
  1. 二一教育资源



第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5 小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的 A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。
例:How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1.What is the man mainly talking about
A.His travel plans. B.His personal hobbies. C.His holiday experiences.
2.What does the man mean
A.He disagrees with the woman.
B.He wants to guess the endings.
C.He enjoys the reading very much.
3.What does the woman ask the man to do
A.Buy some eggs. B.Taste the food. C.Do the mixing.
4.Where will the speakers walk the dogs
A.By the river. B.At the park. C.In the forest.
5.When is the election
A.On March 10th. B.On March 11th. C.On March 12th.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6.What is the relationship between the speakers
A.Coworkers. B.A couple. C.Agent and client.
7.When will the man see the five- bedroom property
A.This afternoon. B.Tomorrow. C.Two days later.
8.Why does the woman want to meet the man
A.To take a photo of him. B.To share an article with him.
C.To seek his advice on writing.
9.What is the man
A.A writer. B.A photographer. C.An architect.
10.What should the man do first before work
A.Prepare drinks. B.Get changed. C.Clean his cupboard.
11.What does the woman expect the man to do
A.Be polite. B.Slow down. C.Keep quiet.
12.Where does the conversation most probably take place
A.In a hotel. B.In a restaurant. C.In a supermarket.
13.What is important to be a great pianist in the woman’s opinion
A.Fitness. B.Humor. C.Uniqueness.
14.What does the woman think of preparing for a new piece
A.Simple. B.Challenging. C.Pleasant.
15.How many concerts does Evgeny Kissin host a year
A.About 50. B.About 100. C.About 150.
16.What does the woman do to get relaxed before concerts
A.Eat something. B.Breathe fresh air. C.Sleep in her room.
17.Which of the following is the closest to the Faroe Islands
A.Norway. B.Iceland. C.Scotland.
18.How is the weather on the Faroe Islands on most days of a year
A.Sunny. B.Rainy. C.Snowy.
19.What did the speaker do on the first day
A.She visited a lighthouse. B.She observed seabirds. C.She went windsurfing.
20.Why was the island closed temporarily in 2019
A.The locals were protesting. B.There was restoration work.
C.It was crowded with tourists.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Four Best Volunteer Organizations in Las Vegas
Conner and Millie’s Dog Rescue
Conner and Millie’s Dog Rescue is one of the most well- known and successful shelters in the Las Vegas region and has helped home hundreds of dogs to hundreds of loving families. They have a wide range of activities for volunteers including feeding, caring for, and playing with dogs at the shelter. Conner and Milie’s Dog Rescue also emphasizes senior dog care to make sure that they can live out their golden years in peace.
Assistance League of Las Vegas
Every year, Assistance League of Las Vegas ensures that thousands of children have clothes for school and other necessary supplies to get through the year. It also has its hands in several other support programs aimed at various ends, which include college education scholarships. Volunteers have several different organizations to work in and have different volunteer programs depending on age and time they have available.
Opportunity Village
Opportunity Village offers a wide range of services to individuals with disabilities to help them achieve great things. Volunteers at Opportunity Village can work with individuals to help enable them , give them pride in themselves and provide resources for employment and life skills. Opportunity Village also has a Fine Arts program to promote self- expression, social interaction, and peer relationships.
Las Vegas Rescue Mission
Las Vegas Rescue Mission has been serving the greater Las Vegas community for the past 50 years and originally started as a kitchen and small shelter. Today, the organization helps hundreds of men, women and children with food and provides over 30,000 meals every month. Their mission reaches thousands every month and also offers help to those who are suffering mentally or psychologically. Las Vegas Rescue Mission allows volunteers to offer all kinds of services, including food distribution, counseling(咨询), second- hand store operation, and more.
21.What do volunteers at Conner and Millie’s Dog Rescue need to do
A.Attend to elderly dogs. B.Repair the broken shelter.
C.Train dogs to help people. D.Cook food for dog owners.
22.Who can benefit most from Opportunity Village
A.The old. B.The poor. C.The disabled. D.The unemployed.
23.What does Las Vegas Rescue Mission offer
A.College art courses. B.Mental health support.
C.Education scholarships. D.Free family trips.
In a village in Senegal, dozens of teenagers in colorful shorts are throwing each other to the ground against a backdrop of palm trees. It’s a common sight across Senegal. But in most of the country, wrestling remains off- limits for women.
There is one exception. In the Casamance region, home to the Jola ethnic group, women traditionally wrestle alongside men. At a recent training session in Mlomp, most teenagers on the sandy ground were girls.
“It’s in our blood,” said coach Isabelle Sambou, 43, a two- time Olympian and nine- time African wrestling champion. “In my village, girls wrestle. My mum was a wrestler and my aunts were wrestlers.”
But once Jola women marry, they are expected to stop practicing and devote themselves to family life, which is regarded as the main duty of Senegalese women.
That hasn’t been the case for Sambou, who, despite her humble behavior and small size, display s strength and determination. She overcame barriers to become a professional athlete.
As a teenager, Sambo u was noticed by a professional wrestling coach at a competition during the annual Festival of the King of Oussouye, one of the few events accessible to women. The coach suggested that she try Olympic wrestling. Wrestling brought Sambou to the Olympic Games in London and Rio de Janeiro, where she placed outside the medal contenders(争夺者).
But being a successful professional female athlete in a conservative society comes with a price. Sambou recalled her experiences in parts of Senegal beyond her home region and said, “When I walked around in shorts, people were saying, ‘Look, is it a woman or is it a boy ’”
In 2016, facing her mid-30s, Sambou decided to retire and move back to her village. “I thought it was time to think of something else, maybe finding a job or starting a family,” she said. “But that hasn’t happened so far.” Instead, she is focused on finding “future Isabelles”. She hopes the girls she coaches can achieve her dream of winning an Olympic medal.
24.What does the text say about wrestling in Senegal
A.It’s a male- dominated sport. B.It’s only teenager- targeted.
C.It requires strict formal training. D.It remains illegal for women.
25.What happened to Sambou’s mother after she got married
A.She gave up wrestling. B.She tried Olympic wrestling.
C.She became a wrestling coach. D.She started practicing wrestling.
26.What is a barrier facing Sambou as a wrestler
A.Having no access to training. B.Being opposed by her family.
C.Having no competitions to enter. D.Being laughed at for her gender.
27.What is Sambou’s current dream
A.To devote herself to her kids. B.To win medals as a wrestler.
C.To find a job outside her village. D.To coach future Olympic medalists.
Mammoths, the massive pre- historic ice age cousins of the modern- day elephant, have always been understood to have inhabited parts of British Columbia, but the question of when has always been woolly. Now, a new study from Simon Fraser University has given scientists the clearest picture yet of when the giant mammals(巨型哺乳动物) walked on Vancouver Island.
As part of SFU researcher Laura Termes’ PhD and published earlier this month in the Canadian Journal of Earth Sciences, the study examined 32 suspected mammoth samples collected on Vancouver Island. Of those samples, just 16 were considered fit for radiocarbon dating.
The youngest sample was found to be around 23,000 years old and the oldest turned out to be beyond the range radiocarbon dating could measure, meaning it was older than 45,000 years.
Prior to the study, only two mammoth remains found on Vancouver Island had ever been dated before. Both lived around 21,000 years ago, so this study provides a greater understanding of when the massive mammals lived in the area.
Termes says, “We were expecting similar results to the two samples previously dated, but what we found were mammoths that were much older. It is fantastic that they could be preserved for that long.”
Termes says having the support at the Royal BC Museum and the Courtenay and District Museum and Palaeontology Centre allowing access to their collections is invaluable to the study.
“This research highlights the important role of museum collections for understanding how life has evolved and changed in British Columbia’s deep history,” says Victoria Arbour, who works at the Royal BC Museum. “It’s great to see mammoths’ relatives in the Royal BC Museum’s collections in the spotlight through this research.”
“Researchers need all the help they can get because while mammoths were enormous, finding complete samples in British Columbia is actually quite rare,” says Termes.
28.What does the underlined word “woolly” in paragraph 1 most probably mean
A.Certain. B.Attractive. C.Confusing. D.Understandable.
29.What can we know about radiocarbon dating according to the text
A.Mammoth remains were not dated by it. B.32 suspected mammoth samples were fit for it.
C.It can exactly date the oldest mammoth sample. D.It measures samples no older than 45,000 years.
30.How does Termes feel about the research results
A.Excited. B.Regretful. C.Worried. D.Calm.
31.Why are museum collections mentioned in the text
A.To discuss a way to popularize local museums.
B.To point out the limitations of sampling methods.
C.To show complete mammoth samples were enormous.
D.To stress research on mammoths calls for joint efforts.
Picture this: Your computer could sense your emotions as you worked— feeling your joy at completing a task, your boredom during repetitive data entry, or your frustration when an error message keeps emerging. This might sound like science fiction, but researchers are bringing this vision closer to reality by developing advanced computational models that can predict human emotions during computer interactions.
At the forefront of this effort is a team of Finnish scientists who have created a model. The model essentially puts itself in the user’s shoes, simulating(模拟) the series of actions, outcomes, and cognitive appraisals(认知评估) that ultimately give rise to emotions like happiness. boredom, or frustration.
To test their model, the researchers designed a series of interactive computer tasks meant to cause specific emotions. In the “happiness” task, users answered a series of questions and received positive feedback for correct responses. The “boredom” task involved a series of repetitive questions. In the “frustration” task, the system was intentionally programmed to display error messages and ultimately fail, regardless of the user’s answers.
As study participants worked through these tasks, the emotional reactions predicted by the model closely matched the emotions reported by the users themselves. The model was even able to discover small changes, such as a steady increase in frustration over the course of the error- ridden task.
The researchers believe their emotion- predicting model could pave the way for a new generation of emotionally intelligent computers that can tailor their behavior to the user’s psychological state. An effective system might offer a stressed user comforting words of encouragement, liven up a boring task with humor, or provide emotional assistance when frustration mounts. “By creating interactions that are more emotionally attuned. designers could boost user engagement, productivity, and overall well- being,” they add.
However, the model is still in progress and needs to be extended to recognize a wider range of emotions across more complex, real- world computer interactions. The researchers also emphasize the importance of gathering more diverse training data to ensure the model can accurately predict emotions for users of all backgrounds.
32.How does the author introduce the topic of the text
A.By making a comparison. B.By creating an imaginary scene.
C.By telling a real life story. D.By sharing a popular book.
33.What were computer users asked to do in the study
A.Comfort each other. B.Report their feelings.
C.Get rid of boredom. D.Stay disconnected online.
34.What is paragraph 5 mainly about
A.Great improvements on the model. B.Characteristics of future computer users.
C.Researchers’ expectation of their model. D.Computer users’ responses to the model.
35.What can be a suitable title for the text
A.Smart Computers May Replace Humans B.Interactions with Computers Are Enjoyable
C.Computers Might Understand Our Emotions D.An Emotion- predicting Model Meets Challenges
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分.满分 12.5分)
Your inner dialogue can either be a stepping stone or a barrier to reaching your goals. If you have a harsh(严厉的) inner critic, you’re not alone: Self- doubt and discouraging predictions are common. 36 Here are some ways to deal with your inner critic.
●Pay attention to your thoughts.
You’re so used to hearing your inner voices that it’s easy to overlook the messages you’re sending to yourself. Start paying close attention to your thoughts. It’s estimated that you have around 60,000 thoughts per day. That’s 60.000 chances to either build yourself up or tear yourself down. 37
●Change the channel.
When you keep replaying a mistake you made in your head over and over again, you’ll drag yourself down. The best way to change the channel is by getting active. 38 Go for a walk, call a friend, or tackle a project you’ve been putting off.
● 39
Your thoughts aren’t always true. If you think, “I’m going to embarrass myself when I give that presentation,” pause for a minute. Take out a piece of paper and write down all the evidence that indicates you’re going to fail. Then, list all the evidence that you aren’t going to fail. Looking at the evidence on both sides can help you look at the situation less emotionally.
●Ask yourself what advice you’d give to a friend.
40 For example, while you might call yourself a fool for making a mistake, it’s unlikely that you’d say that to a loved one. When you’re struggling with tough times or doubting your ability to succeed, ask yourself. “What would I say to a friend who had this problem ” Then, offer yourself those kind and wise words.
A.Examine the evidence.
B.Train your brain to think differently.
C.But you don’t have to be a victim of your self- talk.
D.It’s often easier to be more merciful to other people than to yourself.
E.Find an activity that will temporarily keep you away from the negative voices.
F.Reminding yourself that your thoughts aren’t always true boosts your confidence.
G.Recognizing your thought patterns helps to understand how your thinking affects you.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
What do you do on a long flight Some people watch movies, others listen to music or play mobile games, and many 41 to have a good sleep. For craft enthusiast Meegan Rubin. a flight home gave her the perfect opportunity to 42 her crocheting(钩编).
As she worked, she caught the eye of a(n) 43 admirer—a months- old baby named Romey, staring at her from across the aisle(通道). 44 by the baby’s attention and noticing her outfit. Rubin decided to make a little gift for her new 45 .
With an hour left on the 46 , Rubin worked against the clock on a little hat. She handed the 47 hat to Romey’s parents when they landed. “Never seen someone work so 48 in my life. 49 , I had no idea it was for us,” the baby’s mom said. “What a cool way to just do something nice for a 50 and in turn light up everyone else’s day!” The sweet 51 was shared by Romey’s parents online, who showed the baby wearing the hat.
Rubin also shared the 52 on her social media. “I made some cool new friends on my flight home this past weekend.” she wrote. The crocheter 53 that while other kids were crying. Romey remained 54 and entertained by her crocheting. Rubin added. “She was adorable and 55 a custom hat!”
41.A.hesitate B.choose C.forget D.promise
42.A.come up with B.sign up for C.catch up on D.break away from
43.A.unlikely B.considerate C.ambitious D.famous
44.A.Warned B.Woken C.Masked D.Moved
45.A.customer B.listener C.student D.fan
46.A.network B.plane C.ground D.platform
47.A.returned B.restored C.finished D.borrowed
48.A.hard B.fast C.late D.early
49.A.Initially B.Eventually C.Similarly D.Suddenly
50.A.singer B.stranger C.teenager D.player
51.A.routine B.dream C.encounter D.defence
52.A.story B.accident C.schedule D.adventure
53.A.assumed B.analyzed C.doubted D.recalled
54.A.calm B.energetic C.sleepy D.busy
55.A.created B.noticed C.purchased D.deserved
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
In the most southwestern part of China, the mountainous Yunnan province, you can see wild tea trees 56 have stood there for thousands of years. Since the Han dynasty, these trees, or more specifically their leaves, 57 (use) to make special varieties of black tea and to this day Yunnan remains one of the most important tea- producing regions.
The region of Yunnan. 58 (consider) to be the birthplace of tea, proves particularly suitable 59 the growth of tea trees because of its geographical characteristics. While the climate is generally mild and humid, and rain falls regularly, the landscape 60 (range) from snow- capped mountain s in the north to subtropical low- altitudes(亚热带低海拔地区) in the southeast. Tea leaves harvested from the wild tea trees growing there have several 61 (benefit). Having lived for hundreds, if not thousands of years, these ancient trees have taken in many minerals and nutrients from rich soil, 62 (add) the complexity and uniqueness of the flavor of the tea. Also, these trees have not been subjected to pesticides or artificial fertilizers.
Sadly, over the last decades. 63 number of ancient tea trees still in 64 (exist) has been on a stable decline. To keep up with demand and the production processes, many of the tea trees have been cut in half for more branches and leaves in an effort to produce bigger harvests. However, this practice obviously isn’t in the best interest of the tree 65 (it), ultimately leading to the death of many of these ancient trees.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
Dear Scott,
Li Hua
第二节 (满分25分)
Arun, a young man, would start a job. do it for a few days and then start another. Many years had passed like this and he had not yet been able to settle down in any business. He was upset, thinking he was just incapable of doing anything well.
One day, he happened to meet Maharaj, who was an old man well- known for his knowledge and wisdom. After listening to Arun’s problem, Maharaj invited him to his house.
Maharaj took Aru n to his garden for a walk. While they were walking. Maharaj learned that Arun’s favorite fruit was mango. Maharaj pointed to a bag and asked Arun to take out some mango seeds and bury them in the ground. Arun quickly picked out some seeds and planted them in the soil. After doing this. Arun got tired. Maharaj asked him to go inside his house to rest.
About half an hour later, Maharaj said to Arun, “Go outside and see if fruits have come out of those seeds!” “But... how can fruits come out so soon I just buried those seeds in the ground.” said Arun.
Maharaj said they could wait for some time. Another half hour later. Maharaj asked Arun to go outside again and see if fruits had come out of those seeds. Arun knew that nothing would have happened, yet he still went to check.
Arun returned quickly and said. “Nothing had happened. You are talking about fruits! Even the plants have not come out of those seeds yet.”
“It seems that something is wrong!” Maharaj said. “OK, Arun, take out those seeds from there and bury them somewhere else.” Arun was shocked but still did as asked. After some time, Maharaj said, “Arun, go outside and see. This time fruits must have come out.” Arun returned with the same answer. “Nothing happened!”
Arun got impatient and said, “Can I go and rest now ”
“No, wait... let’s try changing seeds this time. Fruits might come out this time,” said Maharaj.
注意:1.续写词数应为 150个左右;
Now, Arun lost all his patience. _____________________________________________________________
Arun felt ashamed and began to reflect. ________________________________________________________
(Text 1)
W: How was your adventure holiday
M: It was great! I did a lot of BMX racing. We went up some quite high hills. I was a bit disappointed with kitesurfing because I didn’t go up very high. The only thing I didn’t try was bungee jumping because we had to pay extra for that.
(Text 2)
W: It took me quite a while to read this one. It had a great ending, though, didn’t it
M: I don’t like endings that leave the readers guessing. I want the writer to tell me exactly what has happened.
(Text 3)
M: OK. What do I do now
W: Keep mixing the sugar and the butter and slowly add the eggs one at a time.
(Text 4)
M: Hello, Joanna. Where do you want to walk our dogs My mum suggested the river but I am worried about them jumping in the water.
W: Well, there’s the forest, but they can get easily lost in the trees, so how about the park It’s quite busy but at least it’s safe.
M: Good idea!
(Text 5)
W: Is the election on March 10th
M: No. The school basketball match is on the 10th. Actually, it is the day after. I still don’t know which candidate to choose.
(Text 6)
W: I understand that you’re looking to rent a house in this city.
M: Buy or rent— we’re not sure yet. My company’s sent me here initially for four years. Then we’ll see. There are five of us— me, my wife, and three children, so we’ll need four bedrooms at least.
W: Well, we have three properties that you might be interested in. One with five bedrooms and two with four. You really should see the larger one downtown right away. It’s in a great location. Would you like me to arrange a visit for this afternoon
M: Yes, thanks. And then we could schedule a time to see the other two tomorrow.
(Text 7)
W: Hi, Mr. Young. This is Mary from Carolina Monthly. I’ve been assigned to take your picture for the article we’ re writing about you, and I’m wondering when you’ll be free to meet with me.
M: I’ll be available tomorrow at 3:00 pm. Where do you want to get together
W: Since the article focuses on your work, perhaps we could meet at the construction site of the latest building you designed, the Grand Theater. I’d like to photograph you in front of it.
M: That sounds good.
(Text 8)
W: Hi, Ian. Nice to meet you. I’m Claire— your manager. Let’s get started then. First, you need to change your clothes and wear the uniform. Things can be stored in your cupboard. If you arrive early, you can wait and have a drink in the staff canteen.
M: No worries.
W: After that, come and find me and I’ll tell you what you need to do each day. For today’s job, start by looking at the shelves to see which products need replacing. Go to the storage area, find the products you need and put them on the shelf.
M: That seems easy.
W: Yes, it usually is, except when it gets really busy. The shelves become empty quickly and sometimes customers might be angry if they can’t find an item. Don’t say anything rude and make sure you behave properly.
M: OK. I remember it all!
(Text 9)
M: This afternoon on The World of Music, we have Anita, a well- known pianist. Anita, what does it take to be a great pianist
W: Well, you must have a feeling for the music. You need to make the music yours. You need to be original and you can’t just sound like everyone else.
M: What’s it like preparing to perform a new piece
W: Well, you’ve got to practice hundreds of hours on your own to get to know the piere. When things aren’t going well, you have no one to help you. You are on your own.
M: What sort of workloads do professional concert pianists have
W: Some pianists, like Lang Lang and Daniil Trifonov, have busy schedules. They do more than a hundred concerts a year. Others, like Evgeny Kissin, do about half that.
M: Do concert pianists get nervous before concerts
W: Of course. I always eat a light meal of fruit and chocolate to calm my nerves. Then I walk around my hotel room thinking about the music and moving my hands in the air.
M: That’s interesting. Thanks very much.
(Text 10)
W: This year, I booked a tour to the Faroe Islands and our guide gave us some facts before the visit. The Faroe Islands are located in the North Atlantic Ocean, about halfway between Norway and Iceland, although their nearest neighbor is in fact Scotland. For many years, there’s been an airport on the main island, and a helicopter service between the islands. These days, there’re road tunnels to connect several islands. You definitely don’t go to the Faroe Islands for sunshine— it rains over 260 days a year. On our first day, we were meant to go on a boat trip to spot seabirds, but the wind was too strong, making this impossible. Instead, we went to another island and walked to a lighthouse for incredible views. While we were walking along the narrow paths, our guide told us that in 2019, the island was shut to tourists for a few days because volunteers helped to repair paths and put up signs to mark routes, and many of them stayed with local people in their homes. I wished I’d been part of that experience.
1~5 CACBB 6~10 CAACB 11~15 ACCBA 16~20 ACBAB
21.A 推理判断题。根据第一节“Conner and Millie’s Dog Rescue also emphasizes senior dog care to make sure that they can live out their golden years in peace.”可推断,Conner and Millie’s Dog Rescue的志愿者需要照顾年迈的狗。
22.C 细节理解题。根据第三节“Opportunity Village offers a wide range of services to individuals with disabilities to help them achieve great things... to help enable them, give them pride in themselves and provide resources for employment and life skills.”可知,残疾人是Opportunity Village 的最大受益人。
23.B 细节理解题。根据最后一节“Their mission reaches thousands every month and also offers help to those who are suffering mentally or psychologically. Las Vegas Rescue Mission allows volunteers to offer all kinds of services, including food distribution, counseling(咨询)...”可知,Las Vegas Rescue Mission提供心理健康支持。
本文是一篇记叙文。在塞内加尔这个国家,摔跤是一项男性主导的运动。幸运的是,Isabelle Sambou所在的村子支持女性摔跤,她也在自己的摔跤事业上不断奋进。
24.A 细节理解题。根据第一段“But in most of the country, wrestling remains off- limits for women.”及第二段可知,在塞内加尔,摔跤是一项男性主导的运动。
25.A 推理判断题。根据第三段“‘In my village, girls wrestle. My mum was a wrestler and my aunts were wrestlers.’”、第四段及第五段“That hasn’t been the case for Sambou...”可推断,Sambou的妈妈在结婚之后可能就放弃了摔跤运动。
26.D 细节理解题。根据倒数第二段可知,作为摔跤运动员的Sambou会因为自身的性别而被嘲笑。根据第三段“‘In my village,girls wrestle. My mum was a wrestler and my aunts were wrestlers.’”及倒数第二段“… in parts of Senegal beyond her home region...”可排除B项。
27.D 推理判断题。根据最后一段“Instead, she is focused on finding ‘future Isabelles’. She hopes the girls she coaches can achieve her dream of winning an Olympic medal.”可推断,Sambou目前希望自己能执教“千里马”摔跤手,助力其获得奥运奖牌。
28.C 词义猜测题。根据画线词后的关键词clearest可推断,画线词与clear意思相反,与Confusing的意思最接近。
29.D 推理判断题。根据第三段“The youngest sample was found to be around 23,000 years old and the oldest turned out to be beyond the range radiocarbon dating could measure, meaning it was older than 45.000 years.”可推断,放射性碳年代测定法能够测量的样本年龄不超过四万五千年。
32.B 细节理解题。根据第一段“Picture this...”及“This might sound like science fiction, but researchers are bringing this vision closer to reality...”可知,作者通过“创设一个想象中的场景”引入了文章话题。
33.B 细节理解题。根据第四段“...closely matched the emotions reported by the users themselves.”可知,计算机使用者在研究中需要告知他们的感受。
34.C 段落大意题。通读第五段,尤其是“The researchers believe their emotion- predicting model could pave the way for a new generation of emotionally intelligent computers that can tailor their behavior to the user’s psychological state.”可知,本段主要介绍了研究人员对这个模型的期待——希望它能为新一代的情感智能计算机铺路。
35.C 标题判断题。通读全文,尤其是第一段“Picture this: Your computer could sense your emotions as you worked... researchers are bringing this vision closer to reality...”及第二段可知,本文主要介绍了芬兰科学家设计的能够预测人类在使用计算机过程中所展现的情绪的计算机模型,这说明计算机也许能够理解人类的情绪了。
37.G 根据空前“You’re so used to hearing your inner voices that it’s easy to overlook the messages you’ re sending to yourself.”及“That’s 60,000 chances to either build yourself up or tear yourself down.”可知,G项“识别你的思维模式有助于理解你的思维方式是如何影响你的”符合。本段的建议是“关注想法”,而不是“判断想法是否真实”,故干扰项F项可排除。
38.E 根据空后“Go for a walk, call a friend, or tackle a project you’ve been putting off.”可知,E项“找到一个能让你暂时远离负面声音的活动”符合。E项中的 activity与空后列举的例子对应,the negative voices与本段首句中的replaying a mistake呼应。
40.D 根据空后“For example, while you might call yourself a fool for making a mistake, it’s unlikely that you’d say that to a loved one.”可知,D项“人往往对别人比对自己更容易仁慈”符合。
42.C 对于手工艺爱好者Meegan Rubin来说,回家的航班给了她一个完美的赶工(catch up on)机会——进行她的钩针编织。come up with想出,提出;sign up for报名参加;break away from逃脱。
43.A “仰慕者”是几个月大的孩子,这是令人意想不到的(unlikely)。
44.D孩子的关注触动(Moved)了她,接着她注意到了孩子的衣服,她决定为她的新粉丝(fan)做一个小礼物。 Rubin 没有在飞机上睡觉,故B项可排除。
45.D 见上题解析。前一句中的 admirer是解题关键。
46.B 根据第一段“...a flight home gave her...”及空后“She handed the ______ hat to Romey’s parents when they landed.”可知,此时他们还在飞机(plane)上。
47.C 飞机落地时,她把钩织完的(finished)小帽子递给了Romey的父母。
48.B 根据空前“With an hour left... Rubin worked against the clock...”可知,孩子的妈妈是想说Rubin做手工很快(fast)。此处不强调工作努力,故A项可排除。
49.A “起初(Initially),我们不知道这是给我们的。”
50.B 这个几个月大的孩子对于 Rubin来说是陌生人(stranger)。
51.C Romey 的父母在网上分享了这次甜蜜的相遇(encounter),并展示了孩子戴着帽子的照片。
52.A Rubin也在自己的社交媒体上分享了这个故事(story)。
53.D Rubin回忆(recalled)道,当其他孩子都在大哭时,Romey一直保持平静(calm)并且被她的钩织所吸引。
54.A 见上题解析。
55.D “她很可爱,值得(deserved)一顶定制的帽子。”
56.that/ which 考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知,该空引导的是一个限制性定语从句,从句缺少主语,先行词是wild tea trees,指物,故此处用关系代词that或which。
57.have been used 考查动词的时态和语态。根据时间状语Since the Han dynasty可知,此处用现在完成时,又因为动词use与其主语“these trees, or more specifically their leaves”是被动关系,故此处用现在完成时的被动语态。
58.considered 考查非谓语动词。分析句子成分可知,该空用非谓语动词,动词consider与其逻辑主语 The region of Yunnan存在动宾关系,故此处用所给动词的过去分词;considered to be the birthplace of tea是过去分词短语作后置定语。
59.for 考查介词。be suitable for意为“适合”,为固定搭配。
60.ranges 考查动词的时态和主谓一致。此处是一般性事实陈述,用一般现在时,又因为主语是the landscape,故用所给动词的第三人称单数形式。
61.benefits 考查名词复数。根据空前修饰词several可知,此处用所给名词的复数。
62.adding 考查非谓语动词。分析句子成分可知,该空用非谓语动词,动词add与其逻辑主语(空前一整句话)存在主谓关系,故此处用所给动词的现在分词;adding the complexity and uniqueness of the flavor of the tea 是现在分词短语作结果状语。
63.the 考查冠词。根据空后的has been可知,该句的主语是“数量”,故用定冠词the。
64.existence 考查词形转换。in existence意为“存在”,介词短语作后置定语,修饰ancient tea trees。
65.itself 考查代词。此处用所给代词的反身代词作同位语,指代the tree。
One possible version:
Dear Scott.
I’m more than happy to hear about your school’s upcoming event on inspirational speeches from around the world. For the Chinese section. I suggest you consider speeches delivered by outstanding scientists.
These people, who have made remarkable contributions to national development, are highly respected and valued across the country. As they have done real deeds through perseverance, innovation and courage, their speeches are likely to deeply inspire and impress the audience.
Wish your event a great success. Looking forward to learning about the latest development.
Li Hua
One possible version:
Now, Arum lost all his patience. He said, “I can’t believe a knowledgeable person like you doesn’t know such a simple fact that after you plant a seed, it takes time for it to grow. You have to add fertilizer and water to the seed. You have to wait for a long time before you get the fruits.” Maharaj smiled, “Arun, this is what I want to tell you. It takes time to get any profit from what you do. You need to be patient.”
Arun felt ashamed and began to reflect. He recalled that he had changed his jobs frequently instead of giving more patience while doing a certain job. A sense of regret washed over him. Though he realized his real problem, he felt at a loss in what business to settle down and was afraid that it was too late. Sensing his concern, Maharaj comforted. “Be patient! Maybe you can give gardening a try and see what will happen.” Aru n smiled and nodded firmly.


