
  1. 二一教育资源



(Tert 1)
W:Our sales and marketing departments are very powerful.However,I need to find a computer programmer to
build us a website.Do you have any idea about it
M:Not personally.But I'll introduce to you some online platforms where you can discover profiles of computer
programmers and engineers.
(Text 2)
M:Hello,Miss.Are you enjoying your meal
W:Yes,I am,sir.But this tea is a little too sweet.Would it bother you to bring me another cup of tea with
only milk and no sugar or honey
M:Of course not.One cup of unsweetened tea-coming right up!
(Text 3)
M:I achieved As in my English tests.
W:That's wonderful!Great job!
M:Do you need any study suggestions You know,practice is crucial.
W:I'll give it a shot next time.English and maths aren't my strengths.I'm keen on science more.
(Text 4)
W:Did you see that wildlife documentary on TV last night
M:Yes,it was astonishing,wasn't it Those baby pandas were especially lovely.
W:I wished to bring one home.But the baby lion and the baby tiger were cute too.
(Tert 5)
W:When did you begin to feel sick,Alan
M:My teacher said I seemed not well,so I went to the school nurse.She asked me to call home and be picked up.
W:I see.Now I'll take you home and make some hot soup for you.
(Teat 6)
M:Hello!I come from the Jimsterial Holiday Hotel.Sorry,I was stuck in traffic for an hour on my way here.
W:It's all right.Airport customs lasted for nearly 30 minutes.I've only been here for 15 minutes.
M:Anyway,I'm sorry.Our receptionist usually works as our driver as well,but she's not available today.So,
I decided to bring you to the hotel by myself.Will there be anyone meeting you later
W:It's just me,in fact.I've been working non-stop for a long time.I just want to have a vacation.
M:Well,my wife and I are pleasant companions and more than willing to assist you.
(Text 7)
W:I enjoy bringing my kids to water parks during summer.How about you
M:Oh,I'm fond of dog parks where I can walk my dog.Believe it or not,my dog has made numerous friends
W:Wow,that's fascinating.
M:Yes.Moreover.I frequently visit forest parks to obtain inspiration for my novels.and it can also help me relax.
W:That's a great way to relax.However,I don't have much leisure time.You know,I'm a salesperson.As
Christmas is approaching.I'll be extremely busy.I truly desire to go on a tour of Australia.or at least have
a good time in a local park.
M:It's been extremely cold recently.It's not a great time to have a good time in the park.
(Text 8)
W:Dear,have you purchased the drinks for the kids
M:I'll go to the post office later.On my way back home,I'll go to the supermarket and buy some.I don't think
we need anything else,do we
W:Well,I'm not certain if we have sufficient food.You know my cousins always eat everything when they visit.
M:That's fine.I believe we have everything we require.
W:Good!If you can begin the housework now,I'll start cooking.I don't wish to leave everything until the very
last moment.
M:Well,there isn't a lot to do,actually.I cleaned and arranged the living room this morning.Oh,and
remember you'll have to pick up my mom from the train station tomorrow.My car is in the garage.
W:Don't worry.I haven't forgotten.
英 语
第一部分 听力(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)
1.What is probably the woman
A.A computer repair specialist.
B.An online engineer.
C.A sales manager.
2.What are the speakers talking about
A.Tea. B.Some sweets. C.A cup.
3.What subject is the man good at
A.Maths. B.English. C.Science.
4.What did the man do last night
A.He watched TV. B.He visited the zoo. C.He adopted a pet.
5.What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A.Teacher and student. B.Doctor and patient. C.Mother and son.
第二节 (共15小题;每小题1.5分,满分22.5分)
6.Why does the man say sorry to the woman
A.He is late for the meeting.
B.He can’t give the woman a lift.
C.He didn’t book the hotel in advance.
7.Where does the conversation probably take place
A.In a hotel. B.In an office. C.At the airport.
8.Why does the man often visit forest parks
A.To walk his dog.
B.To get writing inspiration.
C.To meet his friend.
9.Which season is it now
A.Summer. B.Autumn. C.Winter.
10.Where does the man plan to go first
A.The train station. B.The post office. C.The supermarket.
11.What will the woman probably do
A.Do some cooking. B.Arrange the room. C.Clean the garage.
12.Who will pick up the man’s mother
A.The man. B.The woman. C.The woman’s cousins.
13.What can we know about Betty
A.She often fell ill. B.She felt stressed. C.She was very busy.
14.Why does Betty run her own business
A.To have a flexible schedule.
B.To travel more.
C.To earn more money.
15.What exercise does Betty enjoy
A.Team sports. B.Yoga. C.Running.
16.What does Betty suggest about saving time
A.Checking emails on the way to work.
B.Having a lot of similar clothes.
C.Making to-do lists.
17.How many homes did MrBeast build for families in need
A.10. B.50. C.100.
18.What is MrBeast famous for
A.Charity efforts. B.Selling videos. C.Challenging others.
19.What did MrBeast give to the children in one village
A.Food. B.New bicycles. C.Storybooks.
20.Why did MrBeast extend gratitude to his viewers
A.They helped him sell the bikes.
B.They donated money for the project.
C.They made the project possible by watching.
第二部分 阅读(共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题2.5分,满分37.5分)
Study Abroad With Harvard Faculty(教员)Around the World
Expect a true Harvard experience next summer During a Harvard Summer School Study Abroad program,you will engage your intellectual curiosity with Harvard faculty,build a new network of friends and expand your understanding of the world.
The programs,from four to eight weeks in length,provide a range of academic experiences and opportunities,from focused foreign language and culture courses to immersive(沉浸式)study of location-specific topics in the humanities,social sciences and natural sciences.We accept applications from registered college students at any accredited university.
Our office hours of operation are Monday to Friday,9:00 am-5:00 pm.Interested in learning more about our programs Please email us at SummerAbroad@Summer.Harvard.edu.
How to Apply to Study Abroad Next Summer
Applications to Study Abroad through Harvard Summer School in Summer 2025 open on December 6,2024.In order to be considered for Harvard Study Abroad,all applications must be received by January 25,2025.
To apply for a program,you must:
●Be at least 18 years old.
●Have completed at least one year of college or be a first-year student.
●Be in good academic standing.
You may apply for no more than two programs.If applying for two programs,you will be asked to rank your two applications in order of preference.Any applications submitted in excess(超过)of the maximum of two will be automatically withdrawn.
On December 6,a link to the application for your desired program will be available on the program’s Web page.
21.How long do the programs last at most
A.Four weeks.B.Six weeks. C.Seven weeks. D.Eight weeks.
22.Under what condition are applicants’ applications useless
A.The applicants choose four programs to apply for.
B.The applicants send their applications on Monday.
C.The applicants have no experience of immersive study.
D.The applicants apply for the programs on December 8,2024.
23.What is probably this text
A.A report. B.An advertisement.
C.An academic notice. D.A university introduction.
On a cold and gray morning,National Park Service biologist Lidia D’Amico grabbed her
binoculars(双筒望远镜)and radio and began walking around the island’s roads as usual.
On a typical day,she would spend her walk time watching birds.On this day,however,she spotted something strange:a “big figure” perching on a rock on the island’s northwest side.A closer look revealed the unknown object to be a baby sea lion,which was a rare sighting on the rock,and rarer because the creature was so far out of the water.“This sea lion had dragged itself all the way up the rocks and wasn’t moving,which I knew was unusual,” D’Amico explained.
The island is not a suitable place for mammals(哺乳类),since it’s exposed to severe conditions and lacks a permanent source of water.A small rock around 100 yards off the north side of the island,called “Little Alcatraz”,is used by 7 to 8 seals during low tide(潮水).But the island is ruled by birds.
Upon returning a few hours later to check on the unexpected visitor,D’Amico found the sea lion unmoved,so she made a call to The Marine Mammal Center.Even with the help of fellow park workers,it took great effort to load the 40-pound baby into a box and then they transferred him to The Marine Mammal Center.Once safely ashore,the baby was picked up by the staff from The Marine Mammal Center,who transported him to their animal hospital in the Headlands.
For the first month after his rescue,the little baby’s condition was “guarded”,and he was slow to recover.However,with treatment and feedings provided by the staff,he began to gain weight.After two months of treatment,a fat and healthy sea lion could walk slowly.The once ill-fed baby had been cleared to return to the wild.Recovered,he went into the waters of his new life with a new name:Alcatraz,the sea lion.
24.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “perching” in paragraph 2
A.Resting. B.Playing. C.Singing. D.Wandering.
25.What is the author’s purpose in writing the third paragraph
A.To list a related example. B.To summarize previous paragraphs.
C.To introduce the main topic. D.To provide background information.
26.What did D’Amico do for the sea lion
A.She helped him go into the water.
B.She took care of him in the Headlands.
C.She called the Marine Mammal Center.
D.She transferred him to the animal center.
27.Which of the following is the suitable title for the text
A.A Strange Island B.The Rescue of a Sea Lion
C.Lidia D’Amico’s Adventure D.The Struggling Life of Mammals
An international team of researchers led by the University of Bristol has cast light on Earth’s earliest ecosystem,showing that within a few hundred million years of planetary formation,life on Earth was already booming(繁荣的).Everything alive today originates from a common ancestor known as LUCA(Last Universal Common Ancestor).
LUCA is the assumptive common ancestor from which all modern cellular life,from single-celled organisms like bacteria to the huge redwood trees as well as us humans originates.LUCA stands for the source of the tree of life before it splits into the groups recognized today:Bacteria,Archaea and Eukarya.
The team compared all the genes(基因)in the genomes of living species,counting the variations that have occurred within their orders over time since they shared an ancestor in LUCA.The time of separation of some species is known from the fossil(化石)record and so the team used a genetic equivalent of the familiar equation used to calculate speed in physics to work out when LUCA existed,arriving at the answer of 4.2 billion years ago,about four hundred million years after the formation of Earth and our solar system.
Next,the team worked out the biology of LUCA by modelling the physiological characteristics of living species back through the genealogy(宗谱)of life to LUCA.Lead author,Dr Edmund Moody explained,“The evolutionary history of genes is complicated by their exchange between lineages(细胞系).We have to use complex evolutionary models to harmonize the evolutionary history of genes with the genealogy of species.”
Co-author Professor Philip Donoghue said,“Our work reveals insights into early Earth and life that could not be achieved by any one subject alone.It also demonstrates just how quickly an ecosystem was established on early Earth.This suggests that life may be booming on Earth-like biospheres elsewhere in the universe.”
28.What can be learned about LUCA from the text
A.It represents the root of the tree of life.
B.It is only the ancestor of redwood trees.
C.It was divided into two groups.
D.It didn’t change much over time.
29.When did LUCA exist according to the text
A.About 4.6 billion years ago. B.About 3.8 billion years ago.
C.About 4.2 billion years ago. D.About 400 million years ago.
30.What can we conclude from the text
A.LUCA was the only form of life on Earth then.
B.LUCA was probably a very complex organism.
C.The study of LUCA is the final step in exploring the universe.
D.The formation of Earth was closely related to that of other planets.
31.What did Philip Donoghue say about their study
A.It was time-consuming. B.It was disappointing.
C.It was labor-saving. D.It was meaningful.
The IKEA effect,named after Swedish furniture giant,describes how people tend to value an object more if they make or assemble(组装)it themselves.More broadly,the IKEA effect tells how we tend to like things more if we’ve spent effort to create them.
It goes without saying that we like to feel like we know what we’re doing;that we are capable of handling the tasks that are given to us and of dealing with barriers as they come up.In fact,our perceived self-efficacy—that is,our beliefs about our own abilities to perform well and take control of our lives—is an important component of our overall mental health.
Research has provided good evidence that this self-efficacy can boost a role in the IKEA effect.In one experiment,researchers started out by giving participants four math problems to solve.One group got very easy problems(e.g.“How likely is it that a fair coin that is thrown once will come up heads ”),while the other received very difficult ones(e.g.“You have four coins.Three of the coins are normal,but one of them has heads on both sides.You pick a coin at random without looking.The coin you pick has heads on one side.What are the odds that if you turn the coin over,the other side will be tails ”).The goal of this part of the experiment was to control people’s sense of competence:the group that got the hard problems was likely to feel stressed out and incapable,while the easy problem group didn’t have their confidence shaken at all.
After the math problems,participants were shown a picture of a bookcase from IKEA and asked whether they would prefer to buy it pre-assembled or to build it themselves.The results showed that people who had had their sense of competence challenged were more likely to say they’d prefer to assemble the bookcase on their own.In other words,feeling like we’re incapable of something increases our desire to prove ourselves and appear competent,leading us to overstate the value of things we have made.
32.What does the IKEA effect focus on
A.How to assemble furniture from IKEA.
B.How Swedish furniture is made.
C.How people like things they create.
D.How to increase self-efficacy.
33.Why did the researchers give participants different math problems
A.To interpret their reactions. B.To affect their sense of confidence.
C.To check their intelligence. D.To make the experiment funnier.
34.What does the text suggest about the IKEA effect
A.It only works for the assembly of furniture.
B.It makes people undervalue everything they create.
C.It has no influence on people’s purchasing decisions.
D.It shows people’s psychological needs to feel competent.
35.How does the author support the topic of the text
A.By presenting an experiment. B.By giving some definitions.
C.By listing different opinions. D.By sharing personal experiences.
第二节 (共5小题;每小题2.5分,满分12.5分)
Green-roofed structures date back to many years ago,even before the concept of housing as it is known today was birthed.The earliest green roofs came in the form of sod(草皮)roofs above caves.Plants were used on top of the caves for ceremonial and agricultural purposes. 36 .
The most famous green roof of all time was the Hanging Gardens of Babylon.The gardens were documented as one of the seven wonders of the world at the time. 37 .The gardens were built over arched(拱形的)stones covered with waterproof reeds(芦苇).
As modernity began,most people switched to iron sheets and roofing tiles.With these options available,a few considered the idea of green roofing.As industrialization kicked in,more roofing options made the Hanging Gardens of Babylon seem like an ancient idea.Years of worsening environment,due to the agricultural and industrial revolution,followed. 38 .The world soon realized that preserving green spaces was key to human survival.As a result,most people started paying attention to nature,leading to the revival(复兴)of green roofs.
Modern green roofing technology took shape around the 1960s.It all started when Germany invented technology against roof access.The new technology was heavily marketed,and most people in Germany started adopting green roofs. 39 .Today,green roofs are growing in popularity across the world,and America is leading the race.Research shows that the global green roofs market grew by 17.7% in 2023 from $1.53 billion in 2022 to 1.80 billion.The market is expected to hit $3.31 billion by 2027.
40 .Such roofs are designed in such a way that they can hold water and grow plants throughout the year.In most cases,the plants grown on green roofs do not require much water and so often don’t have irrigation.However,fixing a green roof is not a straightforward affair.
A.In designing a green roof,there are some traps that need avoiding
B.Eventually,the effects of environmental worsening started appearing
C.In simple terms,green roofs are any roofs that feature green living matter
D.Since then,many more technologies have come up that have advanced green roofs
E.Over time,sod roofs lost their value due to natural disasters and borrowing by animals
F.Although similar to what a green roof looks like today,their engineering was quite different
G.If you intend to use a green roof,you must make sure you have a stable foundation and walls
第三部分 语言运用(共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
We were in the eighth day of a heat wave that seemed to have no end.The summer heat was hard to 41 and it had gotten so hot that I was even having trouble falling asleep at night.I felt __42 and not ready to take on the day.I sat slowly drinking my morning coffee and hoping that it could help to 43 up my eyelids(眼皮).It was early in the morning but I had already felt extremely hot.
As I sat there not wanting to get up from my kitchen table,I watched 44 out of my window.The dandelions(蒲公英)was growing back again after the last time when the grass was __45 .I saw a few bees 46 from flower to flower and my weary face managed a 47__ smile.Then out of nowhere a brilliant,yellow butterfly 48 .It went around my window as if to say “Hi!” and then 49 down to the nearest dandelion.After staying for a 50 ,it flew back up to my window.My smile 51 and my heart filled.I have always had a special love for butterflies since Mom 52 .Each time I see one,I tell Mom how much I love her since her death.
I watched as this butterfly 53 up to my window the last time and flew away.I didn’t feel quite so worn out anymore.I was ready to 54 the day.I was ready to open my heart,share my 55 and add a little more kindness to the world.
41.A.absorb B.tolerate C.predict D.notice
42.A.excited B.grateful C.tired D.comfortable
43.A.lift B.take C.make D.give
44.A.quickly B.luckily C.directly D.lazily
45.A.watered B.planted C.attended D.cut
46.A.crying B.bouncing C.escaping D.drinking
47.A.satisfactory B.hearty C.weak D.broad
48.A.waved B.appeared C.replied D.breathed
49.A.dropped B.bent C.drove D.rolled
50.A.year B.moment C.month D.week
51.A.widened B.stopped C.changed D.failed
52.A.called in B.looked around C.came up D.passed away
53.A.stood B.gathered C.circled D.picked
54.A.avoid B.push C.rescue D.face
55.A.love B.skills C.knowledge D.plans
Artificial intelligence is being employed to safeguard the country’s oldest and tallest wooden pagoda(塔)in North China’s Shanxi Province which has gone through 56 (nature)and human disasters for 968 years.The technology is being used 57 (improve)the understanding of the 67-meter-tall Sakyamuni Pagoda,visualize its states over time and prepare for restoration work.
58 (build)entirely out of wood without the use of nails in 1056 during the Liao Dynasty,the pagoda, 59 complicated structure features innumerable mortises and tenons(榫卯),has weathered earthquakes,wars and other 60 (challenge).As tall as a 20-story building,and with a base diameter of about 30 meters,the pagoda is a remarkable architectural wonder.
In April,2024,a virtual reality program that copies the pagoda 61 (release)by Chinese technology company Lenovo Group and Tsinghua University’s School of Architecture.Wearing VR glasses,visitors can experience what it would be like to climb the pagoda. 62 program has been donated to the county government to become part of its digital museum. 63 February last year,they began conducting modeling work on the wooden structure inside the pagoda,creating a database of parameters(参数)through structural research.Meanwhile,Lenovo Group is employing its AI-generated computing technology,which 64 (perfect)combines AI,neural radiance fields technology and extended reality technology to construct a digital “twin” of the pagoda.Besides 65 (benefit)tourists,the technologies provide strong technical support for re-creating the complete structure and details of the pagoda.
第四部分 写作(共两节,满分40分)
Dear fellow students,
Today,I’d like to talk about the significance of the resources of education on the history of revolution.
Thank you!
In a world full of uncertainties,there lives a ten-year-old girl named Kennedy Coke,who is an energetic young fighter.Her life has been a series of extraordinary battles.
Kennedy’s story began many years ago.At just two years old,a routine visit to urgent care for what seemed like a common cold took an unexpected turn.As the doctors examined her,they discovered a lung tumor(肿瘤).Little Kennedy had a rare genetic condition called DICER1 syndrome.This condition made it incredibly difficult for her body to hold up tumors,and thus she began her long and tough journey of battling multiple health issues.
Through the years,Kennedy showed remarkable courage.She went through chemotherapy(化疗) and numerous treatments,and against all odds,she overcame her initial illness.She was a miracle for a while,bringing hope and joy to her family.
But life had more turns in store for Kennedy.In January 2024,during a routine check, doctors discovered another tumor.Once again,Kennedy faced the battle bravely.She underwent
surgery with firm determination.However,just six months later,her condition worsened.At only ten years old,she has to face more difficulties than most people meet in a lifetime.
As she prepared for this new battle,Kennedy’s spirit started to fade away.Her mother,Jodi Hill Coke,could see the change in her daughter.She knew Kennedy needed something to cheer her up and give her hope.And that’s when she remembered Kennedy’s love for Taylor Swift.Kennedy was a huge fan of the pop star and had always dreamed of attending the Eras Tour.But with the tour’s tickets selling for thousands of dollars,it seemed like an impossible dream.Determined to reignite(再次点燃)Kennedy’s wish,Jodi reached out to Taylor Swift’s team,sharing Kennedy’s inspiring story and her heartfelt wish.
Fortunately,the request touched hearts of Taylor Swift’s team and Taylor herself responded.
Kennedy along with her mother attended the concert with the tickets.


