
  1. 二一教育资源



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
( )1.What is the man going to do during the summer vacation
A.Go camping. B.Visit his parents. C.Visit his friends in London.
( )2.What does the woman think of Helen
A.Quiet. B.Sociable. C.Talkative.
( )3.What does the man suggest
A.Repairing the laptop. B.Buying a new laptop. C.Using the laptop less.
( )4.What does the woman think of the wine
A.It’s a bit expensive. B.It’s not her cup of tea. C.It’s tasty and cheap.
( )5.What will the man keep
A.A hat. B.A shirt. C.A suit.
( )6.Why does the man call the woman
A.To remind her of the letter about a trip.
B.To invite her parents to a trip.
C.To ask her to hand in the report tomorrow.
( )7.When does the conversation take place
A.On Sunday. B.On Friday. C.On Wednesday.
( )8.When did David come back last night
A.At 6:00 pm. B.At 7:00 pm. C.At 8:30 pm.
( )9.Why did David go out last night
A.To have some discussions.
B.To read in a library.
C.To watch a movie.
( )10.Where will the man work
A.In Alaska. B.In Washington. C.In Utah.
( )11.What will the man do as a volunteer
A.Protect sea animals. B.Protect desert creatures. C.Teach in a primary school.
( )12.How many times has the woman volunteered
A.Once. B.Twice. C.Three times.
( )13.When will the man have a vacation
A.In June. B.In October. C.In December.
( )14.What do we know about the man
A.He has been to New York. B.He has lost his job. C.He is on business.
( )15.Who is Nicole
A.The man’s boss. B.The man’s friend. C.The man’s wife.
( )16.Why was the man eager to see the woman
A.To make a suggestion. B.To tell a long story. C.To turn to her.
( )17.What will the man do next
A.Hunt for a job on the Internet. B.Work at the coffee shop.
C.Go back home and explain.
( )18.Who is the speaker talking to
A.Shop customers. B.Cafe employees. C.House agents.
( )19.Why does the speaker give the talk
A.To tell the listeners the move of the cafe. B.To announce the opening of a new shop.
C.To apologize for the wrong decisions.
( )20.When is a new place expected to be found
A.By September. B.By November. C.By December.
第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分50分)
It is that time of the year, when a handful of world’s leading scholars, social activists and researchers are rewarded with what is often cited as the most prestigious acknowledgement of human effort-the Nobel Prize. Here’s a look at who has won the prize and for what.
Physiology or Medicine
Swedish geneticist Svante Peabo won the first Nobel of the year, for starting the field of ancient DNA studies. He is well-known for extracting, sequencing, and analyzing ancient DNA from Neanderthal bones.
Alain Aspect, John F. Clauser and Anton Zeilinger’s work in quantum (量子) technology landed them the second Nobel Prize announced in 2022. Although Aspect is from France, Clauser from the U.S, and Zeilinger from Austria, the three separately performed “groundbreaking experiments” as one team. “Their results have cleared the way for new technology,” the committee stated.
The Nobel Prize for chemistry went to another trio, Carolyn R. Bertozzi from the U.S., Morten Meldal from Denmark and K. Barry Sharpless from the U.S. “for the development of click chemistry and biorthogonal chemistry,” the committee stated. Dr. Bertozzi is the eighth woman chemist to be awarded the prize, while Dr. Sharpless is the fifth scientist to be awarded two Nobel Prizes.
The Prize in Economic Sciences was awarded to three American economists, Ben S. Bernanke, Douglas W. Diamond and Philip H. Dybvig “for research on banks and financial crises,” the Nobel Prize committee announced on Monday. By studying the history of American economics, particularly the Great Depression of the 1930s,they improved how we understand the role of banks during times of hardship and the bank’s impact on societal functions.
21.What prize is related to the research with bones
A.Physiology. B.Chemistry. C.Physics. D.Economics.
22.For what study did Ben S. Bernanke, Douglas W. Diamond and Philip H. Dybvig win the prize
A.About societal functions. B.About the history of America.
C.About banks and financial crises. D.About the Great Depression of the 1930s.
23.What do the prizes for physics, chemistry and economics have in common
A.Their winners are from different countries. B.They have three winners.
C.They improve new technology. D.They help people understand hardship.
At 1:43 a. m, Bertozzi was awakened by a phone call from a Nobel committee representative who, revealing the momentous news, told her, “You have 50 minutes to collect yourself and wait until your life changes.”
Instructed not to share the announcement outside of her tightest inner circle, the first person Bertozzi called was her father, William Bertozzi, a retired physics professor from MIT. “He’s 91 and, of course, he was just overjoyed,” said Bertozzi. “And then he called my sisters for me. One of my sisters and my dad watched it live.”
Bertozzi was recognized for founding the field of bioorthogonal chemistry (生物正交化学), a set of chemical reactions that allow researchers to study molecules (分子) and their interactions in living things without involving natural biological processes, Bertozzi’s lab has been using the new methods to answer fundamental questions about the role of sugars in biology, to solve practical problems, such as developing better tests for infectious diseases, and to create a new medicine that can better target tumors (肿瘤).
“I could not be more delighted that Bertozzi has won the Nobel Prize in chemistry,” said Stanford President Marc Tessier-Lavigne. “In pioneering the field of bioorthogonal chemistry, Bertozzi invented a new way of studying biomolecular processes, one that has helped scientists around the world gain deeper understanding of chemical reactions in living systems. Being a crown jewel in chemistry, her work has had remarkable real-world impact. The research achievements have been used to study how cells build proteins and other molecules, to develop new cancer medicines, and to produce new materials for energy storage, among many other applications.”
“They call and I’m not even awake ... have hundreds of voicemails. This is how it’s going to be all day. This is crazy,” she said. Pausing between interviews about two hours later to check her messages, Bertozzi said, “My family is already booking their flights to Stockholm. It’s amazing. Go back to sleep!”
24.Why was a call made to Bertozzi at midnight
A.To warn her of some emergency. B.To inform her of winning the prize.
C.To make preparations for a meeting. D.To collect things to visit her relatives.
25.What does Bertozzi’s lab use the new methods to do
A.Develop a new drug for cancer. B.Produce more nutritious sugars.
C.Separate biology from chemistry. D.Find cures for infectious diseases.
26.What does the underlined part “a crown jewel” in paragraph 4 refer to
A.The king’s treasure. B.The universal focus.
C.The most complex part. D.The most valuable breakthrough.
27.What kind of person is Bertozzi
A.Courageous and quiet. B.Helpful and generous.
C.Wild and hard-working. D.Pioneering and Creative.
In the future, the Internet will be different from what it is now. There will be many more websites. It is predicted that in the year 2100, there will be hundreds of billions of websites. This means that the use of search engines will become much more important. And there will also be many more sites in different languages. This means that on every proper website, there will be links with the language you want.
Another prediction on the Internet is that data transmission (传输) speed will increase globally. According to Akamai Technologies, the average global data transmission speed in late 2019 was 26.7 megabits per pare that to the record for data transmission speed set by Bell Labs: 100 billion megabits per second. At that speed, you could transmit 400 DVDs worth of data every second. That’s an enormous gap between what’s currently possible and what’s commercially available. But as time passes, the costs of producing super-high-speed networks will decrease.
In the future, people will live under the sea and the housing shortage will be solved. There will be lots of glass domes (穹状建筑物)under the sea, which allow people to look all around into the sea. Air will be provided via air pipes which lead to the open air. You can travel from one dome to another via a kind of submarine which will also be made of glass. The domes will be so beautiful and the view under the sea will be so impressive that many people will prefer to live under water, and less people will prefer to live on land. This will have a positive effect on the environment on land.
In the future we won’t use oil or gas as energy any more. We will make use of sunlight, water and wind. Cars will run on water. Just fill your tank with water, and you can drive further than you could drive with the same amount of gasoline. Also, the exhaust won’t be damaging to the environment, because it’ll just be water vapour. So the water cycle won’t change, we’ll keep the same amount of water on the earth, and we won’t run out of water. Also, all energy will be supplied by natural sources: sunlight, wind and water.
28.What can we know about the Internet in the future from the first two paragraphs
A.It will be more important to use search engines.
B.Most of the websites will be designed in English.
C.People not knowing a foreign language will find it hard to surf the Internet.
D.There will be great gaps between developed countries and developing countries in Internet usage.
29.Why are super-high-speed networks not available to the public at present
A.Because the costs are too high. B.Because there are technical difficulties.
C.Because Bell Labs doesn’t want to sell its technique. D.Because governments haven’t recognised their value.
30.The underlined word “exhaust” in Paragraph 4 probably refers to “ .
A.oil product B.waste air C.solar energy D.wind energy
31.What can we infer from the text
A.The Internet is the most advanced invention in history.
B.Water will run out sooner than we have expected.
C.Houses under the sea will be made from metal.
D.Sunlight, wind and water will benefit people more in the future.
In order to help discover spoilage and reduce food waste for supermarkets and consumers, researchers have developed new low-cost, smart phone-linked, eco-friendly spoilage sensors for meat and fish packaging.
One in three UK consumers throw away food just because it reaches the use-by date, but 60% of the 12.5 billion-worth of food we throw away each year is safe to eat.
The researchers, whose findings were published in ACS Sensors, say the sensors could also eventually replace the use-by date—a widely used indicator of being fresh and eatable.
The sensors cost two US cents each to make. Known as “paper-based electrical gas sensors (PEGS)”, they detect spoilage gases like ammonia (a poisonous gas with a strong unpleasant smell) in meat and fish products. The information provided by the electronic nose is received by a smart phone, and then you can know whether the food is fresh and safe to eat.
The Imperial College London researchers who developed PEGS made the sensors by printing carbon electrodes onto a special type of paper. The materials are eco-friendly and harmless, so they don’t damage the environment and are safe to use in food packaging. The sensors, combined with a tiny electronic system, then inform nearby mobile devices, which identify and understand the data about spoilage gases.
Lead author Dr Firat Guder of Imperial’s Department of Bioengineering, said, “Although they’re designed to keep us safe, use-by dates can lead to eatable food being thrown away. They don’t always reflect its actual freshness. In fact, people often get sick from food-borne diseases due to poor storage, even when an item is within its use-by date.”
“These sensors are cheap enough so we hope to see supermarkets using them within three years. Our goal is to use PEGS in food packaging to reduce unnecessary food waste.”
The authors hope that PEGS could have applications beyond food processing, like sensing chemicals in agriculture, air quality, and detecting disease markers in breath like those involved in kidney disease.
32.What is the function of PEGS according to the text
A.To improve the taste of foods. B.To improve the service of stores.
C.To help supermarkets store foods. D.To help people test food freshness.
33.What role does the smartphone play while PEGS are functioning
A.It acts as an electronic nose. B.It reads the data collected by PEGS.
C.It helps print the gas sensors onto paper. D.It discovers the spoilage gases from foods.
34.What does Dr. Firat Guder say about use-by dates
A.They are not completely reliable. B.They can help reduce food waste.
C.They are based on scientific research. D.They are not accepted by the consumers.
35.What does the author mainly talk about in the text
A.The process of researching spoilage sensors.
B.A new technology in packaging to reduce food waste.
C.The application of spoilage sensors beyond food processing.
D.The influence of use-by dates on supermarkets and consumers.
How to focus on today and do your best
If you want to be successful, then you must appreciate the importance of living in the present. 36 Here are some tips to motivate you to make the most of the present.
Be grateful for the little things. Start a gratitude journal. 37 Take time to appreciate the things going well in your everyday life, the things you are thankful for, or the things you accept as normal without thinking about them.
Train yourself to do one thing at a time. Don’t work on too many projects no matter how big your ambitions (抱负) are. 38 Take it one day at a time, and soon you’ll be surprised at how much you’ve managed to accomplish.
39 Remind yourself of where you are by asking yourself, “Is this what I should be doing right now ” “Am I feeling happy doing this at present ” “What is the one thing I can do to make today count ” Know your own character well and listen to your feelings.
Schedule some “me time” and make the most of it. Make some time out of your busy schedule to follow a creative hobby, enjoy the beauty of nature or simply some pop culture entertainment. 40
John Lennon once said, “Life is what’s happening while we’re busy making.” Practise keeping your attention on the here and now. The present moment is where you are always!
A.Finish one task at a time.
B.Find the good in every situation.
C.Start to do what you enjoy doing.
D.Ask yourself questions to be in the present.
E.Believe in what you are really feeling at present.
F.Always remember that the best preparation for tomorrow is doing your best today.
G.Not only will it help you to relax, but it will also aid you in focusing better on your tasks.
第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)
第一节, 完形填空(共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
The Nobel Prize is considered one of the most recognizable and admirable awards possible 41 people of the world for their outstanding achievements in different fields.
Alfred Nobel was born in 1833 to a family of engineers in. Sweden. In 1850, he met Ascanio Sobrero, the inventor of nitroglycerin (硝酸甘油) in Paris. Interested in its irregular 42 of exploding under pressure or heat, Nobel started to find a way to control it and make a 43 explosive (爆炸物). After years of 44 , in1867, the age of 34, Nobel invented dynamite (炸药), which is much easier and safer to control than nitroglycerin.
During his lifetime, Nobel invented and patented various explosives. He 45 his wealth from his 355 inventions, among which dynamite was the most important.
When Alfred’s brother Ludwig died in 1888, a French newspaper 46 published Alfred’s obituary (讣告). Reading his own obituary, Nobel was 47 to find out his public image. Then newspaper strongly 48 Nobel for inventing dynamite, giving him the nickname of “the merchant of death” and saying “Dr. Alfred Nobel, who became 49 by finding ways to kill more people faster than ever before, died yesterday.”
To Alfred, this obituary was a(n) 50 . He spent his lifetime alone 51 things and was deeply concerned with how he would be remembered. This unfortunate event inspired him to make changes in his will. so as to 52 his public image, and to be remembered for a good cause. In 1895, one year before his death, Nobel made the last 53 , saying clearly that his wealth would be used to create a series of prizes for those who have made great 54 to mankind in physics, chemistry,physiology or medicine, literature, and peace. To widespread astonishment, Dr. Alfred Nobel 55 94% of his total wealth to found the five Nobel Prizes.
41.A..remembering B.honouring C.crediting D.negating
42.A.nature B..conduct C.flavour D.benefit
43.A.deadly B.bitter C.usable. D.mild
44.A.innovations B.efforts C.hesitation D.association
45.A.brought up B.put up C.broke up D.built up
46.A.mistakenly B.purposefully C.unintentionally D.scientifically
47.A.satisfied B.relieved C.impressed D.disappointed
48.A.praised B.blamed C.appreciated D.favoured
49.A.greedy B.essential C.rich D.sufficient
50.A.error B.warning C.threat D.consequence
51.A.destroying B.inventing C.combining D.stimulating
52.A.improve B.establish C.illustrate D.secure
53.A.request B.illustration C.will D.fortune
54.A.choices B.decisions C.profits D.contributions
55.A.gave away B.gave back C.gave off D.gave out
第二节: 语法填空。 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
Tu Youyou is universally acknowledged as a scientist of great 56 _________ (achieve). Born in Ningbo, China, on 30 December 1930, Tu Youyou graduated from Peking University Medical School in 1955. In 1967, she was chosen into a research team 57 ______ was formed by the government with the aim of discovering a new treatment 58_______ malaria and two years later she became the head of the project in Beijing. She and her teammates examined over 2,000 old medical texts, 59___________ (evaluate) 280,000 plants for their medical properties, and tested 380 distinct ancient Chinese medical treatments that showed promise in the fight against malaria. As a 60 ________(commit) and patient scientist, she never acknowledged defeat whatever difficulty she met. After failing to draw out useful extract by 61 ____________(boil)the sweet wormwood, she began even 62__________ (careful) thinking and research work. She drew 63____________ conclusion that boiling the sweet wormwood destroyed 64________ (it) medical properties. So she used a lower temperature 65 _______ (draw) out the extract and finally she succeeded.
第一节 应用文写作(满分15分)
好处 提供大量的信息,促进人际交流; 网上购物便捷
弊端 损害眼睛;长时间上网影响工作和休息; 网瘾影响学生的学习
你的观点 ……
注意:1.词数100词左右。 2. 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯。
第二节 读后续写
Dad and Mum had got to go on a four-day business trip. They taught their elder son Daniel and younger daughter Jane how to feed and look after their dog, Spot, and how to take good care of themselves—learning to cook if they could, or ordering pizza with money left on the table—if they were busy, and told them to keep their rooms clean and tidy. They asked Daniel to be in charge.
On the very morning when the parents left, Mum kissed them and said to Daniel gently, “Young man, do take care of Spot and Jane.” Daniel promised, “I will, mum.”
Too excited to fall asleep again, Daniel and Jane jumped out of bed, calling out each other to get up. Their pet dog, Spot, heard the similar voice and rushed in, with a ball in its mouth. Jane stuck(伸) her head into Daniel’s room, “Spot got up an hour earlier. Let’s walk it.” Daniel said excitedly, “I’m coming, but, Jane, don’t forget to keep your room clean and tidy.” “I will.”
They ran with the dog in the yard and threw the ball away for Spot to bring it back. They had fun playing with Spot the whole morning. Washing Spot was slow and tiring as it was the first time they had done it. Then Daniel settled down to his homework while Jane did her reading with interest.
The following day, Jane begged her brother to order pizza for lunch. Daniel agreed excitedly, “We haven’t tasted that for long and we behave ourselves, right ” After a while, he added, “We should save money, too.” Within half an hour, they treated themselves to a big pizza. However, in the afternoon, Spot looked sick, lying lazily and unwilling to move. Daniel was concerned about the dog and took it to the pet clinic immediately with Jane as their parents had done.
Paragraph 1:
When Dad and Mum arrived a day earlier, they were amazed to find everything in a mess.

Paragraph 2:
Daniel ran into his room, with tears in his eyes, “Jane, there is no need to explain and mum won’t trust me any longer.”


