外研版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 1 Growing up训练(含答案,共8份打包)

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外研版(2019)选择性必修 第二册Unit 1 Growing up训练(含答案,共8份打包)


Unit 1 训练1 Vocabulary(A)
1.As a c____________ of your laziness and rudeness,I am forced to lay you off.
2.In c____________,if you have made a good friend,do cherish him or her.
3.This chapter is so difficult to ____________(消化) that I shall have to read it again later.
4.Equipped with a good command of skills,he is considered as the most s____________ candidate.
5.There is no e____________ that when a dog or cat is eating grass in the front yard,it’s going to rain.
6.With no one to turn to,I ____________(咽下) my pride and asked someone at the bus stop for help.
7.All the people present at the meeting decided to ____________(同意) of the plans for a new tax policy.
8.Knowing that you have won the ____________(选举),I’m writing to congratulate you sincerely.
9.Only if you d____________ yourself to your study will the high school experience be a memorable moment for you.
10.The conservationists’ c____________ to protecting endangered animals from dying out has paid off.
1.My parents live a simple life in order to lay ____________ enough money for my higher education.
2.It is known to us all that friendship means being ____________(commit) to others.
3.Why not conclude your speech ____________ that milestone event happening in your childhood?
4.He devoted his life to ____________(protect) the wild animals,which impressed me deeply.
5.A severe flood struck the city and there was a ____________(consequence) shortage of food.
6.There is convincing evidence ____________ listening to loud music can do great harm to our hearing.
7.His parents ____________(approve) of his marriage,but he married the girl against his parents’ will.
8.As far as I am concerned,reaching adulthood means taking responsibility ____________ what we are doing.
9.Having a good command of English,I am easily elected ____________ an assistant to my English teacher.
10.It was inspiring that he overcame ____________(vary) difficulties and finally achieved success through his own efforts.
Like any other child growing up,Nicole LaMont was an outgoing,adventurous and free-spirited child with the dream of becoming a scientist.“My childhood was filled with imagination of adventure and curiosity,” Nicole said.She experienced a normal childhood,but when she was 12 years old,a terrible illness led her to lose her hearing in both ears.
“My world was turned upside down,” said Nicole.“I went from being a talkative,joyous child to being quiet and depressed.” However,she came to realize she had to fight when it was determined that her hearing would not return.With her family’s help,Nicole began to learn American Sign Language(ASL).
A year later,she received an operation where she was implanted(植入) a hearing device,which brought back some light to her life and she also learned how to adapt to the new life.It wasn’t until she attended Gallaudet,a school for the deaf,that she fully devoted herself to ASL and the deaf community.“Becoming fluent in ASL and having total communication allowed me to feel a sense of acceptance again,” said Nicole.“I found my confidence and ‘visual(视觉的) voice’ in the performing arts.”
It was then that she made her first request,demanding subtitles(字幕) for movie theatres in Alabama.After much struggle,Nicole’s efforts proved successful,and today nearly all movie theatres in Montgomery and Birmingham offer subtitles for the deaf.After graduating from Gallaudet University,Nicole continued to use her new found “visual voice” through taking part in several activities.“By doing this,I want to show that deaf people can achieve much.It’s very important to educate and support hearing families that struggle with making the best decisions for their deaf children’s education,” said Nicole.
语篇解读 本文是记叙文。文章主要介绍了Nicole的励志故事,她在12岁时因生病而丧失听力,但是她没有气馁,而是学习手语,并致力于美国手语和聋人社区服务。
1.Which of the following best describes Nicole’s childhood
A.Fruitful. B.Colorful.
C.Lonely. D.Poor.
2.What did Nicole get after she mastered ASL
A.A sense of belonging.
B.A hearing device.
C.A chance of going to college.
D.A totally new treatment.
3.What can we know from the last paragraph
A.Nicole called on all US cinemas to offer subtitles.
B.Nicole was going to donate her invention—visual voice.
C.Nicole was determined to train more deaf kids to go to school.
D.Nicole hoped to promote deaf education in hearing families.
4.What’s the best title for the text
A.More Self-control,More Success
B.Keep Going,and You Can Make It
C.Illness Makes One More Confident
D.He Who Laughs Last Laughs Longest
When you were at school,were you ever told to stop daydreaming and concentrate It was easy for your mind to wander if you weren’t interested in what you were learning or if you had better things to think about. 1 However,understanding how to do it,and knowing what is distracting you can help.
Scientists have looked at what makes us procrastinate(拖延) and found a number of ways to help us stay focused. 2 Research by Science Focus magazine found silence is best for concentration,or a gentle background hum and coffee shop noise is great! It also found turning off reminders on your phone,or switching it off altogether,removes a major distraction and helps us focus on the task at hand.
3 Psychologists and neuroscientists are increasingly interested in our ability to focus and have looked at what we can change inside our heads to make us concentrate.An article for BBC Future by Caroline Williams says that “Attention Researcher Nilli Lavie of University College London has found that making a task more visually demanding takes up more processing power and leaves the brain nothing left to process distractions.” 4
There are more practical tips toward keeping your mind focused.These include making a list or timetable of the tasks you have to do,finding a workspace where you’re not tempted to do other things,or chewing some gum! It’s possible that the movement in your mouth occupies parts of the brain that might otherwise get distracted. 5 “If we were always so focused that we never got distracted,we’d miss potential changes,such as threats,in our environment.Distraction is vital for survival,” according to Science Focus magazine.
A.But distraction isn’t all bad.
B.Staying focused can still be a challenge in adult life.
C.Therefore,keeping yourself busy might be one answer.
D.Your ability to concentrate well affects how effective you are.
E.Another possible cure for a short attention span is brain training.
F.One obvious solution is to get rid of distracting noises or use “white noise”.
G.Some people procrastinate because they worry that they won’t be able to complete tasks perfectly.
训练1 Vocabulary(A)
Ⅰ.1.consequence 2.conclusion 3.digest 4.suitable 
5.evidence 6.swallowed 7.approve 8.election 
9.devote mitment
Ⅱ.1.aside 2.committed 3.with 4.protecting 5.consequent 6.that 7.disapproved 8.for 9.as 10.various/varied
1.B [推理判断题。根据第一段中“‘My childhood was filled with imagination of adventure and curiosity,’ Nicole said.”可知,Nicole的童年充满了冒险的想象力和好奇心,由此可推知,她的童年是丰富多彩的,故选B。]
2.A 3.D
4.B [标题归纳题。通读全文,尤其是最后一段可知,文章主要介绍了Nicole的励志故事,她在12岁时丧失听力,但是她没有气馁,而是学习手语,致力于美国手语和聋人社区服务,并取得了显著的成效。故选B。]
Ⅳ.1.B 2.F 3.E 4.C 5.A 训练2 Vocabulary(B)
At the airport,one of my partners greeted me with a broad smile.“Welcome to Cuba!” he exclaimed in perfect English,giving me a strong handshake and a hug.The next day,we drove to the research center where he worked.In the conference room,each of us gave a presentation about science and what we hoped to learn from the study of Cuban rivers.
Then,we toured every lab in the building.I met scientists,technicians,secretaries,students,and the cook.Some spoke English,and others communicated with me in Spanish while my cooperator translated.I was introduced to each person in their center,and that was what I remembered most.
Then we met again to brainstorm.Together,we studied maps carefully to plan how we were going to collect samples.Had it not been for the Cubans,I would have been unaware that the maps I had were outdated and wrong.They left out reservoirs,which was a problem because if we had sampled downstream of them,our results would have been misled.
On the last night of the trip,we searched for a restaurant that could seat all 14 of us at one table because that’s what teams do—sitting together.When a restaurant couldn’t seat the team without splitting us up,my partners insisted that we move on and find another restaurant with a large enough table.
In 26 years as a professor,I’ve always tried my best to treat my students as valued partners.I have never been a fan of the grade system in the academic world.I urge everyone working with me to feel as though they are part of a team.But my Cuban partners take teamwork to another level entirely.They make it clear—through actions,both big and small—that all team members are valued,that everyone is equal,and that true teamwork contributes to better science.
I returned to the United States as a changed scientist.Now,I spend more time listening and making sure that everyone’s voice is heard.
语篇解读 本文属于记叙文。作者讲述了他在古巴与合作伙伴们一起进行研究的经历,这让作者明白,团队合作中,最重要的是平等对待每个人,倾听每个人的声音。
1.What impressed the author most when he visited the research center
A.He was led to see everyone.
B.There were no many people there.
C.Everybody gave a great presentation.
D.The cooperator spoke perfect English.
2.Why did the author’s partners refuse to eat at the first restaurant
A.Because they wanted a smaller one.
B.Because they wanted to save money.
C.Because they didn’t want a crowded one.
D.Because they didn’t want to be separated.
3.Which of the following does the author stress in the team
A.Honesty. B.Devotion.
C.Cooperation spirit. D.Scientific theory.
4.What can we infer about the author from the text
A.He used to treat his students unfairly.
B.He used to be misled by other scientists.
C.He focuses on the opinions of the masses now.
D.He speaks highly of the grade system in science now.
Keeping kids busy with various activities provides them with a well-rounded social life.Growing up,I knew many teenagers who were actively involved in both sports and student government.Those teenagers all ended up going to college and graduating.This may not be the situation in all cases,but from what I have noticed,teens who stay active and do good in the community are typically the ones who deal with anxiety and depression(抑郁) better.
A 2015 study published by professor of biology Theodore Garland concluded,“If kids exercise regularly through the school years,they may be more likely to exercise as adults,which could have far-reaching positive effects on human health and well-being.Our results suggest that any positive effects of early-life exercise on adult exercise tendencies will require reinforcement(强化) and maintenance if they are to be long-lasting.” This study found that along with physical activity,having a spirit of adventure would also help improve children’s physical and mental health.
Some parents disagree.They feel that pushing a child to stay active and involved causes unnecessary stress and can have the opposite effect,making him/her hate being involved or being active.Parents also fear their children will experience failure,which they believe could lead to low self-confidence.
The key to helping the youth stay motivated is not pressuring them too hard.People who have strict parents typically rebel(反抗) or feel they will never be good enough.Keep in mind that encouraging the youth to be competitive isn’t the best thing.Some of the unhappiest people I have met are competitive.Positive reinforcement is the best way to keep people motivated.
An active and involved youth will show personal qualities that will become useful in the future.Some of these include leadership,teamwork,a healthy lifestyle,educational benefits,respect and trust,which will lead to success in the future.
语篇解读 这是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了让孩子们忙于各种各样的活动可以为他们提供一种全面的社交生活。帮助年轻人保持积极性的关键是不要给他们太大压力。
5.According to the author,what do we know about active teens
A.They get much better education.
B.They concentrate more on self-improvement.
C.They do well in both sports and management.
D.They deal with some mental problems better than others.
6.What did the study in 2015 imply
A.The positive effect of early-life exercise is not necessarily lasting.
B.Physical activity helps children become more confident.
C.Early-life exercise has positive effects on relationships.
D.School life experience has a long-lasting influence.
7.Why are some parents against teens’ being active
A.They believe it may take a lot of time.
B.They think it is unnecessary to push kids.
C.They are worried about the opposite effect.
D.They are afraid it makes their children feel depressed.
8.What is paragraph 4 mainly about
A.The importance of trusting the youth.
B.The key to keeping the youth motivated.
C.The possible problem faced by the youth.
D.The reasons for helping the youth stay positive.
Long ago in ancient China,there was a mythical figure 1. (know) as Shennong.Not only did Shennong bring agriculture and the use of herbal medicine to China,but he also invented 2. (agriculture) tools and techniques,and the Chinese calendar with its 24 solar terms.
It is said that the home town of Shennong was a forest in Hubei Province,which today is called “Shennongjia”.This beautiful and diverse region covers 3. area of 3,253 square kilometers of north-west Hubei Province.It gives shelter to over 1,000 species of medicinal plants,many of 4. are rare and unique to Shennongjia.Here mountain slopes(山坡) 5. (cover) with trees and some of them grow up to 40 meters tall.In summer,pink and violet flowers lend splashes of color.These are some of 6. (it) most breathtaking landscapes.The magnificent Shennong Peak rises to 3,105 meters above sea level.
Banbiyan is famous for its stone forest,as well as its bamboo forests and grasslands that flood with 7. (flower).The stone forests of Fengjingya stand 8. a background of green mountains that reaches as far as the eye can see.When it rains,the tops of these mountains look like islands 9. (float) on a sea of e to Shennongjia 10. (enjoy) its beauty and the legend.
训练2 Vocabulary(B)
Ⅰ.1. A 2.D
3.C [推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“I urge everyone working with me to feel as though they are part of a team.But my Cuban partners take teamwork to another level entirely.”可推知,作者在团队中强调合作精神。故选C。]
4.C [推理判断题。根据最后一段“I returned to the United States as a changed scientist.Now,I spend more time listening and making sure that everyone’s voice is heard.”可知,作者现在专注于每个人的意见。故选C。]
6.A [推理判断题。根据第二段的“Our results suggest that any positive effects of early-life exercise on adult exercise tendencies will require reinforcement(强化) and maintenance if they are to be long-lasting.”可知,早期的锻炼活动对于成年后的发展的积极影响需要强化和维护才能持久,即可推知,早期锻炼活动的积极影响未必会持久。故选A。]
8.B [段落大意题。根据第四段“The key to helping the youth stay motivated is not pressuring them too hard.People who have strict parents...”可知,该段主要讲了使年轻人保持积极性的关键所在。故选B。]
Ⅱ.1.known 2.agricultural 3.an 4.which 5.are covered
6.its 7.flowers 8.against 9.floating 10.to enjoy训练3 Understanding ideas(A)
1.我一得知孤儿院需要志愿者,就迫不及待地报名了。(the instant;couldn’t wait to do)
2.我不仅外向,而且非常愿意为我们的社会做出贡献。(more than+形容词;make contributions to)
3.我与孩子们交流的方式也得到了周围人的认可。(the way作先行词的定语从句;approve)
【组句成篇】 以上句子可以加上过渡词语和其他联想内容组成一篇小短文。
During my adventure,what impresses me most is something about Aboriginal in Australia,which is worth mentioning.They have a complex and fascinating spiritual life.Their culture is filled with ceremonies with special meaning,among which the Walkabout coming of age ceremony for 16-year-old young men is definitely an intense one.
Traditionally,young men who are undertaking their Walkabout ceremony are dressed noticeably.So others know what they are doing.Their bodies are covered with paint and the way they are decorated varies based on region—some will even receive a permanent mark when they set out,such as removal of a tooth.
The journey can cover as much as 1,000 miles.The landscape of Australia is famously dangerous with soaring temperatures and poisonous creatures,so the young man must be able to adequately and safely provide for himself.He needs to know how and where to get clean water,to build safe shelter,to hunt for food and to identify edible plants.He must also know which plants are medicative as to care for his own wounds and injuries.
While the physical aspect of the Walkabout helps young men prove they are capable members of their tribe,the spiritual aspect makes them a worshiper.He is expected to reflect on his relationship with his ancestral land.He is taught to sing traditional spiritual songs known as “songlines”,which describe their ancestral milestones such as rivers and rock formation.The boys are not given modern instruments such as compasses or drawn maps,so the boy makes his journey with the aid of a spoken map.
Today,the traditional Walkabout ceremony is still considered as an extremely important part of their identity by some young boys,but the physically demanding aspects of the Walkabout seem to lose out.Some young men want to complete Walkabout but do not feel comfortable doing so on foot.Others are unable to take a monthly Walkabout due to school or work.They may choose to experience the Walkabout as a road trip,driving through their ancestral lands.
Nevertheless,as long as the ceremony helps boys connect with their ancestors,the tradition will never fade.
语篇解读 这是一篇说明文。文章主要对土著人的一个传统的成人礼作了简要和客观的介绍。
1.How do people know about what Aboriginal young people are doing at the Walkabout ceremony
A.From their famous landscape.
B.From the communication with local people.
C.From the songs they often sing.
D.From the features of their dressing.
2.Why do Aboriginal young men have to provide for themselves
A.Due to lack of efficient transportation.
B.Due to their good ability to build shelter.
C.Due to the harsh condition of landscape.
D.Due to the aid of a spoken map.
3.What can we learn from the passage
A.Walkabout ceremony is the most important ceremony among Aboriginal.
B.Ancestral milestones still have an impact on capable young men in the tribe.
C.The tradition of the ceremony is likely to disappear even if preserved well.
D.The physically demanding aspects are taken into account at the Walkabout ceremony.
4.What’s the main purpose of the passage
A.To criticize the negative aspects of Walkabout ceremony of Aboriginal.
B.To call on us to preserve the tradition of Walkabout ceremony.
C.To appeal to us to worship our ancestors more.
D.To give an objective introduction to a traditional ceremony.
It was early in the morning and I was building a sand castle on the beach.After finishing the basic shape,I began to decorate the form with 1 .A boy walked up and began to kick at the castle.I 2 what was in his mind for him to do such a thing.
Pausing for a while,I held out my hand 3 with shells and said,“Here,help me put these on.” He stopped 4 ,looked at me for several seconds,then took them and began to 5 them on the castle.We decorated in 6 silence.When the entire castle was covered in shells,we stepped back to look at the 7 .“We did a good job,” I said,“Thank you.” He smiled at me and left.I watched for a moment as he walked away and 8 the boy’s reaction.He must have been 9 when I didn’t shout at him to stop his kicking,or take even more aggressive action towards him. 10 ,I extended my hand to him,and he chose to spend his 11 on the sand castle.
Many years later,that 12 is still a golden thread in my life’s tapestry(织锦).It is a lovely solution.I realize that when someone gives me a(n) 13 ,if appropriate,I give them some “shells”. If I and others,practice 14 solutions with smaller problems,we may one day seek to find proper ways to deal with the really 15 ones.
语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章讲述了作者在海滩上建造的沙堡遭到一个男孩的破坏,但作者并没有责备他,而是邀请他一起装饰沙堡,最后使男孩兴高采烈地离开。作者回忆这个经历,认为这是一个很好的解决方式,并认为如果我们在小问题上采用类似的方法,我们可以更好地解决大的问题。
1.A.flowers B.shells
C.jewels D.stones
2.A.predicted B.imagined
C.wondered D.doubted
3.A.decorated B.covered
C.dotted D.filled
4.A.kicking B.buffeting
C.building D.escaping
5.A.switch B.base
C.place D.carry
6.A.comfortable B.annoying
C.anxious D.shocking
7.A.beach B.work
C.product D.performance
8.A.worried about B.cared about
C.heard about D.thought about
9.A.defeated B.delighted
C.surprised D.satisfied
10.A.However B.Instead
C.Therefore D.Otherwise
11.A.time B.money
C.life D.vacation
12.A.image B.attempt
C.issue D.moment
13.A.challenge B.option
C.opportunity D.assistance
14.A.efficient B.peaceful
C.accessible D.various
15.A.identical B.vital
C.unusual D.big
训练3 Understanding ideas(A)
Ⅰ.1.The instant I learned that volunteers were wanted in the orphanage,I couldn’t wait to sign up for it.
2.Not only am I outgoing,but also I am more than glad to make contributions to our society.
3.The way I am communicating with children is also well approved by the people around.
4.As far as I’m concerned,no one is more suitable for the job than me.
5.If admitted to be a volunteer,I will commit myself to working hard.
The instant I learned that volunteers were wanted in the orphanage,I couldn’t wait to sign up for it.Not only am I outgoing,but also I am more than glad to make contributions to our society.The way I am communicating with children is also well approved by the people around.As far as I’m concerned,no one is more suitable for the job than me.If admitted to be a volunteer,I will commit myself to working hard.I would appreciate it a lot if you can take my application into consideration.Looking forward to your early reply.
Ⅱ.1.D 2.C
3.B [推理判断题。根据第四段的内容,尤其是“He is expected to reflect on his relationship with his ancestral land.He is taught to sing traditional spiritual songs known as ‘songlines’,which describe their ancestral milestones such as rivers and rock formation.”可知,部落年轻人仍被要求牢记这片土地的历史和特征,由此可推知,祖先的里程碑对部落里有能力的年轻人仍有影响。故选B。]
4.D [写作意图题。纵观全文,尤其根据第一段和最后一段内容可知,本文对土著人的一个传统的成人礼作了简要和客观的介绍,由此可推知,文章的主要目的是客观地介绍一种传统仪式,故选D。]
1.B [根据后文“I held out my hand with shells”可知,作者用贝壳装饰沙堡。故选B。]
2.C [根据前文“A boy walked up and began to kick at the castle.”可知,一个男孩走了过来,开始踢沙堡。作者想知道男孩为什么这样做。故选C。]
3.D [根据前文“my hand”可知,作者的手里满是贝壳。故选D。]
4.A [根据后文“looked at me for several seconds”可知,男孩停止踢作者的沙堡。故选A。]
5.C [根据后文“them on the castle”可知,男孩接过贝壳把它们放在沙堡上。故选C。]
6.A [根据后文“‘We did a good job,’ I said,‘Thank you.’ He smiled at me and left.”可知,男孩和作者相处融洽,最后在微笑中感谢作者,因此推断二人在舒服的沉默中装饰沙堡。故选A。]
7.B [根据前文“When the entire castle was covered in shells...”可知,作者和男孩一起完成了装饰沙堡,所以沙堡成为一件作品。故选B。]
8.D [根据前文“He smiled at me”可知,作者对男孩的反应进行思考。故选D。]
9.C [根据后文“when I didn’t shout at him to stop his kicking,or take even more aggressive action towards him”可知,作者没有对他大喊大叫制止他,或者对他采取更激进的行动,所以男孩一定很惊讶。故选C。]
10.B [根据前文“when I didn’t shout at him to stop his kicking,or take even more aggressive action towards him”可知,作者没有对他大喊大叫制止他,或者对他采取更激进的行动,相反向他伸出手,邀请男孩一起装饰沙堡。故选B。]
11.A [根据前文“He stopped ,looked at me for several seconds,then took them and began to them on the castle.”以及“he chose to spend”可知,男孩选择花时间与作者一起装饰沙堡。故选A。]
12.D [根据前文“He smiled at me and left.”可知,男孩向作者微笑表示感谢的举动,那一刻仍然是作者生命织锦上的一根金线。故选D。]
13.A [根据前文“A boy walked up and began to kick at the castle.”可知,男孩踢作者的沙堡,作者将此行为比作是别人给作者的挑战。故选A。]
14.B [根据前文“when I didn’t shout at him to stop his kicking,or take even more aggressive action towards him”可知,作者没有对他大喊大叫制止他,也没有对他采取更激进的行为,而是采取平和的方式解决问题。故选B。]
15.D [根据前文“with smaller problems”可知,如果我们和其他人用和平的方法解决小问题,也许有一天我们会找到处理大问题的正确方法。故选D。]训练4 Understanding ideas(B)
Scientists have made great discoveries.But how have they influenced our personal lives Do kids in your classroom even know when Einstein lived You may be wondering:why is it important to teach kids stories about modern-day scientists
First,stories of scientists can encourage kids.Chris Hadfield is a Canadian who went to space,and he’s a real guitar-playing person.He makes singing videos on the website.His story can make kids think scientists are also common people.Hearing scientists’ stories makes kids think that they can do that too.
But not only that,the stories of famous scientists can encourage kids to explore and never give up.Bill Nye was always refused when trying to be an astronaut.But up to now,he has made a lot of successes in his role as a popular science educator and engineer.Besides,it’s no secret that scientific discoveries require trying,and trying again.
Another way some scientists can encourage kids is through their diversity.Neil deGrasse Tyson,for example,is an African-American,which is not common in his field.Such stories can make kids think anyone can be a scientist.
It’s important to know that scientists don’t need to be “gifted” or “good” at school.Often we consider a scientist as being an extremely smart kid at school,which doesn’t have to be true.They just need to have a great interest in science.Telling students stories of scientists can encourage them to show interest in science.As long as they are interested,they are likely to become a scientist in the future.
Modern scientists teach kids that knowledge builds upon the foundation others have laid.This is important—no one can do it alone.Scientists’ stories can encourage today’s young scientists to keep trying.They’ll be encouraged not to give up on the dream of exploring and making discoveries.Even if they haven’t made important discoveries,their research may help the following scientists.
语篇解读 这是一篇说明文。文章主要介绍了分享科学家的故事对孩子成长的重要性和积极影响。
1.What can Chris Hadfield’s story tell students
A.Scientists are interested in different things.
B.Students should have a hobby of their own.
C.Scientists can be ordinary like people around us.
D.Students should consider scientists as their models.
2.Which of the following will the author agree with
A.Scientists are not necessarily very smart at school.
B.Not all scientists really show interest in science.
C.Scientists are usually good at their schooling.
D.African-Americans are more likely to become scientists.
3.What can be learned according to the last paragraph
A.Scientists should help each other.
B.A scientist should never give up trying.
C.Making discoveries is necessary for scientists.
D.New scientific discoveries may be based on others’ findings.
4.What is the text mainly about
A.Why scientists are important to us.
B.Why students love stories of scientists.
C.Why scientists can make great discoveries.
D.Why students should be taught stories about scientists.
Japan recently lowered its voting age from 20 to 18.This decision was in order to help young people feel more engaged in politics.But it may also signal the change of social views regarding the beginning of adulthood.
Adulthood has traditionally been defined by a combination of age and the achievement of social milestones(里程碑).Most countries have a legally defined age to determine when a person becomes an adult—the age of majority.In Australia,most states consider a person to be an adult in court at 18.The age of 18 is also consistent with other adult privileges,such as the right to purchase alcohol and to marry.However,17-year-olds can serve in the army and get a driver’s licence.The law defines adulthood on the basis of age and it also recognizes the process of becoming an adult as involving himself gradually in social responsibility.This legal approach to adulthood is mirrored in other countries,where there are differences between the age of majority and social responsibility given to young people.
Socially,determinants(决定因素) of adulthood traditionally focus on a person taking increasing responsibility for their lives in various pleting school,taking full-time employment,getting married and parenthood—these are all observable indicators to determine when a person is viewed as an adult.
Since the 1980s,however,people have achieved some of these observable milestones at later ages.Increased access to education has delayed young people leaving home and developing romantic relationships.Economic changes have also resulted in unstable employment markets and increases in costs of living,prompting many young people to remain at home and dependent on parents.
Due to these social changes,our expectations of young people and their level of social responsibility have also changed.The recognition of a new life stage—emerging(发展初期的) adulthood—has been recommended to account for the changes to social milestones that have traditionally represented adulthood.
语篇解读 这是一篇说明文。文章认为社会变化导致了人们对于成年的观念发生变化。
5.What can we learn about adulthood from the text
A.People reach observable indicators much later.
B.Age alone is a reliable determinant of adulthood.
C.Participation in politics is a responsibility for adulthood.
D.Economic changes mainly shift people’s views on adulthood.
6.What right can people enjoy at the age of 17 in most states of Australia
A.Voting. B.Buying wines.
C.Getting married. D.Driving legally.
7.What does the underlined word “prompting” in paragraph 4 probably mean
A.Encouraging. B.Advising.
C.Forbidding. D.Persuading.
8.What’s the main idea of the text
A.Emerging adulthood reflects a new life stage.
B.Adulthood is defined differently in different places.
C.Social changes are challenging the idea of adulthood.
D.Adulthood is a combination of rights and responsibilities.
Having a sense of humor can make your entire life much more enjoyable.For some of us,this comes naturally. 1 If you want some tips to improve your sense of humor,try these out:
Appreciate more stand-up comedies.
2 If you don’t know where to start,look for something to your taste or start with something popular.The law of attraction will help you increase your sense of humor by understanding jokes,pick up lines and other metaphors(比喻)that make people laugh.
If you really want to develop your humor,then try to take something ordinary and make a joke out of it.In fact,there is a hidden joke behind every little event and situation you come across.Go ahead and try it.You will find out that almost everything you see in daily life has a funny side.
Learn some simple jokes.
In the beginning,you don’t have to be creative.Just go out and do some research! The Internet is full of great resources for jokes,humor,funny pictures,etc.Try searching for stuff that you like and add funny jokes to the end of your search. 4
Know the difference between funny and mean.
Making fun of someone for things they can’t change can come off as mean.The person who is the target of the joke can grow really embarrassed and it can turn their mood off. 5 You can also make self-depreciating(自嘲)jokes.And there will always be jokes where no one gets hurt.
A.Observe other funny people.
B.Try to see the funny side of things.
C.You will find millions of things to make people laugh.
D.For others,we might have to work a little to unlock it.
E.To increase your sense of humor,watch more comedies.
F.It’s a lot better than watching something that’s a bit of a struggle.
G.Instead,make jokes about something they can easily change about themselves.
训练4 Understanding ideas(B)
Ⅰ.1.C 2.A
3.D [推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“Modern scientists teach kids that knowledge builds upon the foundation others have laid.”及“Even if they haven’t made important discoveries,their research may help the following scientists.”可推知,新的科学发现可能建立在已有的科学成果上。故选D。]
4.D [主旨大意题。根据第一段最后一句“You may be wondering:why is it important to teach kids stories about modern-day scientists?”可知,文章主要是围绕给学生讲述现代科学家故事的重要性来展开的。故选D。]
5.C 6.D
7.A [词义猜测题。根据画线词前面的“Economic changes have also resulted in unstable employment markets and increases in costs of living”和后面的“many young people to remain at home and dependent on parents”可知,此处是指糟糕的社会环境促使许多年轻人待在家里依靠父母,所以prompting意为“促使”。故选A。]
8.C [主旨大意题。通读全文尤其根据最后一段第一句“Due to these social changes,our expectations of young people and their level of social responsibility have also changed.”可知,文章主要是讲社会变化正在挑战人们对于成年的观念。故选C。]
Ⅱ.1.D 2.E 3.B 4.C 5.G训练5 Using language(A)
1.She ____________________(go) to the zoo to see the lovely bear next week.
2.By the time you finish your work,the meal __________________________(get) cold.
3.He ________________________(give) a lecture on organ donation tomorrow evening.
4.My duties will end in July,and I ________________________(return) to Shanghai.
5.When he comes to my house tomorrow,I ________________________(write) the report.
6.I think that she ________________________(work) on this experiment until next morning.
7.Don’t phone me between 8:00 and 10:00.We ________________________(have) classes then.
8.Please come tomorrow afternoon.Tomorrow morning I ________________________(have) a meeting.
You may have heard video game characters deliver lines like “Shatter(击碎) the darkness with thunder!” But it’s refreshing to hear it in an unexpected place—the classroom.Xia Zhendong is a physics teacher working at a senior high school in south China.Now in his 30s,Xia has won the hearts of millions of online viewers with his classroom experiments.
In one video,Xia pointed a self-made “thunderbolt wand(魔杖)” toward a hanging light tube in his classroom and said,“Shatter the darkness with thunder.” Suddenly,an electric arc(弧线) emerged from the tip of the wand, illuminating the tube.After the cheers from his students,he went on to explain the science behind it—static electricity(静电) and point discharge(尖端放电).
“The idea came when I enjoyed playing a popular game on my smartphone,” he said.In his spare time,he likes to try out what students are interested in to get closer to them.Apart from the “thunderbolt wand”,Xia has done many other creative experiments.Once,he lit steel wool with a battery to show the heating effect of electric current.Another time,he used a “laser weapon” to pop balloons while explaining the principles of lasers.
For Xia,physics is supposed to be fun.So,when he saw his students struggle with physics,he decided to make a change.“Circuit diagrams(电路图) are abstract,and I want them to actually see the electricity through lightning to realize that knowledge is not just on paper.You can see it and even touch it,” Xia said.Now,Xia has also started free live classes online.“I hope that through online classes,more students can also have access to fun physics lessons.And their parents can also join in.I hope that physics could make them feel happier,” Xia said.
语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了一名高中物理老师夏振东用新奇的方法做课堂物理实验,以此来教授物理,使学生对物理产生兴趣,并在网上走红的故事。
1.What does the underlined word “illuminating” mean in paragraph 2
A.Shining light on. B.Cutting down on.
C.Getting stuck in. D.Taking advantage of.
2.What inspired Xia Zhendong to have such an idea
A.The effect of acting a video game character.
B.Online viewers of his videos.
C.The pleasure in playing an online game.
D.Wild cheers from his students.
3.Why does he start free live classes online
A.Because he hopes to get more students to have his classes.
B.Because he wishes to get more parents involved in his lessons.
C.Because he expects more students to have fun in learning physics.
D.Because he wants to win more hearts of online viewers of his videos.
4.Which of the following can be the best title for the text
A.What Makes a Fun Teacher
B.Bringing Magic to School
C.How to Make Physics Fun
D.Getting Students to Learn Physics
When she was just three years old,Alyssa Carson from the USA took an interest 1. the planet Mars.From that time on,her lifelong passion for and 2. (curious) about space began! Then,Alyssa 3. (start) to do all the things related to space!
Alyssa’s goal is to help others understand the potential for human life in outer space.She also wants to be one of the first humans 4. (walk) on the planet Mars.She even imagines 5._______(live) on Mars! And while doing so,Alyssa wants to inspire lots of other kids to learn more about space and science.
She 6. (study) astrobiology (天体生物学) at the Florida Institute of Technology this time next year which is the only program in the USA focusing on the potential for life on other planets.Whether you want to study the effects of space travel on humans,discover past or present life on Mars,7. help develop ways to sustain (维持) life on the moon,you will be prepared at the Florida Institute of Technology.
Alyssa is an 8. (impress) example of a young person 9. focuses on her passion and becomes the best version of 10. (she).Her example also inspires other kids to do the same.
训练5 Using language(A)
Ⅰ.1.will go 2.will have got 3.will be giving 4.will be returning 5.will be writing 6.will be working 7.will be having 8.will be having
Ⅱ.1.We’ll be having a party at three o’clock tomorrow afternoon.
2.An English speech competition will be held in the lecture hall next Sunday.
3.If you make great efforts,you will be admitted to your ideal university in one year.
4.She has been studying here for five years and by this time next year,she will have graduated.
5.As scheduled,my family and I will be enjoying our holiday in Huangshan this time next week.
1.A [词义猜测题。根据画线单词上文“In one video,Xia pointed a self-made ‘thunderbolt wand(魔杖)’ toward a hanging light tube in his classroom and said,‘Shatter the darkness with thunder.’”和画线单词所在句子“Suddenly,an electric arc(弧线) emerged from the tip of the wand, illuminating the tube.”可知,夏老师用“雷电棒”将灯管照亮,由此可推知,画线单词“illuminating”意为“照亮”,故选A。]
2.C 3.C
4.B [标题归纳题。通读全文,尤其是第一段中“You may have heard video game characters deliver lines like...Xia has won the hearts of millions of online viewers with his classroom experiments.”可知,文章主要介绍了一名高中物理老师夏振东用新奇的方法做课堂物理实验,并在网上走红的故事。B项“把魔法带到学校”可以作文章最佳标题,故选B。]
Ⅳ.1.in 2.curiosity 3.started 4.to walk 5.living 6.will be studying 7.or 8.impressive 9.who/that 10.herself训练6 Using language(B)
Sahana Vij,the granddaughter of Indian immigrants(移民),has always been surrounded by food.Her mother taught her to make tasty bread and French toast when she was 5.Now 18,Vij is a self-taught baker who’s sharing her recipes with the world through her new cookbook,Bake Away.
Featuring 20 of her original recipes,Bake Away has been in the works since her first year of high school.It hit the shelves on Oct.26,2021,and was promising to enjoy good sales.Each recipe in the cookbook is tied to a location.The first,for CPS bread,is inspired by Vij’s memory of picking fruit in her grandfather’s garden in Temescal Valley.
The University of California Irvine first-year student intends to major in literary journalism and minor in environmental science,but baking is in her blood.“I want to work at newspapers or magazines and write columns,specifically about the environment.I love to write,but my dream job is to own my own bakery,” Vij says.“That’s really my passion.”
“UCI was a good fit for me because my family is around me,” Vij says.“Family is a really big part of my life—something I can depend on—and I go visit them a lot.Each Bake Away recipe comes from a different city and a different experience I’ve had with my family.”
Her favorite is the U District cake,influenced by the tea she used to share with her mother on their monthly trips to Seattle’s University District.“It’s my whole family’s favorite recipe because it just tastes so good and because we’ve been making it more as a family over the past year.It’s kind of become a family recipe.”
The profits from Bake Away will go to No Kid Hungry,a nonprofit working to end child hunger.“Growing up,my mom and my family were really involved in volunteering,and I always wanted to give back,” Vij says.“I decided to partner with No Kid Hungry,especially because the book involves food.”
语篇解读 本文是一篇新闻报道。文章主要介绍了大一年级的学生Sahana Vij自学成才,成了一名面包师,并出版了一本食谱书《Bake Away》,与世界分享自己的食谱。
1.Why does Vij love baking so much
A.It brings her money and fame.
B.It is part of her nature and memories.
C.She wants to make her mother happy.
D.She tries to keep the immigrants tradition.
2.What does the underlined words “hit the shelves” mean in paragraph 2
A.Was placed on the shelves.
B.Became popular.
C.Came into the market.
D.Ended up with failure.
3.What contributes to Vij’s book most
A.Her college education.
B.Her courage to challenge.
C.Her sense of responsibility.
D.Her good family relationship.
4.What is the best title for the text
A.Recipe for Change
B.Power of Love
C.Success of a Book
D.Fight for Passion
Protein shakes(蛋白质奶昔) can help you lose weight,get lean,and build strength and endurance.But can protein shakes help you gain weight too
“If you’re looking to gain weight and bulk up,but struggling to do so through your diet alone,protein powders could be the solution,” says Alice Williams,a qualified nutrition coach at OriGym Centre of Excellence.“To gain weight,you need to be in a calorie surplus,meaning you’re expected to consume more calories than you burn.Eating high-calorie junk food such as ice cream,pizza,and burgers will certainly make you gain weight.But these foods lack nutrients,including protein,and will make you gain fat rather than muscle.Instead,protein powders are a quick,easy and effective way to let you take in more calories in a healthier way.”
If you are using protein shakes to gain weight,it’s important to do it safely and in the healthiest way.Too much protein in your diet for an extended period can result in nutritional deficiencies(营养不良) and can worsen existing kidney problems.
It’s important to bear in mind that if you are using protein shakes because you’re underweight,or you simply want to be strong,it’s important to do it in a healthy way.While protein shakes can help you put on weight,it’s still important to eat a variety of different foods as well.According to the FDA,supplements such as protein shakes should not completely replace meals,which are necessary for a healthy diet.
There are a variety of protein powders on the market.“Many brands create protein powder ‘blends’ or ‘mass gainers’ specifically targeted at weight gain.These blends contain a higher calorie by combining protein with food ingredients,such as oats,cereals,and potato,or sources of healthy fats,such as flaxseeds and avocados,” says Williams.
“Powders which contain high levels of amino acids are beneficial to weight gain because these quickly get into the bloodstream and promote muscle growth and recovery,” adds Williams.“You should also try to avoid pre-made shakes as these often contain extra levels of sugar,and other additives that will not be beneficial to you or your training.”
语篇解读 本文是一篇说明文。文章主要说明了蛋白质奶昔可以帮助增加体重。
5.What does Alice Williams want to say in the second paragraph
A.Taking in more protein makes us healthier.
B.Our diet alone may not give us enough nutrition.
C.Protein powders have advantages in gaining weight.
D.Eating junk food is the fastest way to gain weight.
6.According to the FDA,what should we avoid doing
A.Paying too much attention to our weight.
B.Eating some high-calorie foods for weight gain.
C.Using supplements after a complete meal immediately.
D.Depending on protein shakes to gain weight completely.
7.Why does Alice Williams suggest getting rid of pre-made shakes
A.They are often overly advertised.
B.They slow muscle growth and recovery.
C.They perform poorly in weight gain.
D.They usually contain unhealthy elements.
8.What would be the best title for the text
A.Using Protein Shakes to Help Gain Weight
B.Having a Healthy Diet While Gaining Weight
C.Having a Healthier Diet Through Protein Powders
D.Learning About Protein Shakes for Better Health
I started cooking when I was thirteen.Both of my parents worked,so I was usually 1 after school.One day,my parents forgot to 2 dinner before they went to work.As we were short of money,eating out was beyond 3 .So I decided to be the 4 of the day.
A few moments later,I 5 to cook fried rice,the best option out of 6 resources,including my cooking knowledge.After 7 a pan on the stove and turning on the heat,it soon began to sizzle(咝咝作响).I was so hungry that I 8 and threw everything into the pan all together.In went rice,pieces of meat and vegetables.Little did I know that the 9 of ingredients was crucial in cooking.I 10 waited for the meat to be thoroughly cooked,but other ingredients were 11 .At first,I mistook it as steam from cooking,but I soon 12 something went horribly wrong when smoke came out to 13 the kitchen.
Later that day,my mother told me,“You cannot rush yourself when cooking.” Rather,I should take steps,turning to the basics,such as learning about the ingredients and 14 the recipe.
I’ve learned that the first 15 seems hard but we should just start and let the journey teach us.
语篇解读  这是一篇记叙文。作者讲述了自己第一次做饭时,将全部的食材一起放进去,结果肉还没熟,其余的食材已经烧焦了,导致厨房满是烟。在妈妈的教导下,作者也明白了做事情要按步骤来;第一次虽然很难,但一定要开始尝试。
1.A.alone B.energetic
C.anxious D.excited
2.A.enjoy B.prepare
C.serve D.take
3.A.expectation B.control
C.description D.budget
4.A.owner B.ruler
C.chef D.researcher
5.A.agreed B.decided
C.failed D.switched
6.A.various B.delicious
C.pricey D.limited
7.A.placing B.covering
C.washing D.breaking
8.A.quit B.slept
C.rushed D.collapsed
9.A.standard B.order
C.quality D.amount
10.A.proudly B.hesitantly
C.fearfully D.eagerly
11.A.burning B.exploding
C.disappearing D.mixing
12.A.insisted B.declared
C.realized D.explained
13.A.decorate B.destroy
C.leave D.fill
14.A.working on B.fixing on
C.referring to D.contributing to
15.A.race B.try
C.route D.ride
训练6 Using language(B)
2.C [词义猜测题。根据画线部分的上文“Featuring 20 of her original recipes,Bake Away has been in the works since her first year of high school.”(她从高中一年级开始创作《Bake Away》,其中包括她的20个原创食谱)和下文“and was promising to enjoy good sales”可知,此处在介绍《Bake Away》这本食谱书的创作历程和受欢迎程度,介于二者之间的是其上市的时间,因此hit the shelves意为“上市,开始出售”,与come into the market意思接近。故选C。]
3.D [推理判断题。根据第四段中“Family is a really big part of my life—something I can depend on—and I go visit them a lot.Each Bake Away recipe comes from a different city and a different experience I’ve had with my family.”可知,Vij的这本食谱书承载了和家人一起的各种回忆。由此推知,良好的家庭关系对Vij的书贡献最大。故选D。]
4.A [标题归纳题。通读全文可知,文章围绕Vij和她的食谱书《Bake Away》展开;再结合最后一段中“The profits from Bake Away will go to No Kid Hungry,a nonprofit working to end child hunger.”可知,食谱书《Bake Away》的利润将捐给致力于消除儿童饥饿的非营利组织,给世界带来改变。由此可知,A项“Recipe for Change”概括了文章的核心内容,适合作为最佳标题。故选A。]
5.C [段落大意题。根据第二段“If you’re looking to gain weight and bulk up,but struggling to do so through your diet alone,protein powders could be the solution...Instead,protein powders are a quick,easy and effective way to let you take in more calories in a healthier way.”可知,爱丽丝·威廉姆斯在第二段想说蛋白粉在增重方面有优势。故选C。]
6.D 7.D
8.A [标题归纳题。结合全文内容,尤其根据第一段最后一句“But can protein shakes help you gain weight too?”、第三段第一句“If you are using protein shakes to gain weight,it’s important to do it safely and in the healthiest way.”和第四段第二句“While protein shakes can help you put on weight,it’s still important to eat a variety of different foods as well.”可知,文章主要说明了蛋白质奶昔可以帮助增加体重。故A选项“使用蛋白质奶昔帮助增加体重”作文章最佳标题。故选A。]
1. A [根据前文“Both of my parents worked”可知父母都工作,所以放学后“我”总是独自在家。故选A。]
2.B [根据下文“cook fried rice”可知,“我”做了炒米饭,说明父母去上班前忘记准备晚饭了。故选B。]
3.D [根据前文“As we were short of money”可知,我们缺钱,因此这里表示外出吃饭超出我们的预算。故选D。]
4.C [根据后文“cook fried rice”可知,今天我要做炒米饭,所以我今天当厨师。故选C。]
5.B [根据前文“So I decided to be the of the day.”可知,做炒饭是我的决定。故选B。]
6.D [根据后文“including my cooking knowledge”可知,第一次做饭,我的烹饪知识和家里的食材一样有限。故选D。]
7.A [根据后文“a pan on the stove and turning on the heat”可知,我先把锅放置在炉子上,然后打开火。故选A。]
8.C [根据前文“I was so hungry”可知我太饿了,所以快速地把所有食材放进锅里,表示我急着吃饭,呼应下文妈妈教我的话“You cannot rush yourself when cooking.”。故选C。]
9.B [根据上文“threw everything into the pan all together.In went rice,pieces of meat and vegetables”可知,我一次性把所有食材——米、肉、菜,同时放进去,根本不知道食材的顺序很重要。故选B。]
10.D [根据前文“I was so hungry”和后文“waited for the meat to be thoroughly cooked”可知,我很饿,急切等待着肉变熟。故选D。]
11.A [根据前文“but other ingredients”可知,我等待的肉还没有熟,但是其他食材已经开始烧焦了,呼应下文“smoke”。故选A。]
12.C [根据后文“something went horribly wrong”可知,我意识到出差错了。故选C。]
13.D [根据前文“smoke” 和后文“the kitchen”可知,烟开始弥漫、充满了整个厨房。故选D。]
14.C [根据前文“learning about the ingredients”和后文“the recipe”可知,我应该一步一步学习做饭,要参考食谱。故选C。]
15.B [根据上文内容以及前文“the first”和后文“seems hard”可知,第一次尝试是困难的。故选B。]训练7 Developing ideas(A)
1.你的中文很好。这就是我邀请你参加留学生汉语演讲比赛的原因。(That’s why...)
2.本周每天留出一些时间练习,这样你就可以做好充分的准备。(have/get sb+adj.)
3.致力于比赛,你一定会成功。(devote oneself to;分词作状语)
5.此外,如果我可以做点什么,我会非常乐意帮忙。(be pleased to do)
【组句成篇】 以上句子可以加上过渡词语和其他联想内容组成一篇小短文。
I would never forget that day.When I woke up on Sep 1,2020,there was only one thing on my mind:what to wear.A billion thoughts raced through my brain in the closet.I didn’t want to come off as trying too hard,but I also didn’t want to be seen as a slob.Not only was it my first day of high school,but it was my first day of school in a new state;first impressions are everything,and it was important for me to impress the people who I would spend the next three years with.
This was my third time being the new kid.But this time was different because my dad promised that I would start and finish high school in the same place.This time mattered,and that made me nervous.
After meticulously searching my closet,I proudly came out in a dress from Target.The soft cotton was comfortable,and the laced shoulders added a hint of fun.Yes,this outfit was the one.An hour later,I felt powerful as I headed toward Room 1136.But as I entered class,my jaw dropped to the floor.
Sitting at her desk was Mrs Hutfilz,my English teacher,wearing exactly the same dress as me.I kept my head down and tiptoed to my seat.I made it through my brief introduction speech until Mrs Hutfilz stood up,jokingly adding that she liked my style.Although this was the moment I had been afraid of from the moment I walked in,all my anxiety surprisingly melted away,and the students paid attention as I shared my story.My smile grew as I laughed with the students.After class,I stayed behind and talked to Mrs Hutfilz,relieved to make a humorous and real connection.
Looking back three years later,the ten minutes I spent afraid of giving my speech were really not worth it.My first period of high school certainly made the day unforgettable in the best way and taught me that Mrs Hutfilz has an awesome sense of style!
语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。因为想给同学们留下深刻印象,作者很重视上高中的第一天。结果,作者精挑细选的衣服和英语老师哈菲尔兹夫人的一模一样,但是她幽默地化解了作者的尴尬,这让作者很难忘。
1.Why did the author attach great importance to her clothes on the first day of high school
A.She was unconfident about herself.
B.She wanted to make a good impression.
C.She followed her father’s advice.
D.She cared too much about her appearance.
2.What does the underlined word “meticulously” in paragraph 3 probably mean
A.Carefully. B.Casually.
C.Excitedly. D.Suddenly.
3.How did the author probably feel after noticing her teacher’s dress
A.Annoyed. B.Confused.
C.Embarrassed. D.Proud.
4.What is the author’s purpose in writing the article
A.To explore the troubles with dressing.
B.To introduce her stylish English teacher.
C.To stress the importance of first impressions.
D.To share a memorable experience.
Jacky Hunt-Broersma,46,completed 104 marathons in 104 days,breaking the world record for most consecutive marathons.She set her goal in January and 1 about five hours to complete each run.
She is grateful because running has given her the 2 she was afraid she would never regain.In 2002,doctors 3 that she had a rare type of bone cancer.Within two weeks,they amputated(截断) her left leg to save her life.For the first couple of years,Jacky 4 with the change in her life.She was 5 to be different.She wore long trousers in public so that people would not notice her 6 leg.
Five years ago,she 7 to do some running with the help of her husband. 8 ,she runs on a prosthetic(假体的) leg made out of strong,light 9 known as carbon fiber,which are costly for her.But her 10 is worth it.“Running has really changed my life.It has made such a 11 to my mental state and shown me how 12 my body can be.It has given me a total new 13 of who I am.I fall in love with the process of pushing my body further to see what I can do,” she said.
“The best thing is the support I’ve received from people who’ve 14 ,telling me how this has inspired them to 15 themselves in turn,” she said.“I am determined to keep going.”
语篇解读 本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要讲述了因患骨癌而被截去左腿的46岁的Jacky Hunt Broersma在尝试借助假肢跑步后,找回了自信并爱上了这项运动,在104天内完成了104次马拉松比赛,打破了连续跑马拉松最多的世界纪录的经历。
1.A.totaled B.wasted
C.averaged D.saved
2.A.relief B.anxiety
C.confidence D.trust
3.A.described B.announced
C.complained D.explained
4.A.negotiated B.struggled
C.grew D.dealt
5.A.innocent B.embarrassed
C.born D.courageous
6.A.artificial B.ugly
C.muscular D.practical
7.A.applied B.attempted
C.happened D.pretended
8.A.Currently B.Temporarily
C.Immediately D.Fortunately
9.A.instruments B.shoes
C.materials D.trousers
10.A.investment B.judgement
C.achievement D.development
11.A.comparison B.commitment
C.preference D.difference
12.A.strong B.important
C.slim D.unique
13.A.expression B.translation
C.acceptance D.discussion
14.A.held on B.taken off
C.shown up D.reached out
15.A.enjoy B.push
C.cure D.serve
训练7 Developing ideas(A)
Ⅰ.1.You have a good command of Chinese.That’s why I invite you to attend the Chinese speech contest for foreign students.
2.Set aside some time every day to practice this week,which will have/get you fully prepared.
3.Devoting yourself to the contest,you are bound to succeed.
4.I hold the belief that you will find it rewarding to take part in this activity.
5.Besides,if there’s anything I can do,I’d be pleased to help.
You have a good command of Chinese.That’s why I invite you to attend the Chinese speech contest for foreign students.To win the contest,you’d better set aside some time every day to practice this week,which will have/get you fully prepared.In conclusion,devoting yourself to the contest,you are bound to succeed.I also hold the belief that you will find it rewarding to take part in this activity.Besides,if there’s anything I can do,I’d be pleased to help.
2.A [词义猜测题。根据首段末句以及第三段首句“After meticulously searching my closet,I proudly came out in a dress from Target.”可知,对作者来说高中的第一天给同学们留下深刻印象很重要,所以作者仔细搜索衣橱,试图找到满意的裙子。故可推知,画线词意思应为“认真地,仔细地”。故选A。]
3.C [推理判断题。根据第四段前两句“Sitting at her desk was Mrs Hutfilz,my English teacher,wearing exactly the same dress as me.I kept my head down and tiptoed to my seat.”可知,看到老师和自己穿的一样的衣服,作者低着头蹑手蹑脚地走到座位上,这表明作者很尴尬。故选C。]
4.D [写作意图题。根据首段首句“I would never forget that day.”和文章最后一句可知,作者是要分享一次令她难忘的经历。故选D。]
1.C [根据上文“completed 104 marathons in 104 days”和下文“five hours to complete each run”可知,此处指她每场比赛平均需要跑5个小时。故选C。]
2.C [根据下文“It has made such a to my mental state and shown me how my body can be.It has given me a total new of who I am.”可知,跑步使Jacky看到了自己的能力,对自己有了全新的认知,重新获得了信心。故选C。]
3.B [根据“doctors”和句意可知,医生们诊断后,宣布了她的疾病。故选B。]
4.B [根据后文“She wore long trousers in public so that people would not notice her leg.”可知,她竭力想掩饰自己的状况,可推知在最初的几年,她艰难地生活。故选B。]
5.B [根据下文“She wore long trousers in public so that people would not notice her leg.”可知,她穿长裤掩盖自己的腿,是因为她不愿让别人看到她的不同,她感到很窘迫。故选B。]
6.A [根据下文“she runs on a prosthetic(假体的) leg made out of strong,light known as carbon fiber”可知,她在截肢后安装了人造的假肢。故选A。]
7.B [根据上文她掩饰假腿和下文“ ,she runs on a prosthetic(假体的) leg made out of strong,light known as carbon fiber”可推知,她是开始尝试着跑步。故选B。]
8.A [根据句中谓语动词“runs”可知,该句用了一般现在时,应该是指目前的情况。故选A。]
9.C [根据句中“made out of”和“carbon fiber”可知,碳纤维是一种材料,可用来制作假肢。故选C。]
10.A [根据上一句中的“which are costly for her”可知,假肢花了她很大一笔钱,对她来说是一笔不小的投资。故选A。]
11.D [根据上一句“Running has really changed my life.”和下文的“I fall in love with the process of pushing my body further to see what I can do”可知,跑步改变了Jacky的生活,她也因跑步激发了她身体的潜能而爱上了这项运动,可见跑步对她的精神状态产生了巨大的影响。故选D。]
12.A [根据前文“Jacky Hunt-Broersma,46,completed 104 marathons in 104 days,breaking the world record for most consecutive marathons.”和下文的“I fall in love with the process of pushing my body further to see what I can do”可知,Jacky在马拉松比赛中取得了卓越的成绩,跑步让Jacky看到了自己身体的潜能,看到了自己身体可以有多么的强壮。故选A。]
13.C [根据上一句中的“and shown me how my body can be”和下一句“I fall in love with the process of pushing my body further to see what I can do”及本句中的“who I am”可知,Jacky通过跑步看到了自己的身体有多么的强壮,能够做到什么,从而对自己有了一个全新的认识,接受并认可现在的自己。故选C。]
14.D [根据句中“the support”可知,这里是指曾经支持帮助过Jacky,向她伸出援手的人们。故选D。]
15.B [根据句中的“inspired them”和“in turn”可知,Jacky对跑步的热爱和坚持激励了帮助她的人们,反过来也激励、推动他们不断地努力前行。故选B。]训练8 Developing ideas(B) [分值:32.5分]
My mother always told me,“You should explore your own country before stepping out into the world.” However,it seems like a tough mission to travel all across its expansive surfaces.But luckily for me,Via Rail Canada offered youths between the ages of 18 and 25 the chance to ride the train across Canada for the month of July.The ticket was a bargain at $150.My best friends Trevor,Joel and Jeremy and I immediately jumped at the opportunity and secured four tickets on the great Canadian railroad.
For a group of 20-year-olds,this was like the first flight of young birds from the nest.When we approached the train station in the morning,our 22-day adventure from Sudbury to Vancouver was to begin.Eyes baggy from lack of sleep,we jumped on board as if it were the train to Hogwarts in Harry Potter.Although the thought of three full days on those tracks covering close to 3,000 kilometres crushed our spirits a little,what happened next caught us by surprise.
The three days on board turned into a summer camp on rails.At night,we would climb up the glass-domed train car,which gave us a scenic view of the starry night sky,untouched by the harmful light pollution.Before we knew it,the warm sun rays beating down on our faces woke us up for another day on the rails.To my surprise,a sea of golden grain fields dominated the landscape we were in the Canadian Prairies.
Another day slipped away and we set up for another night in the dome(圆顶状物).And this time we were greeted by night sky painted by a fantastic thunderstorm.Lightning was striking at an incredible rate.The spectacular and memorable light show left everyone in the glass bubble in complete disbelief.
Arriving in the Rocky Mountains was one of the most surreal experiences of my life.Before the train adventure,if I could have skipped the travel and arrived at the destination,I would have.That is no longer true.I’ve learned that the journey can be more enjoyable than the destination.
语篇解读 这是一篇记叙文。文章主要记叙了作者和朋友乘坐火车穿越加拿大的经历,描述了他们在路途中的所见所闻和感受。
1.What has made the author’s train adventure across Canada a reality
A.The encouragement given by his mother.
B.The discount ticket offered by Via Rail Canada.
C.The appeal of the scenic views in the country.
D.His great courage to challenge a tough mission.
2.What can we infer about the young people from paragraph 2
A.They left their parents for the first time in their life.
B.They never thought of having a train adventure.
C.They were hooked by the magic story of Harry Potter.
D.They were excited about the coming train journey.
3.What does “the glass bubble” in the fourth paragraph refer to
A.The glass-domed train car.
B.The sightseeing tour.
C.A state of excitement.
D.A summer camp on the train.
4.What did the author learn from the train adventure across Canada
A.The destination is what matters.
B.Adventurous journey attracts young people.
C.Enjoying a journey counts a lot.
D.The traveling experience is not real to him.
It’s hard to make generalizations about how adults and children look at art differently.But one thing I’ve noticed is that children tend to be slightly better readers of pictures,more patient,and with less theoretical expectation.They rarely ask what a picture means—they are too busy thinking about how it makes them feel,what it reminds them of.And that’s the perfect way to look at pictures.
They are also much better at noticing details.Perhaps my most telling experience here is with my book The Red Tree.It’s more or less about depression,but hidden in every painting is a tiny red leaf,in a gutter,floating in the background,resting on a window frame.Most children notice it straight away.And they see it as a key connector between all pictures,a positive one.They intuitively(凭直觉地) make hopeful remarks about it.Many adults missed this vital connective thread and find the book a little puzzling and pretty miserable.
The other thing about that book is that many adults thought it was not suitable for younger readers and that it presented a bent view of reality.I myself wasn’t sure if they were right or wrong about that.I don’t really write and illustrate specifically for young readers anyway.But then I discovered that children,when asked,actually found it very entertaining and fun.They deeply identified with it,often saying it felt “real”.They also commented that the book feels extremely hopeful to them,largely because they connect all positive feelings to the little red leaves.
As someone who is a pretty pessimistic adult much of the time,I’ve learned a lot from seeing how younger readers respond to my work.They’ve taught me new ways to look,think,and feel.
语篇解读 本文是说明文。作者通过讲述成人和儿童对自己的书《红树》的看法,来说明成人和儿童看待艺术的方式是不同的。
5.What might be the writer’s career
A.A news reporter.
B.A comic book writer.
C.A book reviewer.
D.An early childhood educator.
6.According to the writer,what matters to interpreting an artwork
A.Exploring themes of the artwork.
B.Referring to comments on the artwork.
C.Treating the artwork with fixed values.
D.Relating the artwork with personal experience.
7.What do we know about the book The Red Tree
A.It’s intended for young readers.
B.It’s an objective description of reality.
C.It’s connected by a thread—a red leaf.
D.It’s all about depression and hopelessness.
8.What has the writer learned from children
A.Hope for life. B.Patience with work.
C.Passion for art. D.Confidence in oneself.
Perseverance:The Key to Success
Perseverance is a vital quality to possess in order to achieve success in any aspect of life. 1 Perseverance involves the ability to face challenges,overcome obstacles,and push through adversity,no matter how difficult it may seem.
One perspective on perseverance is that it is the ability to maintain focus and determination in the face of frustrations. 2 The successful people are the ones who keep moving forward in the face of adversity.They understand that success often comes after repeated failure.
Another perspective on perseverance is that it involves having a growth mindset.This means that individuals who possess perseverance are open to new challenges and are not afraid to fail. 3 They understand that each failure brings them one step closer to success,and they will keep pushing forward.
4 It also involves having the discipline to do so.This means staying committed to a goal and putting in the necessary time and effort,even when it is not easy.Successful people understand that in order to achieve greatness,sacrifices must be made and hard work must be put inconsistently overtime.
In conclusion,perseverance is crucial for achieving goals.It requires persistence,focus,determination,a growth mindset,and consistent hard work despite challenges. 5
A.With perseverance,anything is possible.
B.Write down your goals to keep them in front of you at all times.
C.It is the quality that drives us to keep going even when it is tough.
D.They view failure as an opportunity to learn rather than a reason to give up.
E.One way to build perseverance is to have a vision of what you want to achieve.
F.Furthermore,perseverance is not just about having the motivation to keep going.
G.In other words,perseverance is about not giving up even when things don’t go well.
训练8 Developing ideas(B)
2.D [推理判断题。根据第二段中“For a group of 20-year-olds,this was like the first flight of young birds from the nest...we jumped on board as if it were the train to Hogwarts in Harry Potter.”可推知,这群年轻人对即将到来的火车旅行感到很兴奋。故选D。]
3.A [词义猜测题。根据第三段中“At night,we would climb up the glass-domed train car,which gave us a scenic view of the starry night sky”以及画线短语上文可知,此处指壮观而难忘的雷暴闪电让玻璃穹顶的火车车厢里的每个人都难以置信。故选A。]
4.C [推理判断题。根据最后一段末句“I’ve learned that the journey can be more enjoyable than the destination.”可推知,作者从穿越加拿大的火车冒险中学到了享受一段旅程很重要。故选C。]
6.D [推理判断题。根据倒数第二段中“many adults thought it was not suitable for younger readers and that it presented a bent view of reality”和“But then I discovered that children... they connect all positive feelings to the little red leaves.”可知,成年人认为作者的书对现实的看法是扭曲的,而孩子们认为它很真实,给他们带来了极大的希望,很大程度上是因为他们把所有积极的感觉都和小红叶联系在一起。由此可推知,作者认为将作品与个人经历联系起来对解释一件艺术品有重大影响。故选D。]
8.A [推理判断题。根据最后一段“As someone who is a pretty pessimistic adult much of the time,I’ve learned a lot from seeing how younger readers respond to my work.They’ve taught me new ways to look,think,and feel.”可知,非常悲观的作者从孩子身上学到了观察、思考和感受的新方法。由此推知,作者学会了对生活充满希望。故选A。]
Ⅱ.1.C 2.G 3.D 4.F 5.A 


