牛津译林版(2019)必修第三册Unit 4 Scientists Who Changed the World Integrated skills I课件(16张ppt)

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牛津译林版(2019)必修第三册Unit 4 Scientists Who Changed the World Integrated skills I课件(16张ppt)


Unit 4 Scientists who changed the world
Integrated skills (I)
Free talk
1. Does your school hold the Science Festival
2. What events do you have
3. What’s the theme of your Science Festival
Listen and circle the incorrect information
1. The Science Festival is coming up in two months.
2. The Science Festival was started five years ago.
3. The Science Festival aims to encourage students to take an interest in science and develop skills that may help them in their studies.
4. Students who take part in the workshop can design different experiments.
5. The plan should be handed in next week.
next month
future lives
by this Friday
What is the aim of the Science Festival
It aims to encourage students to take an interest in science and develop skills that may help them in their future lives.
Listen for key information
Tips for taking notes
If you need to write down information quickly, it is important for you to make your notes as brief as possible. You can:
use abbreviations and contractions;
write down only the keywords;
use symbols.
Use abbreviations
ad = advertisement
bio = biology
cf. = compare
Co. = company
edu = education
esp. = especially
etc. = and so on
e.g. = for example
i.e. = that is
info = information
intro = introduction
wk = week
ICU= Intensive Care Unit
max = maximum
min = minimum
para. = paragraph
Dr = doctor
St = street
Rd = road
vs = versus/against
hr = hour
IT = information technology
it’s = it is
aren’t = are not
there’s = there is; there has
can’t = can not
they’d = they had; they would
they’re = they are
we’ll = we will
haven’t = have not
doesn’t = does not
Use contractions
Keyword is a word that tells you about the main idea or subject of something, like the word that you type into a search engine so that it will search for information related to the word on the Internet.
& =and
@ = at
+ = plus
> = greater than
< = smaller than
↗ = increase
↘ = decrease
→ = lead to/result in
← = result from
( ) = between, among
$ = dollar
£= pound
♂= male
♀= female
× = multiply, multiplied (by)
÷ = divide, divided (by)
O = oxygen
Use symbols
time & place

What should be included in a plan for the Science Festival
Listen and complete the notes
_______ of the Science Festival
Events of the Science Festival
(2) _________ by a well-known scientist
Science Workshop
(5) ___________
Suggestions on how each class can design activities and (6)______________________
Experiments to be done
Equipment and (4)_________ needed
The person to be invited
The time and place for the event
(3)_________ that students might be interested in
A lecture
The topic
Science Fair
decorate their classroom
What’s the usual structure of a news report
Inverted pyramid
The most important info
Important details
Extra information
Science Festival goes off with a bang!
Part Ⅰ (Para.____) ______________________________________
Part Ⅱ (Paras.____) ______________________________________
Part Ⅲ (Para.___) _______________________________________
Read and analyse the structure
Events of the Science Festival.
General information about the Science Festival.
This school news report is mainly developed in order of __________.
events B. logic B. time D. place
Read and answer the question

Dr Li gave a lecture about whether life can exist on other planets.
Students tried different experiments in the Science Workshop. The most popular experiment was “Planets in a bottle”.
At the Science Fair, every class decorated their classroom and designed activities according to the theme of space. One class decorated their classroom as a space station and another class designed a “Big Bang” activity.
Science Festival goes off with a bang!
Read and fill in the table
Write a news report about your school’s Science Festival.


