资源简介 (共41张PPT)Unit 1Animal FriendsSection A 1a-1d01情景导入03应用实践05回顾总结07随堂小练02学习理解04迁移创新06考点速递08家庭作业Contents学习目标能够掌握不同动物的词汇以及描述不同动物的形容词,能够用恰当的形容词描述不同动物的特征;能够掌握询问最喜爱的动物以及原因的相关句型。(学习理解)01能够在听力语篇中准确获取信息,在日常交流中就喜欢的动物进行问答;能够运用目标词汇与句型进行口头语言输出。(应用实践)02能够表达自己喜欢的动物及原因并采访同学,整理成汇报语篇进行表达。(迁移创新)03通过本节课学习,学生能够:01 情景导入Scenario importLook at the cover page(封面页) of this unit and think.In this unit, you willTalk about different animals.Introduce your favourite animal.Use adjectives to describe animals.Explore the meaning of caring for animals.Look at the picture and share your ideas.Look and shareCan you name the animals in the photo What do you know about these animals Do you know any other special animals in China Pandas.They are the symbol of China.Red pandas.(小熊猫)…的象征I have many friends in the zoo, would you like to get to know them and be friends with them Let’s go!02 学习理解Learning to understandHi, everyone! Now, we're at the zoo to learn about different animals.What’s your favorite animal Let’s go and meet them!Listen to the sound and guess what animals they are.What’s your favorite animal It’s the _______________.Why do you like lions Becausethey’re _____________.lion / la n/strong and powerfulListen to the sound and guess what animals they are.What’s your favorite animal It’s the _______________.Why do you like penguins Because they’re __________.penguin / pe ɡw n/cute and funnyListen to the sound and guess what animals they are.What’s your favorite animal It’s the _______________.Why do you like tigers Because they’re _________.tiger / ta ɡ (r) /wild and largeListen to the sound and guess what animals they are.What’s your favorite animal It’s the _______________.Why do you like eagles Because they’re ______________.eagle / i ɡl /sharp–eyed and powerfuladj. 目光如炬的Listen to the sound and guess what animals they are.What’s your favorite animal It’s the _______________.Why do you like wolves Because they’re ______________________________________________________________________.wolf / w lf /dangerous but they take good care of their babies.adj. 危险的好好照顾Listen to the sound and guess what animals they are.What’s your favorite animal It’s the _______________.Why do you like monkeys Because they’re________________________________________________.monkey / m ki /clever and funny.And their faces look like us.Listen to the sound and guess what animals they are.What’s your favorite animal It’s the _______________.Why do you like giraffes Because they’re________________.giraffe / d rɑ f /tall and gracefuladj. 优雅的Write the animals in the box under the pictures.1afox lion tiger giraffe monkey eagle wolf penguin______ ______ ____________ ______ ______ ______ _______penguinlionwolfeaglegiraffetigerfoxmonkeyMatch the suitable adjectives with the animals and describe them.powerfulstrongfunnytallcutefriendlybeautifulwildclevergracefuldangeroussmartI like the __________s because they are ____________.largesharp-eyedinterestinglovelylazyscaryMake conversations with your classmates.What’s your favorite animal It’s the _______________.Why do you like _____s Because they’re ________________.03 应用实践Application PracticeListen to the teacher's instructions. Choose the right answers.1b听力策略:观察标注法,通过题干已知信息进行预测推断。1. Where are the students A. At the park. B. At the zoo. C. At the school.2. Why are they there A. To learn about different animals.B. To discover wildlife.C. To do their homework.3. When should they be back A. Before 11 o’clock. B. At 12 o’clock. C. Before 12 o’clockListen again and write down the adjectives (形容词) of the following animals.1b__________________funnypowerfulListen to the conversation, Circle T for true or F for false.1cAll three students like monkeys.Yaming doesn't like wolves.Wolves take good care of their babies.The three students see the monkeys before the wolves.TFTFTFTFlikesafterListen to the conversation and answer the questions.1cWhat animal does Yaming like best and why Do Emma and Chen Jie like the same animal as Yaming Does Emma like wolves Why or why not What does Yaming think of wolves YamingHe likes monkeys because they're really clever and funny.Yes, they do.No, she doesn’t. Because she thinks they're very dangerous.He likes wolves and he thinks they're dangerous, but they take good care of their babies.与...一样Listen to the conversation again and fill in the blanks.1cYaming : I like monkeys.Emma : Me too! Why do you like them, Yaming Yaming : Because they're really clever and funny. What about you, Chen Jie Chen Jie : They're my favourite too.Yaming : Great! Let's go and see them.Chen Jie : Oh, look! A baby wolf and its mother! Do you like wolves, Emma Emma : No, I don’t. They're very dangerous.Yaming : But I do. They're dangerous, but they take good care of their babies.Emma : Look! The monkeys are over there.Chen Jie : Wow! Aren't their faces interesting Yaming : Yes. They look like us!Listen and repeat.1cI like monkeys.Me too! Why do you like them, Yaming Because they're really clever and funny. What about you, Chen Jie They're my favourite too.Great! Let's go and see them.Oh, look! A baby wolfand its mother! Do you like wolves, Emma No, I don't, They're very dangerous.But I do. They're dangerous, but they take good care oftheir babies.Look! The monkeys are over there.Wow! Aren't their faces interesting Yes. They look like us!04 迁移创新Migration Innovation1dMake a survey about the favourite animals in groups.Name Favorite animal ReasonStudent 1 Pandas Cute and lazyStudent 2 Monkeys Clever and funnyStudent 3 Lions Strong and powerful… … …What’s your favorite animal, ______ It’s the _______________.Why do you like _____s Because they’re ________________.1dMake a report to the class.Name Favorite animal ReasonStudent 1 Pandas Cute and lazyStudent 2 Monkeys Clever and funnyStudent 3 Lions Strong and powerful… … …You can report like this:In my group, I like _____because _____. XXX likes ______s best because they’re_________. XXX’s favourite animal is _______. She thinks the ______s are _________. And XXX…Animals are good friends of humans, protecting animals is protecting ourselves.05 回顾总结SummarySummaryUnit 1 Animal Friends (Section A 1a-1d)AnimalsAdjectivesSentencesWhat’s your favorite animal It’s the_______.Why do you like ______ Because they’re _________.pandalionpenguintigerfoxmonkeywolfeaglegiraffecutepowerfulfunnystrongsmartcleverdangeroussharp-eyedtall06 考点速递Language pointsLet's learn and take notes.dangerous adj. [ de nd r s] 危险的;不安全的固定搭配:be dangerous to sb./sth.”(对某人/某物是危险的)It’s dangerous for sb. to do sth.”(对某人来说做某事是危险的)派生词:danger n. 危险 endangered adj. 濒危的反义词:safe adj. 安全的词讲练用法:在句中作定语或表语。Tigers are dangerous animals. (定语)It‘s dangerous to swim in this river.(表语)例It’s ___________ for kids to play on the road.He promises that there is no _________ at his home.Knives are ___________ to children.dangerousdangerdangerous讲Let's learn and take notes.care [ke (r)] v. 关心;担忧;在意 n. 照顾;照料派生词:careful adj. 细心的 careless adj. 粗心的 carelessness n. 粗心carefully adv. 细心地 carelessly adv. 粗心地词讲练固定搭配:care about… 关心;在意take (good) care of = care for…= look after… 照顾好…take care 小心;注意My parents take good care of me.Take care when you cross the road.例She ______ (care) for her little sister every day.We should take good ______ (care) of our environment.Please be ________ (care) when you cross the road.carescarecareful讲She really cares about the environment.07 随堂小练Exercise1. 熊猫是我最喜爱的动物,它们属于中国,也属于世界。Pandas are my __________ _________. They belong to China and belong to the world, too.2. Lucy 说她能够照顾好她自己和她妹妹。Lucy says she can _______ _______ _______ of herself and her sister.3. — Kathy,你为什么喜欢考拉?—因为它们有点可爱。— Kathy, _______ _______ _______ like koalas — Because they are kind of cute.4. —这只老虎来自哪里?—它来自中国。— _________ _______ the tiger _______ — It _______ _______ China.二、根据汉语提示,补全句子。favorite animalstake good carewhy do youWhere is fromis from一、根据句意用合适的单词填空。1. The _______ has a long neck and can reach the leaves high up in the trees.2. _______ can fly very high and has excellent eyesight.3. _________ are lovely birds. They can't fly but they are great swimmers. They live in cold places. They need someone to take ______ of their eggs when they go hunting.4. Some people think the howl(嚎叫) of the ______ at night is very ______.5. Monkeys are very ____________ and they can learn to do many things quickly.6. The ____ is called the king of the jungle because it is very strong.giraffeEaglesPenguinscarewolfscaryclever / smartlion08 家庭作业Homework基础作业:用合适的形容词描述至少五种的动物进阶作业:创编一个对话来谈论最喜欢的动物及原因。拓展作业:采访你的家人或同学最喜欢的动物及原因并整理成汇报语篇。HomeworkThank youfor listening! 展开更多...... 收起↑ 资源预览