Unit 3 Food matters writing 教学设计【新外研版七年级英语下册】

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Unit 3 Food matters writing 教学设计【新外研版七年级英语下册】


2025新外研版七年级英语下册unit3 writing 教学设计
课题 Unit 3 Food matters 课时 reading for writing
After the class, students will be able to: 【学习理解】 1.get the main idea and key details of the text, such as the origin of the ice cream, the cultural importance of food and some similar foods from different countries; 【应用实践】 2.compare different cultural foods; 3.discuss cultural connections between food and cultures; 【迁移创新】 4.reflect on how food can promote understanding between different cultures .
【语言能力】 初一学生对一些较难词汇(如folk tales、symbol)和复合句比较陌生。教师应提前讲解关键词汇,扫清阅读障碍。 【文化意识】 初一学生对不同文化的了解有限,文中提及的伊朗、委内瑞拉都是一些陌生的国家。他们对食物和文化间的关系没有深入的思考,缺乏跨文化意识。教师可以通过图片、视频简要介绍国家,引导学生比较不同文化中的相似食物。 【思维品质】 初一学生的逻辑思维和批判性思维还在发展中,难以从文中提取深层信息(如食物如何成为文化交流的桥梁)。教师应通过支架性问题引导学生思考。 【学习能力】 初一学生学习习惯和方法正在形成中,缺乏有效的阅读策略。教师应教授基本的阅读策略(如预测、推理、总结等)。
What 主题: 文章探讨了食物与文化之间的关系,特别是食物如何跨越国界,成为文化交流的桥梁。 Why 通过食物的历史与文化背景,展示食物对文化的重要性,帮助学生理解不同文化间的联系,培养跨文化意识。 How 语篇通过提问和图片引入主题,采用分总结构。通过举例、比较和总结组织文章内容,语言简洁明了,逻辑清晰。
学习任务 ①
学习活动 Warm-up 学生观看视频,并回答教师问题,不做评价。 Let's guess Chinese hamburger, ice cream, stone pancake 教学活动 Warm-up 教师播放视频,可针对提问:What did the foreigners eat in the video (板书食物名称)Did they love these Chinese foods Will these foods give them a good expression on China (Maybe they will love China!) Let's guess 教师提供提示词:dessert, Marco Polo,cold and sweet展示图片ice cream;教师提供提示词:Xian,Chinese hamburger,street food,展示图片Roujiamo;教师提供提示词:Shanxi,stone,pancake,展示图片stone pancake 教师追问: Q1: Are these foods popular in your city Q2: Are these foods popular all around the world Q3: Can they be a bridge between cultures
学习任务 ②
学习活动 Let's choose B Let's match Para 1-C; Para 2-A; Para 3-B 教学活动 Let's choose 教师呈现中国地图引导学生关注国界border,指出跨越国界across border。扫清词汇障碍后呈现标题,请学生朗读后选择标题大意。 What's the meaning of the title A.Foods can travel from a country to another. B.Foods can be shared between different cultures. Let's match 教师呈现文章和段落大意,请学生匹配。 A.Different places, similar foods B.Cultural importance of food C.The origin of ice cream
学习任务 ③
学习活动 Read and complete store winter ice; make binglao; tasted binglao; carried the idea; added heavy cream 追问1:学生可从食物、情感、文化等角度思考。 追问2:学生思考ice cream受欢迎的原因,自由回答,不做评价。 Let's talk Roujiamo, stone pancake, hamburger; sangak, arepas 观察图片,回答:Roujiamo and arepas. Read and complete Shanxi,Chinese,flat bread,Iranians,Chinese,symbol Complete the table 1.store winter ice, 2. ice cream, 3. Europe, 4. flat bread, 5. stone pancake, 6. Chinese hamburger Read and choose 学生思考后选择:B 教学活动 Read and complete 教师展示冰激凌历史的时间轴,请学生完成。拓展1:How did people in the Zhou Dynasty store ice 展示冰鉴图片,适当讲解。拓展2: What was binglao (冰酪) like People in the Song dynasty added juice on milky ice to make binglao. 追问1:Why did Marco Polo bring the idea of binglao back to Europe (支架问题:How did binglao taste Did he like it Could it be a symbol of friendship ) 提问:Where did it come from 追问2:Why is it popular in different countries 学力弱的班级可将delicious等形容词作为提示,学力强可作为总结。 Let's talk 教师呈现5种食物的图片,请学生说出已知的三种食物。教师呈现第2段落速读一遍后说出对应食物的名称。教师继续讲解:Sangak and stone pancake look almost the same. 教师引导学生观察剩下3种食物,Who look like the twin brother among them Read and complete 教师呈现表格,请学生认真阅读段落2,完成表格。 Complete the table 教师引导学生完成课本P46 A3。 Read and choose 教师引导学生阅读段3,选择: What is the writer trying to say in the first sentence of the passage A.People can bring food across the bridge between countries with different cultures. B.Food can connect people from different cultures, like a bridge. 追问:What is the meaning of "sweet things"
学习任务 ④
学习活动 Work in group 学生分配任务,按能力分配内容,准备后上台分享。 教学活动 Work in group 教师呈现活动内容,请学生组成四人组,从不同方面介绍饺子。 S1: Today I want to introduce ________ to you. S2: It comes from _______. Then, it was brought to _____________. S3: The dumpling is a symbol of ________. Chinese people… S4: People like it. Because _________________.
反思改进 本节课作业 Must do 1.Finish workbook(完成作业本对应部分); 2.Read the passage at least three times and try to underline words and expressions you may use in your writing(朗读文章至少3次,划出自己写作中可能用到的表达); 3.Search online and finish the step 1 on p47(上网搜索资料完成P47步骤一中的问题);


