
  1. 二一教育资源



1.本试卷分第Ⅰ卷基础题 (115分)、第Ⅱ卷提高题(35分),共150分。
第一节 (共5小题; 每小题1分,满分5分)
1. What will the speakers do tomorrow
A. Visit a neighbor. B. Sell old toys. C. hold a yard sale.
2. What are the speakers mainly talking about
A. An essay. B. An exam. C. An app.
3. Who is the man probably
A. A reporter. B. A doctor. C. A photographer.
4. Why is the woman talking to the man
A. To express thanks. B. To ask for advice. C. To make a complaint.
5. Where does the conversation probably take place
A. In a hotel. B. In a bank. C. In the store.
第二节 (共10小题;每小题1.5分,满分15分)
6. How many languages has the man studied
A. Two B. three C. four
7. How does the map surround himself with a language
A. By watching movies. B. By listening to the radio. C. By changing the phone's language.
8. What is the man's last suggestion
A. Read children's books. B. study the local culture. C. Find a language partner
9. What do we know about Robert
A. He was mean. B. He was shy. C. He was forgetful.
10. What did the woman's team have to do
A. Build a bridge. B. Give a presentation. C. Finish a run
11. What has the woman learned from the task
A. How to be patient. B. How to make friends. C. How to become a leader.
12. What was the attitude of the speaker's parents towards his decision at first
A. Disapproving. B. Ambiguous. C. Understanding.
13. When did the speaker start training in writing.
A. At age 14. B. At age 16. C. At age 18.
14. What was the most important entry requirement for the course
A. Riding experience. B. Physical fitness. C. Communication skills.
15. What was the speaker required to do just after the course
A. Enter a horse race. B. Receive first-aid training. C. Work with a skilled trainer.
第一节:单项填空 (共15小题;每小题1分,满分15分)
16. — The differences between American and British English don't affect the communication between the British and Americans.
—______. After all, they also have lots of similarities.
A. I don't get it B. That's a good point
C. It is hard to say D. It was a nightmare
17. — Can you have two rooms with garden view
—I'm afraid there is only one room______.
A. affordable B. available C. accessible D. adaptable
18. However we ______ healthcare reform, it isn't going to save amounts of the money.
A. adapt B. admire C. adopt D. adore
19. She asked me I had returned the books to the library, and I admitted that I hadn't.
A. when B. where C. whether D. what
20. ______ your demand, I'd like to share some information about the ban on setting off fireworks in our city during the Spring Festival.
A. In addition to B. In exchange for C. In response to D. In preparation for
21. ______, we had planned a tour of England but we didn't go in the end.
A. Slightly B. Originally C. Incredibly D. Conveniently
22. In the country Bhutan, weather ______ vary dramatically from place to place, day to day or even within the same day.
A shall. B. can C. must D. need
23. Data can directly ______ students' shortcomings, so it can be helpful for them to go over lessons.
A. present B. simplify C. remark D. compare
24. White and Karin set up an animal hospital in 2017. Since then, they ______ about 4,000 sea creatures.
A. treated B. are treating C. have treated D. had treated
25. ______ I am willing to help you, I am so occupied with my papers that I don't have enough time.
A. As B. When C. While D. Unless
26. ______ around the ancient town, we were then taken to see a film at the local cinema.
A. Having shown B. Being shown
C. Having been shown D. To show
27. Early in the morning, all the soldiers ______ their own positions, waiting for the general to come.
A. held up B. took up C. put up D. set up
28. Mental health problems are on the rise among teenagers, and this ______ requires attention.
A. competition B. fantasy C. conflict D. phenomenon
29. Ms. Yao is a patient teacher ______ I have the greatest respect and she is popular with the students.
A. who B. to which C. whom D. for whom
30. When walking down the street, I came across David, whom I ______ for years.
A. didn't see B. haven't seen C. hadn't seen D. wouldn't see
第二节:完形填空 (共20小题;每小题1.5分,满分30分)
My daughter and I were swimming in our pool one summer day. This day was like any of the other days, so I had no 31 of knowing that this one would go down in our family history as a memory we value and still 32 from time to time.
The sun began to 33 and the night was quickly approaching. My daughter 34 it first — a spider was spinning(吐丝结) her web at the bottom of the freshly painted blue fence that 35 our pool. It surprised me that she saw this, and it surprised me even more that she wasn't 36 the spider.
Instead, she 37 watched as the spider busied herself in the cycle of life. As we both watched this 38 of nature, a very simple thought 39 me. I had lost all track of 40 .I honestly didn't know how long we had been just staying there and 41 that spider making her web. But, regardless of whatever amount of time had passed, the 42 was that we were simply having fun. We were having fun without doing anything really 43 , l thought. We hadn't saved the world or 44 the newest toy. However, I believe that by 45 this experience of the spider building her web, we were both just quite happy.
What we had done was to spend time together and 46 the simple things in life. We laughed and talked about the 47 of life, and what it means to die and what it means to really live. We talked about how 48 our limited amount of time is on this planet and how we should 49 to enjoy the simple things in life like the flight of a bird. The simple things are the 50 things in life, even when they include spiders and webs.
31. A. sight B. way C. desire D. purpose
32. A. care about B. argue about C. talk about D. worry about
33. A. set B. rise C. move D. appear
34. A. remembered B. imagined C. watched D. noticed
35. A. built B. decorated C. reached D. surrounded
36. A. tired of B. afraid of C. open to D. curious about
37. A. secretly B. anxiously C. nervously D. delightfully
38. A. wonder B. feature C. rule D. power
39. A. confused B. pleased C. hit D. hurt
40. A. the event B. space C. the spider D. time
41. A. pointing at B. staring at C. Laughing at D. shouting at
42. A. problem B. key C. truth D. condition
43. A. new B. big C. challenging D. funny
44. A. made B. found C. bought D. offered
45. A. sharing B. gaining C. possessing D. providing
46. A. appreciate B. do C. handle D. discuss
47. A. story B. quality C. circle D. end
48. A. rare B. long C. expensive D. precious
19. A. forget B. stop C. want D. choose
50. A. best B. unusual C. easiest D. small
Hosted by University of Massachusetts Amherst
June 20-28.2019
The Juniper Institute f of Young Writers (JTYW) offers high school students a unique opportunity to participate in intensive creative writing workshops, craft sessions, and studio courses designed especially for young writers. We are pleased to announce that we are now accepting online applications for the 2019 session!
The Juniper Institute for Young Writers welcomes high school students. We operate on a rolling admissions basis(滚动录取招生政策), and we do our best to make admission decisions within 6 weeks of receiving applications. Once your application is accepted, enrollment(入学,注册) in the JTYW is guaranteed on a first-come, first-served basis.
Application Process Overview
Applications are accepted online. The application deadline is March 2. 2019. Early application is encouraged, as admission is competitive and the program fills quickly. Application materials include: S30 application fee, a writing sample and a personal statement.
Application Fee
A non-refundable application fee of $30 is required with each application. Applicants pay the fee by debit(借记) or credit card through a secure site on the online application.
A Writing Sample
The writing sample should be 5-7 pages of fiction. Please include your name & email address as a header or footer in the writing sample.
A Personal Statement
This statement of no more than 300 words should describe your interest in the Juniper Institute for Young Writers. Please explain why this would be a meaningful opportunity for you and what you think you can contribute to the institute.
Tuition & Housing
Tuition of $1, 350 includes all institute activities ( workshops, craft sessions, studio courses and field trips). You will need to pay a $200 non-refundable tuition deposit in order to guarantee your space. Remaining tuition is due in full no later than May 15,2019.
The cost of housing is $216 for a shared room in our residence hall. Participants may choose to stay elsewhere off campus, but the immersive (沉浸式) nature of the program and residence life curriculum encourages on-campus residence.
51. The Juniper Institute for Young Writers program lasts ______.
A.5 days B.9 days C.12 days D.15 days
52. Potential applicants are advised to ______.
A. apply as early as possible B. live elsewhere off campus
C. inspect the residence hall D. pay the tuition in full
53. Which of the following is acceptable as the writing sample
A. News reports. B. Biographies.
C. Short stories. D. Business letters.
54. Which of the following is NOT included in the tuition
A. Studio courses. B. Craft sessions.
C. Field trips. D. Daily meals.
55. We can learn from the passage that ______.
A. the program doesn't accept online application
B. you can apply for this program before June 20, 2019
C. students' on-campus residence is not compulsory
D. you can pay $216 to rent your own room in the residence hall
For many years, I wanted to be a music video director. After graduating from high school, I moved to Los Angeles. I earned a degree in video production there. Fortune smiled upon me as I quickly worked as a production helper. I was young and ambitious, doing my best in my dream work.
One day, I worked as a volunteer at an award show. A production manager talked with me and said that I was going to be a "big fish" one day. I was praised, but frightened. I wasn't sure whether I could bear the pressure of being a "big fish". Not too long after the show, I was laid off from my position at the production company. I went back home to Florida to think about my next career move.
In Florida, I found a job in a financial company. The pay was good, and the work was not difficult. But a few months later, my creative spirit sent an SOS to my brain. It reminded me that I wasn't making the best use of my talents. I didn't have the money to make another cross-country move back to Los Angeles, but I couldn't wait to create something.
I did some creative writing during my spare time. To motivate myself even further, I promised myself a children's storybook. My goal didn't end there, however. I also decided to get the book published. It was not easy, and I continued sending out my work for nearly four years. Finally my work attracted the interest of a publisher.
When I held a copy of my beautiful children's book in my hands, I felt really happy from the bottom of my heart. I may not have become a big fish, but I did achieve a goal, Success comes from efforts. When you have something to fight for, you're not far from success.
56. The author went to Los Angeles to ______ .
A. find a high-paid job B. reach for her dream
C. visit a famous film director D. take part in volunteer activities
57. What was the author's reaction to the production manager's comments on he.
A. Proud. B. Happy. C. Uncertain. D. Disappointed.
58. What does the author think of her job in Florida
A. It lacks challenges. B. It requires a higher degree.
C. It often takes up her free time. D. It can hardly support her family.
59. What can we infer about the author from Paragraph 4
A. She set herself to work on a new goal.
B. She was moved by her children's words.
C. She was attracted by a picture storybook.
D. She planned to leave for Los Angeles some day.
60. What does the author encourage us to do through this text
A. To make a cross-country move.
B. To break our old working habits.
C. To try hard to improve our writing skills.
D. To make every effort to achieve our goals.
Just blocks away from Abbey Road Studios, the City of Westminster has completed work on. a short but highly unusual new zebra crossing. The crossing has created a 3D visual effect giving the crossing the appearance of roadblocks from a long distance away, so it can easily make drivers take their feet off the accelerator pedal(油门踏板) and continue driving with extra carefulness at a lower speed, which is, in the end, the entire point.
According to the City of Westminster, the 3D zebra crossing in St. John's Wood, London- it can be found where St. John's Wood High Street meets Wellington Place- is believed to be the first of its kind in the United Kingdom.
Westminster City Council points out that while the 3D zebra crossing in St. John's Wood is being tested for a 9-to 12-month period, there is the possibility that it could stay for longer depending on how drivers react to it. If it proves feasible, more 3D zebra crossings could replace boring old flat zebra crossings in small towns and big cities in a growing handful of countries including India, Germany and France.
"Our 3D zebra crossing could be the future at road safety across the country," says councilor Tim Mitchell, a member for Environment and City Management. "Far from being simply an excellent innovation(创新) that makes the ordinary look eye-catching and modern, the 3D effect helps drivers to see the crossing more easily." However, a spokesperson for Britain's Automobile Association (AA) says that using an optical illusion to slow traffic and improve safety along a specific area of road is "worth a try", but that the approach shouldn't be viewed as possible for all of London because of the city's street design. In other words, just because a 3D zebra crossing might prove successful in a Chinese city or a small Icelandic town doesn't mean it'll be practical in London. AA also strongly suggests careful further management of both driver and pedestrian safety.
While the somewhat relaxing appearance of these crossings has proven practical in getting drivers to slow down, they can also attract a large number of people wanting to photograph without any planning in the middle of the street, which is dangerous.
61. What do you know about St. John's Wood's 3D zebra crossing
A. It can slow down the traffic.
B. It is actually a kind of roadblock.
C. It aims to reduce traffic jams and pollution.
D. London is the first city around the world to build it
62. What does the underlined word "feasible" mean
A. Useless. B. Unpractical. C. Safe. D. Workable.
63. According to Tim Mitchell, he ______ .
A. is interested in 3D technology
B. is hopeful about 3D zebra crossings
C. considers that 3D zebra crossings are a waste of space
D. thinks that 3D zebra crossings can keep the traffic safe
64. The spokesperson of AA wants to say that ______.
A.3D zebra crossings will not work across London
B.3D zebra crossings are only useful in developed countries
C.3D zebra crossings should be put to use around London at once
D.3D zebra crossings need to be improved according to the streets of London
65. According to the last paragraph, the 3D zebra crossing ______.
A. has become a tourist attraction
B. can make sure of the safety of pedestrians
C. has both advantages and disadvantages
D. can put some careless drivers into danger
You are a member in a full-time school called "life". Each day here you will have the opportunity to learn lessons. You may like the lessons or hate them, but you have designed them as part of your curriculum.
Why are you here What is your purpose Humans have sought to discover the meaning. of life for a very long time. What we and our ancestors have to overlook is that there is no one answer. The meaning of life is different for every individual.
Each person has his own purpose and distinct path, unique and separate from anyone else’s. As you are traveling your life path, you will be presented with numerous lessons you will need to learn in order to achieve that purpose. The lessons you are presented with are specific to you; learning these lessons is the key to discovering and achieving the meaning of your own life.
As you are traveling through your lifetime, you may meet challenging lessons that others don't have to face, while others spend years struggling with challenges that you don't need to deal with. You may never know why you are blessed with a wonderful marriage, while your friends suffer painful divorces, just as you cannot be sure why you struggle financially while your peers enjoy abundance. The only thing you can count on is that you will be presented with all the lessons that you specifically need to learn.
The challenge, therefore, is to arrange yourself with your own unique path by learning individual lessons. This is one of the most difficult challenges you will face in your lifetime, as sometimes your path will be different from others. But don't compare your path with that of people around you and focus on the differences between their lessons and yours. You need to remember that you will only face lessons that you can learn and are specific to your own growth.
Our sense of fairness is the expectation of equality. Life is not, in fact, fair, and you may indeed have a more difficult life path than others around you, deserved or not. Everyone's circumstances are unique, and everyone needs to handle his or her own circumstance differently.
66. According to the passage, how can the meaning of your life be realized
A. Gathering different opinions from others
B. Taking the distinct path from others.
C. Learning the lessons presented to you.
D. Doing the different things from others.
67. From the passage we can conclude ______.
A. everyone has his own track to follow
B. unexpected things usually happen to the peers
C. a painful divorce must lie in financial problems
D a wealthy man must have a wonderful marriage
68. In your lifetime, the lessons you are faced with ______.
A. are beyond your power
B. keep you from growth
C. limit your development
D. help you with your success
69. Which of the following is TRUE
A. All things should be equal and justice to everybody.
B. You should learn to deal with specific problems differently from others.
C. One has to fix his mind on unfairness of circumstances.
D. You can complain life is unfair whenever possible.
70. Life is called a full-time school, because ______.
A. it is full of all lessons to learn
B. you have plenty of time to learn lessons
C. you meet with specific lessons every day
D. you can learn many things helpful to you
第Ⅱ卷 非选择题
第一节:阅读表达 (共5 小题,每小题2分,满分10分)
The world is moving so fast these days that if you do not have the right education, you could get left behind. Technology touches every part of our daily lives- even the fast food industry relies on computer assisted systems to speed things to their customers. If you cannot figure o ü t the computer at your local fast food shop, where will that leave you
Once upon a time, you could have a good life with nothing more than a high school diploma, but those times are gone petition for even the lowest level jobs is fierce, and most employers will give the edge to that extra education now. Jobs that never required a degree before now will certainly be given to the most educated candidate as markets grow tighter and tighter.
Education is not only important on the job front, however. Recent studies show that continually -learning will keep your brain more healthy. The more active you keep your brain now, the more active it will remain in the Yong run. It does make sense if you think about it: if you start jogging, your body feels healthier after a while and will actually long for exercise. The same could probably be said for your brain: make it work to learn something new, and it will continually seek out the stimulation(刺激) of new information to keep itself sharp.
Education is important for your sense of self and self-esteem. If you allow yourself to think that you are poorly educated, you therefore deserve an old car, small house and poor life. Stop feeling sorry for yourself and take charge of your own fate. Realize that you are a different person now and evaluate why you did so poorly in the past. Was it because you just could not learn, or because you did not want to focus on your education at that time You are an adult now and will be more focused and goal driven. Never say no to education, never say no to yourself.
71. Why does the author mention "the fast food industry" in the first paragraph (no more than10 words)
72. What does the underlined phrase "give the edge to" mean (no more than 3 words)
73. According to this passage, what should we do to keep our brain acute (no more than 10 words)
74. Who are the suggestions in the last paragraph probably for (no more than 15 words)
75. In your opinion, why is education very important ( no more than 20 words)
76.假定你是李华,计划和同学去敬老院(nursing home)陪老人们过重阳节。请给外教 Mary写封邮件,邀请她一同前往,内容包括:
2.活动:包饺子(make dumplings)、表演节目等。
Dear Mary,
Looking forward to your reply.
Li hua
1-5 BCBCA 6-10CCABA 11-15 AABBC
16—20 BBCCC 21-25 BBACC 25-30CBDDC
第三节: 完型 (每个1.5分,共30分)
31-35 BCADD 36-40BDACD 41-45BCBCA 46-50 ACDBA
51-55 BACDC 56-60BCAAD 61-65 ADBAC 66-70 CAD
71. To show technology touches all aspects of our life
Or: To tell us technology touches every part of our life.
Or: To tell us that we can't break away from technology.
72. Prefer/ Value / Favor/ Like / Pay attention to/ Focus on.
73. We should make our brain work to learn something new.
74. They are for those who have low self-esteem because of poor education.
Or: They are for people who didn't get enough education in the past.
75. (Open) Because education can help us find good jobs and build up our confidence.
第二节书面表达 (满分25分)
76. Dear Mary,
I'd like to invite you to join us for a visit to the nearby nursing home next Saturday for the double- ninth festival. It is the day for the elderly in our culture. We'll go and make dumplings and cakes with the elderly people there. We will also spend some fun time together singing, dancing and playing games, which we hope will make them happy. We should be back around four o'clock in the afternoon. If you are able to come with us, please let us know and we'll wait for you at the school gate at nine in the morning.
Looking forward to your reply.
Li hua


