中职英语 上外版 基础模块 第1册 Unit2 Study and Life Section Three 课件(50张PPT)

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中职英语 上外版 基础模块 第1册 Unit2 Study and Life Section Three 课件(50张PPT)


英 语
and Life
If you want to succeed in life, you must never stop learning.
Learning Objectives
Section One Getting Ready
Section Two Listening, Speaking and Pronunciation
Section Three Reading and Writing
Section Four Grammar in Focus
Section Five Doing a Project
Watch and Say
A. Reading Pictures
B. Building Vocabulary
C. Viewing to Learn
Learning Objectives
Listening: Bottom-up Strategies
Listening: Conversation
Listening: Short Passage
Speaking: Pair Work
Speaking: Group Work
Text A and Writing
Text B
Learning Objectives
Simple Past and Present Perfect
Digging In
Trying Out
Learning Objectives
Project A: Designing a Poster
Project B: Making a Presentation
talk about after-school activities and internship
interview preparation;
realise how studying and learning skills help
one succeed in life;
while reading;
write a short passage on how to spend school
In this unit, we are going to
understand the meaning and importance of
“ taking challenges” in learning process;
master some useful words and expressions
about “study and life”;
get to know what classifieds are and how to
design a classified advertisements;
learn to write a short passage about a meaningful
project in school.
In this part, we are going to
Look at the title and the picture. What comes to your mind
when you think of making a film
A lot of preparation and hard work/ A good script/ Directors and actors/ Filming locations /Filming equipment/ Post-
production work such as dubbing and
editing. …
Aerin: Moviemaker
1 Have you ever thought of making your own movie 14-
year-old Aerin White, not only thought about it — she did it.
2 A student from North Carolina, Aerin chose filmmaking as one of her school projects. Recently, she wrote and directed
her first movie, After the Knight.
3 First, she wrote the film script. That took her about three months. It’s about a family having to close down its farm. An awful neighbour wants to get hold of it by all means. The family must save the farm with a treasure hunt, which is an exciting
adventure of hope and danger.
4 After writing the script, Aerin asked her family and friends to help her make the movie. A total of 67 people made her story come to life. Aerin’s dad helped with the difficult job of
filming and editing.
5 “It’s challenging work to make a film,” Aerin said. “One of the biggest things I learned was how to work with people,
especially under pressure.”
6 She added that it was no easy job to work with people who have different schedules. Her own inexperience at directing also made things difficult at times. Uncontrollable weather and stinging bees also caused problems. Aerin and
her friends had to learn how to work through the challenges.
7 Despite the challenges, making the movie was also fun. Aerin enjoyed directing, acting, and creating sets. She made it “rain” outside a window by using a garden hose. She also had to create scenes that appeared dangerous but really
8 The hard work and patience paid off. After a year of work, Aerin showed the film in her community, and it received showers
of favourable reviews and comments.
9 What advice does Aerin offer to beginning movie-makers “Start simple. Think through your scenes as you write them. Plan how you will film them. Don’t rush. Take time to get good
performances. Have fun, and enjoy the process!”
A. Understanding the Text
Structure of the text
Exercise I
Exercise II
Exercise III
B. Exploring the Language
Exercise I
Exercise II
Expressions and Sentence Patterns
Exercise I
Exercise II
D. More Practice
Exercise I
Exercise II
C. Translation
Understanding the Text: Structure of the text
Parts of the Text Paragraph(s) Main Points
Part I Para. 1-2 Aerin White made her first movie as one of her school projects.
Part II Paras. 3-8 Although filmmaking is challenging and full of hard work, Aerin succeed in making
the film. Her hard work paid off.
Part III Para. 9 Aerin’s advice for moviemaking beginners
Complete the expressions under the pictures. Then scan the text to check.
Understanding the Text: Exercise I
1. a garden _______
2. ______ a film
3. a ________ bee
4. film _______
Read the text and fill in the blanks.
Understanding the Text: Exercise II
At the age of 1 ____, Aerin White decided to make her own movie. The title of the movie was 2 ________________. It was about a family having to close down its 3 ______. After writing the script for about 4 _____________, she asked her 5 ________
and family to help her. Although there were many 6 __________ , Aerin learned how to work with people. Aerin’s lack of 7 ____________ at directing and the uncontrollable 8 __________ and stinging bees made things difficult. However, through her hard work, she succeeded in making the film. After the film was 9 _________ in her community, it was showed with favourable reviews.
After the Knight
three months
Work in pairs. Discuss and answer the questions with your partner.
Understanding the Text: Exercise III
I think so. Because there are many unexpected things that
happen and we can learn from them.
To choose a suitable scene./To spend less money./To have an interesting plot.
Do you think it is interesting to make a movie Why
What do you think are the challenges of making a film
Understanding the Text: Exercise III
Aerin White, 14-year-old girl wrote and directed her first movie, After the Knight. First, it took her about three months to finish the script. Then, with the help of his family and friends, Aerin started filming her story. Although there were many challenges, Aerin learned to work with people under pressure. Aerin’s inexperience at directing and the uncontrollable on-site situation made things difficult. However, through her hard work, Aerin succeeded in making the film. Her hard work and
patience paid off.
Summarize Aerin’s moviemaking story in your own words.
Match the words with their definitions. There is one definition more than you need.
Words: Exercise I
1 appear
2 pressure
3 schedule
4 adventure
5 challenge
something that needs great mental or physical effort in order to be done
an unusual, exciting, and possibly dangerous activity, such as a trip or
give the impression of being or doing sth
give you an advantage or more chance
of success
difficulties and feelings of anxiety that are caused by the need to achieve or
to behave in a particular way
a plan of what you are going to do and
when you are going to do it
She didn't _______ surprised at the change of his ___________ .
She was under __________ because the police _________ her to remember all the details.
I have no time this week, my _________ is full. Let’s __________ me to meet next week.
School life can be an ____________ full of joy and wonder. Be _____________ : learn and do new things in school.
School life in a trade school can be _____________ , but I am ready for any ___________.
Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the words in Exercise I.
Words: Exercise II
Read the sentences and translate the words in bold(粗体字)into Chinese.
Expressions and Sentence Patterns: Exercise I
Have you ever thought of making your own movie
It’s about a family having to close down its farm.
An awful neighbour wants to get hold of it by all means.
think of 想到
close down 关闭
get hold of 抓住; by all means用一切手段
Expressions and Sentence Patterns: Exercise I
Aerin’s dad helped her with the filming and editing.
A total of 67 people made her story come to life.
Her own inexperience at directing also made things difficult
at times.
The hard work and patience paid off.
help (sb) with (sth) 帮助某人做某事
come to life变得活跃
at times 有时
pay off 成功;奏效
All my hard work _________ in the end, and I finally passed the exam.
_____________, finish all the work by Friday and have a good time.
The private school was __________________ because of poor management.
In order to finish the task, they’ve done everything they can possibly _________.
Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the expressions in the box.
Expressions and Sentence Patterns: Exercise II
think of
close down
get hold of
by all means
help with
at times
come to life
pay off
paid off
pay off
By all means
by all means
closed down
close down
think of
think of
Fill in the blanks with the correct forms of the expressions in the box.
Expressions and Sentence Patterns: Exercise II
The match finally _____________ in the second half.
I make mistakes _________ when I speak English.
He was away before I could ____________ the letter.
John will _________ us _________ some of the paperwork.
think of
close down
get hold of
by all means
help with
at times
come to life
pay off
pay off
by all means
close down
think of
came to life
come to life
at times
at times
got hold of
get hold of
help with
help with
学校报告厅有时放电影。 (at times)
注意不要在压力下匆忙做决定。(under pressure)
首先,告诉我你对这门课程的看法。(think of)
Translate the sentences with the words or expressions in brackets(括号中).
Films are shown at the school lecture hall at times.
Remember not to make decisions when you are under pressure.
First, tell me what you think of this course.
Translate the sentences with the words or expressions in brackets(括号中).
All the factories in this area were closed down in the 1980s.
Our school will try its best to create more internship
opportunities for students.
The teacher felt very satisfied because everything went
according to schedule.
I agree with it. Making a movie requires a lot of preparation, such as a good script, suitable actors, props and scenes, as well as photography, lighting, and post-production work such as dubbing and editing. All these are very challenging. For students, it is even more difficult to overcome these difficulties
and challenges.
Read the sentences. Do you agree with them, and why Think of 2–3 reasons, and share your opinions in class.
Exercise I
It’s challenging work to make a film.
Read the sentences. Do you agree with them, and why Think of 2–3 reasons, and share your opinions in class..
Exercise I
I agree with it. There are a lot of crew and actors to coordinate, all of whom have different schedules. It takes a lot of energy and time to coordinate and communicate to get the film shot
and produced.
It is no easy job to work with people who have different
The writer first describes the difficulties of making movies and then summarizes the valuable experience gained through overcoming these difficulties. This writing style elaborates “no pain, no gain” and make the development of this story fall and
rise rhythmically.
Study the text again and tell how the writer describe pros and
cons of challenge.
Exercise II
her school projects / chose / Aerin / one of / filmmaking / as / (.)
wants to / by all means / get hold of it / an awful neighbour / (.)
Put the words in the correct order to form sentences. Then check your answers by reading them aloud.
Exercise I
Aerin chose filmmaking as one of her school projects.
An awful neighbour wants to get hold of it by all means.
1. 冠词、数词、形容词修饰名词/名词词组,例如:
an orange 一个橙子
two dogs 两条狗
cool wind 凉爽的风
a nice day 美好的一天
2. 介词后跟名词/介词词组,例如:
to school 去学校
in June 在六月
under the tree 在树下
about an old movie 关于一部老电影
of hope and danger / also / with / must have a treasure hunt / which is / the family / the farm / an exciting adventure / (, .)
come to life / made / 67 people / a total of / her story / (.)
who have / no easy job / she / different schedules / it is / to work with / added / people / that / (.)
Exercise I
The family must save the farm with a treasure hunt, which
is an exciting adventure of hope and danger.
A total of 67 people made her story come to life.
She added that it was no easy job to work with people who
have different schedules.
3. 副词修饰动词/动词词组,例如:
talk quietly 轻声讲话
eat healthily 健康地吃
jump high 跳得高
meet often 经常见面
4. 程度副词修饰形容词/形容词词组,例如:
too crowded 太过拥挤的
quite different 十分不同的
rather surprised 很惊讶的
a little nervous 有点紧张的
Exercise I
but / she / really weren’t / had to / that appeared dangerous / also / create scenes / (.)
She also had to create scenes that appeared dangerous
but really weren’t.
5. 程度副词修饰副词/副词词组,例如:
so fast 如此快地
quite well 十分好地
rather badly 很严重地
a little too often 有点太经常地
Write a passage of no less than 60 words about a meaningful project you have participated in school.
Guiding Tips
School projects can be great because ___________________
______________________. I participated in a meaningful school project once. The project was about _______________________ __________. My job in the project was __________________. / In the project I was in charge of __________________________. At first we faced some difficulties like ____________________ and _____________. We solved these difficulties by ______________ ___________. In the end, _________________________________
________________________________________. Working on this
Exercise II
arranging books
they have given me
valuable experiences
the arrangement of books
classifying the books
moving them
establishing a
turned out to be very smooth and
became very popular with the students
collecting used books on
Write a passage of no less than 60 words about a meaningful project you have participated in school.
project, I learned _______________________________________
Exercise II
how to better cooperate with others and
apply technology to solve real life problems
understand the definition and function of a
classified advertisement;
get familiarised with the structure and sentence
patterns of a classified advertisement;
learn about the expressions and language
features of a classified advertisement;
practice writing classified advertisements of
your own.
In this part, you are going to
What can you see in The Teens World Jobs
What is the task of the baby-sitter
Task 1
Directions: Look at the picture of Text B. Discuss and answer the questions:
Some classifieds.
Look after two boys aged 5 and 7 after
school from 4 pm – 6 pm.
Who are qualified for the job in the City Museum Shop
French, Spanish or Chinese speakers.
What are the requirements of newspaper round
How can you contact the Munchies Café
Task 1
Directions: Look at the picture of Text B. Discuss and answer the questions:
You can come to Munchies Café from 8 am to 4 pm in person or call Bella at 612398745(after 4 pm) or call Mark at
Young people are needed to deliver newspapers on Mon, Wed and Fri mornings. Applicants must deliver paper before
8 a.m. and must have his/her own bike.
Classified ad 1
Babysitter needed
We need a babysitter to look after our two boys aged 5and 7 after school from4 pm – 6 pm, Mon – Fri.£20 per hour. Call
Mary at 678345211
Classified ad 2
Holiday job
Do you want to earn some extra money this summer Do you speak another language We need French, Spanish or Chinese speakers to work for us in the City Museum shop Tuesday –
Saturday. Send your CV tocitymuseum@shopjob.lkj
Classified ad 3
Newspaper round before school
We need young people to deliver newspapers on Mon, Wed and Fri mornings. The paper round takes 30 minutes in the village of Clanbrook. Papers must be delivered before 8 a.m. and you must have your own bike. Interested Ask for more
info at Clanbrook post office.
Classified ad 4
Munchies Café
We are looking for breakfast and lunchtime staff to work in our café on e in from 8 am to 4 pm or call Bella at
612398745(after 4 pm)Call Mark at 678356726
Structure of the text
Parts of the Text Main Points
Classified ad 1 Need a babysitter to look after two boys
Classified ad 2 French, Spanish or Chinese speakers are wanted to work in the City Museum shop.
Classified ad 3 Young people are wanted to deliver newspapers in the village of Clanbrook.
Classified ad 4 Munchies Café is looking for part time
breakfast and lunchtime staff.
What is classified advertisements
What is a classified ad made up of
Comprehension Plus
Directions: Based on the understanding of the classified ads, answer the questions.
Classified advertisements are the section in a newspaper with small advertisements arranged in groups according to their subject, which are placed by people or small companies who
want to buy or sell something, find or offer a job, etc.
A classified ad mainly consist of location, job requirements,
salary and contact information.
What are the features of classified advertisements
What are the advantages of classified advertisements
Comprehension Plus
Directions: Based on the understanding of the classified ads, answer the questions.
A classified ad is usually brief and composed only of text, charged on a per word basis and listed in a newspaper or
magazine or on a website.
Classified advertising is one of the simplest advertisements. It is comparatively low-cost. Classified advertisements are a
convenience to the reader and a saving to the advertiser.
Exercise I
Read the classifieds(分类广告)from a teens’ magazine The Teen World and tell what they are about. Then read each ad carefully and decide which is the most suitable for you and
why. Then share with the class.
The first one is about hiring a babysitter.
The second one is about hiring a French, Spanish or Chinese
speakers to work in the City Museum shop.
The third one is about hiring young kids to deliver newspapers.
The last one is about hiring a part-time staff to work in a
I think the second one is the most suitable one for me because I want to learn something from my part-time job
and I think working in a museum can give me the chance.
Exercise II
Pair work. Read the classifieds again and talk with your partner about how to design classified ads. Pay attention
to the structures and sentence patterns used in the ads.
A classified ad mainly consist of location, job requirements, salary and contact information. When we design a classified ad, we should remember to put all these information in it. Also we need to highlight important information to make this ad stand out. Moreover we need to keep the language simple
and succinct to save money.
What is the primary objective of advertising
According to the video, what are the main functions of
Exercise II
The primary objective of advertising is to let your customer know that A). you exist. B). you are open for business and C).
you have something to offer.
Advertising creates customer awareness and name recognition. It educates consumers about your product or service it promotes. It can boost your company image and invite new customers to learn more about your company, which leads to increase sales and new business development.
According to the speaker, why is excellent customer service as important as effective advertising campaign
Exercise II
Advertising will bring new customers in but great service will keep those new customers coming back. Excellent customer service are essentially free advertisements that will encourage even more new customers to buy the products.
Exercise III
Design a section of classified ads of your own: Three Positions
in a Club at Lakeside Academy.
Tips for creating a winning classified advertisement

Write a powerful headline.
Begin with a list of all the benefits of your product or service. Select the one that is most likely to grab your customers.
Note: Classified headlines can be more effective when they printed in
bold type or they are written in all caps.
Write a complete sales message about your product or service.
Make a list of all the essential elements. This list should include headline, benefits, offer, call to action, contact information (mail, phone, e-mail,
or website).
Go through the copy and cut all unnecessary words. Remove introductions
and leave only those words with the strongest selling power.
Use telegraphic language.
Instead of writing, “I will send you a free report,” write: “Free report!” Instead of, “You can use this widget to save money,” simply write, “Save cash!”
Abbreviate where necessary.
Instead of “Post Office Box 10,” write: “Bx 10.”


