译林版(2024)七年级英语上册Unit 4 School day 基础课时练(含答案)

  1. 二一教育资源

译林版(2024)七年级英语上册Unit 4 School day 基础课时练(含答案)


Unit 4 School days Welcome to the unit
语言双基提优 源于教材, 高于教材
1.(2023·宁波中考) Every time I meet difficulties, I always say to __________(我自己),“ Yes,I can!”
2. He __________(通常) goes to the school library on Tuesdays.
3. The students often do after- school __________(活动) in the afternoon.
4. We have classes at school on __________ and stay at home at weekends.
5. After the“ double reduction” policy(“双减”政策), there is less __________ to do than before, so students can have more time to do things they like.
6. I can do most of the __________ at home, like cleaning and cooking.
1. Whatever you' re looking for, colour is the key to __________( make) a room feel the way you want it to feel.
2.— It's 11:30 a. m. now. It's time for lunch. — All right. Let's __________( go).
3. He hopes he can know how __________( ride) a bike.
4. You’ ll like her once you get __________( know) her.
5.(2023·连云港中考改编) Earthquakes can be very dangerous. We should learn __________( protect) ourselves.
1.(2023·盘锦中考改编) The travellers set out for the airport __________7 o’ clock __________ the morning.
A. on; on B. to; on C. at; in D. of; in
2. One of the students often __________ her __________ her English after class.
A. help; with B. help; on C. helps; on D. helps; with
3.(2024·上海期中) It was already 7 a. m. and it was time for the kids to __________.
A. pick up B. get up C. look up D. turn up
4. He enjoys __________ outside, but he never __________ at home.
A. doing morning exercise; do exercises B. doing morning exercises; do exercises
C. doing morning exercises; does exercise D. doing morning exercise; does exercises
5.—I want to leave the city because of the air pollution. __________
— The city is too noisy. I just want to go to a quiet place.
A. How are you B. What about you
C. How do you do D. What's wrong
I usually ______________________________.
Through peer tutoring, students can both learn and _________________________.
Taking part in _________________________ is a good way for students to _________________________.
Reading books is _________________________a new world.
Could people in the front two rows _________________________
Mrs Liu is from Wenshan, Yunnan. She is an English teacher in a middle school. She likes singing folk(民间的) songs very much and she can s ng very well. __________1__________. But this time, she sings a different song.
__________2__________. So many of the students don’t like to learn them. To let her students learn them well, she sings a Yunnan folk song in her class. But the lyrics(歌词) of the song are English grammar points(语法点).
__________3__________. They learn to sing it from Mrs Liu.
“ We have great fun singing the song,”a boy in Mrs Liu's class says.“ At the same time, we can learn grammar points. __________4__________.”
“ Mrs Liu is so nice,”a girl says.“__________5__________. My classmates and I want to say thanks to her.”
Mrs Liu is happy. She wants to sing more folk songs with grammar points for her students.
A. It's really interesting for me
B. She always helps us with English
C. Music is Mrs Liu's favourite subject
D. Mrs Liu is the students' favourite teacher
E. Mrs Liu's students like the folk song very much
F. English grammar points are difficult for her students
G. To help her students relax, she likes to sing songs for them in class
语 言 双 基提优 源于教材,高于教材
1.(2023·宜宾中考) Climbing mountains is a good way to get close to n__________.
2. Many great aged scientists died(死亡) during that time, and it made a great loss in Chinese scientific f__________.
3.— Bob speaks Chinese very well.
— Yes, he p__________ speaking it every day.
4. This is one of the most exciting developments in __________( the science that studies living things) in recent years.
5. It is a very useful book for __________( words used in speaking and writing) learners to improve their writing skills.
6. Our lessons __________( to begin doing sth) at 8:00. It's time to have lessons now.
7. Our new __________ usually begins in September. During the coming September, I will be a high school student.
8.— Mum, can I watch TV now
— No. You should do your homework __________
1. ChatGPT can wr te poems, jokes, songs, and even novels like humans, so many people call it a robot __________( write).
2. Up in the air, a peregrine falcon(游隼) would fly down at an __________( amaze) speed of 320 km/h.
3. It is interesting __________( see) what the act means to different people.
4. Our English teacher has finished his two years' teaching at our school and __________( leave) next month.
5. Fridge magnet collecting has recently become a creative way for young people to record their __________(tr p).
6. After __________( pick) the wood, Xie Wenping needs to carve(雕刻) the wood into an elephant- leg- like shape and make the inside empty.
1.(2023·怀化中考改编) The earthquake in Türkiye(土耳其) happened __________ February6,2023.
A. on B. in C. at D. by
2.(2024·白山一模改编)— Do you like swimming in winter
— Of course. The water __________ a bit cold at first, but then I am warm and full of energy.
A. tastes B. feels C. smells D. looks
3. I have __________ friends and we chat __________ with each other.
A. lots of; a lot of B. a lot; a lot of C. lots of; a lot D. a lot; a lot
4. The two boys want ice cream, but the girl __________ some juice.
A. want B. would like C. look like D. need
5.(2024·牡丹江一模)— Why don’t you talk to your parents
A. I want not to talk to them B. Thank you
C. Sounds good D. It doesn't matter
She is doing __________________________________ in the local countryside.
He will __________________________________ before long.
3. 老作家评论了一些年轻作家的作品。
Senior writers comment on __________________________________.
4. 我希望尽快收到她的邮件。
5. 在教师节,学生们在给老师的卡片上写上“最美好的祝愿!”。
__________________________, the students write“__________________________!” on the cards to their teachers.
I start my first day of school at junior high today! I can't believe this day has finally arrived.
What I am thinking about m__________1__________ me nervous(紧张的). After all, I was one of the leaders at my old school. The younger students all looked u__________2__________ to us sixth graders. Now,I am going to be a new kid all over again and I am going to have to make new friends.
I am not alone. All of us going into the junior high are in the same b__________3__________. In fact, I am not w__________4__________ about being a new junior high school student. I am excited about it! I am excited about all the different s__________5__________ I get to study.
The letter I got last week from my new school says that this Friday will be Club Day. There are a lot of a__________6__________ at my new school. I think I might take p__________7__________ in the Film Making Club. Dad told me that a good w__________8__________ to make new friends is to meet people who share your hobbies.
I will miss my old friends when I am in this new school, but I know there will be at least three other students from my primary school. I also know that I can talk with my old friends even if we no longer go to the s__________9__________ school.
I am so excited now! Mum, Dad, Grandma, and Grandpa are all excited for me as well. I think I am going to enjoy m__________10__________ at the junior high school after all. I am looking forward to a great year and an exciting new world!
1. Amy and Tony are __________(成员) of the Writing Club.
2. There was an accident(事故) on a viaduct(高架桥) in Wuxi in 2019. Some people lost their __________(生命).
3. Does your father often watch basketball __________(比赛) at home
4. I like most sports but __________(/'tenis/) is my first love.
Ⅱ. 用 always, usually, often, seldom 或 never填空,每个单词限用一次
1. I don't see my parents as __________ as I'd like to.
2. You are so kind. I’ ll __________ remember you.
3. __________ she plays badminton with her friends on Sundays.
4. They have a baby now. They __________ get the chance to go to the cinema.
5. It's __________ too late to start having a healthy diet(饮食).
1. Amy likes to read some books __________ the evening.
2. I was born __________ a cold morning in 1982.
3. The boy began to learn English __________ 5 years old.
4. The new school year begins __________ 1st September.
5. The party is __________ the morning __________ 1st July.
6. Children always give their mothers flowers __________ Mother's Day.
7. My birthday is __________ June. __________ my birthday, I often get a lot of presents.
8. Shall we meet __________ the school gate __________9:00__________ Tuesday morning
1.(2023·南通中考) Shenzhou-16 was sent up into space __________ the morning of May30, 2023.
A. n B. at C. on D. from
2. We' re going to read books in the library __________ next Sunday.
A. to B. in C. on D. /
3. __________ the Cannes Film Festival, Chen saw her film The Water Murmurs win the Short Film Palmed’ Or and jumped excitedly.
A. In B. On C. At D. For
4. Lisa __________ plays with other students after school. She has to stay at home and do her homework.
A. usually B. often C. always D. seldom
5.— English is __________ too difficult for me. I can't learn it well.
— Don't give up. Nothing is difficult if you work hard.
A. always B. never C. seldom D. hardly
6.—__________ does John go shopping
— He seldom goes shopping. Maybe once or twice a month.
A. How long B. How much C. How often D. How soon
7.— Did you buy anything during the vacation
—__________. I bought a pair of new shoes and a T- shirt.
A. Oh, no B. Not really C. Of course D. Sounds good
(2024·长沙期末改编) Do you know Chatbots(聊天机器人) and other AI programmes Do students need them at school __________1__________ weekdays Do teachers need them at school too People look at it in different ways.
Some people think Chatbots are __________2__________( use) to help students with their study. They can give answers to __________3__________( they) questions. They can guide(指导) students with questions. Chatbots can work seven days a week and twenty- four __________4__________( hour) a day. They can work with teachers too. They can help teachers do lesson plans.
But chatbots __________5__________( be) not always good. Students need __________6__________( learn) things about computers first. They may use computers later, __________7__________ now they learn penmanship(书法) and spelling at school. Some teachers do not use AI programmes __________8__________( good), so they can't get much help from them for their teaching and students. AI programmes do not have human connection. Students need that in their school life. A chatbot only __________9__________( give) students answers. __________10__________ teacher knows how to help students get answers.
Pronunciation& Integration
语言双基提优 源于教材,高于教材
1. He planned a one- day __________(参观) around the city for four friends.
2.(2024·铜陵一模) Because of the new rules, we can have more fun __________(在外面) than before.
3.We set up a w__________about animals last month. Its name is www. .
4.(2024·合肥二模) Although it is raining heavily, the police are still on d__________ in the street.
5.(2024·成都期末) After years of fighting with other countries, all the people in that country hope to live in p__________.
grow, tired, help, video, good
1. The poor man made a living by __________ vegetables.
2. I think nothing is __________ than a glass of water when you are hot and thirsty.
3.(2023·淮安中考) It was a__________ day, but we all felt happy when we saw a cleaner park.
4. China's first AI host(主持) can learn from __________. It speaks Chinese as well as a real host.
5. Many children are left alone in the countryside. Let's try our best __________ them.
1.(2024·上海月考) Which of the following underlined parts is different in pronunciation
A. food B. look C. moon D. cool
2.(2023·成都中考改编) Deng Qingming, an astronaut of Shenzhou-15, made his dream come true __________ many years' hard work.
A. without B. in C. through D. on
3.(2024·南京一模)—__________ new is sweeping the Internet these days!
— You mean Sora It can make videos according to people's instructions.
A. Nothing B. Anything C. Something D. Everything
4.— Hey, do you know anything about the World Cup
— Yes. It is an international football competition that __________ every four years.
A. takes up B. takes part C. takes place D. takes off
4. 同学们做不同的日常事务:扫地、清空垃圾桶和给植物浇水。
(2024·扬州期末改编) When they go home, Rat rows the boat. Mole watches Rat.
He says,“ Rat! Please, I want to row, now!”
“ No, no. It looks e__________1__________. But it's difficult.”
Mole is silent for a minute. But then he suddenly t__________2__________ the oars(桨) from Rat. Rat is very surprised. Then the b__________3__________ turns over. Now Rat, Mole, and the picnic basket are all in the water!
“ Help! It's cold!” cries Mole. Rat helps Mole to s__________4__________. Rat saves the boat and the picnic basket too.
Mole is very wet.“I am r__________5__________ sorry, Rat.”
“ It’s OK, Mole!” replies Rat.“ Look! Come and stay with me for the summer. I can teach you to row. And you can p__________6__________ swimming with me too.”
Mole is so happy that he doesn't know w__________7__________ to say. When they get home, Rat makes a fire. Then he tells Mole the stories about the r__________8__________. After dinner, Mole is tired. Mole's little bed is next to the window. He lies in bed and listens to the river o__________9__________. He can hear the wind in the willows and enjoy the p__________10__________ and quiet there. Mole stays with Rat for the summer. He learns to row. And he learns to love water.
Assessment & Further study
语 言 双基提优 源于教材, 高于教材
1. Our first lesson often __________(开始) at eight o’ clock in the morning.
2. I go to the library for a little peace and __________(宁静).
3.(2024·济宁期末改编) On 1 April, the Xiongan New A__________ in Hebei Province celebrated its seventh birthday.
4. We all enjoy being part of a group— there's no better work than t__________.
5. My father __________( almost never) goes to work on foot. He drives to work instead.
6. It's clear that all living things need food and water to __________( become bigger) strong and big.
7. __________(/'ju u li/), they read some books in the garden after lunch.
get tired of, be excited about, enjoy oneself, take care of, take part in
1. Thousands of tourists tasted delicious food and __________ in Zibo.
2. My father __________ the Dragon Boat Race once a year.
3. I love animals and I __________ the idea of having a dog.
4.(2023·云南中考改编) It's important for teenagers to learn some life skills to __________ themselves.
5. Crystal says pop music is her favourite, and she never __________ listening to pop music.
1. __________ the morning of next Saturday, many people will get together to dance by the lake.
A. In B. On C. At D. Of
2. As a student, it's your __________ to work hard at your lessons and make a contribution to our country in the future.
A. duty B. rule C. habit D. interest
3. We often practise __________ in our free time.
A. to play football B. playing football C. playing piano D. to play the piano
4.—__________ you like to go shopping with me
— Yes, I'd__________.
A. Would; like B. Will; like C. Would; love D. Would; love to
5. We often __________ to give a speech in front of the classmates in English classes.
A. take up B. take turns C. take care of D. take off
6.(2024·武汉期中) The saying“ To know what you know and to know what you do not know is true knowledge.” tells us __________.
A. that we should have a clear understanding of our learning
B. how we can learn enough knowledge about Chinese history
C. why we should keep learning knowledge all the time
D. where we can find the answer to the true question
7.—I learned some new words just now.
—__________. Please read and write them more. And then you can remember them.
A. Seeing is believing B. Strike while the iron is hot
C. All rivers run into the sea D. Gold is always shining
(2024·深圳期末改编) In October, a special gymnastics competition(体操比赛) took place in Yangwu Middle School, Guizhou Province. __________1__________ Girls wore silver jewellery and the traditional skirts of the Miao group. They performed a special dance. The dance brings gymnastics and the Miao“ Golden Pheasant Dance” together. Following the music of lusheng, everyone waved their arms, turned, and circled.
Wang Tingting, 15, likes this kind of gymnastics very much.“ When I was young, I dreamed of being a dancer of this beautiful dance. __________2__________ I feel happy with it,” she said.
Wang is not alone. Long Quan is a PE teacher in Yangwu Middle School. __________3__________“ It not only builds up students' bodies but also makes their school life more colourful. Many students knew the dance at their young age. __________4__________ So this kind of gymnastics can attract(吸引) more students,” Long said.
Early in 2006, the school started to teach their students this special kind of gymnastics. Rao Ruqi, a teacher of the school, thought the gymnastics is very educational(有教育意义的).“__________5__________I hope more schools can follow us to do something for our traditional culture,” Rao said.
A. Now I can do it every day.
B. It is good for students' physical health.
C. Because of this, it is easy for them to learn.
D. Many teachers and students would like to dance.
E. It is a great way to pass down our traditional culture.
F. More than 1,400 students from 26 classes joined in it.
G. He thinks this kind of gymnastics is very popular among students.
Ⅰ. 课程选择在活动开展前, Millie和Sandy 在讨论他们想参与的课程。一起来看看他们喜欢什么样的课程吧! (有两项多余)
Millie: I want to join the PE class. We' ll have many kinds of interesting activities.
Sandy: 1. __________
Millie: In the morning, we will learn lion dance. In the afternoon, we' ll learn from both PE teacher and physics(物理) teacher.
Sandy: 2. __________ But why will a physics teacher come to the PE class
Millie: The physics teacher will teach us physics rules about force of friction and direction of force, while we are having tug- of- wars and shooting at the basket. 3. __________
Sandy: Interesting. 4. __________ So I choose the IT class to learn AI.
Millie: Artificial Intelligence It's too difficult for me.
Sandy: 5. __________ And I hear that we' ll work together to make a little robot. Isn't it amazing Millie: Yeah. It surely is.
But I like indoor classes more.
B. What activities will you have
C. When will you have the class
D. Lion dance sounds interesting.
E. I want to try something difficult.
F. I want to take part in the PE class too.
G. So we can learn physics when having fun!
Unit 4 提优卷
Ⅰ.单项选择(每小题1分,共10 分)
1. Bill's parents __________ to work __________7:30__________ every morning.
A. go; at; in B. goes; on; in C. goes; at; / D. go; at; /
2.下列单词中画线部分发音为/i /的是__________。
A. drive B. leave C. ready D. visitor
3.(2024·青岛一模)— Have you seen the film YOLO(《热辣滚烫》)
— Yes. It was so __________ that I couldn't stop talking about it for days.
A. difficult B. tiring C. natural D. amazing
4.(2024·昭通一模)— What does the __________ tell us in her new book
— We can make a big difference by starting with every little thing.
A. worker B. doctor C. farmer D. writer
5. Different opinions(意见) of others __________ make us unhappy, but smart people__________ get ready to listen to them.
A. /; always B. sometimes; always
C. sometimes; / D. never; always
6.— What about __________ to the Slender West Lake for a trip
— Good idea. Let's have __________ great fun!
A. go;a B. going; / C. going; a D. to go; /
7.— Steve,__________ do you play football after school
— Three times a week. It can keep me healthy.
A. how far B. how soon C. how long D. how often
8.(2024·襄阳期末改编)— Wang Bin is very glad to __________ his old classmates, Jack.
— Oh Is it true I really want to know what the letter says.
A. wait for B. look after C. hear from D. feel like
9.(2024·芜湖二模) Here is a poster of a language learning club. Which of the following can be put in the“__________”
This is a great club for students wanting to learn a new language. Just join us and you will __________ lots of words in no time.
A. get up B. take up C. pick up D. put up
Ⅳ.阅读还原(有两项多余)(每小题2分,共10 分)
Mrs Smith's class was excited about the school talent show. __________1__________ Abby would play the piano, Moran would show everyone her new dance, and Tim would tell jokes. Mrs Smrth would be a performer(表演者) too.
The day of the talent show arrived. Mrs Smith surprised everyone. __________2__________ She took a small ball out of someone's ear. She turned a picture into colourful flowers, and then she got a real bird out ofa hat. When she finished, the students were so excited that some of them even shouted,“ Good job, Mrs Smith, good job!”
The next performer was Abby. __________3__________ Everyone thought playing it in the middle of May was a little funny, but they still clapped(鼓掌).
Moran showed everyone her talent by doing a jazz dance. __________4__________
It was Tim's turn. Tim tried telling funny jokes, but no one laughed. He tried and tried, but his jokes weren't funny. In the end, the time came for Tim to leave. But he fell over when he left. Everyone laughed so hard that Tim pretended(假装) to fall
again. The students laughed even more. Tim decided that if he were on a talent show again, he wouldn't tell jokes. __________5__________
A. He would just pretend to fall a lot.
B. She played a New Year song on the piano.
C. He would just stand there and laugh with others.
D. No one knew she was such a good magician.
E. There were three student performers from their class.
F. She danced wrongly twice, but the students still liked it.
G. But no one in their class would perform.
1.(2024·阜阳期末) This room is dark and __________(空的). I'm a bit afraid and want to leave here right away.
2. He can play the piano well. He __________(练习) a lot when he is free.
3.— What do you think of the __________(活动) at school
— They are very interesting.
4. Alistair went on a t__________ with his friend Rupesh to England.
5. People can make a g__________ of four to join in the game.
6. Would you like __________( clean) the blackboard for me
7. When there s__________( anything) wrong with your body, you may find that you talk with bad breath.
8. In our class, we take turns __________( do) the duty report.
9. Many of the students have fun __________( listen) to music in their free time.
10. The world knows Sherlock Holmes because of the British __________( write) and his detective book series about Holmes.
5. 桑迪没有很多时间去滑旱冰。
Climate(气候) change— it sounds too big a topic for middle school students. But we can still do our parts __________1__________( help) with it.
Last month,I__________2__________( take) part in a school video
competition(比赛) with three classmates. The British Council organized it. The topic was climate action in schools. Then we filmed several__________3__________( video) and chose the best one to show our school's green actions.
In the video, standing in front of the dining hall, a boy __________4__________( show) the school's rules.“ Students need to put the leftovers(剩饭剩菜)__________5__________ one box and the empty plates into another box. This saves time __________6__________ water when the dishwashers do their job,” he said.
In another scene, __________7__________ boy and a girl showed our school's air- conditioning(空调) system.“ This new cooling system uses the least electricity. The school also controls the time to turn it on and off.”
The girl said my favourite line in the video,“ None of __________8__________( we) are superheroes, but we all try our best to play a part in __________9__________( protect) the environment.”
__________10__________( final), we have shared the video on the e and watch it. We can play our parts together!
Unit 4
Welcome to the unit
I. 1. myself 2.usually 3. activities 4. weekdays
5. homework 6. housework1.1.making2.go 3.to ride 4.to know 5. to protectⅢ.1-5 CDBCBIV. 1. go for a short jog in the evening on weekdays
2. have lots of fun
3. activities; enjoy themselves4. the key to opening/unlocking
5. move a little to the right
I.1.nature 2.field 3.practises 4. biology5.language 6.start 7.term 8.first.1.writer 2.amazing 3.to see 4.will leave 5. trips6. picking
W. 1. a field trip to study animals and plants
2.leave for London to learn language
3. the works of some young writers
4. hope to hear from her soon
5.On Teachers' Day; Best wishes
V.1.begins/starts 2.10:20 3.snacks 4. test5.Lunchtime 6.lunch 7.Club 8.Afternoon
9.reading 10.over
1.makes 2.up 3.boat 4.worried 5.subjects6.activities 7.part 8.way 9.same 10.myself
1.members 2.lives 3.matches 4.tennis1.often 2.always3.Usually 4.seldom 5.never1.in 2.on 3.at4.on 5.on;of6.on 7.in;On8.at; at;on
1.on 2.useful 3.their 4.hours 5.are 6.to learn7.but 8.well 9.gives 10.A
Pronunciation & Integration
1.tour 2.outside 3.website 4.duty 5.peace.1.growing 2.better 3.tiring 4.videos 5.to helpI.1-4BCCC
f.1. Helen took part in/joined in some activities at the art
club last term.2.Studying in groups with classmates is helpful for
English learning.3. They took turns taking care of the sick boy last night.4. Students do different chores: sweeping the floor,emptying the bin, and watering the plants.
1.easy 2.takes 3.boat 4.swim 5. really
6.practise 7.what 8.river 9.outside 10. peace.
Assessment & Further study
I.1.starts 2.quiet 3.Area 4.teamwork 5.seldom6.grow 7.Usually
l.1.enjoyed themselves 2. takes part in3.am excited about 4.take care of 5. gets tired of
l.1.kinds 2.past 3.geography 4.show 5.helpful
V.A)1.empty 2.practises 3.activities 4. trip/tour 5. group
B)6.to clean 7.something8. to do 9. listening 10. writer
Ⅵ. 1. She doesn't know how to know/learn more about the
2, We leave early in the morning and get back late in the afternoon.
3,He seldom watches football matches/games on TV.
4, He always tries his best to learn Chinese.
5.Sandy doesn't have much time to go roller skating
V.1.to help 2.took 3.videos:4.showed 5.into6.and 7.a 8.us 9.protecting 10.Finally


