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福州三中2024-2025 学年第一学期高三第二次质量检测
英 语
1. 答卷前,考生务必将自己的姓名、准考证号填写在答题卡和试卷指定位置上。
3. 考试结束后,将本试卷和答题卡一并交回。
第一部分 听力 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共5小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分7.5分)
例: How much is the shirt
A. 19.15. B. 9.18. C. 9.15.
1. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a supermarket. B. In the post office. C. In the street.
2. What did Carl do
A. He designed a medal.
B. He fixed a TV set.
C. He took a test.
3. What does the man do
A. He's a tailor. B. He's a waiter. C. He's a shop assistant.
4. When will the flight arrive
A. At 18:20. B. At 18:35. C. At 18:50.
5. How can the man improve his article
A. By deleting unnecessary words.
B. By adding a couple of points.
C. By correcting grammar mistakes.
第二节 (共15小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分22.5分)
6. What does Bill often do on Friday night
A. Visit his parents. B. Go to the movies. C. Walk along Broadway.
7. Who watches musical plays most often
A. Bill. B. Aarah. C. Bill's parents.
8. Why does David want to speak to Mike
A. To invite him to a party. B. To discuss a schedule. C. To call off a meeting.
9. What do we know about the speakers
A. They are colleagues. B. They are close friends. C. They've never met before.
听第8段材料, 回答第 10 至 12题。
10. What kind of camera does the man want
A. A TV camera. B. A video camera. C. A movie camera.
11. Which function is the man most interested in
A. Underwater filming. B. A large memory. C. Auto- focus.
12. How much would the man pay for the second camera
A.950 euros. B.650 euros. C.470 euros.
听第9段材料,回答第13至 16题。
13. Who is Clifford
A. A little girl. B. The man's pet. C. A fictional character.
14. Who suggested that Norman paint for children's books
A. His wife. B. Elizabeth. C. A publisher.
15. What is Norman's story based on
A. A book. B. A painting. C. A young woman.
16. What is it that shocked Norman
A. His unexpected success.
B. His efforts made in vain.
C. His editor's disagreement.
听第10段材料,回答第17至 20题。
17. Who would like to make small talk according to the speaker
A. Relatives. B. Strangers. C. Visitors.
18. Why do people have small talk
A. To express opinions. B. To avoid arguments. C. To show friendliness.
19. Which of the following is a frequent topic in small talk
A. Politics. B. Movies. C. Salaries.
20. What does the speaker recommend at the end of his lecture
A. Asking open- ended questions.
B. Feeling free to change topics.
C. Making small talk interesting.
第二部分 阅读 (共两节,满分50分)
第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A 、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
What is a GPA
A GPA, or Grade Point Average, typically ranging from one to four, is a number reflecting your course performance on average. It's used by universities to determine whether students meet academic standards and by students to enhance job prospects or secure admission into post- graduate programs.
How to calculate a GPA
· Determine the letter grade and the number of credit hours for each course you take in a term;
· Translate the letter grade to grade point s using your school’s grading system;
· Multiply the grade points by the credit hours for that course;
· Add up all the credit hours for the courses;
· Divide the total number of grade points by the total credit hours and you get the GPA.
Example: Academic Transcript of Jane Smith Winter 2023
Courses Letter Grade Grade points Cred1t h0urs T0ta1 p01nts GPA
Creative Writing A+ 4.0 3 12 —
Psychology A- 3.7 3 11.1 —
History B+ 3.3 3 9.9 —
Computer Science F 0.0 2 0 —
Total — — 11 33
What are the consequences of failing college courses
· Every failing grade (F) significantly impacts your GPA for that academic year, limiting clubs, organizations and program choices, as competitive programs require top GPAs.
· Most financial aid programs require a specific GPA. A sharp drop in GPA due to several course failures may lead to removal from financial aid programs, unless you retake the courses and pass.
· For college athletes on sports scholarships, failing courses repeatedly can lead to losing scholarships and team spots.
· Failing multiple courses can result in school removal and affect future applications.
21. Where is this text probably taken from
A. An academic course guide. B. A campus job fair poster.
C. A graduate application form. D. An athletic team schedule.
22. What is Jane Smith's GPA this term
A.3.3. B.3.0. C.2.8. D.1.0.
23. What would be a result if you get one F in college
A. School removal. B. Loss of financial aid.
C. Choice limitation. D. Disqualification in sports.
Over 40 students with low vision study at a school in Gandhinagar, Gujarat. It was designed by Anand Sonecha, founder of an architecture company. Featuring a bright yellow entrance door, which stands out against the white walls, the school is decorated with a variety of sweet- smelling plants everywhere. Inside the classrooms, the walls feel smooth in contrast to the rough outside of the building. These all help students familiarize themselves with the area straightforwardly, without any trouble.
The school provides an open space serving as a platform for the visually- challenged students to play, perform, or celebrate festivals and the students are easy to orient themselves according to the sound, smell, sight and touch.“ The idea behind the design was to make the school more accessible to the students,” Sonecha says,“ They come from remote villages and towns in Gujarat, and I am eager to help them.”
During the construction, Sonecha used contrasting colors so that students could easily distinguish between the elements. Blue was used for all classroom doors, yellow for the entrance gate, black for switch buttons, and yellow and green for the furniture. All these colors contrasted with the white walls of the school, helping the students locate different elements. Different areas are of different height and width, which makes the sounds and noises change according to the echo(回音) produced in these spaces. Furthermore, he cooperated with fellow landscape architect Lokendra Balasaria to plant more than 1,000 plants of 37 species. These sweet plants have been grown not only to lead the children to move in the school through smell but also to attract butterflies and birds, and provide shade.
“ The structure of the building is designed similarly to any other school building, only with a few clever elements. My intention was to avoid making it look distinct from other schools,” Sonecha explains, “I hope that there are no different schools for such students. Instead, all these elements should be added to public spaces for them. And my follow- up efforts may be there.”
24. Why did Sonecha design the school in Gandhinagar
A. To explore architecture styles. B. To raise funds for his company.
C. To offer convenience to the students. D. To improve students' learning ability.
25. What does the underlined word“ orient” in Paragraph 2mean
A. Relax. B. Waken. C. Cheer. D. Direct.
26. How does the school help students perform daily routine
A. By expanding activity areas. B. By stimulating multiple senses.
C. By offering behavioral guidelines. D. By strengthening safety measures.
27. What will Sonecha probably do in the future
A. Promote accessibility in the public regions.
B. Modernize architecture with smart devices.
C. Build special schools for disabled students.
D. Decorate schools with traditional elements.
Rogues(疯狗浪), called“ extreme storm waves” by scientists, are large, unexpected, and dangerous waves that are at least twice as high as the other waves around them, according to the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA). These abnormal waves, which happen every day and all over the world, are highly unpredictable and can destroy ships that meet with them.
Rogue waves appear to form when large rough waves pass through one another, combining to form huge walls of water, according to NOAA. However, why and where they appear is unclear. But using 700 years’ worth of ocean data including historical records and data from buoys (浮标) in 158 locations around the world, researchers have now created a system for predicting these“ huge beasts”.
“ They are caused by a combination of many factors that, until now, have not been combined into a single risk assessment,” said lead author Dion H fner. H fner and his co- workers mapped the factors that may lead to rogue waves and used AI to make a single model that could determine the likelihood that a rogue wave will form.
The team trained a neural network using historical wave data. This generated a system that learned the causes of rogue waves by itself and could work to predict them. But the AI's methods were hid in a black box. This means scientists couldn't know how the AI did its workings. So H fner’s team applied another form of machine learning, which produced an equation (综合体) when fed data, rather than just a single prediction, helping the researchers to understand how the AI reached its predictions.
“ Our analysis demonstrates that abnormal waves occur all the time. In fact, we registered100,000 waves in our data set that can be defined as rogue waves,”H fner said. This system effectively shows the sign of a rogue wave, H fner added, and can better protect ships from being destroyed as the sail around the world. Ship companies can use the device with the system to predict when and where rogue waves might arise to seek an alternative course.
28. How does the author introduce the topic
A. By using an example. B. By giving a definition.
C. By drawing a comparison. D. By making an assumption.
29. What can the system do according to paragraph 2
A. Monitor huge sea creatures. B. Guide ships around in the sea.
C. Prevent rouge waves from occurring. D. Forecast the hitting of rogue waves.
30. What is the disadvantage of the AI's methods
A. They aren't visually available. B. They depend on too many factors.
C. They make inaccurate predictions. D. They don't process data systematically.
31. How does H fner find the system
A. It requires more field tests. B. It has been widely used.
C. It needs further improvement. D. It has a promising future.
China has long been considered as a revolutionary(改革者) when it comes to wind power. Earlier this year, it was reported that the country had begun construction of a wind farm using what were then regarded as the largest turbines (涡轮) ever seen, each with a capacity of 16 megawatts(兆瓦). Now, a new important stage has been reached with the successful switch- on of a turbine.
China Three Gorges Corporation announced that the MySE 16-260 turbine had been successfully fixed at the company's offshore wind farm near Fujian Province on July 19. Just one of these turbines should be able to produce enough electricity to power 36,000families of three people each for one year. They claim that wind- powered domestic electricity could reduce carbon dioxide emissions by 54,000 tons compared with using coal- fired power stations.
The Fuijian offshore wind farm sits in the Taiwan Strait. Winds of force 7 are a regular occurrence in these waters, which is obviously perfect for producing wind power. Mingyang Smart Energy, who designed the MySE 16-260, was up to the challenge, stating in a LinkedIn post that it could handle“ extreme wind speeds of 79.8 meters per second”. Still, it wasn't very long at all before these claims were put to the test, following the disastrous typhoon Talim that hit East Asia earlier this month. The typhoon threat is ever- present in this region, and the new giant turbine has stood up to the impact.
Buoyed by the success of this installation (安装), China Three Gorges Corporation is already looking to the future.” In the next step, the 16 megawatt unit will be applied in the second phase of the Zhangpu Liuao Offshore Wind Farm Project constructed by China Three Gorges Corporation,” said Lei Zengjuan.
32. Why are the statistics listed in Paragraph 2
A. To discuss the possibility of further threat.
B. To emphasize the advantages of the turbines.
C. To present the consequence of producing electricity.
D. To stress the urgency of spreading turbines nationwide.
33. What can we infer from Paragraph 3
A. The new giant turbines are worth trusting,
B. The new giant turbines are still faced with doubts.
C. Typhoon Talim has damaged the new giant turbines severely.
D. Typhoon Talim has been one of the worst typhoons ever since.
34. What does the underlined word“ Buoyed” in Paragraph 4mean
A. Linked. B. Rewarded. C. Inquired. D. Inspired.
35. What's the text mainly about
A. China takes the lead in developing turbines.
B. China values the development of wind turbines.
C. World's largest wind turbine has been switched on.
D. World's largest wind turbine makes the media shocked.
第二节 (共5小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分12.5分)
As the world struggles to deal with the climate crisis, some companies are working to remove polluting carbon dioxide (CO ) from the air. 36 , but two US companies have recently made important progress.
Scientists say large amounts of CO must be removed from the atmosphere and stored. 37 . But there's so much CO in the atmosphere that just planting trees and protecting forests won't solve the problem. In addition, when plants and trees die, the carbon they've stored gets released again.
That means humans need to come up with ways of removing carbon from the air and storing it. This is called Direct Air Capture (DAC). The science of removing carbon from the air is challenging, and it's still pretty new. Most DAC processes require a large amount of energy, 38 .
A company called Heirloom has just opened the first DAC plant in the United States. The company heats up the limestone(石灰岩) to separate out the CO , which is then locked away in concrete (混凝土). The process is extremely expensive. 39 . That's a tiny amount compared to how much carbon needs to be removed from the atmosphere, but the company says it hopes to remove a billion tons per year by 2035.
40 . Some people worry that it will take too long for DAC technology to become powerful enough to make a difference. Others worry that focusing on removing carbon could take attention away from more important climate actions, like switching from fossil fuel s to renewable energy. But experts say the decision isn't to do one or the other. The world needs to end fossil fuel use and pull carbon out of the air.
A. It's a huge and challenging goal
B. Plants and trees can do this naturally
C. Everyone is not excited about carbon removal
D. The new plant can remove 1,000 tons of CO year
E. Graphyte is another US company working on DAC
F. and CO is just a small part of the gasses that make up air
G. so one puzzle for these companies is how to remove carbon without creating more pollution
第三部分 语言运用 (共两节,满分30分)
第一节 (共15 小题; 每小题1分, 满分 15分)
“ Mum. I'm sorry I haven't been there for you this summer,” I said finally. The 41 happened during a park walk one Saturday. I hadn't 42 it and certainly hadn't planned it.
Had we not been walking together that morning, the expression of regret would have remained 43 . From a young age, I've had my best 44 with my mum on walks. Perhaps it's the fresh air; perhaps it's that a chat conducted 45 can be more fruitful than one conducted while we are staring at each other. Whatever the 46 is, six months after she'd been diagnosed(诊断) with cancer and ten days after her 47 completely, we talked deeply again.
Her cancer diagnosis came as a 48 . Friends and family visited her one after another. But I 49 as usual: writing, teaching, and seeing her 50 . I was just busy, I told myself, refusing to face the sudden fact that Mum wasn't well and things were far from51 .
However, just as other walkers find park walks an 52 to open up in a way they haven't done before, so do we. I was able to put my mixed 53 into words during our first walk after she became well again. When we crossed the“ finish line”, Mum smiled, “I feel free again.” The feeling, I'm sure, was 54 by communication and exercise. We hugged each other and made our 55 : we’ll walk together once a month.
41. A. change B. apology C. race D. incident
42. A. refused B. remembered C. realized D. expected
43. A. unsaid B. insensitive C. misunderstood D. dissatisfying
44. A. memories B. works C. lessons D. conversations
45. A. time after time B. face to face C. side by side D. word for word
46. A. cause B. impact C. challenge D. advantage
47. A. withdrawing B. recovering C. considering D. separating
48. A. mistake B. loss C. shock D. burden
49. A. dropped by B. settled down C. looked ahead D. carried on
50. A. carefully B. privately C. occasionally D. constantly
51. A. hopeless B. normal C. simple D. perfect
52. A. opportunity B. excuse C. attempt D. urge
53. A. reviews B. messages C. experiences D. emotions
54. A. replaced B. matched C. stimulated D. indicated
55. A. impression B. agreement C. purpose D. story
第二节 (共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分 15分)
The painting Prosperous Suzhou, ink and color on paper, 1,241 cm in length and 36.5 cm in width, is 56 ( current) housed in the Liaoning Provincial Museum. The painting 57 ( complete) in 1759 during the Qing Dynasty. 58 ( paint) in hand scroll format(手卷) with cavalier perspective painting methods, the entire piece vividly illustrates 59 urban life of Suzhou during the High Qing era, with lively trades, countless businessmen and various goods. The whole scroll describes the local conditions and customs in the southern 60 ( region) of the Yangtze River, including the landscape of lakes and hills, city wall and 61 ( it) gates, ancient ferries and rowing boats, towns along the river, folk customs, and shops of all trades, all of 62 reflect the prosperity(繁华) of Suzhou in the mid-18th century. Therefore, it 63 ( hold) extremely high historical and artistic value. China Post issued a set of six special stamps based on this painting 64 May 18, 2022. This set of stamps, designed by Xing Wenwei, fully reproduces the artistic conception of the original painting, 65 ( create) a unique visual effect.
第四部分 写作 (共两节,满分40分)
第一节 (满分15分)
假定你是李华,你班在校英语戏剧节中获得一等奖,外教 James打算为此庆祝,并委托你调查同学们喜欢的方式。请你根据调查结果,给外教写-封邮件,内容包括:
1. 表达感谢;
2. 提出个人建议;
3. 说明理由。
1. 词数80左右;
2. 请在答题卡的相应位置作答。
Dear James,
Yours Sincerely
Li Hua
第二节 (满分25分)
George had his eye on a scoring record. He took a deep breath as he stood in the doorway, looking in at the basketball court. The gym was old and small, but it held a long history. Maybe today I'll make history, George thought.
His basketball league was celebrating. Today's championship game marked its 50th anniversary (周年) since the league’s first championship.
George looked over the brochure for the anniversary. It listed the winners of each champion- ship game and the top scorers. He stopped suddenly when he read the name of the top scorer from a game 30 years before. He quickly went through the rest of the list.“ Look!” he said to his teammate David, showing him the brochure.“ You see who has the all- time record My dad! He never told me that.”
“24 points,” David said.“ That's awesome!”
George’s best record was 19 points. He was the Badgers’ top scorer.“ It seems that my dad never showed off something like that,” George said.
When his parents arrived, George brought the brochure over to them. His dad laughed. “I didn't miss a shot in that game. But look at the score. I would have traded every shot for a win,“ he said with regret. George hadn’t noticed that his dad’s team had lost the game just by one point.“ That was a great group of teammates,” his dad added.“ You have great teammates in the Badgers, too.”
As George warmed up, he was still digesting his father's words.“ This will be a struggle every second,” the coach emphasized before they got on court to play. “I want to see tough defense, sharp passing, and, above all, smart play as a team.”
George was confident he could lead the Badgers to victory, just as he did in their previous games against the Lions. And he played really hard. As the game neared its end, George had al- ready scored 23 points. Another basket would break his father's scoring record.
1. 续写词数应为150左右;
2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
However, his team was now one point behind the Lions. With no defenders around, David turned and shot at the basket.英语试题参考答案
57.was completed 58.Painted
One possible version:
Dear James,
Thank you for trusting me to survey our classmates'preferred activities for celebrating our
success at the English Drama Festival.Here are the results and my personal opinion.
From the survey,outings on weekends and English movie nights are favored by 88%and
59%of us respectively,with 32%keen on sharing food and drinks.To meet the varied interests,
I would recommend we organize an outdoor gathering at the city park,where we can bring along
various foods and drinks to share.I believe this plan would ideally satisfy those seeking an
adventure and those who wish to relax and enjoy good company.
Thank you once again for your support and for considering my suggestion!
Yours sincerely,
Li Hua


