unit3 developing ideas教学设计--2025新外研版七年级英语下册

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unit3 developing ideas教学设计--2025新外研版七年级英语下册


2025新外研版七年级英语下册unit3 developing ideas教学设计
课题 7BU3 Food matters 课时 developing ideas
After the class, students will be able to: 【学习理解】 1.get information about different opinions (on food and eating habits) and advice from experts through listening; 【应用实践】 2.give personal opinions on controversial healthy eating habits; 【迁移创新】 3.reflect and evaluate daily diet; 4.build correct healthy eating opinions. 以上目标依据《学科课程标准》第 页 第 行
已有的基础 1.学生对食物的名称、外观、口感等有基础的认识; 2.能运用感官系动词简单表述对饮食的看法和感受; 3.具备健康饮食的意识。 存在的问题: 1.对健康饮食习惯的了解不完善; 2.与他人对话、表达观点、纠正错误信息时存在呢困难; 3.对健康饮食有误解,缺乏多角度、全面的思考。
What 主题:人与自我 In the conversation, the boy and the girl give their own opinions on their own ordering food. In the interview, the host and the expert are talking about some healthy eating tips. Why The conversation shows different opinions on the same food and encourage students to express different opinions. The interview tells about how to think correctly on healthy eating tips and correct false information, then give advice. How The conversation is casual and direct and easy to imitate. The interview shows how to show different opinions more polite.
学习任务 ①
学习活动 Let's talk I see... I often/usually/always/never/seldome eat it. Let's match 学生自由回答,不做评价。 People should eat different foods to keep a balanced diet (膳食均衡). 教学活动 Let's talk 教师呈现41页章首图,提问:What food can you see How often do you eat it Let's match 教师呈现六种食物类别,引导学生进行匹配。 教师呈现平衡膳食宝塔,提问:What can you learn from the picture
学习任务 ②
学习活动 Listen and choose 学生预测后听听力完成A1,核对答案:b。 Listen and choose 学生再次听录音,完成选择,核对答案:bcb。 Listen and complete 学生第三次听录音,完成A2,核对答案: 1.food 2.our bodies 3.healthy 4.fat 5.salt 6.meat Read and underline 学生阅读听力文本,划出男孩/女孩的观点和表示不赞同的表达后思考更多表示不赞同的表达。 Let's talk 学生针对男孩的建议进行评价,表达自己的意见。 教学活动 Listen and choose 教师引入场景:A boy and a girl are sitting in a restaurant. What are they talking about 呈现P41 A2图片,引导学生预测听力内容,播放听力: The girl and the boy... a want to have healthier diets. b disagree about what makes a healthy meal. c think that restaurant food is not healthy. Listen and choose 教师呈现三道选择题,播放听力: 1.Why does the girl choose the green salad a Because it is cheap. b Because it has vegetables. c Because it tastes good. 2.What does the boy think about the hamburger a It's unhealthy because it only has vegetables. b It's junk food, and it's high in salt and fat. c It's a complete meal with meat, bread and vegetables. 3.What does the boy suggest at last a Ordering a dessert b Sharing their dishes c Going to another restaurant Listen and complete 教师再次播放听力,要求学生完成A2。 Read and underline 教师呈现听力文本,提问:What are the girl's and the boy's opinions Do they agree with each other How do they show different opinions What expressions they use before their own opinions 追问:What expressions else can we use before giving our own opinions Speaking tip 2: When you have different opinions, you may use Hold on, I don’t agree or That’s not true, followed by your own opinions. Let's talk 教师提问:To be healthy, is it a good idea for them to share food Why or why not You may say like this: Agreement: I agree with the boy. Because... Disagreement: I don't agree.../That's not true./I don't think so. Because...
学习任务 ③
学习活动 Listen and complete 学生自由作答,教师不做评价。 学生听听力,完成P43 A3填空。 1.only 2.other 3.too many 4.fine 5.bad 6.too little 7.work well Read and underline 学生阅读文本,划出Dr Li纠正信息时用的表达。 Let's imitate 学生模仿Dr Li台词。 教学活动 Listen and complete 教师过渡:Different people have different opinions on healthy diet. Here we have three healthy eating tips. Do you agree Why or why not Let's listen to Dr Yi, a diet expert. What may Dr Yi talk about 教师引导学生阅读A3表格标题和第一行内容并预测空格5答案。学生讨论三种说法是否正确并给出理由。 教师播放音频。 Read and underline 教师呈现听力文本,提问:How Dr Yi corrects false information 引导学生划线。 Speaking tip 2: When you want to introduce the correct information, you may use Actually or Not exactly. (当你想纠正错误的观点时,可以先说Actually或 Not exactly。) Let's imitate 教师呈现Dr Li的台本,引导学生进行模仿练习,重点关注停顿、语音语调和重音。
学习任务 ④
学习活动 Let's summarize 1.I don't agree. / That's not true. / I don't think so. / Not exactly... 2.Actually... / In fact... 3.It's important to... / We can't ... / We need... / It's OK to... but... Pair work 学生按照要求完成对话。 学生分享电话,点评对话。 教学活动 Let's summarize 教师带领学生总结: 1.If you have different opinions , you start with... 2.If you want to correct the false information (错误信息), you start with... 3.If you want to give advice, you can say...(引导学生观察43页A3图片的建议部分) Pair work 教师导入43页A4和checklist,引导学生在规定时间内完成对话。 教师邀请学生表演对话。
反思改进 本节课作业 Must do 1. Finish workbook A part 4. 完成作业本A第4小节。 2. Write down your conversation. 写下你们的对话。
如果再上这节课,我会这样设计: 板书设计


