Unit 7 A Day to Remember 写作课教案(表格式)2024-2025学年人教版英语七年级下册

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Unit 7 A Day to Remember 写作课教案(表格式)2024-2025学年人教版英语七年级下册


课时名称 Unit 7 A Day to Remember. 学科 English 课时 Five
课时目标 Language ability: Skim to catch the main structure,Read carefully to get the details. Thinking ability: Improve the thinking ability by discussing the special school trip. Culture awareness: Learn about the beauty of China and promote Chinese culture. Learning strategy: Be willing to actively use English to discuss and use the information to write a beautiful article
课时重难点 重点:学生们能够准确、恰当地使用本单元所学的词汇来描述学校旅行,如地点、活动、感受等。学生能正确运用一般过去时来描述旅行活动中发生的事件,包括动词的过去式、时间状语的使用等。 难点:学生们灵活运用多种句型,如陈述句、疑问句、感叹句等,来丰富文章表达。:学生能恰当地使用各类功能表达,如说明、对比、感受等,来增强文章的表现力和感染力。
重难点 突破策略 让学生清晰地阐述本次写作的目的,如介绍学校旅行的经历、分享学习收获等。 在教师的指导下,有效地梳理出学校旅行介绍的逻辑结构,包括引言、旅行描述、个人感受或收获等部分。。
评价设计 本节写作课评价设计关注思维过程,利用评语开拓思路,培养学生自主学习的能力。关注不同层次的学生,对每个学生的要求不一样,让所有的学生都能够参与其中,积极用英语交流,写出优美的小短文。
学与教 活动设计 教学活动过程
教师活动 学生活动 设计意图
Step 1 Leading in  Show the pictures to the Ss,and then ask them to look and share: (1)What did the people do on their school trip (2))How about your school trip Step 2 Before writing. Today we are going to write a diary entry about the school trip. Before that let’s discuss these three questions in groups: 1.Did you have a school trip last year 2.Did you keep a diary to record the day 3.Discuss the trip with your partner. Then fill in the chart in 2A. Step 3 While writing 1.Enjoy a short passage. How many parts are there in the passage What are they What tense is the passage about 2.Let’s read another sample together, please work in groups and find out the structure of the sample. Read the sample again and find out the detailed information. And put them into the structure. 3.Please list the key points of what you did in your school trip. Find out the detailed information. And put them into the structure. 4.Ask the students to find out some beautiful sentences from the passage. And write them in your notebook. Give students 7 minutes to write their own composition. 5.Give them some time to check their compositions Step 4 After writing Show time. Step 5 Summary  Ask the students to use the students' self assessment form to check how they did in this lesson. Step 6 Homework Must do: perfect your writing and discuss the school trip with your partner. Choose to do: make a poster to design next school trip . Students share the answers and then talk about the activities you do on your school trip. Discuss the three questions in groups using the simple past tense .Then fill in the chart in 2A. Under the guidance of the teacher, students clarify their writing tasks and understand the structure of short articles about school trip。 Students can easily follow the author's perspective, feel the joy of this school trip, and understand the compact structure and clear organization of the passage. the detailed information. And put them into the structure. Find out some useful and some beautiful sentences from the passage. And write them in the notebook. birthday. Write the composition and finish it in 7 minutes. Check the compositions by yourself according to the sample text. Ask some students to show their works in front of the class. Improve the thinking ability by discussing the special school trip Try the best to perfect your writing Had better make a poster to design next school trip . 遵循英语语言学习的规律,创造条件让学生对他们容易上口的并感兴趣的问题,使学生在轻松的氛围中激活已有的知识储备,知道如何运用一般过去时谈论过去发生的事情。 使学生能够准确地理解教师的问题,快速回答出问题,积极参与小组讨论记起所学内容。 引导学生能正确地将范文分为引言、活动描述、个人感受或总结等几个部分。这要求学生能够理解并识别文章的不同段落及其功能,从而为自己写作时构建清晰的结构提供参考 在分析文章细节时,引导学生应用一般过去时这一时态叙述过去发生的事件。并引导学生思考写作任务的要求,并参照范文列出文章的内容要点,帮助学生理清写作思路,确保文章内容完整、有条理。 帮助学生梳理出写作时需要的关键信息,为接下来的写作活动提供指导。引导学生理解文章的结构布局,提升学生的文章组织能力,能够完美描述学校旅行的经历。 在教师引导性问题的帮助下,学生阅读并挑选出范文中有用的句型和表达,分析、探讨这些语言对清晰、准确、生动表达主题意义的作用。 学生可参考课上任务单中归纳出范文的语言,并按照评价量规规范自己的写作。 不仅增强了学生学习英语的兴趣和自信心,而且达成了语言知识、语言技能的训练目标
板书 Unit 7 A Day to Remember! Writing 1.Vocabulary: 2.Writing mind maps.    
反思 This lesson is a writing lesson.During the process of learning,students can further master and use the target language points.At the same time,students should learn the method of writing—drawing the mind maps,which is the key to cultivating students' writing ability.


