challenges in middle school.
B.Youths in America.
C.Physical benefits of cycling.
D.Mental effects of bike riding.
答案 D [细节理解题。根据第一段中“Wilson, a researcher at Loma Linda University School...could result in measurable changes in mind for teenagers.” 可知,这项新研究关注骑自行车对青少年大脑的影响。]
33.What did the students do in the program
A.Attend the cycling class for a week.
B.Learn how to keep safe while cycling.
C.Raise their heart rate by cycling indoors.
D.Design questions to measure their health.
答案 B [细节理解题。根据第二段中“They learned cycling safety and practicing skills outdoors while raising their heart rate and just having fun.”可知,在该项目中学生学习如何在骑自行车时保持安全。]
34.What is Reiss’s attitude to the result of the study
A.Supportive. B.Doubtful.
C.Unclear. D.Negative.
答案 A [观点态度题。根据第三段中Wilson所说的话“Our research shows how it benefits the mind and social relationships as well.”可知,该研究发现骑自行车也有益于大脑和社会关系;再结合第四段中Reiss所说的话“Cycling engages several parts of brain function...so there’s the positive effect of company or group activity,”可知,Reiss也认为骑自行车可以锻炼大脑的多个功能,且其过程中的陪伴或团体活动有积极意义。由此推知,Reiss对研究发现持支持的态度。]
35.What is the last paragraph mainly about
A.Application of the research results.
B.Doubts about the research methods.
C.Further explanation of the research findings.
D.Supporting evidence from previous research.
答案 C [段落大意题。根据最后一段内容,尤其是其中的“While exercise has powerful mental health benefits, it’s not universal.”和“And other aspects of healthy living are also important, noted Wilson.”可知,本段从两个方面对研究结果做出进一步的解释,一是骑自行车对大脑健康的好处存在性别差异,女孩少于男孩,二是其他有关健康生活的因素也会影响这种好处的大小,例如屏幕时间和睡眠时间的长短。]
It’s easy to talk yourself out of exercising. Even when you have the best intentions to work out, excuses are so easy to find—“I’m too tired”, “I’m busy” or “The weather is bad”. Don’t worry! 36
※ Take baby steps.
You’ll never try to run 10 miles just in a single day, right When you do too much too soon, you’ll end up injured and disappointed.Take it easy as you get started.Maybe you only run a quarter of a mile during your first week. 37
※ 38
Your workout should be just as much a habit as brushing your teeth or eating breakfast. When it’s part of your routine (日常), you won’t even have to think about it. In a few months, fitness can be regular in your day.
※ Keep it real.
You’re not going to shake off 30 pounds in a week. 39 For example, if you work too late to get to a gym, keep a set of weights at home. If you can’t do 30 minutes at once, break it up into 10 or 15 minutes’ sections. Gradually, you should increase your workout schedule from 2 to 3 days a week, or exercise for 15 more minutes each time.
40 So even a pound of weight loss or a pound of muscle gain is the reason to reward (奖励) yourself. Go out with friends or buy a pair of jeans.
A.Do it for yourself.
B.Try to get used to it.
C.It takes weeks to see real changes.
D.Keep a fitness diary to record your progress.
E.Aim for something that is realistic as a first step.
F.The following ways can keep your fitness schedule on track.
G.When it gets easy for you, you’ll surely make it more challenging.
【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了让健身计划顺利进行的技巧。
36.F [根据上文“It’s easy to talk yourself out of exercising...‘I’m busy’ or ‘The weather is bad’. Don’t worry!”和下文介绍的让健身计划顺利进行的技巧可知,让自己开始并坚持锻炼是有方法可循的。F项符合语境。故选F。]
37.G [根据上文“You’ll never try to run 10 miles just in a single day, right ...Maybe you only run a quarter of a mile during your first week.”可知,上文提到不要一次进行太多锻炼,第一周只跑了四分之一英里也是可以的,本句为本段最后一句,应承接上文说明这一做法的结果:当它对你来说变得容易时,你肯定会使它更具挑战性。G项符合语境。故选G。]
38.B [空处为本段小标题。根据本段内容“Your workout should be just as much a habit as brushing your teeth or eating breakfast. ... fitness can be regular in your day.”可知,本段主要说明了锻炼应该成为一种习惯,B选项中get used to对应后文中habit。B项符合本段主旨,可以作为小标题。]
39.E [根据上文“You’re not going to shake off 30 pounds in a week.”可知,上文提到不可能在一周内减掉30磅,可见目标是能够实现的。E项符合语境。故选E。]
40.C [根据下文“So even a pound of weight loss or a pound of muscle gain is the reason to reward (奖励) yourself.”可知,即使一点点进步也要奖励自己;由此推知,空处说明奖励自己的原因,和下文形成因果关系。C项符合语境。]
第三部分 语言运用(共三节,满分40分)
Surfing:It’s Not Just for Boys Anymore
If you asked high school girls to name their favorite sports,most would probably say basketball or volleyball.I happen to be one of the few girls who would 41 :surfing.But isn’t that a boy thing Some people 42 .Most certainly not.
I started surfing about five years ago and 43 in love with the sport on the very first day.Riding that first 44 was the best feeling I had ever experienced.
When I try to 45 surfing with other things,I find it very difficult because,in my 46 ,there’s nothing like it.It involves body, 47 ,and soul.There’s sand between my toes and cool,salt water all 48 us.The feeling I get when I’m surfing across that 49 ,becoming one with the 50 ,is like I’m weightless.
The one thing I can 51 from surfing and not any other sport is endless challenge.You can never be the “best surfer” because the ocean 52 an uncountable variety of waves that nobody can ever master.The variations of surfing styles are wonderful.Some surfers are free and flowing; others are very aggressive (有冲劲的) and 53 .All of these things attract me to surfing and make it 54 from any other sport.
I’ve 55 to tell every girl I know to do something that people don’t think girls can do.I also think if we give girls a chance to succeed,they will.
【语篇解读】 本文是夹叙夹议文。在人们固有的观念里,有些运动,像冲浪、足球等都是男生的运动。而作者认为女生也要多参加这类运动。
41.A.tell B.answer
C.give D.realize
答案 B [此处意为如果你询问高中的女生们她们最喜欢的体育运动的名字,她们会回答(answer)你询问的问题。]
42.A.wonder B.understand
C.reply D.believe
答案 A [前一句的意思是“但是它难道不是男孩的事情吗?(意思是:这是男孩的事情。)”这是一些人的质疑,故选A。]
43.A.stayed B.came
C.dropped D.fell
答案 D [fall/be in love with...爱上……,是固定结构,其他选项没有这种搭配形式。]
44.A.wave B.storm
C.sail D.boat
答案 A [因为文章是在谈论冲浪运动,冲上第一个浪(wave)是我经历过的最佳感受。]
45.A.bring B.connect
C.compare D.tie
答案 C [作者想把冲浪运动和其他运动进行比较(compare)。connect...with连接,联络,将……连起来;compare...with把……与……比较;tie...with把……和……捆在一起;bring带来,引起,通常不与with连用。]
46.A.work B.study
C.holiday D.life
答案 D [作者觉得很难将冲浪运动与生活中的其他事比较。它是独一无二的。]
47.A.mind B.effort
C.health D.time
答案 A [冲浪运动涉及身体、智慧(mind)和心灵诸方面。]
48.A.along B.above
C.around D.by
答案 C [along 沿着;above在……上方;around 在……周围;by在……旁边。此处指周围全是凉凉的海水。]
49.A.beach B.water
C.board D.lake
答案 B [冲浪运动是脚踏冲浪板在水面上进行。]
50.A.sky B.world
C.earth D.ocean
答案 D [冲浪运动是在大海、大洋中进行的,就有和海洋融为一体的感觉。]
51.A.take B.get
C.make D.keep
答案 B [句意:我从冲浪而不是其他运动中得到的是无尽的挑战。]
52.A.catches B.includes
C.offers D.collects
答案 C [这里是指大海会呈现给你数不清的各种各样的浪,没有人能够真正地掌握,所以你不可能成为最好的冲浪选手。所以才说冲浪给“我”带来了无尽的挑战。]
53.A.sharp B.great
C.hard D.calm
答案 A [句意:其他一些人冲浪时很活跃有冲劲,很灵敏。sharp灵敏的,敏锐的;great伟大的;hard努力的;calm冷静的。这里要填的形容词与aggressive是近义词,故选A。]
54.A.known B.right
C.far D.different
答案 D [different from...与……不同。根据“The variations of surfing styles are wonderful.”可知,此处是指冲浪与其他的运动项目不一样。]
55.A.chosen B.tried
C.learned D.promised
答案 B [句意:我努力(try)告诉每个我认识的女孩子去做那些别人认为她们不能做的事情。]
Teenagers sometimes turn to extreme methods to slim down quickly in a society where being thin is often seen 56. being beautiful. According to a recent survey of senior high school students’ lifestyles, almost one fifth of teenagers 57._____ (regular) skip meals, one in ten over-exercise and four per cent even take weight-loss medicine. Experts are concerned about 58. (them) health. They are increasing their efforts to educate teenagers about the side 59. (effect) of losing weight too quickly. They have also warned them 60. using such extreme methods, which are harmful.
It is normal for teenagers to be slightly overweight and there is no reason 61.______ they should be worried.However, for those who are dangerously overweight, it is very important that they try to lose weight properly.
Therefore, it is important to have a healthy 62. (balance) diet since teenagers are still growing and their bodies need a lot of nutrition 63. (function) well. What’s more, they should keep regular hours and get plenty of exercise to stay 64.____ (energy) and fit. We strongly encourage teenagers to follow these lifestyle tips, because living well is the 65. (safe) and most effective way to get into shape.
【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章介绍了青少年使用极端方法快速减肥的现象,专家对此表示担忧,他们建议青少年均衡饮食、规律作息并保持足够的锻炼。
56.as [考查介词。结合句意可知,此处指“瘦被看作是美”,be seen as“被看作,被视为”,固定搭配,故填as。]
57.regularly [考查词性转换。修饰动词“skip”应用副词regularly作状语,故填regularly。]
58.their [考查代词。空处应填形容词性物主代词their,修饰名词“health”,故填their。]
59.effects [考查名词的数。effect“作用”,可数名词,此处应用复数形式表示泛指,side effects“副作用”,故填effects。]
60.against [考查介词。结合空后的“which are harmful”可知,极端方法有害处,故此处指“他们还告诫青少年不要使用这种极端的方法”,使用介词against,warn sb against doing sth警告/告诫某人不要做某事,故填against。]
61.why [考查定语从句。分析句子可知,空处引导限制性定语从句,先行词是reason,关系词替代先行词在从句中作原因状语,应用关系副词why引导,故填why。]
62.balanced [考查词性转换。空处应填形容词balanced作定语,修饰名词“diet”,表示“均衡的”,故填balanced。]
63.to function [考查非谓语动词。结合句意可知,此处表示目的,function应用动词不定式形式作目的状语,故填to function。]
64.energetic [考查词性转换。空处应填形容词energetic与fit并列作连系动词stay的表语,故填energetic。]
65.safest [考查比较等级。句意:我们强烈鼓励青少年遵循这些生活方式建议,因为生活得好是保持身材最安全、最有效的方法。根据句意及空格后的“most effective”可知,此处应用形容词最高级形式,故填safest。]
66.A daughter’s marriage is quite an event(大事) for a mother.
67.By the end of the match, sweat(汗水) was pouring off him.
68.If you are found cheating(作弊) in the exam,you will be taken out of our school.
69.If you make a typing error(错误),you can correct it using one of these keys.
70.The rose was one of the glories(光荣) of his garden,which made him proud.
71.Suddenly the young guy turned around,only to see a person tracking(跟踪) him.
72.I feel greatly honoured (honour) to be welcomed by the audience.
73.Seeing me,the girl gave me a determined(determine) look.
74.As a mother,you’d better have a talk with your son who feels a little stressed(stress).
75.The two sides are trying to do something to strengthen (strength) their friendship.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分30分)
活动路线:从学校出发,沿江滨路(Riverside Road)骑行,目的地是花海公园(Huahai Park);
Dear Peter,
How are you I am happy to inform you that our school will organize a cycling activity.                                    
Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
Dear Peter,
How are you I am happy to inform you that our school will organize a cycling activity.It would be better if you could come with us.
This cycling activity is intended to make us relaxed from heavy pressure and get close to nature. It is scheduled after the mid-term exam, which starts from our school, along Riverside Road, to Huahai Park. Varieties of activities will be held in the park, such as flying kites, making camp and having a picnic.I am sure you will have a good time then. If you would like to come, please remember to bring some drinks and snacks along with you.
Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
Tammi, a lovely 9-month-old dog, arrived at the San Antonio Humane Society last month.She had been hit by a car with many injuries.Doctors operated on her immediately.The operation saved her life, but left her crippled (瘸的) in one leg.Under the care of the Humane Society, she was recovering from the injuries.However, the scar(疤痕)in her heart was always there.For most of the time, she was shy and alone, staying away from other dogs.The Humane Society worked around the clock to find Tammi a forever home.They wanted the sweet dog to be adopted(领养)as soon as possible.
Living in the same city, 19 miles away from San Antonio Humane Society was the Matthews.Bad luck struck the couple two months ago when their 7-year-old son was knocked down by a passing car on his way home.He died before he could be helped.This accident filled them with sadness every day.
It was then that the San Antonio Humane Society contacted them.They advised the couple to think about adopting a dog, which might put smile back on their faces.At first the couple disagreed with this idea but after their explanation the couple decided to give it a try the next day.That was how the Matthews first met Tammi.
注意: 续写词数应为80左右。
Surprisingly, seeing the couple, Tammi stood up and walked over to them slowly.                                    
【文章大意】 本文讲述了保护动物协会救了 9 个月大的狗狗Tammi,找到了因 7 岁的儿子意外离世而悲伤不已的 Matthew 夫妇,建议他们收养这只胆小害羞的小狗。
由首句内容“令人惊讶的是,看到这对夫妇,Tammi站了起来,慢慢地向他们走过去”可知,文章可描写Tammi 如何跟夫妇互动,成功地使自己被领养。
Surprisingly, seeing the couple, Tammi stood up and walked over to them slowly.Raising her nose, Tammi sniffed at both of them before she sat next to Mr Matthew, with her tail wagging happily.When Mrs Matthew reached out to pet her head,Tammi looked at her gently, as if they had been old friends.Barely had Mrs Matthew seen such a scene when she recalled her lovely son,who used to do the same.Pity welling up in her heart, she wiped her tears and turned to her husband, only to find he had signed something on a document.Waving goodbye to the Humane Society, the couple took Tammi home, all knowing that a new chapter would begin from now on.单元综合测评三
(满分:150分 时间:120分钟) 
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1.What can we say about the man’s co-worker
A.Polite.    B.Helpful.     
2.Where does the conversation take place
A.In the restaurant. B.In an office.
C.In a shop.
3.What will James do tomorrow
A.Give a talk. B.Write a report.
C.Watch a program.
4.How does the man feel about the photo
A.Confusing.    B.Amazing.     
5.What day is it today
A.Monday.    B.Wednesday.     
6.What are the speakers talking about
A.A part-time job. B.A computer lesson.
C.A holiday plan.
7.Where did the man get this information
A.From a letter. B.From an email.
C.At the computer center.
8.What happened to the woman
A.She lost her job. B.She quarreled with John.
C.She was punished by her boss.
9.What does the woman insist on
A.Staying at home. B.Finding a new job.
C.Keeping her present job.
10.What is the best way to solve the problem
A.Having a good talk with John.
B.Asking the man to talk with John.
C.Giving the matter a second thought.
11.What is the matter with the woman
A.She has a toothache. B.She has a stomachache.
C.She has a headache.
12.Why does the woman feel weak
A.She is too tired. B.She eats too much.
C.She has a high fever.
13.What does the man suggest the woman do
A.Give up her job. B.Have a rest.
C.Take some medicine.
14.What is the woman going to do
A.Put on a play. B.Play a game.
C.Borrow a textbook.
15.What kind of scarf does the man advise the woman to wear
A.A purple one. B.A black one.
C.A white one.
16.What is the relationship between the speakers
A.Classmates. B.Colleagues.
17.What did Mr Li ask the man to do
A.Do some physical exercise.
B.Compare notes with the woman.
C.Make a speech in the class meeting.
18.When will the bus leave from the front gate
A.At 7:10 am.    B.At 7:30 am.     
C.At 7:50 am.
19.What are the students advised to bring
A.Enough fruit. B.Their own lunch.
C.An extra pair of shoes.
20.What is special about the bus
A.It is the latest one. B.It has a first-aid case.
C.It is used for a medical emergency.
第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
第一节(共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5 分)
Various sports attract fans for different reasons: Spectator sports draw even more fans who just love to watch. Here are some of the most beloved sports worldwide.
Hockey-2 billion fans
Hockey, both on ice and on a field, wins a following of two billion enthusiastic fans worldwide. Field hockey is mainly played in Europe, Africa, Asia, and Australia, while ice hockey is particularly popular in Canada and the US, where kids grow up playing pond hockey. Unlike ice hockey, field hockey usually does not involve body contact in the form of checking and hitting.
Football-4 billion fans
Football, better known as soccer in the US, is by far the most popular sport in the world.Experts estimate that the origin (起源) of football may go as far back as two thousand years, beginning in ancient China during the Han Dynasty. One major reason for football’s global popularity is that unlike other sports that require expensive equipment, all you need to play football is a ball and your feet.
Volleyball-900 million fans
Volleyball pits two teams across a high net, each attempting to smash the ball onto the opponent’s floor. A popular variant, beach volleyball, is competed on sand by pairs rather than the regular six players per team. The crowd appeal of beach volleyball has grown greatly in recent years.
Tennis-1 billion fans
An estimated one billion people worldwide follow professional tennis tournaments and matches. In tennis, players on both sides of a net try to hit a ball with a racket so that it either goes past their opponent (对手) or bounces twice on their opponent’s side of the court to score points. Tennis superstars like Rafael Nadal, and Serena Williams are now household names around the world, with huge international fan bases.
21.Which sport attracts the most fans according to the text
A.Volleyball. B.Hockey.
C.Football. D.Tennis.
22.What makes football popular all over the world
A.Its long history. B.Its great convenience.
C.Its unique origin. D.Its huge fan bases.
23.Which statement about the four sports is true
A.Playing ice hockey involves body contact.
B.Soccer is American people’s favorite sport.
C.Beach volleyball has attracted the most sports fans recently.
D.A tennis player loses one point if his ball goes past his opponent.
The first time I realized that I had a love for sports competitions was during the Field Day in elementary school. Small for my age, and more of a bookworm than a sports lover, I had suffered that special humiliation__of being picked last for various gym teams. The Field Day, which focused on individual (个体的) skills, was different. In the Softball Throw event, I got my first taste of sporting victory. Credit goes to the example of my first coach, my father. He lifted weights every morning at home. He bought us all baseball gloves and hats, and in the warm months, we spent hours playing catch.
Once I got to sixth grade and switched to private school, our entire student body was assigned to either the Red or the White team. Throughout the year, we competed against each other in various games and exercises for points. I eventually became president of The Committee of Games. I also played on the field hockey team and the basketball team. And at home, playing tennis, skating, skiing and biking were simply normal things we did.During the break time, magazines were also quite popular for us teens. These regularly featured articles on physical exercise. Somehow, my college roommate and I took up the habit of completing Royal Canadian Air Force(RCAF) exercises every day, a practice that continued into my marriage, when we had no spare money to use to join a gym.
So, though it shocks some of our friends, that early foundation (基础) evolved in adulthood into a sports and fitness focus, considered essential even on vacation. I still love reading and the arts, too. As far as I’m concerned, life is the richest with my feet in both worlds.
24.What does the underlined word “humiliation” mean in Paragraph 1
A.Responsibility. B.Shock.
C.Shame. D.Glory.
25.The author thought she won in the Softball Throw event because of ______________.
A.her confidence in her sports skills
B.the efforts she put into exercising
C.her advanced sports gloves and hats
D.the strong influence of her father
26.What happened after the author stepped into adulthood
A.She changed the focus into reading.
B.She stuck to working out.
C.She regularly exercised on weekends.
D.She joined Royal Canadian Air Force.
27.What is the author’s purpose in writing the text
A.To express her love for sports.
B.To show her father’s guidance on sports.
C.To stress the advantages of physical exercise.
D.To share her childhood memories about sports.
Do you want to go to play some basketball in between hitting the books Doctors are starting to find more and more information that suggests a connection between exercise and brain development.
Judy Cameron, a scientist at Oregon Health and Science University, studies brain development. According to her research, it seems that exercise can make blood vessels (血管), including those in the brain, stronger and more fully developed.Dr. Cameron is sure that this allows people who exercise to think better. As she says, “While we already know that exercise is good for the heart, exercise can actually cause physical changes in the brain.”
The effects of exercise on brain development can even be seen in babies. Babies who often do activities show greater brain development than babies who are less physically active. Even a little movement can show big results. Margaret Barnes, a scientist, also believes in the importance of exercise. She thinks that many learning disabilities that children have in primary school or high school can result from a lack of movement as babies.
Older people can develop their brains as well. Cornell University studied a group of seniors who have a short-term memory increase of up to 40 percent after exercising just three hours a week. Also, exercise for older people should not be too simple. Learning some new skills or actions, such as with yoga or tai-chi, helps to open up memory paths in the brain that may not have been used for a long time. For most people, any type of physical activity that increases the heart rate is helpful. The main aim is to increase the brain’s flow of blood.And your brain can benefit from as little as two to three hours of exercise a week.
28.What is the main idea of this text
A.How to exercise every week.
B.How exercise makes people strong.
C.How exercise helps the brain develop.
D.How the brain can change one’s memory.
29.According to the text, what is the connection between exercise and brain development
A.Exercise helps soften our blood vessels.
B.Physical exercise helps us think better.
C.The brain needs special mental exercise.
D.The more exercise, the bigger the brain.
30.Why is yoga suggested for seniors
A.It can be done in groups.
B.It does good to the bones of old people.
C.It does not increase the heart rate.
D.It includes learning new skills.
31.Why is the physical activity that increases the heart rate useful
A.It can improve the brain’s flow of blood.
B.It can slow down the brain’s flow of blood.
C.It can change older people’s mood for the better.
D.It can make seniors forget previous terrible things.
Anyone who’s lived through middle school knows those years can be particularly challenging. Some researches show youths across the U.S. are struggling with mental health. The physical health benefits of bike riding have been well-documented.Wilson, a researcher at Loma Linda University School of Medicine, and his co-authors carried out a new study to see if taking part in a cycling program could result in measurable changes in mind for teenagers.
The study involved more than 1,200 students, aged 11 to 14. Students participated in a cycling class for at least three days a week, for a period of 6 weeks. They learned cycling safety and practicing skills outdoors while raising their heart rate and just having fun. The students completed standardized questionnaires before and after the program designed to measure their health.
“We know cycling can benefit the body. Our research shows how it benefits the mind and social relationships as well. Bike riding can be an ideal activity for adolescents because of the benefits it offers,” said Wilson.
“Cycling engages several parts of brain function. You are looking at your hearing, you’re balancing, you’re navigating and turning. Oftentimes, you’re doing it with someone else, so there’s the positive effect of company or group activity,” said Allan Reiss, a professor at Stanford University School of Medicine.
While exercise has powerful mental health benefits, it’s not universal. For example, previous research has shown that teenage girls are at higher risk of mental health problems like depression and anxiety than boys. The current study found that, while middle school girls reported increased well-being after participating in the cycling program, that increase “may just reach the kind of baseline level for male students,” Wilson said.And other aspects of healthy living are also important, noted Wilson. The study found that teenagers who didn’t limit screen time to a maximum of two hours a day, or who got less than the recommended 8.5 hours of sleep, saw less improvement in their well-being, he said.
32.What does the new study mainly focus on
A.Challenges in middle school.
B.Youths in America.
C.Physical benefits of cycling.
D.Mental effects of bike riding.
33.What did the students do in the program
A.Attend the cycling class for a week.
B.Learn how to keep safe while cycling.
C.Raise their heart rate by cycling indoors.
D.Design questions to measure their health.
34.What is Reiss’s attitude to the result of the study
A.Supportive. B.Doubtful.
C.Unclear. D.Negative.
35.What is the last paragraph mainly about
A.Application of the research results.
B.Doubts about the research methods.
C.Further explanation of the research findings.
D.Supporting evidence from previous research.
It’s easy to talk yourself out of exercising. Even when you have the best intentions to work out, excuses are so easy to find—“I’m too tired”, “I’m busy” or “The weather is bad”. Don’t worry! __36__
※ Take baby steps.
You’ll never try to run 10 miles just in a single day, right When you do too much too soon, you’ll end up injured and disappointed.Take it easy as you get started.Maybe you only run a quarter of a mile during your first week.__37__
※ __38__
Your workout should be just as much a habit as brushing your teeth or eating breakfast. When it’s part of your routine (日常), you won’t even have to think about it. In a few months, fitness can be regular in your day.
※ Keep it real.
You’re not going to shake off 30 pounds in a week.__39__ For example, if you work too late to get to a gym, keep a set of weights at home. If you can’t do 30 minutes at once, break it up into 10 or 15 minutes’ sections. Gradually, you should increase your workout schedule from 2 to 3 days a week, or exercise for 15 more minutes each time.
__40__ So even a pound of weight loss or a pound of muscle gain is the reason to reward (奖励) yourself. Go out with friends or buy a pair of jeans.
A.Do it for yourself.
B.Try to get used to it.
C.It takes weeks to see real changes.
D.Keep a fitness diary to record your progress.
E.Aim for something that is realistic as a first step.
F.The following ways can keep your fitness schedule on track.
G.When it gets easy for you, you’ll surely make it more challenging.
第三部分 语言运用(共三节,满分40分)
Surfing:It’s Not Just for Boys Anymore
If you asked high school girls to name their favorite sports,most would probably say basketball or volleyball.I happen to be one of the few girls who would __41__:surfing.But isn’t that a boy thing Some people __42__.Most certainly not.
I started surfing about five years ago and __43__ in love with the sport on the very first day.Riding that first __44__ was the best feeling I had ever experienced.
When I try to __45__ surfing with other things,I find it very difficult because,in my __46__,there’s nothing like it.It involves body,__47__,and soul.There’s sand between my toes and cool,salt water all __48__ us.The feeling I get when I’m surfing across that __49__,becoming one with the __50__,is like I’m weightless.
The one thing I can __51__ from surfing and not any other sport is endless challenge.You can never be the “best surfer” because the ocean __52__ an uncountable variety of waves that nobody can ever master.The variations of surfing styles are wonderful.Some surfers are free and flowing; others are very aggressive (有冲劲的) and __53__.All of these things attract me to surfing and make it __54__ from any other sport.
I’ve __55__ to tell every girl I know to do something that people don’t think girls can do.I also think if we give girls a chance to succeed,they will.
41.A.tell B.answer
C.give D.realize
42.A.wonder B.understand
C.reply D.believe
43.A.stayed B.came
C.dropped D.fell
44.A.wave B.storm
C.sail D.boat
45.A.bring B.connect
C.compare D.tie
46.A.work B.study
C.holiday D.life
47.A.mind B.effort
C.health D.time
48.A.along B.above
C.around D.by
49.A.beach B.water
C.board D.lake
50.A.sky B.world
C.earth D.ocean
51.A.take B.get
C.make D.keep
52.A.catches B.includes
C.offers D.collects
53.A.sharp B.great
C.hard D.calm
54.A.known B.right
C.far D.different
55.A.chosen B.tried
C.learned D.promised
Teenagers sometimes turn to extreme methods to slim down quickly in a society where being thin is often seen 56.____________ being beautiful. According to a recent survey of senior high school students’ lifestyles, almost one fifth of teenagers 57.____________ (regular) skip meals, one in ten over-exercise and four per cent even take weight-loss medicine. Experts are concerned about 58.____________ (them) health. They are increasing their efforts to educate teenagers about the side 59.____________ (effect) of losing weight too quickly. They have also warned them 60.____________ using such extreme methods, which are harmful.
It is normal for teenagers to be slightly overweight and there is no reason 61.____________ they should be worried.However, for those who are dangerously overweight, it is very important that they try to lose weight properly.
Therefore, it is important to have a healthy 62.____________ (balance) diet since teenagers are still growing and their bodies need a lot of nutrition 63.____________ (function) well. What’s more, they should keep regular hours and get plenty of exercise to stay 64.____________ (energy) and fit. We strongly encourage teenagers to follow these lifestyle tips, because living well is the 65.____________ (safe) and most effective way to get into shape.
66.A daughter’s marriage is quite an ____________(大事) for a mother.
67.By the end of the match, ____________(汗水) was pouring off him.
68.If you are found ____________(作弊) in the exam,you will be taken out of our school.
69.If you make a typing ____________(错误),you can correct it using one of these keys.
70.The rose was one of the ____________(光荣) of his garden,which made him proud.
71.Suddenly the young guy turned around,only to see a person ____________(跟踪) him.
72.I feel greatly ____________ (honour) to be welcomed by the audience.
73.Seeing me,the girl gave me a ____________(determine) look.
74.As a mother,you’d better have a talk with your son who feels a little ____________(stress).
75.The two sides are trying to do something to ____________ (strength) their friendship.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分30分)
活动路线:从学校出发,沿江滨路(Riverside Road)骑行,目的地是花海公园(Huahai Park);
Dear Peter,
How are you I am happy to inform you that our school will organize a cycling activity.                                    
Looking forward to your reply.
Li Hua
Tammi, a lovely 9-month-old dog, arrived at the San Antonio Humane Society last month.She had been hit by a car with many injuries.Doctors operated on her immediately.The operation saved her life, but left her crippled (瘸的) in one leg.Under the care of the Humane Society, she was recovering from the injuries.However, the scar(疤痕)in her heart was always there.For most of the time, she was shy and alone, staying away from other dogs.The Humane Society worked around the clock to find Tammi a forever home.They wanted the sweet dog to be adopted(领养)as soon as possible.
Living in the same city, 19 miles away from San Antonio Humane Society was the Matthews.Bad luck struck the couple two months ago when their 7-year-old son was knocked down by a passing car on his way home.He died before he could be helped.This accident filled them with sadness every day.
It was then that the San Antonio Humane Society contacted them.They advised the couple to think about adopting a dog, which might put smile back on their faces.At first the couple disagreed with this idea but after their explanation the couple decided to give it a try the next day.That was how the Matthews first met Tammi.
注意: 续写词数应为80左右。
Surprisingly, seeing the couple, Tammi stood up and walked over to them slowly.                                    


