资源简介 (共13张PPT)水沸腾了The water is boiling回 顾/Review水 water水蒸气 steam液态/liquid看得见/visible摸得着/ touchable有固定体积/ fixed volume较重/ heavy气态/gas看不见/invisible摸不着/ untouchable没有固定体积/no fixed volume较轻/light无色/colourless无味/tasteless透明/lucency会流动/flow无固定形状/unfixed shape找相同聚 焦/Focus有白气white gas聚 焦/Focus如果我们不停地给杯子里的水加热,会出现什么情况 What would happen if we kept heating the water in the cup 画一画你的看法Draw your opinion正确使用酒精灯outer flame探 究/Explore外焰内焰焰心inner flameflame center棉芯cotton core灯帽lamp capCorrect use of alcohol lamps正确使用酒精灯探 究/ExploreCorrect use of alcohol lamps正确使用酒精灯探 究/ExploreCorrect use of alcohol lamps灯帽从侧方盖灭火焰火焰熄灭后重复上一次操作The lamp cap covers the flame from the sideRepeat the last operation after the flame is extinguished正确使用温度计探 究/ExploreCorrect use of thermometers手拿温度计的上端将温度计下端浸入液体中,不能碰到容器视线与温度计液面持平读数时温度计不能离开被测的液体Hand holding the upper end of a thermometerImmerse the lower end of the thermometer in the liquid without touching the containerLine of sight and thermometer levelThe thermometer cannot leave the liquid being measured while reading正确使用温度计探 究/ExploreCorrect use of thermometers给水加热探 究/Explorewater heating时间 time 温度 temperature 现象phenomenon0246810探 究/Explore在一定的外界条件下,液体被加热到一定温度时,内部出现大量气泡。气泡迅速胀大,上升到液面后放出大量蒸气,整个液体发生剧烈汽化。这种现象叫做“沸腾”如继续加热,液体温度不再上升,此时的温度称为液体的“沸点”探 究/Explore汽化方式 异同点 蒸发 沸腾相同点不同点 发生部位温度条件剧烈程度均是汽化液体表面液体表面和内部在任何温度在一定温度(沸点)缓慢剧烈比较蒸发与沸腾的异同点回 顾/Review沸腾 boil 展开更多...... 收起↑ 资源预览