外研版八年级上册Module6 Unit3Language in use animals in danger课件(共32张PPT)

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外研版八年级上册Module6 Unit3Language in use animals in danger课件(共32张PPT)


Module 6 Animals in danger
Unit 2
The WWF is working hard to save them all.
It is fat but lovely.
It has two black eyes.
It can climb the trees.
It has a black and white fur.
It sometimes eats meat.
It lives only in China.
It looks like a bear.
It usually eats bamboo shoots and leaves.
Where does the panda live
It lives in Sichuan, China.
It mainly eats bamboo.
What does it eat
Match the headings with the paragraphs.
Nature parks for pandas c) The panda’s home
WWF and animals in danger d) An animal in danger
Para.1 –
Para.2 –
Para.3 –
Para.4 –
d) An animal in danger
c) The panda’s home
a) Nature parks for pandas
b) WWF and animals in danger
Fast reading
Paragraph 1
Paragraph 2
Paragraph 3
Paragraph 4
---d). An animal in danger
---c). The panda’s home
---a). Nature parks for pandas
---b). WWF and animals in
Scan Paragraph 1 and fill in the blanks.
About ______ pandas are living
in the wild today.
2. Zoos and research centres are looking after
about ______ pandas.
An animal in danger
Pandas are in danger. There are only about 1,600 pandas in the wild today. Zoos and research centres are looking after about 340 pandas. Pandas do not have many babies , and baby pandas often die. The situation is getting very difficult. Scientists are doing a lot of research to help pandas produce more babies and help baby pandas live.
do a lot of research表示“做大量研究”。
e.g. produce more babies
1. Scientists do a lot of research
2. The government is setting up nature
parks _________________________.
3. The WWF chose the panda
4. The WWF is working hard
to help pandas to produce more babies and help baby pandas live
An animal in danger
Pandas are in danger. There are only about 1,600 pandas in the wild today. Zoos and research centres are looking after about 340 pandas. Pandas do not have many babies , and baby pandas often die. The situation is getting very difficult. Scientists are doing a lot of research to help pandas produce more babies and help baby pandas live.
Pandas live in the forests and mountains of Southeast China. ( )
Pandas need to eat a little bamboo every day. ( )
The bamboo forests are getting larger. ( )
Pandas are losing their home. ( )
a lot of
Scan Paragraph 2 Check and correct the sentences.
The panda’s home
Pandas live in the forests and mountains of Southwest China. Each panda needs to eat a lot of bamboo every day. The bamboo forests are getting smaller, so pandas are losing their home.
every “每”“各”,指三者或三者以上的整体,含有全体之意。
e.g. Every boy is here. 所有男孩都在这儿。
each “每一”“每个”,指两个或两个以上的每一个,着重于个别,如团体中一个的人或物。
e.g. He spoke to each member of the team.
Scan Paragraph 3 and answer the question
How is the government try to save the pandas
How is the nature park
The government is setting up nature parks, and developing other plans.
The nature park will be big and there will be more bamboo to feed the
the pandas
Nature parks for pandas
In order to protect pandas in the wild , the government is setting up nature parks and developing other plans . The nature parks will be big and there will be more bamboo to feed the pandas. The pandas born in zoo may go back to live in the nature parks.
1. Scientists do a lot of research
2. The government is setting up nature
parks _________________________.
3. The WWF chose the panda
4. The WWF is working hard
to help pandas to produce more babies and help baby pandas live
to protect pandas in the wild
Nature parks for pandas
In order to protect pandas in the wild , the government is setting up nature parks and developing other plans . The nature parks will be big and there will be more bamboo to feed the pandas. The pandas born in zoo may go back to live in the nature parks.
The panda is the symbol for the World Wide Fund for Nature.
2. The panda is the symbol of all animals in danger everywhere.
3. The WWF is working hard to save tigers, elephants and any other animals in danger.
Scan Paragraph 4 and check.
WWF and animals in danger
The World Wide Fun for Nature (WWF) wants to protect all animals. And it chose the panda to be its symbol. We do not want to lose tigers, elephants, or any other animals . So the WWF is working hard to save them all.
1. Scientists do a lot of research
2. The government is setting up nature
parks _________________________.
3. The WWF chose the panda
4. The WWF is working hard
to help pandas to produce more babies and help baby pandas live
to protect pandas in the wild
to be its symbol
to save all the animals
WWF and animals in danger
The World Wide Fun for Nature (WWF) wants to protect all animals. And it chose the panda to be its symbol. We do not want to lose tigers, elephants, or any other animals . So the WWF is working hard to save them all.
Pandas are ____
The situation is ____
Mind map
in dander
not many
often die
a lot of
nature parks
baby government nature produce save Scientists situation symbol
Zoos and research centers protect animals. (1) ________ do a lot of research to help pandas (2) _______ more babies. Very few (3) ______ pandas are born outside zoos. Many people are worried about the panda’s (4) ________. Luckily, the (5) ___________ is developing plans to (6) _____ pandas, and is setting up (7) ______ parks to protect them.
People all over the world love pandas, and the panda has become a (8) _______ of China.
In the wild
research centre
baby pandas
get difficult
do a lot of research
produce more babies
help sb (to) do sth
southwest China
lose home
in order to
set up
nature parks
develop plans
feed the pandas
pandas born in zoos
go back to
work hard to
(What is the animal )
Where does it live
What does it feed on
(why is it in danger )
How difficult is the situation
What do people do to save them
It’s a panda.
It lives in Sichuan , in the
southwest of China.
It feeds on bamboo.
Pandas doesn’t have many babies , and babies often dies. Second bamboo forests getting smaller.
The situation is getting very difficult. The pandas are in danger. There are only 1600 pandas in the wild.
The government is setting up panda reserve and nature park to protect the animals
Pandas live in Southwest China. They are in danger and the situation is getting very difficult. First, pandas don’t have many babies, and baby pandas often die. Second, pandas eat bamboo, but the bamboo forests are getting smaller. So the government is setting up nature parks with a lot of bamboo to help protect pandas.
Name: The northeast tiger
Home: in northeast of China.
Food: other animals
Problem: in danger. only22 in China
Reason: not have many babies people’s killing
lose land and forests not enough food.
Protection: stop killing tigers and other wild animals.
stop buying products made from tigers
give them more safe living places
build nature parks and reserves for tigers
What is the animal
Where does it live
What does it feed on
How difficult is the situation
why is it in danger
What do people do to save them
This is a northeast tiger. It lives in the northeast of China and it feeds on other animals. The situation is getting difficult. There are only about 22 tigers in China. Because tigers don’t have many babies and people often kill them. Tigers are losing their land and forests, they don’t have enough food. What do we do to protect tigers. First we should stop killing tigers and other wild animals. Second we need to stop buying products made from tigers. Then let’s give them more safe living places. Finally it’s good idea to build nature parks and reserves for tigers.
Animals are our friends. It is important to protect animals.
Name: The Asian elephant
Home : Asia
Food: leaves, grass
Problem: in danger. About 35,000
Reason: lose their land and forests
people’s killing for ivories(象牙)
Protection: stop cutting forests.
stop buying ivory products(象牙制品)
build elephant reserves and nature parks.
What is the animal
Where does it live
What does it feed on
How difficult is the situation
why is it in danger
What do people do to save them
1.Each panda needs to eat lot of ___________(bamboo).
2.Pandas don’t have many ____________(baby).
3. Scientists are doing a lot of ______________(research) .
4. The government is ___________(set) up nature parks.
5. We don’t want ___________( lose) their home.
6. They help baby pandas _______(live).
7. Pandas born in zoos may go back ____________(live) in the nature parks.
8.It chose the panda ___________(be) its symbol.
9.There will be more bamboo _____________(feed) the pandas.
10. The WWF is working hard __________(save) them all.
to lose
to live
to be
to feed
to save
Read and fill the blanks
II. 用所给单词的适当形式填空。
to visit
to hand
1. There is a kite ______ (fly) in the sky.
2. He’ll come _______ (visit) his uncle next week.
3. Please tell the children _______ (hand) in their homework on time.
4. A panda is one of the _______ (animal) I like best.
5. People must stop _______ (kill) pandas.
Make a poster
about protecting
animals in


