各单元学生知识梳理练习Units 1-8 2023-2024学年牛津译林版八年级英语下册

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各单元学生知识梳理练习Units 1-8 2023-2024学年牛津译林版八年级英语下册


1. n. 现在,目前;礼物→ adj.目前的,现在的→ vt.呈现;赠送
2. n. 污染;污染物→ vt. 污染
3. n. 废料;废品→ vt.浪费
4. adj. 不可能的→ adj. 可能的
5. vi. & vt. 交流;传达→ n. 交流;交际
6. adv. 正是,没错→ adj. 精确的
7. adj. 已婚的→ vt. &vi. 结婚
8. adv. 近来,最近→ ad j. 最近的
9. adj.北方的,北部的→ n. 北方
l0. adv. 最近,上一次;最后→ adj. 最后的;最近的;最新的→ vi. 持续,维持
1. share food with me和我分享食物
2. all one's life某人的一生
3. used to go to school by bike过去常常骑自行车上学
4. since then从那以后
5. in the northern part of town在城镇的北部
6. turn part of the town centre into a new park
7. take action to improve the situation
8. move away搬走
9. feel a bit lonely感到有点儿孤单
10. from time to time有时,不时
11. get married结婚
12. take place发生;举行
13. enjoy a comfortable life享受一种舒适的生活
14. move into new flats搬进新公寓
15. return from the USA从美国回来
16. go abroad出国
17. keep in touch with each other彼此保持联系
18. on one’s own靠某人自己;独自
19. in some ways在某些方面
municate by email通过电子邮件交流
知识点1:past and present(P6)
n. 过去,以前;in the past 在过去
adj. 过去的,以前的;in the past few years 在过去的几年里
prep. 经过 walk past the post office走过邮局
In the past, there was no underground in Nanjing.
Let’s not make the past mistakes.
When I walk past the post office, I see a bird flying over the tree.
adj.现在的; 目前的; 出席的
n.现在; 礼物; at present 现在 ; a present for you=a gift for you给你的礼物
vt.介绍; 出现; 提出; 赠送;
【例句】Everyone can be presented a present at present.
知识点2:You’ve changed, Eddie. You used to share food with me.(P6) 你变了。你以前跟我分享食物的。
change: vt./vi. 改变,变更; change into变成
n.变化,改变; change(s) to ...的变化
【例句】Great changes to Nanjing have taken place.
(2)use n.用途; 使用能力; 运用头脑(或身体)的能力;
vt.用,使用; 行使,
【常用短语】①used to (do sth.) “过去常常(做某事)”
批注: 否定形式:didn’t use to / usedn’t to
②get/be used to(doing sth. )“习惯于(做某事)
【例句】He used to go fishing every Saturday. But since he changed his job, he’s barely(几乎不) had a chance. He thinks he’ll never be used to this busy lifestyle.
【拓展】useful adj. 有用的;useless adj. 无用的
知识点3:I first lived in the northern part of the town with my parents.(P8)
北 南 西 东 东南 东北 西南 西北
adj. northern southern western eastern southeastern northwestern northwestern northwestern
n . north south west east southeast northwest northwest northwest
【例句】Beijing is in the northern part of China.
批注:注意in the north与 in the northern part of 的同义句转换。例如:
Beijing is in the north of China.=Beijing is in the northern part of China.
知识点4:When I got married in 1965, my wife and I moved two blocks away and we’ve lived in this area since then.(P8)当我1965结婚的时候,我的妻子和我搬到了两个街区之外,从那之后我一直住在那个地方。
(1)marry: vt.& vi.(使)结婚; 娶; 嫁; 结合; marry sb 与某人结婚 marry A to B 把A嫁给B
adj. married 已婚的; 短语:A and B get married /A get(s) married to B
n marriage 婚姻
【例句】Some young couples got married on that day.
(2)move: vt.& vi.移动,搬动; 使感动
【常用短语】move away 搬走 move into 搬进 move out of 搬出...
【例句】Every year millions of people moved into the city while millions of people moved away.
知识点5: Now the government has turned part of the town centre into a new park.(P8)
turn into 进入,拐进;(使)成为,(使)进入 turn... into把...变成
【例句】I saw him turn into the library.
How can you turn a bottle of water into a bottle of orange juice
【常用短语】turn on开 turn off 关 turn up 调高;开大(音量、煤气等)
turn down 调低;关小(音量、煤气、灯火等)
turn over把……翻过来 turn back 往回走 turn left 向左转 turn right 向右转
知识点6:There was once a steel factory near the Sunshine River.(P9) 阳光河附近曾经有一个钢铁厂。
once: adv.曾经 =used to
【例句】There was once a shopping centre here.=There used to be a shopping centre here.
n.一次,一回; = one time
【例句】I am used to doing exercise once a week.
知识点7:They often put the waste into the river.(P9)他们经常把垃圾放到河里。
短语:put sth into 把……放进,使进入
【例句】Please put the food into the fridge.
【常用短语】put away 拿走,储存…备用 put back放回;向后移
put down写下;记下 put on 穿上
put off 延期;推迟 put out 熄灭;关熄;扑灭 put up 举起;抬起;张贴
知识点8:Later the government realized the problem and took action to improve the situation.(P9)后来政府意识到这个问题并采取行动去改善这种情况。
(1)realize v. 意识到;实现=come true
【例句】My dream comes true.=I realize my dream.
improve v 提高;改善;改进
n. improvement 提高,改进;
【常用短语】improve living standard提高生活水平; improve your English;改善你的英语;
【例句】Do you know how to improve your memory
知识点9: Now the river is much cleaner. (P9)现在河流干净了很多。
此处的much 用于修饰形容词比较级。类似的用法还有:much; still; even; far; a little; a bit; a lot;
【例句】--How do you feel today --Even worse.
知识点10: Well, in some ways it is.(P9)好的,在某种程度上它是。
短语in some ways 在某些方面,在某种程度上
【例句】In some ways, I do agree with you.
【拓展】1. in many ways 在许多方面;用许多方法; in this way用这种方法;
2. on one’s way to表示“在某人去……的路上”;(home/here/there这几个词前不需要加to)
3. by the way表示“顺便说/问一句”;
4. all the way表示“全程;一直”;
5. in a way在某一点上,在某种程度上
6. in the way 挡道 in the way of sb挡在某人路上
知识点11:It has become impossible for us to see each other as often as before.(P9)对我们来说像以前一样的经常见面已经变得不可能了。
(1)此处的it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的不定式 to see each other.
常用句型:It is +adj+ for sb to do sth. 对某人来说做某事是怎样的。
【例句】It is dangerous for us to go out alone at night.
(2)as often as before 像以前一样的经常 as ... as 像一样。
知识点12:Now I feel a bit lonely from time to time. (P9)现在我经常会感到有点孤单。
(1)lonely: adj.孤独的,孤单的; 寂寞的; 荒凉的
【常用短语】feel lonely
【词汇拓展】alone adv. 单独,独自=by oneself=on one’s own
【例句】1.Our teacher asks us to finish the task alone.
=Our teacher asks us to finish the task by ourselves.
=Our teacher asks us to finish the task on our own.
2. My grandma lives alone, so she feels lonely sometimes.
(2)time: n 时间; 次数;时代(常用复数)
【常用短语】at the same time 同时 in time及时;适时 on time 按时,准时;按时
all the time 始终,一直 at a time 一次;每次;在某时
from time to time 不时,有时 for the first time 首次;第一次
知识点13:I have learned more about Beijing’s past and present.(P14)我对北京的现在和过去了解的更多了。
Beijing’s past and present=the past and present of Beijing
a seven days’ holiday 一个七天的假期 London’s weather 伦敦的天气
ten dollars’ sugar 十美元的糖
②of 所有格由“of + 名词或名词短语”构成,修饰前面的名词,表示无生命的名词的所有格。如a map of China 一张中国地图
the son of our teacher = our teacher’s son 我们老师的儿子
例1:----What are they doing at________ (现在) ----They are interviewing Mr. Green.
例2:My cousin is used to ________(study) with his new friends in Australia.
例3:Guangzhou is in the __________(south) part of China.
例4:Though he lives alone, he has a lot of friends and doesn’t feel _______(孤独的).
例5:He didn’t ____________(意识到)he took the wrong bus until the bus came to the last stop.
We should do something to __________ ________ __________ .
例7:Mary married Simon in 1999.(改为同义句) Mary and Simon ____ _____ in 1999.
例8:I miss my old friend sometimes.(改为同义句) I miss my old friend _____ _____ _____ _____.
例9:People wear different types of clothes at different ___________(time)(用所给词的适当形式填空)
例10:--What do you think of Mr. Green’s words --well,__________, I agree with him.
A. by the way B. on the way C. in some ways D. in the way
1. Sandy has a lot of friends, so she never feels __ __________(寂寞).
2. That reporter had an _ ________(采访) with Jay Chou last week.
3. Years ago, the government ________(意识到) it was a serious problem and took action to reduce the pollution.
4. Kitty got ________(结婚) last year. Her husband is a computer programmer.
5. Many places are __polluted__________(污染) all over the world, so we have to do something to help the earth.
6. We all hope we should have more __________(开阔的) space in the city.
7.The environment has (改变) a lot.
( )1.We invite experts to give us talks .
A.from a day and night B.from time to time C.from past to now D.from one to another
( )2.The child has come to school by bike his own.
A.in B.by C.on D.of
( ) 3. The place has turned ________ a garden already.
A. in B. into C. to D. for
( ) 4. He used to ____ model planes after school. Now he often plays football with his friends.
A. make B. making C. be made D. being made
( )5. The old man lives _________ in a ________ house, but he doesn’t feel _________.
A. alone; alone; lonely B. lonely; lonely; alone C. alone; lonely; lonely D. alone; lonely; alone
The already the place a park.
I time time.
The factory to into the river.
We must to the .
He can’t see his old friends .
Present perfect tense (现在完成时)
项目 内容 备注
概念 ◇表示一个过去发生的动作对现在产生的结果和影响。 Eddie has eaten my food.
(Eddie ate the food and now Hobo has nothing to eat.) ◇表示一个从过去某个时间开始,延续到现在,并有可能继续延续下去的动作或状态。 Eddie has lived with Mille since he was born. Eddie has lived with Mille for four years.
构成 助动词has/have +动词的过去分词 动词过去分词规则变化跟对应的过去式一样,在后面加ed.特殊变化详见书本。(P122-123)
肯定形式 They have finished their homework. He has finished his homework. 缩略形式: they have=they’ve; he has=he’s
否定形式 They haven’t finished their homework. He hasn’t finished his homework.
疑问形式 Have they finished their homework Yes, they have. / No, they haven’t.
关键词 already(用于肯定句), yet(用于否定句和疑问句), since+一点时间, for+一段时间, never, ever, three times(其它表示频率的词, once, twice等) before, recently, in the past/last few years, so far, this month, today, now ◇表示过去某一个动作的结果,现在情况依然存在。这时一般不用时间状语。 I have lost my pen. ◇包括现在时间在内的时间状语如today, this month, this week等有时也用现在完成时。
变化 举例
与原形相同 hit→hit→hit hurt→hurt→hurt
在原形后加她t或d learn→learnt→learnt hear→heard→heard
原形中的元音字母有变化 get→got→got sit→sat→sat
原形中的辅音字母有变化 make→made→made spill→spilt→spilt
原形中的元音、辅音字母都有变化 feel→felt→felt smell→ smelt→smelt
变化 举例
与原形相同 come→came→come run→ran→run
原形中的元音字母有变化 ring→rang→rung sing→sang→sang
在原形后加en eat→ate→eaten fall→fell→fallen
在原形后加n see→saw→seen give→gave→given
在过去式后加n steal→stole→stolen break→broke→broken
原形、过去式和过去分词词形差异较大 do→did→done go→went→gone
例1:( ) ----Do you know the moving story of Jack and Rose (2012淮安)
----Of course. I _______the film Titanic several times.
see B. saw C. have seen D. had seen
例2:( ) —Your English is good. (2012宿迁) —Thank you. I _______ it for three years.
learn B. learned C. have learned D. had learned
例3:( ) — John, you ____ the computer game for two hours. It’s bad for your eyes. Stop, please!
— OK, Mum.
A. played B. have played C. were playing D. play
already 用于肯定句,一般放在助动词与过去分词之间。
例1:I have already worked out this math problem (改为否定句)
I worked out the math problem .
知识点3:since 和for用法区别
(1)since的用法①since 后面加点时间,如since nearly three years ago或since2008.
since/for 可以通过ago进行同义句转换。
例:They have worked in the factory since ten months ago.= They have worked in the factory for ten years
We have learned English for nearly three years. =We have learned English since three years ago.
例1: I haven’t seen you _____ last Friday.
A. for B. since C. from D. on
例2:( ) Mr. White came to our school in 2008, and since then he _____ us English. (2011盐城)
A. teaches B. taught C. has taught D. will teach
1. It (rain)for a week.
2. I don’t know this woman. I ( never,meet)her.
3.-Let’s go to the cinema.-No, I (see, already)the film.
4. We ( not, finish)our homework yet. Will you wait a minute
5. John ( not, come)yet. He will be back in a minute.
6. Mr. Green often goes to America. In fact, he (be)there ten times.
7. -Where’s John -He just (go)to the teachers’ office.
8. She (study)English since she was ten.
9. Jim isn’t here. He (go)to the library. He (go)there an hour ago.
10. He (never, travel )on a train in her life.
1. The bus hasn’t arrived yet. (改成肯定句) The bus ___ _____ _already______ __ ____.
2. I have watched the interesting film recently. (改成一般疑问句)
___ __ you __ ______ the interesting films recently
3. I have already had my breakfast. (改为否定句) I ________ had my breakfast ______.
4. I have already finished doing my homework. (改为一般疑问句)
__ ___ __ ______ finished doing your homework ________
5. She has already worked out that difficult math problem. (改为否定句)
She _________ worked out that difficult problem __________.
( )1. -Can you find our city _______ a lot in recent years
-Yes. The road is wider and the buildings are taller.
A.has changed B changes
C changed D.will change
( )2. I'm not hungry because I have_______ had lunch
A ever B never C.just D.still
( )3. He came back late, so his father was very angry.(选出与画线部分意思相同或相近的一项)
A arrived B gave back C returned D.reached
( )4. She used to _______ a bus to school, but now she is used to _______ to school.
A taking; walk B take; walk
C taking; walking D. take; walking
( )5. She _______ for ten years and now she has a lovely daughter.
A. married B has been married
C. got married D. has got marriedUnit7 International charities
( ) 1. It's very nice_______ you to give me such a chance.
A. to B. for C. of D. at
( ) 2. It's necessary_______ us to keep the classroom_______ every day.
A. for; cleans B. of; clean C. for; clean D. of; cleaning
( ) 3. It is_______ of the people to_______ money to the poor people.
A. important; donating B. generous; raising
C. meaningful; raise D. helpful; donate
( ) 4. It is wrong_______ us_______ look down upon(看不起) the disabled people.
A. of; to B. for; for C. to; to D. of; for
( ) 5. to get there within ten minutes. Ten minutes_______ too short for us.
A. It is impossible of us; are B. It's impossible for us; is
C. We are impossible; are D. We aren't possible; is
( ) 6. -What do you think of tomorrow's basketball match
-_______ difficult for us_______ the match.
A. We're; winning B. It's winning C. We're; to win D. It's; to win
( ) 7. The Olympic Games_______ us_______ a chance_______ show our skills.
A. provide; with; to B provide; for; to
C. provides; with; for D. provides; to; with
( ) 8. These college students_______ in getting new jobs, so they have to stay in school.
A. trouble B. have trouble C. have fun D. have a good time
( ) 9. Valentina is good at English. I think it's easy_______ her_______ English well.
A. for; to learn B. of; to learn C. for; learning D of; learning
( )10. Is_______ possible to fly to the moon in a spaceship
A. this B. that C. it D. /
1. especially (adv.) 特别,尤其
The city is beautiful all year round, especially in autumn. 这城市全年都很美,尤其在秋天。
UNICEF helps build a better world for everyone, especially children all over the world.
2. Every student has the right to get equal education. 每个学生有接受平等教育的权利。
equal right________________
3. prevent the spread of some serious diseases 阻止一些严重疾病的扩散
spread (vt.) (n.) 扩散;分布;展开(spread-spread-spread)
spread disease 传播疾病 spread the wings 张开翅膀 .
◆prevent ...(from) doing sth.; stop ...(from) doing sth.;keep ...from doing sth.; 均表示“阻止……做某事”。
上述三个结构中,在主动语态中stop 与prevent后可省去from,但在被动语态中不可省略;
而keep ...from ...中的from在任何情况下都不能省略。
The heavy rain prevented us going on, but we didn’t lose heart.
在被动语态中,from都不可省。 We were prevented by the rain from going there.
4. tell us something about blindness
blindness (n.) 失明 blind (adj.) 失明的
以-ness结尾的名词:sadness illness happiness kindness carelessness
5. Most diseases can be treated and cured. 绝大部分的疾病多能被治疗和治愈。
cure (vt.) 治愈 cure the pain in my back治愈我的腰疼
区别: treat强调过程,不含有治好的意思,而cure强调结果,指治愈某人的疾病。
treatment (n. ) 治疗 under treatment 在治疗 treat (v.) 治疗
She is still under treatment. 她还在治疗。 pay for treatment 付医疗费
6. Modern medicine is developing quickly. 现代医学正发展迅速。
medical (adj.) 医疗的,医学的 medicine (n.) 药,医学
medical treatment / team 医学治疗\ 医疗队
take / have medicine 吃药 Chinese medicine 中医 modern medicine 现代医学
7. Many of our patients can’t afford to go to hospital, so we have to go to them.
afford (vt.) 买得起, 能做(常与can 和be able to 连用) = have enough money to do sth.
afford sth. 买得起某物 afford to do sth. 能做某事.
can’t/couldn’t afford to do sth付不起钱做某事,负担不起做某事。
e.g 我买不起这个房子,太贵了。____________________________________________.
8. do operations on sb. =operate on sb. 给某人做手术
operate (vi.) 做手术 operation (n.)
operate on sb.=do / have an operation(s) on sb.给某人做手术
9.I’m proud to help people see again and improve their lives.
be proud of sth/doing sth = be proud to do sth
be proud of his success 以他的成功为荣 be proud to do sth.
I’m proud to help people see again.________________________
10. .But more money is needed to carry on with our work.
carry on with sth/carry on doing sth = continue to do sth./ continue doing sth.继续做某事。
e.g 我们需要更多的钱来继续我们的工作。________________________________
11. give out leaflets to local people给当地人分发传单
leaflet (n.)传单 hand out 分发;提出
hand out =give out hand them out 分发他们 hand in 上交
微笑着给大家分发礼物 _______________________________________
12. set up an organization called ORBIS 设立一个叫做奥比斯的组织
set (vt. vi) 创建;设立 (set-set-set) set up 建起,设立
13. A lot of things are sold in this shop, including books, snacks and toys.
including (prep.) 包括,包含
include (v.) Many events are included in the Olympics, such as basketball, football, baseball.
14. Many people lost their lives in the war. 战争中许多人丧生。
war( n.) 战争 World War II二战 lose one’s life 丧生
15. What’s the matter matter (n.)事情,问题 (v.)要紧
类似结构:What’s the trouble / What’s wrong
如果要表示“某人/某物怎么了?”,要在后面加“with sb / sth .”。
e.g你怎么啦?/ 你有什么麻烦吗?
____________________ = ______________________= ____________________________
16. make up one’s mind 决定 (=decide)
make up one’s mind / decide to do sth.
17. You have some pocket money left. 你还剩余一些零花钱。
◆ 注意:left是leave的过去分词,在此句中做后置定语,修饰pocket money,
left相当于一个形容词,放在被修饰的名词或anything/nothing/nobody等不定代词之后。 例:冰箱里什么也没剩下。______________________________
◆ leave for 动身前往 leave 忘带,落下,离开
18. I’m too weak to walk any further. 我太虚弱,走不动了。
◆ 这句话我们还可以说成 _________________________
◆ farther, further 这两个词都是far的比较级形式。
例:进一步的信息___________________ 进一步学习_______________________
1. Tom couldn't take part in the sports meeting because of his_______ (blind).
2.-How is your father now
-He is still under_______ (treat) in hospital.
3. Are you ready The_______ (interview) are already outside.
4. They_______ (most) live far away from the town center.
5. The ORBIS plane is used as a hospital and a _________ (train) center.
6. The doctors were trying to find __________ (far) information for the disease.
7. Thank you for ___________ (donate) so much money to people in poor areas.
8.ORBIS uses a (fly)Eye Hospital to visit poor countries.
9.He told his mother needed an (operate)at home.
10.A (medicine)team from our country was sent to India last month.
11.Is there anything else you’d like to say to our (read).
( )1. I hope to do something to support ______. It’s meaningful to save some endangered animals.
( )2 My parents are not rich, but I still feel_______them. They are always honest and hard-working.
A. worried about B. surprised at C. excited at D. proud of
( )3. — English is widely spoken in the world, isn’t it
— Yes. It’s used ________ an official language in more than 70 countries.
A. for B. as C. with D. by
( )4. We didn’t go to the concert because we couldn’t _______to buy the tickets to it.
A. choose B. expect C. offer D. afford
( )5. — I hear the teacher has chosen five of us as volunteers. You_____ , right
— Yes. Some of us are chosen,______ Tom, Jim and me.
A. have included; including B. are included; including
C. are included; include D. have included; include
( )6.You’d better buy some magazines before you get on the train. You will spend 24 hours___    .
A. in board B. in the board C. on board D. on the board
( )7. Smart phones can be used to ____for information. But I am not used to____ information on such a small screen.
A. search; reading B. searching; reading C. search; read D. searching; read
( )8. Last spring, there were over 100 cases of H7N9. Luckily, most of them ________.
A. were cured B. cured C. have cured D. were curing
( )9. Take it easy. There's still a little time_______.
A. left B. leave C. leaving D. will leave
( )10. Jim is_______ tired_______ finish the work.
A. very; to B. so; that C. too; to D. too; not to
e.g Millie(主语)cleans(谓语)the room(宾语)
动作执行者 动作 动作承受者
The room(主语)is cleaned(谓语)by Millie
动作承受者 动作 动作执行者
被动语态的构成: “be动词+及物动词的过去分词”。
e.g 参观者们被要求不要触摸机器。___________________________________
e.g 上周米莉被邀请参加凯特的生日聚会。_______________________________
e.g Her mother cooks meals at home.
e.g I bought a new bike. (改为被动语态)
误:A new bike is bought by me.正:_____________________________
2)含有双宾语的主动句变为被动句时,可以分别将其中的一个宾语变为主语,另一个不变。e.g My uncle gave me a present on my birthday.被动语态为:___________________________
如果把直接宾语(指物)改为主语,要在间接宾语(指人)前加适当的介词to或for。如上句还可说:A present was given to me ( by my uncle ) on my birthday.
e.g I often see him play basketball in the playground.被动语态为:________________________
( )1. Many trees and flowers ___________ in our school last year.
A. plant B. planted C. have planted D. were planted
( )2. It’s said that 215 new schools ___________ in this city by 2020.
A. are building B. were built C. have built D. will be built
( ) 3.Much time doing his homework yesterday.
A. is spending B. is taken C, was spent D. was cost.
( ) 4.Who was the book
A. write B. wrote C. written D. written by
( ) 5.Now computers all over the world.
is used B. are using C. are used D. have used
( )6.Can you tell me when UNICEF
A. was set up B. set up C. built D. build
( ) 7. His painting to a museum in 1977.
A. sell B. sold C. was sold D. is sold
( )8.Susan, why are you still here They are all ready to start.
I’m sorry, but I ___ __ when to meet.
A. don’t tell B. didn’t tell C. haven’t told D. wasn’t told
( )9. My watch __ ____. Don’t worry. Let’s go to the Lost & Found.
A. is lost B. is broken C. has found D. has stopped
( )10.Did you go to Sam’s weekend party No, I___________.
A. am not invited B. wasn’t invited C. haven’t invited D. didn’t invite
Integrated skills –Task
1. It also works to prevent the spread of some serious diseases, like AIDS, among young people.(P93)
原句意为:它也可以防止一些严重疾病在年轻人中传播,像艾滋病。这里的prevent是及物动词,意为“防止,阻止,预防”,其后可接名词、代词或动词-i ng形式作宾语,也可接复合宾语,它常与介词from连用,即prevent... from...,相当于stop... from...,keep...from ...,其中from可以省略。但keep... from...中的from不能省略。如:
We must do something to prevent him from playing computer games.
2 .The plane is used as a training centre.(P98)
原句意为:飞机被用作培训中心。句中的be used as...意为“被用作……”。如:
English is used as a second language in many countries.
另外,be used for...意为“被用来……”,有时可以与be used to do sth.互换。如:
A knife is used for cutting things.
= A knife is used to cut things.
be used by...意为“被……所使用”。如:
Chinese is used by more and more foreigners.
be used in...意为“被用于……方面”。如:
I hope that the money is used in medical research.
be used to doing sth.意为“习惯于做某事”。如:
My father is used to getting up early.
used to do sth.意为“过去常常做某事”。如:
Tom used to be late for school.
3. ...I kept asking myself. ( P103 )
原句意为:……我一直在问我自己。keep doing sth.为固定结构,意为“持续做某事,不停做某事”。如:
He kept nodding when he listened to me.
keep sth.意为“保存/保管某物”;keep sb. doing sth.意为“使某人一直做某事”;keep sb./sth.+宾语补足语(形容词或介词短语等),意为“使某人/某物保持某种状态”。如:
You can keep that book, because I don't need it.
You shouldn't keep them waiting outside.
You must keep the baby warm.
4. I could not sleep at all that night because I was so excited. ( P103)
原句意为:那天晚上,我根本没睡着,因为我太兴奋了。句中的not...at all意为“一点也不,根本不”。其中not通常与主语后面的be动词、情态动词或助动词do,does或did等连用,构成缩写形式。如:
He isn't good at swimming at all.
I can't sing at all.
He doesn't want to stay here at all.
Not at all.意为“不客气,不用谢”,相当于You're welcome.。如:
一Thank you for helping me with my homework.
一Not at all.不用谢。
5. She is getting used to travelling by plane.(P104)
原句意为:她正习惯于乘飞机来往各地。这里的get used to doing sth.意为“习惯于做某事”,相当于be used to doing sth.。如:
My father gets used to going to work on foot.
辨析:be/get used to doing sth,used to do sth.与be used to do sth.。
be/get used to doing sth.意为“习惯于做某事”。如:
His father is used to watching TV before going to bed.
used to do sth.意为“过去常常做某事”。如:
The boy used to play computer games.
be used to do sth.意为“被用来做某事”。如:
More and more wood is used to make paper.
( )1.My father go to work by bike, but now he going to work by car.
A, use; used to B. uses; is used C. used to; is used to D. is used to; was used to
( )2.–Are you of darkness Yes, so I always go to sleep with my bedroom lights .
A. worry; on B. worried; off C. afraid; on D. fear; off
( )3.--- Look at the bird over there! It’s so beautiful!
---Wow! It’s a rare crane, It appears (出现)in this area.
always B. usually C seldom D. often
( )4. Finish your homework first, then you will watch TV for an hour.
can B. be able to C. able D. could
( )5–Where would you like to visit --I hope Paris.
A. going to B.that to go to C. to going to D. to go to
( )6. some of this juice—perhaps you’ll like it.
   A.Trying B.Try C.To try D.Have tried
( )7. These children are ________ from the city.
A. mostly B. most C. maily D.main
( )8. —Dad,I was the first to reach the top of the hill. Good job,Mary. I’m_____of you.
A. afraid B. proud C. tired D. careful
( )9. We should ________good eating habits.
A. grow B.develop C. increase D. find
1. have some pocket money left有一些零花钱剩下来
2. prevenr the spread of some serious diseases防止一些严重疾病的传播
3. provide basic education for children in poor areas为贫困地区的孩子提供基础教育
4. do operations on sb.给某人做手术
5. be used as a trammg centre被用作培训中心
6. can't afford to go to hospital看不起病
7. on board在飞机(船、火车)上
8. operate on sb. 给某人做手术
9. carry on with our work继续我们的T作
10. be proud to do sth. 做某事是骄傲的
11. hand out分发
12. raise money by selling Christmas cards通过卖圣诞卡筹钱
13. set up建立,创建
14. millions of poor children数百万穷孩子
15. prevent them from getting illness防止他们患病
16. take the medicine吃药
17. make up one's mind to do sth. 决定做某事,决心做某事
18. get used to travelling by plane习惯于乘飞机旅行
19. be afraid of doing sth.害怕做某事
Are you looking for something fun Would you like to help other people in your s 1 time Then j 2 us and be a volunteer! You can help people in many w 3 . Schools need help with
t 4 care of children while the teachers are having a meeting. H 5 need volunteers to look after children while their parents see a doctor. Animal lovers can help take care of those h 6 dogs and cats. There is something for everyone.
“As a volunteer, I don’t want to get a 7 . Seeing the children’s happy faces, I am happy, too.” said Carlos Domingo, an old woman of 62. “I often p 8 computer games in my free time before. Now I help older people l 9 how to use computers.” said a 10 volunteer at the age of 18.
If everyone is willing to help others, we’ll have a better world to live in.
1. ________ 2. _________ 3. ________ 4. _________ 5. ________
6. ________ 7. _________ 8. ________ 9. _________ 10.________8B Unit 5 Good manners
( )1. - Have you decided _______ to the beach
- Not yet. It depends on the weather.
A whom to go B. where to go C. when to go D. why to go
( )2. - Excuse me. Could you please tell me _______ my car
- Sure. Park it right here. I'll help you,
A how to stop B. where to park C. when to park
( )3. - Excuse me, may I keep the book a little longer
- Sorry. You _______ return it today.
A must B. mustn't C. can D. can't
( )4. They really don't know _______ the rubbish here.
A what to do B. how to do C. what to do with D. how to do with
( )5. The five girls all come from _______, and they are all _______.
A German; German B. Germany; Germany
C. German; Germany D. Germany; Germans
1. You’re old enough to learn about manners now, Hobo.
[指点迷津] enough的常见用法如下:
He has enough money to buy a car.他有足够的钱买辆汽车。
You don't relax enough.你休息不足。
I wonder if it's large enough.我不知道它是否够大。
We haven't got a big enough house.我们的房子不够大。
He is a handsome enough child.他是一个非常帅气的孩子。
We haven't got big enough nails.我们没有够大的钉子。
We haven't got enough big nails.我们没有足够多的大钉子。
Five men will be quite enough.5个人完全够了。
I did all I could,but it wasn't enough.我做了我能做的一切,但是还不够。
( ) (2013.贺州)This movie wasn't_______.He fell asleep half way through it.
A. interesting enough B. enough interesting
C. interested enough D. enough interested
2.You're never too old to learn.活到老学到老。
He is too short to reach the apple on the table.
3.Anything else 其他还有什么吗?
[指点迷津] else -般后置修饰不定代词。
Is there anything new in today's newspaper
Where else do you want to go 其他你还想去哪里?
[注意] other一般前置修饰名词。
You should help the other students.你应该帮助一下其他学生。
What other books do you need to buy 其他你还需要买什么书?
( ) _______ do you want to talk to
A. Who other B. Where else C. Who else D. Who others
1. Today we've invited Jenny to talk about manners in the UK
探究点:invite sb.to do sth.意为“_______”。
1 will invite Jack to come to my party.
你邀请谁看电影了? Who did you_______ _______ see the film
2. Do people there behave politely in public
[指点迷津] behave的用法如下:
How did he behave towards you 他如何对待你?
The ship behaves well.这艘船航行得很好。
Please behave yourself before the guests.
我不知道这孩子是否守规矩。 I wonder if the child_______ _______ properly.
3. Also, if they bump into someone in the street, they'll say“sorry”.
探究点:bump into someone意为“_______”。
I bumped into one of my old friends when l was shopping.
I bumped into him and he fell to the ground, but he didn't hurt himself.
Be careful when you walk at night so that you won't_______ _______ someone.
4. If you're in their way, they won’t touch you or push past you.
[指点迷津] (1)用作及物动词,意为“触摸;触及;碰到”。
Don't touch the clothes on my desk.
She fell asleep the moment her head touched the pillow.
We sat there with our shoulders touching.我们坐在那儿,肩膀碰到了一起。
(3)用作名词,意为“触;碰;摸;触感,触觉;感觉,感受”。常构成短语:keep in/into touch with…与……保持联系。
Do you keep in touch with your teacher 你和你的老师有联系吗?
Don't_______ the thing. It's very dangerous.
5.They'll say "excuse me" and be polite enough to wait till you move.
探究点:“Excuse me.”和“I am sorry.”有何区别?
- Excuse me,could you tell me the way to the bookshop 势驾,请问去书店怎么走?
-I am sorry. I am new here.对不起。我是新来的。
( )-_______to knock your books over.- It doesn't matter.
A. I am sorry B. Excuse me C. Thank you D. You are welcome
6.Let me see.让我想一想。
探究点:“Let me see.”意为“_______”
- Who do you like best in your family 在家里你最喜欢谁?
- Let me see. I think I like my mother best.让我想一想。我认为我最喜欢我母亲。
[注意] let me see作“让我看一看”讲时,一般后面要接宾语,否则用let me have a look较好。
Let me see your new book.
=Let me have a look at your new book.让我看一看你的新书。
- Do you have any storybooks 有故事书(卖)吗?
- Let me have a look. Ah,here it is.让我瞧一瞧。噢,这儿有一本。
( )- Excuse me, how can I get to the post office
-_______. Walk on and then turn left. It is on your left.
A. Let me see B.Here it is
C There it is D. You are welcome
7. British people don't like to shout or laugh loudly.
探究点:loudly, loud和aloud有何区别?
[指点迷津] (1) aloud强调发出的声音能被听见,意思为“出声地;大声地”,常与read,call等动词连用。
Please read the text aloud.请大声朗读一下课文。
(2) loud意为“响亮地;大声;高声地”,侧重发出的音量大、传得远,一般多用来修饰speak,
Speak louder,please,or no one will hear you.请大声些,否则没人能听见。
(3) loudly意为“响亮地”,其基本意义与loud相同,常与ring,knock等动词连用。loudly放在动词前后均可,含有“喧闹”或“嘈杂”的意味。
Suddenly the bell on the wall rang loudly.突然,墙上的钟大声地响起来了。
Don't_______ _______. Someone is sleeping.
8.I hope so.但愿如此。
探究点:“I hope so.”表示肯定还是否定?
[指煮迷津]在英语中,某些表示想法的动词或结构后,可以接替代词so(用于肯定)和not(用于否定),用以代替前面提到的内容,这类动词和鲒构主要有:think,believe,hope,suppose, guess, imagine, expect, be afraid等。
(1) - Will he come to the party 他来参加晚会吗?
-I hope so.我希望他来。
-I hope not.我希望他不来。
-I don't hope so.(误)
(2) - Can you finish it in time 你能及时完成吗?
-I'm afraid so.恐怕可以吧。
- I'm afraid not.恐怕不行。
(3) - Is that Mary 那是玛丽吗?
- Yes,I think so.我想是的吧。
- No,I don't think so.我想不是吧。
(4) - Will he be late again 他又会迟到吗?
-I believe so.我相信会是如此。
-I believe not.我相信不会吧。
( )- Can I play games now, Mum
-_______. You must finish your homework first.
A. I hope so B.I hope not
C. I afraid so D. I am afraid not
1.You are old enough to learn about manners.你已经到了学习礼仪的年龄了。
探究点:enough to后接动词什么形式?
He is tall enough to reach the ball on the shelf.他够高能够到架子上的球。
The classroom is big enough to hold so many students.
[注意] 否定式为“主语+be not+形容词+enough+to do sth.”,意为“某人/某物(不)够……而(不)能……”。
The man isn't strong enough to carry the bag.
Your son is_______ _______ _______ go to school.
2. The UK is too far away for Jenny to go there on her own.
[指点迷津] too…to…常构成如下句型:
“主语+be+too+形容词+to do sth.”意为“某人/某物太……而不能……”。
The boy is too young to help you.这个男孩太小而不能帮你。
[注意] (1)有时我们需要在to do sth.的前面加上for someone,此时句中的动词必须为及物动词,若为不及物动词须再加上适当的介词。
The text is too long for us to read.
The room is too small for us two to live in.
(2)“too+形容词+ to do sth.”可以和“not+该形容词的反义词+enough+to do sth.”的结构转换。
The man is too weak to do the job.
=The man isn't strong enough to do the job.
(3) “enough to”和“too…to…”结构均可以和“so…that…”结构转换。
The doctor is kind enough to help us. =The doctor is so kind that he will help us.
Lucy is not careful enough to get high marks,
=Lucy is too careless to get high marks.
=Lucy is not so careful that she can't get high marks.
①The girl is too fat to wear a skirt.
The girl is_______ _______ _______ to wear a skirt.
The girl is_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ wear a skirt.
②Li Lei is hard-working enough to do all kinds of things.
Li Lei is_______ hard-working_______ he_______ do all kinds of things,
3. He could not write down all the main points.他不能写下主要的观点。
探究点:write down的意思是“_______”。
Please write down your names on the paper.
=Please write your names down on the paper.请才巴你们的名字写在纸上。
Please write it down.请把它写下来。
( )The new words are on the blackboard. Please_______.
A. write it down B. write them down
C. write down them D. write down it
4. Kitty was very busy with her dancing lessons.
探究点:be busy with的意思是“_______”。
[指点迷津] be busy with意为“忙于某事”,可以和be busy doing sth.转换。
They are busy with their homework.
=They are busy doing their homework.
The teacher is busy with our exercises.
The teacher_______ _______ _______ over our exercises.
1.keep us from danger使我们免受危险
探究点:keep sb.from danger意为“_______”。
[指点迷津] keep sb. from danger意为“使某人免受危险”。
The teacher took us to the playground to keep us from danger.
[注意] (1)keep sb. from doing sth.意为“阻止某人做某事”,相当于stop/prevent sb. (from) doing sth.。
We kept them from interviewing the star.
=We stop/prevent them interviewing the star.我们阻止他们采访那明星。
(2) keep sb. doing sth.让某人一直做某事。
They kept me listening to this song.
We _______ the boy_______ _______ the tree.
Why did you_______ him_______ _______
2.warn sb.(not) to do sth.警告某人(不要)做某事
The man warned him not to go out.那人警告他不要出去。
He warned me_______ (not park) here.
3.Here are some examples.这儿有几个例子。
[指点迷津] 以here或there开头的句子常用倒装句式。以here或there开头的句子分部分倒装和全部倒装两种情况:当主语是代词时用部分倒装,当主语是名词时用全部倒装。
- Can you lend me your book 你能把书借给我吗?
- Of course. Here you are.当然可以。给你。
There comes the bus.汽车来了。
Here_______ _______ pen.
4.Let me take a photo of it.让我给它拍一张照片。
探究点:take a photo of…是什么意思?
[指点迷津] take a photo of的意思是“拍一张……的照片”。
Let's take a photo of the park.咱们拍一张公园的照片吧。
How about taking a_______ _______ the classroom
5.It says "No photos",它上面写着“禁止拍照”。
探究点:say在这里表示“ ”。
[指点迷津] “……的上面写着什么”中的“写”,翻译成汉语时不用write而用say。
Look at the blackboard. It says“Keep quiet”,
He_______ in his letter, “I_______ you very much.”
1. We are going to hold a talk on good table manners.
[指点迷津] hold的用法如下:
He always holds a book in his hand.他总是手里拿着本书。
How many people does the room hold 这个房间容纳多少人?
You may hold your opinion, but you have to obey orders.
Put your hand up if you hold with me.同意的请举手。
(3) hold on不要挂断电话,等一下;继续。
- Can I speak to Mr Wang 我可以和王先生通话吗?
- Hold on. He is in the next room.等一下。他在隔壁的房间。
The classroom_______ _______100 people.
探究点二:table manners意为“_______”。
How much do you know about table manners 关于餐桌礼仪你知道多少?
What are the_______ _______ _______ here
2. Above all, when you are sitting at the table, you should…
探究点:at the table与at table有何区别?
[指点迷津](1) at table在吃饭
Don't speak loudly when you are at table.在吃饭时,不要大声说话。
They were at table when we dropped in.我们去拜访时他们正在吃饭。
(2) at a/the table在桌边
They were sitting at the table, talking about something they were interested in.
in hospital住院 in the hospital在医院 in prison坐牢
in the prison在监狱中 at school在上学 at the school在学校
( )They are_______ and playing cards.
A. at table B. at the table C. on the table D. on table
3. These rules are important because we should make sure that both guests and hosts are comfortable at the table.
探究点:make sure意为“_______”。
Make sure to wait for him here.务必在这儿等他。
Check your bag again. Make sure that you have taken everything you need.
( )Make sure _______you have written his telephone number.
A. whether B. to C. if D. that
1. cut in (on sb. /sth.) 打断(谈话),插嘴
2. drop litter everywhere 到处乱扔垃圾
3. leave the tap running 让水龙头一直开着
4. obey traffic rules遵守交通规则
5. queue for one's turn排队等候
6. put them back把它们放回去
7. shake one's hand和某人握手
8. greet people with a kiss用亲吻的方式跟人打招呼
9. behave politely in public在公共场合举止有礼貌
10. bump into someone撞到某人
11. in their way挡了他们的路
12. push past someone从某人身旁挤过去
13. all the time一直,总是
14. be helpful to us对我们有帮助
15. by accident偶然,意外地
16. avoid talking about age避免谈论年龄
17. keep us safe from danger保护我们免除危险
18. make his dream come true实现他的梦想
19. hold a talk on good table manners
20. above all首先,首要的是
21. keep one’s voice down压低声音
22. warn sb. not to do sth.警告某人不要做某事
23. express oneself clearly清楚表达自己的意见
1. Amy was so young that she couldn’t understand such a thing.(改为同义句)
Amy was ________young________understand such a thing.
2. You talked about the programme this morning, and we did too.(改为同义句)
You talked about the programme this morning,and we did________________.
3. He is so active that he can be our team leader.(改为同义句)
He is active________________be our team leader.
4. My son istoo young to go to school.(改为同义句)
My son isn’t________________to go to school.
5. The sign means “No eating”.(对画线部分提问)
________________the sign________
Remember to be a good boy or a good girl at any time. It’s i____1____to have good manners, especially in some p____2____places.When you are waiting in line,don’t jump the queue.Be patient. Don’t stand too c____3____to others in the line.Keep 20 cm a___4_____if you can.F___5_____the advice of the workers when you are having a visit at a place of interest. Make sure it’s OK to take p___6_____before you hold up your camera.When you go to shows, w____7____clean clothes.You should get to the show 15 minutes before it starts.During the show,turn o____8____your mobile phone.Don’t eat during the show.Restaurants will be quite busy.Don’t stay too long when you finish eating. Remember to t____9____your rubbish away after the meal.
Good manners can make you a g___10_____or a lovely lady.Wherever you are,others will be pleased with you.
1. _______ 2. _______ 3. _______ 4. _______ 5. _______
6. _______ 7. _______ 8. _______ 9. _______ 10. _______8B Unit6 Welcome
( )1. My father is_______ to have time with me.
A. busy enough B. enough busy C. too busy D. busy too
( )2. The picture is_______ beautiful that we all like it.
A. too B. so C. enough D. very
( )3. The bed is too small for the tall man_______.
A. to lie B. lying C. to lie on D. lying on
( )4. The coat is big enough_______ me to wear.
A, to B.with C.for D.of
( )5. The girl is_______ silly to believe your words.
A. so B. too C. very D. quite
1.I am too tired to walk on.
I am_______ tired_______ I _______walk on.
2. The man was kind enough to lend us his room.
The man was_______ kind_______ he_______ us his room.
3. He is too young to join the Youth League.
He isn't_______ _______ to join the Youth League.
He is_______ young_______ he can't join the Youth League.
1. I'm training to be a volunteer for the Olympic Games. 我正在为成为奥林匹克运动会的志愿者而训练。
【考点解析train】train意为“训练”,常构成短语train for,意为“为……而训练”,介词for表示目的,意为“为……”;其中train作不及物动词;train as意为“训练当……”。
【例句】He is training to be a doctor.他正训练当一名医生。
They are training for the coming World Cup.他们正在为即将到来的世界
He is now being trained as a volunteer.他现在正在接受训练成为一名志愿者。
【例句】They are training the dolphin to help them save people in the sea.
◆◆◆trainer n.教练员.驯兽师trainee n.接受培训者,学员,实习生
The students _______ _______ _______ _______ _______.
【考点解析Olympic games】
Olympic Games是一个复数形式的短语,但当它作主语时,谓语有的时候用单数形式,有的时候用复数形式。一般情况下,当Olympic Games泛指时用复数形式;而特指某一次奥运会时常常用单数形式。
The Olympic Games are held every four years. 奥运会每四年举行一次。
The last Olympic Games was held in London in 2012. 上一届奥运会是2012年在伦敦举行的。
②Do you know where the 26th Olympic Games_______ (hold)
③How often_______ the Olympic Games_______ (hold)
2. It's meaningful to do something for the Olympics. 为奥林匹克运动会做一些事情是很有意义的。
句型“It's+adj.+(for sb.)+to do sth.“结构。
【例句】It's meaningful to plant trees every year.每年植树很有意义。
【拓展】mean 动词,意为“意思是,意味着”;meaning名词,意为“意义”,由动词mean加-ing构成;meaningless,形容词,“无意义的”。
Swimming in the sea is a_______ (mean) experience.
My parents think anything is ______ (mean) except learning.
What’s the______ (mean) of the following word
What does the sign ______ (mean)
3. I need some more food to eat at work.我还需要更多食物在工作时吃。
【考点解析1 need】
Need he go so soon 他这么快就要走吗?
He needn't go.他不必走。
Does he need to go so soon 他这么快就要走吗?
He doesn't need to go.他不需要走。
He needs to go.他得走。
He needs our help.他需要我们的帮助。
The garden needs watering(=to be watered).花园该浇水了。
1. She_______ a meeting this afternoon.
A. needs to have B. needs have C. need having D. need to having
2. - Need I stay here to help you -_______.
A. Yes, you must. B. No, you needn't. C. Yes, you need. D. A and B
3. Your bike need_______.
A. to repair B. to be repaired C. repairing D. B and C
4. People are _______ our support and help. We must do something at once.
A. in need of B. in need C. in need with D. in need for
【考点解析2】some more food 更多一些食物
数量意义词+more+名词: 表更多……=another+数量意义词+名词
【例句】two more apples 再两个苹果= another two apples
---Can I have_______ water ---Of course. Here you are.
A. more any B. any more C. some more D. more some
4. They can provide special places for homeless people to stay.
【考点聚焦】provide sth. for sb. 为某人提供某物 =provide sb. with sth.
【例句】He was very poor because he’d to provide food for seven children.
二、Language points
1. task n. 任务,工作
【例句】How long will it take to finish this task 完成这项任务需要多少时间
The_______(任务)are a bit difficult, but we will try our best.
2. background n. 背景
【例句】The mountains form a background to this photograph of the family. 这幅家庭照的背景是群山。
People will ask about your education_______(背景)when you are in a job interview.
3. Liu Ming did not know what to expect…刘明不知道期待什么……
I'm expecting a telephone call from her.
We should not expect success overnight.
I expect a storm.我预计会有场暴风雨。
I expect to be back on Sunday. /I expect that l will be back on Sunday. 我预计周日回来。
I expect to finish the work by Friday.我预计在星期五以前完成此项工作。
He expected her to go with him.化期望她同他一起去。
I don't expect that he has arrived so early.我预料他不会到得这么早。
What did he expect you_______ (do)
I do_______(期望)to have some time for myself in the evening.
4.many events similar to those in the Olympics 很多与奥运会类似的项目
【考点聚焦】短语similar to those in the Olympics为后置形容词短语, 用于修饰events。similar 意思是“相似的,类似的”。
be similar to 意为“与……相似 / 相仿”。
His teaching style is similar to that of most teachers. 他的教学风格和多数教师相似。
【拓展】be similar in 表示“在某方面相似 / 相仿”。
The two houses are similar in shape. 这两个房子在形状上相似。
1) Your views on education are similar ______ Mr. Wang’s.
2) The two cars are similar only _____ color.
5.necessary adj. 必须的;必要的
【例句】It is necessary to remember these facts. 记住这些事实是很有必要的。
【拓展】句型“It's+adj.+(for sb.)+to do sth.“结构。当形容词修饰后面的动词不定式时,如necessary, difficult/hard, tiring, easy, (im)possible等时,介词用for;当形容词修饰人(的内在品质时),如generous, kind, good/great, polite等时,介词用of。
1.It's good_______ us to keep_______. You're never too old to learn.
A. with; learning B. for; to learn C. of; to learn D. for; learning
6. achieve vt. “达到,取得”,
【例句】You will achieve your ambition if you work hard. 如果你努力,你的抱负是可以实现的。
People will ask about your education_______(背景)when you are in a job interview.
7. Volunteering for the Special Olympics World Games 为夏季特奥会做志愿者
【考点聚焦】(1)volunteer vi. & vt. 志愿做,义务做
volunteer for ... 志愿做……;主动做……
No one volunteered for cleaning the henhouse. 没有人主动去清理鸡舍。
(2) volunteer to ... 志愿做……;主动提出……
He volunteered to water our plants. 他主动提出给我们的植物浇水。
(3) volunteer n. 义务工作者;志愿者
Zhalong Nature Reserve needs volunteers to count and describe birds. 学校需要义务工作者来数和描述鸟。
Many ___________ (volunteer) ____________ (volunteer) to help those people in Ya’an Earthquake.
8. The Special Olympics World Games give children and adults with intellectual disabilities a chance to show their skills to the world. 特奥会给有智力缺陷的孩子和成人一个向全世界展示能力的机会。
(1)句中的with intellectual disabilities 为后置定语,修饰children and adults。介词短语作定语一般要后置。
The key to my bicycle is missing. 我的自行车钥匙丢了。
Please give me a chance to explain. 请给我一个解释的机会。
【拓展】by chance意为“偶然地;碰巧”。
I met one of my old friends by chance yesterday.
1) 你曾经给过他不止一次机会吗?Did you ever give him more than ________ ________
2) 这件事是偶然发生的。It happened ________ ________.
3) It is an excellent chance for you_______ (go) to Beijing.
9. Over 40,000 people gave up their spare time for the 2007 Special Olympics World Games.
【考点聚焦】give up 意为“放弃”,其后可接动词-ing形式。
Nick’s father had to give up smoking because of his illness.
give up后还可跟名词(短语)。
Ed’s mother gave up her job to look after him.
【注意】代词作give up的宾语时要放在give和up之间。
This is a good chance. I won’t give it up.
1) 杰夫已经放弃学法语了吗?
Has Jeff _______ ____ _________ French
2) 请不要放弃他们。
Please don’t ______ ______ _____.
1. Then they provided support for the athletes and helped make the event a great success.
【例句】Thank you for your support. 谢谢你的支持。
Thank you for supporting me. 感谢你支持我。
______ ______ _____ ______ ______ _____ ______ ______ .
2. He was born with intellectual disabilities.他生下来就有智力问题。
【考点解析】短语be born with 意思是“生来具有……”。
【例句】He was born with a weak heart. 他生来心脏虚弱。
3. It was very brave of him to join the competition. 他参加竞赛真的很勇敢。
【考点解析】句型It’s + adj. + of sb. to do sth. 通常表示说话人对客观事件的惊讶、兴奋、懊悔、难过等感叹情绪。该句型中用作表语的形容词常见的有如下几类:
表示聪明或愚蠢的形容词, 有clever, wise, foolish, stupid, silly, unwise, dumb(愚笨的), absurd (荒谬的)等。
如:It’s silly of him to do such a thing. 他竟干出这样的事,真是愚蠢!
表示正确或错误的形容词, 有 right, wrong, correct, incorrect 等。
如:It was right of her not to come here. 她没有来这儿,太对了!
表示好坏等品性的形容词, 此类词较多, 有good, nice, kind, friendly, lovely, wonderful, bad, unkind, naughty等。
如: It’s friendly of you to come and see me. 你能来看我,真够朋友!
表示褒义或贬义色彩的形容词, 有brave, polite, careless, selfish等。
如: It was brave of you to manage to do it. 你居然能做成这件事,真勇敢!
It's really nice_______ you_______ me work out this maths problem.
A. of; to help B. for; to help C. for; help D. of; help
4. To Li Hai, the most important thing is not to win a gold or a silver, but to take part.
【考点解析】not … but … 不是……而是……
【例句】PE is not my favourite, but Music. 我最喜欢的不是体育而是音乐。
5. Li Hai tried his best and finished fourth. 李海尽了最大努力并取得第四名。
【例句】Who won (the) first prize 谁获得了一等奖?
6. It's fantastic to work as a volunteer! 作为一名志愿者工作真是太棒了!
【考点解析】work as意为“担任;以……身份而工作”。
【例句】He works as a head teacher in our school.他在我们学校担任班主任。
He_______ _______ a headmaster in No.2 Middle School.
7. To Li Hai, the most important thing is not to win a gold or a silver, but to take part.
We won in the football match last week.在上周的足球比赛中我们赢了。
He won the Nobel Prize for physics.他获得诺贝尔物理学奖。
He won the first prize for his invention.他的发明获得了一等奖。
We beat them.我们赢了他们。
Who won the game,Li Ming or Liu Hai 谁赢了游戏,李明还是刘海?
My cousin the maths competition at last.
A. beat B. won C. beated C. beaten
8. Athletes and volunteers from different backgrounds feel like part of one big family.
【考点解析】feel like有两个意思:
(1)意为“想要”,feel like doing意为“想要做某事”,相当于want/would like to do
I feel like eating this kind of food.我想吃这种食物。
The cap feels like an animal.这帽子摸起来像一个动物。
想看电影。I_______ _______ _______ a film.
这玩具摸起来像狗。The toy_______ _______ a dog.
9. It's great for us to work closely with these special athletes.
【考点解析】work closely with意为“与……紧密合作”。
I often work closely with my deskmate.我经常和我的同桌紧密合作。
Do you often_______ _______ _______ your friend
二、Language points& Grammar
It is+adj.+to-infinitive(It is+形容词十动词不定式)
It is+adj.+for…+to-infinitive
It is+adj.+to-infinitive(It is+形容词十动词不定式)
“It is+形容词+动词不定式”可以用来描述行为和情境。在该句型中,it是形式主语,真正的主语是后面的动词不定式。把真正的主语放在句末而用it作形式主语也是为了句子的协调,避免“头重脚轻”。该句型中的形容词是用来描述行为或情境的。
It is dangerous to play football in the street.在街上踢足球是危险的。
It is hard to understand what he said.要理解他的话是很难的。
2) It is+adj.+for…+to-infinitive
“It is+形容词+for…+动词不定式”可以用来具体说明正在谈论的事情。在该句型中,it是形式主语,for后面所引导的人或物是动词不定式的逻辑主语,for sb./sth. to do sth.在英语中通常称为动词不定式的复合结构。其中的形容词用来说明不定式的特征,而不是说明人的特征或性格。用于该句型的常见形容词有:hard,difficult,easy,important, interesting, dangerous, possible, 'impossible, meaningful, comfortable, uncomfortable等。
It's difficult for you to pass the exam.对你来说通过这次考试是困难的。
_______ _______ necessary_______ _______ to take a taxi.
2. It is+adj.+of…+(not) to do sth.(It is+形容词+of…+动词不定式)
“It is+形容词+of…+动词不定式”结构用来对某人的品质、性格等作出评价,其中的形容词必须是表示人的品质、性格等的形容词。it是形式主语,没有实际意义。
该结构中的sb.和(not) to do sth.有着逻辑上的主谓关系,所以该句型又可以转换成“sb.+be+adj.+(not) to do sth.”。用于该句型的常见形容词有:careless,careful,clever, foolish, good, kind, nice, polite, impolite, rude, selfish, generous, wise, silly, modest, proud, thoughtful等。
It's very nice of you to give me a gift. =You are very nice to give me a gift.
It is silly of you not to forgive others for their mistakes. =You are silly not to forgive others for their mistakes.
①It's impossible _______you to finish the work in such a short time.
②It's selfish _______your cousin to eat up the whole cake.
3. donate ... to ... 捐……给……
【例句】donate money to charities 给慈善机构捐钱
donate blood to people in need给有需要的人献血
4. experience 经验,经历
【例句】The greatest teacher is experience. 经验是最好的老师。
Please tell us your experiences in America. 请你告诉我们你在美洲的经历。
如:The more you experience, the more knowledge you will get.
Please tell me something about your_______(经历)in Beijing.
5. have trouble (in) doing sth.做某事有麻烦
【例句】Do you have trouble in learning English 你在英语上有困难吗
【拓展】have trouble (in) doing sth.=have trouble with sth.
另外have trouble (in) doing sth.结构中,trouble还可以换成“difficulty, problems”
( ) He has trouble_______ it to you.
A. read B. reading C. to read D. to reading
二、Language points
1. north-west China中国西北部
Nanjing is in the south of Jiangsu.
Henan is on the west of Shandong.河南在山东的西部。
Korea is to the east of China.韩国在中国的东面。
(2) east,west等方位词既可作名词又可作形容词。
She works in the north of China.
She works in North China.
East China华东(特指行政区划中的东部几省);eastern China申国东部(泛指中国的东部地区)。
①Japan is_______ the east of Asia.
②Japan lies_______ the east of China.
③Shangdong is_______ the north of Jiangsu.
2. in mountain area 在山区
【例句】Most children in city don’t like to live in mountain area.
区域;地区 help children in poor areas帮助贫困地区的孩子
面积have an area of… 有…的面积
3. by writing emails通过写电子邮件
【例句】I help him by sending some money to him.我通过给他寄钱的方式帮助他。
①在近处;在旁边standing by the window站在窗户旁边
②经;由;从We came by the back road.我们从后面的小路而来。
③不迟于By tomorrow he'll be here.他明天就到这儿。
④被;由 written by Shakespeare莎士比亚写的
⑤以……方式 She earns money by writing.她靠写作挣钱。
⑥逐一;连续One by one they left.他们一个接一个地离去了。
1. He provides some money _______ the poor girl_______ selling vegetables.
A.with;in B.with; by C.for;in D.for;by
2. 他从我旁边经过没有看到我。
4. daily life 日常生活
【考点聚焦】day (n.) --- daily (adj.)
【例句】日常英语 daily English
日报 daily newspaper
We should help those people in need in our d____ life.
5. save our pocket money
【例句】If you save money now, you will be able to buy a car soon.
救save one’s life.救某人的命
节约 save a lot of time节约很长时间
All the information_________ (save) in the hard disk.(硬盘)
6. keep in touch 保持联络
【考点聚焦】keep in touch with sb. 与某人保持联系
keep in touch by doing sth. 通过某方式保持联系
【例句】Wherever you go, keep in touch with me, please. 无论你去哪里,请与我保持联络。
二、Language points
1. He has been ill in hospital since last month. 他从上个月开始生病住院了。
【例句】They have worked here since 1975.他们从1975年开始就在这工作了。
2. have a serious disease 有严重的血液疾病
【考点解析】表示“生……病”通常用动词have。如:头疼 have a headache
【例句】have a headache是延续性动词词组,其短暂性词组是catch a headache
3. lose one’s life 失去生命, 丧生
【例句】许多人在这次地震中丧生了。Many people lost their lives in the earthquake.
【拓展】lose 动词;lost形容词;loss名词
How many people lost their_______(生命)in the car accident
4. They do not have enough money for such an operation.他们没有足够的钱做这样的手术。
(1) so+形容词/副词+that+从句。
This story is so interesting that l want to read it again.
He spoke so quickly that couldn't follow him.他说得如此快,我不能跟上他。
(2) so+形容词/副词+(a/an)+(单数)复数可数名词/不可数名词+ that+从句,如果句中的名词是单数可数名词,其前就要用不定冠词a或an,如果是复数可数名词或者不可数名词,前面就不用冠词。
She is so lovely a girl that everyone loves her.
Those are so beautiful flowers that the girl wants to pick them.
(3) such+ a/an+形容词+单数可数名词+that+从句。
It is such an interesting story that l want to read it again.
(4) such+复数可数名词/不可数名词+that+从句。
He showed such concern that people took him to be a relative.
①It was surprising that_______ little animals eat_______ much grass.
A. so; so B. such; so C. such; such D. so; such
【例句】The doctors are performing an operation on the patient.医生在给那个病人动手术。
operation构成的常用短语有:perform/do an operation on sb.给某人做手术
②Who is the doctor performing an operation_______
A. in B.on C.for D.with
5. as soon as possible 尽可能快的
【考点解析】as soon as possible意为“尽快”,相当于as soon as sb. can。
【例句】I will finish the work as soon as possible. =I will finish the work as soon as I can.我将尽快完成这项工作。
I will come back as soon as possible.
I will come back as soon as______________.
1. work as a volunteer当一名志愿者
2. give up their spare time放弃他们的业余时间
3. bring people together把人们聚拢在一起
4. be born with intellectual disabilities天生智力有缺陷
5. win a gold or a silver赢得金牌或银牌
6. achieve their dreams实现他们的梦想
7. give sb. a chance to do sth.给某人做某事的机会
8. offer to help主动提供帮助
9. make their dreams come true使他们的梦想成为现实
10. be different from other usual games
11. without the help of volunteers没有志愿者的帮助
12. work closely with和……紧密合作
13. have trouble talking to people与人交流有困难
14. donate blood献血
15. keep in touch保持联系
16. as soon as possible尽快
17. give our seats on the bus to the elderly 在公共汽车上给老人让座
18. be ill in hospital生病住院
19. give a helping hand伸出援助之手
20. lose one's life丧生
( ) 1. "Many hands make light work" means_______.
A.大家都要轻工作 B.大家都想偷懒
C.人多力量大 D.很多手抢着做轻活
( )2.-Mr and Mrs White look so young.
-Yes. But they_______ for more than thirty years.
A. married B. have married C. had married D. have been married
( )3. It's wrong_______ you_______ your parents' advice.
A. for; don't accept B. for; not accept
C. of; not to accept D. of; not accepting
( )4. They don't have_______ for_______ operation.
A. enough money; so an B. enough money; such an
C. money enough; so a D. money enough; such a
( )5. He is too fat. Is it important for him_______ less and_______ more
A. to eat; exercise B. to eat; exercising
C. eating; exercising D. eat; exercise
One midnight, a little girl was thirsty and got up to drink some water. She walked to the bedroom door and 1 it. The little girl looked outside but walked 2
and stood in the center of the room, because it was so 3 in the hall and she was afraid. Her mother said: “Don’t be afraid, honey. Have courage (勇气), I believe you can do it yourself!”
“ 4 is courage ” she asked, running to her mother’s bed. “Courage is the brave breath (呼吸),” her mother answered.
“Mom, do you have courage ” “Certainly.” her mother replied, The little girl held out her cold hands, saying: “Mom, blow some of your breath of courage to 5 .”
After her mother blew into her little cold hands, the little girl clenched her fists (握拳) 6 , afraid that the “breath of courage” would 7 away. Then with her fists clenched, she walked out of the bedroom towards the kitchen with 8 to be afraid of. Her mother said to herself: “It will be nice 9 someone can blow some courage to me. Then I can also hold it in my hands when I feel terrified.”
In a word, the thing that we are afraid of is nothing but the 10 in our mind. The person who we should win is nobody but ourselves.
1. A. closed B. knocked C.opened D. kicked
2. A. in B. back C. out D. down
3. A. bright B. dark C. cold D. warm
4. A. What B. How C. Where D. Why
5. A. me B. you C. her D. it
6. A. politely B. happily C. luckily D. carefully
7. A. pull B. run C. move D. took
8. A. something B. anything C. everything D. nothing
9. A. because B. though C. if D. until
10. A. fear B. idea C. worry D. secret8BU2
1.The life we were used to (change) greatly since 1998.
2.You should finish your homework before he (return).
3.Have you got used to (live) with your new roommate
4. The man___________(drive) to Shanghai on his own twice.
5. Sam feels sick. He_____________(not eat)anything since this morning.
6. The boy is very naughty. He_____________(break) two pieces of glass so far
7. The man stood there,___________(hold) flowers in his hand.
8. Look, the snow____________(stop). We can go outside and make a snowman now.
9. Sandy is so happy because she___________(pass) her driving test.
10. ---It seems that you know a lot about the story.
---Well. We___________ (read) it many times.
1. fantastic adj.
【考点聚焦】意为“极好的,美妙的”。 have a fantastic time=have a good/great/wonderful time玩得开心。
【拓展】fantasy n.幻想,想象。
2. such det.& pron.
This is such a big house.这是一座如此大的房子。
They are such kind girls.她们是如此好心的女孩。
It is such sad music.它是如此悲伤的音乐。
so clever a boy如此聪明的一个男孩
so clever如此聪明;so quickly如此迅速
so many/much/few/little+n.。如:
so many mistakes如此多的错误
3. couple n.
【考点聚焦】意为“两人,两件事物,几个人”。a couple of…一对,几个,几件。
【例句】I saw a couple of men get out我看见有两个男人出去了。
We went there a couple of years ago.我们几年前去过那儿。
4. --- Hey, Eddie.Where are you going 嘿,埃迪。你要去哪儿?
---I'm going to South Hill for my holiday.我要去南山度假。
【例句】---Come here,Eddie.埃迪,过来一下。
---I'm coming,Hobo.我就来,霍波。
Mr. Green is flying to Nanjing tomorrow.格林先生明天将飞往南京。
( ) ---Jack is busy packing luggage(行李).
---Yes. He_______ for America on vacation.
A.leaves B.left
C.is leaving D.has been away
5. I've been there before. 我以前去过那儿。
【考点聚焦】have been there意为“去过那儿”,指去了又回来了。第三人称单数形式是has been there。地点为名词时要用have been to。
【例句】I have been to Nanjing twice.
( )一I'd like you to tell me something about Shen Nongjia.
- I'm sorry, but neither Jack nor I_______ there.
A.have been B.had been
C.have gone D.has gone
6. I don't think it'll be a holiday for me. 我认为它对我来说不是一个假日。
【例句】I don't think I know you.我想我并不认识你。
I hope you weren't ill.我希望你没有生病。
I_______ _______ he_______ come.
3. I_______ think he_______ swim.
A. do; can't B. don't; can C. /; don't D. don't; don't
1. My parents and I have been in Hong Kong for two days.
【考点聚焦】句中的“My parents and I”不能改为I and my parents,因为英语中人称的顺序与汉语不同,单数人称的顺序是:第二人称、第三人称、第一人称;复数人称的顺序是:第一人称、第二人称、第三人称。
【例句】Tom and I are good friends.我和汤姆是好朋友。
We, you and they are all good students.我们、你们和他们都是好学生。
(1) have/has been in后面跟地点名词,意为“在某地已经多长时间了”,通常和表示一段时间的短语或从句连用。后接地点为副词here,there,home时省略介词in。
---I came here two weeks ago.我两周前来这儿的。
---That means you have been here for two weeks.那就是说你已经在这儿两周了。
(2) have been to后面跟名词地点,表示“已经去过了某处(但现在已不在某处)”。当主语是第三人称单数时用has been to,后接地点副词时要省略to。
I have been to Shanghai twice.我已去上海两次了。
( ) Mr. Li regards(当作)Ningxia as his second home because he_______ there for over twenty years.
A. have been B. is C. has been D. was
( ) ---Have you ever_______ Nanjing ---Yes, only once.
A. been to B. gone to C. been D. gone
2. It moved at high speed and was really exciting!
【考点聚焦】speed n.速度。常用短语为at a speed of…,意为“以……的速度”。
【经典例句】The train is travelling at a speed of 180 kilometres an hour. 火车正以每小时180公里的速度行驶着。
【拓展】at high speed意为“以很快的速度,高速”,通常在句中作状语,也可以作表语;其反义短语是at low speed。
The_______(速度)of the car was so frightening.
In the past twenty years, China has developed_______ high speed.
A. in B.on C.at D.to
3. We were screaming and laughing through the ride. 整个途中我们都在尖叫和大笑。
【辨析through, past, across】through指从物体内部穿过;past指从某人或某物旁边经过;across指从某物的表面穿过。
【例句】He climbed into his room through the window.
He went past me without saying any words.
He swam across the river.
( )The River Thames flows_______ London.
A. across B. through C. past D. over
【知识点】ride在句中是名词,意为“(骑车或乘车的)短途旅程”。through the ride意为“整个旅程”。
【例句】I guess it is about an hour's bus ride to get there.我想乘车到那儿要一个小时吧。
( ) Don't put your head out of the window during the_______.
A. to ride B. riding C. rode D. ride
4. …such as Snow White and Mickey Mouse.
【辨析such as与for example】
(1) such as意为“例如,比如”,用来列举同类人或事物中的几个,不全部列出,一般放在被列举人或事物与前面的名词之间,与所举例子之间不用逗号隔开。
The farmer grows different kinds of crops, such as wheat, corn, cotton and rice.
Mum is always so busy even at weekends since she usually does housework, such as washing clothes and cleaning the house.
(2) for example也可以作。例如”讲,强调举例说明。一般只列举同类人或事物中的一个例子,与所举例子之间用逗号隔开,可放在句首或句末,也可以作为插入语放在句中,不影响句子成分之间的关系。
A lot of people here, for example, Mr. John, would rather have coffee.
( ) English is spoken in many countries, _______ Australia, America and England.
A. such B. such as C. example D. for example
5. Next, we hurried to a restaurant to have a quick meal. 接着,我们赶去一个餐厅匆忙地吃了一顿便饭。
①表示匆忙到某处去,hurry之后直接接表示方向的副词或介词短语即可,习惯上不接go, come,move等表示运动方向的动词。
误:He hurried to go home (to go to school).
正:He hurried home (to school).
Don't hurry. There's plenty of time.别急,有的是时间。
Hurry him up.催他快点。
He hurried his steps.他加快了脚步。
Her parents are trying to hurry her into marriage.她父母正设法催她快点结婚。
(2)用作名词,常构成短语in a hurry(匆忙,急切),在句中可用作状语或表语。
She dressed in a hurry.她匆忙穿好衣服。
He was in a hurry to leave,他急于要离开。
She hurried to school after a quick breakfast. 同义句转换
She went to school_______ _______ _______ after a quick breakfast.
6. I ran after them and couldn't stop taking photos.我在他们后面追赶并不停地拍照。
【知识点1】run after意为“追赶”。
【例句】Don't run after the dog. It's dangerous.不要在狗的后面追赶。这很危险。
Don't_______ _______ me.
【知识点2】stop doing sth.与stop to do sth.有何区别?
stop doing sth.意为“停止做某事”。
We stopped working when it began to rain.天开始下雨时我们停止了工作。
stop to do sth.意为“停下来开始做某事”。
I stopped to have a little rest after too much work.
②We stopped_______(talk) when the teacher came in.
7. Kitty and her family have gone to Hong Kong基蒂已经和她的家人一起去了香港。
【知识点】have/has gone to后面跟地点名词,表示某人去了某地,可能正在去某地的途中,也可能已经在某地,强调某人不在这儿,还没有回来。当地点用副词表示时要省略介词to。
【例句】---Where is Kate 凯特在哪儿?
---She has gone to the library.她去图书馆了。
Mr. Green isn't in the office. He has gone to the laboratory.
---Where is Mr. Li I have something important to tell him.
---You_______ find him. He_______ Japan.
A. won't; has gone to B. may not; has been to
C. may; has gone to D. can't; has been to
I have lost my key.我把钥匙丢了。(过去丢的,现在还没有找到)
I have already seen the film.我已经看过那部电影了。
---Have you found your lost key yet 你已经找到了你的钥匙了吗?
---No, I haven’t found it yet.不,我还没有找到。
批注:already, yet常和现在完成时连用。Already用于肯定句中,可放在助动词之后,过去分词之前,也可放在句末。Yet用在疑问句中意为“已经”,用在否定句中表示“还”,常放在句末。
(2)表示动作或状态在过去已经开始,并持续到现在,也许还要持续下去,常和for, since,连用。表示持续的动作或状态多用延续性动词。
Mr. Zhang has taught English for 20 years.张老师已经教了20年英语了。
He has just come back from America
Have you ever been to London 你去过伦敦吗?
批注:重点考点have been in+地点+时间段,表示“在/来某地多久”;have gone to+地点,表示“去了某地”。(人已走,尚未回。只用于第三人称。)have been to+地点,表示“去过某地”。(人已回)。务必熟记它们的意思。
I have never heard of this singer before. 我以前从未听说过这名歌星。
批注:总结现在完成时的时间状语ever、never、yet、already 、recently 、just、since 、for、so far、/during / in the past / last few days / weeks / months / years等。
误:I have left my hometown for 10 years.
正:I have been away from my hometown for 10 years.
a.将终止性动词转化为延续性动词:come—be here;go—be there; die--be dead; borrow--keep; buy--have; join--be in(be a member);leave--be away等。
c.用句型“it is+一段时间+since从句(从句的用一般过去时)”表示。
终止性动词 延续性动词
buy have
borrow keep
open be open
close be closed
begin/start be on
come be here
go be there
finish be over
die be dead
catch a cold have a cold
put on wear
get up be up
wake up be awake
fall asleep be asleep
lose not have
join be in
leave be away
arrive/reach be
1.He has ever been to Singapore.(改为否定句)
He _______ _______ _______ to Singapore.
2.Lily hasn't come to school because she's ill.(对画线部分提问)
_______ _______ Lily come to school
3.I have been to Nanjing Museum three times this year.(对画线部分提问)
_______ _______ _______ have you been to Nanjing Museum this year
4.She has bought some flowers for you.(对画线部分提问)
_______ _______ she bought for me
5.My father has gone to Singapore for a meeting.(对画线部分提问)
_______ _______ your father_______ _______ Singapore_______.
6.The Frenchman left five days ago because of his business.(同义句转换)
The Frenchman has _______ _______ for five days because of his business.
1. Millie and Amy have been to South Hill.米莉和埃米已去过南山。
【考点聚焦】have/has been to后面跟地点名词,表示某人曾经去过某个地方,现在人已经离开,不在那儿了,也可能已经回来了。是对过去经历的一种回忆,可以和表示次数的状语连用。
【例句】I have been to Beijing once.我去过一次北京。
- Have you ever been to the USA 你曾去过美国吗?
- No,never.没有,从未去过。
( )①How many times_______ you_______ to London since last year
A. have; gone B. have; been
C. do; go D. did; went
( )②---Jack, I haven't seen your uncle for a long time.
---He_______ Shanghai on business for two months.
A. went to B. has gone to
C. has been in D. has been to
2. Kitty and her family have gone to Hong Kong. 基蒂已经和她的家人一起去了香港。
【考点聚焦】have/has gone to后面跟地点名词,表示某人去了某地,可能正在去某地的途中,也可能已经在某地,强调某人不在这儿,还没有回来。当地点用副词表示时要省略介词to。
---Where is Kate ---She has gone to the library. 凯特在哪儿?她去图书馆了。
---Mr. Green isn't in the office. ---He has gone to the laboratory.格林先生不在办公室。他去实验室了。
( ) ---Where is Mr. Li I have something important to tell him.
---You_______ find him. He_______ Japan.
A. won't; has gone to B. may not; has been to
C. may; has gone to D. can't; has been to
3. He has left Beijing for a week. (×)
He has been away from Beijing for a week. (√)
【考点聚焦】短暂性动词 & 延续性动词。
(1)短暂性动词构成的现在完成时,只表示动作发生的因果关系,不能表示动作的延续,所以不可以由表示一段时间的状语(如:since和for引导的短语)来修饰。第一句中的leave(has left)是短暂性动词,它所表示的动作短促,不可能延续两天;第二句中的be(has been)是延续性动词,所以可以和two days连用。
buy→have/has had borrow→have/has kept arrive→have/has been in/at
leave→have,/has been away join-→have/has been in/have/has been a member of
die→have/has been dead get married→have/has been married come/go→have/has been in/at
begin/start→have/has been on stop→have/has been over lose→have/has been lost
close→have/has been closed open→have/has been open
( )①一Look at these stamps. I_______ them for five years.
- Wow, they are wonderful.
A. kept B. have kept C. have bought
( )②He_______ Luzhou for three months.
A. has left B. has come to
C. has gone to D. has been away from
4. He has had a car since 2007.他自从2007年就买了一辆车。
(1) ago是副词,意为“…以前”,放在表示一段时间的短语后面,表示从现在算起的一段时间以前,常用于一般过去时。
如:He met her three days ago.他三天前遇到过她。
(2) since可作介词和连词用,意为“自从……以来,自从……以后”,用于现在完成时,主要有以下三种情况:
He has been ill since last Monday.
I have lived here since ten years ago.
I have lived here since I moved here.
(3) for是介词,后面跟表示时间段的短语,可以用于现在完成时。
We have learned English for about ten years.
( ) ---You play the piano so well. How long have you learned it
---_______ ten years.
A.In B.By C.For D.Since
1. Places of natural beauty. 自然风景区
【考点聚焦】相关词组: places of interest 名胜古迹;旅游景点
beauty 名词 “美景;美丽;美人”
如:Hepburn’s beauty and charm caught the writer’s attention. 赫本的美貌和魅力吸引了这个作家的注意。
(2) beautiful形容词,意为“美丽的,漂亮的”。beautifully 副词,意为“美丽地”
I’d like to visit places of ________sights because I’m interested in its________.
How ________the woman is dancing!
2. He thinks it is great fun.他认为这是很有趣的事。
(1) fun为不可数名词,用法如下:
He is fond of fun.他爱闹着玩。
make fun of嘲弄……,取笑
have fun作乐,玩乐
The child had a lot of fun with the toys.小孩子玩玩具玩得很开心。
What fun!好有趣!真愉快!
He is good/great fun.他真有趣(他是个有趣的人)!
for fun开玩笑,为了乐趣 read a book for fun为了乐趣而读书
(2) funny形容词,意为“奇怪的,滑稽的”。
a funny story滑稽的故事 a funny man.引人发笑的人;喜剧演员
This is a funny story.这是一个滑稽的故事。
What great_______ it is to listen to_______ stories!
3. The best time to go there is…去那儿最好的时间是……
【考点聚焦】“做……最好的时间”可表达为:the best time to do sth. /the best time for doing sth.
【例句】The best time to swim is in summer. = The best time for swimming is in summer.夏天是游泳最好的时间。
“该是某人做……的时间了”表达为:It is time for sb. to do sth.
【例句】It is time for us to go home.该是我们回家的时间了。
It's time for you to get up.你该起床了。
The best time_______ ________ is _______ _______.
=The best time_______ _______ is_______ _______.
4. By the way, how long does it take to fly to Chengdu
【考点聚焦】by the way意为“顺便问,顺便说”。
By the way, where do you live
【辨析】by the way,in the way与on the way
(1) on the way意为“在途中,在路上”。常构成短语:
on the way to在去……途中 on the way there 去那里的路 on the way home在回家的路上
(2) in the way意为“以……方式;挡道,妨碍某人”。
Please don't stand in the way.请别站在那挡着路。
(3) by the way意为“顺便说说,顺便提一下”。
By the way, why not drop in for a drink this evening
(4) in some ways意为“在某种程度上,在某些方面”
In some ways it is. 在某种程度上是的。
( ) _______ the way, have you ever been to the island
A.On B.In C.By D.With
1. The day finally arrived.我们旅行的日子终于到了。
【例句】They finally realized that the whole thing was a joke. 他们终于意识到整个事情是个玩笑。
【辨析】finally,in the end与at last
Firstly…, secondly…, finally…
Finally I'd like to thank you all for your coming.最后我要感谢诸位的光临。(不能用at last)
at last只能指经过一段时间后形成的结果,而不能指时间顺序,在语义上指经过周折、等待、耽搁后的“最后,终于”得到所期待的结果。
At last,he passed the exam.最后他终于通过了考试。(可用in the end代替)
His chance came at last.他的机会终于来了。(强调他为获得此机会进行的各种努力。)
in the end表示结局,有时可与at last换用,不同的是in the end也可以用于表示将来,其余两个则不行。
All will come right in the end.到头来一切都会好的。
( )①He hopes that his son will be a fine teacher_______.
A. in the end B. at last C. finally D. at the end of
【考点聚焦二】arrive in/at,get to和reach
(1)arrive at后面一般接小地点,如village,town,school,airport等;arrive in后面一般接大地点,如city,country等;get to和reach后面既可接小地点又可接大地点。
(2)当到达的地点为副词here,there或home时,前面不能有介词。即arrive home,get here等。
The famous writer has arrived at the hotel since three days ago.这位著名的作家自从三天前就到达宾馆了。
( )②- When did you_______ - Three days ago.
A. reach B. get to C. arrive D. arrive at
( )③ It's reported that the Olympic flame for 2008 Beijing Games _______ Beijing International Airport on March 31.
A. reached to B. arrived at C. got at D. arrived
2. …I hope I can visit it again some day. ……我希望将来有一天我能再次参观它。
(1) some day意为“(将来)总有一天,(日后)某天”。
Some day he will like here.有朝一日他会喜欢这儿的。
(2) one day意为“(过去或将来)某一天”。
One day we'll both get to see New York.总有一天我俩都有机会看看纽约。
One day the temperature was 30℃.有一天温度达到三十摄氏度。
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______.
Welcome 短语:
1.去南山度假 go to South Hill for one’s holiday
2.去过那儿 have been there
3.加入某人 join sb.
4.度假 be on holiday
5.如此兴奋 be so excited
6.名胜 places of interest
7.小美人鱼 the Little Mermaid
8.……的首都 the capital of …
9.我想对我而言这不会是什么假期了。 I don’t think it’ll be a holiday for me.
10.你去过哪儿度假 Where have you been on holiday
Reading 短语:
1.香港之旅 a trip to Hong Kong
2.很想念某人 miss sb. so much
3.玩得很开心 have a fantastic time doing sth /enjoy oneself
4.整天 the whole day
5.高速运行 move at a high speed
6.整个旅途中 through the ride
7.匆忙去某地 hurry to sp.
8.例如 such as
9.变得兴奋 get excited
10.一天中最精彩的部分 the best part of the day
11.跟着跑,追逐 run after
12.忍不住一直做某事 can’t stop doing sth.
13.游行之后 after the parade
14.看一部4-D电影 watch a 4-D film
15.像魔术 be like magic
16.闻到苹果派 smell the apple pie
17.感觉到风 feel the wind
18.几个钥匙链 a couple of key rings
19.在……的末尾 at the end of
20.在焰火下看起来明亮而又美丽 look bright and beautiful under the fireworks
Grammar 短语:
1.下周回来 come back next week
2.此刻 at the moment
3.呆在那儿一周 stay there for a week
4.参加一个会议 attend a meeting
5.在沙滩上玩 play on the sand
6.顺便说一下 by the way
7.寒假的第一天 the first day of the winter holiday
Integrated skills 短语:
1.有天然美景的地方 places of natural beauty
2.海滨城市 seaside cities
3.主题公园 theme parks
4.整年 all year round
5.在寒冷雨雪天气爬山 climb the mountains on cold and snowy days
6.做某事的最好时间 the best time to do sth
7.在一年的那段时间 at that time of year
8.有……的计划 have some plans for…
9.出差 be on business
10.乘直达的航班 take a direct flight
( ) 1. -This is _______ film I've told you many times.
-It's great. I've never seen _______ more interesting one.
A. a; a B. the; the C. a; the D. the; a
( ) 2. One of the girls in our class _______ Jeju Island (济州岛) before.
A. have been to B. has beet to C. has gone to D. have gone to
( ) 3. The lonely woman _______ Shanghai since her husband _______ in 1990.
A. has gone to, died B. has left; died
C. has been in; died D. has been to; has died
( ) 4. I must return the book to Li Qiang. I _______ it for a week.
A. have lent B. have kept C. have borrowed D. will have
( ) 5. We had no time _______, but we had a great time _______ the model plane together.
A to chat; making B. to chat, to make C. chatting; making D. chatting; to make
( ) 6. The man _______ Shanghai an hour ago, so he _______ for an hour.
A. has left; has left B. left; has left
C. left; has been away D. has left; left
( ) 7. The new supermarket in our town _______ for two weeks, but I _______ there yet.
A. has opened; haven't gone B. has been open; haven't been
C. has been open; haven't gone D. has opened; haven't been
( ) 8. -How long _______ the film _______
-For about an hour, yes, it finished an hour ago.
A. has; been over B. has; finished C. did; over D. has; ended
( ) 9. After trying many times, they got to open the door _______.
A. at the end B. at the end of C. in the enc D. in the end of
( ) 10. -What a beautiful dress you are wearing today!
- _______. It's nice of you to say so.
A. Thanks B. Never mind C. Oh, no D. Not at all
Why are you always tired, do you know
First, if we can't l well, we will be tired. But we are often too 2 .We can't finish our homework in the day 3 we have to do it at night. We go to bed 4 and we get up early in the morning for school or work.Most people need at least eight 5 or some more. If we sleep for only five or six hours a night, we will be tired.
Second, when we are ill, we will be tired. But we don't know we are ill. So if you are always tired, maybe you are not so 6 .You'd better go to see a 7 .
Third, maybe you eat 8 food, like hamburgers, meat, chocolate or coffee. If you are ill and tired after eating some food, please don't eat it again.
Lastly if the air around you isn't nice and clean, you will feel tired. So please 9 your windows often or go out for a walk and you will feel much 10 .
( )1.A. sleep B. study C. drink D. eat
( )2.A. busy B. free C. lazy D. angry
( )3.A. because B. if C. so D. but
( )4.A. early B. 1ate C. quick D. quiet
( )5.A. days B. months C. hours D. minutes
( )6.A. i11 B. nice C. good D. healthy
( )7.A. movie B. friend C. teacher D. doctor
( )8.A. too much B. too many C. much too D. many too
( )9.A. turn B. open C. close D. keep
( )10.A. better B. best C. good D. well8BU4
1. With the medicine box under her arm, Miss Zhao_______ (hurry) off to look after the man.
2. Jim_______ (make) many friends since he_______ (come) to China.
3. They_______ (know) each other for about ten years.
4. He already_______ (write)a letter to the factory to ask them to stop making noise
5.- When_______ she_______ (leave) - Two hours ago.
2. ---Have you decided what to do with these books,Hobo 霍波,你决定怎样处理这些书了吗?
---Not yet.还没有。
【考点聚焦】decide (to do) sth.意为“决定(去做)某事”。
【例句】I decided to help him.我决定帮助他。
He hasn't decided when to go.他还没有决定何时去。
You must think it over first before deciding_______.
A. to buy the bag B. buying the bag
C. buy the bag D. bought the bag
【考点聚焦】what to do with与how to do的区别
what to do with中的what不可以换成how,how 一般和deal with搭配。
I don't know what to do with my old bike.
=I don't know how to deal with my old bike.我不知道如何处理我的旧自行车。
He doesn't know what to do with the old TV.
He doesn't know _______ _______ _______ with the old TV.
【考点聚焦】what to do with与how to do的区别
what to do with中的what不可以换成how,how 一般和deal with搭配。
I don't know what to do with my old bike.
=I don't know how to deal with my old bike.我不知道如何处理我的旧自行车。
He doesn't know what to do with the old TV.
He doesn't know _______ _______ _______ with the old TV.
【考点聚焦】not yet意为“还没有”,相当于“No,I haven't.”。
---Have you finished your homework ---_______.
A. No, never. B. No, I have.
C. Not yet. D. Not, I have.
3. Give them to me then.那么把它们给我。
【考点聚焦】“把某物给某人”可以用give sb. sth.或give sth. to sb.,但当两个宾语都是人
称代词时只能用give sth. to sb.的形式。同样用法的还有show,pass等。
【例句】Please give it to me.请把它给我。
______ ______ ______ ______ Li Ming.
4. Oh yes. I have to use them to reach the box on the fridge. 哦,对了。我必须用它们够到冰箱上的盒子。
【例句】They reached London on Friday.他们星期五到达伦敦。
I can't reach the cup on the table.我够不到桌上的茶杯。
______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______
5. Me too,我也是。
【考点聚焦】me too与me either的区别。
(1)口语中说me too,其意为“我也一样”,主要用于延续前面的肯定信息。
-I like potato chips.我喜欢吃薯条。
- Me too.我也是。
- I'm going home.我要回家了。
- Me too.我也是。
(2)口语中说me either或me neither,其意均表示“我也不……”,主要用于延续前面的否定信息(两者一般可互换)。
-I can't swim.我不会游泳。
- Me either.我也不会。
---I speak English. ---_______ _______(我也是).
---I don't want to go shopping, ---_______ _______(我也不想).
2. After our ship crashed against the rocks, I swam as far as I could.在我们的轮船触礁之后,我尽可能地游。
We all should fight against evil.我们都应该同邪恶做斗争。
I pushed against the door and the door opened at last.我用力推门,最后门开了。
Don't drive against the traffic.不要逆向行车。
不要用球撞墙。______ _______ ______ ______ _______ ______ ______.
3. By the time I finally felt the land under my feet,1 was tired out.当我最后觉得土地在我脚下时,我累坏了。
【考点聚焦】by the time通常引导一个时间状语从句,表示“到……的时候”,主句则表示在
【例句】By the time I got to the station, the train had already gone. 当我到达车站时火车已经开了。
By the time he went abroad,he was fourteen.出国那年他14岁。
_______ _______ _______ I got home, they _______already_______.
4. I woke up as the sun was rising…我醒来了,这时太阳正在升起……
(2) rise是不及物动词,不能用于被动语态,意为“上升,升起;起身,起立(主语是人);上涨”以及“(日、月星等)升起到地平线上”。
Please raise your hand if you know the answer.
The sun rises in the east.
It's difficult for a child to_______(举起)the heavy box.
The river_______ recently.
A. rose B. has raised C. has risen D. raised
5. It moved up over my stomach and neck until it was standing near my face.
知道什么动物含有两个胃吗?______ ______ ______ ______ ______ ______ _______ _______
(1) until用于肯定句中,表示主句的动作一直持续到从句动作发生或状态出现时为止。一般可译为“……直到……为止”。在这种用法中,主句的谓语动词必须是持续动词(非瞬间动词),如live,wait,last,love,like,stay,work,continue等。
I will wait until you come back.我将一直等到你回来。
(2) until用于否定句中,表示主句的动作在从句的动作发生之前尚未发生,或者说主句的动作在从句的动作发生之后才开始。一般可译为“直到……才”。
I didn't leave until the rain stopped.直到雨停了我才离开。
(3) until后面的从句中不能用一般将来时,应该用一般现在时代替,即“主将从现”。
He will stay here until his mother comes back.
1.I saw a huge_______(大批)of people singing and dancing there.
2. He put the ladder_______(紧靠)the wall.
3. He can't answer it_______(也).
4. There is something wrong with their_______(胃).
5. You can wait for him_______(直到……为止)he comes back.
1. He was the same size as my little finger! 他和我的小手指一样大!
【考点聚焦】size意为“大小,尺寸”,与the same…as连用构成短语the same size as,意为“和……一样大”。
此结构属于“the same+ n.+ as”=“as+ adj. +as”
【例句】His room is the same size as mine.他的房间和我的一样大。
2. I shouted at them-the loud noise made them all fall over. 我冲着他们大声叫嚷——声音大得使他们所有人跌倒。
【考点聚焦】shout at意为“叫嚷”,一般表示因生气而对某人大喊大叫,带有感彩。
【例句】Don't shout at the boy. He is afraid.别对那男孩大声叫嚷。他害怕。
【注意】shout to意为“对……大声喊”,表示与某人距离较远,为了使对方听清楚而大声说话
He shouted to the man on the other side of the street, “Come here.”
His father got angry and shouted_______ him, “Stop playing and do your homework.”
A. to B.at C.on D.for
3. However, they soon got up again and continued moving across my body.然而,他们很快又站了起来,继续在我身上移动。
【考点聚焦】continue后接动词作宾语时动词可用doing和to do的形式,但含义不同。
continue doing指继续做刚刚做过的那件事;continue to do指继续做另一件事。
After drinking a cup of coffee, I continued doing my homework.
After drinking a cup of coffee, I continued to do my homework.
I have done my homework for 2 hours, and l will continue_______ (do) my homework after a short rest.
4. I did not know what to say either.我也不知道说什么。
【考点聚焦】also,too,as well与either均表示“也”,但有以下区别:also,as
于肯定句,且also常用于be动词、情态动词、助动词之后,行为动词之前;as well,too用于句末;either用于否定句中,置于句末。
He went there too.他也去那儿了。
We didn't go there either.我们也没有去那儿。
I like you as well.我也喜欢你。
You are also a good student.你也是一个好学生。
The doctor knows nothing_______.
A. too B. either C. also D. as well
5. I tried to pull one hand free and finally managed to break the ropes. 我试图空出一只手,最后设法解开了绳子。
【考点聚焦】manage to do sth.意为“设法做某事”,更倾向于做成某事,与succeed in doing sth.同义;而try to do sth.倾向于努力做某事,有没有成功不确定。
I managed to see the writer.我设法见到了那个作家.
I managed_______ (buy) him the book he wanted.
( )1.From March 23rd 2013,anyone under the age of 14_______go into Disney's US parks alone.
A.couldn’t B.mustn’t C.needn’t D.mightn’t
( )2.I always forget some new words.I'm very upset(不安)and don’t know_____.
A.how to do B.when to do
C.what to do D.how to do with it
( )3.If you _______go,at 1east wait until the rain stops.
A.can B.may C.must D.will
( )4.一Which dress do you 1ike best,Madam
一Sorry,I can’t decide _________now.
A.to buy which one B.buy which one
C.which one buy D.which I should buy it
( )5.That T-shirt ______be expensive because it’s by a famous designer.
A.can’t B.mustn’t C.must D.should
( )6.一I’m afraid the class has begun.
一Don’t worry.It ________until the bell_______.
A.doesn’t begin;rings B.won’t begin:;will ring
C.won’t begin;rings D.doesn’t begin;will ring
疑问词也包括疑问代词what, which, who和疑问副词how, when, where。常和
此结构连用的动词及动词短语有:know, learn, see, hear, ask, tell, decide, explain, find out, forget, remember, understand 等。
【例句】I don’t know what to say next.我不知道接下来该说什么。
I can’t decide which to take.我不能决定该拿哪一个。
Please tell me how to go there.请告诉我怎样到哪儿。
“疑问词+动词不定式” 结构可以改写成由该疑问词引导的从句。
【例句】I don’t know what to do.
= I do not know what I should do. 我不知道该做什么。
Why not go there at once  为什么不马上去那儿呢?
Why argue with her  为什么要跟她争论呢?
误:Why not clean the room yesterday
正:Why didn't you clean the room yesterday
must & have to 用法
【例句】You must finish your homework today. 你今天必须完成家庭作业。
must 的否定形式must not表示禁止,“不能,不允许”。
【例句】You must not smoke here.你不能在这里抽烟。
2、have to 表一种客观的需要,“不得不”。侧重于客观上的必要,强调客观条件作用的结果。
have to 有人称和数的变化。
【例句】It is getting dark. He has to go home now. 天快黑了,你现在得回家了。
have to 的否定形式do not have to, 相当于need not 。
【例句】They do not have to buy a computer at the moment.
注意:must 还可以表示肯定猜测,意思是 “一定” 。否定的猜测是can’t。
【例句】You must be hungry after all that walking.
That can’t be Lucy. She has gone to American.
word &phrases用法
1. hand v. 交;递,给
【考点聚焦】“hand in”表示“上交(作业),递交(文件)等”
“hand in hand”,手拉手,手握着手
The teacher told us to_______(交)in our homework.
2. renew vt. 续借;更新;重新开始
1、They are_______(复习)for the exam.
2、When did you_______(归还)the books to the library
3、If you want to keep the book for a long time, you can_______(续借).
1.- Have you ever read the film_______(评论) --- Yes, it's good.
2. Every day students should get to school and get home_______(准时).
3. _______(交;递)in your examination paper as soon as possible.
4. Lucy hasn't finished reading the book, so she wants to_______(续借)it.
5. You should_______ (give back) the storybook to Mary this afternoon.
1.Often we don't know where we can go on Sundays.(同义句转换)
Often we don't know_______ _______ go on Sundays.
2.We have to go to school at weekends.(改为否定句)
We _______ _______ _______ go to school at weekends.
3.Must I start dancing now (作否定回答)_______,_______ _______.
4. - Must I return the book this week
- No, you_______. You can_______ it for 20 days.
A. mustn't; keep B. needn't; borrow C. needn't; keep D. mustn't; borrow
1. publishing house n. 出版社
【考点聚焦】publishing 动名词形式做定语,类似的结构如:a swimming pool
【链接】publish vt. 出版,与come out意义相同。
Her book was published last year. 她的书去年出版了。
=Her book came out last year.
Many publishing houses refused _________ (publish) his story at first.
2. copy n. 一本(份,册);副本
【考点聚焦】a copy of magazine 一份杂志
3. refuse vt. & vi. 拒绝,回绝
She refused the invitation to the ball. 她拒绝了舞会的邀请。
2、refuse sb. sth.
I just can’t refuse my granddaughter anything. 我就是无法拒绝我孙女的任何要求。
3、refuse to do sth.
Some university students from the countryside refused to take any donation. 一些农村来的大学生拒绝接受任何捐款。
Yesterday my car refused to start. 昨天我的车发动不起来。
Why did he_______(拒绝)to answer my question
4. The first Harry Potter book was a great success in the very beginning.
【考点聚焦】(1)success /s k’ses/ 作“成功的人或事”讲时为可数名词;作“成功”讲时为不可数名词。
He is a great success as a writer.作为作家来讲,他获得了巨大的成功。
Failure is the mother of success.失败是成功之母。
(2) succeed/s k’sid/ 为不及物动词
succeed in doing sth.成功地做某事。
He succeeded in swimming across the river.他成功地游过了河。
(3) successful形容词,意为“成功的”。He is a successful writer.他是一个成功的怍家。
(4) successfully副词,意为“成功地”。
He passed the exam successfully.他成功地通过了考试。
You have every chance of_______(成功).
【考点聚焦】in the beginning和at the beginning的区别。
一般情况下,at the beginning后可以加of,但偶尔也可以单独使用。
At the beginning of the meeting, they sang a song together.
in the beginning常单独使用。
In the beginning,he wasn't a boss.开始他并不是老板。
( )_______ the beginning of the class, we all stood up and said hello to the teacher.
A.At B.In C.With D.Of
5.…translated into about 96 languages……被翻译成大约96种语言
【考点聚焦】translate vt. &vi.意为“翻译”。
【例句】This English poem is too hard to translate.这首英文诗非常难译。
be translated into意为“被翻译成”。
【例句】The book was translated into Russian.这本书被翻译成俄文。
I translated the novel into Chinese.
The novel_______ _______ _______ Chinese by me.
6. How long can I keep the books 这些书我可以保留多长时间?
Can you lend me your bike 你能把你的自行车借给我吗?
Who did you borrow the book from 你从谁那借来的这本书?
( ) I have_______ the magazine for 5 days.
A. borrowed B. lent C. kept D. lended
7. You don't have to come to our desk every time. Just renew them online.
【考点聚焦】句中的online 用作副词,改词也可用作形容词。如:
online travel 在线旅行
online shopping 网上购物
2. hidden adj. 隐藏的
【考点聚焦】hide vt. 躲藏;掩饰(hid; hidden),hide-and-seek 捉迷藏
【例句】Don't try to hide your mistakes. 不要掩饰你的错误。
【注意】hidden adj.隐藏的
3. confidence n. 自信心
【考点聚焦】confident adj. 自信的,类似词性转换还有:different---difference;impotant---inportance
have confidence in doing = be confident of doing 做某事有自信
We have full_______(信心)that we will succeed one day.
4. experience n. 经历;经验
名词 n.
1. 经验,体验[U]
She had no experience of life at all. 她毫无生活经验。
Have you had any experience of teaching English 你有过教英语的经验吗
2. 经历,阅历[C]
Please tell us about your experiences in Africa. 请跟我们谈谈你在非洲的经历。
It is the most terrible experience that I have experienced. 这是我经历的做糟糕的经历。
及物动词 vt.
1. 经历;体验
The city experienced over 2,000 such incidents last year. 去年这座城市发生过二千次以上这类事件。
2. 感受;遭受
He experienced a pang of sadness. 他感到一阵悲痛。
I will never forget the ____________(经历)in America.
5. advice n. 建议,忠告,劝告
区别在于advice是不可数名词,表示“一条建议”用a piece of advice,“一些建议”用some advice;而suggestion则是可数名词,表示“一条建议”用a suggestion,“一些建议”用some suggestions,“许多建议”用many suggestions。
( )①What a good_______ he gave me!
A. suggestion B. advice C. suggestions D. advices
6. We often meet together and discuss what to read.我们经常聚在一起讨论读点什么。
Let's discuss what to do next.咱们讨论一下下面干什么。
We had a warm discussion about this matter.关于这件事我们进行了热烈的讨论。
Did you have a _______ (discuss) last Friday
1. There will be a lot of_______ (advice) on English learning on the website.
2. Good reading materials are good_______ (friend).
3. Dancing can help me_______ (relax) after a day's work.
4. - How long do you spend_______ (read) each week - More than four hours.
5. My father is interested in_______ (watch) films about history.
( ) 1. Sandy is a real book lover and she often brings home many books to read_______ the library.
A.in B.for C.by D.from
( ) 2. -Have you decided when_______ a trip to Sanya -Not yet.
A. taking B. taken C. to take D. took
( ) 3. Our parents always tell us_______ in the street after school.
A. don't play B. not play C. not to play D. not playing
( ) 4. -I will go to Harbin for my summer vacation. What about you
-I haven't decided where_______.
A. go B. went' C. going D. to go
( )5.It ________the workers about three months to build the bridge.
A.cost B.spent C.took D.paid8B Unit8 Welcome
1.—China is getting stronger and stronger.
—Yes. So Chinese ________ by more and more foreigners.
A.learns B.learned C.is learned D.was learned
2.English ________ by Chinese people as a foreign language.
A.speaks B.is spoken C.is speaking D.be spoken
3.People ________ to drive after drinking wine or beer.
A.doesn’t allow B.aren’t allowing C.don’t allow D.aren’t allowed
4.You might not know _______ , but you might have heard of the Morandi colors(莫兰迪色). These colors _______ after Giorgio Morandi, an Italian painter.
A.who is Morandi; are named B.who is Morandi; named
C.who Morandi is; are named D.whoMorandi is; named
5.Don’t dig here. These thin wires ________ thick wires that are buried under the street.
A.are connected to B.are connected C.connected to D.connected with
二、Language points
1. Will more trees be planted this year 今年将要植更多树吗?
【考点解析】will…be planted为一般将来时的被动语态。一般将来时的被动语态由“be going to/will+be+过去分词”构成。
【例句】The books will be bought next week. 书将在下周买。
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ .
【例句】I am going to play football this afternoon.我打算在今天下午踢足球。
You drank too much that evening. 那晚你喝得太多了。
【注意】that day前可以加on。
I didn't see him (on) that day.那天我没有看到他。
( )2、We will give a talk_______ next week.
A. in B.for C.on D./
( )3、What did you do_______ that morning
A. on B.in C./ D.at
2. Trees are good for us.树对我们有益。
【考点解析】be good for意为“对……有益”;be good at意为“擅长”。
【例句】Taking exercise is good for health.运动对健康有益。
Are you good at English 你擅长英语吗?
【词组】be weak in 在某方面薄弱/不擅长
do well in = be good at擅长
do harm to = be harmful to多某某有害
( ) Tom is good_______ playing football. It is good_______ his health.
A. at; for B. for; for C. at; at D. for; at
3. More and more families own cars and this causes serious air pollution
【考点解析】more and more families意为“越来越多的家庭”,more and more意为“越来越多”,既可修饰可数名词又可修饰不可数名词。
【例句】More and more water is coming out. 越来越多的水流了出来。
【注意】表示“越来越少”时用fewer and fewer修饰可数名词,用less and less修饰不可数名词。
【例句】Fewer and fewer people like this book. 越来越少的人喜欢这本书。
There is less and less air pollution here. 这儿的空气污染越来越少。
【拓展】“越来越……”,用“比较级+ and+比较级”的句型。
作为名词,构成短语“of one’s own,属于某人自己的”,“on one’s own,独自”
作为形容词,“自己的,特有的”,如:She makes all her own clothes.
作为动词,“拥有,承认”,如:He owns a four-room flat.
二、Language points
1. a country with high mountains and clean blue lakes有高山和蔚蓝湖面的国家
【例句】China is a country with a long history. 中国是一个拥有悠久历史的国家。
【拓展】without 意为“没有”,介词,其后接名词和动名词
【例句】He often goes to school without breakfast because of getting up late.
2. It’s beautiful, and we should try to keep it that way. 它(瑞士)很美,而且我们应该尽力让它一直保持那样。
【考点解析】that way意为“这样;那样;那边”。way可以和this、that等连用。
【例句】Why does he act this way 他为什么这样做?
That way, she will be alone when she finds the letter. 那样一来,她发现信时,就只有她一人在场。
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ ______.
3. In Switzerland, things like glass, plastic and paper are separated into different groups and then recycled.
【考点解析】separate … into … 把…...分开,隔开
be separated into … 被…... 分开,隔开
【例句】The children were separated into groups for the game. 那些儿童分成小组做游戏。
The waste_______ (separate) into different groups before being thrown into the bin
4. Even old clothes and shoes can be recycled.即使旧衣服和旧鞋子也能被回收。
【例句】Even he is old,he works hard.即使他老了,他仍努力工作。
【注意】even 与much和far 一样,其后接形容词副词的比较级
_______ _______ _______ _______, I can understand you.
5. Some of the clothes are sold in charity shops, some are given to the poor, and others are sent to factories for recycling.
【考点解析】some…, some…, and others…. 表示“一些…, 一些…, 还有一些”。
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ , _______ _______ _______ _______, _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______.
6. We are not allowed to cut down trees. 我们是不允许砍伐树木的。
(1) allow作“允许”或“许可”讲,常用动词不定式短语作宾语补足语。
allow sb. to do sth.允许某人做某事
Please allow me to carry your bag.请让我替你拿包。
(2) allow作“许可,允许”讲,只可搭配动名词短语作宾语,不可直接用动词不定式作宾补,即只可说allow doing sth.,不可说allow to do sth.。
They allowed smoking in this room only.他们只允许在这间屋子里抽烟。
(3) allow还常与out,in,up等副词搭配使用,即allow sb. in/out/up等。
She didn't allow the children in until they wiped their shoes.
She is not allowed out after dark.天黑后,不准她出去。
【考点解析】cut down意为“削减;砍倒;杀死;删减”。宾语是代词时须放在cut与down之间。
【例句】There are fewer and fewer trees here. You can't cut them down. 这儿的树越来越少。你不能砍它们。
【拓展词组】cut in on sb. 插嘴,打断别人 cut out 剪出,戒掉 cut short 缩短
( ) The tree is dead. Please_______.
A. cut down it B. cut it down C. cut it out D. cut out it
二、Language points
1. If we drop litter in a public place, we will be fined by the police.
【例句】It is said that he will b fined by the police. 据说他将受警方罚款。
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______.
【拓展】此外,fine还可用作形容词,意为“好的”。如:I’m fine.
2. We depend on its rich resources to live, so it is important for us to protect it wisely.
【考点解析】depend on意为“依靠,依赖”。
【例句】What does the homeless girl depend on 那无家可归的女孩依靠什么生活?
【拓展】It depends. 依情况而定,看情况。
【例句】Even you have enough pocket money, you should spend it wisely. 即使你有足够的零花钱,你也应该明智地花费。
3. These new types of energy cost very little and will never run out. 这些新类型的能源成本很小,永远不会耗尽。
(1) spend的主语必须是人,常用于以下结构:
①spend time/money on sth.在……上花费时间(金钱)
I spent two hours on this maths problem.这道数学题花了我两个小时。
②spend time/money (in) doing sth.花费时间(金钱)做某事
They spent two years (in) building this bridge.造这座桥花了他们两年时间。
(2) cost的主语是物或某种活动,还可以表示“值”,常见用法如下:
①sth. costs (sb.)+金钱某物花了(某人)多少钱
A new computer costs a lot of money.买一台新电脑要花一大笔钱。
②(doing) sth. costs (sb.)+时间 某物(做某事)花了(某人)多少时间
Remembering these new words cost him a lot of time.他花了大量时间才记住了这些
(3) take后面常跟双宾语,常见用法有以下几种:
①It takes sb.+时间+to do sth.做某事花了某人多少时间
It took them three years to build this road.他们用了三年时间修完亍这条路。
②doing sth. takes sb.+时间 做某事花了某人多少时间
Repairing this car took him the whole afternoon.他花了一下午修车。
(4) pay的基本用法是:
①pay (sb.)money for sth.付钱(给某人)买….
I have to pay them 20 pounds for this room each month.
②pay for sth.付……的钱
I have to pay for the book lost.我不得不赔丢失的书款。
③pay for sb.替某人付钱
Don't worry! I'll pay for you.别担心!我会给你付钱的。
( )①The bike_______ him about 350 yuan.
A. spent B. cost C. took D. paid
【考点解析】run out和run out of这两个短语都有“用完”的意思,但用法不同。run out作不及物短语,表示“被用完;被耗尽;(人)把东西用完(或花光)”,其主语通常是时间、金钱、食物等无生命名词,而run out of则是及物短语,表示主动,其主语通常为人。
【例句】My money is running out.我的钱快用完了。
( )②Is the time_______
A. run out B. running out C. running out of D. ran out
4. Remember that everyone can do something to make a difference!
【考点解析】make a / no/ some/ much difference to …意思是“对…...有/没有/有些/有很大作用、关系、影响”。
【例句】The rain did not make much difference to the game. 这场雨对比赛没有多大影响。
二、Language points
1. As well as people,animals will be harmed by pollution.和人一样,动物也将被污染伤害。
【考点解析】as well与as well as只有一词之差,但意义和用法却相差甚远。
(1) as well的用法:
as well常用作状语,作“又;也”解,相当于too或also,常位于句末,无需用逗号与句子分开。
I am going to London and my sister is going as well.我要到伦敦去.我妹妹也要去。
(2) as well as的用法
①as well as常用来连接两个并列的成分,表示“也,还”。它强调的是前一项,后一项只是顺便提及。因此连接并列主语时,谓语动词与前一项一致;而用not only…but also…连接时,谓语动词与后一项一致。
Your wife as well as you is friendly to me.
=Not only you but also your wife is friendly to me.不仅你而且你的妻子也对我很友好。
②as well as用来表示同级比较,指“一样好”。如:
You look as well as you did ten years ago.你的身体看起来还和十年前一样好。
He plays the guitar as well as you.他的吉他弹得和你一样好。
(1)如果as well as是连接两个不定式,则其后用不带to的不定式。
We cannot expect her to do the homework as well as look after the children.
(2)当as well as用于句首时,其后习惯上要接动名词。
As well as walking, he likes fishing and shooting.他除散步之外还喜欢钓鱼和打猎。
( ) 1.They play all kinds of instruments and sing_______.
A. also B. either C. as well D. as well as
( ) 2.Tom, _______ Jane and Rose, _______ going to the farm on foot.
A. as long as; is B. as well as; are
C. as long as; are D. as well as; is
( ) 3. Not only her father but also her friends_______ singing.
A. like B. likes C. are like D. is like
( ) 4. His teacher as well as his classmates_______ Chinese.
A. is B. are C. like D. enjoy
2. 被动语态的考点&难点
例:Good medicine _______ bitter to the mouth.
tastes B. is tasted C. taste
This pen _______ well.
is sold B. sell C. sells
考点2:happen, take place, break out, break down, come true, come out, run out等动词不使用被动。
例:WWI ________ in 1914.
A. was broken out B. has broken out C. broke out D. has been broken out
主动形式 被动形式
see/hear sb. do sth. be seen/heard to do sth.
see/hear sb. doing sth. be seen/heard doing sth.
make sb. do sth. be made to do sth.
例:The man ________ clean the toilet because he _________ rubbish out when the police walked past the park.
was made; was seen to throw B. was made to; was seen throwing C. made; saw
例:Children should _________.
A. take good care of B. be taken good care C. be taken good care of
考点5:need, allow 可以用-ing形式表示被动,need to be done=need doing,be allowed to do=allow doing。
例:Your desk ___________.
A. needs repair B. needs repairing C. needs to repair
—Where did you go last night
—I ______ to go to Li Lei’s birthday party.
A. asked B. am asked C. have been asked D. was asked
If your homework_____, you can also play basketball.
A. will do B. will be done C. is done D. was done
English is used _____ a second language______ people in many countries.
A. as, for B. as, by C. by, for D. for, by
The package tour_______ everything. You don’t worry about it.
A. covers B. including C. have D. owns
The little children must _____ gently.
A. be spoken to B. be speak C. be spoken D. spoken
二、Language points
1. Air pollution is harmful to our health. 空气污染对我们的健康有害。
【考点解析】be harmful to意为“对……有害”,相当于do harm to。
【例句】Staying up too late is harmful to your health.=Staying up too late does harm to your health. 熬夜对你的健康有害。
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______.
_______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______ _______.
2. As a result, it is very important for us to use them wisely. 因此,重要的是,我们要合理利用它们。
【考点解析】as a result意为“结果;因此”。
【例句】He didn't work hard. As a result, he failed in the exam. 他学习不努力,结果考试不及格。
I am weak in English. _______ _______ _______, I need to ask my teacher for help.
3. Coal, oil and natural gas are not only useful for families, but have a wider use for factories.
(1) not only…but (also)…在连接主语时,谓语和but (also)后面的主语保持一致。
Not only he but also I am a Party member.
(2) not only放在句首表示强调时,该句要采用倒装结构。
Not only can she sing, but she can dance as well.
( ) Not only Li Lei but also I _______ good at music.
A. is B.are C. am D.be
4. We should try to produce less waste, reuse or recycle things if possible.
【考点解析】if possible可以说成if it is possible,但不能说if is possible。
【例句】Come to school earlier if possible.如果可能的话,早点到校。
Take your dictionary to school if possible.
Take your dictionary to school if_______ _______ _______.
二、Language points
1. In order to save power, we should turn off the lights when we leave a room.
【考点解析】in order to和so as to的汉语意思是一样的,意为“为的是,为了”。它们的英语功能也是一样的,都可以用来引导目的状语。它们的不同之处就在于so as to不能用于句子的开头,在句子开头只能用in order to。
【例句】In order to see his father, he walked a long way.
=He walked a long way in order to see his father.
=He walked a long way to see his father.
=He walked a long way so as to see his father:、
【注意】in order to一般用in order that加从句来替换;而so as to 一般用so that加从句来替换。in order that可以在句酋,so that和so as to不能在句首。
He got up earlier in order to get to work on time.
=He got up earlier_______ _______ _______ he could get to work on time.
=He got up earlier_______ _______ _______ get to work on time.
=He got up earlier_______ _______ _______ he could get to work on time.
=_______ _______ _______ work on time, he got up earlier.
【考点解析】turn on意为“(把水源、煤气、电源等)打开”,其反义短语为turn off;turn down意为“(把收音机的音量、灯等)关小、调低”,其反义短语turn up。这些短语中on,off,up,down均为副词,后接宾语为代词时,应位于它们的前面。
【例句】Please turn off/on the radio. 请把收音机关上(打开)。
The radio is very loud. Can you turn it down a little, please 收音机声音太大。你能开小一点吗?
( )②The TV is too noisy. Can you_______ if you want to watch it
A. turn off it B. turn off it C. turn down it D. turn it down
2. Instead, we should take our own bags when shopping 相反,购物时我们应该带我们自己的袋子。
(1) instead意为“代替,替代”,作副词,常位于句尾。如位于句首时常用逗号与后面隔开。
Lily isn't here. Ask Lucy instead. 莉莉不在这儿。去问露西吧。
(2) instead of是介宾短语,其意与instead相同,不同之处在于它后面常接宾语,且宾语多由名词、代词和动词-ing充当。
We'll ask Li Mei instead of Mary. 我们将去问李梅而不问玛丽。
I'll go instead of her. 我会替她去。
(3) instead与instead of的转换。
He didn't answer me, instead, he asked me another question.
=He asked me another question instead of answering me.
He isn't here. I will go to help you instead.
I will go to help you_______ him.
3. Follow these small steps, and you can make a big difference to the Earth! 遵循这些小步骤,你会对地球有很大影响!
【例句】He followed her up the stairs. 他跟随着她上楼去了。
_______ these methods, you will be able to_______ _______these problems.
【拓展】following 形容词“接下来的,下面的”
如:the following questions 下面的问题
4. Here are some simple steps to take.
【考点解析】take some steps 采取一些措施
【例句】We should take some simple steps to plant trees. 我们应该采取一些简单的措施来植树。
1. reduce air pollution减少空气污染
2. save energy by turning off the lights通过关掉灯节约能源
3. live a green life过着环保的生活
4. drive me to school开车送我去学校
5. cause serious air pollution导致严重的空气污染
6. be separated into被分成
7. cut down trees砍树
8. drop litter in a public place在公共场合扔垃圾
9. depend on依靠;取决于
10. run out用完,耗尽
11. make a difference to对……有影响;起作用
12. have a chance to do sth.有机会做某事
13. think about the world around us考虑我们周围的世界
14. be harmful to our health有害我们的健康
15. keep soil in place保持土壤
16. if possible如果可能的话
17. change for the worse变得越来越糟糕
18. in order to save power为了节约能源
19. separate waste into different groups将垃圾分类
20. develop a green lifestyle养成环保的生活方式
________(limit) the number of waste around is a good way to do with pollution.
Hurry up if you want to get there on time. The plane _________(take)off in five minutes.
You can’t have a rest until the work __________(finish) next Friday.
They are twins, but there is too many __________(different) between them.
I __________(not hear) from Linda for months. I’m worried about her.
Sorry, you aren’t allowed __________(smoke) here.
We learn something about __________(recycle) clothes.
Our country has made many laws _________(protect) the safety of the young.
__________(make) sure that there are no mistakes, you must be more careful.
The disabled _________(give) enough medical care in our town last year.8B Unit3
1.He has ever been to Singapore.(改为否定句)
He _______ _______ _______ to Singapore.
2.Lily hasn't come to school because she's ill.(对画线部分提问)
_______ _______ Lily come to school
3.I have been to Nanjing Museum three times this year.(对画线部分提问)
_______ _______ _______ have you been to Nanjing Museum this year
4.She has bought some flowers for you.(对画线部分提问)
_______ _______ she bought for me
5.My father has gone to Singapore for a meeting.(对画线部分提问)
_______ _______ your father_______ _______ Singapore_______.
6.The Frenchman left five days ago because of his business.(同义句转换)
The Frenchman has _______ _______ for five days because of his business.
1. It looks like a TV.它看起来像一台电视机。
[指点迷津] look在句中是系动词,意为“看起来”,后面常跟形容词作表语。
You look tired.你看上去累了。
(1) look like意为“看起来像……”,其中like是介词,后面常跟名词。句子结构为:
A looks like B,表示“A看起来像B”,谓语动词look的形式视主语的单复数形式而定。
Lucy looks like her mother.露西看起来像她的母亲。
(2) look the same意为“看起来一样”,后面不跟宾语。句子结构为:
A and B look the same,表示“A和B看起来一样”,谓语动词look用复数形式。
Lucy and Lily look the same.露西和莉莉看上去长得一样。
_______ your younger brother_______ _______ _______ _______
_______ Tom and Tim_______ _______ _______?
2.What do you usually use your computer for 你通常用电脑干什么?
探究点:“What…for ”是什么意思?
[指点迷津] “What…for ”的意思是“为什么?”,相当于why。
What do you buy the book for 你买这本书干什么?
( )- _______ did you come here for -To see my son.
A. Why' B. What C. Where D. How
3.I usually use it to search for information。我通常用它搜索信息。
[指点迷津] 探究点:search可用作_______词和_______词。
(1) search用作及物动词,后跟“人”时,意为“搜身”;后跟地点名词时,意为“对某地进行搜查”。也可在宾语后加for短语,表示搜查的具体目标。
The enemy searched the mountain for the Red Army, but they failed.
(2) search for意为“寻找”,可视为是search…for的省略式,此时search为不及物动词。She searched for her lost cat everywhere,but she failed.她到处寻找走失的猫,但没找到。
( )-Why did the police_______ the room -Sorry,I don't know either.
A. search B. search for C. look D. look in
4.How often do you use your computer for this 你多久用你的电脑搜索一次信息?
探究点:how often的意思是什么?对什么时间状语进行提问?
[指点迷津] how often意为“多久一次”,表示频率,用来对usually,every day,twice a day等频度副词或状语进行提问。
How often do you play football 你多长时间踢一次足球?
Every Wednesday afternoon.每周三下午。
[辨析] how long,how often,how soon与how far
(1) how long主要有以下两个意思:
①表示多长时间,主要用来对一段时间(如three days,four weeks等)进行提问。
- How long did he stay here 他在这儿呆了多久?
About two weeks,大约两个星期。
- How long is the river 这条河有多长?
- About 500 km.大约500千米。
(2) how often指每隔多久,主要用来对频度副词或状语(如once a week,three times a month等)进行提问。
-How often does he come here 他(每隔)多久来一次?
- Once a month.每月一次。
(3) how soon指再过多久,主要用来对表示将来的一段时间f如in an hour.in two weeks等)进行提问。
-How soon will he come back 他要多久才回来?
-In an hour.一小时以后。
(4) how far表示(距离)多远。
- How far is it from here to the zoo 动物园离这儿多远?
-It's 6 kilometres.大约6千米。
( ) (2013.益阳)- _______ does your father go to see your grandmother
-Once a month.
A. How long B. How soon C. How often
1. Welcome to“Around the World in Eight Hours”,
[指点迷津] welcome的用法如下:
Hello,Tom! Welcome back to China! 你好,汤姆!欢迎回到中国来!
The mayor welcomed the visiting guests at the airport.市长到机场欢迎来宾。
She didn't welcome the suggestion.她不接受这项建议。
She is a welcome visitor.她是个受欢迎的来宾。
You are welcome to stay.我们欢迎你住下。
He received a warm welcome in our school.他在我们学校受到了热烈的欢迎。
欢迎来到我们班。_______ _______ our class.
2. Every year, thousands of people gather here on New Year's Eve.
探究点:thousand和thousands of的意思分别是“_______”和“_______”
[指点迷津](1) thousand意为“一千”,和具体数字连用时用单数形式。
two thousand students两千名学生(thousand不能用复数形式)
[注意] two thousand of the students学生中的两千人
several thousand students几千名学生 many thousand students教千名学生
(2) thousands of意为“成千上万的”。
Thousands of students visited the Great Wall last year.
[注意] some,several,many可以和thousands-of连用。
( ) (2013.孝感)After the Asian Games,_______ people came to Guangzhou for a visit during holidays.
A. thousand B. thousands C. thousand of D. thousands of
3. In the centre of the island is Central Park.
探究点:in the centre of是什么意思?
[指点迷津] in the centre of意为“在……的中心”。
In the centre of the city,there is a museum.在城市的中心有一个博物馆。
There is a garden_______ _______ _______ _______ the square.
4…., it's a good place to relax after a hard day's work.
His muscle relaxed.他的肌肉放松了。
This song relaxes me.这首歌使我心情舒畅。
You must not relax your efforts for a moment.你一刻也不能松劲。
She relaxed her grip and let me go.她松开手把我放了。
The judge relaxed the rules.法官放宽了规则。
[注意] relax的后面一般不接反身代词。
Let's sit down_______ _______.
探究点二:hard work与work hard有何区别?
[指点迷津] hard work为名词短语,意为“艰苦的工作”;work hard为动词短语,意为“努力地工作”。
This is hard work,but he works hard. 这是一项艰苦的工作,但他干得很卖力。
He_______ _______ and at last he finished the_______ _______.
5. When you visit New York, don't miss Broadway.
探究点:miss的意思是“_______”、“ _______”和“_______”。
[指点迷津] miss的用法如下:
(1) Miss小姐
May I help you,Miss 要我帮忙吗,小姐?
(2) miss没赶上;错过
He arrived too late and missed the train.他到得太迟,没有赶上火车。
(3) miss避开
If you go early,you'll miss the traffic.如果你早一点走,就不会等红灯了。
(4) miss想念
I really miss my parents in the USA.
If you don't want to_______ the early bus, please_______ _______ early.
6. It has been famous for its theatres since the early twentieth century.
探究点:be famous for是什么意思?
[指点迷津] famous形容词,意为“出名的”,be famous for意为“因……出名”。
The city is famous for its old buildings.这座城市因古老的建筑物而出名。
[辨析] be famous for,be famous as与be famous to
be famous for后一般跟事物,表示“因/由于……而闻名”。
China is famous for the Great Wall.中国因长城而闻名于世。
be famous as后一般跟人或表示职位的名词,表示“作为……而闻名”。
Li Mei is famous as a writer.李梅作为作家而出名。
be famous to后一般跟人,表示“对……是熟悉的;为……所熟知的”。
Yao Ming is famous to most young people.铫明为大多数年轻人所熟知。
( )The girl is famous_______ her beauty.
A.as B.for C.with D.to
7.Have you ever heard of the song“Memory”?你听说过“Memory”这首歌吗?
①hear sb. doing sth.听见某人正在做某事。
I heard him singing when I passed by his room.当我路过他的房间时,我听见他在唱歌。
②hear sb. do sth.听见某人做某事。
I heard someone speak in my room just now.刚才我听到有人在我的房间里说话。
(2) hear作“听说”讲时,后接that从句,that可省略。
I heard (that) he comes from Australia.我听说他来自澳大利亚。
( )Did you hear him_______ me this morning
A. call B. to calling C. called D. to call
8.That sounds great。听起来不错。
(1) sound作为名词,泛指在自然界中人所能听到的任何声音,意为“声音;响声”,既可作可数名词,也可作不可数名词。
Light travels much faster than sound.光的传播速度比声音快得多。
(2) sound作为连系动词,意为“听起来;听上去(给人以某种印象)”,常接形容词作表语,还可接名词、代词、介词短语或从句。
This piece of music sounds beautiful.这音乐听起来很关。
Your voice sounds as if you had a bad cold.你的声音听起来像患了重感冒。
(3) sound作及物动词时,意为“使一,…发出声音;发(音)”;作不及物动词时,意为“发声,响”。
The doorbell. sounded.门铃响了。
The bell sounds for lunch at-twelve o'clock.午餐铃声在十二点敲响。
The idea_______ _______.
1.Simple past tense and present perfect tense -般过去时和现在完成时
[指点迷津] 探究点:一般过去时和现在完成时有何区别?
He visited Guilin in 1998.他1998年参观过桂林。(只说明去桂林的时间)
Jill has bought a new computer.吉尔买了一台新电脑。(着重点是现在有了一台新电脑)
The film started at 7 0'clock.电影在7点钟开始的。
He has been a teacher for many years.他已经做教师许多年了。
②一般过去时通常与表示过去的时间状语连用。如:yesterday,last week,two years ago,just now,in 2002等;而现在完成时则常与just,already,ever,never等副词和these days,this week,since…,for…等表示一段时间的状语连用。
Who opened the door
Who has opened the door  谁把门开了?(强调门现在依然还开着)
现在完成时不能与明确的过去的时间状语连用,如:three days ago,last year,yesterday,last Sunday,in 2008等等。如句中有以上这些明确的过去的时间状语,应用一般过去时。另外,过去发生的一个动作,现在情况已经发生了变化,也应用一般过去时。
[注意] 如果这些过去的时间状语前面有since,表示“自过去某一时间一直延续到现在”,应用现在完成时。
He finished reading the book the day before yesterday.他前天看完了这本书。
My cousin has been in Nanjing since 2009.我的堂妹自从2009年就在南京了。
When did the train leave 火车是什么时候离开的?
We have known each other since we came to the school two years ago.
⑥有些时间状语,如this morning,this month,tonight等,既可以与一般过去时连用,又可以与现在完成时连用,但内涵不同。与一般过去时连用时,表示与“现在”无芙,时间已成为过去。而与现在完成时连用,则包括“现在”在内。
I saw him this morning.我今天早上看到他的。(时间已不在上午了)
I have seen him this morning.我今天早上看到他了。(说话时间还是上午)
He lived in New York for eight years.他曾在纽约住了8年。(他现在已经不在纽约住了)
He has lived in New York for eight years.他住在纽约已经8年了。(他现在还在纽约居住)
①I_______ (see) Tom last Friday.
②_______you_______ (go) to the Great Wall last summer
③-Where_______ you_______ (put) your pen
-I_______ (put) it in my pencil-box, but it's nowhere to be found.
(D When_______ you_______ (start) to live in China
⑤- The train_______ (leave) already.
- When_______ the train_______ (leave)
2.I have never seen so many wonderful pictures before.
探究点:so many修饰可数名词还是不可数名词?
[指点迷津] so many修饰可数名词复数,修饰不可数名词用so much。
I have so many good friends.我有如此多的好朋友。
Why is there so much food today 今天为什么有如此多的菜?
( )There are_______ people here. It's very crowded.
A. so many B. so much C. too much D. much too
1…. you can also find other information about the city.
探究点:find,find out和discover有何区别?
[指点迷津](1) find意为“找到;发现”,指找到或发现自己所需要的东西或丢失的东西,着重指找到的结果。
They finally found a way.他们终于找到了一个办法。
(2) find out指经过研究或询问查明某事或真相。
I've found you out at last.我终于把你揭露了。
Please find out when the ship sails for New York.
(3) discover意为“发现”,表示“偶然”或“经过努力”发现客观存在的事物、真理或错误,即指发现原来客观存在但不为人所知的事物,也可表示发现已为人所知事物的新的性质或用途。
Columbus discovered America in 1492.哥伦布1492年发现了美洲。
用find, find out和discover填空
① I lost my necklace last night. I haven't_______ it.
②Who_______ America first
③Can you_______ what time the train leaves
2. Would you mind showing me how to start this online tour
[指点迷津] mind在本句中作动词,意为“介意,反对”。
Would you mind closing the door 你介意将门关上吗?
(1) mind sb. doing sth. /mind one's doing sth. 介意某人做某事。
Would you mind my opening the window =Would you mind me opening the window
(2) mind还可用作名词,意为“理智,精神;意见;智力;记忆力”。常用短语有:
change one's mind改变主意 make up one's mind下定决心
set one's mind to (do) sth.专注于(做)某事 keep in mind记在心里
( )①- It's so hot in the classroom. Would you mind_______ the windows
- OK. I'll do it right now.
A. not close B. not opening C. closing D. opening
( )②- Do you mind if I take the seat
-_______. Anyone can take it.
A. Better not B. Never mind C. Of course D. My pleasure
3.My pleasure.不用谢。
探究点:“It's my pleasure,”“My pleasure.”和“With pleasure.”分别是什么意思?
(1) "It's my pleasure.”相当于“My pleasure.”,用在做某事之后,意为“没关系,不用谢”。
- Thanks for helping me! 谢谢你帮助我!.
- My pleasure. /It's my pleasure.不甩谢(没关系)。
(2) "With pleasure.”用在做某事之前,意为“很乐意,愿意效劳”。
- Can you give me a glass of water 你能给我一杯水吗?
- With pleasure.愿意效劳。
( )①- Thanks for telling me the truth. -_______.
A. My pleasure. B. That's right. C With pleasure. D. Pleasure.
( )②- Can you lend me your bike -_______.
A. My pleasure. B. It's pleasure. C With pleasure. D. Pleasure.
1. It is made up of England, Scotland, Wales and Northern Ireland.
探究点:be made up of是什么意思?
be made up of意为“由……组成”。
The team is made up of ten people.这个团队由十个人组成。
be made up of的同义短语为consist of。
The book is made up of five parts.
=The book consists of five parts.
The house_______ _______ _______ _______ three rooms.
2.Like China,the UK has a long history.和中国一样,英国有着悠久的历史。
[指点迷津] (1)当谈到人、事物或动作彼此有相同点或共同点时,两者均可使用,只是like是介词,后接名词、代词、动名词;as是连词,后接分句。
Like me,she enjoys all kinds of music.她和我一样,喜欢各种音乐。
She enjoys all kinds of music,as I do.她喜爱各种音乐,和我一样。
Nobody understands him like/as I do.没有人能像我这样理解他。
(2) as表示比较的双方具有同.性(即同属一类或完全相似),而like只表示在某些方面相似。比较:
He worked as a slave.他是奴隶。(即他实际上就是奴隶)
He worked like a slave.他像奴隶一样工作。(即他工作很辛苦,但仍是自由人,不是奴隶)
He speaks English as an Englishman.他说英语就像英国人。(即他说得跟英国人一样好)
He speaks English like an Englishman.他说英语有点像英国人。(即在某些方面相似)
He eats like a beast.他吃起东西来像只野兽。
He used his umbrella as a stick.他把伞当作拐杖。
( ) _______ his mother, he is outgoing.
A. As B. Like C. Liking D. Likes
3.Among them is the British Museum.大英博物馆就在其中。
They hid themselves among the trees.他们躲在树林中。
There was a fight between the two boys.这两个孩子打过一次架。
I'm usually free between Tuesday and Thursday.我通常在星期二与星期四之间有空。
[注意] 在下列情况中,between可用于三者之间:
①当两个以上的人或物用and连接时.between A,B and C在A、B、C之间。
the relations between various countries各国之间的关系
( )①The man sat_______ Tom and me on the bus.
A. among B. between C. from D. of
( ) There is a small wooden house_______ the trees.
A. between B. among C. by D. with
1. do word processing做文字处理
2. search for information搜索信息
3. send and receive emails收发电子邮件
4. at the top of the page在这一页的顶部
5. click on the icon点击一下图标
6. in the centre of the island在岛的中心
7. after a hard day's work一天的辛勤劳动之后
8. the early twentieth century 20世纪早期
9. so much for sth.关于……就讲这么多。……到此为止
10. at the bottom of the page在这一页的底部
11. at the southern end of… 在……的南端
12. further on再向前,更进一步
13. dream of doing sth. 梦想做某事
14. realize one's dream实现某人的梦想
15. by taking an online tour通过进行在线旅行
16. fall through the darkness在黑暗中降落
17. order meals订餐
18. be made up of由……组成
19. the world-famous trade centre世界著名的贸易中心
20. the best time to do sth做某事的最佳时间
It was two days before Christmas, when my ten-year-old Almie Rose told her father and me that she wanted a new bike. Her bike was too 36 , and it needed fixing as well.
As Christmas 37 , her dream for a bike seemed to disappear(消失), we thought, for she didn’t say it again. We were busy 38 some beautiful story books, a doll house, a holiday dress and toys. Then to our surprise, on December 24, she said she really wanted a bike more than 39 .
Now we didn’t know 40 to do. It was just too late. We were busy with Christmas dinner and packing children’s presents, parents’ presents, a brother’s present and friends’ presents 41 midnight. So there was 42 time to take to buy the “right bike” for our little girl. When we thought we would make our child unhappy, we felt sorry and 43 .
Suddenly my husband had an idea. “What about making a little bike with clay (黏土) and writing a note that she could trade in (交换) the model bike for a real one ” So he spent the next five hours carefully 44 with clay to make a small bike.
45 Christmas morning, we were so excited for Almie Rose to open the little box with the beautiful red and white clay bike and the note. She opened and read the 46 loudly. She looked at me and said, “So, does this mean I can trade in this bike for a real 47 ” I said with a smile, “Yes!” Almie Rose had tears in her eyes when she answered, “I would 48 trade in this beautiful bike 49 Daddy made it for me. It’s 50 to keep it than to get a real bike. This is the best Christmas present I have ever got in my life!”
36. A. new B. old C. beautiful D. modern
37. A. came nearer B. was over C. went by D. passed
38. A. lending B. borrowing C. selling D. buying
39. A. something else B. anything else C. else something D. else anything
40. A. what B. how C. why D. where
41. A. in B. until C. on D. during
42. A. enough B. no C. much D. still a little
43. A. happy B. excited C. sad D. angry
44. A. building B. making C. working D. studying
45. A. In B. On C. At D. For
46. A. book B. story C. note D. newspaper
47. A. one B. ones C. some D. any
48. A. usually B. always C. never D. sometimes
49. A. so B. because C. and D. but
50. A. more popular B. more beautiful C. more meaningful D. more interesting


