高中英语牛津译林版(2019)必修 第二册课时测评作业1(4份打包,学生版+ 答案版)

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高中英语牛津译林版(2019)必修 第二册课时测评作业1(4份打包,学生版+ 答案版)


1.She performed all her duties carefully.履行
2.A complex engine has many separate parts,each performing a different function.行使(某种功能)
3.He didn’t perform well in his exams.表现
4.Thousands of people paid good money to watch the band perform.表演
1.It’s especially important to take notes either by writing or typing(打字),in order to actively get information as you receive it.
2.Brand has been working at clubs and pubs since 1986,developing his comedy (喜剧) act.
3.A chess player must have a fertile imagination and rich sense of fantasy (幻想).
4.Physical activity is an important factor (因素) in maintaining fitness.
5.Please remember to enclose a stamped addressed envelope (信封) when writing.
6.Most designers share the unspoken belief that fashion is a valid form of visual (视觉的) art.
7.People were swimming in the ocean (海洋) despite the hurricane warning.
8.The study programme concentrates more on group work rather than lectures (讲座).
9.The software enables (使能够) you to access the Internet in seconds.
10.The builders adopted a wise alternative approach (方法) to carrying the heavy stone.
1.I am writing to express my interest in your advertised position as a secretary.Here I would like to introduce myself briefly (brief).
2.Actually (actual),China has various kinds of delicious food,including a wide variety of local snacks.
3.Charity work,which is still at an early stage in the country,is not familiar to them.
4.Many people prefer living in the country to living in the city.
5.We need to try other approaches to solving the problem.
6.The student was__awarded (award) for his good result in the contest.
7.People like to watch performances(perform) of this unique folk dance.
8.Mountain climbing must be very tiring.In addition,you might feel sick with the air getting thinner.
  In film-making,most of the work takes place 1.behind__the__scenes (在幕后) and people 2.are not familiar with (不熟悉) it.
3.__To__begin__with(首先),many sound effects might not be made 4.__in__the__way__you__would__expect(你期望的方式).In Jurassic Park,the sounds of different animals were mixed by a computer.As for visual special effects,CGI has been 5.frequently__used__in__film-making(在电影制作方面经常使用).The Quidditch scenes in the Harry Potter films were made 6.with__the__actors__jumping__up__and__down(演员们跳上跳下)in front of a green screen.Props also 7.contribute__to__a__film’s__success (促成一部电影的成功).Director James Cameron 8.spent__six__months__looking__at__and__revising_
_plans (花六个月的时间研究和修改计划)of the Titanic to build a full-sized model for his 1997 film.
  Venice Film Festival
  The Venice Film Festival takes place every year in late August or early September on the Lido in the historic Palazzo del Cinema, in Venice, Italy.Its main award is the “Leone d’Oro” (Golden Lion).Recently, a new award has been added, the San Marco Award for the best film.
  Academy Awards
  The Academy Awards are the most prominent film awards in the United States.The awards are granted by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.Academy Awards are nicknamed “Oscars”, which is also the nickname of the statuette(小雕像).The name is said to have been born when Margaret Herrick saw the statuette on a table and said,“It looks just like my uncle Oscar!”
  Berlin Film Festival
  The Berlin Film Festival is one of the “A” festivals in Europe.The Berlin International Film Festival, also called the “Berlinale”, is held annually in February and started in 1951 after an initiative of the American, who occupied part of the city after World War Ⅱ.The jury (专家评奖团) always placed special emphasis on representing films from all over the world, from the former Eastern Bloc(集团) Countries as well as from Western countries.The awards are called Golden and Silver Bears (as the bear is the symbol of Berlin).
  Cannes Film Festival
  The Cannes Film Festival is a famous international film festival.It has been held annually in Cannes, in the south of France, since 1946 with a few exceptions.Given massive media exposure, the festival is attended by many movie stars and is a popular venue for movie producers to launch their new films and attempt to sell their works to the distributors who come from all over the world.
  The most famous award given out at Cannes is the “Palme d’Or” (Golden Palm) for the best film; this is sometimes shared by multiple films in one year.
【语篇解读】 本文是说明文,介绍了四个世界闻名的电影节。
1.Which award has the shortest history
A.Golden Lion. B.Golden Palm.
C.Academy Awards. D.San Marco Award.
答案 D [细节理解题。从第一段最后一句“Recently,a new award has been added,the San Marco Award for the best film.”可知答案为D。]
2.Which of the following statements about “Oscars” is NOT true
A.It’s the nickname of Academy Awards.
B.It’s also the nickname of the statuette.
C.It got its name because Margaret said the statuette looked like his uncle.
D.It’s an award in France.
答案 D [正误判断题。从Academy Awards部分中的第一句可知,奥斯卡奖是美国最著名的电影奖项。]
3.Why is the award for Berlin Film Festival called “Golden and Silver Bear”?
A.It looks like a bear.
B.It is made up of bear fur.
C.The bear is the symbol of Berlin.
D.The bear is rare in Berlin.
答案 C [细节理解题。从Berlin Film Festival部分中的最后一句可以看出,柏林电影节的奖项名叫金熊奖和银熊奖,这是因为熊是柏林的象征。]
4.Which award can be shared by multiple films in one year
A.Golden Lion. B.Golden Palm.
C.Academy Awards. D.San Marco Award.
答案 B [细节理解题。文章最后一句话提到,戛纳电影节最著名的奖项“金棕榈奖”有时可由一年中的多部影片共同获得。]
  “Film” and “movie” often mean the same thing.Either of the words you use may help others guess where a person lives or is from.First, let’s look at the word “film”.One definition (定义) of it is the special material used for taking photographs.But you can also see a film in a theatre.Used this way, “film” and “movie” mean the same thing.
  And as a verb, to film means recording something with a video camera.Here is an example:“Do you want me to film the important moment so you can remember it?”
  Now let’s turn to “movie”.The word—a noun—comes from the phrase “moving pictures”.Movies and films are recordings of moving pictures that tell a story.Here are some example sentences with the word “movie”:“Do you want to go to the movies tonight?”“If you go to Hollywood in California, you might see a movie star.” In the United States, it is common to say “the movies” when you talk about going to a movie theatre.
  Stephen Follows is a writer, producer and film researcher who lives in England.He wrote that people who work in the film industry use “film” more than “movie”.However, he found people who live in the US usually say “movie”, while those in Britain use both.“Film” is still more popular in Europe and parts of Africa, but “movie” is best in America, as well as in Japan and India.So that is why Americans say “English at the movies” and not “English at the films” !
【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章从定义、词性、用法和使用地域四个方面对“film”和“movie”这两个词进行比较,说明它们的相同和不同之处,以及它们的使用情况。
5.What’s the same meaning of “film” and “movie”?
A.The thing we see in a theatre.
B.The actors’ performance in a film.
C.The material used for making a film.
D.Recording something with a video camera.
答案 A [细节理解题。根据第一段中的“But you can also...mean the same thing.”可知,当我们说“电影院里看的电影”时,“film”和“movie”意思是一样的。]
6.What is the third paragraph mainly about
A.The use of the word “movie”.
B.The definition of the word “film”.
C.The difference between “film” and “movie”.
D.The places where people use “film” and “movie”.
答案 A [段落大意题。根据第三段首句“Now let’s turn to ‘movie’.”可知,此段介绍movie这个词。下文列举了含有movie这个词的例句。所以,这一段介绍了movie这个词的用法。]
7.In which place do people prefer using “movie” to using “film” according to the text
A.In China. B.In France.
C.In America. D.In England.
答案 C [细节理解题。根据第四段中的“people who live in the US usually say ‘movie’,while those in Britain use both”以及“but ‘movie’ is best in America”可知,美国人更喜欢使用movie这个词。]
8.What can be the best title for the text
A.English at the Movies or English at the Films
B.Judge a Person’s Identity Just by English Words
C.The Difference Between American English and British English
D.Is “Movie” Older than “Film” in the World
答案 A [标题归纳题。文章从定义、词性、用法和使用地域四个方面对“film”和“movie”这两个词进行比较,说明它们的相同和不同之处,以及它们的使用情况。]
  I was out of work when I was in Key Largo. Though I was in __1__ times, I chose to enjoy my life. I __2__ taking walks in the morning, which became a large part of my __3__ lifestyle.
  I walked out of my house for my little walk at about 7: 30 one morning. I usually__4__ sneakers (运动鞋) for walking, but I decided to __5__ with other shoes that day. While walking through the neighborhood for a while, I __6__ my feet were starting to hurt. But I __7__ the peaceful walk so much that I went on.
  __8__, I felt like dancing. So I did. Some people passing by seemed a little __9__ but amused (逗乐) by my early morning dance. I politely __10__ as I continued my dance.
  My __11__ went to how grateful I was to be here. I ran through all the things I __12__:my health, my great friends, my family, etc. I believed that my thanks __13__ the dance I was performing.
  I have spent my life searching for my __14__ here on earth. I have been looking for the meaning of life. But now I fully understand that my true purpose is to spread this joy and show that the happy and peaceful __15__ is for all of us who truly seek it.
【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。作者在困难时期失业后选择享受生活,在文章里作者记录了自己寻求生活的意义及获得感悟的过程。
1.A.new B.hard
C.serious D.dangerous
答案 B [根据上文“I was out of work when I was in Key Largo”和though可知, 此处是指尽管“我”失业后很困难, 但“我”仍选择享受生活, 故选B项。]
2.A.loved B.finished
C.suggested D.imagined
答案 A [根据下文“I walked out of my house for my little walk at about 7: 30 one morning.”可知, 此处是指“我”喜欢早上散步, 故选A项。]
3.A.stressful B.strange
C.curious D.peaceful
答案 D [根据下文“the peaceful walk”和上文“I chose to enjoy my life”可知, 此处是指“我”平静的生活, 故选D项。]
4.A.wore B.bought
C.threw D.left
答案 A [根据下文“sneakers(运动鞋) for walking”可知, 此处是指“我”通常穿运动鞋, 故选A项。]
5.A.experiment B.choose
C.journey D.match
答案 C [根据上文“for walking”和下文“with other shoes”可知, 此处是指穿别的鞋旅行, 故选C项。]
6.A.guessed B.realized
C.dreamed D.believed
答案 B [根据下文“my feet were starting to hurt”可知, 此处是指“我”意识到“我”的脚开始疼了, 故选B项。]
7.A.experienced B.doubted
C.enjoyed D.planned
答案 C [根据下文“that I went on”可知, 此处是指虽然“我”开始脚疼, 但是因为非常享受这样宁静的散步, 所以“我”继续往前走, 故选C项。]
8.A.Luckily B.Secretly
C.Similarly D.Suddenly
答案 D [根据上文“I ________the peaceful walk so much that I went on”和下文“I felt like dancing”可知, 想要跳舞是“我”在散步过程中突然有的想法, 故选D项。 ]
9.A.surprised B.moved
C.pleased D.interested
答案 A [根据下文的转折词but可知, but前后构成转折关系, 此处是指一些路人有些惊讶, 故选A项。]
10.A.waved B.refused
C.pointed D.circled
答案 A [根据下文“as I continued my dance”和上文“politely”可知, 此处是指对路人礼貌地挥手。故选A项。]
11.A.reason B.effort
C.mind D.question
答案 C [根据下文“how grateful I was to be here”和“my health, my great friends, my family, etc”可知, 此处是指 “我”的脑海里浮现出“我”是多么感激来到这里, 故选C项。]
12.A.own B.offer
C.save D.share
答案 A [根据上文“how grateful I was to be here”可知, 此处是指“我”所拥有的一切, 故选A项。]
13.A.made up B.differed from
C.came across D.turned into
答案 D [根据上文“my thanks”和下文“the dance I was performing”可知, 此处是指“我”的感谢转化成了“我”的舞蹈, 故选D项。]
14.A.choice B.purpose
C.wealth D.decision
答案 B [根据下文中的“my true purpose”可知, 此处是指寻找“我”的目标, 故选B项。]
15.A.result B.lesson
C.life D.role
答案 C [根据上文“I have been looking for the meaning of life”可知, 此处是指幸福与和平的生活, 故选C项。]
  The movie Home Coming takes place in a fictional country in North Africa which is torn by a civil war.Two Chinese diplomats (外交官),starring actors Zhang Yi and Wang Junkai,1.____________ (assign) to conduct a dangerous mission: to evacuate (撤离) the Chinese nationals prevented from the country.
  Actor Zhang Yi plays Zong Dawei,an diplomat with 2.____________ (extend) experiences dealing with complex situations in Arabic-speaking countries.3.____________ (He) wisdom is displayed again after convincing a stubborn border service officer 4.____________ (allow) those Chinese nationals who lost their passports,get past the border.
  5.____________ (face) strict requests from the officer,Zong managed to solve the problems,by making identity documents,translating them 6.____________ Arabic,and reshooting the ID photos with the correct color backdrop.
  However,it is Zong’s courage and selfless spirit 7.____________ finally touched the border officer,making him willing to allow the Chinese to cross the border line.Zhang is a real acting masterclass in this perfect 8.____________ (perform).Every acting choice is reasonable and 9.____________ (bring) dimension to his character.
The movie is based on 10.____________ real-life stories of China’s evacuation of Chinese citizens prevented overseas.Chinese diplomats have made great effort to bring overseas Chinese back home.
【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了电影《万里归途》。
1.are assigned [考查时态语态和主谓一致。陈述客观事实,用一般现在时。主语Two Chinese diplomats为复数,与谓语动词assign之间为被动关系,所以用一般现在时的被动语态。故填are assigned。]
2.extensive [考查词性转换。名词experiences前用形容词extensive (广泛的,广博的)作定语。故填extensive。]
3.His [考查代词。名词wisdom前用形容词性物主代词his,首字母大写。故填His。]
4.to allow [考查非谓语动词。convince sb to do sth(说服某人做某事),allow用不定式形式。故填to allow。]
5.Facing [考查非谓语动词。句中已有谓语动词,所以该空用非谓语动词形式。Zong是非谓语动词face的逻辑主语,二者构成主谓关系,所以用现在分词表主动作状语,首字母大写。故填Facing。]
6.into [考查介词。translate...into...(把……翻译成……)。故填into。]
7.that [考查强调句型。本句为强调句型,其结构为It is +强调部分+ that/who+其他部分,强调本句主语Zong’s courage and selfless spirit,用that。故填that。]
8.performance [考查词性转换。形容词perfect后接名词形式,根据句意,用可数名词performance的单数形式作介词in的宾语。故填performance。]
9.brings [考查时态和主谓一致。此处为并列的谓语动词,根据前后文,须用一般现在时态。主语Every acting choice是单数,谓语动词用第三人称单数形式。故填brings。]
10.the [考查冠词。此处特指中国真实的撤侨故事,所以用定冠词the。故填the。]课时测评作业二
维度一 语境辨义练(每小题1分,共4分)
perform vt.表演;表现;做,履行;行使(某种功能)
1.She performed all her duties carefully.      
2.A complex engine has many separate parts,each performing a different function.      
3.He didn’t perform well in his exams.      
4.Thousands of people paid good money to watch the band perform.      
维度二 语境拼写练(每小题1分,共10分)
1.It’s especially important to take notes either by writing or       (打字),in order to actively get information as you receive it.
2.Brand has been working at clubs and pubs since 1986,developing his
      (喜剧) act.
3.A chess player must have a fertile imagination and rich sense of       (幻想).
4.Physical activity is an important       (因素) in maintaining fitness.
5.Please remember to enclose a stamped addressed       (信封) when writing.
6.Most designers share the unspoken belief that fashion is a valid form of
      (视觉的) art.
7.People were swimming in the       (海洋) despite the hurricane warning.
8.The study programme concentrates more on group work rather than
9.The software       (使能够) you to access the Internet in seconds.
10.The builders adopted a wise alternative    (方法) to carrying the heavy stone.
维度三 固定用法练(每小题1.5分,共12分)
1.I am writing to express my interest in your advertised position as a secretary.Here I would like to introduce myself       (brief).
2.       (actual),China has various kinds of delicious food,including a wide variety of local snacks.
3.Charity work,which is still at an early stage in the country,is not familiar
4.Many people prefer living in the country    living in the city.
5.We need to try other approaches       solving the problem.
6.The student       (award) for his good result in the contest.
7.People like to watch       (perform) of this unique folk dance.
8.Mountain climbing must be very tiring.     addition,you might feel sick with the air getting thinner.
维度四 写作提升练(每小题2分,共16分)
In film-making,most of the work takes place 1.                                
(在幕后) and people 2.                    (不熟悉) it.
3.                                (首先),many sound effects might not be made 4.                 
               (你期望的方式).In Jurassic Park,the sounds of different animals were mixed by a computer.As for visual special effects,CGI has been 5.                                
(在电影制作方面经常使用).The Quidditch scenes in the Harry Potter films were made 6.                                
(演员们跳上跳下)in front of a green screen.Props also 7.                                
(促成一部电影的成功).Director James Cameron 8.              
of the Titanic to build a full-sized model for his 1997 film.
Venice Film Festival
The Venice Film Festival takes place every year in late August or early September on the Lido in the historic Palazzo del Cinema, in Venice, Italy.Its main award is the “Leone d’Oro” (Golden Lion).Recently, a new award has been added, the San Marco Award for the best film.
Academy Awards
The Academy Awards are the most prominent film awards in the United States.The awards are granted by the Academy of Motion Picture Arts and Sciences.Academy Awards are nicknamed “Oscars”, which is also the nickname of the statuette(小雕像).The name is said to have been born when Margaret Herrick saw the statuette on a table and said,“It looks just like my uncle Oscar!”
Berlin Film Festival
The Berlin Film Festival is one of the “A” festivals in Europe.The Berlin International Film Festival, also called the “Berlinale”, is held annually in February and started in 1951 after an initiative of the American, who occupied part of the city after World War Ⅱ.The jury (专家评奖团) always placed special emphasis on representing films from all over the world, from the former Eastern Bloc(集团) Countries as well as from Western countries.The awards are called Golden and Silver Bears (as the bear is the symbol of Berlin).
Cannes Film Festival
The Cannes Film Festival is a famous international film festival.It has been held annually in Cannes, in the south of France, since 1946 with a few exceptions.Given massive media exposure, the festival is attended by many movie stars and is a popular venue for movie producers to launch their new films and attempt to sell their works to the distributors who come from all over the world.
The most famous award given out at Cannes is the “Palme d’Or” (Golden Palm) for the best film; this is sometimes shared by multiple films in one year.
1.Which award has the shortest history
Golden Lion. Golden Palm.
Academy Awards. San Marco Award.
2.Which of the following statements about “Oscars” is NOT true
It’s the nickname of Academy Awards.
It’s also the nickname of the statuette.
It got its name because Margaret said the statuette looked like his uncle.
It’s an award in France.
3.Why is the award for Berlin Film Festival called “Golden and Silver Bear”
It looks like a bear.
It is made up of bear fur.
The bear is the symbol of Berlin.
The bear is rare in Berlin.
4.Which award can be shared by multiple films in one year
Golden Lion. Golden Palm.
Academy Awards. San Marco Award.
“Film” and “movie” often mean the same thing.Either of the words you use may help others guess where a person lives or is from.First, let’s look at the word “film”.One definition (定义) of it is the special material used for taking photographs.But you can also see a film in a theatre.Used this way, “film” and “movie” mean the same thing.
And as a verb, to film means recording something with a video camera.Here is an example:“Do you want me to film the important moment so you can remember it ”
Now let’s turn to “movie”.The word—a noun—comes from the phrase “moving pictures”.Movies and films are recordings of moving pictures that tell a story.Here are some example sentences with the word “movie”:“Do you want to go to the movies tonight ”“If you go to Hollywood in California, you might see a movie star.” In the United States, it is common to say “the movies” when you talk about going to a movie theatre.
Stephen Follows is a writer, producer and film researcher who lives in England.He wrote that people who work in the film industry use “film” more than “movie”.However, he found people who live in the US usually say “movie”, while those in Britain use both.“Film” is still more popular in Europe and parts of Africa, but “movie” is best in America, as well as in Japan and India.So that is why Americans say “English at the movies” and not “English at the films” !
5.What’s the same meaning of “film” and “movie”
The thing we see in a theatre.
The actors’ performance in a film.
The material used for making a film.
Recording something with a video camera.
6.What is the third paragraph mainly about
The use of the word “movie”.
The definition of the word “film”.
The difference between “film” and “movie”.
The places where people use “film” and “movie”.
7.In which place do people prefer using “movie” to using “film” according to the text
In China. In France.
In America. In England.
8.What can be the best title for the text
English at the Movies or English at the Films
Judge a Person’s Identity Just by English Words
The Difference Between American English and British English
Is “Movie” Older than “Film” in the World
I was out of work when I was in Key Largo. Though I was in  1  times, I chose to enjoy my life. I  2  taking walks in the morning, which became a large part of my  3  lifestyle.
  I walked out of my house for my little walk at about 7: 30 one morning. I usually 4  sneakers (运动鞋) for walking, but I decided to  5  with other shoes that day. While walking through the neighborhood for a while, I  6  my feet were starting to hurt. But I  7  the peaceful walk so much that I went on.
 8 , I felt like dancing. So I did. Some people passing by seemed a little  9  but amused (逗乐) by my early morning dance. I politely  10  as I continued my dance.
My  11  went to how grateful I was to be here. I ran through all the things I  12 :my health, my great friends, my family, etc. I believed that my thanks  13  the dance I was performing.
I have spent my life searching for my  14  here on earth. I have been looking for the meaning of life. But now I fully understand that my true purpose is to spread this joy and show that the happy and peaceful  15  is for all of us who truly seek it.
1.new hard
serious dangerous
2.loved finished
suggested imagined
3.stressful strange
curious peaceful
4.wore bought
threw left
5.experiment choose
journey match
6.guessed realized
dreamed believed
7.experienced doubted
enjoyed planned
8.Luckily Secretly
Similarly Suddenly
9.surprised moved
pleased interested
10.waved refused
pointed circled
11.reason effort
mind question
12.own offer
save share
13.made up differed from
came across turned into
14.choice purpose
wealth decision
15.result lesson
life role
  The movie Home Coming takes place in a fictional country in North Africa which is torn by a civil war.Two Chinese diplomats (外交官),starring actors Zhang Yi and Wang Junkai,1.       (assign) to conduct a dangerous mission: to evacuate (撤离) the Chinese nationals prevented from the country.
Actor Zhang Yi plays Zong Dawei,an diplomat with 2.       (extend) experiences dealing with complex situations in Arabic-speaking countries.
3.       (He) wisdom is displayed again after convincing a stubborn border service officer 4.       (allow) those Chinese nationals who lost their passports,get past the border.
5.       (face) strict requests from the officer,Zong managed to solve the problems,by making identity documents,translating them 6.        
Arabic,and reshooting the ID photos with the correct color backdrop.
However,it is Zong’s courage and selfless spirit 7.       finally touched the border officer,making him willing to allow the Chinese to cross the border line.Zhang is a real acting masterclass in this perfect 8.               
(perform).Every acting choice is reasonable and 9.       (bring) dimension to his character.
The movie is based on 10.       real-life stories of China’s evacuation of Chinese citizens prevented overseas.Chinese diplomats have made great effort to bring overseas Chinese back home. 【小题夯基】
1.Do you fancy going out this evening?想要
2.I think she fancies me.倾慕
3.He started to chat to me and I could tell that he really fancied himself.自负
4.He is always using fancy legal words.异常复杂的
5.It was packaged in a fancy plastic case with attractive paintings.精致的
6.He owned a fancy house out on Lake Agawam.奢华的
1.When it comes to adaptation (adapt),it is important to understand that climate change is a process.
2.They’ll have to put aside their political differences and find a solution (solve) together.
3.Scientists around the world are working to discover a cure for AIDS.
4.She hopes to get a job on the local newspaper and eventually (eventual) work for The Times.
5.Both of them had the qualities and virtues that are typical of American actors.
6.The teacher took his illness into account,so she made him narrowly (narrow) pass the exam.
7.My father is regarded as my best friend in my life.
8.Mr White recommended relaxing (relax) for a while and then went on with his speech.
1.There __is__ (be)some good advice about how to reduce air pollution on the Internet.
2.Mathematics is (be)the language of science.
3.Look! The teacher as well as the students is (be) working in the lab now.
4.About one third of the population in Shanghai are (be) netizens.
5.Do you know the police are(be) searching for a thief in the woods now
6.After doing research online and printing our boarding passes,all we have to do next is(be) pack luggage.
7.Every boy and girl in the area has__been (have)invited.
8.—When are you leaving
—My plane takes (take) off at 10:45.
9.What is really comforting is (be) that the last decade has seen many advance in medical science.
10.Taking part in sports events is (be) fun but not always easy.
11.She is one of the students who have (have) got help from the old professor.
12.Under the tree __are__ (be) two assistants.
1.What he says doesn’t__agree__with what he does.
2.Every boy and every girl has__adapted__to the senior high school life.
3.Making films is____regarded__as an interesting things.
4.All kinds of means have__been__tried to cure his son of his bad habits.
5.Gone are__the__days when we shared sorrow and joy.
Amazing Movies
  Are you looking for some movies You’ve landed on the right place.Let’s take a look at the list I’ve collected.
A Beautiful Mind   A Beautiful Mind is the story of John Nash, a mathematician who went on to win the Nobel Prize for his Game Theory.This movie brings his whole journey on screen—from his beginning to his downhill ride.The first half is all about his rise to fame while the second half shows how he slowly falls into madness.After many years of fighting, he finally is victorious.
I.Q.   The story is about an auto mechanic who falls for Albert Einstein’s niece.The only problem is that she is engaged (已订婚的) to someone else.Fortunately, Einstein likes him.The young man pretends to be a physicist to run after her, but things don’t go as he has planned.   If A Beautiful Mind was a little too heavy for you, I.Q. would be the perfect fit.It’s a light drama that is funny and heartwarming for the most part.
Good Will Hunting   Good Will Hunting is a touching tale of a troubled young man called Will Hunting who is gifted with a natural talent in mathematics.   However, he is struggling to find his identity.He can solve any math problem, but not the one he seems to be struggling with in his life.His life seems to be getting only worse until one day he meets Sean, a therapist, who helps him find direction in life.
Creation   Creation is a story of a famous scientist, Charles Darwin, best known for his theory of evolution.This movie attempts to bring his struggling days into focus, the time when he was dealing with the loss of his daughter and was suffering from hallucinations (幻觉).At the same time, he was working on a book called On the Origins of Species, which he finally completed.   All in all, Creation is a great historical drama.
【语篇解读】 本文是应用文。文章介绍了四部很棒的电影。
1.If you are interested in a relaxing movie, you can go and see ________.
A.I.Q. B.Creation
C.A Beautiful Mind D.Good Will Hunting
答案 A [细节理解题。根据第二部电影中的“If A Beautiful Mind was a little too heavy...for the most part.”可知,I.Q.这部电影既有趣又能让人放松。]
2.Which two characters are experts in mathematics according to the passage
A.Will Hunting and Sean.
B.John Nash and Will Hunting.
C.Charles Darwin and Sean.
D.John Nash and Charles Darwin.
答案 B [细节理解题。根据第一部电影中的“A Beautiful Mind is the story of John Nash...for his Game Theory.”和第三部电影中的“Good Will Hunting is a touching tale...in mathematics.”可知,John Nash和Will Hunting是数学方面的专家。]
3.The main purpose of the passage is to ________.
A.recommend actors
B.promote movie sales
C.introduce movies
D.compare movies
答案 C [写作意图题。根据文章第一段可推断出,作者写这篇文章是想介绍几部电影。]
  In the countryside in Fuzhou,Fujian,there is a girl,her little brother,their grandma and a cat named Hua Juan.In the eyes of Hua Juan,the grandma treats the boy and the girl very differently—she saves milk for the boy and feeds him as if he were a baby,not paying much attention to the girl.One day,Hua Juan falls asleep and starts to have a dream.Everything begins to change.
  This is the story told in the short film I’m Hua Juan,which explores a heavy topic—the traditional preference for sons over daughters.The film helped 18-year-old Zhu Manlin win the best director award at the 2021 International Teen Short Film Festival.The competition aims to encourage middle school students internationally to look at the world around them through images and pay attention to their position within it.
  Zhu,a student at Fuzhou Senior High School,said she got the idea of the film from stories she heard.“Gender (性别) preference is still a common thing.Three out of the five members of our filming team have such families with older sisters and younger brothers,” said Zhu.“Many people may take it for granted,but not for a cat.I tell the story from the viewpoint of a cat to encourage the audience to take another look at reality.”
  As the director and photographer,Zhu together with her teammates spent about two months writing the script (剧本),shooting the video and editing.She used several key scenes to show the grandma’s preference for the boy: more meat in his bowl,gentler words and interesting toys,while the girl is ignored and accompanied only by Hua Juan.The strong comparison can help viewers better emotionally connect with the girl and reflect on the unfavorable situation of other girls in the same situation.Zhu also set a scene in which the girl looks through the crack of a door and sees a part from the film Sister,which describes An Ran,a girl who struggles to pursue her own dream while having to raise her younger brother after their parents died in a car crash.“I want fewer girls to have to bear such burdens as An Ran and instead bravely fight for their own rights,” said Zhu.
  While the theme is realistic,the visuals are artistic.In the film,real life is in black and white while dreams are colorful.Zhu also shot the film in a square format to give it an unusual feeling as well as a sense of seriousness.She wants viewers to focus on the main story,using close-up shots to resonate with the emotions of the young actors while ignoring other unimportant factors.
  Zhu said her favorite director is Lee Chang-dong from South Korea,who cares about reality but also stays poetic.“I wish I could make such films one day,” she said.
【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章主要介绍了《我是花卷》这部电影的大概内容、主题以及导演的拍摄过程。
4.What can be known about the film I’m Hua Juan
A.It has a theme of gender preference.
B.It is adapted from a novel of the same name.
C.It took the team about half a year to make it.
D.It is based on the director’s personal experience.
答案 A [细节理解题。根据第二段“This is the story told in the short film...the traditional preference for sons over daughters.”可知,《我是花卷》的主题是性别偏好。]
5.Why is the story told through a cat’s eyes
A.To make the story more attractive.
B.To explain what role pets play in our life.
C.To get people to look at things in a different way.
D.To connect the story better with a younger audience.
答案 C [细节理解题。根据第三段“Many people may take it for granted...to take another look at reality.”可知,故事通过猫的眼睛来讲述是为了让人们以不同的方式看待事物。]
6.What is paragraph 4 mainly about
A.The problems Zhu had shooting the film.
B.The way Zhu directed and made the film.
C.The inspiration Zhu got from the film Sister.
D.The similarity between Zhu’s film and the film Sister.
答案 B [段落大意题。第四段的主要内容是朱导演和制作这部电影的方式。]
7.How does Zhu attract viewers to the main story
A.By focusing on social reality.
B.By using close-up shots in the film.
C.By shooting the film in black and white.
D.By expressing emotions in a poetic way.
答案 B [细节理解题。根据倒数第二段“She wants viewers to focus on the main story...while ignoring other unimportant factors.”可知,朱通过在电影中使用特写镜头将观众吸引到故事主线上来的。]
  Tom Walsh was wearing his earphones and walking past a pond (池塘) in Stoneham,Massachusetts,when his dog,Diesel,started barking.Walsh stopped walking and __1__ what had gotten Diesel so excited: a young man calling for __2__ from the middle of the icy pond.
  The young man had been riding his bike when he fell into the pond and got __3__.Walsh soon called 911,and at the same time,he did what he could to free the young man from the __4__ situation.
  “I told him to try to __5__ and catch his breath because he was filled with __6__,” Walsh said.“My instinct (本能) was to go in and help him. I’m a great swimmer but I can’t do that in the __7__.”
  Luckily,another man soon walked by as well, and together,he and Walsh pulled the struggling man out of the __8__ with the aid of a tree branch.First responders (急救人员) arrived on the scene and took the young man to the __9__.
  “We are thankful for this outcome (结果) and for Diesel letting his __10__ know that something was __11__,” Stoneham Fire & Rescue Chief Matthew Grafton said.“The two men did the right thing by calling 911 __12__ and using a branch to help pull the young man out rather than __13__ to get in the water themselves.These __14__ helped save a man’s life and they are truly __15__.”
【语篇解读】 本文是新闻报道。沃尔什在他的狗Diesel的提醒下发现并救助了一名被困在冰冷的池塘中的年轻人。
1.A.missed B.discovered
C.imagined D.believed
答案 B [根据上文中的“his dog,Diesel,started barking”和下文中的“a young man calling...from the middle of the icy pond”可知,听到Diesel的吠叫声后,沃尔什停下了脚步,随即“发现了(discovered)”是什么让Diesel如此兴奋(叫个不停)。]
2.A.help B.change
C.peace D.service
答案 A [根据下文内容可知,沃尔什发现的是一名年轻人在冰冷的池塘中央“呼救(calling for help)”。]
3.A.lost B.stuck
C.bored D.sick
答案 B [根据上文中的“from the middle of the icy pond”可知,那名年轻人在骑自行车时掉进了池塘后被“困住了(got stuck)”。]
4.A.awkward B.competitive
C.stressful D.dangerous
答案 D [根据上文内容可知,被困在池塘里的年轻人正处于“危险的(dangerous)”处境中。]
5.A.explain B.hide
C.relax D.leave
答案 C [解析见下题。]
6.A.doubt B.shame
C.fear D.pity
答案 C [根据上文中“catch his breath”和那名年轻人的呼救可知,看到那名年轻人充满“恐惧(fear)”,沃尔什告诉他要试着“放松(relax)”,喘口气。]
7.A.nighttime B.wintertime
C.lunchtime D.summertime
答案 B [上文中的icy pond提示本空选择wintertime。另外,根据最后一段中的this afternoon可排除A、C两项。]
8.A.bed B.water
C.line D.hole
答案 B [上文中的“The young man...fell into the pond”提示本空选择water。]
9.A.hotel B.restaurant
C.university D.hospital
答案 D [根据上文中的“First responders(急救人员)”并结合常识可知,本空应选择hospital。]
10.A.friend B.neighbor
C.owner D.partner
答案 C [根据第一段中“when his dog,Diesel,started barking”可知,Diesel让它的主人知道发生了什么事,故选owner。]
11.A.wrong B.broken
C.true D.possible
答案 A [根据上文内容可知,Diesel的吠叫声让沃尔什停下脚步并发现了呼救的年轻人,即让沃尔什知道“出事了(something was wrong)”。]
12.A.finally B.recently
C.suddenly D.immediately
答案 D [根据上文中的“Walsh soon called 911”可知,沃尔什发现呼救的年轻人后,“立即(immediately)”拨打了911报警救助电话。]
13.A.failing B.trying
C.waiting D.learning
答案 B [根据上文内容可知,沃尔什和另外一名路过的男士用树枝将那名年轻人救了上来,并没有贸然“尝试(trying)”自己下水救人。]
14.A.actions B.skills
C.messages D.plans
答案 A [根据语境和设空前的These可知,正是沃尔什和另一名男士的这些“行为(actions)”救了那名年轻人。]
15.A.magic B.complete
C.heroic D.unique
答案 C [根据上文中的“The two men did the right thing”和“helped save a man’s life”可知,Matthew Grafton称赞沃尔什和另一名男士所做的事非常“英勇(heroic)”。]
  The Chinese film The Battle at Lake Changjin tells the story of the Chinese People’s Volunteer Army taking part 1.____________the war to help Korea (朝鲜) fight against the U.S.aggression (侵略). Jointly 2.____________(direct) by three big names in Chinese film industry—Chen Kaige, Xu Ke and Lin Chaoxian, the film was a great 3.____________(succeed) in the National Holiday period. Actors 4.______________ play leading roles in the film include Wu Jing, Hu Jun, Duan Yihong and so on.
  In the movie, the Chinese army men fought 5.____________(brave) in temperatures below -40℃ in a key battle around Changjin Lake. Viewers said it was not the film itself that moved people, but the 6.____________(hero) of the war years who fought for our country and people, without considering 7.____________(they) own safety or even lives.
  It is reported 8.____________ since it was shown on September 30th, 2021, the total box office (票房) 9.____________(reach) the top of China’s box office, breaking the box office record of history in Chinese war films. With the great achievements in film industry, people are looking forward to 10.____________(see) more wonderful films in the future.
【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章介绍了中国电影《长津湖》。
1.in [考查介词。take part in为固定搭配, 意为“参加”, 故填in。]
2.directed [考查非谓语动词。分析句子结构可知, 此空应为非谓语动词, 且与主语“the film”之间为逻辑上的动宾关系, 故填directed。]
3.success [考查词性转换。分析空前的a great可知, 此处应填名词单数形式, 故填success。]
4.who/that [考查定语从句。分析句子结构可知, 此空引导定语从句, 在从句中作主语, 先行词为Actors, 指人, 故填who/that。]
5.bravely [考查词性转换。分析句子结构可知, 此处应填副词修饰动词, 故填bravely。]
6.heroes [考查名词的数。hero为可数名词, 且此处表示复数, 故填heroes。]
7.their [考查代词。分析空后的“own safety or even lives”可知, 此空应该填写形容词性物主代词, 故填their。]
8.that [考查名词性从句。分析句子结构可知, 此句为主语从句, It作形式主语, 该空引导的从句作真正的主语, 且该空在从句中不充当成分, 故填that。]
9.has reached [考查时态和主谓一致。根据时间状语从句“since it was shown on September 30th, 2021”可知, 此句应该用现在完成时, 且主语“the total box office”表示单数, 故填has reached。]
10.seeing [考查非谓语动词。look forward to doing sth为固定搭配, 意为“期待做某事”,其中to为介词,故填seeing。]课时测评作业三
维度一 语境辨义练(每小题1分,共6分)
fancy vt.想要;爱慕;自负adj.异常复杂的;精致的;奢华的
1.Do you fancy going out this evening      
2.I think she fancies me.      
3.He started to chat to me and I could tell that he really fancied himself.      
4.He is always using fancy legal words.      
5.It was packaged in a fancy plastic case with attractive paintings.      
6.He owned a fancy house out on Lake Agawam.      
维度二 固定用法练(每小题1.5分,共12分)
1.When it comes to       (adapt),it is important to understand that climate change is a process.
2.They’ll have to put aside their political differences and find a       (solve) together.
3.Scientists around the world are working to discover a cure       AIDS.
4.She hopes to get a job on the local newspaper and       (eventual) work for The Times.
5.Both of them had the qualities and virtues that are typical       American actors.
6.The teacher took his illness into account,so she made him         
(narrow) pass the exam.
7.My father is regarded       my best friend in my life.
8.Mr White recommended       (relax) for a while and then went on with his speech.
维度三 语法专项练
1.There       (be)some good advice about how to reduce air pollution on the Internet.
2.Mathematics       (be)the language of science.
3.Look! The teacher as well as the students       (be) working in the lab now.
4.About one third of the population in Shanghai       (be) netizens.
5.Do you know the police       (be) searching for a thief in the woods now
6.After doing research online and printing our boarding passes,all we have to do next
_______________ (be) pack luggage.
7.Every boy and girl in the area       (have)invited.
8.—When are you leaving
—My plane       (take) off at 10:45.
9.What is really comforting       (be) that the last decade has seen many advance in medical science.
10.Taking part in sports events       (be) fun but not always easy.
11.She is one of the students who       (have) got help from the old professor.
12.Under the tree       (be) two assistants.
1.What he says                              
what he does.
2.Every boy and every girl                         
the senior high school life.
3.Making films                             
an interesting things.
4.All kinds of means                           
to cure his son of his bad habits.
5.Gone                                when we shared sorrow and joy.
Amazing Movies
Are you looking for some movies You’ve landed on the right place.Let’s take a look at the list I’ve collected.
A Beautiful Mind A Beautiful Mind is the story of John Nash, a mathematician who went on to win the Nobel Prize for his Game Theory.This movie brings his whole journey on screen—from his beginning to his downhill ride.The first half is all about his rise to fame while the second half shows how he slowly falls into madness.After many years of fighting, he finally is victorious.
I.Q. The story is about an auto mechanic who falls for Albert Einstein’s niece.The only problem is that she is engaged (已订婚的) to someone else.Fortunately, Einstein likes him.The young man pretends to be a physicist to run after her, but things don’t go as he has planned. If A Beautiful Mind was a little too heavy for you, I.Q. would be the perfect fit.It’s a light drama that is funny and heartwarming for the most part.
Good Will Hunting Good Will Hunting is a touching tale of a troubled young man called Will Hunting who is gifted with a natural talent in mathematics. However, he is struggling to find his identity.He can solve any math problem, but not the one he seems to be struggling with in his life.His life seems to be getting only worse until one day he meets Sean, a therapist, who helps him find direction in life.
Creation Creation is a story of a famous scientist, Charles Darwin, best known for his theory of evolution.This movie attempts to bring his struggling days into focus, the time when he was dealing with the loss of his daughter and was suffering from hallucinations (幻觉).At the same time, he was working on a book called On the Origins of Species, which he finally completed. All in all, Creation is a great historical drama.
1.If you are interested in a relaxing movie, you can go and see     .
A Beautiful Mind
Good Will Hunting
2.Which two characters are experts in mathematics according to the passage
Will Hunting and Sean.
John Nash and Will Hunting.
Charles Darwin and Sean.
John Nash and Charles Darwin.
3.The main purpose of the passage is to     .
recommend actors
promote movie sales
introduce movies
compare movies
In the countryside in Fuzhou,Fujian,there is a girl,her little brother,their grandma and a cat named Hua Juan.In the eyes of Hua Juan,the grandma treats the boy and the girl very differently—she saves milk for the boy and feeds him as if he were a baby,not paying much attention to the girl.One day,Hua Juan falls asleep and starts to have a dream.Everything begins to change.
This is the story told in the short film I’m Hua Juan,which explores a heavy topic—the traditional preference for sons over daughters.The film helped 18-year-old Zhu Manlin win the best director award at the 2021 International Teen Short Film Festival.The competition aims to encourage middle school students internationally to look at the world around them through images and pay attention to their position within it.
Zhu,a student at Fuzhou Senior High School,said she got the idea of the film from stories she heard.“Gender (性别) preference is still a common thing.Three out of the five members of our filming team have such families with older sisters and younger brothers,” said Zhu.“Many people may take it for granted,but not for a cat.I tell the story from the viewpoint of a cat to encourage the audience to take another look at reality.”
As the director and photographer,Zhu together with her teammates spent about two months writing the script (剧本),shooting the video and editing.She used several key scenes to show the grandma’s preference for the boy: more meat in his bowl,gentler words and interesting toys,while the girl is ignored and accompanied only by Hua Juan.The strong comparison can help viewers better emotionally connect with the girl and reflect on the unfavorable situation of other girls in the same situation.Zhu also set a scene in which the girl looks through the crack of a door and sees a part from the film Sister,which describes An Ran,a girl who struggles to pursue her own dream while having to raise her younger brother after their parents died in a car crash.“I want fewer girls to have to bear such burdens as An Ran and instead bravely fight for their own rights,” said Zhu.
While the theme is realistic,the visuals are artistic.In the film,real life is in black and white while dreams are colorful.Zhu also shot the film in a square format to give it an unusual feeling as well as a sense of seriousness.She wants viewers to focus on the main story,using close-up shots to resonate with the emotions of the young actors while ignoring other unimportant factors.
Zhu said her favorite director is Lee Chang-dong from South Korea,who cares about reality but also stays poetic.“I wish I could make such films one day,” she said.
4.What can be known about the film I’m Hua Juan
It has a theme of gender preference.
It is adapted from a novel of the same name.
It took the team about half a year to make it.
It is based on the director’s personal experience.
5.Why is the story told through a cat’s eyes
To make the story more attractive.
To explain what role pets play in our life.
To get people to look at things in a different way.
To connect the story better with a younger audience.
6.What is paragraph 4 mainly about
The problems Zhu had shooting the film.
The way Zhu directed and made the film.
The inspiration Zhu got from the film Sister.
The similarity between Zhu’s film and the film Sister.
7.How does Zhu attract viewers to the main story
By focusing on social reality.
By using close-up shots in the film.
By shooting the film in black and white.
By expressing emotions in a poetic way.
Tom Walsh was wearing his earphones and walking past a pond (池塘) in Stoneham,Massachusetts,when his dog,Diesel,started barking.Walsh stopped walking and  1  what had gotten Diesel so excited: a young man calling for  2  from the middle of the icy pond.
The young man had been riding his bike when he fell into the pond and got  3 .Walsh soon called 911,and at the same time,he did what he could to free the young man from the  4  situation.
“I told him to try to  5  and catch his breath because he was filled with  6 ,” Walsh said.“My instinct (本能) was to go in and help him. I’m a great swimmer but I can’t do that in the  7 .”
Luckily,another man soon walked by as well, and together,he and Walsh pulled the struggling man out of the  8  with the aid of a tree branch.First responders (急救人员) arrived on the scene and took the young man to the  9 .
“We are thankful for this outcome (结果) and for Diesel letting his  10  know that something was  11 ,” Stoneham Fire & Rescue Chief Matthew Grafton said.“The two men did the right thing by calling 911  12  and using a branch to help pull the young man out rather than  13  to get in the water themselves.These  14  helped save a man’s life and they are truly  15 .”
1.missed discovered
imagined believed
2.help change
peace service
3.lost stuck
bored sick
4.awkward competitive
stressful dangerous
5.explain hide
relax leave
6.doubt shame
fear pity
7.nighttime wintertime
lunchtime summertime
8.bed water
line hole
9.hotel restaurant
university hospital
10.friend neighbor
owner partner
11.wrong broken
true possible
12.finally recently
suddenly immediately
13.failing trying
waiting learning
14.actions skills
messages plans
15.magic complete
heroic unique
The Chinese film The Battle at Lake Changjin tells the story of the Chinese People’s Volunteer Army taking part 1.       the war to help Korea (朝鲜) fight against the U.S. aggression (侵略). Jointly 2.       (direct) by three big names in Chinese film industry—Chen Kaige, Xu Ke and Lin Chaoxian, the film was a great 3.      (succeed) in the National Holiday period. Actors
4.       play leading roles in the film include Wu Jing, Hu Jun, Duan Yihong and so on.
In the movie, the Chinese army men fought 5.      (brave) in temperatures below -40℃ in a key battle around Changjin Lake. Viewers said it was not the film itself that moved people, but the 6.      (hero) of the war years who fought for our country and people, without considering 7.      (they) own safety or even lives.
It is reported 8.       since it was shown on September 30th, 2021, the total box office (票房) 9.      (reach) the top of China’s box office, breaking the box office record of history in Chinese war films. With the great achievements in film industry, people are looking forward to 10.      (see) more wonderful films in the future. 【小题夯基】
major adj.主要的,重要的;严重的 vi.主修 n.专业
1.He played a major role in setting up the system.主要的,重要的
2.We can allow students to choose their majors and pay for their education themselves.专业
3.She majored in history at university.主修……专业
4.We are facing a major crisis and there is no easy way out.严重的
1.Despite (尽管) her good salary,she measured out every dollar needed for household expenses.
2.The problem with many programmes is that they are short of personality (个性).
3.Internet has become one of the major (主要的) media of communication.
4.But the people of the city,who thought little of these events (事件),were asleep as usual.
5.I waved(挥手) and said hello to her that night,but she just ignored me and walked away.
6.I don’t recall/__recollect__(想起) what I got for my first Christmas.
1.Friends may have many different opinions and personalities(personal).
2.Despite refusing (refuse) me,she managed a smile.
3.At all events (event),we will carry the struggle through to the end.
4.She majored in English in Peking University many years ago.
5.While driving,a girl waved to me to__stop (stop).
6.The children are said to__be__playing (play) by the river now.
  If you want to know something about British life,their spirit,and even their humor,watching some classic British films will certainly help.Here are some recommended to you.
Notting Hill
After the success of his film Four Weddings and a Funeral,writer and producer Richard Curtis captured the essence of being British in 1999’s Notting Hill.Set against the background of rich West London,the film became popular for its charming and funny portrayal (刻画) of a British nobody trying to impress a Hollywood star.
The Full Monty
  This 1997 film is a Sheffield-based comedy (喜剧) about six unemployed men who form a group to make money for a better life.Despite its humour,the film dives deeper into some serious issues surrounding working-class culture.The Full Monty is an uplifting film that gives an insight into the work and life of the working class in Britain.
  Danny Boyle’s 1996 comedy-drama Trainspotting is about a group of Scots in the 1980s,based on the book by Irvine Welsh.With a cast of truly great actors including Ewan McGregor,the tale impressed the audience globally.It rapidly became a critical success.
Monty Python’s Life of Brian
  Featuring a jam-packed cast of comedic stars,Monty Python’s Life of Brian tells the story of a young man who is in a case of mistaken identity.The film reflects the unusual and wonderful British sense of humour.As a film guaranteed to entertain,Monty Python’s Life of Brian is not to be missed by those looking for an insight into what makes the British laugh.
【语篇解读】 本文是应用文。文章介绍了有助于了解英国人的生活,他们的精神,甚至他们的幽默的4部经典的英国电影。
1.What can the audience learn about by watching The Full Monty
A.Hardships of comedic stars.
B.Life of the British working class.
C.Unique experiences of some Scots.
D.Daily life of people in West London.
答案 B [细节理解题。根据The Full Monty的最后一句“The Full Monty is an uplifting...working class in Britain.”可知,观众观看The Full Monty,能从中了解到英国工人阶级的工作和生活。]
2.What kind of film does Monty Python’s Life of Brian belong to
A.A horror movie.
B.A comedy film.
C.An action movie
D.A science fiction film.
答案 B [推理判断题。根据Monty Python’s Life of Brian的“Featuring a jam-packed cast of comedic stars...what makes the British laugh.”可知,这部电影中,喜剧明星云集,属于喜剧电影。]
3.Which of the following films is adapted from a book
A.Notting Hill.
B.The Full Monty.
D.Monty Python’s Life of Brian.
答案 C [细节理解题。根据Trainspotting的第一句“Danny Boyle’s 1996...based on the book by Irvine Welsh.”可知,Trainspotting是根据欧文·威尔士的小说改编而来的一部电影。]
  During our research for this sequence,we had been told we shouldn’t even bother trying to film the Pallas’s cat in winter.Filming such an animal was said to be near impossible.We wouldn’t be able to find such a small animal in the vast steppes of Mongolia.Besides this,they’re known to be easily frightened and extremely cautious.But we wanted to surprise audiences by showing them frozen worlds that lay outside of the Poles.
  Arriving in Mongolia,I was struck by its vastness.It’s unbelievable that our first day presented us with a good view of our hard-to-find target.Our guide led us to the top of a hill.More than a kilometre away in an unimpressive pile of rocks,I could see a tiny spot,a Pallas’s cat! We were so excited!
  We had been blessed with extremely low daytime temperature.Pallas’s cats have the densest coat of any cat,but even so they must save their energy as much as possible.Their movements at these temperatures were especially seldom.While conditions did not look promising,we still needed to see if we could actually film them.
  The cats would only appear if the sun was out.But the steppe could be hit at any time by fast and bitter winds which would make any animal that had decided to appear come to an end.The decision as to whether to hold out for the weather to pass or to have a rest was always a painful one to make.
  But as the weeks went on and we spent more time with the cats,it was astonishing to see just how it was that they were able to survive in such a difficult and unpleasant environment.The longer we spent with them,the more we found ourselves falling in love with these attractive little characters and their winter lives.
【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者他们去拍摄兔狲的经历。
4.Why do people think it’s unlikely to film the cats
A.The action is illegal.
B.The steppes are not large.
C.The cats are extremely careful.
D.The cat number is small.
答案 C [细节理解题。根据第一段中“Besides this,they’re known to be easily frightened and extremely cautious.”可知,人们认为拍到兔狲是不可能的,是因为兔狲非常小心。]
5.How did the author feel when the steppes came into sight
A.Amazed. B.Excited.
C.Anxious. D.Upset.
答案 A [细节理解题。根据第二段中“Arriving in Mongolia,I was struck by its vastness.”可知,当草原出现在眼前时,作者感到很惊奇。]
6.What can we infer from paragraphs 3 and 4
A.They suffered low temperatures.
B.The Pallas’s cats love the sun.
C.The decisions are hard to make.
D.The filming condition is challenging.
答案 D [推理判断题。根据第三段最后两句以及第四段第二句可推知,拍摄条件很有挑战性。]
7.What would be the best title of the text
A.Pallas’s Cats—An Unusual Animal
B.Experience of Filming the Pallas’s Cats
C.Survival Skills on Mongolia Steppes
D.Extreme Weather Outside the Poles
答案 B [标题归纳题。根据第一段内容并结合全文可知,文章主要讲述了作者他们去拍摄兔狲的经历。可知,B选项“拍摄兔狲的经历”最符合文章标题。]
  In movies and books,people often describe a decisive moment when they figure out who they are.However,I never thought it actually happened in real life.I never expected to have a “moment” of my own.When it arrived,mine was much more powerful than I could have ever imagined.
  During the spring of my junior year,my class watched a documentary called The Invisible Children.It was about three college students who take a trip to Africa and document their experience.At first the film was slightly humorous.However,once the group arrived in northern Uganda,the mood changed.They learned what the consequences of a 23-year war had been for thousands of children.Some had lost family and friends,and others were caught by the opposing force and became child soldiers.
  Before long,I was sobbing.I couldn’t believe these things were happening,yet at the same time I knew they were.I just hadn’t been paying attention,for in the past 17 years,I was blessedly protected.When the movie ended,I couldn’t get it out of my head.For the next week,I was not myself.Every bite of food I took I thought of Grace,the 15-year-old who had little to eat.When I went to bed,I pictured Sunday,the 14-year-old boy sleeping on a straw mat on the ground in a camp.My whole world shifted.
  Since that day,I haven’t been able to picture my future in a way that doesn’t involve going to Africa and doing what I can to help.Ultimately,this is why I decided to major in engineering.With an engineering degree,my potential for change will be limitless.I will build wells and schools,and design irrigation systems.Engineering is tough,but I know—in what Yeats called “my deep heart’s call”—that this is what I’m supposed to do with my life.
【语篇解读】 本文是记叙文。文章主要讲述了作者在观看了《看不见的孩子》纪录片后,人生观被改变,决定主修工程学,来改变世界。
8.What did the author think of a decisive moment at first
A.It was impossible. B.It was unforgettable.
C.It was common. D.It was powerful.
答案 A [观点态度题。根据第一段中“However,I never thought it actually happened in real life.I never expected to have a ‘moment’ of my own.”可知,作者最初认为这个决定性时刻是不可能发生的。]
9.How does the movie influence the author
A.It amused him.
B.It made him unsure of himself.
C.It changed his perspectives of life.
D.It made him lose the desire to eat or sleep.
答案 C [细节理解题。根据倒数第二段中“My whole world shifted.”可知,电影改变了作者的人生观。]
10.Why does the author choose to study engineering
A.To challenge himself.
B.To achieve his goal.
C.To be well acknowledged.
D.To realize his childhood dream.
答案 B [细节理解题。根据最后一段内容可知,作者选择工程专业是为了实现他的目标。]
11.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear
A.Celebrity. B.Health.
C.Science. D.Education.
答案 D [文章出处题。根据文章主要讲述了作者在观看了《看不见的孩子》纪录片后,人生观被改变,决定主修工程学来改变世界可推知,文章可能选自报纸的“教育”版面。]
How Star Wars Changed Movie-making Forever
  “May the force be with you!” If you are a Star Wars fan,then you have probably heard this phrase many times.__1__ So many characters,devices,and phrases from the movie have become well-known.But you might be surprised to find out how much this movie has changed how movies are made.
  “A long time ago in a galaxy (银河系) far,far away...” is how Star Wars begins.Its plot was not ground-breaking.__2__ The story was typical science fiction with lots of drama,traditional characters and good battling evil,in space and in hand-to-hand fight.
  It was the special effects that made Star Wars much better than other movies.People still talk about the light swords (剑) that could cut,burn and melt through most substances.Spaceships sped through space and landed on huge,realistic-looking space stations.__3__ When Star Wars first came out in 1977,most movie theaters were stand-alone (单独的) buildings,with just one movie screen.Using the money Star Wars had made for them,movie-theater owners built more theaters,leading to the multiplexes (多影厅影院) that are common today.
  Theaters needed more movies to show on all the additional movie screens and in all the new multiplexes.So new movie companies sprang up,including small ones creating experimental movies.__4__ Some of the methods became popular and others failed.But,thanks to Star Wars,people got to see new types of movies.
  __5__ There had been movie continuations (续篇) before,but they were often just poor imitations of the first movie.The Star Wars movies were all popular.There have been two trilogies (三部曲) so far,with more planned.
A.They tried out new techniques.
B.In fact,it was quite old-fashioned.
C.Audience had never seen anything like these.
D.Thus,audience began to enjoy science fiction movies there.
E.Star Wars was the first really successful movie trilogy in history.
F.If you are not a fan,you are still likely familiar with these words.
G.If you are a movie maker,you may be inspired by this classic film.
【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。文章介绍了《星球大战》对电影制作的影响。
1.F [根据上下文可知,空白处表达的含义为:即使你不是它的粉丝,你也对这些话熟悉,因为这些东西都已经广为人知,与F项“如果你不是一个粉丝,你仍然可能熟悉这些话。”表达的含义一致,故选F。]
2.B [根据上文“A long time ago in a galaxy(银河系) far,far away”以及“Its plot was not ground-breaking.”可知,这个故事的情节很老旧,与B项“事实上,它是相当老式的。”表达的含义一致,故选B。]
3.C [根据上文“People still talk about the light swords...huge,realistic-looking space stations.”可知,人们对这样的场面从来没见过,故C选项“观众从未见过这样的场面。”符合语境,故选C。]
4.A [根据下文“Some of the methods became popular and others failed.But,thanks to Star Wars,people got to see new types of movies.”可知,电影院尝试了新的技术,与A项“他们尝试了新技术。”表达的含义一致,故选A。]
5.E [根据下文可知,星球大战是历史上一部成功的电影,与E项“《星球大战》是历史上第一部真正成功的电影三部曲。”表达的含义一致,故选E。]课时测评作业四
维度一 语境辨义练(每小题1分,共4分)
major adj.主要的,重要的;严重的vt.主修n.专业
1.He played a major role in setting up the system.      
2.We can allow students to choose their majors and pay for their education themselves.      
3.She majored in history at university.      
4.We are facing a major crisis and there is no easy way out.      
维度二 语境拼写练(每小题1分,共6分)
1.       (尽管) her good salary,she measured out every dollar needed for household expenses.
2.The problem with many programmes is that they are short of       (个性).
3.Internet has become one of the       (主要的) media of communication.
4.But the people of the city,who thought little of these                                 
(事件),were asleep as usual.
5.I       (挥手) and said hello to her that night,but she just ignored me and walked away.
6.I don’t       (想起) what I got for my first Christmas.
维度三 固定用法练(每小题1.5分,共9分)
1.Friends may have many different opinions and       (personal).
2.Despite       (refuse) me,she managed a smile.
3.At all       (event),we will carry the struggle through to the end.
4.She majored       English in Peking University many years ago.
5.While driving,a girl waved to me       (stop).
6.The children are said       (play) by the river now.
If you want to know something about British life,their spirit,and even their humor,watching some classic British films will certainly help.Here are some recommended to you.
Notting Hill
After the success of his film Four Weddings and a Funeral,writer and producer Richard Curtis captured the essence of being British in 1999’s Notting Hill.Set against the background of rich West London,the film became popular for its charming and funny portrayal (刻画) of a British nobody trying to impress a Hollywood star.
The Full Monty
This 1997 film is a Sheffield-based comedy (喜剧) about six unemployed men who form a group to make money for a better life.Despite its humour,the film dives deeper into some serious issues surrounding working-class culture.The Full Monty is an uplifting film that gives an insight into the work and life of the working class in Britain.
Danny Boyle’s 1996 comedy-drama Trainspotting is about a group of Scots in the 1980s,based on the book by Irvine Welsh.With a cast of truly great actors including Ewan McGregor,the tale impressed the audience globally.It rapidly became a critical success.
Monty Python’s Life of Brian
Featuring a jam-packed cast of comedic stars,Monty Python’s Life of Brian tells the story of a young man who is in a case of mistaken identity.The film reflects the unusual and wonderful British sense of humour.As a film guaranteed to entertain,Monty Python’s Life of Brian is not to be missed by those looking for an insight into what makes the British laugh.
1.What can the audience learn about by watching The Full Monty
Hardships of comedic stars.
Life of the British working class.
Unique experiences of some Scots.
Daily life of people in West London.
2.What kind of film does Monty Python’s Life of Brian belong to
A horror movie.
A comedy film.
An action movie
A science fiction film.
3.Which of the following films is adapted from a book
Notting Hill.
The Full Monty.
Monty Python’s Life of Brian.
During our research for this sequence,we had been told we shouldn’t even bother trying to film the Pallas’s cat in winter.Filming such an animal was said to be near impossible.We wouldn’t be able to find such a small animal in the vast steppes of Mongolia.Besides this,they’re known to be easily frightened and extremely cautious.But we wanted to surprise audiences by showing them frozen worlds that lay outside of the Poles.
Arriving in Mongolia,I was struck by its vastness.It’s unbelievable that our first day presented us with a good view of our hard-to-find target.Our guide led us to the top of a hill.More than a kilometre away in an unimpressive pile of rocks,I could see a tiny spot,a Pallas’s cat! We were so excited!
We had been blessed with extremely low daytime temperature.Pallas’s cats have the densest coat of any cat,but even so they must save their energy as much as possible.Their movements at these temperatures were especially seldom.While conditions did not look promising,we still needed to see if we could actually film them.
  The cats would only appear if the sun was out.But the steppe could be hit at any time by fast and bitter winds which would make any animal that had decided to appear come to an end.The decision as to whether to hold out for the weather to pass or to have a rest was always a painful one to make.
But as the weeks went on and we spent more time with the cats,it was astonishing to see just how it was that they were able to survive in such a difficult and unpleasant environment.The longer we spent with them,the more we found ourselves falling in love with these attractive little characters and their winter lives.
4.Why do people think it’s unlikely to film the cats
The action is illegal.
The steppes are not large.
The cats are extremely careful.
The cat number is small.
5.How did the author feel when the steppes came into sight
Amazed. Excited.
Anxious. Upset.
6.What can we infer from paragraphs 3 and 4
They suffered low temperatures.
The Pallas’s cats love the sun.
The decisions are hard to make.
The filming condition is challenging.
7.What would be the best title of the text
Pallas’s Cats—An Unusual Animal
Experience of Filming the Pallas’s Cats
Survival Skills on Mongolia Steppes
Extreme Weather Outside the Poles
In movies and books,people often describe a decisive moment when they figure out who they are.However,I never thought it actually happened in real life.I never expected to have a “moment” of my own.When it arrived,mine was much more powerful than I could have ever imagined.
During the spring of my junior year,my class watched a documentary called The Invisible Children.It was about three college students who take a trip to Africa and document their experience.At first the film was slightly humorous.However,once the group arrived in northern Uganda,the mood changed.They learned what the consequences of a 23-year war had been for thousands of children.Some had lost family and friends,and others were caught by the opposing force and became child soldiers.
Before long,I was sobbing.I couldn’t believe these things were happening,yet at the same time I knew they were.I just hadn’t been paying attention,for in the past 17 years,I was blessedly protected.When the movie ended,I couldn’t get it out of my head.For the next week,I was not myself.Every bite of food I took I thought of Grace,the 15-year-old who had little to eat.When I went to bed,I pictured Sunday,the 14-year-old boy sleeping on a straw mat on the ground in a camp.My whole world shifted.
Since that day,I haven’t been able to picture my future in a way that doesn’t involve going to Africa and doing what I can to help.Ultimately,this is why I decided to major in engineering.With an engineering degree,my potential for change will be limitless.I will build wells and schools,and design irrigation systems.Engineering is tough,but I know—in what Yeats called “my deep heart’s call”—that this is what I’m supposed to do with my life.
8.What did the author think of a decisive moment at first
It was impossible.
It was unforgettable.
It was common.
It was powerful.
9.How does the movie influence the author
It amused him.
It made him unsure of himself.
It changed his perspectives of life.
It made him lose the desire to eat or sleep.
10.Why does the author choose to study engineering
To challenge himself.
To achieve his goal.
To be well acknowledged.
To realize his childhood dream.
11.In which section of a newspaper may this text appear
Celebrity. Health.
Science. Education.
How Star Wars Changed Movie-making Forever
“May the force be with you!” If you are a Star Wars fan,then you have probably heard this phrase many times. 1  So many characters,devices,and phrases from the movie have become well-known.But you might be surprised to find out how much this movie has changed how movies are made.
“A long time ago in a galaxy (银河系) far,far away...” is how Star Wars begins.Its plot was not ground-breaking. 2  The story was typical science fiction with lots of drama,traditional characters and good battling evil,in space and in hand-to-hand fight.
It was the special effects that made Star Wars much better than other movies.People still talk about the light swords (剑) that could cut,burn and melt through most substances.Spaceships sped through space and landed on huge,realistic-looking space stations. 3  When Star Wars first came out in 1977,most movie theaters were stand-alone (单独的) buildings,with just one movie screen.Using the money Star Wars had made for them,movie-theater owners built more theaters,leading to the multiplexes (多影厅影院) that are common today.
Theaters needed more movies to show on all the additional movie screens and in all the new multiplexes.So new movie companies sprang up,including small ones creating experimental movies. 4  Some of the methods became popular and others failed.But,thanks to Star Wars,people got to see new types of movies.
 5  There had been movie continuations (续篇) before,but they were often just poor imitations of the first movie.The Star Wars movies were all popular.There have been two trilogies (三部曲) so far,with more planned.
A.They tried out new techniques.
B.In fact,it was quite old-fashioned.
C.Audience had never seen anything like these.
D.Thus,audience began to enjoy science fiction movies there.
E.Star Wars was the first really successful movie trilogy in history.
F.If you are not a fan,you are still likely familiar with these words.
G.If you are a movie maker,you may be inspired by this classic film.
5.      UNIT 1 Lights,camera,action!
  If you are a sci-fi movie fan, there are some sci-fi films that are worth seeing.
  Stowaway is the story of a mission to Mars and a spaceship that has too many passengers. With the journey planned for only a certain number of people, well, you can see where this is headed. This sci-fi movie directed by Joe Penna takes us on a journey we will be able to risk.
David H. Wilson, author of 2011’s Robopocalypse, has been compared to sci-fi writers like Michael Crichton and Robert A. Heinlein. The film tells the story of a robot named AIX in the near future. It has the face of a pure (纯真的) child, but its heart is not pure. One day, he took control of the global network and directed the machines and weapons (武器) made by human beings to fight against human beings. Steven Spielberg was in charge of this film for years until it changed hands in 2017 to director Michael Bay.
  The biggest problem with space travel is the long distance. In Voyagers, 30 men and women go on a multi-generational voyage in search of a new home.The mission gradually gets into madness. The people don’t know if the real threat they face is what’s outside the ship or who they’re becoming inside it. The film’s director Neil Burger describes the film as Lord of the Flies for a new generation.
  After Yang
  Based on Alexander Weinstein’s short story Saying Goodbye to Yang, this film is set in the future where robotic children help raise human children as a live-in help. But when one robotic family member, Yang, becomes non-responsive, a father and daughter will do everything they can to save its life. Starring Collin Ferrell and directed by Kogonada (director of Columbus), this could be one of the smartest sci-fi films.
【语篇解读】 本文是应用文。文章推荐了4部值得一看的科幻电影。
1.Which movie is your best choice if you like Joe Penna
A.Stowaway. B.Robopocalypse.
C.Voyagers. D.After Yang.
答案 A [细节理解题。根据Stowaway部分中“This sci-fi movie directed by Joe Penna takes us on a journey we will be able to risk.”可知, 喜欢Joe Penna的人可以去看他执导的Stowaway, 故选A项。]
2.What is the journey in Voyagers like
A.Safe. B.Boring.
C.Unpleasant. D.Tiring.
答案 C [推理判断题。根据Voyagers部分中“The mission gradually gets into madness...who they’re becoming inside it. ”可推知, 在船中的人陷入了疯狂, 迷失了自己, 所以这一旅程是不愉快的, 故选C项。]
3.What do Robopocalypse and After Yang have in common
A.They both tell a story about a robot.
B.They both mention a mission in space.
C.They are both smart sci-fi films of the year.
D.They are both based on a full-length novel.
答案 A [细节理解题。根据Robopocalypse部分中“The film tells the story of a robot named AIX in the near future.”和After Yang部分中“Based on Alexander Weinstein’s short story...help raise human children as a live-in help.”可知, 两部电影都是关于机器人的故事, 故选A项。]
  As one of the world’s most popular cultural mediums, cinema got the most attention at the Taihu World Cultural Forum, an annual event that aims to improve cultural exchanges.It is reported that the box office(票房) takings in China have been growing at an impressive rate in the past five years, which indicates that China, the world’s second-largest movie market, is closing the gap with the United States, the world’s top cinema market.
  Cao Yin, director of the program center at China Movie Channel, said that China has the most cinema screens of any country, and the number is increasing steadily.Saying that China has signed coproduction agreements with more than 20 countries, Cao added it has deepened cinematic exchanges between Chinese filmmakers and their foreign counterparts(同行).
  Hong Kong director Stanley Tong said that with the country’s huge home market he believes foreign filmmakers will increasingly seek cooperation with China.“International coproduction will become an important platform to send Chinese stories oversea and give us a broader vision of creation,” Tong said.
Recently, over 80 percent of the world’s top 100 highest box-office titles have been action films.Tong said the action film, in which plots are basically secondary to dazzling stunts (特技), is one of the easiest ways to appeal to foreign audiences.But it has been a decades-long struggle for Chinese filmmakers to sell their stories overseas.When asked what kinds of Chinese films would have the most global appeal, Yan Zhaozhu, chairman of the Taihu World Cultural Forum, said stories that address universal issues, such as environmental protection and climate change, are perhaps the best options.
【语篇解读】 本文是说明文,主要介绍了当前我国电影行业的发展现状以及如何进一步让中国电影走向世界。
4.What is the purpose of the Taihu World Cultural Forum
A.To strengthen cultural exchanges.
B.To build more cinemas in China.
C.To attract more tourists to Taihu.
D.To absorb more international investment.
答案 A [细节理解题。根据第一段中的“the Taihu World Cultural Forum,an annual event that aims to improve cultural exchanges”可知,太湖世界文化论坛旨在促进文化交流。]
5.What can we know about Cao Yin’s opinion
A.Chinese box office takings have already overtaken the United States so far.
B.The screens of Chinese cinemas will be world-leading in the future.
C.China has signed the most coproduction agreements with other countries.
D.There will be more and more cooperation between Chinese filmmakers and those in other countries.
答案 D [细节理解题。根据第二段中的“China has the most cinema screens...their foreign counterparts(同行)”可知,鉴于中国已经与二十多个国家签署了联合制作电影的协议,那么可推测未来中国电影制片人与其他国家同行之间将会有越来越多的合作。]
6.How do Chinese filmmakers find selling their movies to the world
A.Reasonable. B.Disappointing.
C.Challenging. D.Confusing.
答案 C [推理判断题。根据最后一段中的“But it has been a decades-long struggle for Chinese filmmakers to sell their stories overseas.”可知,中国电影制片人向海外推广他们的电影已经经历了数十年的艰辛努力。由此可推断,向海外推广中国电影是有挑战性的。]
7.What is the best title for the text
A.The Box Office with an Unclear Future
B.China:the Second Biggest Movie Market
C.Cinema:the Leading Cultural Position
D.Chinese Filmmakers Facing the Severe Competition Situation
答案 B [标题归纳题。通读全文尤其是文章第一段可知,本文主要介绍了当前我国作为世界第二大电影市场,电影行业的发展现状以及如何进一步让中国电影走向世界。因此B项“中国:第二大电影市场”最能概括文章主旨。]
  Do you think that you have no time to catch up on your favourite TV series,go out with your friends on the weekend,or just sit around relaxing and doing nothing?You might have a lot of time in hand,but don’t even know it!__1__
  Your workplace is full of distractions.
  Talkative coworkers,silly desk toys and emails of lovely cats can distract you from getting things done. __2__ Clearing your desk is a must. And don’t forget to log off your email completely when working.
  You check your smart phone every three minutes.
  Frequently checking email adds up over time,especially if you are trying to relax. Put down the phone. __3__
  You don’t plan your day.
  A day without plans can quickly turn into a day of doing things for other people,or doing things that aren’t really necessary,therefore wasting your time even more. __4__ Then don’t forget to stop working so you can rest and relax.
  Ah,this is the classic case of self-sabotage(自我破坏). If you always do that,pretty soon you’ll believe it one hundred percent though it is not the truth. Never doubt that you can find time to relax and have fun:improve your work efficiency and rework your schedule.
A.Shut down your computer at once.
B.You tell yourself you have no time to relax and have fun.
C.You can avoid being affected by using noise-reducing earphones.
D.The following are some suggestions to help you find time for relaxation.
E.Better yet,shut it off completely to prevent yourself from using it too often.
F.Here are several reasons why you feel you always have no time for relaxation.
G.Get started by writing down at least three tasks that must get done for tomorrow.
【语篇解读】 本文是说明文。人们总是认为自己没有时间去放松和娱乐,作者分析了这种现象的原因并提出了相应的对策。
1.F [上文说“其实你也许有许多可以支配的时间,只是你没有意识到。”,再由下文的几个小标题可知,F项(下面是你总是没有时间放松的几个原因。)符合语境。]
2.C [由设空后的“Clearing your desk is a must. And don’t forget to log off your email completely when working.”可知,这些措施都是为了解决注意力分散的做法,故选C。]
3.E [由设空前“...if you are trying to relax. Put down the phone.”可知,频繁看手机会妨碍休息,所以要想放松,就干脆把手机放到一边,最好的办法就是完全关闭它。]
4.G [由本段标题“You don’t plan your day.”可知,作者建议制订计划,故选G。]
5.B [由下文中的“this is the classic case of self-sabotage(自我破坏)”及“Never doubt that you can find time to relax and have fun”可知,自我破坏的典型案例是反复告诉自己没有时间放松和娱乐,故选B。]课时测评作业一
If you are a sci-fi movie fan, there are some sci-fi films that are worth seeing.
Stowaway is the story of a mission to Mars and a spaceship that has too many passengers. With the journey planned for only a certain number of people, well, you can see where this is headed. This sci-fi movie directed by Joe Penna takes us on a journey we will be able to risk.
David H. Wilson, author of 2011’s Robopocalypse, has been compared to sci-fi writers like Michael Crichton and Robert A. Heinlein. The film tells the story of a robot named AIX in the near future. It has the face of a pure (纯真的) child, but its heart is not pure. One day, he took control of the global network and directed the machines and weapons (武器) made by human beings to fight against human beings. Steven Spielberg was in charge of this film for years until it changed hands in 2017 to director Michael Bay.
The biggest problem with space travel is the long distance. In Voyagers, 30 men and women go on a multi-generational voyage in search of a new home.The mission gradually gets into madness. The people don’t know if the real threat they face is what’s outside the ship or who they’re becoming inside it. The film’s director Neil Burger describes the film as Lord of the Flies for a new generation.
After Yang
Based on Alexander Weinstein’s short story Saying Goodbye to Yang, this film is set in the future where robotic children help raise human children as a live-in help. But when one robotic family member, Yang, becomes non-responsive, a father and daughter will do everything they can to save its life. Starring Collin Ferrell and directed by Kogonada (director of Columbus), this could be one of the smartest sci-fi films.
1.Which movie is your best choice if you like Joe Penna
Stowaway. Robopocalypse.
Voyagers. After Yang.
2.What is the journey in Voyagers like
Safe. Boring.
Unpleasant. Tiring.
3.What do Robopocalypse and After Yang have in common
They both tell a story about a robot.
They both mention a mission in space.
They are both smart sci-fi films of the year.
They are both based on a full-length novel.
As one of the world’s most popular cultural mediums, cinema got the most attention at the Taihu World Cultural Forum, an annual event that aims to improve cultural exchanges.It is reported that the box office(票房) takings in China have been growing at an impressive rate in the past five years, which indicates that China, the world’s second-largest movie market, is closing the gap with the United States, the world’s top cinema market.
Cao Yin, director of the program center at China Movie Channel, said that China has the most cinema screens of any country, and the number is increasing steadily.Saying that China has signed coproduction agreements with more than 20 countries, Cao added it has deepened cinematic exchanges between Chinese filmmakers and their foreign counterparts(同行).
Hong Kong director Stanley Tong said that with the country’s huge home market he believes foreign filmmakers will increasingly seek cooperation with China.“International coproduction will become an important platform to send Chinese stories oversea and give us a broader vision of creation,” Tong said.
Recently, over 80 percent of the world’s top 100 highest box-office titles have been action films.Tong said the action film, in which plots are basically secondary to dazzling stunts (特技), is one of the easiest ways to appeal to foreign audiences.But it has been a decades-long struggle for Chinese filmmakers to sell their stories overseas.When asked what kinds of Chinese films would have the most global appeal, Yan Zhaozhu, chairman of the Taihu World Cultural Forum, said stories that address universal issues, such as environmental protection and climate change, are perhaps the best options.
4.What is the purpose of the Taihu World Cultural Forum
To strengthen cultural exchanges.
To build more cinemas in China.
To attract more tourists to Taihu.
To absorb more international investment.
5.What can we know about Cao Yin’s opinion
Chinese box office takings have already overtaken the United States so far.
The screens of Chinese cinemas will be world-leading in the future.
China has signed the most coproduction agreements with other countries.
There will be more and more cooperation between Chinese filmmakers and those in other countries.
6.How do Chinese filmmakers find selling their movies to the world
Reasonable. Disappointing.
Challenging. Confusing.
7.What is the best title for the text
The Box Office with an Unclear Future
China:the Second Biggest Movie Market
Cinema:the Leading Cultural Position
Chinese Filmmakers Facing the Severe Competition Situation
Do you think that you have no time to catch up on your favourite TV series,go out with your friends on the weekend,or just sit around relaxing and doing nothing You might have a lot of time in hand,but don’t even know it! 1 
Your workplace is full of distractions.
Talkative coworkers,silly desk toys and emails of lovely cats can distract you from getting things done.  2  Clearing your desk is a must. And don’t forget to log off your email completely when working.
You check your smart phone every three minutes.
Frequently checking email adds up over time,especially if you are trying to relax. Put down the phone.  3 
You don’t plan your day.
A day without plans can quickly turn into a day of doing things for other people,or doing things that aren’t really necessary,therefore wasting your time even more.  4  Then don’t forget to stop working so you can rest and relax.
Ah,this is the classic case of self-sabotage(自我破坏). If you always do that,pretty soon you’ll believe it one hundred percent though it is not the truth. Never doubt that you can find time to relax and have fun:improve your work efficiency and rework your schedule.
A.Shut down your computer at once.
B.You tell yourself you have no time to relax and have fun.
C.You can avoid being affected by using noise-reducing earphones.
D.The following are some suggestions to help you find time for relaxation.
E.Better yet,shut it off completely to prevent yourself from using it too often.
F.Here are several reasons why you feel you always have no time for relaxation.
G.Get started by writing down at least three tasks that must get done for tomorrow.


