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(满分140分 考试时间:120分钟)
I. Listening Comprehension
Section A 10%
Directions: In Section A, you will hear ten short conversations between two speakers. At the end of each conversation, a question will be asked about what was said The conversations and the questions will be spoken only once. After you hear a conversation and the question about it, read the four possible answers on your paper, and decide which one is the best answer to the question you have heard.
1. A. She has no appetite at all. B. She wants to dine out.
C. She is too tired to go out. D. She prefers to cook at home.
2. A. 6 pounds B. 7 pounds. C. 8 pounds. D. 9 pounds.
3. A. At the professor's office. B. In the bookstore.
C. In the library. D. In the laboratory.
4. A. Because something went wrong with his car.
B. Because his car was broken in an accident.
C. Because he wanted to take a walk for a rest.
D. Because he was stuck in a traffic jam.
5. A. The morning flight. B. The afternoon flight.
C. The evening flight. D. The midnight flight.
6. A. She is not interested in going camping with him.
B. She wants the man to stay at home with her.
C. She thinks the man needs to have a good rest.
D. She thinks the man should prepare for the exams.
7. A. Some major revisions are needed. B. It should be revised by a tutor.
C. Only a few changes should be made. D. The draft needs no revision at all.
8 A. He is going away for a while. B. He worked hard to earn money.
C. He did very well in the exam. D. He can't wait to have a rest.
9. A. He forgot to bring his own camera. B. He is not good at taking pictures.
C. He cannot take a photo with the camera. D. He doesn't know how to use the camera.
10. A. She was interrupted by a visiting friend. B. She didn't come back until midnight.
C. She stayed up late for the final exam. D. She visited her friend instead of studying.
Section B
Directions: In Section B, you will hear two short passages, and you will be asked several questions on each of the passages. The passages will be read twice, but the questions will be spoken only once. When you hear a question, read the four possible answers on your paper and decide which one would be the best answer to the question you have heard.
Questions 11 through 13 are based on the following passage.
11. A. They can maintain their body temperature stable.
B. They conserve enough energy before the long sleep.
C. They can keep their heart beat at a regular rate.
D. They have their weight increased to the maximum.
12. A. By staying in bid ng places and eating little.
B. By seeking extra food and warm shelter.
C. By growing thicker hair to stay warm.
D. By storing enough food in advance.
13. A To stay safe. B. To save energy. C. To get more food. D. To protect the young.
Questions 14 through 16 are based on the following passage.
14. A. Four to six hours. B. Six to nine hours.
C. Around eight hours. D. More than eight hours.
15. A. They may not be able to concentrate well.
B. They may get the feeling of being drunk.
C. They may suffer from high blood pressure.
D. They may lose weight easily in a short period of time.
16. A. Military people are used to being deprived of sleep.
B. Training can make people sleep less and suffer less.
C. People can bank sleep by sleeping more beforehand.
D. Sleeping earlier than usual makes people sleep less.
Questions 17 through 20 are based on the following passage.
17. A. Double Eleven sales in 2021.
B. Unreliable factors of online shopping.
C. Key points of Taobao's success n sales.
D. Advantages and disadvantages of online shopping.
18. A. People who are good at doing business.
B. People who work seven days a week.
C. People who have very busy schedules.
D. People who dislike telephone shopping.
19. A. Consumers can save a lot of time.
B. It provides round- the- clock service.
C. People can buy things without leaving their homes or offices.
D. The quality of the product is the same as what is described online.
20. A. Inferior quality. B. Various retailers.
C. Efficient sales return. D. Convenient delivery.
II. Grammar and Vocabulary
Section A
Directions: After reading the passages below, fill in the blanks to make the passages coherent and grammatically correct. For the blanks with a given word, fill in each blank with the proper form of the given word; for the other blanks, use one word that best fits each blank
AI Weather Forecasting Can't Replace Humans- Yet
As Hurricane Lee was curving(呈曲线) northward to the west of Bermuda in mid- September of last year, forecasters were busily consulting weather models and data from hurricane- hunter aircraft to calculate (21)________ the dangerous storm was likely to make landfall (着陆): New England or farther east, in Canada. The sooner the meteorologists(气象学家) could do so, the earlier they could warn those in the path of damaging wind gusts and fierce storm surges By six days ahead of landfall, it was clear that Lee (22)________(follow) the eastward path, and warnings were issued, accordingly. But (mother tool- an experimental AI model called GraphCast-(23)________(mate) that outcome accurately three whole days before the forecasters' traditional models.
GraphCast's prediction is a window into AI's potential (24)________(improve) weather forecasts. But whether it is a forecaster of a true sea change in the field or will simply become one of many tools (25)________ human forecasters consult to determine which way the winds will blow is still up in the air.
GraphCast, developed by Google DeepMind, is the latest of several AI weather models (26)________(release) in recent years. Google's Metnet, first introduced in2020, is already being used in products such as the company's “now cast” in its weather app. All are advertised as having an accuracy that is comparable with or higher than(27)________ on the best non-AI forecasting computer models and have caused a sensation in meteorology, with GraphCast (28)________( cause) the most significant stir so far.
The DeepMind research team had put GraphCast through its paces by feeding it historical weather data to see if it could accurately “predict” what happened. The study showed the AI performed equal to or even better than the gold standard.
Yet (29)________ GraphCast becomes probabilistic-- and even if the model's resolution improves and the AI becomes more accurate in its forecasts of rain and storm intensity - modeling remains just a single component of the weather- prediction pipeline, says Hendrik Tolman, senior adviser for advanced modeling systems at the NWS. However, every expert described GraphCast and other Al models as additional devices in their tool kit. If AI (30)________produce accurate forecasts quickly and cheaply, there's no reason not to begin using it together with existing methods.
But will there be a world where AI models replace physics- based models— and people -- in the future Forecasts suggest there's little chance.
Section B
Directions: Complete the following passage by using the words or phrases in the box. Each word or phrase can only be used once. Note that there is one word or phrase more than you need.
A. desperately B. functional C. green- lighting D. impact E. independence F longstanding G. progressive H reasonably I. reversing J. swallow K. targeted
Alzheimer's Drug Approved Despite Fierce Debate
The -U. S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) recently approved the drug Aduhelm, produced by American biotechnology company Biogen with Japan's Eisai Co., to treat patients with Alzheimer's(老年痴呆症) disease. The approval was based on study results showing that the drug seemed“(31)________ likely” to benefit Alzheimer's patients, the FDA said.
The decision, which could (32)________ millions of Alzheimer's patients and their families, has sparked disagreements among medical researchers. While the drug was shown to be effective in slowing the mental decline in patients' suffering from the disease, it was not proven to be effective in (33)________ its effects, the Associated Press reported. citing a study. The rate of mental decline in patients that had been administered Aduhelm was slowed by 22 percent when compared to patients who had received a placebo(安慰剂). But even given these results, on a test that is conducted to evaluate the cognitive and (34)________ abilities of a patient, patients who were administered Adubelm only showed an increase of 0.39 in their- scores. And it's unclear how such metrics (度量标准) translate into practical benefits, like greater(35)________ or the ability to recall important details.
The FDA's review of the drug has become a flashpoint in (36)________ debates over standards used to evaluate therapies for hard- to- treat conditions. On one side, groups representing Alzheimer's patients and their families say any new therapy - even one of small benefit -deserves approval. But many experts ward that(37)________ the drug could set a dangerous example by opening the door to treatments of questionable benefit.
Alzheimer's is an irreversible, (38)________ brain disorder that slowly attacks areas of the brain that are essential to memory, reasoning, communication, and basic daily tasks. In the final stages of the disease, the patients will lose the ability to(39)________
Science doesn't fully understand what causes Alzheimer's, but there's broad agreement that the brain plaque(斑点) that is being (40)________ by Aduhelm is one of the contributing factors. Evidence suggests family history, education, and chronic conditions like heart disease may all play a role. “This is a sign of hope but not the final answer,” said Dr. Richard Hodes, director of the U. S. National Institute on Aging.
III. Reading Comprehension
Section A
Directions: For each blank in the following passage there are four words or phrases marked A, B, C and D. Fill in each blank with the word or phrase that best fits the context.
Some people like to read the instructions from start to finish before they take action while others study the diagrams and then jump right in. This 41 for one approach over another when learning new information is not uncommon. Indeed, the notion that people learn in different ways is such a universal belief in American culture that there is a thriving industry dedicated to 42 learning styles and training teachers to meet the needs of different learners.
Just because a notion is popular, 43 , doesn't make it true. A recent review of learning styles found evidence to clearly support the idea that outcomes are 44 when instructional techniques align with (匹配) individuals' learning styles. Most previous investigations on learning styles focused on classroom learning, and assessed whether instructional style 45 outcomes for different types of learners. But is the 46 really where most of the serious learning occurs Some might argue that, in this era of flipped classrooms and online course materials, students 47 more of the information on their own. That might explain why instructional style in the classroom matters little. It also 48 the possibility that learning styles do matter. Perhaps a 49 between students' individual learning styles and their study strategies is the key to ideal outcomes.
To explore this 50 , researchers asked students enrolled in an anatomy class (解剖课) to complete an online learning styles assessment, answer questions about their study strategies and report details about the 51 they used outside of class(e. g. flash cards, review of lecture notes, anatomy coloring books).
Scores suggested that most students used multiple learning styles, but that no particular style 52 better outcomes than another. The focus in this study, however, was not on whether a particular learning style was more 53 . Despite knowing their own, self- reported learning preferences, nearly 70% of students 54 to employ study techniques that supported those preferences. Given the popular belief that learning styles matter, and the fact that many students 55 poor academic performance on the lack of a match between their learning style and teachers' instructional methods, one might expect students to rely on techniques that support their personal learning preferences when working on their own.
41. A. preference B. tendency C. phenomenon D. practice
42. A. identifying B. exposing C. revealing D. establishing
43. A. therefore B. moreover C. however D. instead
44. A. best B. acceptable C. disappointing D. undesirable
45. A. impacted B challenged C. confirmed D. supported
46. A. network B. classroom C. school D. lecture
47. A. require B. collect C. master D. demand
48. A. limits B eliminates C examines D. raises
49. A. comparison B. link C. balance D. match
50. A. issue B. possibility C. field D. proposal
51. A. equipment B. techniques C. notebooks D. assistance
52. A. originated in B. resulted from C. resulted in D. took over
53. A. important B. advantageous C meaningful D popular
54. A. failed B. managed C. struggled D. attempted
55. A. count B. concentrate C. blame D. conduct
Section B
Directions: Read the following four passages. Each passage is followed by several questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are four choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that fits best according to the information given in the passage you have just read.
I was sure that I was to be killed. I became terribly nervous. I fumbled (摸索) in my pockets to see if there were any cigarettes, which had escaped their search. I found one and because of my shaking hands, I could barely get it to my lips. But I had no matches; they had taken those. I looked through the bars at my jailer. He did not make eye contact with me. I called out to him, “Have you got a light ” He looked at me, shrugged and came over to light my cigarette. As he came close and lit the match, his eyes unconsciously locked with mine. At that moment, I smiled. I don't know why I did that. Perhaps it was nervousness, perhaps it was because, when you get very close, one to another, it is very hard not to smile. In any case, I smiled. In that instant, it was as though a spark jumped across the gap between our two hearts, our two human souls. I know he didn't want to, but my smile leaped through the bars and generated a smile on his lips, too. He lit my cigarette but stayed near, looking at me directly in the eyes and continuing to smile.
I kept smiling at him, now aware of him as a person and not just a jailer. And his looking at me seemed to have a new dimension too.
“Do you have kids ” he asked.
“Yes, here, here.”
I took out my wallet and nervously fumbled for the pictures of my family. He, too, took out the pictures of his family and began to talk about his plans and hopes for them. My eyes filled with tears. I said that I feared that I'd never see my family again, never have the chance to see them grow up. Tears came to his eyes, too. Suddenly, without another word, he unlocked my cell and silently led me out. Out of the jail, quietly and by back routes, out of the town. There, at the edge of town, he released me. And without another word, he turned back toward the town.
My life was saved by a smile, yes, the smile- the unaffected, unplanned, natural connection between people. I really believe that if that part of you and that part of me could recognize each other, we wouldn't be enemies. We couldn't have hate or envy or fear.
56. The underlined sentence indicates that the author and the jailer started to have a ________ conversation.
A. less impersonal B. more intense C. less formal D. more friendly
57. Which is true based on the first paragraph
A. My hands were shaking because of fear. B. The jailer was going to shoot me.
C. I smile8 because I had to beg for life. D. He smiled to me because he wanted to.
58. Their eyes were filled with tears because they both ________.
A. took out the pictures of their families B. missed their families far away
C. had plans and hopes for future D. feared that they would die
59. How does a smile succeed in saving the author's life
A. By asking for the jailer to light a cigarette. B. By planning for an exchange of family pictures.
C. By establishing natural connection between people. D. By hiding the human feelings of hate, envy or fear.
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FAQs on preparing your Application
Q: Should I target my Application to a specific Job Opening(JO)
A: Yes. Naturally, a customized cover note will also help you focus on the key aspects of your Application that relate to the JO, but it is also in your interest to target the Application according to the responsibilities and competencies of the position.
Q: What's the difference between duties and achievements
A: Duties describe the specific responsibilities of your job. They accurately reflect what you are doing or have done in each of your previous jobs. In other words, it is the “what you do” of your job. Achievements describe in specific terms “how well” you did in your job.
Q: Many of my achievements are team- based, how do I draft them in my Application
A: You should include your team- based achievements in your Application. Indicate that you were part of a team, and describe your specific role in reaching the goal.
FAQs on general Application guidelines
Q: Can I save my Application
A: Yes. You should save your Application when you make changes and/ or update it. It is recommended that you save different versions of your Application in Word format and then edit the Application online according to the post for which you are applying.
Q: Can I update my Application to apply for a new JO
A: Yes. Each time you apply for a new JO, we recommend that you review your Application and update it , if appropriate, or target it to better reflect your suitability for the new JO. Your updates will not affect the content of Applications previously submitted against other JOs.
Q: Must I use up all the available characters in each section of my Application
A: No. In fact, doing so may result in an unnecessary lengthy Application. Unless you have an enormous range of experiences, there is no reason to use up all the space given. Applicants are encouraged to list their duties and achievements in a clear and brief manner.
60. Which of the following descriptions best shows your achievements
A. I've developed various interests, ranging from oil painting to designing model.
B. I'm good at creating proposals for new product ideas aimed at a specific market.
C. I'm in charge of the clearance, production and distribution of information material.
D. I succeeded in directing a video presentation, assisting our group to win the first prize.
61. If you want to apply for another JO, you'd better __________.
A. target your focus on your interest in the JO
B. save your latest application in Word format
C. Serape one application with all your competencies
D. update your application to match new requirements
62. Applicants are expected to __________ in their applications.
A. introduce what JOs they have previously applied to
B. list the greatest achievements they have made in detail
C. give key information about their experiences and achievements
D provide the results of their tests, assessments and examinations
Atlantis is the legendary island that sank beneath the waves in the distant past, taking down with it an advanced civilization. Is it possible that we will ever find it Or, more importantly did it even exist
The short answer to both: No. All available evidence indicates that the philosopher Plato, sometime around 360 B. C., invented the island nation to illustrate a point about the dangers of aggressive imperialism(势力扩张). In Plato's telling, Atlantis was no utopia. Rather, it was a centrist to an idealized version of Athens from long before Plato's time. This ancient Athens was very similar to Plato's notion of the ideal state. Plato laid out the details for what such a state would look like in his famous work, I he Republic. It should be small and virtuous. The residents of Atlantis, on the other hand, were eventually “filled with an unjust lust for possessions and power," according to Plato's character who described the island.
In Plato's texts, Atlantis was “larger than Libya and Asia combined,”(which, in Plato's time. would have referred to modern- day northern Africa and over half of Turkey). It was situated in the Atlantic Ocean, somewhere outward from the Strait of Gibraltar. It's a landmass large enough that, if it really existed somewhere underwater in the Atlantic, it would certainly appear on sonar maps of the ocean floor.
So how did Atlantis come to represent a lost utopic civilization For that, you can mostly blame ( or thank) Ignatius Donnelly. In 1882, the former U. S. Congressman published Atlantis. The Antediluvian World. The book laid out 13 hypotheses, centered on the idea that Atlantis had truly existed, and indeed represented a place “where early mankind dwelt for ages in peace and happiness. According to Donnelly, Atlantis was the original source of many ancient civilizations around the world. If one followed the clues in Plato's writing, Donnelly believed, Atlantis could be found. He was inspired by a remarkable discovery in the early 1870s. An amateur archaeologist claimed to have unearthed the legendary city of Troy based on Homer's The Iliad. If Troy, long thought to be fictional, was real, why shouldn't Atlantis be, too
Donnelly was certain of his theory, predicting that hard evidence of the sunken city would soon be found, and that museums around the world would one day be filled with artifacts from Atlantis. Yet about 140 years have passed without a trace of evidence. The Atlantis legend has been kept alive, fueled by the public's imagination and fascination with the idea of a hidden. long- lost utopia. Yet the “lost city of Atlantis was never lost; it is where it always was: in Plato's books.
63. What can we learn about Plato
A. He predicted that Atlantis would be' destroyed by aggressive imperialism.
B. He was inspired by utopia to gradually form the notion of the ideal state.
C. He created the setting in which residents of Atlantis were not virtuous.
D. He witnessed Atlanteans' pursuit of an unjust lust for possessions and power.
64. Homer's The Iliad is mentioned ___________.
A. to demonstrate the actual existence of the legendary city of Troy.
B. as indirect evidence of the credibility of Plato's account of Atlantis.
C. because it is a great piece of fictional writing about an ancient legend.
D. because it contains many clues about the legendary city of Troy.
65. According to the passage, Atlantis was ___________.
A. a long- lost small utopia with many virtuous residents.
B. a large landmass situated in the Atlantic Ocean.
C. the original source of many ancient civilizations.
D. Plato's invention against which to highlight his ideal.
66. Which of the following is the best title for this passage
A. Plato, Atlantis and How the City Collapsed and Finally Got Lost
B Plato Told a Lie, and Ignatius Donnelly was to Blame for It
C. The History, Legends, and Evidence of the Lost City of Atlantis
D. Where Is the Lost City of Atlantis — and Does It Even Exist
Section C
Directions: Read the passage carefully. Fill in each blank with a proper sentence given in the box. Each sentence can be used only once. Note that there are two more sentences than you need.
A. In addition to painting on canvas, Crisco also paints on musical instruments. B. However, no matter what the scene is, none of the paintings focus on the darkness. C. His paintings take you on an unknown adventure into an unknown space, reminding you to be alert and brave. D. Through the use of glowing paint. he brings a sense of magic and energy to the scenes that he creates. E. Studies have shown that expressing themselves. through art can help people with depression and anxiety F. As a self- taught artist s be found his passion for art at a dark time in his life when he found himself suddenly out or work.
Bringing Light to the Darkness with Crisco Art
Most paintings are best enjoyed in galleries with good lighting. But an Italian artist who goes by the name Crisco is changing the way we look at paintings with a new approach: glow (发光) - in- the- dark paint.
Crisco's paintings are beautiful in normal lighting, but it is when the lights go down that they really come alive. (67)_________ His art mostly shows landscapes. Trees, horizons, and especially starry skies come alive with the glow of his paints. At the center of most of his work, there is often a human or animal figure. The figure may be just a shadow surrounded by the glowing colors, but it often appears to be the source of the light. (68)_________ Instead, they are all bright pictures of hope, life, wonder, and growth. They are Crisco's way o t adding a little light to the world.
Crisco's full name is Cristoforo Scorpiniti.(69)_________ Instead of letting a negative experience get the best of him, he threw himself into a new pursuit: art. According to Crisco, he paints with glowing colors to inspire hope. Though his paintings often show night scenes that look good in the dark, Crisco does not focus on the darkness. Instead, he uses his paintings to express positivity by creating light in the darkness.
A lot of his best work has come out of just painting what he felt at the time without any plan or structure.(70)_________ With over half a million followers on Instagram, Crisco is already popular on social media for his unique paintings. He'll surely only get more famous in the future for his inspiring paintings that beautifully mix darkness and light.
IV. Summary Writing
71. Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.
Are EV Really Environmentally Friendly
Many consumers are opting for an electric vehicle (EV) or plug- in hybrid electric vehicle (PHEV) to replace their polluting gas- powered cars. These electrified vehicles are rising to popularity on the premise of environmental conservation and eliminating the need for harmful emissions. There are a couple of things. however, to consider before concluding that EVs are the most environmentally friendly option for consumers.
Where do electric cars get their energy Although EVs create no emissions on board, they typically draw power from lithium- ion batteries. These batteries require charging, either at home or via a publicly accessible charging station. Since EV charging infrastructure is mainly reliant on the power grid - specifically, the grid draws power from plants like coal plants - although your EV does not produce any harmful emissions as you drive it, burning fossil fuels is involved in fueling it. Moreover, temperature extremes like excessive coldness or heat can dramatically reduce lithium- ion battery life. Carnegie Mellon University's Department of Engineering and Technology says that the most extreme cases of coldness will compromise efficiency by as much as 40%. The decreased efficiency is an issue if the power stored in the battery packs of EVs is sourced from fossil fuel- burning.
Besides the power source, metal s such as lithium and cobalt are wrapped up in environmentally and socially questionable processes, too. One of the first environmental issues lithium batteries pose is how to dispose of them properly. In an average battery recycling plant, all parts of the battery are shredded into a powder using a mechanical shredder and then either melted or dissolved into acid — recycling lithium batteries isn't as simple. Lithium batteries are typically made up of a mix of different elements including cobalt, nickel, manganese and iron —cobalt especially known to be a hazardous substance. In addition, most studies associate lithium mining in South America from salt brine with salinization(盐化) of freshwater that the locals need to survive. Since the mineral contains dangerous substances, the mining process also contaminates the local water basins. So, lithium extraction exposes the local ecosystems to poisoning and other related health problems.
V. Translation
Directions: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.
73.中国的茶文化历史悠久,“以茶待客”是传统习俗。( serve)
VI. Guided Writing
Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.
1) 你计划组建的社团名称;
2) 组建该社团的目的或意义;
3) 该社团准备开展的一项活动。


