
  1. 二一教育资源



36 湖北省八市2024届高三3月联考
37 广东省2024年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟测试(一)
38 浙江省强基联盟2024届高三下学期3月联考
39 辽宁省名校联盟2024届高三3月份联合考试
40 福建省福州市2024届高三下学期2月份质量检测
41 江苏省G4(苏州中学、淮阴中学、海门中学、姜堰中学)2024届第二学期四校联考
42 安徽省合肥市2024届高三第一次教学质量检测(一模)
43 东北三省三校2024届第一次联合模拟考试
44 广东省深圳市2024年高三第一次调研考试(一模)
45 湖北省武汉市2024届高中毕业生二月调研考试(二调)
46 福建省七地市2024届高三毕业班1月第一次质量检测
47 江苏省常州市2024届高三上学期期末学业水平监测
48 江苏省南通市等苏北六市2024届高三第一次调研测试(一模)
49 山东省济南市2024届高三上学期期末学习质量检测
50 江苏省苏州市2024届高三第一学期学业质量阳光指标调研卷
51 普通高等学校招生全国统一考试2024年1月适应性测试(九省联考)
52 福建省泉州市2024届高中毕业班质量检测(二)
53 江苏省南京市、盐城市2024届高三第一次模拟考试
54 江苏省海安高级中学2024届高三年级12月份测试
55 普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(浙江卷)
56 湖南省长沙市长郡中学2024届高三月考试卷(五)
57 八省八校2024届高三第一次学业质量评价(T8联考)
58 广东省广州市2024届高三上学期调研测试(零模)
59 江苏省天一中学、淮阴中学、海门中学、姜堰中学2024届高三12月联考
60 Z20名校联盟(浙江省名校新高考研究联盟)2024届高三第二次联考
61 山东省实验中学2024届高三上学期第二次诊断考试(期中)
62 浙江省9+1高中联盟2024届高三上学期期中考试
63 湖北省部分重点中学2024届高三第一次联考
64 浙江省绍兴市2024届高三上学期高考科目诊断性考试(一模)
65 浙江省温州市普通高中2024届高三第一次适应性考试(一模)
66 浙江省杭州市2024届高三上学期11月教学质量检测(一模)
67 江浙高中(县中)发展共同体2024届高三年级10月联考
68 江苏省南京市2024届高三年级9月学情调研
69 湖北省武汉市部分学校2024届高三上学期九月调研考试(九调)
70 福建省泉州市2024届高中毕业班质量检测(一)
36 湖北省八市2024届高三3月联考
By the time he was 24 years old,Imran Nuri quit his job in a bold move,and emptied his savings account to carry out an ambitious 41 he’d been bearing in mind. Nuri would drive his car to every state on a 100-day trip to find 1 ,000 42 and ask them to share one thing they wish they'd 43 when they were younger. Nuri was hoping for answers that might help him 44 the rest of his life.
He 45 . But to his shock, he chose a 46 person for the first time. He met a man, who had a dark look at Nuri. Nuri thought the man was going to 47 him. Then, doing the most 48 thing he'd done, he introduced himself, “I’m 49 around the country to talk to 1 ,000 unfamiliar people. I’m asking them for pieces of life advice about things they wish they knew 50 .” The man remained silent for a minute or so and 51 said, “We should spend more time with our family.”
In Colorado Springs, Colorado, a man in his 50s who had stage 4 terminal cancer told Nuri, “Life is about the human 52 . There would be no life without social interactions.”
In Tillamook, Oregon, a waitress----a college student----told him, “Whether it's changing your major or changing your whole life path,you don't have to 53 yourself for taking a step back and reevaluating your past choices. Just do what you think to be right.”
Nuri found beauty in every place as well as 54 from the people he met. Those people taught a lot. Now he always puts himself in other people's shoes even when a person sees the world 55 .
41. A. plan B. policy C. initiative D. trick
42. A. acquaintances B. residents C. strangers D. peers
43. A. embraced B. inquired C. misunderstood D. known
44. A. picture B. navigate C. enrich D. interpret
45. A. cracked up B. backed away C. set out D. knocked off
46. A. generous B. wrong C. pleasant D. selfish
47. A. dismiss B. accompany C. consult D. beat
48. A. courageous B. stupid C. unforgettable D. glorious
49.A. sailing B. hiking C. driving D. wandering
50. A. occasionally B. permanently C. later D. earlier
51. A. finally B. excitedly C. instantly D. hesitantly
52.A. potential B. nature C. connection D. competition
53. A. admire B. reward C. forgive D. fault
54. A. wisdom B. fortune C. confidence D. perseverance
55. A. objectively B. differently C. selectively D. randomly
37 广东省2024年普通高等学校招生全国统一考试模拟测试(一)
Summer Claylon may not have children in real life, but he’s a “proud dad” to 2.8 million people on the Internet.
Every week, he sits down to dinner and has a 41 chat with his “kids”. He looks into the camera and asks about their day. He 42 them how to shave, and reminds them it’s OK to be 43 when life hurls. To some, his one-way conversations may seem 44 . But his efforts have struck a chord (引起共鸣) among people who 45 a father figure----or just someone who listens to their 46 in the daily life.
Clayton is a civilian fitness trainer in real life. He started 47 on the Internet in late 2020 with-inspirational and how-to videos, and 48 jokingly called him “dad” His first video to go viral was a shaving how-to----a 49 to someone who sent him a message asking,” hey Dad, can you teach me how to shave ” The video 50 , earning him tens of thousands of new fans within hours.
Clayton’s extended family comes in all 51 . Many of his “kids” are old enough to be his parents. Clayton’s 52 doesn’t seem to bother his fans. At 58 , Sarah D’Imperio may not seem like Claylon’s large audience, but she believes that it’s a (n) 53 idea, especially for youngsters who may not have a paternal (父亲的) role model that listens or has 54 to listen. “It’s just heartwarming to see someone, trying to 55 a small part of that role for anyone,” she says.
41.A. quick B. formal C secret D. virtual
42. A. trains B. convinces C. teaches D. supports
43. A. painful B. peaceful C. shameful D. hopeful
44.A. dull B. tough C. silly D. brief
45.A. find B. need C. admit D. start
46. A. decisions B. hobbies C. excuses D. troubles
47.A. posting B profiting C. searching D. donating
48. A. critics B. followers C. experts D. reporters
49. A. suggestion B. promise C. reward D. response
50. A. caught up B. came out C. blew up D. held out
51. A. places B. ages C. types D. classes
52. A. faith B. experience C. youth D. appearance
53. A. brilliant B. ambitious C. complicated D. abstract
54. A. luck B. time C. energy D. honor
55. A. value B. create C. define D. fill
38 浙江省强基联盟2024届高三下学期3月联考
“What's your name ” My fifteen-year-old daughter, Jessica, asked a stranger on the street. Her eyes sparkled with 41 and her face wore a broad smile. I wish she could make it because she has a disability with autistic(自闭症的). l stood nearby, waiting 42 for any potential result.
To be honest, the 43 nature of hers is a result of her disability. Ever since Jessica was real young, she had 44 right up to strangers on the street and 45 a conversation, never expecting to be refused. Children with autism don't relate well to others. As her mum, my thoughts are 46 . On one hand, l tried my best to prevent her from 47 others. On the other hand, I don't want her to be discouraged. Happily, when Jessica talks with someone, it always 48 me that people patiently answer her, although they must sense she's a bit different.
What about this time Would this man respond kindly or just 49 her and walk away A few minutes later, Jessica skipped to me. Obviously, it was a successful 50 . Jessica shared with me the 51 they had talked about, which would certainly 52 my daughter's day. The man just treated her like an ordinary girl, nothing special from others.
As we continued on our way, I felt a renewed sense full of 53 for the future. Despite my daughter's problem, an equal 54 the kind people gave her created a moment of 55 interaction.
41. A. shock B. depression C. admiration D. excitement
42. A. politely B. tensely C. gracefully D. gratefully
43. A. sociable B. careful C. independent D. ambitious
44. A. marched B. received C. reminded D. covered
45. A. checked in B. put down C. struck up D. broke out
46. A. suspicious B. sharp C. conflicting D. convincing
47. A. excusing B. disturbing C. persuading D. threatening
48. A. surprises B. benefits C. frightens D. confuses
49. A. test B. ignore C. calm D. bother
50. A. examination B. explanation C. excuse D. exchange
51. A. content B. collection C. complaint D. material
52. A. declare B. describe C. ruin D. brighten
53.A. patience B. hope C. worry D. company
54. A. operation B. right C. treatment D. comment
55.A. sincere B. humorous C. modest D. accurate
39 辽宁省名校联盟2024届高三3月份联合考试
Whenever photographer Casey Ryan heads into the wilderness, he brings along his drone (无人机) to capture photographs from a bird's eye view. Having the 41 device with him on a recent trip to the Cascades Mountain Range in Oregon saved his and another person's 42 .
Casey was 43 through the Willamette National Forest when he 44 a stranger whose vehicle was stuck. Casey 45 to help get it out without hesitation. 46 , he got his own vehicle stuck in a ditch while trying to help, leaving both people in 47 with no cell phone service for miles around.
Casey immediately assessed the 48 and recalled a movie he'd seen recently in which a character used a drone to lift his phone high enough to capture a 49 in a similar situation, so he 50 his device and got to work.
First, he attached his cell phone 51 to his drone. Then, he typed a series of messages to his wife. He told her where he was located in the park, and then launched the drone into the air. Somewhere up there over the tall trees, it 52 a signal and whoosh! All of Casey's texts were 53 .
Rescuers arrived and saved both Casey and the other driver. Who knows, maybe future drones will have built in 54 features added to it 55 this photographer's practice. We'd buy a phone drone!
41. A. protecting B. detecting C. repairing D. flying
42. A. lives B. photos C. strength D. money
43. A. searching B. driving C. wandering D. slipping
44. A. rang up B. came across C. got rid of D. kept track of
45. A. managed B. pretended C. volunteered D. failed
46. A. Unnaturally B. Generally C. Unfortunately D. Gradually
47. A. peace B. trouble C. charge D. silence
48. A. standard B. damage C. evidence D. situation
49. A. bird B. picture C. signal D. radiation
50. A. put aside B. gave away C. pulled out D. broke up
51. A. securely B. accidentally C. freely D. carelessly
52. A. picked off B. picked out C. picked on D. picked up
53. A. typed B. hidden C. delayed D. sent
54. A. emergency B. camera C. lighting D. identifying
55. A. in line with B. in case of C. thanks to D. depending on
40 福建省福州市2024届高三下学期2月份质量检测
Joy is a Teacher Naturalist Assistant at the Audubon Center, a non-profit connecting people with nature. A big part of her 41 is giving urban youth the chance to spot wildlife, and gain a greater 42 of nature. "If things go well, she says, "at the end of the tour, students who used to be 43 even by bees will no longer be afraid of insect bites, and will 44 handle mud, and whatever little moving 45 they can catch. "
Joy values most the 46 that show how much this opportunity means to the students. She 47 one particularly long day. One boy had been misbehaving a lot, frightening away the wildlife. At the end of the tour, 48 he ran to her.
"Miss, " he said, “It was 49 to pet the fur of those dead animals. "
It wasn't how Joy would normally refer to the specimens (标本) of animal fur, but she knew what the boy meant. He looked over the river banks, 50 for a moment as if he was weighing something in his mind.
"This place is really amazing, he 51 said. "This has been the best field trip we've ever been on, ever.
Joy grew up in a little village in England. She fondly remembers 52 nature walks with Girl Scout volunteers. They helped her 53 her life-long passion for nature, which she wants to share with children today. Like all volunteers, Joy has a 54 for looking at the world through the eyes of her students. "Maybe only five out of every hundred children will come back, but for many, the experiences will 55 their entire lives, she said.
41. A. life B. dream C. challenge D. job
42. A. appreciation B. taste C. wealth D. control
43. A. amazed B. scared C. attracted D. bored
44. A. carelessly B. unwillingly C. happily D. seriously
45. A. creatures B. images C. spirits D. shadows
46. A. stories B. moments C. honors D. rewards
47. A. ruins B. names C. recalls D. imagines
48. A. casually B. sadly C. gratefully D. suddenly
49. A. harmful B. great C. terrible D. lucky
50. A. glad B. quiet C. running D. smiling
51. A. finally B. honestly C. openly D. smoothly
52. A. living through B. talking about C. arranging D. taking
53. A. discuss B. spare C. understand D. discover
54. A. hope B. gift C. reason D. need
55. A. spoil B. adjust C. last D. save
41 江苏省G4(苏州中学、淮阴中学、海门中学、姜堰中学)2024届第二学期四校联考
“A new student is waiting in your room.” My principal announced. “Name’s Mary. I’ll talk to you about her.” I nodded, some materials in my hands. “Fine,” I said. “We’re making valentine envelopes, a good way for her to get 41 .”
She sat in the back of the room, her hands 42 in her lap. “Welcome, Mary. I’m glad you are in our room.” No 43 . “Mary.” I said again. She raised her head and looked into my eyes. A chill went through me. The eyes in that face were unexpectedly 44 as if the owner of a house had drawn the blinds (百叶窗).
The bell rang, little time to worry about Mary. After 45 Mary into her desk, I distributed materials and then hurried to the office. There I learned weeks ago, someone had broken into her home, killing her mother in Mary’s 46 . She survived but had been 47 since. “Give her 48 ,” the principal suggested.
I returned and grabbed a chance to explain this to my students. “It may be a long time 49 she joins us, but you can do your bit.” How loving they could be once they understood. On Valentine’s Day, Mary’s envelopes overflowed. Although studying each card without 50 , she replaced it in her container.
Later on a March day, my children noticed the flowers 51 and advised making flower baskets! It was something to lift our 52 . Remembering the valentine incident, I expected nothing from Mary; 53 , I encouraged her to try. Soon, a boy exclaimed: “Look at Mary’s basket. So pretty!” I was dumbfounded at its beauty, asking how she managed it. She looked at me with the shining eyes of any 54 girl and replied “Mother loved flowers.”
“God, you’ve given us a 55 .” I put my arms around Mary. I’ve kept the followers in my desk just to remind me of the lasting power of love.
41. A. involved B. promoted C. adopted D. proposed
42. A. spread B. folded C. swung D. extended
43. A. movement B. response C. complaint D. cooperation
44. A. strange B. full C. sharp D. empty
45. A. sliding B. securing C. settling D. seeking
46. A. presence B. absence C. existence D. violence
47. A. crazy B. silent C. aggressive D. risky
48. A. kindness B. mercy C. love D. comfort
49. A. after B. when C. until D. before
50. A. comments B. reactions C. approaches D. impressions
51. A. came up B. took up C. came out D. took out
52. A. grades B. spirits C. insights D. relations
53. A. otherwise B. furthermore C. therefore D. nevertheless
54. A. normal B. pretty C. depressed D. lovely
55. A. gift B. talent C. miracle D. basket
42 安徽省合肥市2024届高三第一次教学质量检测(一模)
Abigail Adjiri took part in a competition for kids aged 7 through 12. She, at only, has taken Ghana by 41 ,winning over viewers with her impressive dance moves. It's not 42 for most people to become skilled dancers, especially for little Abigail who is 43 .
Abigail has been trained to 44 the vibrations(震动)she feels with her feet, 45 listening to the beat of songs. Her precise calculations have allowed her to 46 impressive moves. Still, Abigail's Mom was 47 about the fact that their goal was to get the 7-year-old a hearing aid ---but they needed 48 .They made this known on "Onua Showtime with Nana Ama MeBrown",a talk show in Ghana.
A woman named Joyce, who heard little Abigail's story, was 49 to come to her assistance. After reaching out to McBrown, she was able to 50 $5,000 for the hearing aid and S400 for insurance so that it can be replaced or 51 .if needed
As you can imagine, Abigail and her Mom were 52 .In fact, the two of them returned to McBrown's show where the 7-year-old happily showed off her new 53 ,with the help of which little Abigail answered questions from the MeBrown. The pure joy on Abigail's face is absolutely 54 .Folks like Joyce truly serve as a 55 that there is more good in the world than we realize at times.
41A. name B. reputation C. design D. storm
42.A. fair B. easy C. surprising D. secret
43.A. one-armed B. bow-legged C. deaf D. blind
44.A. resist B. interrupt C. adjust D. match
45.A. rather than B. thanks to C. less of D. apart from
46.A. pull off B. slow down C. look into D. refer to
47.A. curious B. hesitant C. nervous D. frank
48.A. trust B. luck C. help D. courage
49.A. moved B. surprised C. grateful D. brave
50.A. save B. donate C. invest D. make
51.A. repaired B. damaged C. abandoned D. shared
52.A. on the go B. over the moon C. under a cloud D. at a loss
53.A. dance B. song C. award D. device
54.A. awkward B. pointless C. priceless D. beneficial
55.A. solution B. reminder C. warn D. discovery
43 东北三省三校2024届第一次联合模拟考试
The last lecture
Randy Pausch was a professor of computer science at Carnegie Mellon University and one of the pioneers of virtual technology. The last lecture by him is world-known as one version of fairy tales, with more than 5 million 41 sold in the United States alone.
Randy had been informed by his doctor to be in the 42 stage of cancer, before he was once invited to give a lecture under the same name.
Randy married his dream lover and had three lovely children. 43 , he would be absent from their 44 life forever. So, in his remaining life, he tried to 45 his family. Then again he intended to make some financial arrangements to ensure that their future life, at least in terms of 46 , was as comfortable as possible.
He used his time of 47 to keep his body active every day. Once, twice...with the permission of his body, Randy 48 riding to strengthen his body, hoping to have more time to 49 together the things he should have told his children slowly in the next 20 years into those small stories. When the children grow up and can read, Randy hopes they can be 50 that their father loves them deeply, even though he is 51 .
In this book, in an aspect of engineering, Randy reveals to his kids that nothing is perfect, and they should learn to do their best with limited 52 ----you can't control the cards you're 53 , but just how you play the hand-probably that is what Randy wanted to 54 to his kids.
As his co-author Jefrey Zaslow put it, the 55 that Randy hoped to personally teach children about how to face life, as well as the rich content of this book, is not only a gift to all students, teachers, and parents, but also those with dreams in the world.
41. A. copies B. originals C. collections D. versions
42. A. steady B. promising C. initial D. advanced
43. A. Jokingly B. Unfortunately C. Admittedly D. Seemingly
44. A. future B. miserable C. past D. ideal
45. A. support B. remind C. accompany D. repay
46. A. source B. spirit C. material D. mind
47. A. cycling B. teaching C. selling D. recovering
48. A. wondered about B. appealed to C. weighed up D. stuck with
49. A. film B. press C. restore D. track
50. A. encouraged B. convinced C. threatened D. warned
51. A. abandoned B. missed C. needed D. gone
52. A. relatives B. goods C. resources D. interests
53. A. dealt B. awarded C. displayed D. lent
54. A. send B. assign C. communicate D. spread
55. A. strength B. truth C. creativity D. wisdom
44 广东省深圳市2024年高三第一次调研考试(一模)
Last year, I started the journey of being a remote product designer. The thought of a ___41__ schedule, a comfortable home office, and the escape from the crowded public transport was incredibly ___42___. The first few weeks were filled with a long-lost feeling of ___43___.
However, the ___44___ of working from home gradually set in. I had started my day with the best intentions, promising myself quick breaks and regular ___45___. But deadlines, endless emails, and virtual meetings ___46___ me to my computer throughout the day, leaving me little time to ___47___. Gone were the short walks to a colleague’s desk and the quick lunchtime walks around the office complex. Finally, my world was ___48___ to the walls of my home, my steps ___49___ in mere meters rather than kilometers.
One day, I tried ___50___ one of my favorite dresses and it wasn't passing through my waist at all. Glancing at myself in the mirror, I saw a ___51___ person carrying extra weight, rather than someone enjoying freedom. The ___52___ of work and personal life had left me feeling like I was a never-ending motion machine.
This incident marked the ___53___ of a journey of self-discovery. I made up my mind that I needed a(n) ___54___, not just for my waistline but for my overall well-being. It was a promise to prioritize my physical and mental health, and a commitment that I could ___55___ control over my life and my body.
41. A. tight B. regular C. full D. flexible
42. A. appealing B. amusing C. challenging D. disturbing
43. A. direction B. security C. freedom D. responsibility
44. A. duties B. rewards C. problems D. expectations
45. A. visits B. emails C. updates D. stretches
46. A. tied B. inspired C. guided D. introduced
47. A. reply B. relax C. react D. read
48. A. extended B. limited C. related D. exposed
49. A. counted B. repeated C. watched D. followed
50. A. tidying up B. putting aside C. fitting into D. getting back
51. A. lazy B. tired C. rude D. mad
52. A. mix B. success C. balance D. value
53. A. distance B. memory C. beginning D. training
54. A. promise B. excuse C. answer D. change
55. A. maintain B. ease C. remove D. regain
45 湖北省武汉市2024届高中毕业生二月调研考试(二调)
When I was in third grade, my family and I took on an unforgettable trip across the country. It turned out to be more than just a/an 41 journey; it was a journey of discovery into our 42 .
Every day, Dad 43 us with his trusty road map. Mom, the heart of our family, shared folk tales and painted pictures about the upcoming 44 . We went through diverse 45 , from the thick forests to the vast deserts of the West.
One day, while hiking through the Grand Canyon, I 46 a particularly rough path. Frightened, I 47 not knowing how to proceed. That’s when my parents 48 . As Dad showed me footholds, Mom coached me with calming 49 and reminded me of the breathtaking views that lay ahead. Then, I 50 the confidence as my feet 51 solid ground again. When I finally overcame my fear, I felt we became 52 as a family.
From then on, every evening, we’d gather around a campfire for what we 53 called “Family Reflection Time.” During these sessions, we’d share laughs, 54 , and insights from the day’s experiences.
The trip taught me that the true meaning of travel isn’t merely about reaching the destination but about the personal growth that happens on the route, and the family bonds formed when facing 55 together.
41. A. crowded B. physical C. creature D. necessary
42. A. relationships B. potentials C. dreams D. inspirations
43. A. guided B. encouraged C. comforted D. attracted
44. A. events B. stations C. locations D. shows
45.A. cultures B. landscapes C. groups D. countries
46. A. imagined B. constructed C. smoothed D. encountered
47.A. froze B. flew C. fell D. forgot
48. A. reached down B. stood aside C. stepped in D. turned back
49. A. words B. worries C. noises D. thoughts
50. A. lost B. maintained C. demonstrated D. restored
51. A. left B. broke C. found D. dug
52. A. nicer B. tougher C. braver D. closer
53. A. originally B. affectionately C. frequently D. simply
54. A. sympathy B. conflict C. tears D. profits
55. A. challenges B. defeats C. opposition D. uncertainty
46 福建省七地市2024届高三毕业班1月第一次质量检测
Don Powell was pulling the envelopes from the mailbox outside his home when he noticed something unusual --a tiny doll couple were inside the mailbox. A small sticky 41 was also inside. “We've decided to live here, “ the message read. It was 42 from Mary and Shelley.
Powell, 72, says he 43 thought that somebody must have left the wooden dolls inside his mailbox by mistake. “I asked the 44 whether anybody had left dolls in their mailboxes, and everyone told me no, “ he says. “So I thought, this must just be a 45 , and whoever left them here will come back to 46 them. I moved them to the back of the mailbox to see what would happen. “
A few days passed and nobody 47 the dolls, Powell says, noting that he and his wife soon discovered that the small couple had 48 a table and a pillow. “I also have a sense of 49 , so I left a note of my own, saying that what the 50 really needed was a refrigerator stocked with food, “he says. The fridge never 51 . But over the next several months, additional items were strangely 52 .
Every month or two, particularly around holidays, the Powells find something 53 d stop by sometimes to ask questions, “ he said. “Some people ask if I've thought about 54 an outdoor camera, but personally, I like it being a 55 . “
41. A. picture B. toy C. brochure D. note
42. A. signed B. made C. borrowed D. learned
43. A. seriously B. initially C. honestly D. instantly
44. A. producers B. children C. neighbors D. postmen
45. A. joke B. cheat C. gift D. donation
46. A. pay B. get C. dress D. hold
47. A. claimed B. replaced C. purchased D. recognized
48. A. missed B. decorated C. acquired D. designed
49. A. security B. guilt C. satisfaction D. humor
50. A. store B. home C. community D. mailbox
51. A. cooled down B. broke down C. opened up D. showed up
52. A. preserved B. carved C. delivered D. repaired
53. A. new B. valuable C. ugly D. familiar
54. A. sharing B. fixing C. adjusting D. hiding
55. A. doubt B. shock C. secret D. hope
47 江苏省常州市2024届高三上学期期末学业水平监测
People always tell me I was brave to apply to medical school in my 30s. But for me, the bravest thing was to ____41____ from being a doctor 10 years later.
I’d always wanted to study medicine to help release the world from sufferings but, believing I was not bright enough, I left school at 15 and didn’t return to education until my 30s. ____42____ the fact that the commute (通勤) was tough and the money was ____43____, I kept going this time. I dreamed of becoming a doctor who made a(n) ____44____.
I spent five years at medical school learning how to fix things, but after graduation, when I worked in a hospital, I soon discovered there were many things in life I was unable to ____45____. It wasn’t the workload I struggled with, though. What I found really ____46____ was the emotional load. As a doctor, I knew I would ____47____ upsetting things. I knew I would watch people die and I knew I would see the most awful things. However, being always present at all these moments became a ____48____ for me.
I knew I needed a solution to it, and I finally ____49____ writing. Writing allowed me an escape, a door into another world, and it also helped to ____50____ my anxieties. Writing, something I had started as a form of treatment, now gave me success, an exit card, and a chance of self-protection. ____51____ I was wondering whether I was a doctor or a writer. Having thought thick and thin, I ____52____ my job and took the writing. It was not a decision I made ____53____. I knew if I didn’t put myself first, I would eventually disappear.
I still work on the wards (病房) now, but as a(an) ____54____. There are times when you need to focus on yourself. If you have walked so far down a rough road, you may find it ____55____ to head back because walking away is often the safest route of all.
41. A. leave B. suffer C. hide D. lean
42. A. For B. With C. Given D. Despite
43. A. sufficient B. tight C. worthless D. missing
44. A. wish B. decision C. difference D. application
45. A. handle B. recognize C. choose D. decide
46. A. amazing B. essential C. impossible D. significant
47. A. cause B. abandon C. witness D. fix
48. A. gift B. practice C. burden D. luck
49. A. turned to B. gave up C. run for D. figured out
50. A. wipe out B. find out C. hand out D. pick out
51. A. Recently B. Originally C. Gradually D. Apparently
52. A. quitted B. regained C. continued D. led
53. A. seriously B. lightly C. aimlessly D. sadly
54. A. expert B. leader C. doctor D. volunteer
55. A. easy B. fortunate C. hard D. wise
48 江苏省南通市等苏北六市2024届高三第一次调研测试(一模)
Last Christmas, I volunteered for WNWNB, a charity which takes surplus (剩余的) produce from New Covent Garden Market and 41 it to the local community.
The food was already in containers. So we set up the stand and got ready to distribute some Christmas 42 . At first, it was 43 . People seemed a bit suspicious of taking food for free. But they gradually 44 us and we had a fun afternoon singing carols and trying to 45 passersby to take our food.
It was then time to deliver meals to those who weren’t able to come. This is 46 things changed for me. The first door I knocked on was 47 by a woman in her 30s. She had children and looked absolutely worn out. I told her I was from WNWNB and gave her the 48 meals. It was probably only about two days’ worth of food but, the way she 49 , I felt as if I was handing her gold.
I had similar responses to my next 50 . In some cases, when people were elderly or alone, I’d go into their homes and have a brief 51 before heading off. Many felt 52 , but I saw how happy they were to have another adult human to 53 .
As a local politician I knock on doors and talk to people a lot, but there was something deeper about those 54 on Christmas Day. I finished my day at WNWNB a slightly different person from the one who 55 .
41. A. distributes B. introduces C. Sells D. exhibits
42. A. forgiveness B. images C. recipes D. cheer
43. A. easy B. nice C. slow D. safe
44. A. broke away from B. put up with C. cut in on D. warmed up to
45. A. threaten B. encourage C. allow D. command
46. A. why B. how C. where D. when
47. A. opened B. repaired C. cleaned D. guarded
48. A. costly B. unfinished C. deserted D. ready
49. A. declined B. reacted C. argued D. traded
50. A. purchases B. interviews C. deliveries D. schedules
51. A. meal B. chat C. report D. silence
52. A. proud B. free C. lonely D. content
53. A. connect with B. look after C. turn to D. rely on
54. A. conversations B. budgets C. explanations D. deals
55. A. hesitated B. started C. ignored D. struggled
49 山东省济南市2024届高三上学期期末学习质量检测
A two-year-old girl in Newberry County had last been seen at about 3: 00 p. m., but she was missing later in the day. The situation took a 21 turn around 6: 00 p. m. when a hunter in the area heard the cries of the missing child. Reacting immediately, the hunter 22 an emergency call telling authorities the child’s location.
The operators 23 immediately, applying advanced mapping technology to locate the position. This crucial information was then 24 sent to a South Carolina Law Enforcement Division(SLED)and the county’s first 25 .
With the location data in hand, a search team was quickly 26 to the wooded area. The tireless efforts of these rescue workers ultimately 27 a heartwarming reunion. The missing two-year-old was found in the forest, safe and sound except some slight injuries. Despite her 28 experience, she was found to be in surprisingly good 29 , except her understandable tiredness, thirst and fear.
The 30 rescue was the result of the 31 between different departments and the community as a whole. The Newberry County Sheriff’s Office expressed their 32 for the efforts of everyone involved, including citizens, and those 33 their thoughts and prayers during the search. And they showed their relief at the 34 of the little girl in the care of family. Their heroic actions will be 35 as a heartwarming success story in Newberry County for years to come.
21. A. disappointing B. hopeful C. reasonable D. challenging
22. A. placed B. received C. missed D. answered
23. A. appeared B. escaped C. acted D. arrived
24. A. optionally B. carefully C. entirely D. rapidly
25. A. discoverers B. rescuers C. operators D. survivors
26. A. adapting B. returning C. heading D. pointing
27. A. paid for B. set up C. took on D. led to
28. A. frightening B. regretful C. annoying D. shameful
29. A. shape B. mind C. order D. faith
30. A. risky B. remarkable C. traditional D. joyful
31. A. respect B. cooperation C. balance D. discussion
32. A. blessing B. kindness C. concern D. gratitude
33. A. offering B. praising C. advocating D. assessing
34. A. performance B. virtue C. recovery D. courage
35. A. edited B. perfected C. performed D. celebrated
50 江苏省苏州市2024届高三第一学期学业质量阳光指标调研卷
John, 69, wanted to retire from running his small-town grocery store. However, he didn’t want to 41  his local community without a grocery store to shop at. He was facing a dilemma (困境).
John’s parents opened the store in 1940, and John 42  it over in 1985. When the store first opened, it was one of four grocery stores in town. Now, it’s the last one 43 . Since there was no one in his family who could continue running it, John 44  selling it and put the store on the 45  three years ago. Although he got some interest, no 46  came in. 47 , he pulled the store off the market, as he worried that whoever bought the building might not continue the grocery store, which would make life harder for people in the community— especially those without 48  to a vehicle.
Then last summer, Elizabeth, who grew up in a nearby town, 49  John with an idea. She offered to raise money to buy the store, with the goal of 50  it into a sustainable social enterprise. Thus, Elizabeth turned to local residents and people 51 . Local residents, as well as people with 52  to the town, donated.
In a matter of months, the community 53  half a million dollars, which was enough for them to 54  the property and renew the store.
John, for his part, is 55  that his family’s legacy (遗产) will live on, and the residents will still have a local place to shop for fresh food.
41. A. give B. cause C. lead D. leave
42. A. handed B. took C. turned D. looked
43. A. changing B. standing C. closing D. developing
44. A. considered B. opposed C. missed D. avoided
45. A. list B. spot C. line D. market
46. A. calls B. charges C. offers D. complaints
47. A. Gradually B. Eventually C. Annually D. Constantly
48. A. addiction B. attention C. adaptation D. access
49. A. defended B. blessed C. approached D. equipped
50. A. dividing B. downgrading C. transforming D. restoring
51. A. sat up B. stepped up C. sped up D. spoke up
52. A. disrespect B. commitment C. ties D. contributions
53. A. invested B. borrowed C. saved D. collected
54. A. purchase B. promote C. sell D. rent
55. A. excited B. frightened C. annoyed D. astonished
51 普通高等学校招生全国统一考试2024年1月适应性测试(九省联考)
I was halfway across Indiana headed home to Kentucky when my car broke down. My phone was 41 , too. I managed to get to a gas station, but it was Sunday in the early fall, and there was no 42 on duty. I was working my way through university then and had little money for 43 the car.
I sat alongside my car for several hours trying to 44 the heat when an older gentleman 45 to fuel his car. He asked about my car, and I 46 my predicament (困境). To my 47 , the gentleman told me that he had a daughter my age, and then he opened his trunk and 48 a tool set.
Right then and there, this total 49 examined my engine, explaining as he worked that my spark plugs(火花塞)hadn't been changed for so long that they were 50 to function. After about an hour, he 51 that my car was safe to finish the trip.
52 came at the hands of a stranger. 53 his clothes, working on a hot September afternoon, this man 54 a college student from disaster, just because she could have been his 55 .
41. A. busy B. loud C. dead D. secure
42. A. mechanic B. policeman C. manager D. guide
43. A. washing B. parking C. purchasing D. maintaining
44. A. feel B. beat C. absorb D. produce
45. A. promised B. refused C. stopped D. volunteered
46. A. solved B. noticed C. escaped D. explained
47. A. surprise B. regret C. amusement D. disappointment
48. A. called up B. pulled out C. put down D. threw away
49. A. liar B. beginner C. stranger D. loser
50. A. free B. ready C. uncertain D. unable
51. A. pronounced B. agreed C. discovered D. doubted
52. A. Tiredness B. Kindness C. Loneliness D. Carefulness
53. A. Folding B. Drying C. Soiling D. Mending
54. A. saved B. called C. judged D. banned
55. A. friend B. daughter C. coworker D. customer
52 福建省泉州市2024届高中毕业班质量检测(二)
Harry Burleigh headed into the woods for a camping trip with his fishing equipment. A few days later, his wife Stacy grew 41 when he didn't come home as planned.
Stacy called the 42 to report her husband's missing. Search and rescue teams 43 began their work and went on for days, but there was no 44 of Harry anywhere. Everyone was worried -the temperatures were quite low some nights, and it had even snowed.
On May 15, the rescuers finally caught a break when they 45 a shelter and his fishing equipment. They 46 support from over 16 rescue organizations, and they explored every possible 47 but with no luck. Therefore, the rescuers 48 him a lighter and a note telling him to make a 49 and they would be back. Two days later, a team found another 50 , but this time, Harry was nearby and heard his name called! It turned out he was 51 along the path with minor pain.
52 , the crew radioed for a helicopter to take him to the hospital for a complete evaluation after spending 17 long days out.
“This was the 53 we all have been looking for in this case,” a rescuer said. “It is our 54 search and rescue teams and the partnerships we have with other teams that helped 55 Mr. Burleigh and his family.”
41. A. excited B. concerned C. annoyed D. puzzled
42. A. authorities B. hospital C. agencies D. family
43. A. hesitantly B. instantly C. secretly D. suddenly
44. A. news B. hope C. sign D. wonder
45. A. spotted B. offered C. sought D. constructed
46. A. turned down B. depended on C. called in D. cut off
47. A. equipment B. break C. food D. path
48. A. bought B. left C. presented D. fetched
49. A. fire B. bed C. video D. face
50. A. river B. chance C. team D. shelter
51. A. hunting B. exploring C. walking D. marching
52. A. Amused B. Awkward C. Upset D. Relieved
53. A. cause B. outcome C. award D. evaluation
54. A. determined B. tolerant C. disciplined D. flexible
55. A. affect B. instruct C. encourage D. reunite
53 江苏省南京市、盐城市2024届高三第一次模拟考试
In 2008, Calvin Lowe’s four-year-old son Tyler needed to have a serious surgery.
On the appointed day of the 41 , he and his wife brought Tyler to Children’s Hospital Colorado in Denver. “As we sat in the waiting room, waiting for someone to 42 us back to the surgery area, there was a lot of 43 in our hearts,” Lowe remembered.
When a nurse called the family back, Lowe’s fears 44 . A young doctor walked into the room and told the couple that he would be 45 the surgery. As the doctor began to 46 how the surgery would proceed, Lowe’s mind went to the worst possible 47 , But then the doctor did something 48 . He looked both Lowe and his wife in the eye, put a 49 hand on each of their shoulders, and said, “Today, your son is my son.”
After the surgery was over, the 50 came back out to the family with a big smile and said, “Our son is just fine, and you can 51 him here in a few minutes.”
Tyler is now 19 years old and hopes to become a professional photographer. All these years after the surgery, Lowe still 52 the young doctor’s kindness. “I will never forget that,” Lowe said. “Because that was indeed a 53 of stress then. I can’t tell you how 54 we both were for what he said to us that day. It was very 55 and meaningful.”
41. A. injury B. accident C. operation D. examination
42. A. call B. drive C. move D. rush
43.A. shock B. anxiety C. sadness D. anger
44.A. faded B. grew C. appeared D. stopped
45.A. receiving B. recording C. missing D. performing
46.A. learn B. discover C. explain D. guess
47.A. option B. reaction C. approach D. outcome
48.A. unexpected B. confusing C. necessary D. excellent
49. A. balancing B. leading C. comforting D. directing
50.A. nurse B. doctor C. patient D. photographer
51.A. leave B. see C. catch D. train
52.A. passes on B. replies to C. pays off D. thinks about
53.A. relief B. reminder C. secret D. source
54.A. eager B. proud C. grateful D. regretful
55.A. helpful B. successful C. typical D. educational
54 江苏省海安高级中学2024届高三年级12月份测试
Having been a teacher for 25 years, I think I’ve taught my students the importance of good citizenship, to play by the 41 . But most of the time, I embrace my role as a pupil.
One morning when I reached the intersection before my school, traffic was at a standstill (停). What was really 42 was that I could see the school.
Up ahead, the tum lane into the school’s parking lot was 43 . If I could just turn to the right, the only thing between me and the turn lane was a long stretch of field. As I sat in my motionless vehicle, I heard that field call to me. I 44 the car out of the line of traffic and headed for the freedom of that open land 45 I heard a wail of siren (警笛) from behind.
An officer came up to me, and I handed him my 46 without even looking up. He glanced at it, and asked, “What’s going on, Madam ”
I started murmuring. “Well, I overslept, and…” Here my voice 47 a sad, pleading tone, the very quality I advise my students to 48 --”I just wanted to get to school. I have to…”
“So you’re a teacher ” he 49 .
“Yes, and I need…”
A car drove by, and I recognized one of my eighth-graders waving at me, 50 my name, pointing me out to his mother. As she drove by, I heard the police officer say it: “You wanted to be 51 because you’re a good teacher. “ At that point he paused before adding, “You were when I had you.”
And then I did look at him. I read the name badge on his chest. A 52 7th-- grade student of mine. All grown up. Keeping people safe. Trying to keep me safe 53 myself.
He gave me a 54 --not too different from ones I’d given him years ago--and sent me on my way. And at last I arrived at my classroom, wondering what I would 55 next.
41. A. wills B. rules C. orders D. lessons
42. A. amusing B. confusing C. annoying D. surprising
43. A. blocked B. broad C. crowded D. empty
44. A. pushed B. guided C. parked D. nosed
45. A. since B. when C. until D. while
46. A. license B. book C. contract D. certificate
47. A. picked up B. took on C. showed up D. carried on
48. A. practise B. avoid C. adopt D. try
49. A. interrupted B. explained C. wondered D. complained
50. A. gesturing B. addressing C. announcing D. mouthing
51. A. at risk B. in charge C. on time D. under arrest
52. A. familiar B. former C. mature D. distant
53. A. by B. to C. from D. about
54. A. warning B. ticket C. hand D. favor
55. A. appreciate B. propose C. understand D. learn
55 普通高等学校招生全国统一考试(浙江卷)
While taking a 20-hour train ride along the edge of the Taklimakan Desert in the northwestern China, I had the kind of humbling, educational, and above all else, wonderful 41 with a local that all travelers long for. A young Chinese man 42 me on the train. My 43 friend spoke virtually no English, so I happily took the 44 to practice my Chinese.
Over several hours he would tell me about how he had 45 a two-year professional school to quickly find a job 46 highways in order to help support his family. Perhaps most 47 , however, was the fact that this man spent hours studying every day after hard physical labor. Without batting an eye he would 48 a translated Emerson passage before asking about the literary influence of American 49 as a whole. “And what do you all learn about Russian authors ” I 50 him asking at one point.
It would have been easy to 51 my assumptions about this highway builder who had never been more than a few hundred miles from home. But this highly informed, 52 , and admirable person prevented me doing so. In the course of a couple of hours, he 53 me just how much one can gain from 54 with an open mind, and a willingness to 55 with locals from all walks of life.
41. A. experiment B. encounter C. competition D. appointment
42. A. treated B. saved C. lectured D. approached
43. A. true B. so-called C. new D. long-lost
44. A. chance B. advice C. trouble D. right
45. A. visited B. financed C. attended D. founded
46. A. building B. sweeping C. checking D. guarding
47. A. typical B. obvious C. natural D. remarkable
48. A. publish B. quote С. copy D. download
49. A. writers B. historians C. workers D. students
50. A. anticipate B. imagine C. recall D. catch
51. A. look into B. rely on C. go over D. deal with
52. A. well-behaved B. multi-skilled C. warm-hearted D. self-educated
53. A. asked B. warned C. showed D. promised
54. A. traveling B. reading C. searching D. teaching
55. A. cooperate B. side C. negotiate D. engage
56 湖南省长沙市长郡中学2024届高三月考试卷(五)
After ten years in the same company, I found my job was no longer fun. However, I didn't have the confidence to apply for new jobs due to lack of experience. I felt__41__.
A friend suggested another path- __42__. I had toyed with the idea of studying for a master's degree but__43__stood in my way. Yet I found a course at London College of Communication, __44__my job and enrolled(注册).
During the 18 months that followed, I began to flourish(茁壮成长). Not only had I found the courage to take my life forward in a new and__45__direction but the self-doubt that had followed me around like a shadow began to __46__ gradually. My classmates and I treated each other as__47__: Younger students__48__my experience and knowledge when it came to group work. I made new friends and joined committees.
I also decided to move out of home. Living in student halls was a(n)__49__. The life in halls added to my sense of __50__ and confidence. I was __51__ new things every day. Even making myself a meal or managing my small living space made me feel__52__.
Soon after completing my master's, I made my way back through the university gate-this time to __53__ I am now a lecturer on the same course that I took. I __54__ the person I was before and smile-she didn't yet know her __55__.
41. A. guilty B. humble C. ashamed D. stuck
42. A. communication B. education C. management D. training
43. A. competence B. self-discipline C. confidence D. self-doubt
44. A. quit B. completed C. lost D. switched
45. A. uncertain B. permanent C. exciting D. opposite
46. A. occur B. approach C. disappear D. gather
47. A. equals B. opponents C. strangers D. elders
48. A. valued B. questioned C. ignored D. strengthened
49. A. embarrassment B. failure C. challenge D. experience
50. A. freedom B. safety C. independence D. justice
51. A. copying B. learning C. missing D. ordering
52. A. tough B. rewarding C. impossible D. meaningless
53. A. visit B. interview C. lead D. teach
54. A. look back on B. keep away from C. catch up with D. hold on to
55. A. limit B. duty C. worth D. career
57 八省八校2024届高三第一次学业质量评价(T8联考)
Jen is a 39-year old community dancer with Down's Syndrome(唐氏综合征). She is the founder of Dance Syndrome, a non-profit organization that brings together 41 dancers and make them feel equal to everyone.
Dancing has always been in her veins. As a young girl, Jen seized every opportunity to dance with full 42 both in the morning and during her 10 minutes of 43 before bedtime. The dynamic workout would keep her 44 all day long.
Life hasn't been straightforward for Jen. She was 45 by a number of dance clubs in primary school and encountered numerous 46 while pursuing her passion for dance. Despite these challenges, her ambition to share her love for dance and 47 disabled individuals in the art grew stronger.
After leaving school at 18, Jen spent over 10 years searching 48 for opportunities to be trained as a dance leader. Eventually, she had to give up and decided to try her own way, not knowing where it might lead!
Despite the 49 , Dance Syndrome was established in 2009. Jen and her fellow disabled dance leaders took 50 of the charitable organization, working alongside non-disabled dance artists who helped them work more professionally.
Over the decade, Dance Syndrome has 51 thousands of disabled dancers, cultivating an environment where every person is recognized as equal, 52 and accepted for who they are. The year 2019 witnessed Jen 53 for the third time as a member of Shaw T rust's Disability Power 100. She is a living proof that 54 can come from unexpected places and thar disabled individuals can 55 society in extraordinary ways.
41. A. confusing B. disabled C. talented D. clumsy
42. A. energy B. fear C. speed D. courage
43. A. concentration B. imagination C. relaxation D. celebration
44. A. exhausted B. astonished C. motivated D. refreshed
45. A. held back B. left alone C. looked after D. turned down
46. A. consequences B. barriers C. friends D. experiences
47. A. discover B. employ C. engage D. entertain
48. A. in particular B. in return C. in vain D. in advance
49. A. frustration B. progress C. curiosity D. uncertainty
50. A. possession B. charge C. advantage D. control
51. A. supported B. praised C. paid D. added
52. A. valued B. envied C. united D. rewarded
53. A. regarded B. listed C. interviewed D. expected
54. A. inspiration B. friendship C. teamwork D. leadership
55. A. contribute to B. adapt to C. belong to D. live up to
58 广东省广州市2024届高三上学期调研测试(零模)
Christy was helping Mum sort through boxes they'd found in their new home. “Look,” she held up an old photo, “It says Mabel beside Dream Lake, summer 1910.” It looked so__41__. Christy asked if she could__42__it. Mum agreed, adding that Mabel was once the owner of the house, but she didn't know about the__43__.
Now Christy had a puzzle to__44__. Where was Dream Lake The next morning, Christy went to the local__45__, where she looked through __46__ of the town. They showed streets, businesses, but no lakes. Back home, while she was staring out her bedroom window, a __47__ feeling hit her. Christy quickly __48__ Mabel's photo and ran outside. In its __49__, a steeple (尖塔) rose above a border of short trees. It looked much like the one now visible above the line of trees of her backyard. “Mum!” shouted Christy. “It's the same steeple. This picture was taken in our __50__!”
Mum hurried outside to look. “Yeah, the trees have __51__ grown, but it's the same steeple. But where's the lake ” They finally turned to the historical society. But no one there had ever heard of such a lake. And all the__52__proved useless.
“I don't__53__it, “said Christy in confusion.
That night, __54__came down and cooled the air. Early the next morning, Christy woke up and looked out of her window. “Dream Lake!” yelled Christy. “We __55__the puzzle, Mum!”
41. A. colourful B. historical C. permanent D. real
42. A. share B. hang C. copy D. keep
43. A. lady B. time C. lake D. photo
44. A. care for B. worry about C. work out D. take up
45. A. gallery B. park C. theatre D. library
46. A. maps B. posters C. films D. journals
47. A. positive B. familiar C. horrible D. strange
48. A. hid B. threw C. tore D. grabbed
49. A. composition B. background C. reflection D. shade
50. A. backyard B. house C. neighbourhood D. town
51. A. merely B. slowly C. hardly D. truly
52. A. searches B. aids C. scenes D. guesses
53. A. make B. like C. get D. believe
54. A. snow B. rain C. wind D. fog
55. A. solved B. found C. completed D. proved
59 江苏省天一中学、淮阴中学、海门中学、姜堰中学2024届高三12月联考
One day in 2020, after stocking up on some necessities at the shopping centre, my friend Carl was half a mile up Danbury Road, at the wine store he likes. When he 41 into his pocket, uh-oh, no wallet.
The stay-at-home order had just been issued for the 42 of COVID-19, and seldom did he go out. He went back to the parking lot. But the wallet wasn’t anywhere.
Driving home, Carl was 43 . Suddenly his cell phone rang. “Is this John ” a man said.
Five minutes later, Carl and the man, David, met up at a local gas station. David stood next to his big truck and told Carl how he’d 44 the wallet and 45 in the middle of busy Danbury Road to get it back. 46 , his son 47 to find out Carl’s cell number from social media with his extraordinary wisdom. Now David, grinning from ear to ear, 48 Carl his wallet.
Carl was surprised at their 49 to return the wallet. “Here, let me pay you.” he said, offering the $20 bill. No, said David; he needed nothing. Carl thanked him again, but before they were about to 50 , Carl had another idea. “Hey, do you need toilet paper ” David looked shy. “Well, my wife has been looking ...” he 51 . Carl gave him several rolls from his newly 52 goods.
“Thank you, thank you!” David exclaimed, as if Carl were the 53 .
“He was just so 54 .” Carl recalled.
We were brought low by this unexpected medical 55 . The best way during the COVID-19 to fight back is to stay positive as we can.
41. A. drew B. dragged C. fetched D. reached
42. A. outbreak B. outcome C. output D. outline
43. A. embarrassed B. hopeless C. shocked D. terrified
44. A. picked B. founded C. plugged D. spotted
45. A. pulled up B. sped up C. lifted up D. took up
46. A. Undoubtedly B. Gradually C. Luckily D. Generally
47. A. managed B. attempted C. advocated D. meant
48. A. packed B. handed C. folded D. spared
49. A. sympathy B. intention C. determination D. promise
50. A. proceed B. part C. ride D. race
51. A. promoted B. admitted C. persuaded D. excused
52. A. researched B. recovered C. produced D. purchased
53. A. hero B. suspect C. stranger D. receipt
54. A. smart B. dynamic C. disciplined D. sweet
55. A. treatment B. condition C. crisis D. attention
60 Z20名校联盟(浙江省名校新高考研究联盟)2024届高三第二次联考
“Your newborn isn’t going to make it.” On March 25, 2010, Kate and David Ogg heard the words every parent is 41 of. Their twins — a girl and a boy — were born two minutes apart and 14 weeks premature, weighing just over two pounds respectively. Doctors had tried to 42 the boy for 20 minutes but saw no improvement. His heartbeat was nearly gone, and he’d 43 breathing. The baby had just moments to live.
“I saw him gasp (喘息) , but the doctor said it was no use,” Kate told the Daily Mail five years later. “I know it sounds 44 , but if he was still gasping, that was a 45 of life. I wasn’t going to give up easily.”
46 , the Sydney couple knew this was likely goodbye. In an effort to cherish her last minutes with the tiny boy, Kate asked to hold him.
“I wanted to meet him, and I also want him to know us,” Kate told the Mail. “We’d 47 ourselves to the fact that we were going to lose him, and we were just trying to make the most of those last, 48 moments.”
Kate unwrapped the boy, whom the couple had already named Jamie, from his hospital blanket and ordered David to 49 his shirt and join them in bed. The first-time parents wanted their son to be as 50 as possible and hoped the skin-to-skin contact would improve his condition. They also 51 him.
“We were trying to have him stay,” Kate said. “We explained his name and that he had a twin sister and how hard we had tried to 52 him.”
Then something 53 happened. Jamie gasped again and then he started breathing. Finally, he reached for his father’s finger.
The couple’s lost boy had made it.
The Oggs only recently told the kids the story of their 54 . Hearing the story, the twins hugged each other with great 55 . This whole experience made them treasure each other more.
41. A. tired B. ashamed C. jealous D. scared
42. A. examine B. save C. tend D. monitor
43. A. stopped B. continued C. practiced D. forgotten
44. A. complex B. reasonable C. stupid D. good
45. A. sign B. stage C. circle D. gift
46. A. Furthermore B. Therefore C. Still D. Altogether
47.A. opposed B. restricted C. exposed D. resigned
48.A. magical B. precious C. private D. spare
49.A. try on B. pack up C. take off D. put away
50.A. warm B. strong C. active D. clever
51.A. looked at B. waved at C. talked to D. reacted to
52. A. refresh B. raise C. protect D. have
53. A. accidental B. miraculous C. ordinary D. strange
54. A. loss B. growth C. struggle D. birth
55. A. affection B. passion C. determination D. expectation
61 山东省实验中学2024届高三上学期第二次诊断考试(期中)
In the summer of 2015, Brian Peterson and his wife, had just moved to California. Outside the couple’s apartment, a homeless man often yelled on the street corner. One day, Peterson was reading the book Love Does, when his quiet was ___41___ by the homeless man. Inspired by the book’s ___42___ message, Peterson then decided to go out and ___43___ himself.
In that first conversation, Peterson learned that the man’s name was Matt Faris. He’d moved to California to pursue a career in ___44___ , but he soon fell on ___45___ difficulties and ended up living on the street. The story touched Peterson, a ___46___ of the Cleveland College of Art, who hadn’t picked up a paintbrush in eight years. ___47___ , he found himself asking if he could paint Faris’s portrait. Faris said yes.
This ___48___ sparked Peterson to found Faces of Mankind, a nonprofit organization that focused on painting and ___49___ portraits of those who are unhoused. Peterson put half the money into a “love account” to help his ___50___ get back on their feet. Many people use the funds for ___51___ — medical care, clothes or food, but Faris chose to ___52___ his musical dream. When the album was delivered to Faris, the man finally couldn’t contain his emotions and ___53___ in Peterson’s arms.
Over the years, Peterson has discovered that the buyers begin to see the homeless ___54___. They mention that they tend to connect and develop friendship with someone they might have otherwise ___55___ .
41. A. challenged B. defeated C. disturbed D. settled
42. A. caring B. depressing C. hopeless D. powerful
43. A. accuse B. delight C. declare D. introduce
44. A. business B. music C. medicine D. painting
45. A. academic B. emotional C. financial D. physical
46. A. designer B. graduate C. professor D. student
47. A. Desperately B. Unwillingly C. Deliberately D. Unexpectedly
48. A. encounter B. conflict C. reunion D. negotiation
49. A. donating B. exhibiting C. distributing D. selling
50. A. artists B. employees C. models D. neighbors
51. A. preparations B. necessities C. recreations D. requirements
52. A. accomplish B. postpone C. approach D. purchase
53. A. clapped B. laughed C. screamed D. wept
54. A. cautiously B. differently C. openly D. bravely
55. A. accompanied B. deserted C. overlooked D. supported
62 浙江省9+1高中联盟2024届高三上学期期中考试
Last year we were stuck in a little restaurant in France on Christmas Eve. My wife 41 for us in French. Somehow, the waiter brought us the wrong meal, so I scolded her angrily. She began to cry and I felt even 42 . Everything had gone wrong. There was no Christmas 43 in our hearts.
Suddenly, in came an old flower woman who went from table to table but no one 44 any. Tiredly she sat down at a table where a young sailor finished his meal. He stood up and 45 two corsages(小花束),smiling, “How much are they ” “Two francs, Monsieur.” He then 46 the woman a 20-franc note, leaning over and 47 her ancient cheek. “My Christmas present to you.” Then, 48 , he came to our table, gave my wife a corsage, 49 us a Merry Christmas, and departed.
Everyone had stopped eating. Everyone was silent. A few seconds later, Christmas 50 throughout the restaurant like a bomb. The flower woman jumped up, waving the 20-franc 51 , and did a merry dance. She was so 52 and appeared 20 years younger. My wife waved her corsage in time with the rhythm and the 53 had left her eyes.
54 the Christmas spirit in his soul, the young sailor released the 55 and joy hidden by anger within us. He gave us Christmas!
41. A. ordered B. prayed C. waited D. interpreted
42. A. more concerned B. worse C. guiltier D. more scary
43. A. holiday B. service C. spirit D. gift
44. A. admired B. accepted C. paid D. bought
45. A. checked out B. picked out C. brought out D. carried out
46. A. dropped B. handed C. sent D. wrote
47. A. observing B. touching C. kissing D. stroking
48. A. unexpectedly B. unfortunately C. uncomfortably D. unwillingly
49. A. sang B. told C. gave D. wished
50. A. arrived B. floated C. happened D. exploded
51.A. cheque B. bill C. receipt D. debt
52. A. quick B. surprised C. happy D. moved
53. A. excitement B. fear C. sadness D. regret
54. A. Because of B. Instead of C. Apart from D. As for
55. A. romance B. energy C. life D. love
63 湖北省部分重点中学2024届高三第一次联考
Kimberly and I had planned a trip to Europe for a long time, but we encountered some curveballs. Getting the departure time wrong, we had to ____41____ from the original train trip to a ship one.
Boarding the ship, we ____42____ it was not like a spacious hotel. The room was incredibly tight. The ____43____ in the small bathroom was a spout (喷头) connected to the sink. You turned it on and sprayed yourself,____44____ the rest of the room.
The week-long ship travel was full of ____45____. There were people from diverse backgrounds speaking different languages. We had stopovers on ____46____ of all sizes, where we cycled 30-40 kilometers. Then there were whole gales (狂风) — so fierce that even the buses couldn’t pass for safety ____47____. So finally we ____48____ back home.
We still appreciated the experience. Our real passion was about the ____49____ rather than the destination — the missed rides, the ____50____ ship, the mixture of cultures, and all the ____51____.
Sometimes people are so ____52____ to their comfortable life that it scares them to be off the beaten track. Yet, once out of their comfort z


