Unit 4 My family 单元评估卷(含听力音频+答案)-2024-2025学年七年级英语上学期 冀教版 2024

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Unit 4 My family 单元评估卷(含听力音频+答案)-2024-2025学年七年级英语上学期 冀教版 2024


Unit 4 My family 单元评估卷
听力部分 (30分)
听句子,选出句子中所包含的信息 (共 5小题;每小题 1 分,满分 5 分)
1.A.plant flowers B.make a salad C.make sandwiches
2.A.far from B.close to C.kind to
3.A.She needs others’ help.      
B.She doesn’t like helping others.
C.She likes helping others.
4.A.rides to school
B.walks to school
C.runs to school
5.A.the Smith family B.the Green family C.the King family
II. 听句子,选出该句的最佳答语(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)
6.A.Happy birthday. B.Thank you. C.Nice to meet you.
7.A.I feel terrible. B.Sounds interesting. C.I have no idea.
8.A.Thanks. B.You too. C.Nice to meet you.
9.A.Driving the car. B.Yes, he is. C.Thirty-eight years old.
10.A.She’s happy. B.She’s in the garden. C.She’s friendly.
11.Where is the girl from
A.China. B.Canada. C.The USA.
12.What does the girl’s father do
A.He is a teacher. B.He is a policeman. C.He is a doctor.
13.How many people are there in the girl’s family
A.Three. B.Four. C.Five.
14.When is Jack’s father’s birthday
A.On Tuesday. B.On Wednesday. C.On Friday.
15.What does Jack’s mother want to write inside the card
A.A poem. B.A riddle. C.A story.
16.Where will they have the party
A.In a restaurant. B.In a park. C.At home.
17.What colour is the cup
A.Black and blue. B.Black and white. C.White and blue.
18.Whose cup is it
A.Yaming’s. B.Helen’s. C.Peter’s.
19.What is Mr. Smith good at
A.Basketball. B.Soccer. C.Ping pong.
20.What colour does Mrs. Smith like
A.Red. B.Blue. C.Purple.
21.What does Alice like
A.P. E. B.Art. C.English.
22.What is the TV show about
A.Food. B.Animals. C.Clothes.
23.What’s the dog’s name
A.Friday. B.Saturday. C.Sunday.
24.Where is Linda’s cat
A.On the sofa. B.On the floor. C.Under the table.
25.What is Linda going to do tomorrow
A.Have a picnic. B.Visit her grandparents. C.Go fishing.
V. 听短文填空 (共5小题;每小题 1分,满分5分)
A Picture of My FamilyThe old man is my grandfather and he likes to 26 . My father is handsome and he is a 27 . My mother is a teacher and she is always 28 to help her students. I’m a student and I’m 29 years old. The girl in the picture is my 30 .
31.Hurry up! Everybody ________ for you.
A.waited B.is waiting C.will wait
32.What a wonderful parade! Gogo is ________after it.
A.run B.ran C.running
33.The students ________ their homework every day. Now they ________ their homework.
A.do; do B.does; doing C.doing; are doing D.do; are doing
34.—What are the students doing
—Some ________ books and others ________ at the blackboard.
A.are looking; are reading B.are reading; are watching
C.are watching; are looking D.are reading; are looking
35.Look! Tom is ________ in the music club.
A.dances B.dance C.dancing
36.—Listen! Who ________ the piano Sounds ________!
—It’s my neighbour, she is a piano teacher.
A.is playing; terrible B.plays; terrible
C.plays; beautiful D.is playing; beautiful
37.Look, they ________ kites in the garden.
A.fly B.flying C.are flying
38.Which of the following words has the same sound as the underlined letter of the word “wake”
A.lake B.have C.Canada
39.—What is she ________
—She is dancing.
A.does B.dancing C.doing D.do
40.It often ________ here in summer. It is ________ now.
A.rains; raining B.rain; rainy C.rainy; raining
Long long ago, there were brothers living at each side of a forest. They were 41 . They knew each other very 42 and loved each other very much.
One autumn, the rice harvest was not good. The elder brother worried about his younger brother. So he 43 some rice to his brother’s house. On his way in the forest, he met a 44 . But it’s too dark and he didn’t see him clearly. He left the bag of rice on his brother’s doorstep and went 45 .
When the elder brother arrived home, he was surprised to find a bag of 46 on his doorstep. “Now I have more rice for my 47 !” Once again, the elder brother set off with the bag of rice. Then he met a man 48 . At that time, the moon was out. They 49 see each other’s face. “Brother!” When they saw bag of rice on each other’s back, they suddenly knew and hugged each other 50 .
41.A.farmers B.old C.strong
42.A.good B.much C.well
43.A.grew B.got C.carried
44.A.bear B.man C.fairy
45.A.back B.on C.out
46.A.fruit B.vegetables C.rice
47.A.friend B.parents C.younger brother
48.A.now B.again C.too
49.A.could B.didn’t C.want to
50.A.soon B.happily C.slowly
Tomorrow is Sunday. Tina and Mary don’t need to go to school. These are their Sunday plans.
Tina’s Sunday Plan* Play the piano from 8:00 a.m. to 9:10 a.m. * Do homework from 9:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m. * Read books for two hours. * See a film from 6:00 p.m. to 8:00 p.m. Mary’s Sunday Plan* Take a trip with Jane, Mike and Lily from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. * Have dinner at home at 6:00 p.m. * Read a book before going to bed.
51.The day after tomorrow is ________.
A.Sunday B.Monday C.Tuesday
52.Tina is going to do her homework for ________ on Sunday.
A.an hour B.two hours C.ninety minutes
53.At 7:00 p.m. on Sunday, Tina is ________.
A.seeing a film B.reading C.having dinner
54.Mary isn’t going to ________ on Sunday.
A.take a trip B.see a film C.read a book
55.Which of the following is NOT true
A.Tina and Mary are both going to read books on Sunday.
B.Mary is going to have dinner at home on Sunday.
C.Tina is going to play the piano for an hour on Sunday.
For most people, if they lost their pets (宠物), they will feel so bad. Here are four posters of lost pets.
Lost Dog Our pet “Sun” got lost two weeks ago from Rose Garden Area (地区). “Sun” is a large dog, white in color. If you find him, please call 57644653. Lost Bird Roy, a yellow and black parrot. Lost on the morning of 23rd December. He likes to sing the song “Our beautiful world”. If you see him, please email Danny Hu@.
Lost Pet Spider(蜘蛛) Name: Lollipop. Lost time: three days ago. She likes to sit on your shoulder and play hide-and-seek. If you see her please be careful not to squish her. And please call me at 76852503. Lost Cat Jane, black and grey, a girl cat has been lost for one month! Maybe she will get into your house. If you see her, please feed her some food and call Mr Shen, 57846207. $50 for you!
56._______ got lost for about two weeks.
A.A pet dog B.A pet bird C.A pet spider
57.If you help find the pet cat, you will get _______ from Mr Shen.
A.a black cat B.some money C.some food
58._______ lost a yellow and a black parrot.
A.Jane B.Sam Chen C.Danny Hu
59.The underlined word “squish” may mean _______ in Chinese.
A.消灭 B.追打 C.压坏
60.The purpose (目的) of the poster is to _______.
A.find the lost pets
B.tell people the places of lost pets
C.tell people the bad things of pets
Hi, Fred!
How are you Last weekend was great! The weather was perfect—sunny and warm. We went camping in the countryside. On Saturday we flew our kites a lot and I climbed more trees than my brother Robert! In the afternoon, Robert rode his bike and I skated with my friend Helen! Robert was faster than me, but I skated more quickly than Helen! On Sunday our aunt drove us to the seaside. She drives well—much better than Uncle George, who drives fast. Then we all sailed (航行) a boat—it was very difficult! We did it badly. We fished in the sea. I was the best! It was the most exciting weekend!
Tell me about your weekend.
61.How was the weather like last weekend
A.Rainy and cool. B.Snowy and cold. C.Cloudy and windy. D.Sunny and warm.
62.Where did Daisy go last Saturday
A.To the seaside. B.To the city. C.To the mountains. D.To the countryside.
63.When did they go to the seaside
A.On Friday. B.On Saturday. C.On Sunday. D.On Monday.
64.Who was good at fishing
A.Daisy. B.Helen. C.Robert. D.Uncle George.
65.What did Daisy think of her weekend
A.Boring. B.Exciting. C.Long. D.Bad.
Hi, everybody! I’m Jane Green. Welcome to watch my short video (短视频). I’m nine and I’m in China. I have two brothers. Alan and Mike. My father is Tom and my mother is Linda. I have an uncle. His name is Bill. He is an English teacher. He likes soccer. He’s great and he’s always nice to me.
I have my own bedroom. I like it very much. I have some photos in my room. And I have a blue bed, two white chairs and a white table for my computer. Alan and Mike’s bedroom is big (大的) with two beds and a TV. They have a table and a bookcase for their books and CDs. Their brown hats are on the chair. We have a dog called Coco. We love him so much.
Well, that’s it for today. Please add (添加) your comments (评论).
66.Where is Jane Green now
67.Who are Jane’s brothers
68.What sport does Jane’s uncle like
69.What color is Jane’s table
70.Are the brown hats on the chair
The family is on a vacation. However, there are some unhappy things among 71 (that) grand babies. If one baby sits on their grandma’s leg, another one will jump on the other leg at once. And this time, the third grandson hopes to join in the competition. The little grandson cries sadly 72 says to the grandma, “Grandma, you should love me the most!” Hearing this, the grandma smiles and says, “Grandma loves all of you. Each of you 73 (be) special to me.” Then she continues (继续), “Look! The balloon can be blown (吹) up again and again, and there is still some room 74 more air. The balloon is just like grandma’s heart. There is always enough room to love all of you.” The children stop being jealous (嫉妒的). Don’t worry that the love you get will be less when it is shared by others. Just be generous with love. You can have more love for 75 (you) by giving it away to others.
76.it’s, with, playing, mother, its
77.you, what, doing, are

78.about, I, learn, the, a lot, can, world
79.yours, baseballs, are, these

80.name, is, my, Kate
11.B 12.C 13.B
14.B 15.A 16.C
17.B 18.C
19.B 20.C 21.C
22.B 23.C 24.C 25.A
26.cook 27.doctor 28.ready 29.thirteen/13 30.sister
41.A 42.C 43.C 44.B 45.A 46.C 47.C 48.B 49.A 50.B
51.B 52.B 53.A 54.B 55.C
56.A 57.B 58.C 59.C 60.A
61.D 62.D 63.C 64.A 65.B
66.In China. 67.Alan and Mike. 68.Soccer. 69.White. 70.Yes, they are.
71.those 72.and 73.is 74.for 75.yourself/yourselves
76.It’s playing with its mother
77.What are you doing
78.I can learn a lot about the world
79.Are these baseballs yours
80.My name is Kate/Kate is my name
Hello, everyone. So happy to meet you all. Now allow me to introduce myself.
My name is Li Hua. Li is my family name and Hua is first name. I’m tall and thin. I think I can be good at playing basketball. There are three people in my family. My father is a doctor. He works in People’s Hospital and he is always busy. And my mother is a teacher. She teaches English in No. 1 Middle School. I like taking a walk. As the National Day’s coming, I want to buy my mother a pair of special glasses. I hope that it can help her relax the eyes because I often see her stay up late to check students’ schoolwork. As her child, I just do what I can to help her.
This is me. Would you like to be my friend


