资源简介 2025新外研版七年级英语下册unit3 starting out v2教学设计课题 Unit 3 Food matters 课时 starting out学习目标(目标类型/目标行为)After the class, students will be able to: 【学习理解】 1.perceive and notice words and expressions about the topic, retrieve target language of the unit; 2.introduce the food (taste, smell, look, ingredients and health); 【应用实践】 3.retrieve the unit theme (food matters) and sub themes and form a structure chart of the unit; 4.share the feelings of a food and reasons; 【迁移创新】 5.raise interest in foods and think about the relationship between food and lives.学情分析已知:在语言知识方面,学生之前应该已经学习了 fruit,vegetable,meat,cake,eat,drink,cook 等与食物相关的词汇。在语法知识方面,他们也已经接触过系动词的相关句子和文章。在语篇类型方面,学生已经接触过对话、采访等常见体裁,菜谱和博客虽然是新体裁,但学生在日常生活中也经常接触。 未知/障碍:在语言方面,学生不熟悉一些制作菜肴的动词,也不擅长描述外国食物。在语法方面,他们缺少表达建议和观点的句型积累,难以指出建议的不当之处并纠正。在知识方面,学生对食物背后的文化知之甚少,也不擅长表达部分有关健康的话题涉及科学学科的知识。 应对策略:教师可以创设丰富有趣的情境,让学生感受到学习英语的乐趣,提供相对应的学习方法。让学生在语境中学习、积累相关词汇和短语,充分利用课前、课后的时间。同时在课中利用视频、歌曲、图片等方式,帮助学生直观理解语篇内容,用思维导图、图表、问题链等工具帮助学生梳理知识框架。在必要时,教师还要提供必须的语言知识和文化背景,为不同层次的学生提供自由表达和团队合作的机会。课程内容分析(课标解读/教材分析/支持性材料) What 主题:人与社会 pictures of different foods around the world和Signature dishes around the world属于多模态语篇。前者呈现了四种外国食物,激发学生对事物的兴趣。后者呈现了不同国家的代表性食物。 Why 本课旨在通过两个多模态语篇。让学生使用他们已学的关于食物的词汇,说一说自己对食物的了解,同时通过思考代表性食物,对比中国和外国的代表性食物,建立食物和文化的联系。 How 本课通过鲜艳的图片引起学生对话题的兴趣,激活学生的背景知识,激发他们对食物和生活的探究欲望。再通过听力和代表性食物的探究,更加全面地体会到食物在日常生活中的重要性,引导学生从多角度思考食物对人的影响。教学过程学习任务 ①学习活动 Warm-up 学生观看视频,熟悉不同国家的signature food。 Lead-in 学生看图说话,说出图片中的蔬菜/水果的英文。学生观察图片,描述自己的感受,例如:The colors are fresh and lively. It makes feel happy and refreshed. It looks fresh and natural. I want to eat them. It's healthy... Let's do magic 学生说出食材的名称,用... and ... become...的句型回答问题。 教学活动 Warm-up 教师播放视频, Watch the video and enjoy the song. Lead-in 教师呈现第34、35页的章首图投屏,采用问答的方式,引导学生看图说话:What can you see 教师带着学生一起朗读单词后,询问:How do you feel about the picture 教师可通过How does the color/vegetables and fruits make you feel Does it remind you of anyone/any place Is it healthy Is it delicious 等问题帮助学生从多角度进行思考。 Let's do magic 教师依次呈现食材的图片,通过提问:What's this 引导学生说出食物的英文单词,通过... and ... become 引导学生说出......和......可以变成哪种菜肴。过程诊断教师根据学生的回答,评估学生在该主题下的单词储备和话题熟悉度。学习任务 ②学习活动 Let's talk 学生根据自身经历回答问题: 1._____often make(s) food for me. 2.I feel ____ when I eat ______. Think and share 学生思考食物给我们身体带来的好处,并用Food helps me become ________.回答。z最后总结:Food helps me become healthy. 学生思考后说出Some foods are not healthy/unhealthy. 教学活动 Let's talk 教师呈现6道菜的图片,提问: 1.Who often make(s) food for you 2.How do you feel when you eat it 教师总结:Food matters in feelings. Think and share 教师过渡语:Food is important in life. Then what benefits can food bring to our body 依次呈现strong,tall,energetic,smart图片,引导学生说出对应答案。最后邀请学生用完整的句子Food helps me become ________.表达,鼓励学力强的学生输出更多形容词。 教师呈现女孩吃垃圾食品的图片,But if we eat too much junk food, it will be not good for our health. We will be fat and ill. So some foods are _________.过程诊断 教师根据学生的回答,观察学生是否能够将教学内容与实际生活结合起来,根据学生的词汇使用情况,帮助学生认知、练习更多目标语言。学习任务 ③学习活动 Look and match 学生匹配图片对应的单词: a - hamburger b - sushi c - fish and chips d - pizza 学生根据已有知识,选择国家和对应的食物:BADC。 Listen and write T or F 学生判断正误:TFTT。 Free talk 学生回答: 1.bread;lettuce;pepper;tomatoes;beef 2.America 3.Hamburgers are ________. Look and think 学生回答问题:I think _____ is the signature food of China. Because_____(culture/number/popularity…) 教学活动 Look and match 教师呈现第35页的四张图片,提问: 1.What are they 教师带领学生朗读单词,熟悉主题词汇,再次提问:Can you guess which country is famous for the food 过渡:These are some signature foods around the world. But what is a signature food Where do they come from Let's read a video and check your answers. 教师播放动画,帮学生核对答案。 Listen and write T or F 教师播放音频,引导学生判断正误。 1. A signature dish is usually a part of culture (文化). (So food matters in culture) 2. Americans eat a small number of (少量的) hamburgers each year. (Signature foods are usually loved by local people.代表性食物通常是当地人常吃的食物,可举例日韩代表性食物说明。 ) 3. There is a festival named after (以……命名) fish and chip in the UK.(Signature foods have a close relationship with culture.代表性食物通常文化、历史、传统紧密相关。) 4. Signature foods are usually famous around the country.(Signature foods are usually popular and famous.代表性食物总是知名度很高,大受欢迎的。) Look and think 教师要求学生思考What is the signature food of China 让学生自由回答后,呈现几种食物的图片,引导学生回答问题。 教师可板书学生提出的其他恰当食物名称。学习任务 ④学习活动 学生5人一组进行小组活动。 教学活动 Work in group 教师呈现小组活动内容和表格,布置任务。 Step 1 Group in 5. Step 2 Choose a food. Step 3 Take turns to ask and answer questions about the dish. Step 4 Record the information mentioned and complete the table. Step 5 Invite the group leader to present. You may say like this: S1: Hello, everyone. We are group… We think… is the signature food of China. S2: We need… to make… S3: It tastes/smells/looks… S4: It’s (not) healthy food. Because… S5: It makes us feel… Because…过程诊断 根据学生的小组展示成功,判断学生对本堂课的话题、句型、语言知识点的掌握情况,同时根据学生的表演评估学生的小组合作、语言表达和公共讲话的能力。反思改进 本节课作业 Must do 1. Finish workbook 2. Search online and add some cultural information of your signature dish on China. Choose to do 3. Design a poster for your signature dish. 展开更多...... 收起↑ 资源预览