人教版2019高中英语必修一 Unit 1 Reading for Writing 教学设计(表格式)

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人教版2019高中英语必修一 Unit 1 Reading for Writing 教学设计(表格式)


Unit 1 TeenageLife
Reading for Writing教学设计
基本 信息 科目 英语 年级册次 高一必修一 Unit l
姓名 学校
教材 分析 本课语篇的主题语境是人与自我-学校生活(成长的烦恼),体裁为建议信。阅读文 本是一封青少年咨询师Susan Luo写给一位因朋友沉迷于电脑游戏和网络而担忧的青少年 的建议信,通过写建议信的形式,让学生体会到互相沟通、真诚相助的重要性,并对照反 思自己的行为,解决现实生活中出现的问题。
学情 分析 学生为高一年级新生,学生对于书信体的格式不熟悉,对于写建议信的方式也不熟悉,所 以本节课以导入青少年的问题导入,自然过渡到建议信的文本阅读。教师带领学生熟悉信 件的格式,包括日期、称呼、正文、结尾和签名,并理解文本的主要信息,然后学生阅读 梳理建议信的组成部分、整理提建议的相关语言。
教学 目标 1.Study the organization and language features of a letter of advice, 2.Master the method of writing a letter of advice 3.Practise writing a letter of advice
教学 重难 点 Teaching and learning important points: 1)Learming about the form,organization and language features of a letter of advice 2)Practicing writing a letter of advice Teaching and learning difficult point: Writing Practice—writing a letter of advice
教学 资源 多媒体,黑板
教学过 程 活动形式及步骤 活动意图 时间
Stepl.Lead-in 1.Ask studentsa question What problems do you have in your daily life Facing these problems,howwill you seek forhelp Suggested answers 1 communicating sincerely face to face 2 turning to trustworthy friends for help 3 asking for advice on social media 4 writing a letter to a professional adviser 5 ringing help hotlines Step2.Reading 用 问 题 来 引 出 课题,吸 引 住 学 生 的 注 意力,自 然导入。 5mins
1.Ask students to readthe passage with some questions. What is Worried Friend's problem Suggested answers Worried Friend thinks that his friend plays computer games too often and spends too much time online What are Susan Luo's suggestions Suggestedanswers: Worried Friend can talk to his friend about his behaviour and encouragehis fnend to tiy new hobbies 10 September 2018 Dcar Worried Friend wrote that you arevery worried about your friend,ChenLei dcrstand quite well thatyou are anxious and feel terrible. You think that your friend plays computer games too often and spends too much time onlinc recommend that you talk to your friend about his behaviour It t unusunl forteenagers of your generation to be attracted 2 mputer games and the online world.Butspending too much time online is unhealthy and makes it very diffeult to foeuson other things in life.Some students even become addicted to the ntemet and cannot concentrate on school and family life.Ithink you should encourage your friend to try new hobbies.Why not discuss the problem together I am sure he will listen to you since you arehis good All the best 2.Study the organization and language features Find and mark the parts of the letter that match the following points A.I know what theproblem is. Suggestedanswers:You wrote that you are vey worried about your friend, Chen Lei.You think that your friend plays computer games too often and spends too muchonline B.I understand how you feel. Suggested answers I understand quite well that you are anxious and feel terrible C.This is my advice and reason(s) Suggested answers.Irecommend that…his behavior It is not unusual… world.But spendng…in life.Some students …family life.I think …new hobbies.Why not … together 阅读理解 语篇内容, 获取细节 信息,感 知文本结 构,学习 语言知识, 理解与建 构 语 篇 。 分析语篇 组织结构, 感受与分 析语篇语 言 表 达 , 总结个人 简介语言 特点,总 结常用表 达方式, 理解与建 构 语 篇 , 为写作实 践做好准 12mins
D.I think my advice will help Suggestedanswers I am sure he wil listen to you,since you are his good friend Step3:Writing 慢定你是李华,你的笔友Amy最近写了一封e-mail给你,表达了因体重过 重带来的烦恼。请你安慰Amy,并给她建议,内容包括: 表达安慰,2.给出建议,3.你的祝福。 注意: 词数80左右: 可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贳。 ◆注意:可适当增加细节使行文连黄。 建议信写作注意事项 1、表明写信的原因、建议的内容、提出建议的理由,其中提出的理 由要合情合理,具有说服力。 2、语气要诚恳/委婉,注意礼貌当先。 3、内容简明抗要、目的明确。 4、建议的角度要多样化,避免重复,而且要注意建议之间的衔接。 5、基本时态多用一般现在时和一般将来时。 建议信开头句式: I know you are having trouble (doing ...) I am glad to receiveyour letter asking my advice on ...(很高兴收到你就…征 求我建议的来信) Here are some tips/a few suggestionsto help you.(这里有一些帮助你的建议) 表达建议常用句式: First(ly),Secondly,Thirdly, Last but not least(最后但并不是最不重要的) If Iwere you,I would .. In my opinion,it would be wise to ... 建议信结尾常用句式: I hope youwill find these ideas useful. (我希望你会发现这些办法有用) I believe that if youfollow my advice,youwill...(我相信,如果你听从我的建 议,你会. …) I believe,with your trying,you can manage to ..(我相信,有了你的努力,你 会成功做到…) 1.Ask students to fill in the outline and then write their own profiles individually to practisewhat they have learned.Meanwhile,ask two volunteer studentsto write their profiles on the blackboard to share 备。 学生的写 作过程需 要单独完 成,旨在 练习前文 学习和总 结的内容, 付诸于实 践。 引导学生 对自己及 他人的作 品做出合 理评价, 培养自我 评价意识, 养成良好 书写习惯。 23mins
2.Exchangetheir drafts with a partner and assesstheirpartner's work with the help of the checklist Does the profile give you a good impression of the student Are all the parts in Activity 2 included and organised in a good order Are the sentence structures correct Do all the sentences begin with capital letters Are there any spelling mistakes 3.Getyour draft back and revise it. 写作模板 Dear XXX You wrote that .I understand quite well that_ .I'd like to offer you some useful advice on_ To begin with,Irecommend you because .What's more,it's also a good choiceto_ ,which will .Besides,doing sth also helps.Only in this way canyou I'mconfident that you will _with thesesuggestions Yours Li Hua 满分范文 DearAmy Knowing that you are worriel about your weight,I quite understand how upset and anxious you feel.Actually,things would improve if we followed the suggestionsbelow Firstly,a balanced diet and regular exercise make a difference,which not only helps you watch your figure but also contributes to a healthy life.Besides have you thought about avoiding sugary drnks and fruit juice Sugar is the frst cause of gaining weight.Frankdly speaksing,if I were you,I would focus more on fitness rather than weight.A good healthy body is woithmore a crownin gold All the best,I hope these suggestions beneficial! Yours Li Hua
板书设 计与教 学反思 Unit 1 Reading for writing Structure Basic elements of a letter
Date Greeting Body Close Signature
本课为读写课,读为写做铺垫,本节课的文本信件格式值得学生学习,学生 对于建议信也是初次尝试,在写的环节,有的学生可能会有困难,针对书上 的问题,应该积极的面对。按照教师四步的指导步骤,给学生搭建了支架, 在理解文章的基础上,降低了任务的难度。写完之后按照评价标准,进行自 我评价,小组评价和教师评价。
Homework: 1.Revise andcomplete the letter of advice 2.Read the 3 letters in writing part onP75 in the workbook and think of some suggestions 3.Arrange notes to consolidate the new language items learning in this period


