
  1. 二一教育资源



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56.a 57.Typically 58.private 59.to 60.how
61.calmness 62.functions 63.is considered 64.used
Dear George,
I’m writing to share with you some details about the “Campus Live
Chinese Handwriting Contest” that I participated in last week.
The contest featured 300 participants, each given 50 minutes to transcribe
a provided Chinese essay. Entries were judged based on accuracy,
neatness, and the beauty of handwriting. It was truly inspiring to witness
the dedication and creativity displayed by the contestants through their
handwriting. Though I didn’t win any awards, the contest provided me
with a valuable opportunity to learn from others and enhance my own
handwriting skills.
Next week, our school will host an exhibition showcasing the outstanding
entries from the contest. I would like to invite you to join me at the
exhibition. I hope you can attend, and we can appreciate the remarkable
works together.
Please let me know if you can make it.
Li Hua
67. Upon hearing the noise, Allen’s mother rushed upstairs and asked
what had happened. “Mary, she’s…she’s gone,” Allen sighed sadly with
disappointment. “Don’t worry, honey,” said his mother, trying to convey
comfort and confidence, “Let’s move together and find Mary. Six years of
companion has established a close bond between both of you. She will
definitely come back to her family.” Allen’s mother then kissed him
fondly on the forehead and helped him back up from the floor. Hand in
hand, they made their way downstairs and to the front door.
Filled with anticipation, Allen and his mother went outside to look for
Mary. They called out Mary’s name, even imitating bird sounds as they
walked down the street. They scanned their way down one block after
another-eventually they found themselves at the entrance of the park
Allen and Mary had been to multiple times. Amazingly, it was Mary that
was perching atop of the bench where Allen always liked to sit in times of
sorrow and loneliness. At the sight of Allen, Mary unhesitatingly spread
her wings and flew, chirping all the way, into Allen’s cupped hand. His
mother was right after all: Mary always found her way back to Allen’s
1.What does the man want to do now
A.Watch a basketball match. B.Buy a gift for his mother. C.Go to his mother's birthday party.
2.Why does Mike plan to take the bus home
A.His bicycle is broken.
B.He lives far away from the company.
C.Taking the bus is the most convenient.
3.When will the man arrive in Sydney
A.At 11: 00 a. m. B.At 10:00 p. m. C.At 6:00 p. m.
4.How did the man book the hotel for his holiday
A.On the Internet. B.On the phone. C.Through a friend.
5.What are the speakers mainly talking about
A.Whether to take a test. B.How to choose a major. C.Whether to seize the opportunity.
6.Where are the speakers
A.In a hotel. B.In a laundry. C.In a restaurant.
7.What will be sent to the man later
A.His dinner. B.His newspaper. C.His bill.
8.What is the woman most probably concerned about
A.The taxi’s speed. B.The traffic flow. C.The charging standard.
9.What is the woman going to do next
A.Pick up a person. B.See off a client. C.Go on a business trip.
10.What will the woman do tomorrow
A.Repair her laptop. B.Prepare a report. C.Have an interview.
11.What is the topic of the woman's presentation
A.A development plan. B.A technology research. C.A researching subject.
12.What might the woman worry about
A.Her laptop might not work.
B.She might feel too nervous.
C.She isn't sure of what to say.
13.What is the aim of the campaign
A.To remind people of Earth Day.
B.To encourage people to reduce garbage.
C.To warn people of the bad effects of pollution.
14.What will be the task on the second day
A.Planting trees. B.Designing posters. C.Collecting garbage.
15.What does the man expect the teachers to do
A.Paint paper. B.Stop driving cars. C.Decorate classrooms.
16.How does Sara find the man's ideas
A.Absurd. B.Hollow. C.Practical.
17.What did the speaker go to London for?
A.To work there. B.To have a holiday. C.To visit a friend.
18.In which season did the speaker go to London?
A.Spring. B.Summer. C.Autumn.
19.What did the speaker like most in London?
A.The wonderful plays.
B.The delicious food.
C.The beautiful scenery.
20.What can we learn from the talk?
A.It's necessary to take an umbrella in London.
B.The speaker will go to London again this year.
C.Most of the restaurants in London only offer English food
Weald & Downland Living Museum
Fun fact
Over 50 historic buildings from across the Weald and Downland area have been dismantled (拆除) and then reconstructed across a lovely 40-acre site in the south downs national park.
The collection of buildings represents almost a thousand years of rural life in south-east England: furnished just as they would have been in the past-complete with the homes, farms and public buildings. There’s a sense of exploring a real village as you wander between them along green paths, stopping to climb the stairs of a 17th-century craftsman’s (工匠) cottage to lie on the straw bed or sheltering from a shower in a smoky, 14th-century hall.
Getting there
The Stagecoach 60 bus service from Chichester to Midhurst stops just five minutes away at Grooms Yard, Singleton. The nearest railway stations are Chichester (2 miles) and Haslemere (7 miles). The museum is on Town Lane in Singleton, reached via the A286 from Chichester to Midhurst. Parking is free and there are disabled parking spaces opposite the museum shop.
Value for money
Yes. It’s not cheap but it’s a special experience that easily fills a day. Plus it’s a valuable cause worth supporting. Adults 14, children 5—17 and students 6.50, under-4s free, family 38 (two adults and two children) or 25 (one adult and three children).
Opening hours
Daily 10 a.m.—5 p.m. (last entry 4 p.m.).
21.What can visitors do in Weald & Downland Living Museum
A.Take a shower in the smoky hall. B.Learn construction techniques.
C.Experience rural life centuries ago. D.Stay overnight at craftsman s cottage.
22.How much would a couple with their 3-year-old daughter pay for admission
A. 25. B. 28. C. 34.5. D. 38.
23.What do we know about Weald & Downland Living Museum
A.It charges parking fees.
B.It allows visitors to enter until 5 p.m.
C.It is inconveniently located for bus riders.
D.It offers the disabled thoughtful service.
When I was growing up, I had an old neighbor named Doctor Gibbs. He didn’t look like any doctor I’d ever known. He never yelled at us for playing in his yard, but was always very kind.
When Doctor Gibbs wasn’t saving lives, he was planting trees. He had some interesting theories about planting trees. He hardly watered his new trees, an attitude which flew in the face of conventional wisdom.
Once I asked why and he told me that watering plants spoiled them because it made them grow weaker. He said he had to make things tough for the trees so that only the strongest could survive. He talked about how watering trees made them develop shallow roots and how, if they were not watered, trees would grow deep roots in search of water.
So, instead of watering his trees every morning, he’d beat them with a rolled-up newspaper. I asked him why he did that, and he said it was to get the trees’ attention.
Doctor Gibbs died a couple of years after I left home. Every now and then, I walked by his house and looked at the trees that I'd watched him plant some 25 years ago. They were tall and strong.
Every night before I go to bed, I check on my two sons. I often pray that their lives will be easy. But lately I’ve been thinking that it’s time to change my prayer. I know my children are going to encounter hardship. There’s always a cold wind blowing somewhere. What we need to do is to pray for deep roots, so when the rains fall and the winds blow, we won’t be torn apart.
24.What did the author think of Doctor Gibbs’s planting trees at first
A.Perfect . B.Puzzled.
C.Amused. D.Impractical .
25.What did Doctor Gibbs do to the trees he planted
A.He let them grow quickly.
B.He beat them to get their attention.
C.He helped them search for water.
D.He read a newspaper near them.
26.Which of the following can best describe Doctor Gibbs
A.Kind and wise. B.Calm and brave.
C.Careful and ambitious D.Strict and devoted.
27.What does the author learn from Doctor Gibbs
A.Elders are treasures.
B.Two heads are better than one.
C.A man without distant care must have near sorrow.
D.Only those who bear the most become the highest.
After several decades of development, Chinese cultural industries, such as video games and online literature, have created products that enrich global culture with creativity, imagination and local elements, appealing to consumers both home and abroad.
China’s video game industry, after three decades of development, has developed into a competitive player in the international market, especially in the section of mobile games, driven by the Internet and technological advancements.
With the widespread use of smartphones and the development of mobile Internet technologies, mobile games have become a major part of the global gaming market. Leveraging their leading technology and a large amount of experience in this area, Chinese gaming companies have successfully launched a series of popular game products in markets home and abroad.
According to the 2023 Chinese Games Overseas Research Report, in response to overseas market pressures, 63.6 percent of companies are focusing on long-term product strategies. Over 40 percent see getting global intellectual property (知识产权) , diversifying game types, exploring new game play mechanics, and outer cooperation as important breakthrough strategies.
Many also stress the importance of including various cultural themes, increasing localization efforts, broadening marketing approaches, and the application of cutting-edge technology. Liu Wei, chairman of miHoYo, describes his company’s track as a mixture of “technology innovation and cultural creation”. Tencent’s senior vice-president Ma Xiaoyi said, “Gaming is not an industry that grows alone. Since its beginning, it has always evolved with cutting-edge technology.”
Another notable cultural industry that has been getting more attention from overseas is online literature. After more than 20 years of development , Chinese online literature has become a basis for the golden development of downstream industries, such as publications, TV dramas, films, video games, audio books, and cultural creative products in the country.
28.What is the reason for mobile games becoming the majority of the global gaming market
A.Chinese cultural industries have developed at a fast pace.
B.Mobile games are more attractive than other games.
C.Users have been encouraged to buy mobile phone s these years.
D.Smartphones are widely used and technologies are more advanced.
29.Which of the following can best replace the underlined word “leveraging”
A.Operating. B.Lending. C.Employing. D.Influencing.
30.Why does the article mention Liu Wei and Ma Xiaoyi’s quotes
A.To provide examples of successful Chinese gaming companies.
B.To show the blend of technology and culture in Chinese gaming.
C.To emphasize the importance of technology innovation in gaming.
D.To introduce two important figures in the Chinese gaming industry.
31.What would be the best title for the text
A.Games, literature see online growth
B.The development of the international market
C.How to enrich global culture
D.To protect cultural creative products
Scientists at the University of Massachusetts Amherst have invented a new way to make electricity. Their method uses super-tiny holes to make electricity from moisture (湿气) in the air. The scientists hope the method will one day lead to cheap, clean electricity anywhere at any time.
Moisture in the air is what helps create electricity. Water droplets in the air carry an electric charge (电荷). In clouds, these water droplets build up large charges, which we later see as lightning. One of the researchers, Jun Yao, described the new invention as a “small-scale, man-made cloud”. Since the new device generates electricity from the air, the scientists call it “Air-gen”.
Currently, the device only makes a small amount of electricity- enough to power a small sensor. But in lab tests, the Air gen, which is a little bigger than a fingernail, produced electricity all day and all night for a week, powered by nothing but the air.
The scientists have tried to make electricity from humidity before, but those methods didn’t work for long, or were expensive to make. But in 2020, Dr Yao and his team found a way of getting electricity from humidity using special “nanowires” made from bacteria. That research led the scientists to the key discovery of the Air-gen: almost any material can create electricity in this way as long as it has nanopores (纳米孔) of the right size. This is important because it means in the future, the devices can be made very cheaply. The researchers hope that the Air-gen will become an important green energy source.
Many scientists are impressed with the ideas behind the Air-gen. But some scientists have suggested that it might be hard for the Air-gen to create enough electricity to really make a difference especially compared to power sources like solar energy. But Dr Yao and his team are working on ways to make the Air-gen technology more powerful. Because the device is s0 thin, the scientists believe that many Air-gen layers could be piled on top of each other to create more electricity without taking up more space.
32.The Air-gen is invented ________.
A.to collect water droplets in the air. B.to generate electricity from bacteria.
C.to create a small-scale artificial cloud. D.to produce electricity from moisture.
33.How does the Air-gen device generate electricity
A.By using large charges in lightening. B.By changing sunlight into electricity.
C.By using the electric charge in water droplets. D.By turning water into a usable energy source.
34.What is one potential concern raised by scientists about the Air-gen
A.It might not produce enough electricity. B.It has a negative impact on the environment.
C.It requires expensive materials to manufacture. D.It is less reliable than traditional power sources.
35.What’s the best title for the text
A.Inventing the Air-gen. B.Creating electricity from the air.
C.Experimenting with man-made cloud. D.Looking for green energy source.
Art is all around us. It can be found everywhere, including fancy galleries, people’s living rooms, and on the sides of buildings. So, why is art important
It promotes expression and creativity. As humans, we’re naturally drawn to art as a form of expression and communication. 36 It’s a way for them to express themselves before they’re able to speak. In fact, participation in the arts may even assist kids with language, motor skills, and visual learning development.
37 . When someone applies for a job, there are certain skills they need to have like data analysis or bookkeeping. However, many employers also understand the very important need for the skills which are hard to measure and often difficult to define. Some examples include a person’s ability to adapt to change, think creatively, or collaborate with team members.
It provides historical context. 38 . This is why people dedicate their lives to studying cave art, Shakespearean plays, and so much more. When we take the time to dive into art created in the past, we can learn about other generations and eras. We can study art to find out what those before us were facing and how they overcame it. 39 .
In therapy (疗法) settings, art also provides an opportunity for digging deeper and expressing emotions that are difficult to discuss. 40 . In one important study, children between 6 and 12 were asked to draw a house as a distraction after thinking about something upsetting. This group was able to improve their mood when compared with children who were instructed to draw the negative event or simply copy another drawing.
A.These are its major benefits.
B.Children love to draw, sing, and dance.
C.It helps all of us develop necessary soft skills.
D.How does it have an impact on our life
E.Similarly, future generations will learn about our current events by the art we leave behind.
F.Art and human history go hand-in-hand.
G.It can help people lift their spirits.
My family lived about a mile from the Bertram Woods Library.Throughout my childhood, my mother drove me there several times a week.
Our visits were never 41 enough for me.I loved wandering around the shelves, 42 the spines(书脊) of the books until something happened to 43 my eye.
I might have spent the rest of my life 44 libraries the way I viewed, say, the amusement park I went to as a kid.But then the 45 feeling came back into my life unexpectedly.
One day after we moved to Los Angeles in 2011, my son wanted to interview a 46 for his school assignment.So we went to the closest library.
As we drove over to meet the librarian, I experienced a(n) 47 of this similar journey in my past - another,parent and child on their way to the library.The 48 didn't look anything like the Bertram Woods, but when we 49 inside, a shock of recognition 50 me.Decades had passed, but I really felt as if I had 51 to that time and place, walking into the library with my mother. 52 had changed.There was the same soft sound of pencil on paper, and the 53 of people at the tables in the center of the room.The wooden checkout counters, the librarians’ desks, the bulletin board, were all the same.
It wasn’t that time 54 in the library.It was as if it had been captured here, or collected.A library, for me, is a gathering pool of 55 and of the people who come to find them.
41.A.long B.easy C.boring D.interesting
42.A.staring B.reading C.watching D.scanning
43.A.fill B.catch C.open D.block
44.A.wandering around B.thinking about C.talking about D.looking for
45.A.familiar B.exciting C.funny D.warm
46.A.professor B.teacher C.bookseller D.librarian
47.A.memory B.adventure C.hardship D.excitement
48.A.school B.building C.desks D.books
49.A.looked B.drove C.stepped D.read
50.A.stuck B.disappointed C.defeated D.struck
51.A.fallen B.returned C.gone D.devoted
52.A.Everybody B.Everything C.Nobody D.Nothing
53.A.talking B.laughing C.whispering D.chatting
54.A.travelled B.flew C.stopped D.changed
55.A.books B.contents C.stories D.achievements
Chinese screen, also known as pingfeng, is 56 unique and elegant piece of traditional furniture in Chinese decoration.
57 (typical), it is made of wood and features a delicate appearance. Famous for its carvings and paintings, the Chinese screen can block wind and noise from the outside, cover a door and make the room 58 (privacy). When decorating a house, Chinese people attach great importance 59 the harmony of their living space with the surrounding environment. Architects believe a screen can help to control 60 the energy flows in a room and promote a feeling of peace and 61 (calm).
With its roots in Chinese culture and ancient history, the screen is more than just a physical barrier or decoration. In addition to its decorative and practical 62 (function), the Chinese screen 63 (consider) a symbol of honor and respect as well. When important guests visit, the host often greets them behind the screen as a sign of respect and privacy.
Today, Chinese screens are still treasured and employed for their multiple roles. Whether 64 (use) to divide a room, create privacy, or add a touch of traditional elegance to a space, the Chinese screen 65 (remain) a beloved and valuable piece of design.
66.假如你是李华,上周你参加了学校举办的“校园现场中文书写大赛”(Campus Live Chinese Handwriting Contest),得知在邻校就读的英国朋友George对此很感兴趣。请你给他写一封信,内容包括:
1. 活动过程与感受;2. 邀请他参加下周的优秀作品展。
1. 写作词数应为80左右;2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear George,
Please let me know if you can make it.
Li Hua
Allen was playing in his room. He heard a familiar chirping and rustling from the cage in the bedroom corner. It was his beloved Blue Finch, named Mary. The boy had cared for the bird since he was six, a gift from his mother for graduating from kindergarten and entering primary school. Now, at 12 years old, Allen had just recently celebrated his primary school graduation and was about to take another step in his life journey toward junior high school. For the past six years, Mary was his constant companion and closest friend.
As he grew up, Allen found it difficult to make friends or be close to others. Having had to move around many times and transfer schools due to his father’s work in the military, Allen never felt like he truly belonged in any one place. He always knew it wouldn’t be long before he would have to move yet again. The stress and pressure of a constantly mobile life also led to strain and pressure at home, leading to loud arguments and fights between his mother and father which he could hear from behind closed doors.
But, throughout all of this. Allen’s closest friend and companion-the true source of stability in his life — was Mary, his finch. But Mary was more than just a simple, calm pet: whenever Allen felt sad, the bird would always be singing and chirping, almost as if she sensed how he felt and wanted to lift his spirits. And when Allen fed the bird, Mary always moved across her branch to rest against his finger, never failing to bring a smile to Allen’s face. Yet, one summer day after Allen had come home after a walk at the park he found the window of his bedroom open and the door of Mary’s cage open-the-bird was gone. Suddenly, Allen realized that he must have left the cage open after cleaning it and forgot about the window being open on such a hot day. Upset, Allen fell down to the floor sobbing.
1. 续写词数应为150词左右;
2. 请按如下格式在相应位置作答。
Upon hearing the noise, Allen’s mother rushed upstairs and asked what had happened.
Filled with anticipation, Allen and his mother went outside to look for Mary.


