
  1. 二一教育资源



乌鲁木齐市 2023-2024学年第一学期期末测试卷
2.满分 150分 ( 含听力20分) 。考试时间120分钟。
I.听力部分。( 满分 20分)
1. 2. 3. 4. 5. .
( )6. A. He lives in Beijing. B. He likes drawing. C. He writes music.
( )7. A. I'd like the rice. B. Bread, please. C. Yes, I like bread.
( )8. A. It's not easy. B. She was 19 years old. C. She felt happy.
( )9. A. Yes,I do. B. Yes, I did. C. Yes, I have.
( )10. A. At 4:00 p. m. B. Since last night. C. For two hours.
C.对话理解(本题5 小题,每小题1分,满分 5 分)
( ) 11. Where are the children
A. In the park. B. In the dinning hall. C. In the library.
( ) 12. How will Lucy get to Shanghai
A. By train. B. By car. C. By plane.
( )13. Who is the woman looking for
A. Sarah. B. Emily. C. Linda.
( ) 14. What language is Jim good at
A. English. B. French. C. Japanese.
( ) 15. How often does the boy's sister go shopping
A. Every year. B. Every week. C. Every month.
D.短文理解(本题5 小题,每小题1分,满分5 分)
( ) 16. Henry Ford was born in a family.
A. happy B. poor C. rich
( ) 17. He liked when he was a boy.
A. books and machines B. watches and machines C. films and watches
( )18. He worked in a machine shop for a week in the daytime.
A.$1 B.$3 C.$2
( ) 19. Henry Ford was an .
A. American inventor B. English inventor C. French inventor
( ) 20. He invented the first car .
A. in 1895 B. in 1983 C. in 1893
I used to dislike PE lessons as a teenager. I was not very good at sports, and I hated team sports 21 I always felt like I was disappointing the rest of the team. During these years, Isometimes felt disconnected from my body like only my brain was“me”and my 22 was just a vehicle (运载工具) for carrying my brain around.
When I started university, I decided to try a kung fu club. To my 23 , I loved it! In my first year, most of us were beginners. I used to go two or three times a week. Because it is not a team sport, I didn't feel 24 about not being very good. And because it is a combat(格斗) sport, you train in 25 , which means that you get to meet people and talk to them. I also appreciated (欣赏)that the classes not only 26 improving my kung fu skills, 27 aimed to transform my body through exercise. When I was doing kung fu, my body changed—I got 28 and quicker, but the changes were a side effect of the sport, instead of the goal.
29 I moved to Italy this year, I decided to start doing a combat sport 30 . I joined a local kung fu club and I loved it. We did lots of sparring (拳击). I think that sparring is like chess, but much faster and much more fun! If your sparring partner tries to 31 you hard with his fist, you have to move quickly to 32 him, block or even catch his arm and then hit him 33 .
When I was a teenager, I would say I just wasn't a sport y person and that I just didn't like sport and never would. Now I think that everyone should try as 34 sports as possible because I believe there is something out there for everyone! I feel connected to my body and I am 35 and have more energy when I have been doing sport.
( )21. A. because B. though C. as long as
( )22. A. shoulders B. body C. brain
( )23. A. amazing B. surprise C. surprised
( )24. A. successful B. happy C. sorry
( )25. A. pairs B. parts C. groups
( )26. A. hit B. pointed C. focused on
( )27. A. but also B. less than C. more than
( )28. A. higher B. stronger C. weaker
( )29. A. So B. If C. When
( )30. A. quietly B. again C. very much
( )31. A. jump B. catch C. hit
( )32. A. avoid B. touch C. attract
( )33. A. left B. turn C. back
( )34. A. much B. many C. more
( )35. A. happy B. boring C. happier
第一节 阅读并从所给选项中选出最佳选项(4篇阅读,共18小题,每小题2分,满分36分,其中有一篇为 T/F 判断选择题)
Susan is the daughter of the famous environmental scientist Clark. But the woman has become an environmentalist on her own.
In 1992, the first UN Earth Summit(峰会) was held in Rio de Janeiro. Thousands of people from around the world headed for it to talk about the Earth's tomorrow. Twelve-year-old Susan and three of her friends formed a group. They raised money to travel to Rio to attend the summit.
At the summit, Susan said that the state of the environment worried her a lot.“You don't know how to fix the holes in our ozone layer(臭氧层). You don't know how to bring back forests that once grew where there is now desert. If you don't know how to fix the Earth, please stop breaking it!”The six-minute speech silenced all the people and made them fall into deep thinking.
After that speech, Susan began to lead“two lives.”On the typical days, she was a schoolchild.But during her vacations, she spoke internationally about the environment.
Now, nearly 30 years has passed since Susan made her Rio speech. Although many of the world's environmental problems have become worse , Susan does agree that some things are different now. More and more people give voice like Susan because they have realized the importance of the environment.
“Thirty years ago, I was fighting for my tomorrow. Now, I am fighting for the future of my sons,”says Susan, now a mother of two, who has kept calling people's attention to climate change.
请根据短文内容判断正 (T)误(F)。
( )36. Susan gave her Rio speech when she was 12.
( )37. Susan and three of her friends all attended the summit in 1992.
( )38. Susan's speech was successful.
( )39. More and more people have realized the importance of the environment.
( )40. Susan, a mother of three, has kept calling people's attention to climate change.
The elegant Chinese pingfeng (folding screen) is an ancient invention that is an essential part of traditional Chinese furniture (家具) . The earliest common use of the pingfeng dates back to theHan Dynasty. The term pingfeng means protection from wind, showing its purpose at the very beginning.
As time passes by, it has been made into different sizes with colourful paintings. On screens usually appears a dragon. It stands for nobility (高贵) and power. The crane (仙鹤), a beautiful bird,can be seen on screens, too. It's a symbol of everlasting(长生的) life. Beautiful flowers, which mean wealth and good luck, are also chosen as a popular design of the pingfeng. All the designs carry people's beautiful wishes.
Behind pingfeng lies a beautiful story. In the past, the unmarried daughter of a rich family was not supposed to see or be seen by men except her father, brothers or very close male cousins. When an admire r paid a visit, however, she might take a secret look at him from a screen behind which she would be completely hidden. Her father would discuss poems with the young man and ask him to create one. If the daughter and her father gratified
the young man's poem and his looks, she might agree to take him as a husband.
Today pingfeng is back in fashion for its beauty and its practical(实际的) use as furniture.Acting as a moving wall or divider, it can be the perfect match (相配) for modern sofa s and walls,which adds style to them.
( )41. What was pingfeng used for at the very beginning
A. Protecting people from wind. B. Dividing a room.
C. Making a room beautiful. D. Hiding a person.
( )42. How does the writer develop his idea in Paragraph 2
A. By telling a story. B. By raising questions.
C. By giving examples. D. By explaining the result.
( )43. The underlined word "gratified" in Paragraph 3 refers to“ ”.
A. were sorry about B. were satisfied with
C. were worried about D. were nervous about
( )44. Which of the following is TRUE according to the passage
A. The Chinese pingfeng can date from the Song Dynasty.
B. The crane is a symbol of wealth and good luck.
C. In the past, the unmarried daughter shouldn't be seen by men.
D. The Chinese pingfeng can match the modern sofa s and walls.
( )45. What is the best title for the passage
A. The Practical Use of the pingfeng B. A Beautiful Story of the pingfeng
C. The Hidden Beauty of the pingfeng D. Different Designs of the pingfeng
When looking at a pair of old chopsticks, most people would see nothing but waste. But FelixBock would see boxes, tables, shelves and so on.
Felix Bock, a doctoral student at the University of British Columbia, Canada, found out people threw away about 100,000 pairs of chopsticks every day in Vancouver alone. He felt the need to do something. So he started the company ChopValue in the same year. The company collected used chopsticks from restaurants, schools and shopping centers in Canada and the US and turned them into furniture and other artworks. Now in its fifth year, with the rapid growth of the company, Bock employs 40 people, and using his special processing machines, he has recycled 32 million pairs of chopsticks.
Bock takes pride in his work. And he hopes the idea behind ChopValue will help people rethink what they see is not just waste.“I believe every small action can help,”he said.“And I am happy that my business provides a new way for people.”Hundreds of restaurants across NorthAmerica pay a small sum of money to Bock for the recycling of their used chopsticks. Bock doesn't stop there. Now he is busy taking his business to more countries and has set up factories for recycling local wood like chopsticks in 10 countries.
( )46. Which of the following is NOT TRUE according to the passage
A. The company process old chopsticks with special processing machines.
B. People threw away about 100,000 pairs of chopsticks a month in Vancouver.
C. The company turned used chopsticks into furniture and other artworks.
D. Bock ran his business not only in North America, but also in other countries.
( )47. What does the underlined word"employs" mean in Chinese
A.指责 B.召集 C.奖励 D.雇用
( )48. How does Bock's company help those restaurants
A. He give those restaurants a small sum of money.
B. Those restaurants give Bock some money for recycling their used chopsticks.
C. Bock builds some factories with those restaurants.
D. Bock think of some new ways to help those restaurants recycle other waste.
( ) 49. What's the passage mainly about
A. The plan for recycling local wood.
B. The new way to reuse waste.
C. The advice about setting up a company.
D. The advertisement to sell recycling chopsticks.
Snow forests make up about 30% of the world's total forest areas. These wonderful woodlands are not as famous as the Amazon rain forests but they are just as important.
Snow forests are found in the far north of the world, in areas that are quite cold and usually have a lot of snowfall. They lie across parts of Canada, China, Finland, Japan, Norway, Russia,Sweden and the US. Snow forests have very cold winters that can last up to six months. But even so,they are home to many kinds of animals, including foxes, mice and wolves. In the US and Canada,as many as five billion birds from more than 300 species(品种) live in the forests in the breeding(繁殖) season.
These woodlands perform an important job — helping to take in harmful gases(气体). The gases are given off by burning coal, oil and gas, which can cause climate change. However, snow forests are facing several problems. Trees are being cut down faster and faster for their wood, which can be used for building. Some forests are being cleared to make space for new roads and houses, or to allow coal and gas factories to grow. What's worse, as the world gets warmer, Canada and Russia have seen terrible fires spread through the forests.
Luckily, environmental and wildlife groups around the world are working hard to protect snow forests. This means that cutting down trees is controlled in some areas and the forests are seen as areas of special scientific research. When wood is needed, replanting plans and careful forest management(管理) help to reduce the human influence so that the forests are managed in a way that they can develop and regrow.
( )50. What do we know about snow forests from this passage
A. They need a long time to grow up.
B. They are important to many animals and birds.
C. They produce best wood for building.
D. They are as famous as rain forests.
( )51. Snow forests are in danger now mainly because of .
A. heavy snowfall B. air pollution
C. animals'waste D. human activities
( )52. What's the purpose of this passage
A. To compare rainforests to snow forests.
B. To invite people to visit snow forests.
C. To call on us to protect snow forests.
D. To describe the wildlife in snow forests.
( )53. What does the writer think of snow forests' future
A. Useful. B. Awful. C. Doubtful. D. Hopeful.
The only thing better than reading a good book is reading it with others. In a book club, a group of people choose a book that everyone will read separately and then discuss together. Reading is not only something you enjoy by yourself. 54
55 Because the rules you have made might well change, depending on the group.However, it's good to think ahead about how you'd like the book club to run and when and where you'll meet.
56 Think of eight to twelve people around your age. Perhaps encourage your friends to invite people who they know well but you haven't met. A book club can help you make friends.
Second, having a subject can make the club receive more attention. You might want to read fantasy stories or science fiction(小说). 57 If you take it in turns to choose the books you read,you might discover some great new books and authors too.
Finally, make sure you read the book before the meeting. 58
Actions speak louder than words. Try to start a book club of your own.
A. First, invite some friends to be your members.
B. There are no rules of starting a book club.
C. It's also a lot of fun to talk about what you're reading with friends.
D. A subject makes it easier to decide which book to read.
E. And then come to the meeting with questions to discuss.
54. 55. 56. 57. 58.
A: What's the matter 59 .
B: Mom, my bag is missing. Have you ever seen it
A: No. 60
B: I can't remember.
A: 61
B: No. Just my pink hair band, my books and a set of keys are in it.
A: 62 .
B: Yes, I guess so. I could only remember that I went to a picnic with my friends.
A: 63
B:Maybe. 64 .
A: Don't worry. It will turn up soon.
A. Where did you last put it
B. So it can't be stolen
C. I'll call them now to check if anybody has it
D. You look very worried
E. Is here anything valuable in it
F. Could it still be at the park
第一节 阅读短文,根据语篇内容,在方框内的缩写文章中,填入与短文意思最符合的单词,每空一
词,每词1分。 (6分)
Ludwig van Beethoven, who was born over 250 years ago, is one of the world's most-loved musicians. He is famous for his nine symphonies (交 响乐) . Before he died, he began his 10thSymphony, but never finished it. AI experts and musicians have used AI to fi nish it this year.
To mark the 250th anniversary (周年 纪 念 日) of Beethoven's birth, Deutsche Telekom organized a special team of musicians, Al experts and historians in the spring of 2019.
Their goal was to try to finish Beethoven's 10th Symphony with the help of AI. The team developed the“Beethoven Al”, which“understands”Beethoven's style. They provided the AI system with all of Beethoven's music. The works of musicians that influenced Beethoven were also provided. Some members of the team studied the notes Beethoven had left to figure out (弄清楚)what Beethoven was planning to do. It took the team over two years to finish Beethoven's 10thSymphony. On October 9,2021, the piece was performed for the first time ever by the Beethoven Orchestra(管弦乐队) in Bonn, Germany. It was broadcast live and free and a recording, Beethoven X——The AI Project, was released on the same day.
The piece was hotly discussed by the public. Some people spoke highly of it. Tim Hottges said,“I believe that the music is something truly amazing because people and machines have created something new.”However, some people also doubted whether it could be called art.
71. When did Deutsche Telekom organize the special team
72. What did Beethoven AI do in the team
73. What did Tim Hottges mean in the last paragraph
After exercising, the first thing that you want to do is to drink up a glass of cold water. When the water 74 (travel) down your throat, you will feel so good. However, you are often 75 (tell)not to do so. Is drinking cold water really unhealthy
Cold water is said to 76 (slow) down a person's digestion (消化). Have some cold water or a glass of cold drink 77 (cool) down your body temperature. Cold water causes your blood vessels (血管) to become narrower. So, the body needs to burn energy to bring your temperature back to normal. At 78 same time, less energy is used for digestion.
Think of your digestive system as a burning pot. If someone suddenly poured cold water into this pot, what would happen Doing this would be 79 (danger) . Similarly, when you drink cold water while 80 (eat), it is like adding water to a burning pot. Of course, it isn't that bad, but it is a good way to explain why drinking cold water during meals may be a bad idea. 81 you cannot control your urge (冲动) to do so, drinking water 82 room temperature is a better choice.
Traditional Chinese medicine suggests trying to avoid 83 (drink) cold water. And modern studies in Europe point out drinking cold water causes headaches. Scientists are 84 (do) more research on this. Maybe in the future, technology can give us more helpful information.
第二节 阅读短文,从方框内选择恰当的单词,并用其适当形式完成短文,每空限填一词,每词限用一词(共11小题,每小题1分,满分11分)
none silent stand we courage question fast protect but without begin stop
Once in a physics class, the teacher asked students,“Why do we have brakes (刹车) in our cars ”Soon, students gave different answers. A student 85 up and replied,“Sir, to stop the car.”Another one said,“To reduce and control the speed of the car.”
However, 86 of the answers was the same as the teacher's. Then he said,“All of your answers are right. But in my opinion, the brakes in the car make us able to drive much 87 .”
“If the car has no brakes, how fast are we ready to drive It is the brakes in the car that give us88 to drive fast and safely.”Listening to this, the whole class was 89 because no one had imagined this answer.
Similarly, there are many such“brakes”in our life, which seem to stop us. For example, our parents may ask
90 about progress or decisions in life. Their 91 or suggestions may be considered as“brakes”which stand in our way. But we can see them as our supporters which can92 us while taking risks. Sometimes, we have to 93 or even step back, so that we can take a big step.
In fact, it is the“brakes”in life that help us a lot. 94 these“brakes”, we could lose our direction or get into danger. So we need to understand that“brakes”in our life are not meant to push us back 95 to make us move forward more quickly than before.
VII.书面表达 ( 满分20分)
某英文网站正在开展以“A Learning Experience”为主题的征文活动。假如你是李华,请用英文写一篇短文,分享你的一次学习经历,以及你从中得到的收获。
A Learning Experience
Learning happens anytime and anywhere....21. A
22. B
23. C
24. C
25. C
26. C
27. A
28. B
29. C
30. B
31. C
32. A
33. C
34. B
35. C
36. T
37. T
38. T
39. T
40. F
41. A
42. C
43. B
44. D
45. C
46. B
47. D
48. B
49. B
50. B
51. D
52. C
53. D
54. C
55. B
56. A
57. D
58. E
59. D
60. A
61. E
62. B
63. F
64. C
65. musicians
66. but
67. special
68. studied
69. performed
71. In the spring of 2019
72. It "understood" Beethoven's style by analyzing all his music and some works of other musicians that influenced him.
73. He believed that the music was something truly amazing because people and machines had created something new.
74. travels
75. told
76. slow
77. to cool
78. the
79. dangerous
80. eating
81. If
82. at
83. drinking
84. doing
85. stood
86. none
87. faster
88. courage
89. silent
90. questions
91. advice
92. protect
93. stop
94. Without
95. but


