资源简介 (共32张PPT)闽教版三年级下册(2024)Unit 4Healthy Eating健康 饮食健康的Healthy Eating健康饮食吃Healthy Eating健康饮食闽教版三年级下册(2024)Unit 4 Lesson1What do you like for breakfast 你早餐喜欢吃什么?早餐早餐What do you like for breakfast 你早餐喜欢吃什么?Lead-inChant together.早餐不错早餐不错Get up, get up, in the morning light.A good , feeling so right.and noodles , We them all.Eggs and make us tall.breakfastBreadeatmilkPresentationWatch and answer. (整体呈现,看课文动画回答问题。)At Yang Ming’s home.Where are they What’s the time It’s 8 a.m.It’s 8 a.m. at Yang Ming’s home...It’s time for breakfast.PresentationWatch and answer. (整体呈现,看课文动画回答问题。)It’s 8 a.m. at Yang Ming’s home...What’s for breakfast 早餐有什么?Bread, noodles, eggs, milk.PresentationWatch and answer. (整体呈现,看课文动画回答问题。)It’s 8 a.m. at Yang Ming’s home...What do you like for breakfast,Yang Ming 杨明,你早餐喜欢吃什么?I like eggs and noodles.PresentationWatch and answer. (整体呈现,看课文动画回答问题。)It’s 8 a.m. at Yang Ming’s home...What about you, Yang Fan 你呢, 杨帆?I like milk and bread.Cooperating(合作探究)Listen and answer.It’s 8 a.m. at Yang Ming’s home...It’s 8 a.m. at Yang Ming’s home...Good morning, Kids. It’s time for .Good morning, Mom. I’m .We have , , eggs and noodles .breakfasthungrymilkbreadtoday饥饿的我饿了。牛奶我们今天有牛奶、面包、鸡蛋和面条。面包我们今天有牛奶、面包、鸡蛋和面条。今天我们今天有牛奶、面包、鸡蛋和面条。It’s 8 a.m. at Yang Ming’s home...What do you like for , Yang Ming Hum, I like and .breakfasteggsnoodlesIt’s 8 a.m. at Yang Ming’s home...What you, Yang Fan I like and .aboutmilkbread关于;大约你呢,杨帆?Listen and repeat.跟读短文早上好,孩子们。该吃早饭了It’s 8 a.m. at Yang Ming’s home...早上好,妈妈。我饿了。我们今天有牛奶、面包 、鸡蛋和面条。杨明,你早餐喜欢吃什么?It’s 8 a.m. at Yang Ming’s home...嗯,我喜欢鸡蛋和面条。你呢,杨帆。It’s 8 a.m. at Yang Ming’s home...我喜欢牛奶和面包。杨明,你早餐喜欢吃什么?杨帆,你早餐喜欢吃什么?√√√√I like .你早餐喜欢吃什么?我喜欢 。你早餐喜欢吃什么?我喜欢牛奶和面包。你早餐喜欢吃什么?三指咧嘴 / / / / / /应答一声 /e / /e / /e /三指咧嘴 / / / / / /[k t][h t][ke k][ple t]一只猫在帽子里。蛋糕在盆子里。[ ]应答一声 /e / /e / /e /RevisiontodaymilkeatabouthealthybreadhungrybreakfastThank you! 展开更多...... 收起↑ 资源预览