2025届高三英语专项复习复习 阅读理解七选五(含解析)

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2025届高三英语专项复习复习 阅读理解七选五(含解析)


(2024·福建泉州·一模)Stress is unavoidable in life. We all face it daily, whether it is a small inconvenience or a major life challenge. Stress negatively affects all aspects of our lives both personally and professionally. 1 So what can we do about it Here are some helpful tips to fight stress, defeat it and move on.
2 The longer you let something sit, the more it will weigh on you and take up valuable brain space.
Practice self-care
Here are the key aspects to self-care that so often get forgotten:
●Drink water. Prevent tiredness, help digestion, your skin and your sleep.
●Stretch. Get oxygen flowing into your muscles before or during a stressful situation.
●Exercise regularly. Don’t let your busy schedule take priority over your health.
● 3 Read, take a bath, go for a run, listen to music, or phone a friend.
Find a network of people who you can vent (宣泄) to. This is a fantastic way to reduce bringing work troubles and stress home with you. You have the opportunity to blow off the first build-up of steam. 4
Breathing deeply brings more oxygen into your body, producing endorphins (内啡肽). They fight with cortisol, a chemical which is a result of anxiety or stress. Did you know breathing is responsible for most of your body’s detoxification (排毒) 5 This critical part of calming yourself down allows you the space and time to focus on the problem at hand and have a quiet mind to tackle what’s ahead of you.
A.Find time for you.
B.Read and practice more.
C.Cross off the most stressful tasks first.
D.So you can go home a bit more calm and sensible.
E.In this way you can communicate with whoever you like to.
F.It can harm our bodies, our relationships and our overall quality of life.
G.It also increases energy, lowers blood pressure and slows your heartbeat.
(2024·湖北·三模)Do you like spending time alone If so, you probably know that there are people criticizing you for it. They think you are alone because you’re anxious about being around other people and just don’t have very positive relationships with humans. 6
These have been the common opinions on spending time alone for far too long. 7 Scholars believe that spending time alone helps you break free from pressures and is good for mental and physical health.
8 You need to feel the dissatisfaction with where you’re now to get the motivation to change and achieve what you want. Being around others constantly might distract (转移) yourself from the informative feeling. Spending time alone enables you to check how your life is in line with your plans, or research resources related to your aims.
Your creativity is increased when being alone. If you are constantly in the presence of others, your mind is more likely to be engaged in being social. 9 Those who enjoy creative pursuits, like writing and music, especially need to get alone time. If you’re not used to alone time, being alone while around others is a good way to start, such as writing at a library or in a café.
Keeping yourself away from others improves sleep quality. If you are always busy with others, you may notice that it’s difficult to wind down at night. Those moments right before you fall asleep can be uncomfortable if you are not used to being alone. 10 Consequently, you feel more comfortable transitioning (过渡) from wakefulness to sleep.
A.Alone time helps you focus on your goals.
B.Or they assume you are lonely and depressed.
C.You don’t need to worry about opinions others have.
D.Reasons for being alone vary from one person to another.
E.More recently, the value of aloneness has been increasingly recognized.
F.Having space from others can free up your mind to think of new ideas.
G.Taking time for yourself can help you practice being with your thoughts.
(2024·广东·一模)A Journey Through Etymology and Lexicography
The invention of the dictionary was a monumental step in the evolution of language and communication. 11 Without a systematic way to reference the meanings and usage of words, language would be a far less precise tool for expression and understanding.
I have a collection of historical dictionaries that I often refer to for their insights into the development of language. 12 I find it fascinating to trace the etymology of words and see how their meanings have evolved over time. These dictionaries are not just tools for spelling; they are windows into the past.
13 A good dictionary should provide a comprehensive etymology, explaining the historical development of a word from its earliest known use to the present day. It should also include examples of usage from different periods to show how the word's meaning and connotation have shifted.
My prized possession is a first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary, which I acquired at an auction. 14 With its exhaustive entries and meticulous attention to detail, it stands as a testament to the dedication and scholarly rigor of the lexicographers who compiled it.
However, the journey of the dictionary did not begin with the Oxford English Dictionary. 15 Earlier attempts at lexicography, though less comprehensive, laid the groundwork for the systematic study of language that we enjoy today.
A.I don’t often use this dictionary.
B.It takes no account of the context.
C.But I still don’t want to replace them with modern digital alternatives.
D.But a dictionary can be a pleasure to read, especially for a lover of words.
E.Of course, a dictionary is not only for spelling; it’s also a treasure trove of linguistic history.
F.That means good grammar and no spelling mistakes, but also a deep understanding of word origins.
G.Dictionaries of the past were not as detailed or accurate as the ones we have today.
(2024·浙江绍兴·一模)Teamwork Doubles the Strength
Admittedly, teamwork is literally important for any class or team to achieve its goals and objectives. Let me give three reasons why it is advantageous.
As individuals, we possess diverse talents, strengths, weaknesses and experiences. A team is just like a tapestry (织锦) that weaves what each of us possesses, resulting in an end product that is diverse yet homogenous (同种类的). As team members exchange thoughts and experiences, there can be more efficiency and effectiveness at problem-solving. This pooling of talents can also lead to greater innovation and success. 16 . It won the Premier League in 2016, to the utter disbelief of many soccer fans. Leicester City, previously regarded as the underdog of the League, displayed extremely impressive teamwork, which led to its unbelievable victory in soccer history.
Next, teamwork means members share the workload. When work is distributed and each of us in a team specializes in specific tasks, the stress on each of us is reduced and the completion of tasks before deadline is ensured. 17 .
18 . Team members learn from more experienced members who may offer deeper insights and perspectives. Newer members may also contribute new ideas. Besides encouraging the sharing of knowledge and experiences, teamwork also develops soft skills like communication and interpersonal skills. 19 .
Some may think that working in isolation (单独) is more efficient since more time is taken when cooperating with others. For more talented individuals, working alone means being the star of a project. 20 . But, the loss of synergy (协同作用) that only team effort can generate may also prevent the team from reaching its full potential.
A.Take Leicester City for example
B.Thus we can expect greater job satisfaction
C.Team members can also be divided in opinions
D.They don’t need to share the success with others
E.Let’s not wave away the chance to work in teams
F.And finally working in a team multiplies learning opportunities
G.We learn to respect differences in working styles and opinions, and develop trust
(2024·湖南衡阳·三模)With the development of globalization, “interconnectivity” has become a buzzword (流行词) of the modern world. Although this trend brings lots of advantages, it can also present some challenges. 21 Understanding and overcoming cultural barriers is very important in daily life. Here are some tips on how to properly handle cultural differences.
Be self-aware and acknowledge differences. Most cross-cultural misunderstandings come from a single-minded opinion. If we judge others through our own culture, we may end up with wrong interpretations. Failing to acknowledge differences may easily lead to misconceptions and even conflicts. 22
Do research and learn about other cultures. After cultural differences are acknowledged, it’s important to learn more about them. 23 Understanding the reasoning behind one’s actions can reduce “wrong labeling” and lead to a more effective cooperation and communication process.
24 Try your best to avoid quick judgments and be open to new beliefs and behavior. Find out what you have in common and learn how to make the best use of each unique characteristic. Respect the fact that others have distinct core values.
All in all, dealing with cultural differences is quite challenging and requires a lot of work. 25 When you meet people from different cultures and backgrounds next time, just be mindful, and stay open-minded and patient.
A.One of them is cultural barriers.
B.Be open-minded, adaptable and respectful.
C.You can either do your own research or simply ask others about them.
D.Employees should be prepared to work in a multicultural environment.
E.However, the results of overcoming these barriers far outweigh the effort.
F.Actually, travelling abroad is not the only way to overcome cultural barriers.
G.Therefore, we should accept differences and learn more about others’ backgrounds.
(2024·浙江台州·一模)How Your Brain Deceives You
Your brain possesses some incredible abilities, from recalling conversations with close friends to tackling complex math problems with ease. 26 At times, it may even overlook critical information, resulting in errors that could be bad for your well-being or health. 27
One of the biggest shortcomings of your brain is that it can get lazy. When trying to solve a problem or make a decision, your mind often falls back on solutions that have worked in the past. While using shortcuts can be a useful and effective approach, they can also trip you up and cause you to make mistakes. For example, maybe you’re terrified of flying because you can think of several tragic, high-profile plane crashes. In reality, traveling by air is much safer than traveling by car. 28
Moreover, your brain might fail to detect significant changes occurring in your surroundings, a phenomenon referred to as change blindness. 29 — otherwise, it will get overwhelmed. Seemingly not like a huge problem, it can have major consequences according to some research. For example, people who have jobs like air traffic control can make potentially disastrous errors as a result of change blindness.
30 In the process, we twist reality to protect our self-esteem — in other words, we don’t want to own up when we mess up. Why do we participate in the blame game Researchers believe it’s to safeguard our self-esteem and shield ourselves from the fear of failure. When adopting this mindset, we attribute negative outcomes to factors beyond our control.
A.Your brain has to prioritize what it pays attention to.
B.But it is not that perfect and open to imperfections.
C.This realization can carry you through some unnecessary errors.
D.However, you can avoid some of these errors by acquiring a better understanding of them.
E.It goes without saying that your brain is incapable of processing all information at the the same time.
F.When something goes wrong, your brain instinctively seeks someone or something to hold responsible.
G.However, your brain is using a mental shortcut to fool you into believing flying is more dangerous than it is.
(2024·江苏南京·一模)Pursue Your Dreams Today, Not Tomorrow
Have you caught yourself daydreaming about your dreams We often postpone our dreams, trapped in a cycle of delay. But why wait 1 You don’t have to take a huge, life-changing step. You can take minute steps toward a brighter future. And start right now.
2 If you never try, you’re going to be weighed down by your regrets. You’re always going to wonder how your life would’ve turned out if you actually took a chance on yourself. Don’t let your future self be disappointed by your present self.
It doesn’t matter how old you are or how many people have warned you that you’re never going to succeed. Even the most successful people have had their hesitations about whether they had what it took to make it in their field. 3 Embrace a mindset of determination, knowing that success is within your reach.
At the end of the day, you need to carve out a path for yourself that will lead to the most satisfaction. If you allow your fear to get the best of you, you’re never going to forgive yourself. 4 . It’s what you would encourage your friends to do, so why aren’t you giving yourself that same push
Sometimes, following your passion means spending a lot of your time each day. It may require making slight adjustments to your schedule, but you don’t have to sacrifice everything to follow your hearts. Try to strike a balance between your current life and your dreams. 5 .
Pursue your dreams now, even though that means you might need to break out of your comfort zone, and even though it means entering the unknown.
A.If things go well, you can gradually make further shifts.
B.Ask yourself what would be worse.
C.Starting small is completely acceptable.
D.You need to move past your insecurities and explore your full potential.
E.New opportunities may lead to personal growth.
F.Hard as it is, it’s crucial to wave off the doubts in the back of your mind.
G.You owe it to yourself to go after your dreams.
(2024·浙江嘉兴·一模)Boxing has been practiced for centuries— it was even one of the sports in the original Olympic Games in ancient Greece. 6 Hundreds of thousands of people from all walks of life participate in the sport every week. But why The answer lies in the physical, mental and even social benefits boxing can bring.
Its physical benefits are clear. Whether it’s practicing with a punching (拳打) bag, training with a partner or facing an opponent in the ring, boxing can be an intense form of exercise and give a full- body workout. 7 And it can also increase anaerobic (无氧的) fitness— allowing someone to work out harder, for longer. These can, in turn, positively impact other aspects of physical well- being, like heart health and weight management.
8 Boxing can also positively impact someone’s mental well- being. Dr Jessica Pinchbeck, Senior Lecturer in Sport and Fitness at the Open University, says that boxing can relieve some of the symptoms (症状) of anxiety and depression. Exercising regularly is already widely known to be good for mental health, but boxing can also bring a sense of discipline and focus.
And there is a third benefit to putting on the boxing gloves. Practicing punches can be done alone, of course. 9 It also involves working with others to train and stay safe. Dr Gavin Williams, Senior Lecturer in Education at the Open University, says that this cooperation and team work can create a sense of identity and belonging. 10
A.It can improve muscular strength.
B.But boxing is not just an individual activity.
C.So the interactive elements bring social benefits.
D.So boxing also strengthens a sense of community.
E.More recently, boxing has become the mainstream in the UK.
F.But the high physical demands of the sport aren’t just good for the body.
G.It promotes self- defense skills, helping build confidence to protect oneself.
(2024·湖南永州·一模)At the peak of achievement, Olympians have trained their entire lives to reach their goal of standing on the winner’s platform. Not only do Olympic athletes tone their bodies into near perfection, but they sharpen their minds as well. 11 . Researchers have found Olympians share some common habits that you too can use to develop a winner’s mindset.
View stress as positive. Many successful Olympians view stress as a challenge instead of something they should fear. A previous experiment published looked at how people viewed stress. It found the risk of premature death rose by 43% for people who viewed stress negatively. 12 .
Get rid of self-doubt. There is no room for doubt in the minds of Olympic athletes. They have to believe they’re capable of performing well or they have already given the competition the advantage. 13 , because they have spent much time practicing their performance and learning from failures along the way.
Stay focused on the process. 14 . It’s important to identify any triggers (起因) you might face and experience those during practice until they fade into the background. Athletes have to be prepared for distractions such as crowd noise, someone laughing, even a joke told nearby.
15 . Many of the most mentally tough and resilient (有复原力的) athletes have a history of overcoming difficulties in their past. Resilience is the piece of us that allows us to get up every time we’ re knocked down. It’s really hard to build resilience unless one has been challenged. In fact, there are many remarkable athletes who faced unpleasant situations and were amazingly resilient.
A.Learn to bounce back
B.Learn to challenge yourself
C.They often feel extremely confident
D.They have to go into the event with complete confidence
E.Mental strength, focus and resilience don’t come without effort
F.Top performers must concentrate on their goals during the big event
G.Those viewing stress as a positive had the lowest risk of death in the study
(2024·北京西城·二模)Want to write better There’s a new book that says simple writing is best.
Do you check your text messages before sending 16 If not, you might prefer getting things done fast, even if they’re not perfect.
This book argues that it’s important to write carefully, even for quick messages. Todd Rogers and Jessica Lasky Fink, from Harvard, wrote “Writing For Busy Readers”. It’s smartly named because everyone’s busy today. People get lots of messages every day, from emails to texts. 17 Deciding what to read, skim, or ignore happens many times a day for almost everyone.
The authors share good writing tips, like cutting unnecessary words and using simple words everyone knows. They say it’s important to keep sentences simple. They tested the idea that less is more. For example, they sent an email to thousands of school-board members asking them to take a survey. They made the email shorter, from 127 to 49 words, and got double the responses (from 2.7% to 4.8%). 18
The same is true for text messages. In another test, they sent a short message asking parents to take a survey. It got more responses than a longer, more sympathetic one. Sometimes, being short and clear works better than being kind but ignored. It’s not just what you say, but how quickly you say it that matters.
It’s not just about word count. 19 Reducing the number of options has the same effect. Short, active sentences with common words are best.
From posts to online reviews, following these rules gets more likes and shares. Serious writers should pay attention too. A study found that companies using long sentences and complicated words were seen as less moral and trustworthy.
20 It might be tempting to send messages quickly and hope for the best. But taking time to write for your readers has benefits. If you send a rushed message that readers ignore, it’s like you didn’t send it at all.
A.If everyone is a busy reader, everyone is a busy writer too.
B.They can also get puzzled by social media platforms.
C.If you do, you probably like making even the simplest messages perfect.
D.They found that longer messages make people think the task will take longer.
E.Keeping messages to one idea, or as few as possible, helps make sure they’re read, remembered, and acted on.
F.Your goal is to convey enough passion that your readers think the issue in your message is worth caring about.
G.Explaining the thinking behind your messages will allow readers to see that you know what you’re talking about.
(2024·北京·三模)Everyone carries a shield(屏障). Our shields protect what we don’t want others to see, from our embarrassing secrets to our unpredictable feelings. 21 But the problem is that shields can become heavy burdens — easy to put on yet difficult to remove — with terrible effects.
Since shields encourage us to hide negative parts of ourselves, we can start to believe that we aren’t worth showing. We might fear how our friends will judge our struggles or how our families will view our ambitions. 22
However, we have to remember that we aren’t perfect, nor should we expect to be. We need to find and cure the wounds underneath our shields, but that means we have to let down our guard. We may even have problems we haven’t admitted to ourselves. 23 Even if it seems insignificant, every problem should be acknowledged before it grows. Before being cured, we must know that we need to be cured, and be okay with admitting that.
Knowing this takes bravery and patience, so it’ll be hard. 24 Yet asking for help means admitting our problems to somebody else — it means letting them see what’s behind our shields. To make it easier, we can reveal ourselves to somebody close to us who we trust will understand us and provide personal support. Or, if we fear judgement, we can open up to someone distant but knowledgeable, such as a counsellor or a help line. No matter what, we can find help when we begin searching.
25 We can be more forgiving of faults so we can become comfortable with ours and encourage others to follow. Most importantly, we can let people know that we are willing to listen and help and make it easier to let down our shields.
A.This is not a bad thing.
B.We need to be understood.
C.We shouldn’t expect to do any of it without help.
D.In short, we have the power to change this phenomenon.
E.Hence we decide to hide ourselves underneath our masks.
F.If you can’t trust your partner, it won’t be easy to let them in.
G.Maybe we’re hiding something from a friend or scared to admit an error.
(2024·北京大兴·三模)The only words you need to say after receiving a compliment (赞美) are “thank you”. But you know that's easier said than done.
There are many reasons why you have a hard time accepting compliments. 26 It's a three step process. First, believe what people tell you. If you're still having a hard time taking the compliment, double check. And if it's still hard to accept then you'll have to check yourself.
27 For example, if you're six feet tall and I say, “Wow, you're tall! ” I'm being honest. I'm five foot nine, so plenty of people are tall compared to me. I'm expressing that subjectively, from my shorter vantage point, you are tall. I'm not saying everyone would agree with me. Just like if I say City of God is a great movie, I'm not saying you have to think it's a great movie.
You have to listen carefully to compliments. It's not always obvious if you're being complimented for something only others can observe. If you are five foot six inches tall, and weigh seventy pounds, I would say you are slim. But if you are comparing yourself to someone who is shorter, and weighs five pounds less than you, you might call yourself plump. In this extreme example, the outside perspective is more accurate than the internal one. 28
If you're still struggling to accept a compliment, you don't just have to take someone at their word. It can be hard to accept an opinion when it's the opposite of yours, so call in reinforcements. Ask someone else what they think. 29 You can ask two or three or four more people if two isn't enough.
30 If you mislead or lie to people about your opinions, then it's not surprising that you have a hard time trusting that people's compliments are genuine. Be more honest with people around you, and you'll find it much easier to believe what people say about you.
A.They will be the tie breaker.
B.You can check with someone else instead.
C.The causes are complicated but the path to accepting compliments is simpler.
D.How honest are you with your friends and family when they ask for your opinion
E.When someone is trying to pay you a compliment, they are speaking subjectively.
F.When someone pays you a compliment, they are speaking about something that is observable.
G.Similarly, when I call you smart or funny, I'm commenting based on my definition of smart or funny, that's how I see you.
(2024·北京海淀·一模)When you get in a car, you expect it will have functioning brakes. When you pick up medicine at the drugstore, you expect it won’t be polluted. But it wasn’t always like this. The safety of these products was terrible when they first came to market. It took much research and regulation to figure out how users can enjoy the benefits of these products without getting harmed. 31
Social media risks are everywhere. The dangers that algorithms designed to maximize attention represent to teens have become impossible to ignore. Other product design elements, often called “dark patterns,” designed to keep people using for longer, also appear to tip young users into social media overuse. 32 They say it’s their users’ fault for engaging with harmful content in the first place, even if those users are children or the content is financial trickery. They also claim to be defending free speech.
33 Under the Digital Services Act, which came into effect in Europe this year, platforms are required to take action to stop the spread of illegal content and can be fined up to 6 percent of their global incomes if they don’t do so. If this law is enforced, maintaining the safety of their algorithms and networks will be the most financially sound decision for platforms to make.
Despite these efforts, two things are clear. First, online safety problems are leading to real, offline suffering. Second, social media companies can’t, or won’t, solve these safety problems on their own. 34 Even safety issues like cyberbullying that we thought were solved can pop right back up. As our society moves online to an ever-greater degree, the idea that anyone, even teens, can just “stay off social media” becomes less and less realistic. 35
A.And those problems aren’t going away.
B.The current issues aren’t really about offline suffering.
C.Platforms already have systems to remove violent or harmful content.
D.Similarly, social media needs product safety standards to keep users safe.
E.It’s time we should require social media to take safety seriously, for everyone’s sake.
F.Internet platforms, however, have shifted blame on the consumers whenever criticized.
G.Some authorities are taking steps to hold social media platforms accountable for the content.
(2024·北京丰台·二模)At the end of the day, most of us find ourselves on the couch, eyes glued to the television or to our smartphones, doing everything we can to conserve energy. 36 But are we hardwired (本能的) for it
According to Michael Inzlicht, a social psychologist at the University of Toronto, we’re lazy and also, we’re not.
All humans, given equal options, will take the easy way out. Does it mean we’re lazy Maybe. 37 We always minimize our effort and, at the same time, maximize the amount of reward we get for that effort. A study published in the journal Neuropsychologia found that our brains may be hardwired for laziness. Even though we know the benefits of exercise, we stay glued to the couch.
38 We can’t know for sure whether there is an evolutionary (进化的) purpose to it. But that would make sense. After all, before we were able to go to the grocery store, calories were much more directly linked to effort. Every calorie we burned meant more hunting, fishing, or gathering.
But there are the times when humans are the opposite of lazy and do very difficult things for no apparent reason. Some rewards only come from extensive effort. 39 Running this far might even cause more harm than good in terms of running injuries like stress fractures, back pain and so on. But we do it anyway because putting in the effort makes us feel good, says Inzlicht. 40
So, in that sense, effort is worth the effort. While humans are economically aware of effort most of the time, “in some cases, the effort itself is rewarding,” says Inzlicht.
A.Think about things like running a marathon.
B.It’s not completely clear why humans behave this way.
C.It seems that we humans are gifted in the way of laziness.
D.We similarly love to space out, our brain tired of focusing.
E.But it certainly means that we’re economic with our effort.
F.Some people who appear to be lazy are suffering from much more serious problems.
G.Likewise, we might get a sense of pleasure or mastery from doing a crossword puzzle.
【2024·北京·高考真题】If you want to develop maximum credibility (可信性), is it better to be a hedgehog (刺猬) or a fox According to Isaiah Berlin, the hedgehog knows one thing very well, and the fox knows a lot of things.
Is there a clear advantage of one style over the other Hedgehog thinkers tend to answer yes. ___35___ And they are usually very credible in doing so. According to Jim Hart, the “hedgehog concept” is one of the factors that lead companies to greatness. They focus on one thing and do it really well. They figure out what they are good at. ___36___ The hedgehog concept makes perfect sense for companies.
___37___ Philip Tate has studied the track records of those folks on the Sunday talk shows who make predictions about what will happen. He has found that hedgehogs are not only wrong more often than foxes, but that they are less likely to recognise or admit that they are wrong when events do not match their predictions.
The advantage that. foxes have is that they are more likely to seek out new information from a broader range of sources, and are comfortable with uncertainty and new information. ___38___ They try to include it in their viewpoint rather than to exclude it from their thinking. They also have a clearer estimation of what they know and don’t know.
So, which is better The question can be answered in a foxy hedgehog style. ___39___ The choice between being a hedgehog or a fox is a false trade-off. The most effective way to go through life is to try to be that rare mixture known as foxy hedgehog.
A. In other words, there are clear advantages for each.
B. They are more likely to remember people’s mistakes.
C. Hence, they have the advantage of clarity and confidence.
D. But there can be a downside to concentration on one big thing.
E. However, hedgehogs remain open to others’ reactions and inputs.
F. When something is contradictory to their view, they don’t treat it as exceptional.
G. They come down squarely on one side or the other and fully support their position.
【2023·北京·高考真题】It’s a joyful and stressful time of year in the United States for students and their families as they make decisions about where to attend college. Families often turn to rankings systems to help make a decision. 15
When I talk to families as a scholar of higher education, they’re often surprised that teaching excellence is not counted in rankings. 16
Emerging research suggests that courses in lower-ranked universities, on average, scored higher on teaching than courses in higher-ranked universities. 17 The absence of teaching excellence from the rankings is surprising given the link between high-quality teaching and student success. Quality teaching is one of the most important predictors of a wide range of college outcomes.
Rankings, however, are only one reason why a low value is placed on teaching in higher education. Administrators often don’t view teaching excellence as a way to increase enrolment (注册) or funding. 18 Research shows that the more time instructors spend on teaching, the lower their salary. What is the result Many instructors continue to teach using traditional lectures, which lead to lower success rates.
19 Nevertheless, not much will change until schools with high-quality teaching are rewarded with more resources, higher rankings and increased enrolments. In the long term, universities, organisations that rank schools, and others should work to make teaching a valued, core part of the mission.
What should students and their families do They should give strong consideration to universities where high-quality teaching is valued, even though the schools may be ranked lower.
A.Higher education has achieved its true potential.
B.Therefore, it’s not highly valued in hiring or promotion.
C.Quality teaching has been an important reputation-building factor.
D.However, the rankings ignore a critical factor: the quality of teaching.
E.Efforts to improve teaching at the university level have recently emerged.
F.They’re even more surprised at how teaching is undervalued by universities.
G.In fact, universities often shift emphasis from teaching to other ranking factors.
【2022·北京·高考真题】Health and fitness help a person live a good and healthy life. Often due to various pressures, we tend to ignore our health. 15 It is the fitness level of our body that helps us fight these diseases.
16 We need to be fit to have a healthy body. Similarly, if we are healthy we shall naturally be attracted towards maintaining the fitness of our body. Health is the state of our body at a given time. We may not have any disease but still have a weak body, which is ready to be targeted by viruses. 17 This does not definitely mean that we are not healthy. It means the fitness level is not in accordance with our age and the climatic conditions we live in.
It is important for everyone to devote some time to health and fitness. 18 For instance, we must exercise daily regardless of our age and working style. There are different levels of exercises for different age groups and we must do them according to our own health and age.
Additionally, it is important to relax our body. We should have at least six to eight hours of sleep every day. It helps in improving our immune (免疫) system and protects us against diseases. 19 This, in turn, gives us new goals of health and fitness.
A.Fitness levels decide the quality of life.
B.Health and fitness are interrelated to each other.
C.It also helps in keeping us calm and relaxes our mind.
D.For instance, we may have a tendency to catch a cold easily.
E.If we keep our body fit, we can enjoy life in a better manner.
F.There are some activities which everyone should do in our life.
G.This makes our body suffer and we will catch other diseases.2025届高三英语复习-阅读理解七选五
(2024·福建泉州·一模)Stress is unavoidable in life. We all face it daily, whether it is a small inconvenience or a major life challenge. Stress negatively affects all aspects of our lives both personally and professionally. 1 So what can we do about it Here are some helpful tips to fight stress, defeat it and move on.
2 The longer you let something sit, the more it will weigh on you and take up valuable brain space.
Practice self-care
Here are the key aspects to self-care that so often get forgotten:
●Drink water. Prevent tiredness, help digestion, your skin and your sleep.
●Stretch. Get oxygen flowing into your muscles before or during a stressful situation.
●Exercise regularly. Don’t let your busy schedule take priority over your health.
● 3 Read, take a bath, go for a run, listen to music, or phone a friend.
Find a network of people who you can vent (宣泄) to. This is a fantastic way to reduce bringing work troubles and stress home with you. You have the opportunity to blow off the first build-up of steam. 4
Breathing deeply brings more oxygen into your body, producing endorphins (内啡肽). They fight with cortisol, a chemical which is a result of anxiety or stress. Did you know breathing is responsible for most of your body’s detoxification (排毒) 5 This critical part of calming yourself down allows you the space and time to focus on the problem at hand and have a quiet mind to tackle what’s ahead of you.
A.Find time for you.
B.Read and practice more.
C.Cross off the most stressful tasks first.
D.So you can go home a bit more calm and sensible.
E.In this way you can communicate with whoever you like to.
F.It can harm our bodies, our relationships and our overall quality of life.
G.It also increases energy, lowers blood pressure and slows your heartbeat.
【答案】1.F 2.C 3.A 4.D 5.G
1.根据上文“Stress negatively affects all aspects of our lives both personally and professionally.(压力对我们生活的方方面面都有负面影响,无论是个人生活还是职业生活。)”可知,空处承接上文,具体说明压力的影响。F项中的“It”指代上文的“Stress”。F项:It can harm our bodies, our relationships and our overall quality of life.(它会损害我们的身体、人际关系和整体生活质量。)符合语境。故选F。
2.根据段落小标题“Prioritize(优先处理)”可知,本段主要讨论的是“优先处理”的重要性,即要先完成最重要或最紧急的任务。C项:Cross off the most stressful tasks first.(先完成最有压力的任务。)符合语境。故选C。
3.根据上文“Here are the-key aspects to self-care that so often get forgotten:●Drink water. Prevent tiredness, help digestion, your skin and your sleep.●Stretch. Get oxygen flowing into your muscles before or during a stressful situation.●Exercise regularly. Don’t let your busy schedule take priority over your health.(以下是经常被忽视的自我照顾的关键方面:●喝水。可以防止疲劳,帮助消化,滋润皮肤和改善睡眠。●伸展。在压力大的情况之前或之中,让氧气流入你的肌肉。●定期锻炼。不要让忙碌的日程安排凌驾于你的健康之上。)”可知,在前面的段落中提到了自我照顾的重要性,并列举了一些具体的做法,如喝水、伸展、定期锻炼等。A项:Find time for you.(为自己找时间。)显然是自我照顾的另一方面,即给自己留出一些时间来放松和享受,符合语境。故选A。
4.根据上文“Find a network of people who you can vent (宣泄) to. This is a fantastic way to reduce bringing work troubles and stress home with you. You have the opportunity to blow off the first build-up of steam.(找一个你可以倾诉的人脉网络。这是一个很好的方法,可以减少你把工作烦恼和压力带回家。你有机会发泄掉最初积累的压力。)”可知,上文提到找到可以倾诉的人是一种减少工作压力和烦恼的好方法,有机会先释放一些压力。空处则和上文形成因果关系,指出倾诉带来的良好效果。D项:So you can go home a bit more calm and sensible.(这样你回家时就能更冷静、更理智一些。)符合语境。故选D。
5.根据上文“Breathing deeply brings more oxygen into your body, producing endorphins (内啡肽). They fight with cortisol, a chemical which is a result of anxiety or stress. Did you know breathing is responsible for most of your body’s detoxification (排毒)(深呼吸会为你的身体带来更多的氧气,从而产生内啡肽。内啡肽会抵抗焦虑或压力产生的化学物质皮质醇。你知道吗,呼吸负责你身体大部分的排毒功能。)”可知,上文提到深呼吸可以为身体带来更多的氧气,产生内啡肽,这种物质可以对抗焦虑或压力产生的化学物质,空处承接上文,进一步补充说明深呼吸带来的好处。G项:It also increases energy, lowers blood pressure and slows your heartbeat.(它还能增加能量,降低血压,减缓心跳。)符合语境。故选G。
(2024·湖北·三模)Do you like spending time alone If so, you probably know that there are people criticizing you for it. They think you are alone because you’re anxious about being around other people and just don’t have very positive relationships with humans. 6
These have been the common opinions on spending time alone for far too long. 7 Scholars believe that spending time alone helps you break free from pressures and is good for mental and physical health.
8 You need to feel the dissatisfaction with where you’re now to get the motivation to change and achieve what you want. Being around others constantly might distract (转移) yourself from the informative feeling. Spending time alone enables you to check how your life is in line with your plans, or research resources related to your aims.
Your creativity is increased when being alone. If you are constantly in the presence of others, your mind is more likely to be engaged in being social. 9 Those who enjoy creative pursuits, like writing and music, especially need to get alone time. If you’re not used to alone time, being alone while around others is a good way to start, such as writing at a library or in a café.
Keeping yourself away from others improves sleep quality. If you are always busy with others, you may notice that it’s difficult to wind down at night. Those moments right before you fall asleep can be uncomfortable if you are not used to being alone. 10 Consequently, you feel more comfortable transitioning (过渡) from wakefulness to sleep.
A.Alone time helps you focus on your goals.
B.Or they assume you are lonely and depressed.
C.You don’t need to worry about opinions others have.
D.Reasons for being alone vary from one person to another.
E.More recently, the value of aloneness has been increasingly recognized.
F.Having space from others can free up your mind to think of new ideas.
G.Taking time for yourself can help you practice being with your thoughts.
【答案】6.B 7.E 8.A 9.F 10.G
6.由上文“Do you like spending time alone If so, you probably know that there are people criticizing you for it. They think you are alone because you’re anxious about being around other people and just don’t have very positive relationships with humans.(你喜欢独处吗?如果是这样,你可能知道有人批评你。他们认为你是孤独的,因为你担心和别人在一起,只是和人类没有很好的关系。)”可知,这里主要讲一些人认为独处不好且分析其坏处。B项Or they assume you are lonely and depressed.(或者他们认为你很孤独和沮丧。)符合语境,继续讲独处不好的一面,有承上作用。故选B项。
7.由下文“Scholars believe that spending time alone helps you break free from pressures and is good for mental and physical health.(学者们认为,独处有助于你摆脱压力,对身心健康有益。)”可知,这里主要讲独处的益处,E项More recently, the value of aloneness has been increasingly recognized.(最近,独处的价值越来越得到认可。)符合语境,其中the value of aloneness与下文helps you break free from pressures and is good for mental and physical health对应。故选E项。
8.由下文“You need to feel the dissatisfaction with where you’re now to get the motivation to change and achieve what you want. Being around others constantly might distract (转移) yourself from the informative feeling. Spending time alone enables you to check how your life is in line with your plans, or research resources related to your aims.(你需要对现在的状态感到不满,才能获得改变和实现你想要的东西的动力。经常和别人在一起可能会分散你对信息感的注意力。独处可以让你检查你的生活是否符合你的计划,或者与你的目标相关的研究资源。)”可知,这里主要讲和别人在一起可能会分散你对信息感的注意力,独处却可以让你更注意到你的目标,A项Alone time helps you focus on your goals.(独处时间有助于你专注于你的目标。)符合语境,对下文有总括作用。故选A项。
9.由上文“If you are constantly in the presence of others, your mind is more likely to be engaged in being social.(如果你经常和别人在一起,你的大脑更有可能参与社交活动。)”可知,这里主要讲过多社交会让你大脑繁忙,没时间静下来思考,F项Having space from others can free up your mind to think of new ideas.(与他人保持距离可以让你的思想自由地思考新的想法。)符合语境,与上文形成对比,前后分析了与别人相处和独处两种情况下大脑的状态。故选F项。
10.由上文“Keeping yourself away from others improves sleep quality. If you are always busy with others, you may notice that it’s difficult to wind down at night. Those moments right before you fall asleep can be uncomfortable if you are not used to being alone. (远离他人可以提高睡眠质量。如果你总是忙于他人,你可能会注意到晚上很难放松下来。如果你不习惯独处,那么在你入睡前的那些时刻可能会让你感到不舒服。)”可知,这里主要讲如果你总是忙于他人,这会让你睡前感到孤独而不适应,G项Taking time for yourself can help you practice being with your thoughts.(给自己留出时间可以帮助你练习与自己的想法相处。)符合语境,本句主要就上面的问题提出解决方案,所以有承上作用。故选G项。
(2024·广东·一模)A Journey Through Etymology and Lexicography
The invention of the dictionary was a monumental step in the evolution of language and communication. 11 Without a systematic way to reference the meanings and usage of words, language would be a far less precise tool for expression and understanding.
I have a collection of historical dictionaries that I often refer to for their insights into the development of language. 12 I find it fascinating to trace the etymology of words and see how their meanings have evolved over time. These dictionaries are not just tools for spelling; they are windows into the past.
13 A good dictionary should provide a comprehensive etymology, explaining the historical development of a word from its earliest known use to the present day. It should also include examples of usage from different periods to show how the word's meaning and connotation have shifted.
My prized possession is a first edition of the Oxford English Dictionary, which I acquired at an auction. 14 With its exhaustive entries and meticulous attention to detail, it stands as a testament to the dedication and scholarly rigor of the lexicographers who compiled it.
However, the journey of the dictionary did not begin with the Oxford English Dictionary. 15 Earlier attempts at lexicography, though less comprehensive, laid the groundwork for the systematic study of language that we enjoy today.
A.I don’t often use this dictionary.
B.It takes no account of the context.
C.But I still don’t want to replace them with modern digital alternatives.
D.But a dictionary can be a pleasure to read, especially for a lover of words.
E.Of course, a dictionary is not only for spelling; it’s also a treasure trove of linguistic history.
F.That means good grammar and no spelling mistakes, but also a deep understanding of word origins.
G.Dictionaries of the past were not as detailed or accurate as the ones we have today.
【答案】11.D 12.E 13.A 14.C 15.G
11.根据上文“The invention of the dictionary was a monumental step in the evolution of language and communication.(字典的发明是语言和交流进化过程中具有里程碑意义的一步。)”和下文“Without a systematic way to reference the meanings and usage of words, language would be a far less precise tool for expression and understanding.(没有系统的方法来参考词的含义和用法,语言将是一个远不那么精确的表达和理解工具。)”可知,选项与前文形成转折,强调了词典除了实用性外的阅读乐趣且承接下文。故D选项“但对于热爱词语的人来说,词典阅读可以是一种乐趣”切题。故选D项。
12.根据下文“I find it fascinating to trace the etymology of words and see how their meanings have evolved over time.(我发现追踪单词的词源,看看它们的含义是如何随着时间的推移而演变的,这很有趣)”可知,作者发现追溯词源并观察它们随时间演变的意义是很迷人的。选项E“当然,词典不仅仅是用来拼写的;它也是语言历史的宝库” 与作者的兴趣点相吻合。故选E项。
13.根据下文“A good dictionary should provide a comprehensive etymology, explaining the historical development of a word from its earliest known use to the present day.(一个好的词典应该提供全面的词源学,解释一个词从最早已知的用法到今天的历史发展)”可知,选项A“我不经常使用这本词典”,与下文描述的作者对词典的兴趣和价值认识形成对比,暗示这本不被经常使用的词典可能不具备这些特点。故选A项。
14.根据下文“With its exhaustive entries and meticulous attention to detail, it stands as a testament to the dedication and scholarly rigor of the lexicographers who compiled it.(以其详尽的条目和对细节的一丝不苟,它证明了编纂它的词典编纂者的奉献精神和学术严谨。)”可知,选项C“但我仍然不想用现代数字替代品来替换它们”与作者对第一版牛津英语词典的珍视和对传统词典的偏好相呼应。故选C项。
15.根据下文“Earlier attempts at lexicography, though less comprehensive, laid the groundwork for the systematic study of language that we enjoy today.(早期的词典编纂尝试虽然不够全面,但为今天我们享受的语言系统研究奠定了基础) ”可知,选项承接下文说明过去的词典的不完善。故选项G“过去的词典没有我们现在拥有的那么详细或准确”切题。故选G项。
(2024·浙江绍兴·一模)Teamwork Doubles the Strength
Admittedly, teamwork is literally important for any class or team to achieve its goals and objectives. Let me give three reasons why it is advantageous.
As individuals, we possess diverse talents, strengths, weaknesses and experiences. A team is just like a tapestry (织锦) that weaves what each of us possesses, resulting in an end product that is diverse yet homogenous (同种类的). As team members exchange thoughts and experiences, there can be more efficiency and effectiveness at problem-solving. This pooling of talents can also lead to greater innovation and success. 16 . It won the Premier League in 2016, to the utter disbelief of many soccer fans. Leicester City, previously regarded as the underdog of the League, displayed extremely impressive teamwork, which led to its unbelievable victory in soccer history.
Next, teamwork means members share the workload. When work is distributed and each of us in a team specializes in specific tasks, the stress on each of us is reduced and the completion of tasks before deadline is ensured. 17 .
18 . Team members learn from more experienced members who may offer deeper insights and perspectives. Newer members may also contribute new ideas. Besides encouraging the sharing of knowledge and experiences, teamwork also develops soft skills like communication and interpersonal skills. 19 .
Some may think that working in isolation (单独) is more efficient since more time is taken when cooperating with others. For more talented individuals, working alone means being the star of a project. 20 . But, the loss of synergy (协同作用) that only team effort can generate may also prevent the team from reaching its full potential.
A.Take Leicester City for example
B.Thus we can expect greater job satisfaction
C.Team members can also be divided in opinions
D.They don’t need to share the success with others
E.Let’s not wave away the chance to work in teams
F.And finally working in a team multiplies learning opportunities
G.We learn to respect differences in working styles and opinions, and develop trust
【答案】16.A 17.B 18.F 19.G 20.D
16.下文“It won the Premier League in 2016, to the utter disbelief of many soccer fans. Leicester City, previously regarded as the underdog of the League, displayed extremely impressive teamwork, which led to its unbelievable victory in soccer history.(令许多球迷完全难以置信的是,它在2016年赢得了英超联赛冠军。莱斯特城曾经被认为是联赛的失败者,但他们表现出了令人印象深刻的团队合作,从而取得了足球史上令人难以置信的胜利)”可知,莱斯特城在英超联赛上的胜利是对上文观点的举例,A项“以莱斯特城为例”引出下文,符合题意。故选A项。
17.上文“Next, teamwork means members share the workload. When work is distributed and each of us in a team specializes in specific tasks, the stress on each of us is reduced and the completion of tasks before deadline is ensured.(其次,团队合作意味着成员分担工作量。当工作被分配,我们每个人都在一个团队中专门从事特定的任务时,我们每个人的压力就会减少,并确保在截止日期前完成任务)”说明了团队合作的诸多益处,可以按时完成任务,和B项“因此,我们可以期待更高的工作满意度”,与上文构成因果关系,进一步指明了因为团队成员分担工作量之后,我们可以期待更高的工作满意程度。故选B项。
18.下文“Team members learn from more experienced members who may offer deeper insights and perspectives.(团队成员向更有经验的成员学习,这些成员可能会提供更深入的见解和观点)”及“Besides encouraging the sharing of knowledge and experiences, teamwork also develops soft skills like communication and interpersonal skills.(除了鼓励知识和经验的分享,团队合作还培养了沟通和人际交往能力等软技能)”可知,本段想要介绍的是在团队工作中会学到很多东西,F项“最后,在团队中工作可以增加学习机会” 起到了对本段的总结概括作用,作为本段的主题句,符合题意。故选F项。
19.上文“Besides encouraging the sharing of knowledge and experiences, teamwork also develops soft skills like communication and interpersonal skills. (除了鼓励知识和经验的分享,团队合作还培养了沟通和人际交往能力等软技能)”和G项“我们学会尊重不同的工作方式和意见,并建立信任”构成内容上的承接关系,指明了团队合作除了可以培养了沟通和人际交往能力等软技能之外,还可以让我学会学会尊重不同的工作方式和意见,并建立信任。故选G项。
20.上文“For more talented individuals, working alone means being the star of a project.(对于更有才华的人来说,独自工作意味着成为项目的明星)”中的more talented individuals和D项“他们不需要与他人分享成功”中的they指代一致,解释了独自工作意味着成为项目的明星的原因就是不需要与他人分享成功。故选D项。
(2024·湖南衡阳·三模)With the development of globalization, “interconnectivity” has become a buzzword (流行词) of the modern world. Although this trend brings lots of advantages, it can also present some challenges. 21 Understanding and overcoming cultural barriers is very important in daily life. Here are some tips on how to properly handle cultural differences.
Be self-aware and acknowledge differences. Most cross-cultural misunderstandings come from a single-minded opinion. If we judge others through our own culture, we may end up with wrong interpretations. Failing to acknowledge differences may easily lead to misconceptions and even conflicts. 22
Do research and learn about other cultures. After cultural differences are acknowledged, it’s important to learn more about them. 23 Understanding the reasoning behind one’s actions can reduce “wrong labeling” and lead to a more effective cooperation and communication process.
24 Try your best to avoid quick judgments and be open to new beliefs and behavior. Find out what you have in common and learn how to make the best use of each unique characteristic. Respect the fact that others have distinct core values.
All in all, dealing with cultural differences is quite challenging and requires a lot of work. 25 When you meet people from different cultures and backgrounds next time, just be mindful, and stay open-minded and patient.
A.One of them is cultural barriers.
B.Be open-minded, adaptable and respectful.
C.You can either do your own research or simply ask others about them.
D.Employees should be prepared to work in a multicultural environment.
E.However, the results of overcoming these barriers far outweigh the effort.
F.Actually, travelling abroad is not the only way to overcome cultural barriers.
G.Therefore, we should accept differences and learn more about others’ backgrounds.
【答案】21.A 22.G 23.C 24.B 25.E
21.由上文“Although this trend brings lots of advantages, it can also present some challenges.”(虽然这一趋势带来了很多好处,但也可能带来一些挑战)可知,本空要说跟“挑战”相关的内容。A选项提到“它们其中之一就是文化障碍”,选项中的them指的就是前文提到的challenges。故选A。
22.由上文“Failing to acknowledge differences may easily lead to misconceptions and even conflicts.”(未能承认差异很容易导致误解甚至冲突)可知,本空要说跟“接受差异”相关的内容。G选项提到“因此我们应该接受差异并更多了解他人的背景”,G选项中的“we should accept differences”与上文的“acknowledge differences”相呼应,differences是同词复现。故选G。
23.由上文“After cultural differences are acknowledged, it’s important to learn more about them.”(在认识到文化差异之后,重要的是要更多地了解它们)可知,本空要说跟“了解文化差异”的方法相关的内容。C选项提到“你可以自己做研究或简单地向他人询问”,选项中的them和前一句的them均指代文化差异,符合逻辑。故选C。
24.空格处位于句首,是本段的主题句,由下文“Try your best to avoid quick judgments and be open to new beliefs and behavior. Find out what you have in common and learn how to make the best use of each unique characteristic. Respect the fact that others have distinct core values.”(尽量避免草率的判断,对新的信仰和行为持开放态度。找出你们的共同点,并学习如何充分利用每一个独特的特点。尊重他人有不同核心价值观的事实。)可知,B选项提到“要保持开放的心态、适应能力和尊重”,符合语境。故选B。
25.由上文“All in all, dealing with cultural differences is quite challenging and requires a lot of work.”(总而言之,处理文化差异是非常具有挑战性的,需要大量的工作)可知,本空要说跟“克服文化差异的好处”相关的内容。E选项提到“但是克服这些障碍的结果远远超过了付出的努力”,符合逻辑。故选E。
(2024·浙江台州·一模)How Your Brain Deceives You
Your brain possesses some incredible abilities, from recalling conversations with close friends to tackling complex math problems with ease. 26 At times, it may even overlook critical information, resulting in errors that could be bad for your well-being or health. 27
One of the biggest shortcomings of your brain is that it can get lazy. When trying to solve a problem or make a decision, your mind often falls back on solutions that have worked in the past. While using shortcuts can be a useful and effective approach, they can also trip you up and cause you to make mistakes. For example, maybe you’re terrified of flying because you can think of several tragic, high-profile plane crashes. In reality, traveling by air is much safer than traveling by car. 28
Moreover, your brain might fail to detect significant changes occurring in your surroundings, a phenomenon referred to as change blindness. 29 — otherwise, it will get overwhelmed. Seemingly not like a huge problem, it can have major consequences according to some research. For example, people who have jobs like air traffic control can make potentially disastrous errors as a result of change blindness.
30 In the process, we twist reality to protect our self-esteem — in other words, we don’t want to own up when we mess up. Why do we participate in the blame game Researchers believe it’s to safeguard our self-esteem and shield ourselves from the fear of failure. When adopting this mindset, we attribute negative outcomes to factors beyond our control.
A.Your brain has to prioritize what it pays attention to.
B.But it is not that perfect and open to imperfections.
C.This realization can carry you through some unnecessary errors.
D.However, you can avoid some of these errors by acquiring a better understanding of them.
E.It goes without saying that your brain is incapable of processing all information at the the same time.
F.When something goes wrong, your brain instinctively seeks someone or something to hold responsible.
G.However, your brain is using a mental shortcut to fool you into believing flying is more dangerous than it is.
【答案】26.B 27.D 28.G 29.A 30.F
26.上文“Your brain possesses some incredible abilities, from recalling conversations with close friends to tackling complex math problems with ease.(你的大脑拥有一些不可思议的能力,从回忆与密友的对话到轻松解决复杂的数学问题)”说明大脑具备一些不可思议的能力,以及下文“At times, it may even overlook critical information, resulting in errors that could be bad for your well-being or health.(有时,它甚至可能忽略关键信息,导致可能对您的健康或幸福不利的错误)”说明大脑也可能忽略关键信息,导致问题的出现,B项“但它并不是那么完美,对不完美开放。”与上文形成转折关系,并引出下文,符合题意。故选B。
27.上文“At times, it may even overlook critical information, resulting in errors that could be bad for your well-being or health.(有时,它甚至可能忽略关键信息,导致可能对您的健康或幸福不利的错误)”说明大脑有时会导致问题的出现,D项errors与上文中的errors为复现词,D项“但是,通过更好地了解这些错误,您可以避免其中一些错误。”与上文形成转折关系,引出下文各段落的内容,符合题意。故选D。
28.上文“For example, maybe you’re terrified of flying because you can think of several tragic, high-profile plane crashes. In reality, traveling by air is much safer than traveling by car.(例如,也许你害怕飞行,因为你能想到几起悲剧,高调的飞机失事。事实上,乘飞机旅行比开车旅行安全得多)”以乘坐飞机为例,说明大脑的缺点之一是它会变得懒惰,思维模式会回到过去行之有效的解决方案上,G项中flying是关键词,G项“然而,你的大脑正在使用一种心理捷径来欺骗你,让你相信飞行比实际更危险。”说明上文现象出现的原因,符合题意。故选G。
29.上文“Moreover, your brain might fail to detect significant changes occurring in your surroundings, a phenomenon referred to as change blindness.(此外,你的大脑可能无法检测到周围环境发生的重大变化,这种现象被称为变化盲)”说明大脑无法检测周围环境发生的重大变化这一现象,A项“你的大脑必须优先考虑它所关注的事情。”说明上文现象出现的原因,并引出下文“otherwise, it will get overwhelmed.(否则,它将不堪重负)”的结果,符合题意。故选A。
30.下文“In the process, we twist reality to protect our self-esteem—in other words, we don’t want to own up when we mess up. Why do we participate in the blame game Researchers believe it’s to safeguard our self-esteem and shield ourselves from the fear of failure.(在这个过程中,我们歪曲现实来保护我们的自尊——换句话说,当我们陷入困境时,我们不想承认。我们为什么要参与指责游戏?研究人员认为,这是为了保护我们的自尊,保护自己免受失败的恐惧)”说明我们会指责其他人,以保护自己的自尊,保护自己免受失败的恐惧,F项“当事情出错时,你的大脑会本能地寻找某人或某事来承担责任。”说明事情出错时,大脑的本能反应,引出下文这一过程出现的原因,符合题意。故选F。
(2024·江苏南京·一模)Pursue Your Dreams Today, Not Tomorrow
Have you caught yourself daydreaming about your dreams We often postpone our dreams, trapped in a cycle of delay. But why wait 1 You don’t have to take a huge, life-changing step. You can take minute steps toward a brighter future. And start right now.
2 If you never try, you’re going to be weighed down by your regrets. You’re always going to wonder how your life would’ve turned out if you actually took a chance on yourself. Don’t let your future self be disappointed by your present self.
It doesn’t matter how old you are or how many people have warned you that you’re never going to succeed. Even the most successful people have had their hesitations about whether they had what it took to make it in their field. 3 Embrace a mindset of determination, knowing that success is within your reach.
At the end of the day, you need to carve out a path for yourself that will lead to the most satisfaction. If you allow your fear to get the best of you, you’re never going to forgive yourself. 4 . It’s what you would encourage your friends to do, so why aren’t you giving yourself that same push
Sometimes, following your passion means spending a lot of your time each day. It may require making slight adjustments to your schedule, but you don’t have to sacrifice everything to follow your hearts. Try to strike a balance between your current life and your dreams. 5 .
Pursue your dreams now, even though that means you might need to break out of your comfort zone, and even though it means entering the unknown.
A.If things go well, you can gradually make further shifts.
B.Ask yourself what would be worse.
C.Starting small is completely acceptable.
D.You need to move past your insecurities and explore your full potential.
E.New opportunities may lead to personal growth.
F.Hard as it is, it’s crucial to wave off the doubts in the back of your mind.
G.You owe it to yourself to go after your dreams.
【答案】1.C 2.G 3.F 4.B 5.A
1.根据上文“But why wait (但为什么要等呢 )”以及下文“You don’t have to take a huge, life-changing step. (你不需要迈出巨大的、改变人生的一步。)”可知,空格处应该说明的是从小事情开始。选项C. Starting small is completely acceptable. (从小处开始是完全可以接受的。) 中“Starting small”呼应上文的“But why wait ”以及下文“You don’t have to take a huge, life-changing step”;所以选项C能够承上启下,符合语境。故选C。
2.根据下文“If you never try, you’re going to be weighed down by your regrets. (如果你从不尝试,你就会被你的遗憾压垮。)”可知,空格处作为本段的主题句说明的是“要去追求自己的梦想。”选项G. You owe it to yourself to go after your dreams. (你有责任去追求你的梦想。)能够引出下文。故选G。
3.根据上文“Even the most successful people have had their hesitations about whether they had what it took to make it in their field. (即使是最成功的人也会犹豫自己是否有能力在自己的领域取得成功。)”以及下文“Embrace a mindset of determination, knowing that success is within your reach. (拥有一种坚定的心态,知道成功是触手可及的。)”可知,空格处应该说明的是“我们要摆脱自己的怀疑,坚定自己的心态”。选项F. Hard as it is, it’s crucial to wave off the doubts in the back of your mind. (虽然很难,但关键是要摆脱你内心深处的怀疑。)能够承上启下,“wave off the doubts in the back of your mind”与下文“Embrace a mindset of determination”相呼应。故选F。
4.根据上文“If you allow your fear to get the best of you, you’re never going to forgive yourself. (如果你让恐惧占据了你最好的一面,你永远不会原谅自己。)”以及下文“It’s what you would encourage your friends to do, so why aren’t you giving yourself that same push (这是你会鼓励你的朋友做的事,那你为什么不给自己同样的动力呢 )”可知,空格处说明的是“鼓励的建议”,且是能够消除恐惧;选项B. Ask yourself what would be worse. (问自己什么情况会更糟。)为一个建议,且是能够减轻恐惧感;能够承上启下。故选B。
5.根据上文“It may require making slight adjustments to your schedule, but you don’t have to sacrifice everything to follow your hearts. Try to strike a balance between your current life and your dreams. (有时候,追随你的激情意味着每天花费大量的时间。这可能需要对你的时间表做一些调整,但你不必为了跟随自己的内心而牺牲一切。)”说明的是不必为了跟随自己的内心而牺牲一切,需要慢慢来。空格处为本段的总结,所以应该说明的是“如果取得了进步之后,再调整”。选项A. If things go well, you can gradually make further shifts. (如果一切顺利,你可以逐渐做出进一步的改变。)能够承接上文。故选A。
(2024·浙江嘉兴·一模)Boxing has been practiced for centuries— it was even one of the sports in the original Olympic Games in ancient Greece. 6 Hundreds of thousands of people from all walks of life participate in the sport every week. But why The answer lies in the physical, mental and even social benefits boxing can bring.
Its physical benefits are clear. Whether it’s practicing with a punching (拳打) bag, training with a partner or facing an opponent in the ring, boxing can be an intense form of exercise and give a full- body workout. 7 And it can also increase anaerobic (无氧的) fitness— allowing someone to work out harder, for longer. These can, in turn, positively impact other aspects of physical well- being, like heart health and weight management.
8 Boxing can also positively impact someone’s mental well- being. Dr Jessica Pinchbeck, Senior Lecturer in Sport and Fitness at the Open University, says that boxing can relieve some of the symptoms (症状) of anxiety and depression. Exercising regularly is already widely known to be good for mental health, but boxing can also bring a sense of discipline and focus.
And there is a third benefit to putting on the boxing gloves. Practicing punches can be done alone, of course. 9 It also involves working with others to train and stay safe. Dr Gavin Williams, Senior Lecturer in Education at the Open University, says that this cooperation and team work can create a sense of identity and belonging. 10
A.It can improve muscular strength.
B.But boxing is not just an individual activity.
C.So the interactive elements bring social benefits.
D.So boxing also strengthens a sense of community.
E.More recently, boxing has become the mainstream in the UK.
F.But the high physical demands of the sport aren’t just good for the body.
G.It promotes self- defense skills, helping build confidence to protect oneself.
【答案】6.E 7.A 8.F 9.B 10.C
6.由上文“Boxing has been practiced for centuries— it was even one of the sports in the original Olympic Games in ancient Greece. (拳击运动已经有几个世纪的历史了,它甚至是古希腊奥运会的比赛项目之一。)”可知,前一句提到拳击已经存在了几个世纪,甚至是古希腊奥运会中的一项运动,接下来需要描述拳击在现代的普及情况。E选项提到“More recently, boxing has become the mainstream in the UK. (最近,拳击已经成为英国的主流运动。)”与前文形成了对比,能承接上文,符合题意。故选E项。
7.根据前文“Its physical benefits are clear. Whether it’s practicing with a punching (拳打) bag, training with a partner or facing an opponent in the ring, boxing can be an intense form of exercise and give a full- body workout. (它对身体的好处是显而易见的。无论是用沙袋练习,与伙伴一起训练还是在拳击场上面对对手,拳击都是一种激烈的运动形式,可以锻炼全身。)”可知,此处在讲述拳击对身体的好处,所以A项“It can improve muscular strength. (它可以增强肌肉力量。)”符合本段主题,并和后文“And it can also increase anaerobic (无氧的) fitness— allowing someone to work out harder, for longer. (它还可以提高无氧适应性 —— 让人们锻炼得更努力、更持久)”构成并列关系。故选A项。
8.设空位于段首,为本段中心句,根据后文“Boxing can also positively impact someone’s mental well- being. Dr Jessica Pinchbeck, Senior Lecturer in Sport and Fitness at the Open University, says that boxing can relieve some of the symptoms (症状) of anxiety and depression. Exercising regularly is already widely known to be good for mental health, but boxing can also bring a sense of discipline and focus. (英国开放大学体育与健身高级讲师杰西卡·平奇贝克博士说,拳击可以缓解一些焦虑和抑郁的症状。众所周知,经常锻炼对心理健康有益,但拳击也能带来自律感和专注感。)”可知,本段主要讲述拳击对心理健康的好处,所以F项“But the high physical demands of the sport aren’t just good for the body. (但是这项运动对身体的高要求不仅仅对身体有好处。)”符合本段主题,和上文构成转折关系,并引出下文。故选F项。
9.根据前文“Practicing punches can be done alone, of course. (当然,练习出拳可以独自完成。)”以及后文“It also involves working with others to train and stay safe. (它还包括与其他人一起训练和保持安全。)”可知,B项“But boxing is not just an individual activity. (但是拳击不仅仅是个人的运动。)”和前文构成转折关系,并引出下文,符合文意。故选B项。
10.设空位于段尾,是对前文的总结,根据前文“It also involves working with others to train and stay safe. Dr Gavin Williams, Senior Lecturer in Education at the Open University, says that this cooperation and team work can create a sense of identity and belonging. (它还包括与其他人一起训练和保持安全。开放大学教育高级讲师加文·威廉姆斯博士说,这种合作和团队合作可以创造一种认同感和归属感。)”可知,讲述拳击运动中和他人合作的好处,所以C项“So the interactive elements bring social benefits. (所以互动元素带来了社会效益。)”是对前文的总结,符合文意。故选C项。
(2024·湖南永州·一模)At the peak of achievement, Olympians have trained their entire lives to reach their goal of standing on the winner’s platform. Not only do Olympic athletes tone their bodies into near perfection, but they sharpen their minds as well. 11 . Researchers have found Olympians share some common habits that you too can use to develop a winner’s mindset.
View stress as positive. Many successful Olympians view stress as a challenge instead of something they should fear. A previous experiment published looked at how people viewed stress. It found the risk of premature death rose by 43% for people who viewed stress negatively. 12 .
Get rid of self-doubt. There is no room for doubt in the minds of Olympic athletes. They have to believe they’re capable of performing well or they have already given the competition the advantage. 13 , because they have spent much time practicing their performance and learning from failures along the way.
Stay focused on the process. 14 . It’s important to identify any triggers (起因) you might face and experience those during practice until they fade into the background. Athletes have to be prepared for distractions such as crowd noise, someone laughing, even a joke told nearby.
15 . Many of the most mentally tough and resilient (有复原力的) athletes have a history of overcoming difficulties in their past. Resilience is the piece of us that allows us to get up every time we’ re knocked down. It’s really hard to build resilience unless one has been challenged. In fact, there are many remarkable athletes who faced unpleasant situations and were amazingly resilient.
A.Learn to bounce back
B.Learn to challenge yourself
C.They often feel extremely confident
D.They have to go into the event with complete confidence
E.Mental strength, focus and resilience don’t come without effort
F.Top performers must concentrate on their goals during the big event
G.Those viewing stress as a positive had the lowest risk of death in the study
【答案】11.E 12.G 13.D 14.F 15.A
11.根据前文“Not only do Olympic athletes tone their bodies into near perfection, but they sharpen their minds as well. (奥林匹克运动员不仅将他们的身体锻炼得近乎完美,而且还磨砺了他们的心智。)” “Researchers have found Olympians share some common habits that you too can use to develop a winner’s mindset. (研究人员发现,奥运选手有一些共同的习惯,你也可以利用这些习惯来培养赢家的心态。)”可知,奥林匹克运动远的身体和心智都是很强的,但并不是很容易就可以获得,空处应承上启下,与E项“Mental strength, focus and resilience don’t come without effort (心智力量、专注力和复原力都不是不费吹灰之力就能获得的。)”上下文一致,符合文意,故选E项。
12.根据上文“View stress as positive. Many successful Olympians view stress as a challenge instead of something they should fear. A previous experiment published looked at how people viewed stress. It found the risk of premature death rose by 43% for people who viewed stress negatively. (将压力视为积极因素。许多成功的奥运选手将压力视为一种挑战,而不是他们应该害怕的东西。之前发表的一项实验研究了人们如何看待压力。研究发现,对压力持负面看法的人过早死亡的风险增加了43%。)”可知,本段主要讲述把压力视为积极因素的好处,与G项“Those viewing stress as a positive had the lowest risk of death in the study (在这项研究中,那些将压力视为积极因素的人死亡风险最低。)”上下文一致,符合文意,故选G项。
13.根据前文“Get rid of self- doubt. There is no room for doubt in the minds of Olympic athletes. They have to believe they’re capable of performing well or they have already given the competition the advantage. (摆脱自我怀疑。在奥运健儿的心中没有怀疑的余地。他们必须相信自己有能力表现出色,否则他们就已经给了竞争对手优势。)”与D项“They have to go into the event with complete confidence (他们必须满怀信心地参加活动)”上下文一致,符合文意,故选D项。
14.根据上文“Stay focused on the process. (专注于过程。)”可知,选手必须专注于他们的目标,与F项“Top performers must concentrate on their goals during the big event (表现最好的人必须在大型活动期间专注于他们的目标)”上下文一致,符合文意,故选F项。
15.根据下文“Many of the most mentally tough and resilient 有复原力的) athletes have a history of overcoming difficulties in their past. Resilience is the piece of us that allows us to get up every time we’ re knocked down. It’s really hard to build resilience unless one has been challenged. In fact, there are many remarkable athletes who faced unpleasant situations and were amazingly resilient. (许多最具心理韧性和复原力的运动员都有克服过去困难的历史。韧性是我们身上的一部分,它使我们每次被击倒后都能重新站起来。除非一个人受到过挑战,否则真的很难培养韧性。事实上,有许多杰出的运动员面临过不愉快的情况,但却有着惊人的复原力。)”可知,本段主要讲述运动员有克服困难的经历以及复原力的重要性,与A项“Learn to bounce back (学会恢复)”上下文一致,符合文意,故选A项。
(2024·北京西城·二模)Want to write better There’s a new book that says simple writing is best.
Do you check your text messages before sending 16 If not, you might prefer getting things done fast, even if they’re not perfect.
This book argues that it’s important to write carefully, even for quick messages. Todd Rogers and Jessica Lasky Fink, from Harvard, wrote “Writing For Busy Readers”. It’s smartly named because everyone’s busy today. People get lots of messages every day, from emails to texts. 17 Deciding what to read, skim, or ignore happens many times a day for almost everyone.
The authors share good writing tips, like cutting unnecessary words and using simple words everyone knows. They say it’s important to keep sentences simple. They tested the idea that less is more. For example, they sent an email to thousands of school-board members asking them to take a survey. They made the email shorter, from 127 to 49 words, and got double the responses (from 2.7% to 4.8%). 18
The same is true for text messages. In another test, they sent a short message asking parents to take a survey. It got more responses than a longer, more sympathetic one. Sometimes, being short and clear works better than being kind but ignored. It’s not just what you say, but how quickly you say it that matters.
It’s not just about word count. 19 Reducing the number of options has the same effect. Short, active sentences with common words are best.
From posts to online reviews, following these rules gets more likes and shares. Serious writers should pay attention too. A study found that companies using long sentences and complicated words were seen as less moral and trustworthy.
20 It might be tempting to send messages quickly and hope for the best. But taking time to write for your readers has benefits. If you send a rushed message that readers ignore, it’s like you didn’t send it at all.
A.If everyone is a busy reader, everyone is a busy writer too.
B.They can also get puzzled by social media platforms.
C.If you do, you probably like making even the simplest messages perfect.
D.They found that longer messages make people think the task will take longer.
E.Keeping messages to one idea, or as few as possible, helps make sure they’re read, remembered, and acted on.
F.Your goal is to convey enough passion that your readers think the issue in your message is worth caring about.
G.Explaining the thinking behind your messages will allow readers to see that you know what you’re talking about.
【答案】16.C 17.B 18.D 19.E 20.A
16.上文“Do you check your text messages before sending (你发短信前检查过吗?)”提出一个问题:你发短信前检查过吗?结合下文“If not, you might prefer getting things done fast, even if they’re not perfect.(如果不,你可能更喜欢快速完成任务,即使它们并不完美)”可知,空处是描述肯定的情况,C项“如果你检查,你可能喜欢把最简单的信息变得完美”符合语境,故选C。
17.上文“People get lots of messages every day, from emails to texts.(人们每天都会收到很多信息,从电子邮件到短信)”提到,人们每天都会收到很多信息,结合下文“Deciding what to read, skim, or ignore happens many times a day for almost everyone.(几乎每个人每天都会多次决定要读什么、略读什么或忽略什么)”可知,人们会对社交媒体平台收到的很多信息感到困惑,B项“他们也会对社交媒体平台感到困惑”符合语境,故选B。
18.根据上文“For example, they sent an email to thousands of school-board members asking them to take a survey. They made the email shorter, from 127 to 49 words, and got double the responses (from 2.7% to 4.8%).(例如,他们给数千名学校董事会成员发了一封电子邮件,要求他们参加一项调查。他们把邮件缩短了,从127个单词缩短到49个单词,得到了两倍的回复(从2.7%增加到4.8%))”可知,缩短邮件得到了两倍的回复,D项“他们发现,较长的信息会让人们认为完成任务需要更长的时间”对上文进一步阐释,故选D。
19.根据上文“It’s not just about word count.(这不仅仅是字数的问题)”和下文“Reducing the number of options has the same effect.(减少选项的数量也有同样的效果)”可知,本段是描述缩短邮件得到更多回复的原因,E项“将信息集中在一个想法上,或者尽可能少,有助于确保它们被阅读、记住并采取行动”符合语境,故选E。
20.空处是段首主题句,根据下文“It might be tempting to send messages quickly and hope for the best. But taking time to write for your readers has benefits. If you send a rushed message that readers ignore, it’s like you didn’t send it at all.(快速发送信息并寄希望于最好的结果可能是诱人的。但是花时间为读者写作是有好处的。如果你发送了一条匆忙的信息,而读者却忽略了它,那就好像你根本没有发送它一样)”可知,本段是说要花点时间写信息,匆忙的信息得不到好的效果,A项“如果每个人都是忙碌的读者,那么每个人也都是忙碌的作家”适合作为本段主题句,故选A。
(2024·北京·三模)Everyone carries a shield(屏障). Our shields protect what we don’t want others to see, from our embarrassing secrets to our unpredictable feelings. 21 But the problem is that shields can become heavy burdens — easy to put on yet difficult to remove — with terrible effects.
Since shields encourage us to hide negative parts of ourselves, we can start to believe that we aren’t worth showing. We might fear how our friends will judge our struggles or how our families will view our ambitions. 22
However, we have to remember that we aren’t perfect, nor should we expect to be. We need to find and cure the wounds underneath our shields, but that means we have to let down our guard. We may even have problems we haven’t admitted to ourselves. 23 Even if it seems insignificant, every problem should be acknowledged before it grows. Before being cured, we must know that we need to be cured, and be okay with admitting that.
Knowing this takes bravery and patience, so it’ll be hard. 24 Yet asking for help means admitting our problems to somebody else — it means letting them see what’s behind our shields. To make it easier, we can reveal ourselves to somebody close to us who we trust will understand us and provide personal support. Or, if we fear judgement, we can open up to someone distant but knowledgeable, such as a counsellor or a help line. No matter what, we can find help when we begin searching.
25 We can be more forgiving of faults so we can become comfortable with ours and encourage others to follow. Most importantly, we can let people know that we are willing to listen and help and make it easier to let down our shields.
A.This is not a bad thing.
B.We need to be understood.
C.We shouldn’t expect to do any of it without help.
D.In short, we have the power to change this phenomenon.
E.Hence we decide to hide ourselves underneath our masks.
F.If you can’t trust your partner, it won’t be easy to let them in.
G.Maybe we’re hiding something from a friend or scared to admit an error.
【答案】21.A 22.E 23.G 24.C 25.D
21.根据上文“Our shields protect what we don’t want others to see, from our embarrassing secrets to our unpredictable feelings.”(我们的屏障保护着我们不想让别人看到的东西,从我们尴尬的秘密到我们不可预测的感受)再根据下文“But the problem is that shields can become heavy burdens — easy to put on yet difficult to remove — with terrible effects.”(但问题是,屏障会成为沉重的负担——容易戴上却很难取下——带来可怕的后果)可知,后文进行转折,说的是不好的结果,选项与下文为转折关系,故A选项“这不是一件坏事”切题。故选A项。
22.根据上文“Since shields encourage us to hide negative parts of ourselves, we can start to believe that we aren’t worth showing. We might fear how our friends will judge our struggles or how our families will view our ambitions.”(因为屏障鼓励我们隐藏自己的消极部分,我们可以开始相信我们不值得展示。我们可能会担心朋友会如何评价我们的奋斗,或者家人会如何看待我们的抱负。)可知,选项承接上文说明导致的不良结果。故E选项“因此我们决定把自己藏在面具下”切题。故选E项。
23.根据上文“We may even have problems we haven’t admitted to ourselves.”(我们甚至可能会遇到自己没有承认的问题)可知,选项承接上文继续说明自己的问题。故G选项“也许我们对朋友有所隐瞒,或者害怕承认错误。”切题。故选G项。
24.根据下文“Yet asking for help means admitting our problems to somebody else — it means letting them see what’s behind our shields.”(然而,寻求帮助意味着向别人承认我们的问题——意味着让他们看到我们屏障后面的东西)可知,选项与下文为转折关系说明我们需要帮助。故C选项“我们不应该指望在没有帮助的情况下做任何事情。”切题。故选C项。
25.根据下文“We can be more forgiving of faults so we can become comfortable with ours and encourage others to follow. Most importantly, we can let people know that we are willing to listen and help and make it easier to let down our shields.”(我们可以更加宽容自己的错误,这样我们就能对自己的错误感到舒适,并鼓励别人效仿。最重要的是,我们可以让人们知道我们愿意倾听和帮助,让他们更容易放下我们的屏障。)可知,后文都在说我们是可以改变自己的。故D选项“简而言之,我们有能力改变这种现象”切题,为本段的标题。故选D项。
(2024·北京大兴·三模)The only words you need to say after receiving a compliment (赞美) are “thank you”. But you know that's easier said than done.
There are many reasons why you have a hard time accepting compliments. 26 It's a three step process. First, believe what people tell you. If you're still having a hard time taking the compliment, double check. And if it's still hard to accept then you'll have to check yourself.
27 For example, if you're six feet tall and I say, “Wow, you're tall! ” I'm being honest. I'm five foot nine, so plenty of people are tall compared to me. I'm expressing that subjectively, from my shorter vantage point, you are tall. I'm not saying everyone would agree with me. Just like if I say City of God is a great movie, I'm not saying you have to think it's a great movie.
You have to listen carefully to compliments. It's not always obvious if you're being complimented for something only others can observe. If you are five foot six inches tall, and weigh seventy pounds, I would say you are slim. But if you are comparing yourself to someone who is shorter, and weighs five pounds less than you, you might call yourself plump. In this extreme example, the outside perspective is more accurate than the internal one. 28
If you're still struggling to accept a compliment, you don't just have to take someone at their word. It can be hard to accept an opinion when it's the opposite of yours, so call in reinforcements. Ask someone else what they think. 29 You can ask two or three or four more people if two isn't enough.
30 If you mislead or lie to people about your opinions, then it's not surprising that you have a hard time trusting that people's compliments are genuine. Be more honest with people around you, and you'll find it much easier to believe what people say about you.
A.They will be the tie breaker.
B.You can check with someone else instead.
C.The causes are complicated but the path to accepting compliments is simpler.
D.How honest are you with your friends and family when they ask for your opinion
E.When someone is trying to pay you a compliment, they are speaking subjectively.
F.When someone pays you a compliment, they are speaking about something that is observable.
G.Similarly, when I call you smart or funny, I'm commenting based on my definition of smart or funny, that's how I see you.
【答案】26.C 27.E 28.F 29.A 30.D
26.根据上文“There are many reasons why you have a hard time accepting compliments.”(你很难接受赞美的原因有很多)以及下文“It's a three step process.”(这需要三个步骤)可知,选项承上启下。reasons呼应causes。the path呼应three step process。故C选项“原因很复杂,但接受赞美的途径更简单”切题。故选C项。
27.根据下文“I'm expressing that subjectively, from my shorter vantage point, you are tall. I'm not saying everyone would agree with me. ”(我主观地表示,从我较矮的角度来看,你很高。我并不是说每个人都会同意我的观点)可知,对你的赞扬是出于主观的看法。故E选项“当有人试图赞美你时,他们是在主观地说”切题,为本段的主旨句。故选E项。
28.根据上文“In this extreme example, the outside perspective is more accurate than the internal one. ”(在这个极端的例子中,外部视角比内部视角更准确)可知,选项承接上文说明赞美来自外部视角。故F选项“当有人称赞你时,他们说的是可以观察到的事情”切题。故选F项。
29.根据上文“Ask someone else what they think.”(问问别人的想法)以及下文“You can ask two or three or four more people if two isn't enough. ”(如果两个不够的话,你可以再问两个、三个或四个人)可知,选项承接上下文说明别人会帮助你做出正确的判断。故A选项“他们将是是否相信的关键”切题。故选A项。
30.根据下文“If you mislead or lie to people about your opinions, then it's not surprising that you have a hard time trusting that people's compliments are genuine. Be more honest with people around you, and you'll find it much easier to believe what people say about you.”(如果你在自己的观点上误导或欺骗别人,那么你很难相信别人的赞美是真诚的也就不足为奇了。对周围的人更诚实,你会发现更容易相信别人对你的评价。)可知,本段与诚实话题有关。故D选项“当你的朋友和家人征求你的意见时,你对他们有多诚实?”切题。故选D项。
(2024·北京海淀·一模)When you get in a car, you expect it will have functioning brakes. When you pick up medicine at the drugstore, you expect it won’t be polluted. But it wasn’t always like this. The safety of these products was terrible when they first came to market. It took much research and regulation to figure out how users can enjoy the benefits of these products without getting harmed. 31
Social media risks are everywhere. The dangers that algorithms designed to maximize attention represent to teens have become impossible to ignore. Other product design elements, often called “dark patterns,” designed to keep people using for longer, also appear to tip young users into social media overuse. 32 They say it’s their users’ fault for engaging with harmful content in the first place, even if those users are children or the content is financial trickery. They also claim to be defending free speech.
33 Under the Digital Services Act, which came into effect in Europe this year, platforms are required to take action to stop the spread of illegal content and can be fined up to 6 percent of their global incomes if they don’t do so. If this law is enforced, maintaining the safety of their algorithms and networks will be the most financially sound decision for platforms to make.
Despite these efforts, two things are clear. First, online safety problems are leading to real, offline suffering. Second, social media companies can’t, or won’t, solve these safety problems on their own. 34 Even safety issues like cyberbullying that we thought were solved can pop right back up. As our society moves online to an ever-greater degree, the idea that anyone, even teens, can just “stay off social media” becomes less and less realistic. 35
A.And those problems aren’t going away.
B.The current issues aren’t really about offline suffering.
C.Platforms already have systems to remove violent or harmful content.
D.Similarly, social media needs product safety standards to keep users safe.
E.It’s time we should require social media to take safety seriously, for everyone’s sake.
F.Internet platforms, however, have shifted blame on the consumers whenever criticized.
G.Some authorities are taking steps to hold social media platforms accountable for the content.
【答案】31.D 32.F 33.G 34.A 35.E
31.根据上文的“When you get in a car, you expect it will have functioning brakes. When you pick up medicine at the drugstore, you expect it won’t be polluted. But it wasn’t always like this. The safety of these products was terrible when they first came to market. It took much research and regulation to figure out how users can enjoy the benefits of these products without getting harmed. (当你坐进一辆车的时候,你希望它的刹车能正常工作。当你在药店买药时,你希望它不会被污染。但事情并不总是这样的。这些产品刚上市时安全性很差。为了弄清楚用户如何在不受伤害的情况下享受这些产品的好处,需要进行大量的研究和监管)”可知,此段讲述的是其他产品都有安全标准,接着下文提到社交媒体的风险无处不在,说明社交媒体也需要产品安全标准来保护用户安全,D项(同样,社交媒体也需要产品安全标准来保证用户的安全)符合文意。故选D项。
32.根据下文的“They say it’s their users’ fault for engaging with harmful content in the first place, even if those users are children or the content is financial trickery. They also claim to be defending free speech.(他们说,用户一开始接触有害内容是他们的错,即使这些用户是孩子,或者内容是金融骗局。他们还声称是在捍卫言论自由)可知,社交媒体将问题推卸给用户,F项(然而,每当受到批评时,互联网平台就把责任推给消费者)引出下文,符合文意。故选F项。
33.根据下文的“Under the Digital Services Act, which came into effect in Europe this year, platforms are required to take action to stop the spread of illegal content and can be fined up to 6 percent of their global incomes if they don’t do so. If this law is enforced, maintaining the safety of their algorithms and networks will be the most financially sound decision for platforms to make.(根据今年在欧洲生效的《数字服务法案》(Digital Services Act),平台必须采取行动阻止非法内容的传播,如果不这样做,将被处以最高相当于其全球收入6%的罚款。如果这项法律得到执行,维护其算法和网络的安全将是平台做出的最经济合理的决定)”可知,说明一些权威机构正在采取措施让社交媒体平台对其内容负责,G选项(一些当局正在采取措施,要求社交媒体平台对这些内容负责)符合文意。故选G项。
34.根据上文的“Despite these efforts, two things are clear. First, online safety problems are leading to real, offline suffering. Second, social media companies can’t, or won’t, solve these safety problems on their own. (尽管做出了这些努力,但有两件事是明确的。首先,网络安全问题正在导致现实的、线下的痛苦。其次,社交媒体公司不能或不愿独自解决这些安全问题)可知,此段首先提到两个明确的事情,结合下文“Even safety issues like cyberbullying that we thought were solved can pop right back up.(即使是我们认为已经解决的安全问题,比如网络欺凌,也会再次出现)”接着说明问题不会消失,A选项(这些问题不会消失)引出下文,符合文意。故选A项。
35.根据上文的“Even safety issues like cyberbullying that we thought were solved can pop right back up. As our society moves online to an ever-greater degree, the idea that anyone, even teens, can just “stay off social media” becomes less and less realistic.(即使是我们认为已经解决的安全问题,比如网络欺凌,也会再次出现。随着我们的社会网络化程度越来越高,任何人,甚至青少年,都可以“远离社交媒体”的想法变得越来越不现实)”,最后一段提到随着社会越来越依赖网络,让任何人远离社交媒体变得不太现实,所以为了每个人的利益,是时候要求社交媒体认真对待安全问题了,E项(为了每个人,现在是时候要求社交媒体认真对待安全问题了)总结上文。故选E项。
(2024·北京丰台·二模)At the end of the day, most of us find ourselves on the couch, eyes glued to the television or to our smartphones, doing everything we can to conserve energy. 36 But are we hardwired (本能的) for it
According to Michael Inzlicht, a social psychologist at the University of Toronto, we’re lazy and also, we’re not.
All humans, given equal options, will take the easy way out. Does it mean we’re lazy Maybe. 37 We always minimize our effort and, at the same time, maximize the amount of reward we get for that effort. A study published in the journal Neuropsychologia found that our brains may be hardwired for laziness. Even though we know the benefits of exercise, we stay glued to the couch.
38 We can’t know for sure whether there is an evolutionary (进化的) purpose to it. But that would make sense. After all, before we were able to go to the grocery store, calories were much more directly linked to effort. Every calorie we burned meant more hunting, fishing, or gathering.
But there are the times when humans are the opposite of lazy and do very difficult things for no apparent reason. Some rewards only come from extensive effort. 39 Running this far might even cause more harm than good in terms of running injuries like stress fractures, back pain and so on. But we do it anyway because putting in the effort makes us feel good, says Inzlicht. 40
So, in that sense, effort is worth the effort. While humans are economically aware of effort most of the time, “in some cases, the effort itself is rewarding,” says Inzlicht.
A.Think about things like running a marathon.
B.It’s not completely clear why humans behave this way.
C.It seems that we humans are gifted in the way of laziness.
D.We similarly love to space out, our brain tired of focusing.
E.But it certainly means that we’re economic with our effort.
F.Some people who appear to be lazy are suffering from much more serious problems.
G.Likewise, we might get a sense of pleasure or mastery from doing a crossword puzzle.
【答案】36.C 37.E 38.B 39.A 40.G
36.根据前文“At the end of the day, most of us find ourselves on the couch, eyes glued to the television or to our smartphones, doing everything we can to conserve energy.(在一天结束的时候,我们大多数人发现自己躺在沙发上,眼睛盯着电视或智能手机,尽我们所能来节省能量。)”可知,此处是指人类在偷懒这方面很有天赋,所以选项C“看来我们人类在懒惰方面是有天赋的。”切合文意。故选C。
37.根据后文“We always minimize our effort and, at the same time, maximize the amount of reward we get for that effort.(我们总是最小化我们的努力,同时最大化我们的努力所得到的回报。)”可知,此处是指我们会使自己的努力最经济,所以选项E“But it certainly means that we’re economic with our effort.(但这肯定意味着我们的努力是经济的。)”切合文意。故选E。
38.根据后文“We can’t know for sure whether there is an evolutionary (进化的) purpose to it.(我们不能确定这是否有进化的目的。)”可知,此处是指目前并不清楚人类为什么会懒惰,所以选项B“目前还不完全清楚为什么人类会有这种行为。”切合文意。故选B。
39.根据后文“Running this far might even cause more harm than good in terms of running injuries like stress fractures, back pain and so on.(跑这么远可能会造成更多的伤害,比如应力性骨折、背部疼痛等等。)”和前文“Some rewards only come from extensive effort.(有些回报只来自于大量的努力。)”可知,此处是用马拉松来对前文进行举例说明,所以选项A“想想跑马拉松这样的事情。”切合文意。故选A。
40.根据前文“Running this far might even cause more harm than good in terms of running injuries like stress fractures, back pain and so on. But we do it anyway because putting in the effort makes us feel good, says Inzlicht.(跑这么远可能会造成更多的伤害,比如应力性骨折、背部疼痛等等。但我们还是会这样做,因为付出努力会让我们感觉良好,Inzlicht说。)”可知,此处是举出像马拉松这样的类似的例子,所以选项G“同样地,我们可能会从做填字游戏中获得愉悦感或精通感。”切合文意。故选G。
【2024·北京·高考真题】If you want to develop maximum credibility (可信性), is it better to be a hedgehog (刺猬) or a fox According to Isaiah Berlin, the hedgehog knows one thing very well, and the fox knows a lot of things.
Is there a clear advantage of one style over the other Hedgehog thinkers tend to answer yes. ___35___ And they are usually very credible in doing so. According to Jim Hart, the “hedgehog concept” is one of the factors that lead companies to greatness. They focus on one thing and do it really well. They figure out what they ar


