
  1. 二一教育资源



(时间:120分钟 分值:120分)
( )1.A.In China. B.In 1992. C.By Mr.Li.
( )2.A.It was invented by Shen Nong. B.It was invented by accident.
C.It was invented in China.
( )3.A.Yes,you are right. B.Yes,thanks a lot. C.That's all right.
( )4.A.Keeping cool. B.Keeping warm. C.Putting things.
( )5.A.It's my pleasure. B.With pleasure. C.That's right.
( )6.What's the relationship between the two speakers
A.Mother and son. B.Policeman and driver. C.Father and daughter.
( )7.What's the man going to do if the weather is fine tomorrow
A.Go hiking. B.Go fishing. C.Go swimming.
( )8.How can they go to school
A.By taxi. B.By car. C.By bike.
( )9.When does the boy go to school
A.At 7:15. B.At 6:45. C.At 6:30.
( )10.Where are the two speakers talking now
A.In a shop B.In the post office. C.In the library,
( )11.Who loves collecting telephones
A.Mark. B.Mark's father. C.Mark's grandfather.
( )12.When was Alexander Bell born
A.In 1847. B.In 1837. C.In 1876.
( )13.How old was Alexander Bell when he died
A.He was 70 years old. B.He was 75 years old. C.He was 80 years old.
( )14.When did Alexander Bell make the first telephone
A.In 1874. B.In 1876. C.In 1930.
( )15.How long can Lucy keep the book
A.For ten days. B.For fifteen days. C.For twenty days.
( )16.In 1958,Pinyin by a Chinese linguist(语言学家)and his team.
A.designs B.is designed C.designed D.was designed
( )17.--Sorry,sir,But is this umbrella yours
--Oh,sorry.I just took it .Mine is under the seat.
A.for yourself B.by mistake C.in person D.at last
( )18.At school,we are taught knowledge how to behave well.
A.neither;nor B.either;or C.not only;but also D.not;but
( )19.Dr.Zhong Nanshan has a great influence on teenagers.They always him.
A.look out of B.look for C.look forward to D.look up to
( )20.--Could you please sweep the floor I'm going to cook dinner.
-- .I'll do it at once,Mom.
A.I'm afraid not. B.You're kidding. C.It's a shame. D.With pleasure.
( )21.--Do you regret not the job
--No,I think I made a right choice.
A.taking B.take C.taken D.to taking
( )22.--Why not get your ears
--As a student,I'm not .
A.pierce;allowed B.pierced ;allowing C.pierce;allowing D.pierced ;allowed
( )23.--Could I help you carry this large box
--Thanks,but I can it myself.
A.pass B.relax C.change D.manage
( )24.As one of the school rules,middle school students are not to smoke.
A.ordered B.refused C.allowed D.forbidden
( )25.No way!I don't think should be allowed to drive.I am worried about your safety.
A.fifteen years old B.fifteen-year-olds C.fifteen-year-old D.fifteen-years-olds
What is the most important invention of all the time Is it the written word that helps us torecord information Is it the telephone that lets us talk to people from all over the world Is it thecar that lets us travel at great speeds to meet others Umberto Eco,an Italian writer,thinks it issomething quite different.He says the most important invention might be right in front of your eyes.He is talking about a simple pair of glasses.
Modern eye glasses were invented around 1000 years ago.They were more than just aconvenient way to read.Before glasses were invented,writers,scientists or teachers who could notsee properly had to memorize everything.After about ten years of poor eyesight,they could notremember well enough and could not work.Glasses meant that people could work in their old age,People who wanted to remember some information could write it down and read it.Eye glasses areone of the world's greatest inventions and were probably worn by the people who designed the firsttelephone and car.
( )26.What happened after glasses were invented
A.People could write down some information and read it.
B.The young people can't use them.
C.People could not remember well enough.
D.People could not write down anything.
( )27.Before glasses were invented,writers,scientists and teachers who could not see clearly had to "
A.be taught by others B.memorize everything
C.write down everything D.read everything
( )28.Umberto Eco thinks is the greatest invention of all time in this passage.
A.a simple pair of glasses B.the telephone C.the car D.the paper
( )29.The invention of the written word is important because
A.we need it to listen B.we need it to ht things
C.we just need it to read D.we need it to record information
( )30.From this passage,we can know .
A.The writer of this article is Chinese
B.people who designed the first telephone and car must wear eye glasses
C.people who designed the first telephone and car probably wore eye glasses
D.modern eye glasses were invented around 100 years ago
James Anthony has cleaned the halls of Hickerson Primary School for 15 years.Although heis deaf,he never complains(抱怨).Instead he greets every child and teacher with a smile.Teachersand children love him very much and call him Mr James.
On the day Anthony turned 60,the school wanted to give him a very special surprise.Thatday when Anthony walked into a classroom,a group of children start to sign(打手势)and sing"Happy Birthday"to him.Anthony started smiling as usual.Then his jaw(下巴)dropped open andhe laughed for joy as he realized what was going on.A few teachers led the kids through the wholesong as Anthony watched.A wide smile was on his face.As they finished,tears came out from hiseyes.Scot,secretary(秘书)of the school said,“The children love and respect MrJames.Theygive him high fives in the halls,and he even teaches them sign language.Today he has put smileson faces around the world.”
( )31.James Anthony is .
A.a cleaner B.a student C.a secretary D.guard
( )32.When did James Anthony get a special surprise
A.On his fifteenth birthday. B.On his fiftieth birthday.
C.On his sixtieth birthday. D.On his sixteenth birthday.
( )33.Why did James Anthony cry when the kids and teachers finished singing the song
A.Because he lost his job.
B.Because he was deeply moved.
C.Because the kids didn't like him.
D.Because he couldn't hear the kids.
( )34.According to Scott,we can learn that .
A.Anthony used to be a good teacher
B.the kids love and respect Mr.James
C.the kids often help Anthony clean the halls
D.Anthony always greets the kids and teachers by singing songs
( )35.What may be the best title for the passage
A.A Famous Teacher B.Lovely Kids
C.A Special Birthday Gift D.An American School
Teenagers should be allowed to develop a hobby.A hobby can give you different types ofchallenges.You'll need to find different interests and decide which hobby really interests you.Youcan take up a hobby that can challenge you physically,such as rock climbing or kayaking(皮艇运动).While,this may be hard to do,and here are four great reasons to work it in:
Hobbies help build a teen's confidence.By finding an area of interest,a teen can learn newskills.This produces positive results and builds teenagers'confidence.
A hobby helps teens have a sense of personal identity.Our likes and dislikes help us knowwho we are as a human.Hobbies help by sending a signal,"I like doing this.This makes me feelgood.Therefore,this is a part of who I am."
Hobbies stop teens from getting bored.Bored teens look for thingsto do and are more likelyto do something bad.Helping teens develop a hobby is helping them stay out of trouble.
Hobbies will help teens to get on well with their parents.When a teen is busy with a hobby,his parents have easy access(机会)to something to praise him about.They can communicate witheach other easily,
( )36.According to the passage,hobbies can make teens
A.be sure something they want will happen in the future
B.know they are different from their parents
C.feel a little bad about themselves
D.not be a good student at school
( )37.The underlined word“positive”in the passage probably means
A.现实的 B.消极的 C.离奇的 D.积极的
( )38.1f Jim has a hobby,he will in his free time.
A.be bored
B.be in trouble
C.make a lot of money
D.feel happy
( )39.Hobbies will help teens to get on well with their parents because
A.teens are busy and have no time to fight with parents
B.parents never praise them about their hobbies
C.parents have an interesting topic to talk about with children
D.teens have to ask their parents for some money
( )40.The passage is mainly about
A.why it's not easy to find a hobby
B.why teens need a hobby
C .who we are as people
D.how to develop a hobby
Josh and Amy are like many teenagers these days.They have jobs to do to help out around thehome.Josh washes cars for their neighbors while Amy helps their neighbor's kids with theirhomework.Like many families,both of Josh and Amy's parents work outside the home.
Everyone in Josh and Amy's family is busy.Their mom works in an office and often has tostay late for meetings.Their father owns his own small business and stays late to finish his work.Josh and Amy go to school.Both belong to clubs and sports teams.They also have lots of friendswith whom they want to spend time.
Josh and Amy's mom leaves for work at 7:00 in the morning and usually does not get home
until 6:30 p.m.The same is true for their dad,but he leaves home in the morning even earlier.Joshand Amy's parents work to be ableto support their family.They need money to pay for their homeand to pay their bills.Next year they want to buy a new car.The family also wants to be on avacation to Califomnia.Josh and Amy need clothes,books and other things for school.Theirparents are also saving money so Josh and Amy can go to college when they finish high school.
( )41.What does Josh and Amy's father do
A.He works in an office.
B.He runs his own business.
C.He plans vacations to Califomia.
D.He drives kids to school.
( )42.What do Josh and Amy do to help their parents
A.Take part-time jobs.
B.Join clubs and sport teams.
C.Go to school early.
D.Spend time with their friends.
( )43.Where do Josh and Amy's parents spend most of their daytime
A.At home.
B.At workplaces.
C.In their kids'school.
D.Our business trips.
( )44.Their family need money to do something EXCEPT(除了)
A.buy a new car
B.be on a vacation
C.help their neighbors
D.pay for Josh and Amy's things
( )45.What's the best title for this passage
A.Lovely Kids
B.Hard-working Farents
C.Family Wishes
D.A Busy Family
The (46) in Dongying Experimental Middle School
You shouldn't wear jeans to school. The teachers won't(47) .
Boys shouldn't have long hair. The teachers will ask you to(48) .
You shouldn't drink alcohol(酒) The students will be expelled(开除) from school.
You shouldn't listen to your MP4 in the classroom. The teachers will (49) .
You shouldn't quarrel or (50) each other at school. The teachers will call your parents.
阅读下面短文,用括号内所给动词的适当形式填空(必要时可加情态动词或助动词)。Oneday,Shorya Mahanot,an Indian boy,went into his sisters' room while his family51.
(have) dinner.He found a canvas(画布)and colors,and then had fun52. (paint)on the canvas.His mother and sisters rushed towards him.But to his surprise,they 53. (hug)him instead of punishing him.His family have encouraged him to paint since then.
His sisters and parents are artists.He 54. (influence) by their interest and collection.He is more and more interested in painting because of the encouragement from his family and friends.As he keeps creating new paintings,his imagination and creativity develop.
He 55 (make) such rapid progress that people call him aChild Picasso.He56 (feel) great by this praise.He has never thought of success just enjoys painting when he is in front of the canvas,he forgets everything else.He knows exactly what he is feeling and whathe wants to express.He really feels happy to be an artist.57. (get) a title as a Child Picasso for doing what he loves,he thinks it is a happy thing for him.
Don't be afraid to spend time on hobbies,"he says."Painting is the best way to express what you 58 (feel).You 59 (know) yourself better.Soon you 60. (be) a happier person."
Electric cars may seem like a recent invention,but they've been around for years.In the early 1900s,there were more electric cars on the road than there were petrol(汽油)cars.At that time,petrol was 61.e compared with other fuels(燃料).62.W petrol prices dropped and new technologies were developed,electric cars went out of fashion.Instead,petrol cars became more 63.p because they could travel longer distances(距离)without stopping,
During the 20th century,petrol cars got bigger,heavier,and faster.They needed more fuel,and
it 64.c more air pollution.For years,car makers didn't worry about pollution.They didn't worry about the amount of petrol cars used,65.e But when people began torealise that there was not enough oil on the earth,they asked car makers to produce moreefficient(高效能的)and less polluting cars.
One.method of 66.s the problem was a“hybrid”car(混合动力车),one that ran
partly on petrol and partly on electricity.Hybrid cars became popular in the 2000s when petrolprices went up and the prices of hybrid cars went 67.d .
An all-electric car uses no petrol.The problem,however ,is that car batteries(电池)need to berecharged.That makes electric cars notso useful for long 68.j .
Many people are not 69.p with it.The government and car makers are 70.w together to develop safe,cheap,and useful electric cars.When people have these cars in the future,a petrol station may be a thing of the past.
Fire was discovered many thousands of years ago.The first time humans saw fire wasprobably when a tree was destroyed by lightning(闪电).Humans soon learned how to make a fire.They probably made the first fire by rubbing(摩擦)twosticks together.
Fire was very important to humans.They needed to keep warm at night.They used fire tocook food.73.They used fire to keep enemies and wild animals away. In some parts of the world,fire was used to send messages.The Indians in America,forexample,used fire to make smoke as amessage.In some other countriespeople lit firesto warn their friends of danger.
74.Fire was also used to give light.Before the invention of the oil lamp(灯),humans burned sticksto get light.
One man even used fire to tell the time.He invented a candle clock.He made a candle thattook exactly twelve hours to burn.Then he marked this candle in twelve equal(相等的)parts.He litthe candle and could tell the time by counting the number of parts left of the burning candle.Butthe candle clock did not always work well.If there was a wind blowing on the candle,so it burnedtoo quickly.
71.How did the Indians inAmerica use fire
72.What happened to the candle if there was a wind blowing on it
Your parents'ideas Your ideas
1.less time for study 1...
2.not strong enough 2...
3.easily get injured(受伤) 3...
2.词数:80左右. 开头已给出,不计入总词数.
Should I Be Allowed to Join the School Basketball Team
Recently I've had a discussion with my parents about whether I should be allowed to join the school basketball team or
1—5.AAABB 6—10.BBCAC 11—15.CABBA
16—20. DBCDD 21—25.ADDCB
26--30. ABADC 31--35. ACBBC 36--40. ADDCB 41--45. BABCD
46. rules 47. let you in. 48. have it cut 49. take it away 50. fight with
51.were having 52.painting 53.hugged 54.is influenced 55.has made
56.feels 57.Getting/To get 58.are feeling 59. can know 60.will be
61.expensive 62.When 63. popular 64. caused 65. either
66.solving 67.down 68. journeys 69. pleased 70.working
71. They used fire to make smoke as a message.
72 .It burned too quickly.
73 .他们用火把敌人和野生动物赶走。
75. Fire/ The use of the fire. (合理即可)
Should I Be Allowed to Join the School Basketball Team?
Recently I've had a discussion with my parents about whether I should be allowed to join the school basketball team or not.
They think I have reduced my study time.They don't think I am strong enough to be a good basketball player. They think I might easily get injured while playing.And they hope I can spend more time on my studies.
However,I don't agree with them.Though I know they care about me,becoming a member of the school basketball team is my dream.I'll try my best to balance my studies and sports.More importantly,I can learn how to work with others in a team.
1.Where was the toy car made
2.Who was the tea invented by
3.Were potato chips invented by accident
4.What's the sweater used for
5.Can you help me carry this box
6.M:You look like a middle school student. I don't think sixteen-year-olds should be allowed to drive cars.
W:But I'm already 20 years old, sir.
7.W:What will you do if the weather is fine tomorrow M:I will go fishing.
8.M:We must go to school by bike and we aren't allowed to take a car or a taxi.
W:Oh,we aren't either.
9.W:What time do you usually go to school
M:Well,I get up at 6:30 and go to school forty-five minutes later.
10.M:How long can I keep the book
W:You are allowed to keep it for three weeks.
M:Welcome to my house,Lucy.
W:Wow,there are so many telephones. Are they yours,Mark
M:No.They are my grandfather's. He likes collecting telephones.
W:Look at this one! It's strange.
M:It was used in the 1930s. I like it best.
W:Do you know who invented the telephone
M:Alexander Bell.
W:Do you know something about him
M:Yes. He was a great inventor.
W:When was he born
M:He was born in 1847 and died in 1922.
W:When did he invent the first telephone
M:He made the first telephone in 1876. I have a book about him. Would you like to read it
W:Of course. How long can I keep it
M:It's my father's. You have to return it in ten days.
W:No problem.Thanks.
Boys and girls,
Welcome to Dongying Experimental Middle School. The school has been existing for many years. And we are doing our best to make it better and better. I hope each student will obey the following rules in the school.
First, you shouldn't wear jeans to school.If you do, the teachers won't let you in.
Second, boys shouldn't have long hair. If you do, the teachers will ask you to have it cut.
Third, you shouldn't drink at school.If you do, you will be expelled from school.
Fourth, you shouldn't listen to your MP4 in the classroom.If you do,the teachers will take it away.
Finally, you shouldn't quarrel or fight with each other at school. If you do,the teachers will call your parents.
We hope you can have a great time here.


