
  1. 二一教育资源



1. Where are the speakers probably
A. At a tailor's. B. At home. C. At a clothing shop.
2. What is the man doing
A. Fixing the desk. B. Checking the bulb. C. Turning off the light.
3. What seems to be the problem
A. The small number of bookings.
B. Andy Norton's absence.
C. The small size of the hall.
4. Why is the girl in a hurry
A. To go home to get some food.
B. To get an important file.
C. To join a group discussion.
5. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. How to cut carrots.
B. How to use knives safely.
C. How the woman's hand got hurt.
6. What is the probable relationship between the speakers
A. Neighbors. B. Colleagues. C. Relatives.
7. What does the woman plan to do tomorrow
A. Attend a show. B. Fly to New York. C. Look after her grandma.
听第 7段材料, 回答第8、9题。
8. What is Tommy doing
A. Preparing supper.
B. Playing a computer game.
C. Watching a TV program.
9. Who does the woman speak highly of
A. Cathy. B. Tommy. C. Johnny.
听第8段材料, 回答第10至12题。
10. What does Kate like doing to get relaxed
A. Jogging. B. Dancing. C. Playing soccer.
11. How often does Bill go to the gym
A. Twice a week. B. Three times a week. C. Four times a week.
12. What will the speakers do next
A. Hang out. B. Play games. C. Study together.
听第9段材料, 回答第13至16题。
13. Which place did the man visit first
A. A castle. B. A museum. C. A church.
14. What did the man like in the museum
A. Old paintings. B. Old stamps. C. Old clocks.
15. What does the man think of the castle
A. It's special. B. It's boring. C. It's dangerous.
16. What did the man buy
A. A book. B. Some postcards. C. A model church.
听第 10 段材料, 回答第 17 至 20 题。
17. Why is the speaker giving the talk
A. To introduce a club.
B. To invite the listeners to a party.
C. To inform the listeners of a change.
18. Where will the party be held
A. At the Irish Pub. B. At the LaFleur Club. C. At the Rodolfo Club.
19. What do the listeners have to pay for themselves
A. A buffet. B. Soft drinks. C. Wine.
20. How does the speaker suggest going to the party
A. By bus. B. By car. C. By subway.
第二部分 阅读(共两节, 满分50分)
第一节(共15小题; 每小题2.5分, 满分37.5分)
阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
It's always lovely to see a new group of picture books that help model friendship for children. From now on, every book. is sold at a 10% discount!
Snail and Worm Again by Tina Kugler, illustrated(插图)by Joe Smith
The humor in these short, simple stories about snail and worm, two best friends, make this a laugh out loud delight for your own reading or for readers on the laps of their parents.
Number of pages: 92 Selling price: $11
The Friend Ship by Kat Yeh, illustrated by Chuck Groenink
Hedgehog(刺猬)misunderstands when she overhears that searching for Friendship might help her be less lonely. She thinks Friendship is an actual ship and starts to look for it. Along her journey, she meets people who also want a friend. They join her search. Soon, the group of new friends realizes they are sailing an actual Friend Ship. This clever play on words makes for a heartwarming story of truth—that sometimes friends are right in front of us.
Number of pages: 105 Selling price: $12
Pax and Blue by Lori Richmond, illustrated by Jake Black
Blue is Pax's friend, small like Pax. Today Pax's mom is moving to another place with him. Pax worries about Blue because "you don't leave a friend behind." Luckily, Pax knows just what to do to help his friend! You'll see empathy(同情)and understanding between two unlikely friends who are in brighter colors against a quiet lavender and earthy toned background.
Number of pages: 138 Selling price: $15
Dill & Bizzy Opposite Day by Nora Ericson, illustrated by Lisa Ericson
I love the illustrations, and they really capture the charm of each of these two characters—a bird and a duck—who are best friends. Today they do everything opposite. Breakfast for dinner. Loud party instead of quiet rest. And what if opposite means the can't be friends
Number of pages: 117 Selling price: $13
21. How much should you pay if you want to buy two of the cheapest book
A. $19.8. B. $20.7. C. $23.0. D. $22.0.
22. Who illustrates a truth in his/her story
A. Lori Richmond. B. Tina Kugler. C. Nora Ericson. D. Kat Yeh.
23. Which book's pictures does the author like
A. Snail and Worm Again. B. The Friend Ship.
C. Pax and Blue. D. Dill & Bizzy Opposite Day.
Cathy was on holiday in Hong Kong, walking for hours every day, when her foot started to hurt. She hadn't fallen or injured herself but it was so painful that she went to see a doctor. She was shocked to discover she had broken a bone in her foot Worried about her bone strength, Cathy's doctor sent her for a bone density test. It turned out Cathy had osteopenia(骨量减少), the early stage to osteoporosis(骨质疏松症). She wasn't prepared for that. "I was just shocked. I truly believed osteoporosis was an old person's disease."
That's a common assumption, says Associate Professor Peter Wong, head of rheumatology(风湿病学)at Westmead Hospital in Sydney. He says it's also common for people to assume osteoporosis is a condition that affects only elderly women. But osteoporosis can occur in younger women, though it is less common, and can also affect men.
So what is osteoporosis In simple terms, Wong says, it's when you have "thin bones". Instead of hardy, thick bones, osteoporotic bones are at increased risk of being broken. You can even break a bone, as Cathy did, without noticeable injury.
Because osteoporosis is painless, some people discover they have it only after they've broken a bone and gone for a scan. While osteoporosis is common, it's not unavoidable.
Wong says the best ways to prevent it are by consuming enough calcium and doing regular exercise. He recommends aiming for 1,000 milligrams of calcium a day. For example, a tub of yogurt or a serve of cheese is a good amount of calcium.
You also need adequate sunlight exposure, which allows skin to make vitamin D, a crucial component of strong bones, Smoking can lead to weak bones, so quitting is advised. If you have osteoporosis and have broken a bone, Wong says there are treatments available that can thicken bones and dramatically reduce your risk of a further break.
24. According to the first paragraph, why did Cathy go to see a doctor
A. Because she had no idea why her foot hurt so much.
B. Because walking too much made her foot get injured.
C. Because she thought that a bone was broken in her foot.
D. Because she knew that she was going to have osteoporosis.
25. Which of the following statements about osteoporosis is correct
A. It is known that osteoporosis hardly affects younger people.
B. Osteopenia indicates that you are bound to have osteoporosis soon.
C. Everyone may have osteoporosis no matter the age and gender.
D. Osteoporosis makes you more painful when breaking a bone.
26. Which way can help you prevent osteoporosis effectively
A. Sunbathe as much as possible until getting sunburnt.
B. Consume your diet with enough calcium and exercise more.
C. Try a variety of treatments or therapies and find a suitable one.
D. Go to the hospital for a bone density test occasionally.
27. Which can be a suitable title for the text
A. What We Get Wrong about Osteoporosis B. Osteoporosis—an Old Person's Disease
C. The Good Ways to Prevent Osteoporosis D. The Right Attitude Towards Osteoporosis
When it comes to leading, self-identity matters. Research has shown that seeing yourself as a leader is an important first step on the path toward becoming one—and reluctance(不情愿)to be identified as a leader can keep capable people from taking on leadership responsibilities. So, why are people so often uncomfortable with thinking of themselves as leaders To explore this question, we conducted a series of studies with more than 1, 700 participants, and we consistently found that the more people worried about the reputational risks of being a leader, the less likely they were to be identified as one. Specifically, we identified three common reputational fears: fear of seeming bossy, fear of seeming different and fear of seeming unqualified.
Many participants expressed concern about being seen as autocratic(专横的), bossy or domineering if they were to take on a leadership role. As one interviewee put it, "I wouldn't want to seem pushy, or that I take advantage of weak people. I wouldn't want to seem cold." Interestingly, while much has been written on the use of negative words like "bossy" to describe female leaders, we found that in our studies, men and women were both afraid of coming across in this manner.
The second common concern was that acting as a leader would result in being singled out and receiving too much attention for being different from others—even if that attention was positive. Une participant explained, "I don't want to be looked up to. I am comfortable leading, but at the same time I want to be on the same level as everyone else. " Many people worry that if they become leaders, they will have to sacrifice their sense of belonging within the group.
Regardless of whether they actually saw themselves as qualified, many participants said that they were afraid that others would view them as unfit for leadership. As one shared, "I know people often associate certain typical images with leadership roles, so that makes me somewhat uncomfortable. I worry that if I try to pursue leadership in my field, people will not take me seriously."
28. What does the underlined word "domineering" mean in paragraph 2
A. Being proud of oneself. B. Not considering others' opinions.
C. Speaking ill of other employees. D. Taking advantage of weak people.
29. What can we learn from paragraph 2
A. Fear of seeming bossy only fits with female leadership.
B. Both male and female worry about being seen as bossy.
C. Leaders should not care about what others think of them.
D. Female leaders are often described in negative-words.
30. What is people's concern to be different
A. Getting less attention from others. B. Being talked about by others.
C. Being on the same level as others. D. Lacking sense of belonging to a team.
31. What is the purpose of the text
A. To explain what reputational fears are. B. To encourage people to be leaders.
C. To complain about the leaders in our life. D. To explain people's reluctance to be leaders.
Violence is a central concept for describing social relationships among humans, a concept loaded with ethical and political significance. Verbal violence, most often also labeled verbal abuse, is a common variety of violence, which contains a relatively large range. of behaviors, including accusing, undermining, verbal threatening, ordering, trivializing(轻视), constant forgetting, silencing, name-calling, open criticizing. It is compatible(共存的)with other forms of violence, including physical violence and psychological violence. For instance, in most bullying behaviors we do find all three kinds of violence(and verbal violence seems to be the most essential form of violence to bullying—you can have no bullying without verbal threat.)
As with psychological violence, the question is posed of what sorts of reactions may be regarded as legitimate(合法的)with respect to verbal violence. Does a verbal threat give someone the leeway(余地)to respond with physical violence We do find two quite distinct camps here: according to some, no act of verbal violence may justify a physically violent reaction; according to another camp, instead, verbally violent behavior may be as damaging, if not more damaging, than physically violent behaviors.
On the other hand, verbal violence may be sometimes seen also as a form of liberation for the most oppressed. The exercise of humor may be in some cases involved with some forms of verbal violence: from politically incorrect jokes to simple mocking, humor may seem a manner to exercise violence over other people. At the same time, humor is amongst the most gentle tools for social protests, as it requires no special wealth and probably causes no physical damage and need not cause great psychological distress.
The exercise of verbal violence, perhaps more than any other forms of violence, requires a continuous check on the part of the speaker of the reactions to their words: humans almost invariably end up exercising violence over each other; it is only by educating ourselves to try and keep from behaviors that our acquaintances do find violent that we may be able to live peacefully.
32. Which of the following is true about verbal violence according to the first paragraph
A. It is not related to ethical or political issues.
B. It only includes name-calling and public criticism.
C. It can be found in most bullying behaviors.
D. It is not compatible with other forms of violence.
33. What can we know from the first two paragraphs
A. Legitimate response to verbal violence is of major concern.
B. Act of verbal violence justifies and authorizes a physical reaction.
C. Verbal violence is undoubtedly as destructive as physical violence.
D. Verbal violence has no essential difference with psychological violence.
34. Why is humor regarded as one of the gentlest tools for social protests
A. Because the poor can also use humor for social protests.
B. Because it will not cost the interests of the protester.
C. Because it is more acceptable than other forms of violence.
D. Because it will only result in mild consequences.
35. What does this passage mainly talk about
A. How to respond to verbal violence properly. B. Explaining what verbal violence is.
C. How to correctly view verbal violence. D. The different types of verbal violence.
第二节(共 5 小题; 每小题 2.5 分, 满分 12.5 分)阅读下面短文, 从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。
Most of us have some resistance to conflict. Instead of dealing with issues directly, we try to be "nice" and end up spending lots of time talking to ourselves or others—complaining, feeling upset, thinking something that already happened over and over again. 36 Your health and self-esteem(自尊)may suffer and you think that you're a victim. Below are three tips.
1)Speak objectively and make requests
You should use observations instead of labels. For example, in the case of the direct report, he or she is likely to be unhappy if you say, "I need to talk to you about how badly you come off in the meeting." Instead, talk about what you observed: "I noticed in the last meeting your body language changed and you reacted strongly when the speaker said something wrong. I'd love to discuss how you could share your concerns in a better way." 37
2)Keep a calm behavior
38 But it doesn't. You can be yourself and remain kind, fair, and calm in these situations by being clear, focusing on the essence of the conflict, and making a request to ensure your problem is solved.
3) 39
Like any muscle you build, it takes practice before you can improve your abilities. 40 . In the process of reflection, please ask yourself: What caused my anxiety and why does this feel personal What request am I not making Then, take action.
A. Start with baby steps.
B. But this can have serious costs.
C. Therefore, this action is bad for your health.
D. Then you can go further and ask for improvement.
E. Start with easier situations first and reflect how to address the conflict.
F. Try to do as many things as possible at once, and do each one perfectly.
G. People who shy away from conflict often think that it has to look aggressive.
第三部分 语言运用(共两节, 满分30分)
第一节(共 15 小题; 每小题 1分, 满分 15分)
阅读下面短文, 从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。
Five years ago, the photographer Cassandra Giraldo fell into step with some teenagers on their way to a mall. She spent the next several months 41 two of the girls, April and Desire, until their graduation from the eighth grade.
"They opened their whole worlds to me," said Ms. Giraldo. "They both came from single-mother 42 ," she said. "They had to help their 43 take care of other kids, which made them become more 44 and mature."
That 45 became the seed for The After School Project, Ms. Giraldo's continuing Instagram series documenting how students 46 the interlude(间歇)between school and home.
"I'm trying to 47 these kids at their most authentic(真实的)time," she said. "They're not being 48 by the adults." She photographed them playing sports, or just hanging out. "I've experienced after-school time as this 49 time," she said. "It's amazing to 50 the same kids time and time again. I see how they get along and quarrel with each other."
Now studying education reporting at university, Ms. Giraldo has 51 more about the teenagers in institutions. She plans to turn the 52 into a website for students and educators-and to check in with her former 53 April and Desire, who are about to graduate from high school. " 54 , they taught me how to be a 55 , to be honest. How to capture intimacy(亲密), to spend time, to slow down, to be thoughtful," Ms. Giraldo said
41. A. protecting B. documenting C. guiding D. accompanying
42. A. households B. organizations C. teams D. classes
43. A. teachers B. leaders C. moms D. friends
44. A. sympathetic B. adorable C. hopeful D. responsible
45. A. activity B. story C. experience D. process
46. A. spend B. describe C. record D. memorize
47. A. talk to B. take pictures of C. work with D. watch movies with
48. A. watched B. educated C. supported D. locked
49. A. rough B. great C. short D. right
50. A. look after B. take in C. turn to D. run into
51. A. argued B. learned C. worried D. complained
52. A. task B. trade C. project D. arrangement
53. A. subjects B. customers C. classmates D. colleagues
54. A. Generally B. Amusingly C. Strangely D. Thankfully
55. A. writer B. student C. photographer D. director
第二节(共10小题; 每小题1.5分, 满分15分)
阅读下面短文, 在空白处填入1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。
In the past century and a half, China 56 (experience)five of the world's 10 severest natural disasters, while 57 top three severest natural disasters in world history all occurred in China.
However, with the internet of things technology, the nation can now provide crucial support through early warning systems and detection of natural disasters, as well as enhance emergency response in order 58 (protect)the population.
Internet of things technology is based on interconnection through the internet of computing devices in everyday objects, 59 (enable)them to send and receive data. This technology is powering research in everything from driverless cars 60 smart refrigerators. The 61 (develop)of low power wide area, or LPWA, technology in the past two years, combined with internet of things applications, is fast Becoming the route to protecting Chinese infrastructure(基础设施).
LPWA technology allows tot wireless telecommunication networks across long ranges at 62 (extreme)low bit rates, meaning that small individual objects such as sensors(传感器)can be placed across vast distances in order to detect natural disasters. A wide range of 63 (environment)conditions can be monitored and integrated as part of an early warning system.
Internet of things accelerators(加速器), such as the ones 64 (fund)by Ericsson in China earlier this year, are making it increasingly affordable to set large numbers of sensors across an area 65 natural disasters occur. The quantity of sensors connected means that it is easier to manage environmental data on noise, water and air.
第四部分 写作(共两节, 满分40分)
第一节(满分 15 分)
假定你是李华, 上周你校成功举办了“学生插花作品大赛(Student Floral Design Competition)”。请你给校报英语栏目写一篇文章, 报道一下该活动。内容包括:
Student Floral Design Competition Ends Successfully
第二节(满分 25 分)
阅读下面材料, 根据其内容和所给段落开头语续写两段, 使之构成一篇完整的短文。
Two boys, Jack and Tom, have been inseparable since childhood, sharing laughter, tears, and countless adventures. Their friendship was like a big tree, rooted deep in the soil of their hearts, weathering every storm that came their way.
As they grew older, Jack and Tom attended the same school, where they continued to grow up academically and socially. They were both extraordinary students, but it was their friendship that set them apart from others. They supported each other through thick and thin, always ready to lend a helping hand or a listening ear to each other.
Sometime later, Jack's family faced a severe financial crisis, forcing them to move away from their beloved town. The news broke Jack and Tom's world, as they had never imagined a life without each other. However, they vowed(发誓)to remain in touch and promised to visit each other as often as they could.
Over the years, Jack and Tom took different paths in life. Jack did excellent in his studies and eventually landed a very good job in a big city, while Tom pursued his passion for art and became a successful artist. Despite their busy schedules, they never forgot their promise and made sure to keep in touch through letters, phone calls, and occasional visits.
One summer, Jack received terrible news—Tom had been diagnosed(诊断)with a rare cancer. Heartbroken, Jack immediately booked the first flight back to their hometown to be by his friend's side. When he arrived, he found Tom weak and fragile(脆弱的), but his spirit remained unbroken.
In the days of pain and uncertainty, Jack and Tom's bond simply grew stronger. They spent hours recalling their childhood adventures, laughing at old jokes and sharing stories of their lives. Jack would read books to Tom, who would paint pictures inspired by their memories. Through their love and support for each other, they found strength to face the challenges that lay ahead. However, as the days turned into weeks, Tom's condition worsened.
Learning about Tom's terrible condition, Jack firmly quit his job in the city. With Tom's final wish buried in his heart, Jack returned to the city and found another job.


