牛津译林版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 4 Scientists Who Changed the World Reading 课件(24张ppt)

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牛津译林版(2019) 必修第三册 Unit 4 Scientists Who Changed the World Reading 课件(24张ppt)


Unit 4 Scientists who changed the world
Reading (I)
Lead in
Many of you have dreamt of what you want to be when you grow up.
Make an oral practice
Many scientists have changed our lives and made a difference to the world. For example,
Thanks to Alexander Fleming’s achievements in medical science, some deadly diseases can be cured by penicillin, a life-saving medicine.
Thanks to Yuan Longping’s contributions to agriculture, the production of hybrid rice can ease the hunger problem around the world.
Sample: Thanks to whose contributions to ... , ... can make a great impact on ...
Owing to scientists’ c_________ to the world, we b______ a lot from it.
Behind every scientific discovery lies a lot of hard work.
One of the greatest scientists of the 20th century
Tu Youyou
Now, let's read a news report to find out Tu Youyou’s story and her discovery of a life-saving medicine.
The tail
The lead
The body
the most important information:
Who, What, When, Where,
Why, How
detailed or supporting information
background information or conclusion
The features of a news report
Inverted pyramid
Fast readingStructurePart1_________Part2____________Part3_________Part4_________D.Tu Youyou won a Nobel Prize in 2015 for her discovery ofqinhaosu.A.Tu Youyou acquired a broad knowledge of bothtraditionalChinese medicine and Western medicine.B.Tu Youyou and her team solved a lot of problems before they successfully discoveredqinghaosu.C.Tu Youyou and her team’s efforts finally paid off.(para. 1)(para. 2)(paras. 3–5))(para. 6)
Para. 1
News report:
Para. 2
Paras. 3–5
Para. 6
Tu Youyou acquired a broad knowledge of both traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine.
Tu Youyou and her team solved a lot of problems before they successfully discovered qinghaosu.
Tu Youyou and her team’s efforts finally paid off.
Tu Youyou won a Nobel Prize in 2015 for her discovery of qinghaosu.
The most important information
Other detailed information
The inverted pyramid
What does the news report mainly talk about
Skill: try to find out who, when, why, where, what and how.
It mainly talks about ____________ ___________________ and her way to _________________ which saves lots
of patients all over the world.
Tu Youyou
find out qinghaosu
won 2015 Nobel Prize
Detailed information in the lead
Para. 1
Read the news report carefully and answer the questions
Tu Youyou won a Nobel Prize for her discovery of qinghaosu.
What makes Tu Youyou so special
succeeded in making qinghao extract that could treat malaria in mice
born in Ningbo, Zhejiang Province
studied medicine at university in Beijing
became head of a team that intended to find a cure for malaria
successfully discovered qinghaosu
won the Nobel Prize
Tu’s personal experiences
In time order
Detailed information in the body part
Problems Solutions
Tu Youyou referred to the ancient books of traditional Chinese medicine again, redesigned the experiments and tried extracting the qinghao herb at a low temperature in order not to damage its effective part.
Behind every scientific discovery lies a lot hard work……..
The extracts failed to produce any promising results.
What problems did Tu and her team solve before they successfully discover qinghaosu
Problems Solutions
Tu and her team could not produce enough qinghao extract because research resources were limited. Tu and her team did not have sufficient safety data to start trials on patients.
Tu Youyou and her team managed to find solutions to the problem, e.g. using household water containers instead of research equipment.
Tu Youyou and her team volunteered to test the qinghao extract on themselves.
devoted to science,willing to sacrifice
Further thinking
succeeded after 190 failures;
worked day and night
a broad knowledge of traditional Chinese medicine and Western medicine
volunteered to test on themselves
Factors for success
What contributes to Tu Youyou’s success
Tu Youyou is the first female Chinese scientist to win a Nobel Prize.
What is the significance of this achievement

Detailed information in the tail
1.This has shown the importance of traditional Chinese medicine.
2. Qinghaosu, as the key substance in many malaria medicines, has saved countless lives.
3.Tu Youyou’s achievement has earned international recognition of traditional Chinese medicine.
4. As a female scientist, Tu has also inspired young female scientists to work harder to achieve their dreams.
What does she encourage scientists to do
She encouraged scientists to further explore the treasure house of traditional Chinese medicine (中医)and raise it to a higher level.
after 190 failures, she succeeded in making qinghao extract (L21)
collected over 2,000 traditional Chinese medical recipes, made hundreds of extracts from different herbs (L15)
worked day and night and their health began to suffer, but they never gave up (L26)
volunteered to test qinghao extract on
themselves first (31)
1. What qualities did Tu Youyou show as a scientist Use details from the news report to support your ideas.
Critical thinking and discussion
2. What we can do to further explore the treasure house of traditional Chinese medicine and discover more medicines beneficial to global health care
Critical thinking and discussion
Develop our interests in medicine.
Learn scientific knowledge
Refer to ancient books of traditional Chinese medicine
Spread the knowledge and benefits of traditional Chinese medicine
What we can do to further explore the treasure house of traditional Chinese medicine and discover more medicines beneficial to global health care
Drugs based on Tu Youyou’s research have led to the survival and improved health of millions of people across the world. Her success suggests that an old idea might lead to a new discovery. Work in groups to prepare for a short speech entitled “What I can learn from Tu Youyou”.
What I can learn from Tu Youyou
Possible version:
What I can learn from Tu Youyou
It is known to all that Tu Youyou is the first Chinese woman scientist to win a Nobel Prize. Drugs based on her research have led to the survival and improved health of millions of people across the world. There are many things I can learn from such a great scientist. However, what strikes me most is her attitude towards work and her devotion to the traditional Chinese medicine, which contributes to her discovery. It has proven to us that an old idea might lead to a new discovery. It is true that we have a lot more to learn from historical methods and practices. The traditional Chinese medicine treasure house is really worth exploring.
◎ She looked back as well as forward 砥砺前行亦不忘回望过去
◎ She saw her work cross a divided world 她的成就跨越东西
“Knowledge, practice, inspiration and opportunity” are the four elements behind his past accomplishments.
The scientist is motivated primarily by curiosity and a desire for truth.
—Irving Langmuir
Whatever we want of any worth,We ve got to work to gain.
It matters not what goal you seek,
Its secret here reposes:
You ve got to dig from week to week,
To get results or roses.


