牛津译林版(2020) 必修第三册 Unit 4 Scientists Who Changed the World Grammar 知识点 重点单词词组 课件(16张))

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牛津译林版(2020) 必修第三册 Unit 4 Scientists Who Changed the World Grammar 知识点 重点单词词组 课件(16张))


U4 Scientists who changed the world
Grammar and usage
be widely considered to be …
perform some tests
catch the attention of …
mass production
by accident
far from the truth
Fortune favours the prepared mind.
The story goes like this:
The lightning would charge the key.
The farm and ____________ area was flooded.
After a while I got used to my new _____________.
Tall trees surround the lake.
They have surrounded the building with police.
As a child I was surrounded by/with love and kindness.
surround sb/sth with sb/sth
surrounding adj.
surroundings n.
1. prefer
Some people favour farm life (over city life).
2. to treat sb better than you treat other people, especially in an unfair way 偏袒
Parents always favour the youngest of their children.
a law that favours men over women
3. to provide suitable conditions 有助于;有利于
The warm climate favours many types of tropical plants.
The weather favoured our voyage.
1. something you do to help someone [cn.]
do sb. a favour
ask sb a favour = ask a favour of sb.
I come here to ask you to do me a favour.
I come here to ask a favour of you.
I owed him a favour so I couldn’t say no.
2. support or admiration from people [un.]喜爱;支持
Two-thirds of the French are in favour of limiting foreign imports into Europe.
The majority of people are in favour of postponing the activity.
The island is very much in favour as a holiday destination.
He did all he could to win her favor.
The programme has lost favour with viewers recently.
3. behavior that gives someone advantage: [un.]
The evidence is in his favour.
The vote was 60–59 in favor of the government.
The situation on court is _____________________
in favour of sb/ in sb’s favour
in Williams' favour.
1) The hotel charges $125 a night.
2) The seller charged us 40 for the dinner.
1. to ask sb. for an amount of money for sth.要价,收费
charge + sb. + 费用 + for…
这家餐馆收了 20 美元的酒费。
The restaurant charged 20 dollars for wine.
if a battery charges, or if you charge it, it takes in and
stores electricity 充电
Did you charge the camera's batteries
The wire is charged with electricity.
His poetry is charged with strength and feeling.
(be charged with) 充满
3. accuse sb formally of a crime 控告,起诉
Several people were arrested but nobody was charged.
He was charged with murder.
He charged the minister with lying about the economy.
charge sb. with sth./with doing sth.
admission charges
Delivery is free of charge.
Higgins is facing a charge of armed robbery.
They decided to drop the charges against the newspaper
admit a charge
control or be responsible主管;掌管
David, instead of Mike, will be in charge.
Mr. White is in charge of the business.
Be in charge (of sth.):
3) Owens came in and took charge of the situation.
4) The boss put him in charge of the team.
(=gave him control of)
(=took control of)
Compare: in charge of & in the charge of
Tom is in charge of the office.
The office is in the charge of Tom.
The detective will be _________________ the case.
The case will be ___________________ the detective.
in charge of
in the charge of
He took charge of the farm after his father's death.
2) 我不确定这个班谁管事。
I am not sure who is in charge in this class.
3) 所有的信息都被政府掌握了。
All the information was in the charge of the government.
4) 他被控超速驾驶。
He was charged with speeding.
5) 这家旅馆一间收费多少?
How much does the hotel charge for a room
Those who are in favour of the plan, put up your hands.
2) 当前的形势对我们有利。(favour)
The current situation is in our favour.
Hot climate and sufficient rainfall favour the growth of plants.


