
  1. 二一教育资源



英 语 试 题
(时间 120分钟,满分150分)
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
1. What does the man like doing
A. Dancing. B. Walking. C. Singing.
2. Where does this conversation take place
A. In a library. B. In a cafe. C. In a bookstore.
3. When did the man return from Paris
A. Last week. B. Yesterday. C. Today.
4. How does the man sound
A. Pleased. B. Amazed. C. Strict.
5. Where are the speakers
A. In a clothing shop. B. At a swimming pool. C. At a school lab.
第二节(共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分 22.5分)
听下面5段对话或独白。每段对话或独白后有2至4个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听每段对话或独白前,你将有 5秒钟的时间阅读各个小题;听完后,各小题将给出 5 秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。
6. How did the two speakers get here
A. By car. B. By bike. C. By taxi.
7. Why did the two speakers arrive early
A. To find Peter. B. To meet the players. C. To get a good place.
8. What can we say about the weather on Sunday
A. It was fine. B. It was hot. C. It was changeable.
9. What do the locals think of small balls of ice in midsummer
A. It’s beyond their expectations.
It’s a common phenomenon.
C. It’s caused by climate change.
10. What kind of painting did the woman prefer at first
A. One that is simple.
B. One that looks peaceful.
C. One that has beautiful colors.
11. Where will the forest painting look great according to the man
A. In the bedroom. B. In the dining room. C. In the living room.
12. What will the speakers buy
A. The forest painting. B. The sunrise painting. C. The mountain painting.
13. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. At home. B. At a store. C. At a travel agency.
14. What do we know about the woman’s last gift
A. She returned it. B. It wasn’t used. C. Her father liked it a lot.
15. Who gave a camera as a Father’s Day gift
A. The woman. B. The man. C. The woman’s brother.
16. What is the woman’s father interested in
A. Travelling. B. Technology. C. Clothes.
17. Whom has the government promised to offer help to
A. Some farmers. B. Some pilots. C. Some children.
18. Where are the transport workers going on strike
A. In Sydney. B. In Melbourne. C. In Queensland.
19. How did the school children feel after the rescue
A. Thankful. B. Angry. C. Sorry.
20. What can we learn about the school children
A. They attended a musical concert.
B. They enjoyed themselves in the sea.
C. Their plane was forced to land shortly after take off.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Starting a new school can be very hard, and all you want to do is to fit in. If this sounds familiar, realize that many new students experience it and it is possible to overcome the feelings of being left out, uncertain and worried about fitting in. This article provides a few ideas to help you fit in to your new school and have a very comfortable life there!
Arrive early.
At your new school, try to arrive early so that you can fit in better. Arriving late will give you that excluded feel, and won’t make a good impression on your new teachers! Arriving early will give you the chance to communicate with people already at school. This can help to make some new friends.
Join a club / sports team.
Most schools have a list of after-school activities you can choose from. In almost all schools, being on a sports team or the star in the musical is considered “cool” and easily welcomed by students. Besides, these activities look great on a college application.
Strive to be outgoing.
The key to this is you starting the conversation and showing your attitude towards other kids first. Let’s face it, no one’s going to come straight up to you and want to be best friends. It’s you that has to go up, say your name, ask questions, get to know people, and maybe even share things about yourself. It may seem terrible, but it’s worth a try.
Be a good student.
Try to bump up your smarts a little. It would be awesome if you were in the social scene, known, and outgoing, as well as loved by your teachers. However, for this to come, work your hardest on your studies while still keeping that social balance.
Study often to try to get good grades. Remember that the reason why you’re at school is to learn. Sometimes, when you are eager to fit in, you will pretend to act uneducated just for attention. This will attract attention, but only because people will think you’re stupid, which won’t make them want to be friends with you.
21. Why it is important for students to join a club / sports team according to the passage
A. It can help them get better grades.
B. It can leave a good impression on teachers.
C. It helps them learn more about themselves.
D. It can make them look more attractive and popular.
22. What should a new student do to have a good start in new school
A. Trying to talk to everyone they meet.
B. Offering to communicate with other students.
C. Pretending to be knowledgeable to attract attention.
D. Spending more time on study instead of social life.
23. Where is the text probably taken from
A. A magazine on how parents educate their children.
B. A blog post on the challenges of fitting in at a new school.
C. An article on a website to help students adapt to a new school.
D. A book on learning methods for middle school students.
Starting this fall, primary and middle school students in China will have at least one weekly course on labor education, according to a new curriculum (课程) standard released by the Ministry of Education (MOE).
Labor education ranges from household chores to on-campus labor and community volunteer services, generally 3 types according to the new standards: the first refers to everyday chores, including cleaning, organizing, cooking, and using and maintaining home appliances (家电); next is productive labor, including agriculture, making traditional handicrafts (手工艺品), and applying new technologies such as 3D printing; the third type is service work, including volunteer work. The new curriculum also calls for a week of extracurricular and off-campus activities designed for labor education once every school year.
A recent study showed that primary and middle school students in China only spend an average of 12 minutes a day on chores, compared to 72 minutes in the US, 42 minutes in South Korea and 30 minutes in France. Many countries start students’ labor education at a young age. Finland begins to develop students’ life skills in primary school. Spinning, woodworking, cooking and other craftsmanship classes are offered. In Germany, pupils have two labor classes per week. Electronics, office technology, sewing, housekeeping, and career guidance are all taught there.
Adding labor education was out of concern that the country’s youngsters do too little housework and look down on physical labor jobs. Due to great academic pressure, schools tend to put their academic curricula on the top, and parents sometimes see household chores as distractions (分心). But, according to the MOE, labor education must be strengthened to help students develop social values, an interest in labor and finally an all-around development.
24.Which of the following belongs to productive labour
A.Maintaining home appliances. B.Doing some cooking.
C.Selling traditional handicrafts. D.Planting crops.
25.How much time do primary and middle school students in France spend on chores daily
A.Twelve minutes. B.Forty-two minutes.
C.Thirty minutes. D.Seventy-two minutes.
26.What is the fact about labour education in Finland
A.It is considered more important than academic learning.
B.The country starts labour education in primary school.
C.There are only a couple of labor education courses.
D.Students have two labour classes every month.
27.Why does the MOE demand labour education should be strengthened according to the last paragraph
A.It can help with their development of social values.
B.It can improve students’ performance on learning.
C.It can help exercise their special talents.
D.It can enrich students’ off-campus life.
As a young girl growing up in France, Sarah Toumi dreamed of becoming a leader who could make the world a better place. Her passion for helping others was awakened when, from the age of nine, she accompanied her Tunisian father to his birthplace in the east of the country during holidays. There she organized homework clubs and activities for children.
Toumi witnessed first-hand the destructive effect of desertification(沙漠化). “Within10 years rich farmers became worse off, and in 10 years from now they will be poor. I wanted to stop the Sahara Desert in its tracks.” A decrease in average rainfall and an increase in the severity of droughts have led to an estimated 75 percent of Tunisia’s agricultural lands being threatened by desertification.
Toumi recognized that farming practices needed to change. She is confident that small land areas can bring large returns if farmers are able to adapt by planting sustainable(可持续的) crops, using new technologies for water treatment and focusing on natural products and fertilizers(肥料) rather than chemicals.
In 2012, Toumi continued her dream to fight the desert. She moved to Tunisia, and set up a programme named Acacias for All to put her sustainable farming philosophy into action. “I want to show young people in rural areas that they can create opportunities where they are. Nobody is better able to understand the impact of desertification and climate change than somebody who is living with no access to water.”
By September2016, more than 130, 000 acacia trees had been planted on 20 pilot farms, with farmers recording a 60 percent survival rate. Toumi estimates that some 3 million acacia trees are needed to protect Tunisia’s farmland. She expects to plant l million trees by 2028. In the next couple of years, Toumi hopes to extend the programme to Algeria and Morocco.
28. How did Toumi’s holiday trips to Tunisia influence her
A. They fired her passion for helping others.
B. They helped her better understand her father.
C. They made her decide to leave the country.
D. They destroyed her dream of being a teacher.
29. What is the main cause of the desertification of Tunisia’s farmland
A. Cold weather. B. Soil pollution. C. Low rainfall. D. Forest damage.
30. Why did Toumi set up Acacias for All in Tunisia
A. To create job opportunities for young people.
B. To promote the protection of their farmland.
C. To persuade the farmers not to use fertilizers.
D. To help the children obtain a basic education.
31. Which of the following can be the best title to the text
A. Saving Water in Africa
B. Fighting Poverty in North Africa
C. Planting Trees in Tunisia
D. Holding back the Sahara
South African scientists have started working toward one day injecting radioactive material into the horns of rhinos (将放射性物质注入犀牛角) to save the animals from poachers (偷猎者).
While using radioactive material sounds like a radical measure (激进措施), it is trying to deal with an extremely serious problem. Poachers have killed two-thirds of South Africa’s rhinos over the past years. In 2014 alone, 1,215 South African rhinos were killed by poachers. Millions of dollars are spent each year on protecting the animals, with limited success: last year 394 deaths were recorded. Rhino horns are highly popular in some illegal (非法的) markets, selling for up to $100,000 a kilogram.
The big question now is whether or not the rhinos will suffer any pain or experience harmful side effects as a result of injecting such material into their horns. “This is what scientists are trying to work out with a lot of testing,” said Dr Mitzi Klein, the Australia’s Nuclear Science and Technology Organisation’s (ANSTO) scientist. “The most important thing is to protect the rhino and the environment around them, and not hurt the rhino one bit.”
Dr Guy Castley from Griffith University said that any injection into the horn itself won’t hurt because the horn is made up of a material called keratin, which is the same as human nails and hair. “The horn itself does not have any nerves or blood vessels (神经或血管) inside it. So it’s not likely to cause the rhino any discomfort or pain,” he said.
Dr Castley stressed that it’s too early to say if radioactive material will be used and Dr Klein agreed that radiation won’t come near any rhino until they discover a way to put the radiation safely in the horn “... so that it does not spread to the body or hurt anything in the environment.”
“We need to protect rhinos, because we’re in danger of losing them forever. If we can find a way to safely put radiation in the horns, it could end poaching, because it would no longer be safe for people to use horns to make medicine,” Dr Klein said. Sensors could also be used to pick up radioactive material in the horns, making it harder for poachers to send them to other countries.
32. What is the author mainly talking about in paragraph 2
A. Poaching is under effective control.
B. Rhinos are in a dangerous situation.
C. The protection of rhinos is rather costly.
D. Rhinos are very popular in South Africa.
33. According to Dr Klein, why is lots of testing needed
A. To find out what makes up rhino horns.
B. To decide which medicine is suitable for rhinos.
C. To examine whether the injection will harm rhinos.
D. To show that rhino horns are useless in treating illnesses.
34. What is Dr Castley’s attitude toward using radioactive material
A. Careful. B. Satisfied. C. Uncertain. D. Doubtful.
35. What is the main purpose of the text
A. To report a research result on rhinos.
B. To explain the ill effects of radioactive material.
C. To stress the importance of stopping poaching.
D. To introduce a possible way to save rhinos.
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
If you have a hard time getting along with your teachers, going to class can be a nightmare (噩梦).So here are some tips to help you build a friendly relationship with almost all the teachers.
Talk to your teachers. In many cases, a short discussion can clear up the entire conflict (冲突). Ask your teachers if it is convenient for you to talk in private.___36___ If you appear angry or unhappy in front of them, the conflict is unlikely to be solved.
___37___ Teachers have many years of teaching experience in the subjects they teach. So discussing the best ways to succeed in the classroom may give you the opportunity to see the best instructors.
Learn to understand their teaching methods.___38___ If you are used to a very relaxing class, learning to be successful in a strict environment is difficult and vice versa (反之亦然). In most cases, it is necessary to give yourself some time to get used to a new teaching method.
Ask about your teachers’ hobbies. If you know about one of their hobbies, you can talk about it with them. And you can try to find if you have something in common.___39___
Learn why your teachers choose to teach. Approach the teachers at an appropriate (适当的) time before or after class, not during class. Consider saying something like, “I’ve always wondered why people become teachers.___40___ Why did you decide to teach ”
A. It seems to be a difficult job.
B. Ask your teachers how you can do well in class.
C. Join in activities with your teachers after school.
D. Always be polite and show respect in a conversation.
E. A way to discover the positive side of things is to keep diaries.
F. A shared interest may help you see your teachers from a different viewpoint.
G. Sometimes, you may not like some teachers because of their ways of teaching.
第三部分 语言运用(共三节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
Eddie McCarthy was watching the local TV news when he suddenly saw a 41 face on the screen: Roman, one of his high school math students. His parents were 42 looking for a live kidney(肾) donor for him. McCarthy decided he would get a blood test to see if he might be a 43 match.
Roman’s kidneys were failing, and he would likely have to wait three to five years for a donor kidney, 44 more than 92,000 people were on the waiting list.
Roman’s mother said, “Every birthday was bittersweet, knowing that Roman was getting closer to 45 a kidney transplant(移植).” His parents began an all-out 46 for a living donor two years ago.
Then in February, their 47 came after McCarthy saw them on the local news. McCarthy got a blood test at a local clinic and 48 that his blood type was O positive like Roman’s. He soon did more tests. At the end of June, he 49 news that he would be a great donor match for Roman.
When the hospital 50 in June that the operation would be performed, Roman's parents began to shed tears.
Roman’s transplant went smoothly, and he was pretty much back to being a 51 15-year-old kid. His parents’ friends 52 a GoFundMe account for him to help pay the expense.
“Everyone in our family will forever be 53 for what the donor did,” Roman's mother said. “We hope that McCarthy’s 54 will give hope to others who are 55 what we did, and that they’ll also find donors.”
41. A. familiar B. precious C. common D. different
42. A. comfortably B. happily C. anxiously D. secretly
43. A. strange B. potential C. regular D. original
44. A. if B. until C. because D. although
45. A. admitting B. needing C. improving D. balancing
46. A. search B. responsibility C. suggestion D. excuse
47. A. competition B. challenge C. pride D. luck
48. A. remembered B. commented C. learned D. imagined
49. A. ignored B. spread C. received D. brought
50. A. determined B. blamed C. pretended D. praised
51. A. perfect B. generous C. similar D. normal
52. A. stole B. started C. saved D. sold
53. A. thankful B. patient C. eager D. concerned
54. A. remark B. target C. title D. gift
55. A. showing off B. going through C. holding onto D. getting over
You might have noticed how everyone focuses ____56____ their gadgets (小装置) during family gatherings or staying with friends. As ____57____ result, the opportunity to improve your connection might be lost. However, here are some ways you and your friends can do and enjoy while ____58____ (take) a break from your gadgets.
Firstly, ____59____ you want to spend quality time with each other, all of you need to turn off your gadgets, which could be the first step you can do. Secondly, before the ____60____ (appear) of high-tech gadgets, a board game had always been the source of entertainment. So playing board games is an excellent starter____61___ (settle) your thoughts and feelings. Thirdly, eating together is a chance to bond and relax. Bonding with your friends over food is a good way to make conversations, ____62____ (especial) during dinner. Finally, entertainment isn’t the only way to interact with your friends. While ____63____ is necessary to enjoy your get-together, you don’t know what your friends are going through, ____64____making room for a heart-to-heart talk might be what they need.
Keep in mind that nothing______65______ (beat) real conversations with your loved ones.
第三节:单词拼写: (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
The bus driver is______________________(负责) for the passengers’ safety.
Now that my sons are becoming more_________ (独立的), I have more time for myself.
——what's up, honey you seem to look sad.
——Sorry, nothing serious. I'll just had an ____________(争辩) with my boss afternoon.
The couple watched the game___________ (焦虑地,担心地)and hoped their little girl could win.
Most importantly, your time and effort at senior high school will open the door to your __________ (潜能).
The rural(农村的) environment was having a p___________ effect on the children’s health.
After you have t_________ it through, explain your actions and feelings calmly.
Poor housing and family stress can have an effect on both physical and m _________ health.
The poor artist s___________ to bring up a family on very little money after he moved to another city.
When it all get too much, your parents are often the first t__________ of your anger.
第四节:完成句子: (共10小题;每小题1分,满分10分)
The secret of success _______ ______ hard work.
Happiness is the ability to _____ ______ _______ _____what you have.
She died ____ _____ _____ _____her injuries.
I managed to _____ _____the diet and keep off sweet foods.
The Rugby Club is still one of the places that have attracted students most______ ______.
I_____ _____ ______ _____ _____ the manager on this problem.
Sales ______ ______ by 9% last month.
The storm seems to be ______ ______. Let’s start our sailing again.
After being shown conclusive evidence, the other side had to______ ______.
Can I _______ $80______ ______ my account
第四部分 写作(20分)
86. 假定你是李华,你的英国朋友 Peter 来信向你咨询如何才能学好中文。请你回信给他一些建议,内容包括:
(1).词数 80 左右;
Dear Peter,
Best wishes,
Li Hua


