资源简介 Unit 5 What are the shirts made of Section A(1a-2d)课时教学设计本课主题属于“人与社会”主题范畴中“历史、社会与文化”这一主题群,涉及“身份认同和文化自信”的子主题内容。一、教材分析What 问题:Section A(1a-2d)部分有一个图片语篇,两个听力语篇和一个对话语篇。其中第一个图片语篇让学生认识学习新词汇和语言句型,为下面的听力语篇扫除词汇障碍。1b 听力语篇是围绕询问物品制造材料和生产地进行的。2a-2c 的听力语篇则是两位学生参加艺术科技展览会进行的对话。2d 是一个介绍茶的制作过程的对话。Why 问题:1b 听力活动是为了让学生感知如询问日用产品的制作材料和产地进行谈论,对话中呈现两个一般疑问句,由 What is...\ are... made of 和 Where was...\ were...made 疑问句及答语,以便于学生在口语活动中进行模仿。2a、 2b 的听力活动让学生通过在谈论一些产品的制作原料时,切入到再生资源和环保话题,对学生进行潜移默化的人文教育。2d 通过一个关于茶叶的对话,呈现被动语态在不同语境下更多真实运用的例句,加强学生对这一新语法项目的感性认识。How 问题:1b 的听力语篇主要是运用 What is...\ are... made of 和Where was...\ were...made 来询问日用品的原料和产地所属,语言更严谨。2b 则主要是通过两人对话进一步运用询问物品材料的句型,从而加强环保意识。2d 让学生掌握茶的制作过程,增加学生对于本国茶文化的相关知识,培养了学生的跨文化交际意识及文化自信。二、 学情分析在学习本单元之前,学生已经学习过一些表示物品词汇,对于本课时的学习内容,在第七单元 self check 中涉及到了被动语态,因此学生对被动语态也有一定的了解。此外,八年级学生能积极的参与学习活动,英语水平发展还比较均衡,这些都将有利于教学活动的开展和教学效果的实现。当然还有相当一部分学生英语学习基础薄弱,对英语学习失去信心和兴趣。英语被动语态对于学生来说,还是有一定的难度。谈论日常用品的原材料和生产地,让他们体会被动语态的结构和表意功能有一定困难。在听说训练过程中,注重让学生通过自主和合作学习的方式进行句式结构的语言输人,并设计相应的任务,鼓励学生运用所学进行语言实践,通过听输入和说输出,训练词汇和句型,练习被动语态,在小组对话和同桌对话中夯实所学。在课堂设计时应该通过设计活动和任务,激起学生的学习兴趣,引导学生热情参与,鼓励学生参与语言实践。三、课时目标1、学生能运用 What is...\ are... made of 和 Where was...\ were...made 讨论日用产品的产地和原材料。2.学生能够在听力对话中梳理再生资源的原材料,并能通过对话的形式进行输出。3、学生掌握制茶过程,能够用所学句型向世界介绍中国茶和制茶过程。4、学生能够向外国人介绍中国传统艺术的制作材料和产地,坚定文化自信。教学过程Step 1 首课负责制Play a short video教育意义:了解皮影的制作原料和产地It is made of leather(皮革)and bamboo sticks.It was made in Shanxi province.It is controlled( 控制)by sticks.It is played at night.Step2 Lead-in评价效果:根据图片,师生对话,开启今天的学之旅。能激发学生学习兴趣。Each different part of China has its own special forms of traditional art.Step 3 Talk about what everyday things are made of and where they were made.师生互动:师生通过实物表述出日用产品的材料和产地。If you want to introduce traditional art forms , you can first learn how to describe what everyday things are made of and where they were made.Activity 1 learn “It is\ They are made of...” “It was\ They were made in...”The blouse is made of silk.The T-shirt is made of cotton.Activity 2 Ask and answer in pairs(应用实践类活动)--What are the chopsticks made of--They are made of wood.--Where were they made --They were made in China.效果评价:学生能否正确熟练询问材料和产地的句型【设计意图:引导学生询问日用产品的原材料和产地的句型初步使用】Step 4 listening practice 1c ,2bActivity1: listen and show the answers--What is ... \are ... made of --It’s \ They’er made of...--Where was it\ were they made --It was\They were made in...Activity2: short play (应用实践类活动)【设计意图:学生在听中学习运用实践,在情景中问再生资源的材料和环保话题,对学生进行潜移默化的人文教育】Step 5 learn about tea (学习理解活动)Activity1: Watch a video and answer questions1.Where is the art and science fair ______________________________________2. Do Nick and Marcus have to pay to go ______________________________________3. What is the model plane made of ______________________________________4. What is the painting made form ______________________________________Activity2: Read the conversation and answer the questions.--What is ... \are ... made of --It’s \ They’er made of...--Where was it\ were they made --It was\They were made in...Activity3: Read the conversation and fill a mind map.Things Made of Made inshirts cotton Koreachopsticks silver Thailandring steel AmericaActivity 4 Short playS1:Hi, have you heard about the art and science fair S2: Yes, the school notice board says...S1: That’s ...S2: I went there yesterday.S1: What did you see S2: I saw....S1: The fair is about ...S2: The students...Activity4: Introduce Chinese tea to foreigners(迁移创新类活动学生能够在听中获取关键信息。教师观察小组活动中学生交流及参与的情况,给与鼓励或帮助。教师观察学生的成果汇报情况,评价教与学的成效。Step6 introduce more Chinese traditional art forms to foreigners.1. Where is tea produced in China It is produced in many different areas. For example, Anxi and Hangzhou are widely known for their tea.2. Why is tea drunk all over the world Because tea is good for both health and business.How is tea produced Fill in the blanks.(迁移创新类活动)【设计意图:学生根据自己掌握的知识进行口语输出,了解部分传统艺术的材料和产地,学生再一次在情景运用中掌握本节课所学知识】效果评价:学生表达是否语言流畅,用词、语法准确。教师针对不同小组的表现及时给予评价,学生们小组之间可互评学习。Step 8 show some pictures about traditional art formsIntroduce more Chinese traditional art forms to foreigners.Things Made of Made in More informationKong Ming lanterns bamboo ,paper Hainan bright symbols of happiness and good wishesClay art a kind of clay Jiangxi the lovePaper cutting red paper Anhui symbols of wishesKite silk or paper Weifang ...【设计意图:了解中国传统艺术的价值,坚定文化自信和民族自豪感】HomeworkRequired:Write an article about how tea is produced.Optional : Surf the Internet about the more information of traditional things. 展开更多...... 收起↑ 资源预览