资源简介 (共33张PPT)1.能够结合图片、录音、动画等,了解数字一至五在游戏和运动中的应用,关注运用数字的不同情境。2.能够听、说、认读one、two、three、four、five等数字单词,并能够在游戏和运动中运用这几个数字计时或计数。3.能够理解歌谣大意,跟唱歌谣。4.能够小组合作创编趣味数字歌谣,感受数字在生活中的应用。Learning aimsUnit 6 Useful numbersA Learn从捉迷藏游戏中学会数字1到5的英语表达。A Spell掌握字母Vv-Zz的书写及发音,以及在它们单词中的发音。B Talk通过讨论购物计划,学会询问数量,以及表达自己有多少钱。B Learn通过在购物中数数,学会表达数字6到10,以及物品的价钱。C Project制作生日贺卡,并对自己本单元的掌握程度进行评价。When do we use numbers How useful are numbers Make a birthday card学会数字1到10的英文表达;学会讨论年龄以及数字;了解数字在我们生活中的重要作用。A Talk通过互相介绍新朋友,学会询问对方的年龄。Watch and singNumbers are useful(数字很有用)What numbers do you hear (你听到了什么数字?)Let’s reviewSamSarahWu BinbinXinxinThey paly in the park.What game do they play hide and seek捉迷藏B. rope jump跳绳Look and sayThey are playing hide and seek in the park.(他们正在公园抓迷藏呢。)Circle the numbers you see in the picture.(圈出你在图中看到的数字。)one twothree fourfive sixseven eightnine tenLook and circle捉迷藏(hide-and-seek)游戏规则首先选定一个范围,大家经过猜拳或一定规则之后,选定一个人先蒙上眼睛或背着大家数数,而其他人必须在这段时间找到一个地方躲藏,时间到后那个人去找其他人,最先找到的人为下一轮找的人。Good to knowHide and seekWhat will Xinxin say Look and thinkoneone dogone catone appleLet’s learnLet’s learntwotwo penstwo birdsLet’s learnthreethree pandasLet’s learnfivefive orangesRead loudly.(声音洪亮。)Read correctly(发音准确)Listen and followSharp eyesShow me two.Show me one.Show me five.Show me three.Show me four.I say, you do.游戏规则:同桌一人说出数字,另外一人用手比划出该数字。Let’s playLet’s count游戏规则:老师指定一个同学说one,其他同学接着数数,数到five,再重新从one开始数。onetwothree...I see dogs.twothreeListen circle and sayI have ducks.fourthreeListen circle and sayI have cats.fivefourListen circle and sayLet’s eat apple(s).onefiveListen circle and sayI see fish.onefourListen circle and sayWhat are they doing jumpLook and sayListen and chantJump! Jump! Jump! ____,____,three!OneJump! Jump! Jump! Three,____,____!Four and five! _____and______!Jump up high! Jump up high!Five! Four! _____, _____, _____!Jump! Jump! It’s such fun!twotwooneFourFiveThreetwooneChant and fill跳得很高!太好玩了!When do we use numbersWhen we play, we use numbers.Can you think of any other uses for numbers Think and saycar numberroom numberphone numberplay gamesage…….Numbers are very important and useful in our life.Discuss and sayExercise一、将下列数字和单词连线。one two three four fiveExercise二、根据数字圈出正确的数量。1. three2. two3. four4. one5. fiveSummaryKey words:one, two, three, four, fiveChant:Jump! Jump! Jump! One, two, three!...HomeworkNeed to do:Choose to do:1. 听录音,指读 Let's learn 的单词。2. 吟唱 Listen and chant 歌谣。3. 完成活动手册中该板块的活动 2。 思考问题“除了课堂上学习的情境,人们还在哪些情境使用数字?”,在下节课向全班分享自己的答案。Self-assessment(自我评价)1. 我能准确读出单词:one, two, three...2. 我能正确演唱Listen and chant里面的内容。4. 我能明白在什么情况下可以使用数字:Play games...今天我一共得到了( ) 展开更多...... 收起↑ 资源列表 five.mp3 four.mp3 how many apples.mp4 How many fingers.mp4 Listen and chant.mp4 Numbers歌曲视频.mp4 one.mp3 P65 Unit 6 A Let‘s learn.mp3 P65 Unit 6 A Listen and chant.mp3 three.mp3 two.mp3 Unit6 Useful numbers A Let's learn&listen and chant(课件).pptx 视频1.mp4