
  1. 二一教育资源



2024-2025 C. They have a wonderful time with the animals’ trainers.河南大学附属中学 学年第一学期 D. They always explore the lovely creatures on a family basis.
2.Which program is involved in setting the animals free
高二年级英语期中试题 A. Elephant Camp Volunteering Program.
时长:120分钟 分值:150分 B. Wildlife Conservation Volunteer Program.
第一部分 阅读(共两节,满分 50分) C. Sun Bear Conservation Volunteering Project.
第一节(共 15小题;每小题 2.5分,满分 37.5分) D. Wild Elephant Conservation & Research Program.
阅读下列短文,从每题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中选出最佳选项。 3.What's the author’s purpose of writing the text
A A. To tell the roles of volunteer work.
Wildlife conservation volunteer programs are a great way to join in the protection of endangered B. To explain the points of volunteer work.
animals, as well as learn how you can help protect them. C. To emphasize the importance of volunteer work.
Elephant Camp Volunteering Program, Thailand D. To call on readers to take part in volunteer work.
As a volunteer, you will have the opportunity to spend quality time with the elephants and their B
trainers. This period allows volunteers to form a deep connection with these lovable creatures. The It was 1963 in the Toronto suburb. I was eight years old and hockey (冰球)-crazy. My next-to-zero
program is particularly well-suited for animal-loving volunteers willing to engage in outdoor work. skills had not stopped my passion for the game. The players of the great hockey club Toronto Maple
Duration:1 Week Leafs were of course my heroes, and their posters and photos covered the walls of my room.
Cost:$800 There is always some price to pay for maintaining a love. I raised funds in an old-fashioned way,
Wildlife Conservation Volunteer Program, Australia selling something the public could actually sink their teeth into. I joined the local annual event —
Be a part of the Wildlife Conservation Volunteer Program in Australia and work alongside the Margaret's Doughnuts ( 甜 甜 圈 ) to sell doughnuts, which offered choices of honey-glazed or
beautiful Australian animals. Volunteers will be engaged in activities such as cleaning, animal feeding, chocolate-glazed.
and food enrichment. This program provides a wonderful opportunity to get firsthand international Door-to-door I went, notebook in hand to record. I sold dozens of dozens; hardly a soul turned me
work experience while making a meaningful contribution to the well-being of native animals. down. My notebook was almost full, and my stomach was almost empty when I went up the last house
Duration:2 Weeks on the south side.
Cost:$1,050 I rang the doorbell and went over my speech while staring at the screen door. Suddenly, the door
Wild Elephant Conservation &Research Program,Sri Lanka opened. My unforgettable memory was looking up from a large pair of fuzzy slippers, way up, to the
Whether you are a high school student with a love for animals, a gap year traveler looking for face staring down. I stood there speechless for what seemed 10 years, opening and closing my mouth
meaningful work experience, or a family looking for an engaging volunteering opportunity, this project like a fish out of water. Collecting my calmness, but still unable to go into doughnut-promoting
fits you all. Explore the wonders of this South Asian island, and make a difference here! overdrive, I told him something he seemed have already known and he replied with a nod and a smile.
Duration:1 Week I have an unclear memory of murmuring through my speech “Please-buy-some-doughnuts”, and
Cost:$1,075 then a vivid memory of him taking the notebook from my hand. I followed with new information —
Sun Bear Conservation Volunteering Project, Malaysia that we shared our given name. With pride from our first-name-basis farewells, I flew home holding the
Volunteers’ roles involve hands-on care for sun bears,the world’s smallest bears, such as cleaning notebook tightly to my chest.
their homes and making environmental and food enrichment. Beyond improving the living conditions The next morning before the school bell, I cautiously showed off the precious paper. It is surely
of sun bears, you’ll understand how to send them back into the wild. mine alone to claim: I sold a dozen doughnuts to Tim Horton, one of my most respected players who
Duration:2 Weeks lived a mere three blocks away!
Cost:$1,226 4. What can we know about the author
1.What can be known about the volunteers working in Australia A. He obtained posters and photos from a star team.
A. They help to keep animals’ living environment clean. B. He joined Toronto Maple Leafs as a young child.
B. They are taught how to train the animals after arrival. C. His love for hockey was influenced by a star team.
D. He was not much of an experienced hockey player. 8. What’s the biggest challenge hummingbirds encounter when August comes
5. Why did the author sell doughnuts A. Cold temperatures. B. Lack of food supplies.
A. To follow the fashion. B. To taste more flavors. C. Their natural enemies. D. The long distance ahead.
C. To pursue his hobby. D. To respond to an event. 9. Which words can best describe little Ruby-throated hummingbirds in paragraph 3
6. What happened to the author when he met the owner of the last house A. Rough and smart. B. Patient and creative.
A. He was so speechless with astonishment. C. Independent and persistent. D. Energetic and friendly.
B. He was looked down upon by the owner. 10. What should bird-watchers do to observe the little bird close by
C. He was scared by the owner’s appearance. A. Equip themselves with a telescope. B. Follow their tracks all the way.
D. He forgot his speech for selling doughnuts. C. Wait around foreign flowers and observe. D. Place a bird feeder containing nectar outside.
7. Which is the most suitable title for the text 11. What can be a suitable title for the text
A. A Successful Sale Promotion Of Doughnuts A. Hummingbirds Flying South Feasts Bird-watchers’ Eyes
B. An Amazing Journey To Following My Dream B. Tiny Hummingbirds Start Big Journey for Warmer Winter
C. AGrateful Doughnut Helping Awaken My Dream C. Ruby-throated Hummingbirds Are Native to America Only
D. An Unexpected Meeting With My Favorite Hockey D. Hummingbirds Favor Warmer Climates and Blooming Flowers
Weighing just 2 grams, hummingbirds(蜂鸟) don’t appear to be fierce and strong. Hummingbird I recently read The Big Leap by Gay Hendricks, a psychologist who introduces the concept of
migration (迁徙 ) season gets underway in August, when the small birds will fly thousands of miles different “zones” in life and work. These zones describe varying levels of ability and fulfillment (满足
away in search of warmer climates and blooming flowers to last out the cold winter months. Colder 感 ) in our activities. The Zone of Disability involves tasks you’re not good at; the Zone of Ability
temperatures don’t necessarily bother them, but finding new food sources is a headache. includes tasks you’re capable of but find unsatisfying. The Zone of Excellence is where you stand out
About 20 of the world’s 363 known hummingbird species call the U.S. home, most native to the but might feel a little discouraged, and finally, the Zone of Genius is where your unique talents and
western U.S., especially Arizona and southern Texas. “East of the Mississippi, we only have the passions shine, leading to deep fulfillment.
Ruby-throated hummingbird,” said David Wiedenfeld, a senior conservation scientist with the Curious to identify my Zone of Genius, I took a related test. To my surprise, it turns out my Zone
American Bird Conservancy. When migration season begins, the Ruby-throated hummingbirds are still of Genius is “Networking.” I even considered framing (装裱) the results and hanging them over the
abundant throughout the eastern half of the U.S. By early October, they are starting to show up in fireplace. This situation is particularly amusing, because I am often perceived as an introvert (内向的
Central America, and they settle in southern Mexico, Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, and Costa Rica 人) - some would say I tend to escape from social contacts. That makes me occasionally in low spirits
for the winter. and doubtful about my ability to socialize. What explains this contradiction
On their journey, some birds cross the Gulf of Mexico, cruising from the coast of Texas or Viewpoints of introversion largely depend on cultural expectations, with different societies
Louisiana to the Yucatán Peninsula in Mexico without stopping for about 18 hours, “without landing, defining “introverted” and “extroverted” behaviors differently. In the United States, extroversion is
without eating, without drinking,” Wiedenfeld said. “For these tiny birds, it’s a tremendous crossing.” often idealized. In contrast, in some East Asian cultures, such as Japan and China, value is associated
Since males play a minor role in raising their young, they often set out south sooner, usually by with introversion. Differences also exist between Northern and Southern Europe. Research shows that
September 1st, followed by females a few weeks later after their babies leave the nest. Then, the young the level of introversion differs widely across cultures, making it challenging to label introversion
hummingbirds set out on the journey alone. “They’re doing it for the first time, all on their own,” said universally.
Witko. “They’re just setting off by nature. They’ve evolved the signals that tell them to go certain Contrary to the opinion that introverts are shy, research suggests they possess unique skills and
directions and certain places.” strengths. The Harvard Grant Study shows that introverts tend to have fewer but deeper and more
The start of migration season means hummingbirds will be easier to spot, which means it will meaningful relationships. Another misunderstanding is that introverts do not make good leaders.
bring bird-watchers new opportunities to catch sight of them on their trip. Seeing hummingbirds really However, studies show that introverted leaders can be just as effective — if not more so — than the
comes down to finding places where there are native plants, native flowers. Those are always some of extroverts.
the best spots. Besides, bird feeder with homemade nectar (花蜜) placed right outside your window It’s vital to distinguish between introversion and shyness. Shyness is a fear of social judgment.
will attract them, offering you a close-up view of their beating wings. However, introverts can be highly social, particularly in small groups or one-on-one conversations.
Their preference for meaningful interaction over small talk makes them experts at forming deep, lasting challenges—challenges that you’re no longer upset about. For example, if you missed an important
relationships. So, the next time you meet an introvert, remember that their quiet behavior may hide a deadline, maybe you learned that you need to arrange better, or tone down your perfectionism,
world of deep thoughts, keen insights, and powerful leadership potential. ● ___20___
12. If your Zone of Excellence is “English”, it may mean ________. When you’re experiencing a challenge, the ability to think about your experiences as if you were
A. you are in trouble completing English assignments “a fly on the wall”, or as if you were someone else who is witnessing your experiences from afar, keeps
B. you can display your talent in English to the fullest you from getting stuck in your negative emotions. Emotional distancing also makes it less likely that
C. your mind always wander off when learning English you will replay the unpleasant details of the event, and as a result, you may feel better when bad things
D. you have a grasp of English but feel upset occasionally happen.
13. Why did the author consider framing the results and hanging them A. Emotionally distance yourself from challenges.
A. The results were in line with his belief. B. But negative emotions can cloud your thinking.
B. The results proved his ability in social life. C. Many things may make you feel uncomfortable in life.
C. The results confirmed his nature of introversion. D. Sometimes life’s challenges can even make you stronger.
D. The results reminded him to avoid social contacts. E. One way to break this thought pattern is to carry a small object with you.
14. According to the text, to tell whether a person is an introvert, you should take ________ into F. We mistakenly believe thinking about our hardships will help us solve them.
consideration. G. The ability to find the silver linings in stressful situations helps us generate positive emotions.
A. his birthplace B. his inner value 第二部分 语言知识运用(共两节,满分 30分)
C. his education level D. his cultural background 第一节 完形填空(共 15小题;每小题 1分,满分 15分)
15. According to the text, which of the following is TRUE about the introverts 阅读下列短文,从短文后各题所给的 A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选
A. They can build enduring connections with others. 项。
B. They fear deeper and more meaningful relationships. My son had just gotten his driving license. On the way home, I ____21____ the car to a side road,
C. They have advantages over the extroverts in workplace. unfastened my seat belt, and ____22____ places with him. “Okay, ” I said, “I want you to drive
D. They often hide their unique potential in front of others. home. ”
第二节(共 5小题:每小题 2.5分,满分 12.5分) Sitting behind the steering wheel, his body looked tense and ____23____ . “ Mom, ” he said
阅读下面短文,从短文后的选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。 quietly, “I can’t do this. I'm not ready. ”
Resilience (韧性) is that amazing skill that helps you recover quickly from difficulties. If you are “It's okay! ” I said, “You’re ____24____ going to feel ready. You just have to go for it. ”
resilient, then when life knocks you down, you bounce back and you keep going. ___16___ So how do “No,” he took a deep breath and ____25____ my father’s words. “Don’t ever apologize for
you become a more resilient person knowing your limits. You told me that! ” For a brief moment, time ____26____. I saw the very old
●Stop your negative thought cycles. photograph forever ____27____ in my memory. It shows my family standing arm in arm and
Often when bad things happen, we get stuck thinking about negative outcomes. ___17___ ____28____ for the camera, with the then tallest roller coaster (过山车) in the background. We decided
Unfortunately, negative thought cycles just get us caught up in our thoughts. To put an end to these to ride together. No one knew I was ____29____ terrified. I just didn't want to be the one to stay behind.
negative thought cycles, you can focus on something else entirely. We __30__ our way to the queue line and finally reached the end. Suddenly, my body was stiff (僵硬的)
●Question the catastrophe (灾难). with __31___ , and I knew: I just couldn’t do it. Too _____32_____ to face my family, I simply called
Catastrophizing is when we expect the worst possible outcome in a situation. When we believe the over my shoulder to Dad that I was leaving. Dad asked me what happened. “I guess I was too chicken.
worst will come true, we set ourselves up for unnecessary stress and poor resilience. ___18___ Every Sorry.” What Dad said next _____33_____ surprised me. “Don’t ever apologize for knowing your
time you find yourself imagining the worst, touch the object and remind yourself that the best possible limits,” he said, “And don't let someone make you do something you' re not comfortable with. I'm
outcome is just as likely to occur as the worst possible outcome. proud of you for the choice you made.” This was the exact _____34_____ of what I had expected him
●Find the benefits of past challenges and failures. to say.
Plenty of smart folks will tell you that you should take action and reflect on your failures right Instantly, I understood exactly how my son felt. Knowing the limits isn’t an _____35_____ of
after you experience them. ___19___ An easier way to start may be to look at past weakness. It's actually a sign of strength.
21. A. drove out B. walked to C. pulled over D. called up Dear David,
22. A. provided B. traded C. shared D. took
23. A. impatient B. indifferent C. irrelevant D. uncomfortable
24. A. always B. surely C. never D. forever
第二节 (满分 25分)
25. A. expected B. recalled C. wondered D. imagined
26. A. passed B. faded C. froze D. flew “No, little girl. You can’t get in without the money.” Jeffrey, the bus driver, told a little girl who wanted
27. A. printed B. struck C. reflected D. pressed to get on the bus but only had a few pennies. She must have been around seven years old, and he wasn’t in
28. A. looking B. applying C. accounting D. smiling the mood to deal with unaccompanied children that day.
29. A. secretly B. hardly C. similarly D. obviously “Please, sir. I want to visit my grandmother,” the little girl begged. “Then go ask your parents for the
30. A. found B. inched C. picked D. fight money and come back next time,” Jeffrey replied and gestured with his hand for the girl to get out. She
31. A. anger B. joy C. sadness D. fear finally left the bus with her shoulders lowered. Jeffrey saw her sit down at the bus stop and drove off.
32. A. embarrassed B. disappointed C. discouraged D. desperate He finished his route and went home for the lunch, greeting his wife, Greta, and sitting down on the
33. A. consistently B. constantly C. normally D. completely couch to rest. When he browsed his Facebook posts, an image caught his attention. A picture was shared of
34. A. complaint B. opposite C. expression D. reply the little girl he had just turned away a few hours earlier. The word “Missing” was written on top of the
35. A. indication B. innovation C. inspiration D. assumption image. He learned that the girl had disappeared a day ago, and her parents were desperately trying to find
第二节(共 10小题;每小题 1.5分,满分 15分) her.
阅读下面短文,在空白处填入 1个适当的单词或括号内单词的正确形式。 “Dear! What have I done ” he asked himself, standing up and going to the front door. When Greta
When you travel in China, you can simply stick to popular attractions. But ___36___ can’t be a asked where he was going, Jeffrey said, “Greta! Quick! Call 911 and this number,” showing her the picture
better choice to turn to Chinese food, where you can get bathed in___37___(true) authentic local of the girl. “I saw this girl at a bus stop earlier, and I turned her away because she didn’t have enough money.
culture. I’m going to find her, but please make those calls.” Having told her where the bus stop was, he went out.
Chinese food and the differences between Chinese and Western diets are both things that spark the Jeffrey rushed to his car, speeding to the bus stop. Hopefully, the girl was smart enough to stay in one
___38___(create) of most who visit China. You might even be surprised to learn that some of the place. He couldn’t believe how careless he had been earlier. She was a little girl all alone. As he drove to the
Chinese dishes in America were specifically created___39___ (suit) Western tastes. Moreover, when bus stop, Jeffrey vowed to be more careful in the future, especially when it came to children.
traveling through China you'll most likely take notice of a few differences in the way food
___40___(eat). For example, soup in the West is generally consumed at the start of a meal, while the 1. 续写词数应为 150左右;
Chinese prefer to enjoy their soup at the end. 2. 请按如下格式在答题卡的相应位置作答。
You might also notice some distinct differences in meal preparation and cooking techniques, Finally, Jeffrey saw a tiny figure sitting on the bench at the spot.
___41___ you may ignore when dining out in or ordering takeout from Chinese restaurants back home. _______________________________________________________________________________________
Cooking classes now has become ___42___ increasingly popular activity among those _______________________________________________________________________________________
___43___(show) an interest in learning more about China’s culture through its cuisine. If you're _______________________________________________________________________________________
looking to take it a step ___44___(far), keep an eye out ___45___ cooking classes held by residents in _______________________________________________________________________________________
their own homes, where you can try your hand at cooking in the Chinese way. _______________________________________________________________________________________
第三部分 写作(共两节,满分 40分) A few minutes later, the police and another car approached.
第一节(满分 15分) _______________________________________________________________________________________
假定你是李华,你校外教 David 正在策划一场英语辩论赛,现向同学们征集辩题。请你给他写一
1. 2. _______________________________________________________________________________________封邮件,内容包括: 提供辩论题目; 说明选题理由。
注意:1.词数 80左右; _______________________________________________________________________________________
2.可以适当增加细节,以使行文连贯; _______________________________________________________________________________________
1-3ACD 4--7 DCAB 8-11 BCDB 12-15 DBDA
16-20 DFEBA 完形填空:
21-25 CBDCB 26-30 CADAB 31-35 DADBA
36. it 37. truly 38. creativity 39. to suit 40. is eaten
41. which 42. an 43. showing 44. further 45. for
写作: Part one Dear David,
Knowing that you are planning an English debate competition and collecting debate topics, I'm writing to propose the topic “Is technology making us more connected or more isolated ’
In today's digital age, technology influences how we interact with others. This topic allows students to explore the positive and negative aspects of technology in terms of fostering relationships or creating barriers between individuals. By debating, students can gain a better understanding of the complex relationship between technology and human connections.
I believe this topic will engage the participants and the audience, sparking meaningful discussions
Yours, Li Hua
Part two
Finally, he saw a tinyfigure sitting on the bench at the spot. Jeffery felt relieved and delighted to see the girl staying safe and sound. Trying to calm himself, Jeffery decided to talk to her gently. He inquired about her name and why she had left home. “I was going to Grandma’s house. My mom wouldn’t let me go.” Sarah replied, swinging one of her feet and looking at the concrete floor. “Your parents are searching for you, and they’ll be here soon,” he assured her, and the little girl gave him a small smile.
A few minutes later, the police and another car approached them. A woman got out of the vehicle and rushed toward Sarah. The little girl got up and ran to her, yelling, “Mommy!” The police officers approached Jeffrey and he told them the entire story and how he regretted not letting her on the bus, so he came to find her. Sarah’s parents thanked him for what he had done. From then on, Jeffrey helped anyone short on cash who got on his bus, and he always watched out for the kids that were alone because they needed someone like him to do the right job.


