外研版Module 12 Save our world模块导学案(3课时,含答案)

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外研版Module 12 Save our world模块导学案(3课时,含答案)


Module 12 Save our world 模块导学案
教材剖析 了解有关环保的日常文章,准确获取信息;能够简单谈论环保等话题,提高保护环境的自觉性,增强宣传环保意识的责任感,树立环保意识,并就目前的社会污染问题提出解决意见。
知识目标 必记单词 Unit1名词:factory制造厂;工厂;waste废料;废弃物;enemy敌人;仇人;crop庄稼;作物;oil石油;less较少数;较少量;动词:pollute污染;recycle回收利用,再使用(废品);kill杀死;弄死;形容词:less较小的;较少的;hopeless无望的。 Unit2名词:china瓷;瓷器;plastic塑料;policy政策;方针;bottle瓶;cloth布;布料;ton吨;rubber橡胶;recycling回收利用;step步骤;措施;grandson (外)孙子;granddaughter (外)孙女;动词:divide分开;reuse再次使用;重复利用;repeat重说;重新做;reduce减少;减低;缩小;形容词:plastic塑料的;rapid快速的;迅速的。
必会短语 Unit11.cause a lot of pollution造成大量的污染;2.stop the pollution制止污染;3.waste products废弃物;4.such as比如;5.be worried about担心;6.use...for... 把……用于……;为……而使用……;7.spread over传遍;8.make sb. ill使得某人生病;9.be a danger to对……有危害;10.so many/much如此多的;11.as well也;12.It’s no use doing sth.做某事没有用;13.talk about谈论;14.think of想起;15.a green school绿色学校;16.use...to do...用……来做……;17.in poor areas贫困地区;18.nice/good/great idea好主意; 19.save energy节约能源;20.start to do sth.开始去做某事。Unit21.find out找出;查明;弄清楚;2.ride a bike to school骑自行车上学;3.turn off关闭;4.ask for请求;要求;5.do with处理;6.divide...into...把……分类……;7.throw away扔掉;丢弃;8.be harmful to对……有害;9.as...as possible尽可能……;10.if possible如果可能;11.It is better to do sth.最好做某事;12.change...into...把……变成……;13.tons of许多;很多;14.hope for希望;15.take steps 采取措施;16.so that以便;为了;目的是;17.draw up起草。Unit 31.clean up把……打扫干净;2.pay attention to注意,重视;3.keep (sb./sth.) doing sth.使得(某人/某物)一直做某事;4.be off离开;5.try one’s best to do sth.尽某人最大努力做某事;6.not…any more不再;7.switch off关掉。
必知句型 Unit11. The factory is causing a lot of pollution. 工厂造成许多污染。2. After our lesson on the environment, I’m worried about the future. 上完有关环境的课后,我对未来非常担心。3. If the rivers are polluted, farmers can’t use the water for their crops. 如果河流受到污染,农民就不能用河水去浇灌庄稼。4. And in some places, pollution from factories spreads over cities and villages.在一些地方, 来自工厂的污染遍布城市和村庄。5. It makes people ill, and may even kill them. Pollution is a danger to our health.污染使人生病,甚至可以让人丧命。污染危及我们的健康。6. And there are so many cars on the roads. They use so much oil and cause pollution as well. 路上的车非常多,这些车过多地耗油,也造成了污染。7. It’s no use talking about things we can’t do. 谈论我们不能做的事是没有意义的。8. Though pollution is heavy now, I don’t think it’s hopeless. 尽管现在污染很严重,我认为还是有希望的。Unit21. Do you turn off the lights when you leave the room 离开房间时你关灯吗?2. Do you take your own bag when shopping and not ask for a plastic bag 购物时你自己带包而不是要塑料袋吗?3. And what do you do with the bottles whey they are empty 瓶子空了时你怎样处理它们?4. Do you divide the waste into things to recycle and things to throw away 你将废品分成可回收利用的和丢弃的吗?5. We all need a healthy environment, but we produce waste every day, and it is harmful to our environment. 我们都需要一个健康的环境,但我们每天制造废物,这对我们的环境是有害的。6. Use things for as long as possible. 尽可能长时间地使用东西。7. Repair them if possible. 如果可能,修理它们。8. It is better to use china cups and cloth bags because they can be used many times.最好用瓷杯和布袋,因为可以多次使用。9. Recycle means “change things into something else to be reused”. 回收利用一起是“将某件东西变成别的东西再利用”。10. We throw tons of rubbish away each year, and we have to make a change. 我们每年扔掉许多垃圾,我们必须改变。11. We cannot hope for rapid change, but let’s take these simple steps today so that we will save the world for our grandsons and granddaughters tomorrow. 我们不能期待立竿见影的变化,但是让我们从今天就开始采取这些简单的措施吧,以便我们将来为我们的子孙拯救世界。 Unit 31. It is impossible to clean up the whole river in such a short time. 在这么短时间内把整条河清理干净是不可能的。2. If we pay attention to pollution now, the future will be hopeful. 如果我们现在注意污染,未来将充满希望。3. To keep the flowers growing, you need to water them once a day. 为了使花儿不断生长,你需要每天给他们浇水一次。4. I hear you are off to the Caribbean for a holiday! 我听说你们要去加勒比海度假!5. I’ve already tried my best to protect the environment. 我已经尽最大的努力去保护环境了。6. I don’t throw away things if I don’t want them any more. 如果我不再想要某些东西,我也不会把它们扔掉。
能力目标 能够听、读懂有关环保的日常文章,准确获取信息;能够比较自如地谈论环保等话题。
情感目标 提高保护环境的自觉性,增强宣传环保意识的责任感,树立环保意识,并就目前的社会污染问题提出解决措施。
单元重难点 重点:掌握本单元的重点词汇、短语、句型和语法。难点:训练学生的阅读分析能力、解决问题的能力。
Module 12 Unit 1 导学案
pollute, recycle, waste, enemy, crop, kill, oil, less, hopeless, such as, as well.
2. 能够初步了解构词法。
Step 1 导入新课
Work in pairs. Look at the pictures and talk about them. Use the words in the box to help you.
T: Please look at the pictures and discuss the meaning of the words
T: Talk about the pictures.
Boys and girls, do you want to know how to save our world Today, we will learn it. (lead in)
Step 2 听力处理
Listen for the first time and answer questions.(Activity 2)
Try to read the sentences and guess what the missing information is.
The factory is causing a lot of ______.
There should be some _______to stop the pollution.
We can ________waste products, such as ________and paper in a recycling centre.
The keys:1) pollution 2)rules 3)recycle,glass
Step 3 对话处理
Listen for the first time and answer some questions
.What do Tony and Daming talk about in the dialogue
The key:Pollution
2. Listen for the 2nd time and check T or F.
(1) Pollution makes many people ill and kills them.( )
(2) It’s no use talking about thing we can’t do.( )
(3) If we starts to do something, the world will be saved. ( )
The keys:1)T 2)F 3)T
3. Listen to the dialogue again and complete the notes. (Activity 3)
Pollution problems:
If the rivers are polluted, ___________.
In some places, pollution from factories______.
The cars on the roads ____________________.
What the students can do
(4) Support a green school: every class____which can be _____. Then the school _____to help students _______.
(5) Students learn _______. That means _______.
T: Show the right answers.
The keys:1)farmers can’t use them to water their crops
2)spreads over cities and villages
3)use so much oil and cause pollution
4)collects waste recycled or used again sells the waste in poor areas
5)ways to save energy and recycle at home less waste
Step 4 听后说
1.Read the dialogue by yourselves and act out the dialogue (work in pairs).
2. Remember some important sentences .
(1) If the rivers are polluted, farmers can’t use the water for their crops.
(2)They use so much oil and cause pollution as well.
(3) It’s no use talking about things we can’t do.
(4) Though pollution is heavy now, I don’t think it’s hopeless.
(5) If everyone starts to do something, the world will be saved.
3. Work in pairs. List the pollution problems in your place. Choose one problem and say what should be done about it.
S1: —The air pollution in our city is getting worse. What can we do to stop it
S2:— I think we can ride our bicycles to school more.
Step 5 释难解惑
1. Read the dialogue, find out the difficulties and focus, then discuss with groups and solve the difficulties.(小组自主互助学习)
2. 对小组内不能解决的问题,教师适时点拨。
Step 6 知识点拨
1. They use so much oil and cause pollution as well.
What caused his failure 什么使得他失败了?
It’s no use talking about things we can’t do. We’ve got to think of things we can do!
It is no use doing ...表示 “做某事没有意义”。例如:
It is no use watching too much TV. 看太多电视是没有用的。
3. Though pollution is heavy now, I don’t think it’s hopeless.
(1) though 引导让步状语从句
(2) hope (动词) →hopeless (形容词)
Step 7 学以致用
(  )1. If the rivers _________, people can’t use them to do something .
A. pollute B. polluting C. are polluted D. is polluted
( ) 2. There are ________ boys in the river.
A. so much B. so many C. much D. little
( ) 3. Many students collect waste or rubbish which _____________.
A. can be recycled B. can recycled C. can be recycle D. can was recycled
( ) 4. Walking to school means ________waste.
A. few B. little C. less D. fewer
( )5. You need to go shopping and I need to go shopping_________.
A. too B. also C. either D. as well
It is _____ ______ _______ compute games.
If everyone starts to do something, the world _____ ______ _______.
一、1. C 2. B 3. A 4. C 5. D
1. no use playing 2. will be saved
Module12 Unit 2
divide, bottle, repeat, ton, rubber, rapid, step, grandson, granddaughter ,throw away, tons of
2. 能够理解和正确运用构词法。
Step 1 导入新课
Teacher: Boys and girls, look at the pictures on Page 99. Say which ways are good for environment and why.
Today let’s know more about environment.
Step 2 多层次阅读
1. Read quickly alone and answer the following questions.
How many ways to protect our world are mentioned in the passage
The key:Three
2. Read carefully and check ( √ ) the suggestions that are mentioned in the passage.
Order food that you can finish.( )
Use less electricity at home.( )
Learn ways to recycle rubbish.( )
Use paper cups and paper bags.( )
Repair things.( )
Divide rubbish into different groups.( )
Collect waste or rubbish to raise money.( )
Burn things to save energy.( )
The keys:1,2,3,5,6
3.Find two things you should do and two things you should not do in the passage. Find reasons. Use your answers to write sentences.
We should recycle rubbish because it can help us protect the environment.
4.Complete the passage with the correct form of the words in the box.
divide granddaughter plastic policy rapid recycle repeat step ton
We throw away _______ of rubbish every year. If we want a clean world for our grandsons and _________, we have to reduce, reuse and ________. ______ these three words every day. The first ______ is to use less. The second is to use things as long as possible. Then ________ your rubbish into _________, paper, rubber and glass. Finally, draw up a recycling _______ for your community. We cannot hope for ______ change, but every little bit helps!
Keys: tons, granddaughters, recycle, Repeat, step, divide, plastic, policy, rapid
Step 3 知识点拨
Do you divide the waste into things to recycle and things throw away
divide... into... 表示“ 把......分成......”。 例如:
The book is divide into six sections. 这本书分为六部分。
Although it takes energy to change things into something else, it is better than throwing things away or burning them.
change ...into...表示“把......变成......”。例如:
You cannot change iron into gold.你无法把铁变成金子。
Step 4 学以致用
( ) 1. On hot days, we can _______ice _______water.
A. change; into B. put; into C. take; off D. take; out of
( ) 2. Don’t drink too much. It is ______your health.
A. careful to B. harmful to C. afraid of D. worried about
( ) 3. We should use things for ______________possible.
A. as long as B. as long C. as longer as D. long
( ) 4. I stepped aside ____________she might come in.
A. as if B. so that C. in order to D. even though
( ) 5. The workers __________the waste _______things to recycle and things to throw away.
divide; into B. so; that C. compare; with D. try ; out
(  )6. Don't lose your hope. We must be ________ when something seems ________.
(  )7.— Smoking is bad for your health.
— You're right. I decide to ________.
A. take it down B. find it out  C. turn it off   D. give it up
( ) 8. It is ________to throw ______________rice away.
A. waste; so much B. wasteful; so many C. waste; so many D. wasteful; so much
( )9. On June 29, 2012, China’s Shenzhou-9 spacecraft landed ________ at the main landing area in northern China’s Inner Mongolia.
A. safe B. safely C. safety
( )10. I carried the bowl with both hands________, so that I wouldn’t break it.
A. carefully B. happily C. quickly D. carelessly
A 2.B 3. A 4. B 5. A 6. D 7. D 8.D 9. B 10. A
Unit 3 Language in use
Knowledge objective
To practice word-building: compounds, derivatives, conversion
Ability objective
Enable students to learn how to protect environment and Earth Hour.
Moral objective
To arouse the awareness of students protecting environment.
To learn word-building: compounds, derivatives, conversion
PWP method, task-based method
A tape recorder, multimedia and some pictures
Teaching Procedures:
Step 1 Language practice
Reuse means “use again”.
Though pollution is heavy now, I don’t think it’s hopeless.
Step 2 Make a new words. Join the parts of words in Box A with the words in Box B. You need to use some of the parts more than once.
A –able -ful im- -less re- un-
B care collect hope possible use usual wanted waste
The keys :careful careless; collectable; hopeful hopeless;impossible;reuse usable useful useless; unusual; unwanted;wasteful
Step 3 Now work in groups. Play the guessing game English for Fun.
English for Fun
full of care ____________
2. can be collected ____________
3. full of hope ____________
4. without any hope ____________
5. not possible ____________
6. not usual ____________
7. without any use ____________
8. use again ____________
9. not wanted ____________
10. making a lot of waste ____________
The keys :1.careful 2.collectable 3.hopeful 4.hopeless 5.impossible 6.unusual 7.useless 8.reuse 9.unwanted 10.wasteful
Step 4 Learning to learn
Sometimes if you know the meaning of the parts of a word, you can work out the meaning of the whole word.
re + new + able;
re = again,
able = can be
renewable = can be new again
Step 5构词法
1. 合成法
将两个或两个以上独立且语义不同的单词合在一起构成新词的方法叫做合成法。合成法是一种比较灵活的构词方法,可以合成名词、形容词、副词、代词、动词等。例如:afternoon, sportsman, blackboard, sportsperson, newspaper,
airplane, classmate, grandfather 等就是通过合成构词法构成的名词;kind-hearted, middle-aged, hard-working 等为合成形容词;however, maybe, himself, everyone, nothing, overlook 等也都是通过合成法构成的单词。
2. 派生法
通过在词根前面加前缀或在词根后面加后缀构成一个新词的方法叫作派生法。要通过派生法理解和记忆单词, 我们需要掌握常见的前缀和后缀及派生规律。
(1) 常见前缀
前缀 含义 例词
dis- 不 disagree, dislike
en- 使……处于某种状态 enable, enrich
im-, in- 不 impossible, impatient, inexpensive
inter- 在……之间, 相互 international, interconnect
mis- 错误地 mislead, misunderstand
non- 不, 非 non-smoker, non-native
re- 再, 重复 rewrite, retell
un- 不 unable, unhappy, unpopular
(2) 常见后缀
后缀 功能 例词
-er, -or 构成名词 teacher, worker, visitor
-ian musician
-ing building, painting, shopping, meaning
-ist artist, scientist
-ment agreement, government
-ness coldness, happiness, illness
-th truth, warmth
-tion competition, education, information, invitation
-ty activity, safety
-ble, ible 构成形容词 comfortable, eatable, enjoyable, possible, probable
-al environmental, international, national, traditional
-ful careful, helpful, useful
-ive active, expensive
-less careless, helpless, homeless, useless
-ly friendly, lovely, monthly, weekly
-ous dangerous, famous
-teen 构成数词 eighteen, fifteen, seventeen
-th fifteenth, fifth, fortieth, seventh
-ty forty, sixty, twenty
-ly 构成副词 badly, carefully, carelessly, happily, quickly
(3) 派生规律
由 interest 可以派生出:
interest — interesting — interestingly
interested — uninterested
由 help 可以派生出:
helpless — helplessly
help — helpful — helpfully
由 able 可以派生出:
able unable
3. 转化法
(1) 动词转化为名词
— Let’s talk about it more. 咱们再谈谈这件事吧。
— I think we’d better finish the talk now. 我想我们最好现在结束谈话。
(2) 名词转化为动词
She gave me a cup of water. 她给了我一杯水。
You should water the flowers twice a day.
(3) 形容词转化为名词
She was wearing a black dress.
The girl in black looks very beautiful.
Step 6 Exercises
Complete the sentences with the words in the box.
hopeful impossible reuse unhealthy wasteful
1. Polluted water is ____________.
2. It is _________ to throw so much food away.
3. If you look after things well, you may ________ some of them later.
4. It is ___________ to clean up the whole river in such a short time.
5. If we pay attention to pollution now, the future will be __________.
The keys:1.unhealthy 2.wasteful 3.reuse 4.impossible 5.hopeful
Step 7 Complete the table.(见课件)
Noun Verb Adjective Adverb
hope hopefully / hopelessly
pollution ——
water —— ——
—— —— usually/unusually
Step 8 Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in Activity 3.
She was hopeful that her new job would make her more successful.
The factory ___________ the river, and the fish died.
2. We often walk in the countryside. It is a(n) _______ activity for us.
3. Do not use so much water. It is very __________.
4. To keep the flowers growing, you need to _________ them once a day.
The keys:1.polluted 2.usual/useful 3.wasteful 4.water
Step 9 Complete the sentences.
A lunchbox is a box that you keep your lunch in.
1. A ___________ is a card that you write on one side of and send to someone by post.
2. A ___________ is a room where you have classes at school.
3. A ___________ is a book that has one or more stories for children.
4. A ____________ is a black board that is used at school for writing on with chalk.
The keys:1.postcard 2.classroom 3.storybook 4.blackboard
Step 10 Work in pairs
Look at the pictures and answer the questions.
What kinds of things can be recycled
2. How can these things be reused
3. How does this help the environment
4. Have you ever recycled or used things that can be recycled How
The keys:1.Cloth, paper, cans, plastic, glass, etc.
2.Recycled paper can be used for notebooks, tickets or writing paper.
3.It helps save a lot of resources and reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
4.Yes. I recycled aluminum cans and paper by selling them to the recycled factory.
Step 11 Complete the conversation with the correct form of the expressions in the box.
be good for throw away turn off worry about
Mike: I hear you are off to the Caribbean for a holiday! Lucky you! But aren’t you _____________ the pollution that such long plane journey may cause for the environment
Ken: I know, but what can I do about it I’ve already tried my best to protect the environment. I recycle. I don’t ____________ things if I don’t want them any more. I __________ the lights when I leave a room. Don’t tell me I shouldn’t travel by plane any more!
Mike: No, of course not. But we can do more to protect the environment. For example, we can help keep the air clean by planting trees. Trees ______________ the environment. In this way, we can reduce the harm of pollution.
Ken: Good! So I can enjoy my holiday, and when I come back, I’ll plant some trees!
Mike: That’s the idea! Maybe we can all join in and start a small forest!
The keys:worried about,throw away,turn off,are good for
Step 12 Listening
Listen and check (√) the true sentences.
1)Do not throw away things made of glass, plastic and paper, but recycle them when possible.
2) Take a bag when you go shopping.
3) It is OK to throw used things away. Looking after them takes a lot of time.
4) Turn off lights when you do not need them.
5) Ride a bike or walk, and do not often drive your car.
6) Paper cups and bottled drinks make our life easier. We can use them as much as possible.
The keys:2,3,5,6
Step 13 Listen again and complete the table.
Advice Reasons
1. Don’t throw away things made of glass , plastic and paper, but recycle them. Throwing things away is wasteful.
2. Reuse your plastic bags when you can and take a bag with you when you go shopping. Plastic bags can’t recycle.
3. Use less electricity and oil to reduce pollution.4. Don’t leave lights on and waste electricity. 5. Walk or cycle and do not often drive your car. Producing electricity and using oil may cause pollution.
Step 14 Around the world
Earth Hour
Read the passage and answer the questions.
When is Earth Hour held each year
Why do people switch off the lights during Earth Hour
When and where was the first Earth Hour held
Which city take part in the event today
The keys:1.Earth Hour is held toward the end of March each year.
They do this to show their awareness of climate change.
The first Earth Hour was held in 2007 in Sydney.
More and more cities are ta king part in the event.
Step 15 Module task: Discussing what you can do about pollution
Work in groups. Decide what kind of pollution you want to talk about.
Choose a subject that you care about the most. It could be water pollution, air pollution, etc.
Find out more information about your subject. Look it up on a website or in a book.
If you choose air pollution, let’s watch a video about air pollution from a factory.
Do you know PM 2.5 Let’s know more about PM 2.5 and protect the environment from now.
Step 16 Discussion
Discuss your subject.
Take turns to say what you think about the problems and what can be done.
Listen to what others say. If you agree with what they have said, say “I agree”. “That’s true” or “That’s a good point”; if you do not agree with what someone says, say “I’m sorry, but I don’t agree. I think that …”
Step 17 Homework
Present your group ideas to the whole class
Ⅰ. 用括号内所给单词的适当形式填空。
1. It was _______(possible) to sleep because of the noise.
2. What a _______(care) driver! He forgot to close the door of his car.
3. I like this film because it is very _______(enjoy).
4. Mike lost his new bike, so he was _______(happy).
5. A dictionary is probably one of the most _______(use) things you need when you learn a language.
The keys:1. impossible 2. careless 3. enjoyable 4. unhappy 5. useful
It is not possible to clean up the river in two days.
______ ______ to clean up the river in two days.
It is full of hope for the team to win the match.
It ______ ______ for the team to win the match.
You know the paper can be used again.
You know the paper can ______ ______.
We all hope that the project will be a success.
We all hope that the project will ______ ______.
Drinking polluted water is not healthy.
Drinking polluted water ______ ______.
The keys:1.It's impossible 2.is hopeful 3.be reused 4.be successful 5.is unhealthy


