小学英语闽教版(三起)(2024) 四年级上册单词字帖

  1. 二一教育资源

小学英语闽教版(三起)(2024) 四年级上册单词字帖


Unit 1 Our Classroom
see [si ]
see see see see see see see 看
s ee
a gain [ ɡen]
再次 again again again again
g rade [ɡre d]
年级 grade grade grade grade
our [a ]
我们的 our our our our our our
cla ssroom [ klɑ s ru m]
教室 classroom classroom classroom
c lass [klɑ s]
班级;课 class class class class
c la s s
Name: Date:
Unit 1 Our Classroom
chair [t e ]
椅 chair chair chair chair
c ha i r
d esk [desk]
desk desk desk desk desk 书桌
d es k
look [l k]
look look look look look 瞧;看
lo o k
look at look at look at look at look at
blackboard [ bl k b d]

blackboard blackboard
read [ri d]
read read read read read
r ea d
Name: Date:
Unit 1 Our Classroom
a fter [ ɑ ft ]
在 ……之后 after after after after
a f te r
t iger [ ta ɡ ]
tiger tiger tiger tiger tiger
r ea d
isn ’t = is not
isn’t, is not isn’t, is not 不是
Name: Date:
Unit 2 Our School
that [ t]
那, 那个 that that that that that
th a t
co usin [ k z n]
表(堂)兄弟姐妹 cousin cousin cousin cousin
c ou s in
f rom [fr m]
从 …来,来 from from from from from
sc hool [sku l]
学校;学校上课 school school school school
sc h o ol
playground[ ple ɡra nd]
操场 playground playground
big [b ɡ]
的 big big big big big big
b ig
Name: Date:
Unit 2 Our School
co mputer[k m pju t ]
电脑 computer computer computer
ro om [ru m]
room room room room room 房间
r oo m
lib rary [ la br r ]
library library library 图书馆
l ib r a r y
Name: Date:
Unit 3 Numbers and Animals
h ave [h v]
有 have have have have have
h a ve
f arm [fɑ m]
farm farm farm farm 农场
f a rm
Dear [d ]
Dear Dear Dear Dear Dear 亲爱的
D e ar
thi rteen [ θ ti n] thirteen thirteen thirteen

th i r te e n
cow [ka ]
cow cow cow cow cow cow 奶
c ow
fo urteen [ f ti n] fourteen fourteen fourteen

f ou r t ee n
Name: Date:
Unit 3 Numbers and Animals
h orse [h s]
horse horse horse horse
h or s e
fi fteen [ f f ti n]
fifteen fifteen fifteen 五
f if t ee n
sheep [ i p]
sheep sheep sheep sheep 绵
sh e e p
six teen [ s ks ti n] sixteen sixteen sixteen

si x t ee n
Ho w much
How much How much How much 多少
seventeen [ sev n ti n]
seventeen seventeen seventeen

se v e n te en
Name: Date:
Unit 3 Numbers and Animals
tw enty [ twent ]
twenty twenty twenty twenty
tw en t y
ei ghteen [ e ti n]
eighteen eighteen eighteen
ei g h te e n
v ery [ ver ]
very very very very very 常
v er y
cl ever[ klev ] clever clever clever clever
c le ve r
ni neteen [ na n ti n]
nineteen nineteen nineteen 九
n in e t ee n
Name: Date:
Unit 4 Numbers and Time
th irty [ θ t ]
三 thirty thirty thirty thirty
th i r ty
s low [sl ]
slow slow slow slow slow 慢的
sl o w s lo w
s leep [sli p]
sleep sleep sleep sleep sleep 睡觉
sl e ep
h ave a sleep have a sleep have a sleep
睡 觉
fifty [ f ft ]
fifty fifty fifty fifty 五
f if t y f if t y
w inner [ w n ] winner winner winner winner
w i nn e r
Name: Date:
Unit 4 Numbers and Time
f orty [ f t ]
四 forty forty forty forty
f or t y
be gin [b ɡ n] begin begin begin begin
b eg i n
Name: Date:
Unit 5 Daily Activities
bus [b s]
公共汽 bus bus bus bus bus bus
b u s
full [f l]
full full full full full 满的;饱的
f u ll
get into
get into get into get into 上 ( 轿 )
car [kɑ ] car car car car car car
c ar
w hen [wen]
when when when when when
w h en
do [du] do do do do do do do
d o d o
Name: Date:
Unit 5 Daily Activities
get up get up get up get up get up
at [ t; t] at at at at at at at at
( 指时间的某 点)
b reakfast [ br kf st] breakfast breakfast breakfast
to [tu ; t ; t ] to to to to to to to to
向 ;朝着( 向或地点)
t o
g o to school go to school go to school
l unch [l nt ] lunch lunch lunch lunch
lu n c h
Name: Date:
Unit 5 Daily Activities
bed [bed]
床铺 bed bed bed bed bed bed
b ed
go to bed
go to bed go to bed go to bed
Name: Date:
Unit 6 Meals
milk [m lk]
奶 milk milk milk milk milk
m i lk
b read [bred]
包 bread bread bread bread
b re a d
to mato [t mɑ t ]
红柿 tomato tomato tomato tomato
to m a t o
t hem [ em]
它 们(宾格) them them them them them
th e m
we lcome [ welk m]
欢迎 welcome welcome welcome
w e lc om e
d inner [ d n ]
晚饭 dinner dinner dinner dinner
d in n e r
Name: Date:
Unit 6 Meals
beef [bi f]
beef beef beef beef beef
b ee f
po tato [p te t ]
铃薯 potato potato potato potato
p ot a t o p o t a to
veg etable [ ved t b l]
vegetable vegetable vegetable 蔬菜
s ome [s m]
些 some some some some some
so m e
Name: Date:
Unit 7 Chrismas
Ch ristmas [ kr sm s]
圣诞节 Christmas Christmas
ro bot [ r b t]
机器 robot robot robot robot robot
r ob o t
tree [tri ]
tree tree tree tree tree tree 树
tr e e
em ail [ i me l]
email email email email 电 邮件
em a il
m erry [ mer ]
merry merry merry merry 快乐的
m e rr y
Name: Date:
Unit 8 The Spring Festival
s pring [spr ]
春天 spring spring spring spring
sp r i n g
fe stival [ fest v l]
节 festival festival festival
f es t iv a l
the Spring Festival
春节 the Spring Festival
Ch inese [t a ni z]
Chinese Chinese Chinese 中国的
C h in e s e
sp end [spend]
度过 spend spend spend spend
sp e n d
we [wi ]
we we we we we we we 我们
w e w e
Name: Date:
Unit 8 The Spring Festival
m ake [me k]
制作 make make make make
m a k e
du mpling [ d mpl ]
饺 dumpling dumpling dumpling
d u m p li n g
fa mily [ f m l ]
家庭 family family family family
f a m il y
w atch [w t ]
观看 watch watch watch watch
w a tc h
TV ['ti:'vi:]
get [ɡet]
得到 get get get get get get
g et g e t
Name: Date:
Unit 8 The Spring Festival
m oney [ m n ]
钱 money money money money
m o n ey
fair [fe ]
庙会 fair fair fair fair fair
f a ir
fr iend [frend]
朋友 friend friend friend friend
f r ie n d
say [se ]
说 say say say say say say
sa y
Name: Date:


